Equipment Model

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Equipment Modelling : Primitive Box


Box is well known to all of us. It has three dimensions (Xlength, Ylength, Zlength) which needs to be
defined in PDMS to model it.

By default, Orientation of Box is Y is N and Z is U.

P-Point Configuration

Box has Seven P-points, one p-point on each face with direction perpendicular to face and Origin (P0) at

Each P-point has attributes Direction and Position.

All dimensions given are measured half on either side of origin in respective axis direction (E-N-U).

Image 1 P-Point Configuration

We can Model box in PDMS by two methods :

1. By Graphical Method

2. By Command Line

1. Graphical Method

To start with Box Modelling, Equipment Application shall be selected.

Select Equipment or Sub-Equipment under which you want to model Box.

Go to Create Menu, select Primitives Option

Image 2 Create PrimitivesOption

It will open Primitive form, which lists all Primitives available in PDMS.

Image 3 Primitives Form

Select Box Option, it will open following form, to input Dimensions of Box.

Image 4 Setting Dimensions and Level

Click on Parameters Option to Check Box Parameters. (Xlength, Ylength, Zlength)

Image 5 Box Parameters

Here you can notice that Ylength is North-South Direction, Xlength is in East-West Direction and Zlength
is in Up-Down Direction. So in order to avoid orientation of Box at later stage, Box dimensions shall be
input accordingly.

Once you enter Dimensions of Box, Set Level and Obstruction Attribute for Box.

Click on Create button, it will create Box with given Dimension and displays additional options to set
other attributes.
Image 6 Specifying Box Attributes


Select Datum or Reference Point on Box, which will be used to Position Box.

Any P-point on Box can be selected, By default Datum is set to Origin of Box (P0).


Enter 3D coordinates (ENU) to explicitly position box at specified position with respect to owner (Default)
or given element.


Enter angle by which primitive shall be rotated about origin and Select Direction about which it shall be

Alight with P-point

It allows you to orientate Box in direction with Selected P-point from display. it basically connects Origin
of Box to Selected P-point.

Clicking Next Button Completes Box Modelling.

Image 7 Box in PDMS

Modify Box

Go to Modify, Select Primitives Option.

Similar form as that of Box creation will appear, Change attributes wherever required.

Negative Box

Negative Box is nothing but hollow box.

For Modelling Negative Box, From Primitives Form (see Image 3) select Switch to Negative Primitives
option, Select Negative Box and set all parameters and Attributes similar way as stated for creating Box.

2. Command Line Method

Following Attributes of Box and Negative Box must be set in order to correctly model it in PDMS.

Position, Orientation, Level, Obstruction, Xlength, Ylength, Zlength.

Creating Box/Negative Box

New Box - Creates Box

New NBox - Creates Negative Box

Xlength 200 Ylength 500 Zlength 300

Level 0 10

Obstruction 2

Position and Orientation

Position at E 0 N 500 U 100 - Positions Origin of Box at given position

Position at id @ - Positions Origin of Box to Origin of Selected Primitive

Position at idp @ - Positions Origin of Box to Selected P-point

Orientate Y is E and Z is U

Rotate About E by 45 - Orientates Box through Origin about E by 45

Rotate Thro P3 About S By 45 - Rotates Box through P3 about S by 45

Connect IDP @ to IDP @ - Orientates Box so that Selected P-point of Box gets connected to Selected
P-point on another element.

(Note : Not all Commands are covered here. Use Command whichever is useful depending upon

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