Weakly Holomorphic Functions On Complete Interctions and Their Holomorpphic Extension

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1988 Math. USSR Sb. 61 421


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C6OPHHK Math. USSR Sbornik
TOM 133(175)(1987), Bun. 4 Vol. 61(1988), No. 2


UDC 517.55


ABSTRACT. The properties of weakly holomorphic functions on analytic sets which

are complete intersections are investigated: universal denominators are determined
for a system of equations / = 0 defining the analytic set A; a (residual) current hRj
is constructed such that it is 9-closed if and only if the weakly holomorphic function h
can be locally extended from A; and integral representations for weakly holomorphic
functions are given. These results are applied to the problem of lowering the order
of poles of rational differential 2-forms in C 2 .
Bibliography: 20 titles.

In this article we investigate the properties of weakly holomorphic functions on analytic
sets which are complete intersections. Recall that a weakly holomorphic function on an
analytic set A is a function h which is defined and holomorphic at the regular points
of A and locally bounded on A. An analytic subset A of a complex n-dimensional
manifold X is said to be a complete intersection if it is purely (n — p)-dimensional and
is determined by the common zeros of ρ holomorphic functions. In the definition of
a complete intersection A it is sometimes required (see, for example, Abhyankar [1],
§12), that there exists a minimal system of defining functions for A, i.e., a system of
holomorphic functions / = (/1,. -., / p ) which at every point a € A = / - 1 ( 0 ) "divides"
any germ g € Oa which is equal to zero on the germ Aa of the analytic set A at the
point a; in other words, g \ Aa = 0 => g = qifi + • • • + qpfp for q3 € Oa. We shall show
(Proposition 1) that this algebraic requirement is equivalent to the following analytic
one: the set {z € A: {df\ Λ · · · f\dfp)z = 0} is nowhere dense in A, i.e., in a neighborhood
of every point a € A at least one of the Jacobians Jj = df/dzi and 2/ = ( 2 ^ , . . . , Zip) is
not identically equal to zero.
In §1 we prove (Theorem 1) that these Jacobians are universal denominators for com-
plete intersections, i.e., that every weakly holomorphic function on a complete inter-
section A can be represented locally as the restriction to A of a meromorphic function
with denominator Jj. This property of the Jacobians is then employed in §2 to obtain
a criterion for the holomorphic extendibility of weakly holomorphic functions (Theorem
3). More precisely, it is used to construct a current (hRf)° (for a weakly holomorphic
function h and a system / defining A as A = f~1{0)) with support on A such that this
1980 Mathematics Subject Classification (1985 Revision). Primary 32A10, 14M10, 32A25; Secondary
32C30, 32D15.
©1988 American Mathematical Society
0025-5734/88 $1.00 + $.25 per page

422 Α. Κ. TSIKH

current is enclosed if and only if the function h can be extended holomorphically. As a

consequence of this criterion we obtain a theorem of Spallek (Corollary 1) on holomor-
phic extendibility and a result of Oka and Abhyankar (Corollary 2) on the normality of
a complete intersection with a thin singular set.
§3 is devoted to integral representations of weakly holomorphic functions on A c C "
with integration over the distinguished boundary of a polyhedron lying in A, and also
to integral formulas for the extending functions. Here we again use the fact that the
Jacobians J/ are universal denominators. We note that the problem of integral repre-
sentations on analytic sets has been considered previously by Stout [2] and Henkin and
Leiterer [3]. However, Stout determined integral formulas for the traces of holomor-
phic functions in the ambient space, and Henkin and Leiterer for the case when A has
no singularities (we note that in [3] the functions are represented by integrals over the
boundary of the global domain, i.e., the domain is not necessarily concentrated within
the limits of a single coordinate neighborhood of the manifold A).
In §4 we deduce on the basis of the criterion for holomorphic extendibility an addition
to a result of Atiyah, Bott, and Garding ([4],Theorem 6.2) on the lowering of order of
poles of rational differential forms in C 2 .
We remark that sometimes we shall call weakly holomorphic functions which admit
holomorphic extension from an analytic set strongly holomorphic.
The author wishes to thank V. M. Trutnev and A. P. Yuzhakov for numerous discus-
sions, and also E. M. Chirka and B. V. Shabat for critical comments.
§1. The universal denominator
Let A be a complex analytic set in C n . A well-known theorem of Oka ([5], Chapter IV,
Theorem 14) asserts that there exists locally at each point a£ A& universal denominator
for any weakly holomorphic function on A, i.e., a holomorphic function J in a full-
dimensional neighborhood of a such that
a) J does not vanish identically on any irreducible component of A at o, and
b) for any function h weakly holomorphic in a neighborhood of a in A the product
h — hJ extends holomorphically to a full-dimensional neighborhood of a, i.e., weakly
holomorphic functions can be represented locally as meromorphic functions with the
single (universal) denominator J.
We shall show that if the analytic set A is a complete intersection, then the structure
of the universal denominator is very simple.
THEOREM 1. Let G be a domain in C " , and let A = {z € G: / i ( z ) = · ·• =
fp{z) — 0} for fj e O(G) be an analytic subset of G with pure dimension η — p. For
any collection of indices I — (z'i,..., i p ) £ { l , . . . , n } the Jacobian Jj — df/dzi =
d(/ii · · · > fp)/d{zii ι · • • > -Zip) possesses the property that for any weakly holomorphic func-
tion h on A the product hJi locally at each point a € A extends holomorphically to some
full-dimensional neighborhood. Consequently if the Jacobian J/ is not identically equal to
zero on each irreducible component of A, then it is a universal denominator at each point;
in particular, if G is a domain of holomorphy, Ji is a global universal denominator.
PROOF. Let Λ be a weakly holomorphic function on A. We prove that for each point
α G A the product hJi extends holomorphically to some full-dimensional neighborhood
of a. Without loss of generality we may assume that ο = 0. By hypothesis the dimension
of A is equal to η — ρ; therefore, by the theorem on local description of analytic sets ([6],
§3.7) there is a nonsingular linear change of variables such that in some neighborhood
U = U' x U" (U' a neighborhood of zero in C p with variables z' = ( z i , . . . ,zp) and
U" a neighborhood of zero in C n ~ p with variables z" — {zp+i,... ,zn)) the projection

π: Α Π U —• U" is an analytic cover. Consequently for all z" G U"\a, where σ is some
analytic subset in U", the preimage π~1(ζ") consists of the same number m of distinct
points z^v\z"), ν = l,...,m, which depend holomorphically on z" 6 U"\a. For the
functions /, defining A we use the expansions given by Hefer's theorem ([7], Paragraph
50, Theorem 2)


Let Η(ζ',ς',ζ") denote the determinant of the matrix formed by the coefficients Pjq of
these expansions. We consider the function

h(z) =

This function is holomorphic in some neighborhood of zero. Indeed, that it is holomor-

phic in z' follows from the fact that the coefficients Pjq are holomorphic, and that it is
holomorphic in z" follows from the fact that h{z) is a holomorphic symmetric function
with respect to the vector-valued function z^(z") which are holomorphic in U"\a, to
which the theorem of Riemann on removal of a singularity σ is applicable (here we are us-
ing the fact that h is weakly holomorphic). Further, the restriction h \ A coincides almost
everywhere with hJ', where J' = df/dz', since for each ζ = z^3\z") € Α\π~1(ΙΙ"\σ)
the determinant H(z'^ (2"), z'(") (z"), z") is equal to the value of the Jacobian J ' at the
point z^\z") if j = ν and equal to zero if j φ υ. Thus h{z) is a holomorphic extension
for hJ' in some neighborhood of zero. It follows immediately that hJi extends holomor-
phically to a neighborhood of zero also for the Jacobian Jj = df/dzi relative to any
variables 2/ = ( 2 ^ , . . . , ^ ) . Indeed, we choose independent linear forms lj(z) so that
in the basis {WJ = lj(z), j = l,...,n} the projections π^: A —+ C^7 P of the analytic
set A into each subspace of the variables u^c for kc = {1,..., n}\k, k = (k\,... ,kp), are
analytic covers. Then, by what has been established, hdf/dtiik extends holomorphically
from A; therefore the functions

also extend holomorphically.

Now let G be a domain of holomorphy. The fact that J/ is a global universal de-
nominator, i.e., that for any weakly holomorphic function h on A the product g — hJi
extends holomorphically to the entire domain G, follows from the coherence of the ideal
sheaf I{A) of the analytic set A ([8], p. 138) and Cartan's Theorem Β on the triviality
of the cohomology group H1(G,I(A)) ([8], p. 243). This argument does not differ from
that given in [7], Paragraph 50, proof of Theorem 1, for the case when A is a set of
codimension 1. This completes the proof.
In the remaining part of this section we shall prove the equivalence of the algebraic
and analytic definitions mentioned in the introduction of a complete intersection. This
was mentioned in codimension 1 in [6], §2.9.
PROPOSITION I. A defining system of functions f = (/1,..., fp) for an analytic set
A = / ( 0 ) is minimal if and only if the set {2 G A: (df\ Λ · · · Λ dfp)z = 0} is nowhere
dense in A. For any minimal defining system f of functions the set {/ = dfi Λ · • • /\dfp =
0} coincides with the set of singular points sngA
PROOF. Let / be a minimal defining system of functions for an analytic set A =
f~1(0) concentrated in some neighborhood of zero in C n . We assume that the set
424 Α. Κ. TSIKH

{ζ € Α: df = 0} (here and in what follows df denotes the exterior product dfi Λ · · · Λ dfp)
has nonempty interior in A, i.e., that it consists of several irreducible components of
A. As in the proof of Theorem 1, after applying a nonsingular linear transformation
we select a coordinate system ζχ,...,ζη and a neighborhood U — U' χ U" of the point
0 £ C " so that the projection π: Α Π U —> U" is an analytic cover. By our hypothesis
the Jacobian J = df/dz' is identically equal to zero on some irreducible components of
A, the union of which we denote by Αλ; we denote the union of the remaining irreducible
components by yl2. Let g be a function, holomorphic in U, which is equal to zero at
some point α Ε Αχ (if Αι = 0 we set g = 1). By construction the function gj is equal
to zero on A, i.e., it belongs to the ideal I A- At the same time, there does not exist for
gj a representation of the form

since the regularity of the sequence fi(z', α " ) , . . . , fp(z', a") at the point a' implies (see
[9], pp. 650-651, and [10], Theorem 4.5) that a representation of the form

is possible only when g(a) = g(a',a") = 0, while g(a) φ 0 by our construction. We obtain
a contradiction to the minimality of the defining system /.
We now assume that the set {z e A: df = 0} is nowhere dense in A. We select
a coordinate system zi,..., zn so that the Jacobian J = df/dz' is different from zero
almost everywhere on A and, moreover, that the projection ττ: AC\U —> U" is an analytic
cover. Therefore the system of functions f{z',0") = (/i(*',0"),... ,/ p (z',0")) has z' = 0'
as an isolated common zero. We denote by /o(/) and 70<{f{z', 0")) the ideals in the rings
Oo and Ο$> generated by the corresponding systems f(z) and f(z', 0"). We need to prove
that if g belongs to the ideal I A (i-e., if g\ A = 0 ) then g belongs to 7o(/). We select
a collection of monomials ei(z'),..., eM(z') that constitute a basis for the local algebra
Oo'/Io'{f(z',0")). By the well-known division theorem ([11], Chapter 2) the germ g can
be represented in the form
) + --- + cll(z")eli(z') + <p, <pelo(f), (1.2)
where Cj(z") 6 Oo" are defined uniquely by the germ g (see [12]). Since for every
z" £ U"\a (recall that σ is the discriminant set for the projection π: Α Π U —> U") the
Jacobian J is different from zero at the points z^u\z") € π~1(ζ") for i> = 1,... ,m (in
fact m = μ; see [12]), the roots z'^{z") of the system of equations f(z', z") = 0, where
z" is fixed and lies in U"\a, are simple. Therefore from the fact that g \ A — 0 it follows
that g belongs to the ideals

By Cartan's Theorem A ([8], p. 243) for fixed z" € U"\a there are q,{z',z") e O{U')
such that g = q\f\ + • • •-\-qPfP, i.e., in the expansion (1.2) for all z" € U"\a the functions
Cj(z") = 0. By the uniqueness theorem, Cj = 0 and g Ε /ο(/)· Thus we have proved the
minimality of the system /.
We prove finally that if the system / is minimal for the analytic set A = /~ x (0),
then S :— {/ = df = 0} coincides with the set of singular points sng A The inclusion
sngA C S follows from the implicit function theorem; therefore it suffices to establish
that reg.4 C A\S. Let us assume the contrary, that at some regular point α € A the
exterior derivative {df)a = 0. We "straighten" the analytic set A in a neighborhood
of a, i.e., we perform a biholomorphic change of coordinates ζ —<· w which sends the
point z = a t o » = 0 s o that a portion of A in a neighborhood of a takes the form

A* = (/*)- χ (0) = {wi = • • • = wp = 0}, where f*{w) = f{z{w)). After this change of
variables the exterior products (df)z and (df*)w(z) vanish simultaneously; therefore by
our hypothesis {df*)o = 0. At the same time, by the minimality of /, as we have shown
above, the set S Π Ua passes to the set S* which is nowhere dense in A*. Consequently
there is a sequence of points {u/fc'} C A* converging to 0 such that (df*)w(,k) φ 0. Since
the points w^ have the form (0'w"^), this means that in some ball β 0 ' C C p centered
at 0' the system of equations f*{w', w"^) = 0 has the unique root w' = 0 in B0' (since
(/*)~x(0) = {w' = 0}) of multiplicity 1 for every fixed value of the parameter w"^k\
while the system f*(w',0") = 0 has the multiple root w' = 0 for the limiting value
0" = limu>"'fe'. Thus we have arrived at the contradiction with the Rouche principle.
This completes the proof.
§2. The extension of weakly holomorphic functions from analytic sets
Here we consider the problem of the holomorphic extendibility of weakly holomorphic
functions from analytic subsets which are complete intersections. We shall start from
the well-known scheme for the solution of this problem, which in its clearest form was
described by Chirka ([13], p. 144). For analytic sets of codimension 1 this consists in the
following. Let an analytic set Λ in a manifold X be denned globally by a single equation
/ = 0 for / 6 O(X), where / is a minimal denning function for A. We consider the
current [1//], which is an extension to the space D2n(X) (by the Hahn-Banach theorem)
of the integration functional

defined on those forms φ € D (X) all of whose partial derivatives are equal to zero on A.
Let us assume that a weakly holomorphic function h on A extends to a smooth function
h! on X, so that the current h'd[l/f] is defined. The current d[l/f] is concentrated
on A, and by the minimality of / is a current of measure type; therefore for any other
smooth extension h" we have the equality h"d[l/f] = h'd[l/f]. It follows that each
holomorphic extension h" of h satisfies d[h"f] = h'd[l/f], and moreover h admits a
holomorphic extension if and only if the current h'd[l/f] is d-exact (see [13], p. 145).
Thus any holomorphic extension of h has the form ψ/, where φ is a solution of the
equation Θφ = h'd[l/f] and h' is a smooth extension of h.
This scheme becomes more efficient if we observe that the currents [1//] and d[l/f]
can be realized as the following limits:

lim/" jip, <peD2n{X), lim/" -ω, ω(Ξθ2η~\Χ).

The existence of these limits was proved by Herrera and Liebermann [14]; they are called
the principal value current and the residual current respectively. As a consequence of
these realizations we give an "intrinsic" definition of the current hd[l/f] (i.e., a definition
in which a smooth extension of h is not required) and formulate a criterion for the
extendibility of weakly holomorphic functions. We shall carry out the arguments for
analytic sets of arbitrary codimension; therefore we give the generalizations of these
currents in codimension ρ > 1, which were considered by Coleff and Herrera [15].
Let V be an analytic set of pure dimension η in a manifold X (dimX > n), and
let / = (/i,..., fp): V —• C p be a holomorphic mapping, where the components fj are
holomorphic in the ambient manifold X, with ρ < η. We shall be interested only in the
case when / is a complete intersection, i.e., when /~ x (0) is an analytic subset in V of
pure dimension η — p. Associated to the mapping / is the following pair of semianalytic
426 Α. Κ. TSIKH

chains ("tubes"):

Τε = Te(f) = {z€V: \Mz)\ = ei,...,|/ p (*)| = ε ρ },

De=De{f) = {zeV:\f1(z)\=el,...,\fp-i(z)\ = ep-u I U O I > £„}·
In the natural way these "tubes" are assigned an orientation (we shall not discuss this),
and then the residual current is introduced
Rf(u) = lim / ω/h •••/„, ω Ε D2n~p(X), (2.1)
£ •Ο / rwi
and the principal value
Rf.Pfp(u>) = lim f ω/fi • • • fp, ω € D2n-p-1(X). (2.2)

The notation RfPfp is explained by the fact that the "tube" De(f) is the intersection
of the "tube" Te>{f) (here / ' = (/Ί,... ,/ p _i)) with the set {|/p| > ε ρ }; therefore the
functional (2.2) is a residual current relative to /' and a principal value relative to the
latter function fp.
We note the following properties of the currents (2.1) and (2.2) (see [15]):
(1) The currents (2.1) and (2.2) are currents of bidegree (n, n — p) and (η, η - ρ + 1)
with supports in A — f~1(0) and A' = /' - 1 (0) respectively.
(2) d(Rf,Pfp) — (—l)p~1Rf, which implies that the residual current Rf is <S-closed.
(3) The restrictions of the currents (2.1) and (2.2) to any compact subset Κ C V have
finite orders, i.e., these currents extend continuously to the class of Ν times continuously
differentiable forms on X with supports in a neighborhood of K, where Ν is any natural
There is an important relation between the residual current and the principal value
which is different from that described in property (2). This relation arises from the
natural desire to calculate the residual current by fibering the set V into p-dimensional
fibers Bt, each of which intersects the subset A = /~ 1 (0) in discrete points, and then
taking the residues of the form ω//χ · • · fp | a e at the points of the intersections AC\Bt.
We shall demonstrate this by deriving, using a method borrowed from [6], §16.3, Theorem
1, the well-known Poincare-Lelong formula
[ n-l,n-
To conform to our notation, by property (2) this formula can be written in the form

(ι/2π) lim f (df Α φ)/ί = ί φ. (2.3)

—°J\f\=E JA
We first note that the general case reduces the local one in which in coordinates ζ —
{z',zn) the set A intersects each complex line z' = z'(°' at discrete points, and the form
φ is expressed as <p(z)dz' A dz'. It is clear that for almost every point a € A the residue
of the form (tpdf/f) | z>=a< at the point zn = an is equal to the product of φ(α) by the
multiplicity of the set A at a, from which by Fubini's theorem we obtain (2.3).
Thus (2.3) asserts that for forms ω € Dn'n~l of the special type ω = df Α φ the
residual current i?/(w) can be expressed in terms of a current of integration over the
analytic set A — f~1(0). It turns out that for an arbitrary form ω the family of fiberwise
residues {resanu)/f: a E A} "makes up" a semimeromorphic form on A (in the case when
ω = df Αφ this family "makes up" a bounded form on A), and the residual current

can be expressed as the principal value of this semimeromorphic form on A. We give a

more precise formulation of this. As before, let/: V —» C p be a holomorphic mapping of
an analytic set V of pure dimension η which is a complete intersection: dim A = η — p,
A = f~1{0). We assume that a holomorphic mapping i r : V - » r from the set V into a
manifold Τ of dimension η - ρ is given, in which each fiber π " 1 ^ ) has dimension ρ and
intersects A at discrete points. In this situation there is associated with each point a S A
a fiber Ba = π~1(π(α)) on which the functions fj \ Ba for j = 1,... ,p have an isolated
common zero at a. Consequently for each smooth differential form μ on X of bidegree
(p, 0) the residue at ο is defined:
(res/μΗα) = lim / •fp,

where Τε - {ζ G Ua Π Ba: \fj{z)\ = Sj for j = 1,..., n} is a "tube" in the fiber Ba

concentrated in a sufficiently small neighborhood of a. This residue is called the fibered
(by the mapping π) residue of the form μ and possesses the following property ([15], p.
(4) For any smooth differential form μ on X of bidegree (p, 0) the fibered residue res/μ
is a locally semimeromorphic function on A; if in addition μ has compact support and
φ is some smooth 2(n - p)-form on T, then the value of the residual current Rf at the
form μ Α π* φ obtained by taking the residue in each fiber reduces to the principal value
by the formula
Λ/(μ Λ π*φ) = (Ρ 9 ) Λ ((Γβ 8/ μ) Λ π*φ), (2.4)
where g is the denominator of the semimeromorphic function res/μ on A and {P9)A is
the principal value on the analytic set A.
We further specify (2.4) in the case when V has no singularities (in this situation we
may assume that V — X) and the functions fi,- • • ,fp are minimal defining functions for
A = f~l(0). According to Proposition 1 the latter condition is equivalent to requiring
that {/ = df = 0} = sngA Our argument is local in character; therefore we may
assume that X — C n and / is holomorphic in a neighborhood of the origin. Under
the assumption of the minimality of / we can select a coordinate system in C" so that
the Jacobians J/ = df/dzi for # / = ρ are different from zero almost everywhere on
A. An arbitrary form ω € £)η<η~ρ can be represented as the sum of forms of type
ω/ = <pidzi Λ dzic A dzjc for Ic = {1,..., n}\I. If 717: C n —*· C",TP are the projections
onto the coordinate subspaces of the variables zjc, then ω/ = μ Λ π}ψ for μ =
φ — dzjc Λ dzjc, and by (2.4)

Rf(Ul) = (2m)" lim f ^ ^ , (2.5)

since (res/^/d^/)(a) = (2ni)p(<pI/JI)(a) at each point a € A where J/ is not equal to
zero. Since at points α e A where J/ and J* are not simultaneously equal to zero (and
this applies to almost all points on A) we have the identity dz^/Jj = ±dZk"/Jk, we can
write ±(ωΐ/άζ^Ι Jk under the integral sign in (2.5). But this means that (2.5) holds not
only for forms of type μ Λ π^φ but also for arbitrary forms ω € Dn'n~p. As a result we
arrive at the following assertion.
THEOREM 2. If for an analytic set A = /" x (0) C C" the Jacobian J = df/dz'
relative to the variables ζ' = (ζχ,...,ζρ) is not equal to zero almost everywhere on A,
then for any form ω e D"'n'p(Cn)

Rf(u>) = (2*i)* lim [ Ίψ-. (2.6)

428 Α. Κ. TSIKH

REMARK I . The form in the integrand in (2.6) is the multiple residue-form ω/df \ A —
ω I df\ A • • • Λ dfp \ A of the semimeromorphic form ω/f = ω/fi • • • fp ([16], §2); therefo
(2.6) can be written as i?/(w) = (2ni)p(Pj)A(Ju/df). In the case when A has no
singularities, the residue-form is smooth on A; consequently, we may omit the limit in
(2.6) and arrive at the classical version of the Leray formula:

lim / ω/f = (2ΤΓΙ)" / ω/df, (2.7)

where η — Α Π suppw, and δεη is the multiple coboundary of the compact chain 7
which coincides with the "tube" T£(f). For singular sets A the residue-form ω/df \ A
has singularities at the singular points of A; therefore to preserve (2.7) we are forced to
replace the integral over 7 on the right by its principal value.
We return to the problem of extending weakly holomorphic functions from analytic
sets. Let A be an analytic set in a domain G C C " which is a complete intersection, and
let / = (fi,..., fp) be a set of minimal denning functions for A. If a weakly holomorphic
function h on A admits a holomorphic (or class C°°) extension to G, then by Theorem
2 we have
(ΛΛ/)(ω) := Λ,(Λω) = {2πi)p{PJ)A(Jhω/df) (2.8)
for ω Ε Dn'n~p(G). Thus to define the current hRf we need only the values of the
function h on A, and the right side of (2.8) can serve as an "intrinsic" definition of the
current hRf, where as h we may take any weakly holomorphic function on A. Thus under
the hypothesis that the Jacobian J = df/dz1 is not equal to zero almost everywhere on
A, the "intrinsically" denned current hRf, which we denote by (hRf)°, is given by

(hRfr(U) = (2m)"\im f -ω/dz1, (2.9)

6 J
where h is an arbitrary weakly holomorphic function on A and ω Ε Dn'n~1(G). That
(2.9) is well defined (i.e., the fact that the limit exists and is a current) follows from
Theorem 1. Indeed, according to this theorem J is a universal denominator; therefore
h/J — h/J2, for h Ε O(G) (if G is not a domain of holomorphy, then we consider the
question of the local extendibility of h and assume that h Ε O(Ua), where Ua is some
neighborhood of the point a Ε A in G). Hence

im f
= (2π*) ρ lim
where the right side is the value at the form \ιω Ε Dn'n~p of the current which is equal
to the principal value on A relative to the function J 2 .
We now formulate a criterion for the extendibility of weakly holomorphic functions.
THEOREM 3. Let A — {ζ Ε G: f\{z) — • • • — fp(z) = 0} be a complete intersection
in a domain G C C " , where f = (f\,..., fp) is a minimal defining system for A. Then
a weakly holomorphic function h on A extends locally holomorphically from A if and only
if the current (hR/)° defined by (2.9) is d-closed.
PROOF. Let a E A and let h be a weakly holomorphic function on A. If h extends in
some neighborhood Ua C G to a holomorphic function h', then according to the definition
(2.9) and formula (2.8) we have (hRf)° = h'Rf, and since Rj is a d-closed current (see
property (2)) we have
d(hRf)° = B(h'Rf) = dti ARf + tidRj = 0.

Now let us assume that 3(hRf)° = 0. This means that {hRf)°(8<p) = 0 for any form
φ G Dn'n~p~x(G). If Ua is a neighborhood of the point α € A in which the extension h
of the function hi is holomorphic (according to Theorem 1), then by (2.10) we have

Γ M^=0, ^D^~\Ua) (2.11)

6 J
~*° JAI~\{\J\>S}

(recall that ζ' = (ζχ,... ,zp)). The set of integration in (2.11) lies in the regular part
of A, and on it the integrand form is the differential d\(h/J)(<p/df)] (here we are using
the fact that the degree of the form φ/df \ A = φ/Jdz' \ A relative to the holomorphic
variables ζ is equal to η — ρ, i.e., the dimension of A). In this case by Stokes' theorem
we obtain from (2.11) that

lim / (h/J)(v/df) = 0, φe Dn'n-^(Ua).

Finally by applying the Leray formula to the integral, we obtain

(h<P)/Jf1 • • • fp = ο, ρεβ"«-'(ί/α), (2.12)

slim /
where 7^,ε — TgiE(J, f) is the "tube" in the domain G constructed from the mapping
( J , / ) : G -• C p + 1 . We write property (2.12) in the form hRjj = 0. Then according to
a result of Pettersson ([17], p. 67) we conclude that h belongs to the ideal in the ring of
germs Oa (or in the ring O(Ua) if Ua is a strictly pseudoconvex neighborhood) generated
by the functions J and / i , . . . , / p :
h = h'J + qifi -\ l· qpfp, h',qj € Oa.
Therefore h = (h/J) \ A = (<7i/i + · · - + qPfP)/J \ A + h' \ A- This means that the functions
h and h! coincide on the everywhere dense subset Ua ΓΊ Α Π {J Φ 0} of the analytic set
Ua Π A. Thus h' is a holomorphic extension of h in some neighborhood of a, and so the
criterion for holomorphic extendibility is established.
As corollaries of Theorem 3 we obtain the following results. The first is due to Spallek
COROLLARY 1. If a function h is weakly holomorphic on a complete intersection
A and extends into some neighborhood of a point a € A to a smooth function of class
CN, where Ν is a sufficiently large natural number, then h also admits a holomorphic
extension to a neighborhood of a.
PROOF. Let h' be an extension of h of class CN. Then by property (3) for residual
currents we have (hRf)° = h'Rf, where / is a minimal defining system of functions for
A. Consequently, since Rf is 9-closed, we have
[B(hRf)°](<p) = \d(h'Rf)}{p) = Rf(8h' Λ φ).
But dh' is equal to zero at the regular points of A, so by Theorem 2 the current (hRf)°
is 3-closed.
We note that in Spallek's article Corollary 1 is proved for arbitrary analytic sets.
The next result, which was proven for hypersurfaces by Oka and for arbitrary codi-
mension by Abhyankar ([1], §12) deals with the description of complete intersections
from which all weakly holomorphic functions extend. Analytic sets with this property
are called normal. This definition of normal analytic set coincides ([5], p. 114) with the
generally accepted one in algebraic geometry ([19], Chapter II, §5.1), which demands
that the ring of regular functions on an analytic set be integrally closed.
430 Α. Κ. TSIKH

COROLLARY 2. A complete intersection A = f~1(0) is normal if and only if the

singular part sngA is a subset of A of codimension at least 2.
PROOF. Let codim(sngyl) > 2. According to Proposition 1 this means that the set
{z € A: df :— dfiA- • -/\dfp = 0} has dimension at most n-p-2. To prove the normality
of A we employ Theorem 3. Let Λ be a weakly holomorphic function on A. According
to Remark 1 and property (2) we have
ld(hRf)°}(<p) = (2nir[d(Pj)A}(Jhp/df)
= (2m)*{Rj)A{Jhtp/4f) := (2πί)" lim f h<p/df.

Since h is bounded on Α Π supp φ, the form hip/df is bounded almost everywhere on

{z € A: J = 0}. It is easy to verify from this, using (2.4), that (Rj)A(Jhp/df) = 0,
which establishes the extendibility of h.
We shall not give the proof of the converse. We note only that it is true not only
for complete intersections but also for arbitrary analytic sets (see [19], Chapter II, 5.1,
Theorem 3).
§3. Integral representation for weakly holomorphic functions
The integral representation of weakly holomorphic functions will be based on an in-
tegral formula of Bishop [20], which we now present. Let G be a domain in C™ and let
/ = (fi, • • •, fn) '• G —+ C n be a holomorphic mapping. We consider a special analytic
polyhedron Π = {ζ € G: \fj(z)\ < rj for j = 1,... , n}, and we assume that Π c G.
Under this assumption the restriction /1 π is a finite mapping: the preimage /~l (w) of
any point w S /(Π) consists of the same number of points z^ = z^ (w) for ν — 1,..., μ
(counting multiplicity). If w is a noncritical value of the mapping, then all the preimages
z(") are distinct. Let ψ(ζ) be an arbitrary holomorphic function in G which takes distinct
values at the noncritical points z^. We consider the function


where for brevity we denote by z'"' the preimages of the point f(z) with the indices
chosen so that z^ = z. The function Β(ς, ζ) is holomorphic on the product Π χ Π, and
at each point ζ € Π at which the Jacobian J = df/dz of the mapping / is different
from zero we have the integral formula of Bishop for a meromorphic function h/J with
A € Ο(Π)

where Τ is the distinguished boundary of the polyhedron Π.

Now let A = {z e G: fi{z) = • • • = fv{z) = 0} be an analytic subset in a domain
G C C™, where the Jacobian J = df/dz' is different from zero almost everywhere on A.
A = {ze A: \gi(z)\ <ri,...,|ff n _ p (z)| < r n _ p }, g0eO(G),
be a special analytic polyhedron in A, where we assume that Δ € A. In this situation
there exists a neighborhood ί/(Δ) in which the mapping (/,g) = (fi,...,fp,gi,...,
gn-p) is finite, and for this mapping we can construct a function Β(ς,ζ) of type (3.1).

Under these conditions we have

THEOREM 4. // the distinguished boundary Γ = {ζ Ε A: \gj(z)\ = r,, j — 1,...,
n—p) of the polyhedron A contains no critical point of A, then for any weakly holomorphic
function h on A there is the integral representation

with holomorphic kernel

n-p ,n-p
Κ{ς,ζ) = Β(ς,ζ) f\ dgJ Y[[g3
3=1 ' 3=1

PROOF. Since by Laplace's formula the Jacobian J = d(f,g)/dz can be written as

a sum of derivatives of determinants df/dzi ( # 1 = p) of the corresponding cofactors,
and the function hJ by Theorem 1 extends holomorphically to a function h which is
holomorphic in the neighborhood
Π = {z: \fj{z)\ <Sj, j = l , . . . , p ; |fffc(z)| < rk, k = 1 , . . . ,n - p},

for the Sj sufficiently small (here we have the global extendibility of hJ, since Π is a
domain of holomorphy). Then by Bishop's formula

where Τ is the distinguished boundary of the polyhedron Π. We note that Jd<; =
dfi Λ · · · Λ dfp Λ dgi Λ · · • Λ dgn-p, and for ζ € A we have fj(z) = 0 for j = 1 , . . . ,p.
Further, Τ is the multiple coboundary <5ΡΓ of the cycle Γ; therefore, for ζ € Δ, (3.3)
hJB($, z)df A dg
= 1 f
Now by Leray's formula we obtain (3.2).
Starting from the integral representation of Weil ([7], Paragraph 30, Theorem 1),
we can obtain a representation for weakly holomorphic functions which is analogous to
(3.2). As before, let A = / - 1 ( 0 ) , where the Jacobian J = df/dz' relative to the variables
z' — (zi,..., Zp) is not identically equal to zero on each irreducible component of A. We
assume that the polyhedron Δ = {ζ € A: \ZJ\ < rj, j — p+ l , . . . , n } is relatively
compact in A. Let us denote by Η the determinant of the matrix composed from the
Hefer expansions of the functions fi,...,fp, zp+i, • • •, zn (see (1.1)). In this case for any
weakly holomorphic function h on Δ we have the integral representation
... 1 f h{$)Hh,z)df ., . , ,
hiz) GA sngA (3 4)
-(2mr-Pj{z)Jr V-V ' * \ ' ·
where Γ is the distinguished boundary of the polyhedron Δ containing no critical points
of A a n d ς" - ζ" = {ςρ+1 - z p + 1 ) · • • ( ? „ - z n ) .
We find an integral representation for the extending function. Using the notation
employed in (3.4), we have
THEOREM 5. A weakly holomorphic function h in a closed polyhedron A C A extends
holomorphically to a full-dimensional neighborhood of A if and only if

h{z) = j-^r / .'Γ"?, ,η , * e A\sng^. (3.5)

432 Α. Κ. TSIKH

In other words, for strongly holomorphic functions in the integral representation (3.4) the
Jacobian J can be carried under the integral sign; as a result we arrive at the integral (3.5),
•which is holomorphic in ζ in some full-dimensional neighborhood of the polyhedron Δ
and which therefore gives a holomorphic extension of the strongly holomorphic function h
using only the values of this function on A, more precisely, on the distinguished boundary
of the polyhedron Δ.
PROOF. Let h be extended to a holomorphic function h! in some neighborhood U of
Δ. Then by the Weil formula we have

Δ ( 3
z €
z")' '
where-/= {ς e U: |/,-(?)| =£j,j = l , . . . , p , |ft| = rk, k = p+ 1,... ,n}, and the Sj are
sufficiently small that η C U. Next we note that 7 is the multiple coboundary of the
distinguished boundary Γ; therefore, since άς' Λ άς" = dfi Λ · • · Λ dfp Λ άς"/J, we obtain
(3.5) from (3.6) using Leray's formula.
Conversely, if a weakly holomorphic function h is represented as the integral (3.5),
then the integral, which is holomorphic in some neighborhood of Δ, is precisely the
extending function for h.
REMARK 2. Using (3.5), we can extract information about the extending function
from properties of the function h defined on A. For example, if A = {/(21,2a) = 0}
is an algebraic curve in C 2 and h is a strongly holomorphic function on A which has
polynomial growth at infinity (as ζ \ A —> 00), then h admits a polynomial extension in
C 2 . In order to verify this, we expand the polynomial Η{ς,ζ) as a sum ^icjW)ej{z) °f
polynomials with separated variables. Further, we note that for any fixed ζ €E C 2 there
is a constant r° so that for all r > r° the cycles Tr = {ς e Α: \ς%\ = r} are mutually
homologous in the domain of regularity of the integrand form in (3.5) (it suffices to
choose r° so that all singular points of A fall inside the contour Tro and the point ζ
in the domain Gro = {z e C 2 : |-2r21 < r0}. Since the functions hcj/J have polynomial
growth as ς | A —• 00, then by expanding the fraction (f2 — ^ 2 ) - 1 as a geometric series
for (ς, ζ) e Γ Γ χ Gr we obtain that for r° » 1 the integrals

are polynomials in 22. As a result the integral (3.5) is a polynomial in ζ = (21,22).

REMARK 3. The theorem remains valid if in (3.5) we write the integral (3.2) with
the function Β(ζ,ς) brought under the integral sign. One can show that the restriction
of Β(ς,ς) to A depends only on ς". This fact can simplify the study of the extending
function given in the form of an integral analogous to (3.5).
§4. An application to lowering the order of the poles
of rational differential forms in C
In the study of the residues of meromorphic forms there arises the important problem
of lowering the order of the poles (see [16], Chapter 4, or [10], §17). It was proved
in [4] (Theorem 6.2) that any rational differential form in the projective space P 2 is
cohomologous to a form with a pole of order two. In this section we shall show, on the
basis of the criterion for the extendibility of weakly holomorphic functions (Theorem 3),
that in the space C 2 the order of a pole of any rational differential 2-form can be lowered
to one.
^llndziAdz2 (4.1)

be a rational differential form in the variables {zi,z2) G C 2 . We expand the polynomial

Q as a product of irreducible polynomials: Q = Q\x • • • Q%? and set / = Q\ • • • Qm equal
to the product of the corresponding factors to the first power. Then the form (4.1) can
be written as

where k is the maximum number in the m-tuple {fcj,..., km}.
THEOREM 6. Any form ω of type (4.2) outside of its pole set A = {/ = 0} is
cohomologous to a rational differential form with a pole of the first order of A, i.e., a
form of type ω' = hdz\ Λ dz2/f, where h is an entire function.
PROOF. Let A» = j4\sngA denote the set of regular points of the complex algebraic
curve A. We choose a coordinate system in C 2 so that the partial derivative f'Z2 is not
identically equal to zero on each irreducible component of A. Relative to the manifold
X : = C 2 \sng.4 and its submanifold A» (i.e., relative to the pair (X,A*)) we consider
the exact cohomology sequence of Leray ([16], §32):

H2{X) -C H2{X\A.) - ^ HX{A,) ^ H3{X). (4.3)

Here i* is induced by the inclusion i: X\A* C X and the homomorphism 6* denotes
passage to the residue-class: δ* [ω] = Res [ω]. Further, ω* is dual to the homomorphism
ώ which associates to the cohomology class [7] € H$(X) of a three-dimensional cycle 7
the one-dimensional homology class [7 Π -A*] € H\(A*) of the intersection of 7 with A,.
Thus for any 1-form χ on A* we have

(ώ'Μ,Η) = ([x]Ml]) •= ί Χ. Η € Η3{Χ). (4.4)

We prove the theorem by using the following fact.
LEMMA 1. The residue-class δ*[ω] of the form (4.2) contains a form of type

X = {hdz1lf'X2)\A., (4-5)
where h is an entire function.
For the proof of this lemma we need
LEMMA 2. Let 9t be a one-dimensional complex manifold obtained from a compact
Riemann surface by deleting a nonempty finite set of points, and let {bj} denote a fi-
nite collection of points on 91 Then the cohomology group H1(9\\\Jbj) is generated by
meromorphic l-forms with poles of the first order at the points bj.
PROOF OF LEMMA 2. Let φ be an arbitrary closed differential 1-form on
and let r3 denote its residues at the points bj. It is well known (see, for example, [9], p.
233) that the Mittag-Leffler theorem holds for forms on 9Ί: there exists a meromorphic
differential 1-form a with poles of the first order at the points bj and residues r3 at these
points. This means that in the Leray cohomology sequence for the pair (iK,\Jb3),

the images δ*[φ\ and δ*[α] coincide; and by the exactness of this sequence the form φ is
cohomologous to a form of type α + αχ, where αχ is a differential 1-form which is regular
and closed on 9Ί. Using the fact that UH is a Stein manifold (9t is a noncompact Riemann
surface), we replace αχ by a holomorphic 1-form which is cohomologous to it on iK. As
434 Α. Κ. TSIKH

a final result we obtain that φ is cohomologous to a meromorphic 1-form with poles of

the first order at bj.
PROOF OF LEMMA I . We select an arbitrary closed differential 1-form φ on the set
At belonging to the class <5*[ω]. To prove that ψ is cohomologous to a form of type (4.5),
it is necessary to investigate its behavior near the singular points of the curve A. We
carry out this study using a normalization of A (for the concept of normalization see,
for example, [6], §6.2), i.e., a one-dimensional complex manifold 9t which possesses the
property that there exist a mapping π : 9Ί —• A and a finite set of points {bj} on 9Ί such
that π maps the complement ift\ (J bj biholomorphically onto the set of regular points A*
and the set {bj} onto the set of singular points sng A We note that *Ά can be obtained
from the compact Riemann surface 5K: the normalization of the closure A C P2 by the
deletion of a finite nonempty set of points. The lifting π*ψ of the form ψ is a regular
form on 9 t \ | J bj; consequently, by Lemma 2, π*ψ is cohomologous to some meromorphic
1-form φ with poles of first order at the points bj. Since the restriction Τ Γ | Λ \ | u . is
biholomorphic, the form χ : = ( π " 1 ) * ^ is cohomologous to the original form ψ on A».
We note that the form n*(dzi/f'Z2) has poles at each point bj which project to a
singular point of the curve A. In order to verify this, we note that by Corollary 2 in a
neighborhood Va C A of each singular point α € A there exists a weakly holomorphic
function / which does not extend to a full-dimensional neighborhood. The lifting IT* I is
holomorphic in a neighborhood of a point on the normalization, and by Theorem 3 the
residue of the form π*(1\άζι//'Ζ2), where λ is some smooth function in a full-dimensional
neighborhood of a, is not equal to zero. This verifies what has been claimed.
Now since the form ip has at the points bj only poles of the first order, we conclude
that it admits the representation φ — hir* (dzi / f ' Z 2 ) , where h is a function holomorphic
on iR. The function h "drops" to a weakly holomorphic function h := (n~l)*h on the
curve A. As a result we arrive at the conclusion that the form ψ is cohomologous to a
form of type
χ = ( π - 1 ) ν = Λώ 1 /(Λ 2 )| Λ ., (4.6)
the numerator of which is a weakly holomorphic function on A.
To complete the proof of Lemma 2 it remains to show that the function h in (4.6)
extends holomorphically to the whole space C 2 . For this we are helped by the fact that
χ € δ*[ω], and also, by Theorem 3, according to which h extends holomorphically to C 2
if for each point a € sng A the condition

L λ χ = Ο, λ e 0{Ua),

holds, where Aa is the germ of the curve A at the point ο and δ is sufficiently small

(in order to follow Theorem 3 precisely, we would need in (4.7) to take the limit of the
integral as δ —* 0 and take smooth functions for λ; however, it is easy to verify that we
need only let λ be holomorphic). It is clear that the set of integration in (4.7) coincides
with the intersection ηα Π A», where ηα is the boundary of the polyhedral neighborhood
{z € Ua: I/I < ε, \f'Z2\ < δ} of the point a, where the intersection ηα Π A* consists of ra
closed real curves Cj for j = 1,... ,ra (ra is the number of local irreducible components
of A at the point a). The preimage π"1 (a) consists of ra points bi,...,bTa, and K~1(CJ)
is a circle on the normalization UH surrounding bj. Since π*χ has poles of the first order
at the points bj and (n*X)(bj) = λ(ο) for all j from 1 to r a , we have

β8(π·χ). (4.8)

In the particular case when λ Ξ 1 from (4.4) by the exactness of the sequence (4.3) we

This together with (4.8) verifies the validity of (4.7). We conclude that h extends to an
entire function, which concludes the proof of Lemma 2.
Returning to the proof of the theorem, we note that
(hdZl/f'Z2) Λ (df/f) = hdz! Λ dz2/f =: ω'.
This means that δ*[ω ] = χ where χ is the form (4.5), i.e., δ*[ω] = δ*[ω1]. But since

H2(X) = Η2 (C2\sng A) ~ 0 by the exact sequence (4.3), we thus obtain the equality
[ω] = [ω']. This proves the theorem.
REMARK 4. It is not known to the author whether the form ω1 in Theorem 6 can
be chosen to be rational, i.e., whether Λ is a polynomial. One could seek the answer
to this question in the following way. Recall that the entire function in (4.5) is none
other than the extension of the weakly holomorphic function h from (4.6). According to
Remark 2, this extension can be chosen to be polynomial if the form (4.6) has a polar
singularity at infinity. But the form (4.6) is of type χ = (π~1)*<ρ, where ττ: 9Ί —• A
is a normalization of the curve A. Moreover, *K is obtained from 9t (the normalization
of the closure A C P2) by the deletion of points corresponding to points at infinity on
A. Therefore our question reduces to the following: is it true that the one-dimensional
cohomology of a punctured compact Riemann surface can be realized by meromorphic
1-forms with poles at the deleted points? According to the algebraic de Rham theorem
(see [4]) the answer to this question is positive if the punctured compact Riemann surface
is an affine curve.
Kirenskii Institute of Physics
Siberian Branch, Academy of Sciences of the USSR Received 6/ JUNE/86

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Translated by J. NUNEMACHER

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