St. Joseph Parish: 306 Iowa, PO Box 165, Olpe, KS 620-475-3326

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306 Iowa, PO Box 165, Olpe, KS 620-475-3326
Parish email:
Facebook: “St. Joseph Catholic Church”
Fr. Brandon Farrar, Parochial Administrator
Fr. Ratna Swamy Nannam MSFS, Parochial Vicar
April 14, 2019 – PALM SUNDAY

Celebration of the Eucharist: Reconciliation: Saturdays @ 4:30 PM

Saturday @ 5:00 PM Baptisms/Anointing of Sick/Counseling AND
Sunday @ 8:30 AM Marriages/Annulments: – contact Rectory
Sunday mass at St. Mary’s (Hartford) – 10:30 AM

St. Joseph Parish Contacts:

Accounting/Office Adm: Laurie Schmidt 475-3326
(office hours - Wednesdays/Fridays 9-12 )
Bulletin deadline-TUESDAY @ NOON

Altar Society: Carolyn Cole 340-3766

Cemetery: Terry Taylor 340-5062 Sat. 04/13 5:00 pm +Martha Robinson
Family Life Ministry: Kay Schmidt 475-3767 Sun. 04/14 8:30 am +Cliff Cole
Finance Council Brian Schmidt 475-3767 Mon.- 04/15, Tues. -04/16, Wed.- 04/17 - NO MASS
Funeral Dinners: Linda Dieker 475-3567 Thur. 04/18 7:00 PM +Ida Joy Brown (Holy Thur.)
Knights of Columbus: Brian Flott 343-9241 Fri. 04/19 3:00 PM GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE
Outreach Arlene Redeker 475-3414 Sat. 04/20 5:00 pm No Mass
Pastoral Council: Diana Kuhlmann 475-3784 Sun. 04/21 8:30 am +Dave Schneider
Religious Ed: Rose Redeker 475-3403


Montana Cole, Marleyne Farr, Paul Frizell, Dave Goodell, Leonarda Henderson, Bob Hohne, Bernadine Kehres, Marilyn Kuhlmann,
Sharon Lake, Bev Schaefer, Gary Trear, Jim Wecker, Sonny Wendling, & all battling cancer.
United States Army: SGM Matthew S. Richter, Sgt. Austin Burenheide, Pvt. Johnnie Bell, Captain Jacob Haag, Pvt. Brandon Raybourn
Air Force: Master Sgt. Andrew Stevenson Marines: Lt. Colonel James Bechtel

Plate $ 97.00
Envelopes 1,877.00 (40 envelopes)
Mark your calendars……
Social Support 120.00 April 17 CCD – 7 PM
Leaven 18.00 Stations of the Cross – 7:10 PM
Capital Impr. 40.00 Knights of Columbus mtg. – after stations
TOTAL ……… $2,152.00 April 18 Holy Thursday Mass – 7:00 PM
April 19 Good Friday Service – 3:00 PM
who financially support our parish, especially as we April 21 Easter Sunday Mass – 8:30 AM
progress with building needs, etc. Reminder that if Easter egg hunt to follow
you are unable to attend weekend masses, you can April 24 LAST NIGHT OF CCD
mail your envelope to the rectory or drop it by April 25 Flying Needles – 1 PM - Plaza
during office hours.

NOTICE- The Parish Office will be closed on Good Friday, April 19.
“Dear St. Joseph's and St. Mary's families: Thank you so much for your loving prayers. My family (my mother,
sister, brother and their family members) is very much in need of your continued prayerful support. We have
scheduled my father's memorial service on April 17, 2019. Memorial Mass is at 11.00 am. Kindly be with us in
praying for my father and for my family. Your's in Christ, Father Ratna Swamy Nannam MSFS “

Please keep Father Swamy and his family in your prayers, as his Father passed away this past Monday.
Father Swamy will return on May 10; however, until then, we graciously appreciate your patience and
understanding in schedule and mass changes, etc. Thus, please join us in prayers for patience,
understanding, and cooperation during this time, especially during this Lenten season of prayer, love,
mercy, cleansing of hearts, renewal of faith, forgiveness, and trust in God.

Holy Thursday, April 18 -7:00 PM Good Friday, April 19 – 3:00 PM service
Servers: John Musick, Brylie-Maryn-Daghyn True Servers: Brody Cole, Ethan & Nolan Redeker
Lector: Donna True Lectors: Michael Ratcliff, Donna Bolen
Ministers: Donna True, LeAnn Eberle, Kathy Stevenson Minister: Shirley Langley
Gift Bearers: Eric True family Gift Bearers: NONE at this service

Easter Sunday, April 21 – 8:30 AM

Servers: CCD Students Lectors: CCD Students
Ministers: Greg & Trish Markowitz, Melanie Kerwin, Donna Bolen, Barb Kuhlmann
Gift Bearers: CCD students

Sacristan: Arlene Redeker


 Stations of the Cross will be held Wednesday, April 17 at 7:10 PM.
 Holy Thursday Mass will be at 7:00 PM (April 18).
 Holy Friday service at 3:00 PM (April 19)
 Easter Mass – 8:30 AM followed by an Easter Egg hunt for ages up to 5th grade (There will be
age groups of up to age 4, ages 4-1st grade, & ages 2nd-5th grade). In case of rain, eggs will still be
distributed after mass.


The WORKLIST IS IN THIS WEEKS BULLETIN! Please check your assignment and call Carolyn Cole immediately
if you have donations or if you will not be able to work as assigned. We are trying a sign up sheet for items for
the dinner. Sign up poster is in back of church. PLEASE HELP MAKE THIS A SUCCESSFUL FUNDRAISER for
our youth and family activities.

Thursday, May 2, is a National Day of Prayer

Junior and senior high students are invited to gather at the Methodist Church at 7:20
a.m. to pray. Their petitions of prayer will focus on federal, state, and local
government officials, the military, media, churches, and families. Please encourage
your children to participate in this important event, and opportunity to come together
in unity with other Christians to pray for the common good for all.

a Is your Child or Family going to Camp this Summer?

If you are interested in applying for a Scholarship to help with the cost of sending your child to Prairie Star Ranch or Camp
Tekawitha this summer, please let Kay Schmidt or Laurie Schmidt know by May 1 st! We need to budget for this before our fiscal
year begins!
Thank you! ………………Kay Schmidt-Family Life Ministry 620-340-5638
The deadline for ordering an Easter flower for the altar in memory of a loved one is
THIS MONDAY, APRIL 12! If you would like to donate $25 towards a memorial
flower, please contact Donna at 475-3794 or Laurie at 475-3284. THANKS!

SHS Bid 'n Bite Auction

April 27, 2019 - Sacred Heart Parish Hall (106 Exchange St, Emporia)
doors open-silent auction begins @ 6 p.m. Meal served @ 7 PM
50/50 raffle tickets available for $10 each. Need not be present to win but must purchase in advance!!
Single ticket $30.00 - Includes one meal and one bidder number
Couple tickets $50.00 - Includes two meals and one bidder number
Dinner menu: Coach Bill Cinelli’s specialty lasagna, bread and salad. A gluten free option will be available.
Purchase a sponsorship level, meal tickets, 50/50 raffle tickets or donate! Come by the church office or
LIKE and FOLLOW the auction on Facebook!! Search: Sacred Heart Catholic School Bid ‘n Bite Auction. The auction committee will
use this platform to give updates and to thank sponsors and donors! Questions? Interested in donating to the silent auction?
Contact Scott Tajchman / 620-341-9514

St. Mary's, Hartford Altar Society Taco Lunch - Date: Sunday, April 28th - Time: 11:30 to 1:30
Location: St. Mary's Parish Hall Meal: Walking Taco, Drink & Dessert
Cost: Free Will Donation Proceeds - St. Mary's Altar Society to help support annual projects

St. Joseph’s Cemetery News Announcement

The St. Joseph’s Cemetery Committee would like to encourage any parishioner who would like some of the extra
dirt that has accumulated at the cemetery to feel free to load up as much as they want. We also have some
pipe posts in concrete that were removed from the front fence of the cemetery. Anyone that could use these
are encourage to come and load them up ASAP.

We hope everyone has noticed the improvements made to our St. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery thus far. We are
currently having the center sign painted. We hope to post our rules and regulations for the cemetery in the next
few weeks.

We continue to seek donations to complete the remaining sections of the cemetery fence and apply additional
gravel to the roadways in the cemetery from all the recent rains. Anyone interested in donating please see a
committee member.

We want to thank everyone who has assisted with the improvements thus far. We thank these individuals for
their time, talents, and treasures for our cemetery and Parish. We also appreciate the time and effort put in by
the committee members.

CRS works in over 100 countries to assist people of all backgrounds, working
side by side with others so they can lift themselves out of poverty, assisting during emergencies and
enabling people to build the resiliency they need to stand on their own. While it is an official agency
of the Catholic Church, CRS serves people based on need, not on creed, offering life-saving assistance
to people of all faiths, and people of no faith.
Don’t forget to bring your Rice Bowls back THIS WEEK.
There will be a basket in the back of church. THANK YOU! 
♥“Holy Week for Marriage”♥
Praise, temptation to despair, indignant questioning from one who does not understand his
mission, rejection, and eventually, death; While all of these descriptions certainly apply to our
Lord’s experience during Holy Week, they also apply to the lived experience of every married
St. John Paul II said, “Married couples are a permanent reminder to the Church of what
happened on the Cross.” Jesus called himself the Bridegroom, and His Bride was the Church, so
we can imitate Christ in our marriages when we:
• Accept praise from others with humility and thanksgiving to God.
• Allow grace to strengthen our hope when we are tempted to despair over financial
situations or the choices our children will make.
• Choose to courageously witness to the beauty of marriage even though friends or
extended family may not understand our vocation.
• Forgive generously when we are hurt.
For other ways to joyfully witness your marriage, go to

On Palm Sunday, we celebrate the first joy of the season, as we celebrate Our Lord's triumphant entrance into
Jerusalem where he was welcomed by crowds worshiping him and laying down palm leaves before him. It also
marks the beginning of Holy Week, with the greatest tragedy and sorrow of the year.

Jesus' triumphant return to Jerusalem is only one side of the story.

By now many of the Jews are filled with hate for Our Lord. They want to see him stoned, calling Him a blasphemer,
especially after offering proof of His Divinity during a winter visit to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Dedication.

After this, Jesus went to Perea, where he was summoned to Bethany. There he raised Lazarus from the dead, a
miracle which wins Him such renown among certain Pharisees that they decided finally to end His life.

Jesus took refuge at Ephrem returning six days before Passover to Bethany, triumphantly entering Jerusalem.
That evening, He leaves Jerusalem and returns Monday. He spent time with Gentiles in the Temple, and on
Wednesday left for the Mount of Olives. Here he foretold the apostles the events of the next several days,
including His impending death.

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