How To Draw Scott Robertson and Thomas Bertling PDF

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HOW TO cma: DRAW by Scott Robertson with Thomas Bertling designstudio a DEDICATION This book i for those with @ passion for drawing ond learning, Never stop! Step-by-step videos are an integral part of the How To Draw educational experiancel Use a tmortphone of tablet fo open @ GR Reader opp ond scan this QR code. It links to the Design Studio Press imagerecognition app needed to play the videos. Download the DSP app, scan Scot's photograph fom page 008 and an introductory video wil load, All of the pages inthis book tha ink to educotional videos have @ "play buton* ot the botom, the iss No smartphone or tablet? No worries. Go to page 206, ype in the URL on any computer fo gain access to the entice links lis Copyright © 2013 Design Studio Press. Al Rights Resorvod Alton ond artwork in his book are copyright © 2013 Scot Roberton, Thomas Bering unless done by one o heir former shidlnts or as noted throughout the book. No parts of his book may be reproduced or transmit in any form or by ony means, elacronic or mechanical, rcluding photocopying, xerogrophy, and videography recording without writen petmision om the publsher, Design Stic Press Copy Editors: Maliaso Kent, Eriko G. Being, Heather K, Dennis, Jasco Hoffmann | Graphic Design: Cecilio Zo Pblhed by Design StudioPress ‘Address: 8577 Higuoo Sree, Cuvor City CA 90232 | Website: | E-mall ifoSdesignstudiopres cm Printed in China | Fit Edson, Noverber 2013 987654321 of Congress Control Number: 1013949944 | Mardeover ISBN-13: 979-199949273:5 | Paperback ISBN-1

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