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Character Autopsy

Directions: Complete a character autopsy on the assigned character from the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare.
Provide a quotation/evidence from the text to illustrate the body parts. Explain quote/evidence in a well-developed

Your Character Autopsy is due Friday, May 3rd . You will use your autopsy during the class discussion on

Body Parts:

∙ The heart: What is your character’s motivation? Love? Pride? Faith? Justice? Does the character deal with a moral
∙ The head: Represents his dreams, philosophy or vision. Support this with a quote(s) from the text.
∙ The eyes: See the world through your character’s eyes. What fears affect him or her? Represent who or what affects
∙ The mouth: Represents with whom or what he argues or debates.
∙ The ears: Represent what he notices or remembers.
∙ The torso: Represents what he doesn’t like about himself.
∙ The wrists: In what ways is your character bound by historical restraints? How does the time period affect his or her
∙ The hands: Should be the conflict with which the character must deal.
∙ The arms: Should show the change the character under goes in the text. (Left arm: beginning/ Right Arm: ending).
∙ The legs: Represent the actions of the character in the text. What are the effects on others?
∙ The feet: Should be a symbolic representation of the character’s most fundamental beliefs about life.
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Content Student demonstrates a high Student demonstrates a basic Student demonstrates a basic Student does not demonstrate an
understanding of both novel and understanding of both novel understanding of either novel or understanding of the novel or
character through a quote that and character through an character, but quote may be character and the quote and body
adequately represents the character and appropriate quote and body inappropriate, simple, or part explanations are too simple
body part explanations that indicate part explanations. confusing, or body part or confusing.
higher-level thinking. explanations are too simple or
Requirements Autopsy includes all of the following Autopsy includes 3 of the Autopsy includes 2 of the Autopsy includes fewer than 2 of
requirements: following requirements: following requirements: the requirements.
1. Autopsy includes character’s name 1. Autopsy includes 1. Autopsy includes
2. Quote and all explanations character’s name character’s name
3. Page, section, or part 2. Quote with most of the 2. Quote without
4. All 12 body parts, clearly labeled explanations explanation
3. Page, section, or part 3. Page, section, or part
4. A minimum of 10 body 4. A minimum of 8 body
parts, clearly labeled parts, clearly labeled
Creativity Depiction of character is colorful, Depiction of character is Depiction of character may be Depiction of character is not
authentic, and includes 2-3 accessories colorful, authentic, and colorful but details and colorful or authentic, and/or
and/or details that prove higher-level includes at least one accessory accessories are too simple. details suggest
comprehension of the novel. or detail that proves misunderstandings within the
comprehension of the novel. novel.
Grammar Only 2-3 mechanical errors are present. 4-7 grammatical errors are 8 or more grammatical errors Mechanical errors make reading
present. are present, but assignment is difficult.
still understandable.
∙ The background: Should include elements that suggest the character’s environment, background, or predicament.

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