Personal Essay

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In the summer of 2018, I got to participate in a college recruitment day for

the sport which I play for. Lacrosse is what I play and I have a very deep passion
for it. Anyway, this college recruitment day was absolutely spectacular, I got to
play with young men from all over the west coast, Minnesota, California, Texas,
Montana, Oregon, and Washington. That wasn’t even the best part of it before we
got to play in games with the teams that we were selected to play on, we were
trained by the college coaches that were there. The position that I play is called the
face-off specialist. They are the guys in the begging of the game that battle for the
ball. Now, this isn’t a fight with your hands or words, it is a very technical thing
where you have to be fast, strong, and smart. You always have to be in a state of
awareness of where you are on the field as well, and you always need to be aware
of the players around you.

Some of the schools that were there were; Bucknell, Villanova, Utah Valley,
Navy, Johns Hopkins, and a lot more. This event was like being a kid on Christmas
day opening up that present that you always wanted, I was so excited and happy to
be able to play and to learn from all these wonderful and brilliant coaches. I also
learned from the players from around the country too, they taught me a lot about
teamwork, even though I didn’t know them very well we still had to play as a team
and share the ball so that we could win.

A great lesson that I learned was how to be coachable or teachable, meaning

being open to what coaches are teaching you, like how you can look to help faster
and the field, or substituting onto the field, or always being aware of where your
teammates are. One of Villanova’s coaches taught me how to be quicker with my
faceoffs by going towards the ball, and ever since then I’ve been practicing it, and
it’s made me so much better. Also there was a time where I was angry for a
mistake that I made, and I came off frustrated, the Bucknell coach then came over
and told me that I needed to calm down, and the next time that I made a mistake
just to put it behind me and to play harder the next time.
The biggest thing I learned that day was, putting in the time to work hard
before the event happens, really pays off. What I mean by that is that I worked
really hard before I played in front of all those coaches and in front of players
around the country. I was also extraordinarily better because of it and I believe the
coaches saw that. This was months that I practiced and worked out in order to be
the fastest, strongest, and best player on the field.

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