Lesson 10 SCR Satu Phasa0001

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Single Phase
Controlled Rectifier
Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur
Operation and Analysis of single phase fully controlled converter.

On completion the studentwill be able to

r Differentiate between the constructional and operation features of uncontrolled and

controlled eonvertefs
r Draw the waveforms and calculate their averageand RMS values of different variables
associatedwith a single phasefully controlled half wave converter.
o Explain the operatingprinciple of a single phasefully contolled bridge converter.
r Identifr the mode of operationof the converter(continuousor discontinuous)for a given
load parametersand firing angle.
o Analyze the converter operation in both continuousand discontinuousconduction mode
and there by find out the averageand RMS valuesof inpuVoutput,voltage/currents.
r Explain the operationof the converterin the inverter mode.

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur 3

Single phaseuncontrolled rectifiers af,eextensivelyused in a number of power electronic based
converters. In most casesthey are usedto provide an intermediateunregulateddc voltage source
which is further processedto obtain a regulated dc or ac output. They have, in general, been
proved to be efficient and robust power stages. However, they suffer from a few disadvantages.
The main amongthem is their inability to confrol the output dc voltage / current magnitudewhen
the input ac voltage and load parametersremain fixed. They are also unidirectional in the sense
that they allow electrical power to flow from the ac side to the dc side only. These two
disadvantagesare the direct consequencesof using power diodes in these converterswhich can
block voltage only in one direction. As will be shown in this module, thesetwo disadvantages
are overcome if the diodes are replaced by thyristors, the resulting convertersare called fully
conffolled converters.
Thyristors are semicontrolleddeviceswhich can be turned ON by applying a current pulse at its
gate terminal at a desiredinstance. However, they oannotbe turned off from the gate terminals.
Thereforg the fully controlled converter continues to exhibit load dependentoutput voltage /
current waveforms as in the caseof their uncontrolled counterpart. However, sincethe thyristor
can block fonvard voltage, the output voltage / current magnitude can be controlled by
controlling the turn on instants of the thyristors. Working principle of thyristors basedsingle
phasefully controlled converterswill be explainedfirst in the caseof a single thyristor halfwave
rectifier circuit supplying an R or R-L load. However, such converters me rarely used in
Full bridge is the most popular configuration used with single phasefully controlled rectifiers.
Analysis and performanceof this rectifier supplying an R-L-E load (which may representa dc
motor) will be studiedin detail in this lesson.

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur 4


rr '.{*

iut { irsuit di;rgrrur

[}| 1l'rr t'lirrnr"

[:is. lll.l: Singlr 1rhl.r fullr u*rrttrrllnltr*lf tr*t rr'r;lilirr \rlrl]l.ringr rrrirlirr'ftrarl

Fig.lO. 1(a) shows the circuit diagram of a single phase fully controlled halfirave rectifier
supplyinga purely rpsistiveload. At o:t:0 when the input supplyvoltagebecomespositivethe
thyristor T becomesforward biased. However, unlike a diode, it does not turn ON till a gate
pulse is applied at rot - o. During the period 0 < art < q the thyristor blocks the supply voltage
and the load voltage remains zero as shown in fig 10.1(b). Consequentlyono load current flows
during this interval. As soon as a gate pulse is applied to the thyristor at cot: o it tums ON. The
voltage acrossthe thyristor collapsesto almost zero and the full supply voltage appearsacross
the load. From this point onwards the load voltage follows the supply voltage. The load being
purely resistive the load current lo is proportional to the load voltage. At cot= 7ras the supply
voltage passesthrouglr the negative going zero crossing the load voltage and hence the load
current becomeszero and tries to reversedirection. In the processthe thyristor undergoesrevers€
rccovery and startsblocking the negativesupply voltage. Therefore,the load voltage and the load
current remainsclamped atzero till the thyristor is fired again at rnt= 2n + CI,.The sameprocess
repeatsthere after.
From the discussionaboveand Fig 10.1(b) onecanwrit€
For o <o )t<r r
vo=\ =€Y sinrot ( 10.1)

i ^ :b =.Elr inoot (10.2)


Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur 5

vo=io=0 other"wise.

Therefore voou u,orr:jtJir,sinrotdart (10.3)
0r Voou=
v,(l + cosa) (10.4)

Vo*rs = (10.5)

* fU'"rs2rrrt)dcot
rvt f sin2al
nln-o* z l
V, (-
= - ; l l - -a+ - sin2a\z
J2\ n 2n )

FFuo=*: (10.6)
(l +cosa)

Similar calculation can be donefor ro. In particularsfor pure resistive loads FF;s= FFys.
-;-: "l "- X---.--;,,, :===--.=-:==.=- 1**;

Fig 10.2 (a) and (b) showsthe circuit diagramand the waveformsof a single phasefully
controlledhalfwaverectifiersupplyrnga rcsistiveinductiveload. Althoughthis circuit is hardly
usedin practiceits analysisdoesprovideuseful insight into the operationof fully controlled
rectifierswhich will help to appreciatethe operationof singlephasebridge oonvertersto be
discussed later.

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur 6


.It,'ritt 'ri
J t..

{ f

u r**

I sl {'iruuil rli;rgr:rru

Fig. l*-!: Sirrglr:ph:irrrfirll;rcrurlr*lh.tlh;rlItrilr* rrcdlierrupplriug s rt.ri:rtilciffduslirr t$:N!

As in the case of a rssistive load, the thyristor T becomesforward biased when the supply
voltage becomespositive at rrlt = 0. However, it does not start conduction until a gate pulse is
applied at ot: o. As the thyristor turns ON at eot= o the input voltage appearsacrossthe load
and the load current starts building up. However, unlike a resistive load, the load current does
not become zera at 0)t = fi, instead it continuesto flow ftrough the thyristor and the negative
supply voltage appearsacrossthe load forcing the load current to decrease.Finally, at rot: p (p
> r) the load current becomeszero and the thyristor undergoesreverserecovery. From this point
onwardsthe thyristor starts blocking the supply voltage and the load voltage remainszero until
the thyristor is turned OI.l again in the next cycle. It is to be noted that the value of p dependson
the load parameters. Thereforeounlike the resistive load the averageand RMS output voltage
dependson the load parameters. Since the thyristors does not conduct ovsr the entire input
supply cycle this mode of operationis called the "discontinuousconductionmodeo'.

From abovediscussionone can unite.

For usrot<p
vo:vi=J2 Ysincot (10.4
vo= 0 otherwise

Therefore Voou= (10.8)

f f,"uoa,ot
=*fJ:\ sinrotda:t

Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagrur 7


Vo*r, = (10.e)
* f"{oo'*
! fz.,?.in2<rrtdrot
2n J"


rIool, - Y -cosP)
(cosc (10.r0)
t ffi
Sincethe averagevoltage drop acrossthe inductor is zero.

Howeveroloruras can not be obtainedfrom Vexl,asdirectly. For that a closed from expressionfor io
will be required. The valuE of p in terms of the circuit paraneters can also be found from the
expressionof is.

For asaltSp

ni" +r$ = vo:.fzv,rinrt (10.1

Thegeneralsolutionofwhich is givenby

io =1os'# *4-Y ,in(or,-,P) (10.12)

Wheretang=S anOZ= R2 +cD2f

. JZV,I- t't-o) I
to: (10.13)
Z Lsin(g-a)e-*o+sin(rot-g)
io 0 othenvise.

(10.13)canbeusedto findoutIonus.To findoutp it is notedthat


sin(g- a)e *E = sin(q - F) (10.14)

Equation(10.14)canbe solvedto find out p

Exercise 10.1

Fill in the blank(s) with appropriateword(s)

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur 8

i) In a single phasefully controlled converterthe _ of an unconfolled converters
are replacedby _-
ii) In a fully controlled converterthe load voltage is confolled by controlling the
ofthe converter.
iii) A single phase half wave controlled converter always operates in the
iv) The voltage form factor of a single phase fully conholled half wave converter with a
resistive inductive load is comparedto the same converter with a resistive
v) Theloadcurrentform factorof a singlephasefully controlledhalf waveconverterwith a
resistiveinductiveload is comparedto the sameconverterwith a resistive

Answers:(i) diodes,thyristors;(ii) firing angle;(iii) discontinuous

(iv) poorer;(v) better.

2) Explain qualitatively,what will happenif a free-wheelingdiode(cathode of the diode

shortedwith thecathodeof thethyristor)is connected
acrossthe loadin Fig 10.2.(a)

Answer: Refeningto Fig 10.2(b),the freewheelingdiodewill remainofftill rot= n sincethe

positiveloadvoltageacrossthe loadwill reversebiasthe diode. Howevero
beyondthis point as
the loadvoltagetendsto becomenegativethe freewheelingdiodecomesinto conduction.The
loadvoltageis clampedto zerothereafter. As a result

D Averageloadvoltageincreases
ii) RMS loadvoltagereducesandhencethe loadvoltageform factorreduces.
iiD Conductionangleof load currentincreasesas doesits averagevalue. The load
currentnpple factorreduces.

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur 9








. , l l rr i n

t,- !l li:J- r l]. t, I t

tu.\ F,
t ? ! I

l"ig l{f-}: Slngtcpharr I'ullr c*ntrelledhridgc turrrmlcr ruppl.ring:rnIt - L - F-Iuar}-

iut ( irsuit +li*grunr.Ihi { nnrlustitrnt:rhlr

Fig 10.3 (a) showsthe circuit diagram of a single phasefully conholled bridge converter. It i$
one of the most popular converter circuits and is widely used in the speedconfol of separately
excited dc machines. Indee4 the R-L-E load shown in this figure may representthe electrical
equivalentcircuit of a separatelyexcited dc motor.
The single phasefully controlled bridge converter is obtained by replacing all the diode
of the correspondinguncontrolledconverterby thyristors. Thyristors T1 and T2 aft fired together
while Tr and Ta are fired l80o after Tr and T2. From the cirsuit diagramof Fig 10.3(a)it is clear
that for any load current to flow at least one thyristor from the top group (Tr, T:) and one
thyristor from the bottom goup (Tz, T+) must conduct. It can also be arguedthat neither TrT:
nor TzT+ can conduct simultaneously. For example whenever T3 and Ta are in the forward
blocking stateand a gatepulse is applied to them, they turn ON and at the sametime a negative
voltage is applied acrossT1 and T2 commutatingthem immediately. Similar argumentholds for
Tr andTz.
For the samereasonTrT+ or TzT: can not conduct simultaneously. Therefore,the only
possible conduction modes when the current io can flow are T1T2and T3Ta. Of coarse it is
possible that at a given moment none of the thyristors conduct. This situation will typioalty
occur when the load current becomeszero in betweenthe firings of T1T2and TrT+. Once the
load current becomeszso all thyriston rcmain off. In this mode the load curent remainszero.
Consoquentlythe converteris said to be operatingin the discontinuousconductionmode.
Fig 10.3(b) shows the voltage auoss different devices and the dc output voltage during
eachof theseconductionmodes. It is to be noted that wheneverT1 and T2 conducts,the voltage
asrossT3 and T+becomes-vi. ThereforeT3 and T+ can be fired only when v1is negativei.eoover
the negative half cycle of the input supply voltage. Similarly Tr and T2 can be fired only over
the positive half cycle of the input supply. The voltage acrossthe devices when none of the
thyristors conduct dependson the off state impedanceof each device. The values listed in Fig
10.3O) assumsidenticaldevices.
Under normal operating condition of the converter the load current may or may not
remain zero over someinterval of the input voltage cycle. If io is always greaterthan zero then
the converter is said to be operating in the continuous conduction mode. In this mode of
operation of the convefts TrTz and TgTaconducts for alternatehalf cycle of the input supply.

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpurl0

However, in the discontinuous conduction mode none of the thyristors conduct over some
portion of the input cycle. The load current remainszero during that period.

As has been explained earlier in the continuousconduction mode of operation io n€vor becomes
zero, therrfore, either TrTz or T3Ta conducts. Fig 10.4 shows the waveforms of different
variablesin the steadystate. The firing angle ofthe converteris o. The angle 0 is given by

sino=.-L ( 10.15)
It is assumedthat at t = 0 T:T+ was conducting. As TrTz are fired at 0)t = c they tum on
commutating TrT+ immediately. TtT+ are again fired at (0t = n * c,. Till this point TrTz
conducts. The period of conductionof different thyristors are pictorially depicted in the second
waveform (also called the conductiondiagram)of Fig 10.4.

Version2 EE IIT, KharagpurI I



il - ll *.*#

ff e tl!#.

l;ig, I ll.*: tl'a-r ufirrm,i in liirrglc phar* l'ultr curr{rrllled hrirlg* trrnt'rrlr"rr in
{rrrt*i$url$Ftilsdstqi$il rnudr.

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur12

The dc link voltage waveform shown next follows from this conduction diagram and the
conductiontable shown in Fig 10.3(b). It is observedthat the emf sourceE is greaterthan the dc
link voltage till ort = u,. Therefore,the load current i6 continuesto fall till this point. However,
as T1T2are fired at this point v6 becomesgreaterthan E and io startsincreasingthrough R-L and
E. At ot = tt - 0 vo again equalsE. Dependingupon the load circuit parametersio reachesits
maximum at aroundthis point and startsfalling afterwards. Continuousconductionmode will be
possibleonly if i6 remainsgreaterthanzero till T:T+ are fired at cot= n * a where upon the same
processrepeats. The resulting io waveform is shown below vo. The input ac current waveform ii
is obtained from ro by noting that whenever TrTz conducts ii = io and ii = - io whenever T3Ta
conducts. The last waveform showsthe typical voltage waveform acn)ssthe thyristor T1. It is to
be notedthat when the thyristorfums offat cDt= r + cra negativevoltage is applied acrossit for a
duration of z - a. The thyristor must turn offduring this interval for successfuloperationof the
It is noted that the dc voltage waveform is periodic over half the input cycle. Thereforeo
it can be expressedin a Fourier seriesas follows.
vo = Voav* I ["- cos2nort* v, sin2not] (10.16)

where = 2tE y. esss

voou = ! ['."u0 616y1 ( 10.17)
TxJt n

v* -z
:; tr--
I vocos2ncordart='&
2n+ r zn- l J

v t =-;2- b 7
vo- . s i n 2 n a r t d o t = , fui , [ s i n ( 2 n + l ) c - s i n ( 2 n - l ) a l , , 0 . , n ,
rE 'L zn+r 2n-r I

ThereforetheRMSvalueofthe nth harmonic

I --:-


RMS valueof vocanof coursebecompleteddirectlyfrom.

Vo*"s: (10.21)

Fourierseriesexpressionof vo is importantbecauseit providesa simplemethodof estimating

individualandtotalRMSharmoniccurrentiqiectedinto the loadasfollows:

offeredby theloadat nth harmonicfrequencyis givenby
z"=rfitr[iff (r0.22)

='r"'*t, Ioo", :
I-*r,os (10.23)
From(10.18)- (10.23)it canbearguedthatin aninductivecircuitLnnr,as --+0 asfastas l/n2. So
in practiceit will be sufficient to consideronly first few harmonicsto obtain a reasonably
accurateestimateof lorm'asform equation10.23.This methodwill be useful,for example,while
calculatingtherequiredcun€ntderatingof a dc motorto beusedwith sucha converter.

Version2 EE IIT, Kharaglur 13

However to obtain the current rating of the device to be used it is necessaryto find out a
closed form expressionof io. This will also help to establish the condition under which the
converterwill operatein the continuousconductionmode.
To begin with we observethat the voltage waveform and hencethe current waveform is
periodic over an interval a. Therefore, finding out an expression for iq over any interval of
length a will be sufficient. We choosethe interval a < rrrt< n * o.

In this interval
r$+ni, +E="'6y sinot (r0,24)
Thegeneralsolutionofwhich is givenby

io-1r-*f (10.2s)

Where, 7= JPlffi; tanq= r =.Ev,sino;

ft = Zcosq
Now at steadystate iol.,=o=iol*=o*o since io is periodic over the choseninterval. Using this
boundarycondition we obtain
T- (or*)
. JZV,| 2sin(9-0)
^'ffi +sin(ot
z | -n coseJ (r0.26)
L l-e*t

The input current ii is relatedto io as follows:

i, =io for u.(rot(n*c (r0.27)
ii: - io otherwise.

Fig 10.5showsthe waveform of ii in relation to the vi wavefonn.

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur14


l;[*. lt].il Tlru input rur i'r.rt{arid it' f,il$d;inrr.ulalturtlprrrreril

It will be of interest to find out a Fourier series expression of i1. However, using actual
expressionfor ii will lead to exceedinglycomplex salculation. Significant simplification can be
made by replacing is with its averagevalue Io. This will be justified provided the load is highly
inductive and the ripple on io is negligible comparedto Io. Under this assumptionthe idealized
10.5. i1 is the fundamentalcomponentof this idealizedit.
Evidently the input current displacement factor defined as the cosine of the angle
between input voltage (v1) and the fundamental componentof input current (i11)waveforms is

It can be shownthat
.' fi
r _ L\a f
.iIRMS (10.28)

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur15

and : Io
Lno,s (10.29)

theinputcurrentdistortionfactor= rl'ft' =&

Therefore (10.30)
I,*r, 7t

The =
factor :H3
.=1a16sss (lagging) (10.31)

Thereforeo the rectifierappearsasa laggingpowerfactorloadto the inputac systetn.Largerthe

'o' pooreris thepowerfactor.
The input currentii alsocontainsignificantamountof harmoniccunent(3'd,sth,etc) and
thereforeappearsasa harmonicsourceto theutility. Exactcompositionof theharmoniccurrents
canbeobtainedby Fourierseriesanalysisof ii andis left asanexercise.


Fill in theblank(s)with theappropriate

i) A singlephasefully controlledbridgeconvertercanoperateeitherin the _ or

ii) In the continuousconductionmode at least---- thyristors conductat all times.
iii) In the continuousconductionmode the output voltage waveform doesnot dependon the
iv) Theminimumfrequencyofthe outputvoltageharmonicin a singlephasefully controlled
bridgeconverteris _ the inputsupplyfrequency.
v) factor of a singlephasefully controlledbridgeconverterin the
The input displacement
continuousconductionmodeis equalto thecosineof the angle.

(ii) two; (iii) load;(iv) twice;(v) firing.

Answer: (i) continuous,discontinuous;

2. A singlephasefully controlledbridgeconverteroperatesin the continuousconduction

modefrom a 230V, 50HZ singlephasesupplywith a firing angleo = 30o. The load
resisknceand inductancesare 10Qand 50mHrespectively.Find out the 6fr harmonic
loadcurrentasa percentage
ofthe averageloadcurrent.

Answer: Theaveragedc outputvoltageis

'oAv =
v^^., ,,coso= 179.33volts
Vf* =17.93
Averageoutputloadcurrent= Amps
Fromequation(10.18)Var= 10.25Volts
Fromequation(10.19)V6 = 35.5Volts
V*** = 26.126Volts,Z,= =94.78ohms

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur16

rfr** -=V o r * t r - n=. ,
Amps=l.5406of I'AV.
' :::--.:

So far we have assumedthat the converteroperatesin continuousconductionmodewithout

payingattentionto the loadconditionrequiredfor it. In figure 10.4the voltageacrossthe R and
L component of the loadis negativeinthe regionn - 0 < rotS n * a. Thereforeio continuesto
decrease till a newpairofthyristoris firedat (ot: rtr* o. Now if thevalueof & L andE aresuch
that i0 becomeszerobeforeot: ,tr+ o the conductionbecomesdiscontinuous.Obviouslythen,
at the boundarybetweencontinuousand discontinuousconductionthe minimum value of io
whichoccursatcot= a andcot= fl't- o will bezero.Puttingthisconditionin (10.26)we obtainthe
conditionfor continuousconductionas.

-sin(q-r) - sino= o (t0,32)
l-e *P

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur17

flf tll
tl! tr!
tlr trt

I t
I t
I *

- -t-

liig. llt.6: Sirrglrptlx+r-fullr u*utrulNrdrrulrrrl*r iu thr:rlircuillinu*utruruluuliunnuillts

iitl {}rltlir hriuur|:trihrttr#rrru(}u!irr${rl}lrnrldirru*lrlilruuur
ihl in rlirtuntinu*rs* rrlrullrqliurr

Fig 10.6 shows waveforrns of different variables on the boundary between continuous and
discontinuousconductionmodesand in the discontinuousconductionmode.It shouldbe stressed
that on the boundarybetweencontinuousand discontinuousconductionmodesthe load curent is
still continuous.Therefore,all the analysisof continuousconductionmode appliesto this caseas
well. However in the discontinuousconductionmode i6 remainszero for certain interval. During .
this interval none of the thyristors conduct. These intervals are shown by hatched lines in the
conductiondiagramof Fig 10.60). In this conductionmode io startsrising from zero as TrTz ore
fired at rot = o. The load cunent continues to increasetill olt = r - 0. After this, the output
voltage vo falls below the emf E and io decreasestill alt = p when it becomeszero. Since the
thyristors cannot conduct current in the reversedirection i6 remains at zero till ot = n + o when
T: and Ta are fired. During the period F S ot < n * o,none of the thyristors conduct. During this
period vo attainsthe value E.
Performanceof the rectifier such as Voev, Vonr,rs,Ionv, Ionus etc can be found in terms of o, p
and 0. For example

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur18

vouu=*,f.'n, dcot=*[f f*, sinotdart* (10.33)
Or Voor,=-@J.oro-cosB+silg(a+a-B)l (10.34)
roAv-_ Voou-E _ - Voou
R za"rq
-lonv: ..12V,r - cosp* sine(a- B)l (10.36)
Or -::l:lcoso
fi LCOSq-

It is observedthat the performance

of the converteris stronglyaffectedby the valueof F. The
valueof B in termsof theloadparameters(i.e,0, g mdZ) ando canbefoundasfollows.

ln theinterval c < cot< p

r$+ni" +E= rDysinrot (10.37)

iolrr=o= o
From which the solution of io can be written as

t,: +l"rn(rp-c;e-#- -e)

#{, -. ffi }
Now iol*=u=o

-a;e# -#[, -" #]. sin(p

sinle -e): o (10.3e)
Given g, u and 0, the valueof p canbe foundby solvingequation10.39.
i, -, , i : : . . ' : : i - i ' : l i i - ' i . - ; i 1 , , i: ' , . : i ; i : ; t * ; r r ; i :

The expression for average dc voltage from a single phase fully controlled converter in

uo: (10.40)
For u < n/2, Vo > 0. Sincethe thyristorsconductscurrentonly in onedirectionIo > 0 always.
T h e r e f o re p o w e rfl o w i n g to th edcsideP= VoIo>0for acr JZ.However for a> n/2,Yo<
HenceP < 0. This may be interpretedasthe loadsidegiving powerbackto the ac sideandthe
converterin this caseoperateas a line commutatedcurrent sourceinverter. So it.may be
temptingto concludethat the sameconvertercircuit may be operatedas an inverterby just
increasinga beyondzrl2. This mighthavebeentruehadit beenpossibleto maintaincontinuous
conductionfor u < c/2 withofi makinganymodificationto theconverteror loadconnection.To
supplypower,the load EMF sourcecanbe utilized. Howeverthe connecfionof this sourcein
Fig 10.3is suchthat it canonly absorbpowerbut cannot supplyit. In fact,if anattemptis made
to supplypowerto the ac side(by makinga> nl2) theenergystoredin the loadinductorwill be
exhausted andthecurrentwill becomediscontinuous asshownin Fig 10.7(a).

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur19


rh,tin r*l

l;'ig. tll.T; lilr*r{er nl*rrtruf rrperatiun nl'ring}r ph:txr fulll s*rlltrullrdr*ntrrl*r

lalllutEfirrrrrr lin'n 3 iiijl .t Ii :- ll
tlrl {'ir*uil ftrunttli*tt in lhr: iltl rrtt'r ln*tk"

Therefore for sustainedinverter mode of operation the connection of E must be reversed as

shownin Fig 10.7(b).

Fig 10.8 (a) and (b) below shows the waveforms of the inverter operating in continuous
conduction mode and discontinuousconduction mode respectively. Analysis of the converter
remainsunalteredfrom the rectifier mode of operationprovided 0 is defined as shown. .

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur20



f:ig. I{i.l*; tt'rr{:l'ur:tttr in lhr inr erltt ntudt' rl u;rcr;r{ilrn

{ir} { ruri{iil{lius:
{ h I di:i*r tr| irtiljri*t$r{ntEluf f i*rl.


Fill in theblank(s)with theappropriate


i) In the discontinuous
conductionmodethe loadcrurentremains for a
part of the input cycle.
iD For the samefiring angle the load voltage in the discontinuousconductionmode
comparedto the continuousconductionmode of operation.
iii) The load curent ripple factor in the continuous conduction mode is
comparedto the discontinuousconductionmode.

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur2l

iv) In the inverter mode of operation electrical power flows from the -- side
to the side.
v) In the continuousconductionmode if the firing angle of the converteris increased
beyond degreesthe converteroperatesin the _ mode.

Answers: (i) zero;(ii) higher;(iii) lower; (iv) dc, ac; (v) 90, inverter.

2. A 220 V, 20A, 1500 RPM separatelyexcited dc motor has an armature resistanceof

A.75Aand inductanceof 50mH. The motor is suppliedfrom a 230V,50Hz, singlephase
supply through a fully controlled bridge converter. Find the no load speedof the motor
and the specdof the motor at the boundarybetweencontinuousand discontinuousmodes
whena =25o.

Answer: At no load the averagemotor torque and hencethe averagemotor annaturecurrent is

zero. However, since a converter carries only unidirectional currenf zrra averugearmafure
current implies that the afinature cunent is zero at all time. From Fig 10.6(b) this situation can
occur only when 0 = rd2, i.e the back emf is equalto the peak of the supply voltage. Therefore,
Euloor*a :JZx230V
l: =325.27 Eol,r*=205V
V, Underratedcondition
... Nr,oroad_t RPM
At the boundarybetweencontinuousand discontinuousconductionmodesfrom equation 10.32
I + ddtNng
sin0: cosrpsin($
- c)1
Fromthegivendata$ 87.27o, u: 25o
sinO= 0.5632
Eo: €Y sino= 183.18volts
tl1'lt .
Motorspeed N= t500= 1340RPM.


r Single phase fully controlled converters me obtained by replacing the diodes of an

uncontrolledconverterwith thyristors.
o In a fully controlled converter the output voltage can be controlled by controlling the
firing delay angle (a) ofthe thyristors.
. Single phase fully controlled half wave convertersalways operate in the discontinuous
r Half wave confrolled convertersusually have poorer output voltage form factor compared
to uncontrolledconverter.
. Single phasefully contuolledbridge convertersare extensively used for small dc motor

Version2 EE IIT, Y;,haragp,x

Dependingon the load condition and the firing angle a fully controlled bridge converter
can operateeither in the continuousconductionmode or in the discontinuousconduction
In the continuousconductionmode the load voltage dependsonly on the firing angle and
not on load parameters.
In the discontinuousconduction mode the output voltage decreaseswith increasingload
current. However the output voltage is always greater than that in the continuous
conductionmode for the samefiring angle.
The fully controlled bridge convertercan operateas an inverter provided (i) u > /r, (ii) a
dc power sourceof suitablepolarity exists on the load side.


l) "PowerElectronics"P.C.Sen;TataMcGraw-Hill 1995

2) "Power Electronics; Circuits, Devices and Applications", SecondEdition, Muhammad

H.Rashid;Prentice-Hallof India; 1994.

3) "Powsr Electronics; Converters, Applications and Design" Third Edition" Mohan,

Undeland,Robbins,JohnWileys and SonsInc,2003.

Ql. Is it possibleto operatea single phasefully controlledhalf wave converterin the


Q2. A220YJ0A 1500RPM separately exciteddc motorhasanarmatureresistance of 0.750

and inductanceof 50 mH. The motor is suppliedfrom a singlephasefully contolled
converteroperatingfrom a 230 V, 50 FIz,singlephasesupplywith a firing angleof o :
30o. At what speedthe motor will supply full load torque. Will the conductionbe
continuousunderthis condition?

Q3. The speedof the dc motorin questionQ2 is confiolledby varyingthe firing angleof the
converterwhile the load torque is maintainedconstantat the rated value. Find the
"power factor" of the sonverteras a functionof the motor speed. Assumecontinuous
conductionandripple freearmaturecurrent.

44. Findthe loadtorqueat whichthe dc motorof Q2 will operateat 2000RPMwith the field
currentandc remainingsame.

Q5. A separatelyexciteddc motor is beingbrakedby a singlephasefully controlledbridge

converteroperatingin the invertermodeas shownin Fig 10.7(b). Explainwhat will
happenif a commutationfailureoccursin anyoneof thethyristors.

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur23

1. As explained in section 10.3.3,the load circuit must contain a voltage source of prop€r
polarity. Sucha load circuit and the associatedwaveformsare shown in the figure next.

1', "'!r
sitt r'


l;ic. l"F:[Il{h}

Figure shows that it is indeed possible for the half wave converter to operate in the inverting
mode for some values of the firing angle. However, care should be taken such that io becomes
zero before vi exceedsE in the negative half cycle. Otherwise io will start increasingagain and
the thyristor T will fail to commutate.

2. For the machineto deliver frrll load torque with rated field the armaturecurrent shouldbe
20 Amps.
= 179.33volts.
Assumingcontinuousconductionvo=242x230 cos3Oo
For 20 Amps armaturecurrentto flow the back ernf will be
Et - Vo- Iu& = 179.33-20 x 0.75: 164.33volts
sino=Eo/- =0.505.
/ J2V1

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur24

For the given machine,tan$ = gL" = 20,944, h= 87.266".
Now from equation(10.32)
2sin(rn- "r - :
tin(q'a) ll '2369
tho =
*d 10.589
.'. theconduction
is continuous.

At 1500RPMthebackemf is 220-2A x 0.75= 205volts.

.'.Thespeedat whichthemachinedeliversratedtorques
is N-' : x150A:12A2RPM.

3. To maintainconstantloadtorqueequalto theratedvaluethearmaturevoltageshouldbe

= 0 . 7 5 x 2 0 + 2 0 5N
r :0.137N+15V

In a fully controlledconverteroperatingin thecontinuousconductionmode

U, = = 207.073
coso- 6.616x 10'nN+0.0724

Now thepowerfactorfrom equation10.3I is

p t= x 10- 4N+0.0652
T " o sa =5 .9 5 65
This givesthe inputpowerfactorasa functionof speed.

4. AI2000RPM.E- = 205=273.33volts
si n 0 =+=0 .8 4 , 6 =87.266",o= 30o
Fromequation10.32it canbeshownthatthe conductionwill bediscontinuous.

Now fromequation10.39
* ehesino . , ,l : sino
or ln.A*.g+t2] - sin[s2.26G"
ro477(c'p) +(a-p)] = tz.ot
- sin[(a-B) + 57.266,f=fi .6t

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur25

.'. fromequation10.36
rI*" :* Jiv, -cosB -B)l: Z.AZA
+sin0(a Amps
ffi [coso
.'. the loadtorqueshouldW ?'916 ofthe tull loadtorque.
20 "t00:13.38%

). Refening to Fig 10.8 (a) let there be a commutation failure of T1 at cDt= o. In that case
the conductionmode will be T3 T2 insteadof Tr Tz and vo will be zero during that period.
As a result avsragevalue of Vo will be less negative and the averagearmature current
will increase. However the sonverter will continue to operate in the inverter mode and
the motor will be braked.

Version2 EE IIT, Kharagpur26

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