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ase 2005CFO0I81 Oocument 1098 Fed 04-11 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUITCOURT MANITOWOC COUNTY STATE OF WISCONSIN, Plaintiff Case No. 05 CF 381 STEVEN A. AVERY, Sr., Defendant. DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DEFENDANT'S REPLY T0 THE STATE'S RESPONSE, IN OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL Defendant, Steven Avery, by his undersigned attorneys, hereby moves this Honorable Court for leave to file his reply to the State's response to his supplemental § 974.06 motion. In support thereof, Defendant states as follows: 1. This cause is before this Court on remand from the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. 2. The Wisconsin Coust of Appeals issued its remand order on February 25, 2019, In its remand order, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals ordered Defendant to {ile his supplemental postconviction motion within fourteon da} 8. Defendant timely filed his supplemental posteonviction motion in this Court on March 11, 2019. case 20050000091 Document 108 FladO4-11.201 Page 2old 4. ‘The Wisconsin Court of Appeals’ February 25, 2019 remand order did no; authorize the State to respond to Defendant's supplemental posteonvietion mation, Without first secking leave, the State filed an unauthorized and ‘unsolicited response to Defendant's postconviction motion on Match 29, 2019, 6. Defendant: now seeks leave to reply to the State's unauthorized and ‘unsolicited response because there are issues and matters of record raised by the State which Defendant disputes. Defendant believes the correction of matters of second will id this Honorable Court in resolving Defendant's pending supplemental ‘postconviction motion. If this Court denies Defendant's motion for leave, this Coust should trike the State's response because it was unauthorized under the Court of Appeals’ February 25, 2019 onder. 1. Acopy of Defendant's reply to the State's response is attached hereto as ‘Babibit 1 8. ‘This request is made in good faith and not for purposes of delay WHEREFORE, Defendant Steven Avery respectfully requests this Honorable Court grant leave to reply to the State's response to his supplemental posteonietion mation, Cere20080F00088! Document 1038 Fed o4-11-2018 Dated: April 11, 2019 Counsel for Defendant Steven Avery ts Kathleen T. Zellner ‘Admitted pro hae view [Kathleen I. Zellner & Assoe., #.C: 1901 Butterfield Road, Suite 650 Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 (630) 955-1212 / IL Bar No. 6184575, Isl Steven G.Richards Steven G, Richards State Bar No, 1037545 Everson & Kichards, LLP 127 Main Street Casco, Wisconsin 54205 (920) 887-2053,

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