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Rudolph Diaz

Period 1
Mr. Massie

Persuasive speaking and writing can help advance the progress toward social justice and
equality by making the reader/audience feel what they are going through the purpose of “LBJ”
was to end segregation and to raise awareness of racial discrimination the purpose of Genetics
of justice was to persuade her audience to speak up for justice In “LBJ” Dr king uses a lot of
pathos because he is telling us what he went though in “b’ham” And about the
discrimination.The purpose of “LBJ” was to end segregation.
“Dear fellow clergymen”, Dr King wants to address the clergymen and persuade them that he
should be in birmingham protesting. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” Dr
king explains that he should be in birmingham because an injustice there could spread.
Dr king uses pathos to further advance his purpose so there for very successful using rhetoric
by showing a lot of emotion to let us know what he been through.The purpose of Malala
Yousafzai was to advocate for women's rights ,girls education ,and free education all over the
world for every child. “they continue to inspire all of us to action dear Brothers and sisters ,do
remember one thing malala day is not my dayz” this is quote advances her purpose because
she was inspired to speak up for the right of education for all children “thousands of people have
been killed by the terrorist and millions have been injured” she is explaining pathos because
she is making people feel kind of what she went through malala yousafzai successfully uses
rhetoric because she uses her emotion of what happened to her and she uses facts and
explains her reasoning very good by using rhetoric. The purpose of Genetics Of Justice was to
persuade her audience to speak up for justice. “For her parents were afraid to show anything
this shows pathos because its saying how her parents were afraid of saying something ,they
were showing emotion . thousands had lost their lives in failed attempts to return”

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