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Section 28.

1 review

Describe each of the eight features animals have in common.

Blastula formation, cells organized into tissues, diploid, heterotrophs, mobility, multicellularity, no
cell wall, sexual reproduction

Summarize the difference between radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry.

Radial symmetry is circular and has one center point. The shape of an organism will be
symmetrical around that point

Bilateral symmetry is where you have two completely matching sides

Compare the body parts of acoelomates, pseudocoelomates, and coelomates.

Acoelomates don’t have a body cavity. Pseudocoelomates have a body cavity from the
blastocoel. Coelomates have true coeloms that are formed in the mesoderm tissue

How do you think scientists identified the Saolas closet relative

By the genetic code

Section 28.2 reviews

Summarize the functions of the six body systems discussed

Circulatory system- gets blood flowing through the body to transport oxygen and nutrients to all

Respiratory system- extracts oxygen from the air and remove carbon dioxide from blood.

Digestive system- breaks down food into nutrients that the body can use to absorb nutrients and

Nervous system- to control functions in parts of the body to think

Muscle/skeleton system- supports body’s weight to enable it to move around

Lymphatic system- recuperates fluids lost through blood vessels

Describe how a gastrovascular cavity differs from a one-way gut

A gastric airy only has one opening for food and waste. A one way gut has a mouth and an anus

Compare open and closed circulatory systems

Open circulatory system- fluid pumps through open ended vessels and flows out among the
cells; there is no distinction between blood and interstitial fluid

Closed circulatory system- blood is confined to vessels, which keep it distinct from the interstitial

Describe how asexual reproduction differs from sexual reproduction.

Asexual reproduction produces genetically identical offspring that inherits all their DNA from a
single parent.the offspring of Sexual reproduction are similar but siblings vary because they
inherit different combinations of genes from two parents

Which method of fertilization, external or internal, is more practical for most terrestrial animals.
Justify your answer.

Internal fertilization has a better chance of surviving because it is inside and no outside factors
can affect it.

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