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1.draw a simple sketch of a sponge body plan, and label all the parts you include.

2. Summarize how a sponge feeds and distributes nutrients.

They pass water through sticky structures and catch tiny food bits

3. Describe the three types of sponge skeletons

Bony (calcarea), glass (hexactenellida), spongin (demospongiae)

4. Compare asexual and sexual reproduction in sponges

Fragmentation- price breaks off and develops into a new sponge.

Budding- small growth on the sponge breaks off and develops into a new sponge.

Gemmules- small sponge cells protected by spicules that when conditions are favorable will grow
into a new sponge.

5. What advantage might there be to a free-swimming larval stage in sponges

Better dispersal. Organisms with greater dispersal availability are more stable species. They are less
susceptible to localized catastrophes or changes in enviornment.

6. Evaluate this statement: sponges have to cell layers, mesoglea and collar cells

Sponges are the classic example ofprolifera as a proliferan the organism does not have true tissues
however it will have specialized cell layers


1. Compare the two body forms of cnidarians

Polyp-shaped like a vase and are sessile. Examples: sea anemones, corals, hydras.

Medusa- bell shaped and free swimming. Example: jellyfish float almond ocean currents

2. Relate cnidocytes and nematocysts to food gathering

Cnidocytes are stinging cells used in feeding. They contain a nematocyst, which when triggered, is
shot into the cnidarians prey.

3. Draw and label the life cycle of obelia

4. Summarize the similarities and differences in the three classes of cnidarians described

Penetrant: a harpoon like structure used to penetrate, referred to as nematocysts

Glutinant: a sticky surface used to stick to prey, referred to as ptychocysts nd found on burrowing
anemones which help create the tube in which the animal lives.

Volvent: a lasso like string that is fired at prey and wraps around a cellular projection on the prey,
referred to as spirochete

5.distinguish between the two types of asexual reproduction found in cnidarians

Budding, fragmentation

6. Some cnidarians are unique in exhibiting polyp and Medusa forms. How might their two body
forms give them an advantage over species that live in the same environment but have only one
body form

Because they both can reproduce asexually


1. Compare the internal and external anatomy of a planarian with that of a parasitic flatworm.

Planarians have a gastrovascular cavity. They have two openings where as parasitic flatworms have
one opening.

2. Summarize in words or with a diagram the life cycle of a blood fluke

Fertilized eggs of the fluke are released in solid waste material. If the eggs are deposited near a
marsh or pond, they will hatch into a larvae. If the larvae encounter a species of snail within eight
house, each larva will burrow into it.

3. Describe a major innovation in body plan that first occurred in round worms

A round worm has two body openings whereas flatworm has one opening

4. A student concludes that infection with schistosomiasis is more difficult to prevent than is
infection with trichinella. Evaluate this conclusion.

This evaluation is true because it’s much more difficult to prevent schistosomiasis than to prevent

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