Rationale For Final Idea

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Rationale for final idea


In this rational will be explaining which out of my three ideas I have chosen to take in
to production and which two idea I have rejected.

My first idea is about the physical and mental benefits of sport activities, the specific
area this topic will focus is on how sport activities help your body as well as your
mind. From this idea I want to prove that there are mental and physical benefits of
sport activities.

My second idea is about the increase of knife crime, the specific area I want to show
in this documentary is the bad side of knife crime increasing. I want to prove from
this idea that the increase of knife crime is a negative thing.

My third idea is about the benefits and importance of swimming, the specific angle I
want to show for this idea is that swimming is beneficial for your health as well as
being an important life skill. From this idea I want to prove that swimming is a
beneficial, important and enjoyable for everyone.

Chosen idea: Physical and mental benefits of sport activities

The idea that I have chosen to take in to production is my first idea which is about
the physical and mental benefits of sport activities. The reason I have chosen this
idea is because firstly it relates a lot to the target audience age range because these
are the people that this topic areas benefits the most, secondly this idea is more
viable than the other idea, so in terms of location and contacts, I will have no
problem finding locations to film and people to interview.

Meeting the brief

I think this idea fully meets the brief because I have thought of a documentary
idea/topic that firstly relates to the set target audience group (16-24), meets the BBC
remit, which is to inform, educate and entertain the target audience, I will do this by
informing and educating the audience about the physical and mental benefits of
sport activities and will entertain the audience by including music, footage and
images that relate to the topic. Also the documentary that I produce will be able to be
shown before 9pm, meaning it will be suitable for all ages to watch.

Audience viability

I think this idea is viable in terms of the audience because I have chosen a topic area
that mostly relates to the target audience, who are 16-24 year olds, males and
females. I think the topic of sport appeals to this age range the most because these
are the people who mostly take part in sports and can also benefit the most from this
topic. Also in my focus group for this idea I used people to who are in the target age
range and the feedback that I got from them seemed like they already knew quiet a
lot about the topic of sports, also this showed that they were interested in the topic,
which shows that this topic again relates to the target audience.

Content viability

In terms of the content viability for this idea, I have researched and found out a lot of
information such as facts and figures about why sport activities effect and help you
physically as well as mentally. I can use this information to backup what I am saying
in my documentary.

Technical viability

In terms of technical viability I think for this idea I can easily access location where I
want to film for example school P.E lessons, sport centres and gyms. Also in terms
of the equipment I have access to everything I need such as a camera, tripod and

Limitations of chosen idea

A limitation that this idea might have is that I think it will be difficult for me to visually
show the physical and mental benefits of sport activities.

Another limitation of this idea could be that the content may be offensive to someone
for example if I show a physically or mentally unfit person; it could be seen as
offensive to some people.

Rejected idea: Increase of knife crime

I have rejected my second idea, which is about the increase of knife, the reason I
have rejected this is because this is because I think this idea is not viable in terms of
filming it, for example how will I show the increase of knife crime visually.

Meeting the brief

In terms of meeting the brief for this idea, I have not fully met the BBC remit which is
to inform, educate and entertain the target audience. For this idea I would have
informed and educated the audience about the issue, but have not found a way to
entertain them. Also this documentary that I produce has to be able to be shown
before 9pm and with the idea of knife crime, there may be images that are not
suitable for everyone to view.

Audience viability

In terms of for this idea, the audience from my focus group thought that the topic that
I am showing should be aimed at 14-25, so it does not specifically relate to the set
target audience.
Content viability

This idea is not very strong in terms of content viability this is because I think I would
have a problem contacting experts to give information on this topic/issue and would
also have a problem talking to people about there past experiences, for example
they might not want to talk about there past experience related to knife crime.

Technical viability

In terms of technical viability for this idea I think that it will be easy for me to access
equipment to film with for example camera and tripod. The location of this idea could
be problem for example I would have to go to a area where knife crime is on the
increase, firstly this are could be dangerous to film in and secondly the location might
be to far away to travel to.

Rejected idea: Benefits and importance of swimming

I have rejected my third idea, which is about the benefits and importance of
swimming the reason I have rejected this is because I think is not viable in terms of
filming, for example I will not be able to film in a public swimming pool.

Meeting the brief

I think this idea does not fully meet this brief because I would be informing and
educating people about the benefits and importance of swimming, but it will be
difficult to entertain them as well.

Audience viability

The audience viability for this idea is not very strong either this is because from my
focus group my audience thought that I should aim this issue towards the elderly
because they thought these were the people who would benefit the most from this

Content viability

The content viability for this idea is also a problem with this idea, this is because I
think it will be difficult to find someone who is actually willing to be filmed whilst
swimming, and also most swimming pools that I have contacted do not allow people
to film at public times and at public pools. Also from my content research I did not
find much figures and statistics about the benefits of swimming.

Technical viability

In terms of technical viability for this idea it will be easy for me to access equipment
to film but to find a location such as a swimming pool to swim in will be problem
since most swimming pools do not allow people to film.

In conclusion I have chosen this idea because it fully meets the brief because it will
educate, infirm and entertain the audience about this issue and is viable in terms of
the content because I have found a lot of facts and figures that back up the topic,
audience because the topic relates to the audience and technical viability because I
have easy access to the equipment and locations that I want to use.


The next steps I will take in pre-production will be to story board all the stages of the
documentary, write scripts for this idea, pick out music and sounds that I want to use
in the documentary, choose which locations I am going to use to film in and create
any graphics that I need for this documentary.

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