Field Report Northern Pakistan by Israr Ullah University of Malakand

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Name: Israr ullah

R/no: 0311
Department: Geology
Class: 6th semester
Subject: Geological Field to Gilget Bultistan
I am very thankful of Allah Almighty that we successfully completed our field trip
to northern Pakistan.

I am also very thankful of my teachers that they gave us their precious time
especially sir Imran Ahmad sb and Asad Muhammad sb that we successfully
completed the trip and learn some things from our respected teachers.
We have a field trip to northern Pakistan to study the northern and southern
margins of Indian and Asian plate respectively along with

Kohistan island arc.

We first study northern margin of Indian plate along with different rocks in Indus
suture melange zone, starting from kamila amphibolite and study different
formations and various units in melange zone.

Then we studied kohistan island arc in which we studied jijal complex, Kamila
amphibolites, and kohistan batholiths along with its different stages and chalt
volanics.we also studied some rocks in southern edge of Asian plate.

We saw the areas from which MMT and MKT was passing

We studied Amphibolites, green schist, blue schist, granodiorete, graphitic phyllite,

ortho and Para gneisses as well as gabbronorite and marble.

Northern Pakistan has spectacular mountains caped by some spectacular peaks on

Earth I-e k-2, Nanga parbart, Gasherbrum-1 and Broad peak and also have some
great glacier such as Siachin,,Biofo,Baltora and Hispar.

It contains all type of rocks i-e igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

A brief history is necessary before discussing northern Pakistan.

There was a large super continent called pangea and surrounded by a universal
ocean called panthalesa.The panthalesa was split into two sub continents called
gondwana and laurasia.The ocean between these two sub continents was paleo
Tethys .

Gondwana further split into other continents, one of them was Indian plate which
move to north in anti clock wise sense at an average speed of 15 cm per year and
cover a distance of about 5000 km to Eurasia before they collided in early tertiary.

The Indian plate subduct beneath Eurasian plate and due to which the arc form was
kohistan island arc so we will study the northern edge of Indian plate and southern
margin of Asian plate along with kohistan island arc.
Day 1

Sop 1 kamila amphibolite belt

 Also known as Banded Kamila Amphibolite Belt.

 It is a part of KIA.
 KIA is a product of intro oceanic subduction.
 30 % of KIA is consist of Kamila Amphibolite.
 Here we observe Amphibolite.
 These are Ortho Amphibolite.
 Protolith for these Amphibolite is Baslat.
 Here we also observe Hornblende
 The black color is Hornblende and the
white is Quartz.
Stop 2

Topsin / chamtali village

 Here we observe blue schist.
 Blue schist is very low grade metamorphic rock form under high pressure and low
 This stop (Blue schist) is clear indication of convergent plate boundary.
 Here false gold (Pyrite) present in these rocks.
 Pyrite dissolve in acids while pure gold not dissolve.
 Protolith for these rocks is basalt or pellitic argillicious rocks.
Stop 3
Shangla top

 Here we observe Dunite.

 Dunnite is ultramafic plutonic igneous rock containing 90 % olivine.
 It does not occurs at surface.
 It forms at upper Mantle and oceanic lithosphere.
 Here Dunite is Part of Oceanic Lithosphere obducted along MMT.
 This zone is known as Shangla Mellange zone.
 Discontinuous bodies of Metamorphic, Met sediments , igneous and Meta Igneous
rock is called Mélange Zone.
 Melange zone is associated with suture zone.
 In Subduction Complex it is known as Accretionary Prism.
 Here Serpentine is present of Antigorite variety.
 Fibrous variety is also present where fracture is present.
Stop 4
Alpuri group
 Here Marble are present of Marghuzar Formation Paleozoic Age.
 It is known as super White Marble.
 These are called Meta sediments of Indian Plate.
 Here Dolerite Dyke is present which is basic in composition.
 These Marble have Sugary or Mosaic texture due to recrystallization of grains.
 Bands are present due to impurity in Marble.
 In this Marble muscovite is present which is best insulator that’s why its remain cold.

Stop 5
Billay baba
 Here we observe Granitic Gneisses of Manglawar Formation.
 Also termed as Augen Gneisses.
 These are ortho gneisses.
 These are formed due to mountain building process of Himalayas.
 It is world youngest mountain building because is intense.
 10 highest peaks of the world is in Himalayas that is indication of its youngest nature.
 This Granitic Gneisses are formed due to Pre Orogenic process.
 These are deformed during Orogenic process.
 A Granatic body was intruded in this Formation before Orogenic process.
Commercial name for this rock is Cobra and Tile is formed from these rock
Day 2

Stop 1 (besham group rocks)

 The age of besham group is Paleozoic.

 Besham group is composed of meta sedimentary rocks. And has been intruded by syn
orogenic and post oroginic granitic body.
 Syn orogenic has been metamorphosed into augun gneiss during Himalayas orogeny.
 Post orogenic granitic body of besham group is still unmetamopphosed and is very
famous for diamension stone.
 Unmetamorphosed granite is called Laore granite.and it is leuco type granite.
 Leuco granite is super contain more feldspar,muscovite,quartz and less biotitie.
 Leuco granite is host rock for gold minrelization.
 Biotite rich granite is host rock for uranium we also observe graphitic
shist .
 Graphitic schist are form when black shale metamorphosed under medium grade
 We also see quartzite which is white colour.
 Quartzite are form from meatamorphism of quartzo sand stone.
 In besham we also see granitic gneiss.
 And we also observe pegmatite which consist of feldspar ,quartz and hornblend.
 Tectonically we are in apex of indian plate.
Stop 2 (chilas road besham)
 In stop 2 we see part of leuco granite and leuco granite is part of besham group.
 This granit is super white.
 In this leuco granit biotite amount is very less.
 Allignmet present in this granite .This is metamorphosed.
 The main body of this granite is present in Laore which is unmetamorphosed.
Stop 3
 On stop 3 we observe dubair granodiorite.
 Grano diorite is intermideate plutonic igneous rock and the texture of this rock is exactly
similar is that of granite therefore it is called granodiorite.
 The xenolith in sloid form is embedded in th magma of granodiorite.
 Due to high Temperature the contact metamorphism and side backing of this xenolith is
 Hornfels are formed due to contact metamorphism.
 This is metamorphosed and alignment is present so it is syn orogenic or pre orogenic.
stop 4
 on stop 4 we see fold.
 Fold are form here due to more streses.
 This is high deformed zone.
 Here we also see the boundry between KIA and indian plate.
Stop 5 (jijal complex)
 It marks a suture zone between indian plate and KIA.
 This complex is part of obducted oceanic lithosphere..
 Also term is ophioilites.
 This complex is comprised of ultramafic rocks including
 dunites,periodotites,pyroxinites,hornblendite and serpentin

Stop 6
 On stop 6 we observe pyroxinite.
 Pyroxinite is plutonic igneous rocks composed of more than 90% pyroxene.
 Pyroxene may be ortho pyroxene or clino pyroxene.
 Green colour of this rock is due to pyroxene (ortho and clino pyroxene).
Stop 7
 On this stop we see hornblrndite.
 It is part of jijal complex.
Stop 8

 It is part of Southern kamila amphibolite belt.

 Protolith for this amphibolite is basalt.
 Here we also see pyroxene granulites.
 Pyroxene granulite is formed from metamorphism of gneiss.
 Granulite is very high grade metamorphic rock.
 After granulite eclogite is formed and after eclogite megmatite is formed.
 These are associated with beniof zone.
 Here we also observe almandine garnet which has pink colour
 Garnet is pure metamorphic mineral.
 From microscopic study of garnet we know the direction of tectonic stresses.
Stop 9.
 In this stop we see S type and Z type folds.
 S type and Z type folds are the indication of shear zone.
 Here is small sher zone called patan shear zone.
 This shear zone is present in rock unit of kamila amphibolite.
 The composition of amphibolite is calcic plagioclase,pyroxene,silica and amphibole.

Day 3
Stop 1

 Chillas town.
 Here we observe Gabbro norite.
 It is composed of amphibole group minerals mostly horn blend, calcic paligeoclse ,
orthopyroxene, biotite and silica.
 This complex has been intruded in kamila amphibolite belt.
 This complex is younger then kamila amphibolite belt.
 This complex is considered to be pre-orogenic batholith.
 Chillas complex is rooted.
 In stop 2 we observed here Rahikoot fault, the recent deposition of Indus River.
 Here tilted (incline) recent deposits.
 This is the best indication of active fault.
 Teltation occurs due to tectonic activity.

Stop 3
Part of Bisham group

1) Here we also observe part of rahi kot fault.

2) In rahi kot fault the loose materials are present which is known as Mylonite.
Stop 4

3) In this stop we observed Gneiss which is the part of besham group rocks.
4) This type of gneiss which is also present in the kamela amphibolite belt.
Stop 5
Kohistan batholith
 In kohistan batholiths have a three phases of intrusion which are given below.
1) Pre –orogenic
2) Syn-orogenic
3) Post-orogenic
 Pre orogenic: it is before orogenic process.
 Syn orogenic is during orogenic process.
 Post orogenic is after orogenic process.
 These all three stages we observe here.

Stop 6
Chalt volcanoes.

 In this stop we observe three types of volcanoes which are given below.
 1 Rhyolite
 2 basalt
 3 Andesite
 It is also known as Meta volcanoes.
 The andesite has greenish color while the basalt have black color.
 This stop is last point of KIA.
Stop 7
Pillow Basalt
 We observe here pillow basalt
 Pillow basalt form at the top of columnar basalt iv oceanic crust (opheolites).
 This basalt is metamorphosed.
 When eruption occurs in basalt the sudden cooling occurs fractures originate ,marine
water heat up convert basalt to spilite.
 The density of spillite is greater than basalt.
Stop 8

Ultramafic group rocks

 We observe here ultramafic ultramafic group rocks.

 We observe ultramafic rock in the suture zone along the Jijal Complex.
 Suture zone is between KIA and Eurasian plate,
 Here it shows MKT.
 It is associated melang zone along MKT is rakaposh melang.
 It is also known as convergent plate boundary..
 MKT is convergence of Pilotethyen Ocean and Eurasian plate.
Stop 1
Hunza marble
 Here we observe marble.
 It is the product of metamorphosed lime stone of southern continental shelf of Eurasian
 Hunza marble is very all famous all over the word for a gem variety (Robby).

Stop 2

Passu slates

 Here we observe the passu slates.

 Slates are formed from the metamorphism of shale.
 Very low grade of metamorphism of basalt is result into spotted slates.
 It is Meta sedimentary rocks.
 Small red spot of pyrite are also found here.
 The granitic boulder is also present here.

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