The Collins Writing Program

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(at a glance)
Type 1 Writing
 Has a Quota (minimum amount of writing) & Time limit (usually 3-10 minutes)
 Graded for completion only, w/a √ (assignment completed) or a – (assignment not
 No right answer
 Grammar is NOT assessed!
 Common Uses: Journal entries, brainstorming

Type 2 Writing
 Used to assemble information & demonstrate knowledge
 Question/prompt has a definite answer – there is a right and wrong answer here (unlike
Type I)
 Grammar is NOT assessed!
 Use a point system (not FCAs) to evaluate (determined by teacher)
 Common Uses: Exit Slip, Quiz, Short Answer test question

Type 3 Writing
Has substantive content
Meets up to three specific standards called FCAs (Focus Correction Areas; acts as a rubric)
 FCAs clearly define what students need to be successful; values/%s set by teacher
 FCAs should be listed at top of paper for easy reference (often copied down by cadet)
 Mix FCAs for content, organizations, style, grammar etc. (must ONLY grade on these!)
Must be READ ALOUD by author! Questions the author asks self while reading aloud:
 1. Did I complete the assignment?
 2. Does the composition sound right? Is it easy to read?
 3. Do I have problems with the focus correction areas?
Must be Reviewed to see if draft meets the criteria
**Must write on every OTHER line (or double-spaced if typed)**
Must be Revised and edited after read aloud
Common Uses: Essays & Short Research Papers

Type 4 Writing
Simply Type 3 writing that has been:
read out loud and critiqued by another (peer review) and is evaluated based on FCAs
**This should be used most often and is most effective in helping students develop writing skills
Follow steps for Type Three Writing
Swap papers and listen to paper being read aloud
Type 5 Writing
Highest expectations; Grows out of Type Three and Type Four writing
Publishable work with no errors
Four drafts (Considered a major project )

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