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1. To understand the behavior of a SISO system (such as Maglev.)

2. To design a PD controller and a PID controller to ball position commands to the Maglev.
3. To explain how PD and PID designs are going to affect overall dynamics.
4. To understand the real-time application of control laws in a SISO environment.

 To understand the dynamic properties of the system.

 Obtain response plots from the nonlinear simulation.

 To obtain a model to describe the relations between the control voltage and the ball position.

 Obtain a root locus plot with a PD controller closing the loop around the ball position response
and record performance parameters for different PD values.

 Obtain a root locus plot with a PID controller closing the loop around the ball position response
and record performance parameters for different PID values.

1. Maglev mechanical unit 2. Maglev Control system

The Maglev Control System Consist of;

 Analog to Digital control unit
 Magnetic levitation system and remote power control box.
 Control system interfacing circuit

The mechanical-electrical units play an important role in maglev control. They allow measured
signals to be transferred to the PC via an I/O card. The Analogue Control interface is used to transfer
signals from the PC to maglev and back. The mechanical and electrical units provide a complete
control system setup presented in Maglev mechanical unit

The control goal of the system given in Figure 1 is the steel body levitation by means of the
electromagnetic field counteracting the force of gravity. The applied control is voltage, which is
converted into the current via a driver embedded within the unit. The current passes through an
electromagnet, which creates the corresponding magnetic field in its vicinity. The sphere is placed
along the vertical axis of the electromagnet. The measured position is determined from an array of
infrared transmitters and detectors, positioned in such a way that the infrared beam is intersected by
the sphere. The infrared photo sensor is assumed to be linear in the required range of operation. To
avoid the problem of phase compensation due to the high inductance of the electromagnet, the
drive to the electromagnet is current. Namely, the control voltage is linearly converted into the
current by the internal circuit within the Maglev system.

Figure 01 - Photograph of stable levitation of two metal spheres

In this experiment the suspended body is a 25mm hollow steel ball. The Maglev is a SISO Plant -
single input signal output. Position is the model output and voltage is the control signal.

Functional equations

In the nonlinear model Using the fundamental principle of dynamics, the behavior of the ferromagnetic
ball is given by the following electromechanical equation

𝒎. 𝒙̈ = 𝒎𝒈 − 𝒌 𝟐

m = mass of the levitated ball

g = denotes gravity
i = current across the electromagnet
k = constant, related to the mutual induction of the ball and coupling coefficient

The voltage v will constitute the control variable output from the controller
To avoid the problem of phase compensation due to the high point and u = Offset Bias. Inductance of
the electromagnet, the active drive to the electromagnet is current driven. Internal circuity within the
MAGLEV converts the control voltage to a current with a linear relation.
Both position regulation and tracking controllers are included in the curriculum

Position Regulation PD Controller

A metal sphere is regulated to a constant desired position utilization a standard proportional
derivative (PD) controller of the form:

Where the position of the metal sphere, denoted by q(t) is below the equilibrium point and u = Offset
The proportional Gain (Kp), the Derivative Gain (Kv), the Gravity Bias and Offset Bias can be
modified in real time by entering new values into the Simulink model.

The desired position for the metal sphere may also be set in real time.

- At the beginning, the response of the magnetic levitation model has set up.
- The test was run with the input value.
- The output signals were identified and its sing convention.

1. Maglev nonlinear step response

 This is a nonlinear system with single input & single output. Input is a voltage & output is a
ball position. This input creates an electromagnetic field & output is measured by IR receiver.

 When the step value is 1, it indicates the minus value because of the ball goes the up and stick
to the coil.

 So that we can say that system is unstable.


- The model called MaglevIdent.mld has taken using the identification experiment. (This model
controls the ball levitation and adds an extra excitation signal to the controller output).

- The model was run in Simulink.

- In the work place has typed ‘ident’ and performs the identification.

- The model structure was specified to be for example oe331 available to the workplace.

- The maglev transfer function 𝑇(𝑧 −1 ) was extracting used the following matlab codes to written
a.m file to transform the model into the continuous from (use maglev.m file)

sysd = filet (oe331.b,oe331.f ,0.001);

sysc = d2c (sysd,‘zoh’);
- The following cordings were used to perform the transformation from 𝑇(𝑠)𝑡𝑜𝐺(𝑠)
PID = tf ([0.1,0.2],[1,0])
G_Cont = sysc/(1-PID*sysc)
- The open loop poles were determined by obtaining a root locus plots.

01. Maglev ident System identification
2. Maglev ident continuous root locus

3. Maglev ident response

 Considering magnetic levitation identification, the continuous model visualizes some stability
parameters in the root locus plot. The root locus has 2 poles. Those are located in the left hand
side of the graph. One another pole is near to the origin point.

 So the system identification shows stability in the output. Considering the response and
visualize the stability after the initial transient response.

 The response curve at the begging some oscillate and then come to the steady state

- The maglev rot locus was opened.

- The PD controllers in the workspace were defined and import that in to the root locus as the

- Different PID values, such as (P=4, D=0.2), (P=8, D=0.2), (P=4, D=3) were tried.
(Here the damping ratio should have within the 0.7 and 0.8, and the frequency should have be
reasonably low from oscillatory poles. (Use MagLev.m file))

- Changed each parameter and the closed loop damping was observed (observed how it will
influence in overall dynamics of the system)

- By the pen loop system bode plots and the PD controllers were obtained.

- The controller into workspace was imported and test it on the model by means of the maglev
with Maglev_PD_Model.mld.
1. Maglev PD ( 4 , 0.2 ) Root locus
2. Maglev PD ( 4 , 0.2 ) bode plot

3. Maglev PD ( 8 , 0.2 ) root locus

4. Maglev PD ( 8 , 0.2 ) bode plots

5. Maglev PD ( 4 , 3 ) root locus

6. Maglev PD ( 4 , 3 ) bode plots

 First Considering maglev PD values of (4, 0.2) and (8, 0.2), both has similar D value. But it
different form the P value. Comparing both bode plots we can say those have some stability

 When considering root locus of (4,0.2), it has only poles, located at the left half of the root
locus plot.

 The root locus of PD (8, 0.2) value has poles in left hand side of the plane. Then it is the
stability. It has Constant undamped natural frequency

 Comparing PD value of (4,0.2) and (8,0.2) response shows stable characteristics.

 When comparing PD values of (4, 0.2) and (4, 3), its D value has changed only but p values are
same in both & (4, 0.2) plot show stable characteristic.

 PD (4,3), it shows some stable characteristics. In (4, 3) root locus has poles. All poles are
situated in the left hand side of that plane, so that we can say system is stable.

- The sinusoidal or rectangular input signal frequency was changed and observed the response of
the system.
- The controller P and D values were changed and observed the input signal was tracked by the
system output.
- Changed the step response properties with different P and D values were observed.

1. Magnetic level PD ( 4 , 0.2 )

Sinusoidal input signal Rectangular input signal

Step Response
2. Maglev PD ( 8 , 0.2 )

Sinusoidal input signal Rectangular input signal

Step Response

3. Maglev PD ( 4 , 3 )

Sinusoidal input signal Rectangular input signal

Step Response

 When comparing real time control signals for values (4,0.2) and (8,0.2), we can see noisy and
variations with the desired ball this position the ball is not in stable. At that time of
applied (4,0.2) value, this may occur some steady state error because that control signal is very
less and its actual response has a slightly high value.

 According to above plots, the actual response of values (4,3) and (8,0.2) it became steady after
few seconds. But we can see actual response go to parallel to its desired this system
is not stable.

 We took the response for different P, D values and we couldn’t take the great response for
sinusoidal input at second and third times, because we have done this experiment for a long
time then the magnet became nearly permanent after time by time.

 we couldn’t take the great response. Then we change frequency to 0.2. then we could take
some great responses.

- The maglev unit was tested by the PID controller. (Used the Maglev_PID.mld).
- The error integration was turned on after 15 second in this exercise.
- Each parameter of the PID controller was changed and observed the change in responses.


1. Magnetic levitaion PD ( 4 , 0.2 )

Sinusoidal Input signal Rectangular Input signal

Step Response
2. Magnetic levitaion PD ( 8, 0.2 )

Sinusoidal Input signal Rectangular Input signal

Step Response

3. Magnetic levitaion PD ( 4 , 3 )

Step Response Rectangular Input signal

4. Magnetic levitaion after the error intigration is turned on

Sinusoidal Input signal

Step Response
 Comparing 4,0.2 and 4,3 values, that two value only change in the D value. So with that the
responses of them initially bit of noisy looks in the less D value. Adding the bit higher value for
D, response shows the less settling time than the other. After 15 sec adding the I value desired
ball position is attained. Desired ball position closed to the zero position.

 when comparing PD value (8, 6) and (4, 6), the I and D values are same.1st P value is greater than
other. At that time there would be a great overshoot and the rise time would be a very small that case we saw the ball was stick in the coil. The system became unstable when the I
value is increment

 In PID (8, 0.2) the system would stay at the stable position. The ball was not fall.

 In this exercise also, we couldn’t take some response for some input like sinusoidal and square.

This classic magnetic levitation control problem is now presented in a new and
innovative form. A hollow steel sphere is suspended in space with visually appealing results and
convenient time constants. Both analogue & digital control solutions are implemented. Convenient
sockets on the enclosure panel allow for quick changes of analogue controller gain and compensation
The equipment is self-contained in analogue mode, with built-in power supply. In the digital mode the
system operates within a MATLAB environment which allows the system parameters to be determined
and the system to be modelled. Once the digital controller parameters have been determined, the
controller can be used to run the hardware and the actual control performance can be seen and analyzed
 The classic magnetic levitation control experiment is presented in a new and effective form. The
suspended body is a steel sphere of 25mm diameter.

 This result in a visually appealing system with convenient time constants, Both Analog and Digital
control solutions are implemented. Convenient sockets on the enclosure panel allow for quick
changes of analogue controller gain and compensation components.

 The equipment is self-contained in the analogue mode, with inbuilt power supply. The position of
the sphere may be adjusted using the set-point control and the stability may be varied using the
gain control.

 The bandwidth of lead compensation may be changed and the stability and response time
investigated, user-defined analogue controllers may be tested.

 The magnetic levitation system consists of an enclosed magnet system, sensors and drivers, with a
computer interface card, a signal condition unit.

Figure 01 – The maglev experimantal madel block diagram

 Everytime in the system, ball was in keep falling in the initial time. It happens with the various
input control signals. This model has nonlinear characteristics in the beginning and it hasn’t a
feedback for check when the error occurred. Because of these things ball can’t be controlled in
desired position. So the open loop models behave and shows unstable characteristics.

 In sinusoidal and rectangular wave input comparing responses and studing real time response,
requency below the 1 received the effective responses. 0.01 is the better frequency value that
entered and perform the best stable response with wave forms.

 In simulation results shows the oscillations in the desired position, but in the real time just 2 of
the PD values can hold the ball. Simulation results shows slightly closer stable values but the
much closer value for the desired position is the stable one. That thing proved when the real time

We apply root locus plot and bode plot to show the system is stable or not. the discrete model change
to continues then it run real time and consider the system response. The root locus was applying to
find damping ratio.

Using the bode plots can check the amplitude, the phase lag or lead, the response has over shoot,
positive or negative gain margin and frequency of the system.

Root locus used for the predict stability of the system and get the damping values for check the
system how damped. And its also shows the collocated flexibilty characteristics.

We use root locus plot and bode plots to show the system is stable or not. the discrete model change
to continues then it run real time and consider the system response.

In a root locus plot; Constant damping ratio shows by the radial lines, Constant Rate of decay shows
by the vertical lines, Constant damping frequency shows by the horizontal lines and Constant
undamped natural frequency show cyircles

In the bode plots when the gain cross over frequency is less than the phase cross over frequency the
system is stable.and when the phase cross over frequency is less than the gain cross over frequency
the system is unstable.

The transient response of a closed-loop system is completely determined by the location in the s-
plane of the closed-loop system poles and zeros
The PID controllers are the most reliable controllers used in the general industrial applications.
It has such an effect when increasing each of the controller values of P, I and D we can identify the
change of the system behavior as follows PID controller is a device which we used in close loop control
system. We adding the various PID values can get good output

 Increasing P value to the system it increases the overshoot and also it decreases the rise time
and the steady state error.
 Increasing I value to the system it increases the overshoot and the settling time but it decreases
the rise time and fully eliminate the steady state error.
 Increasing D value to the system it decreases the overshoot and the settling time


- Magnetic levitation is use for;

maglev train, magnetic bearings and for product display purpose.

- Magnetic bearings are used in turbine due to low friction in the bearing itself. And in other
rotating machine also using the system

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