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1. It would be very interesting to conduct another study within the

same area of research, with the incorporation of more industries
and the more departments, which will give more integrated result
to the topic and better utility to the consultants and management.

2. The study focuses on the technical and administrative supervisory

level employees from three organisations. While, it could be of
interest to conduct a study on more areas of work and including
the lower level employees and senior level employees which gives
more comprehensive understanding and over view of the
difference in the weak and strong organisational culture practices
in different organizations.

3. Since the organisation culture is pervasive to different

departments, and even different organisations related topics like,
organisational socialization, organisational commitment, dual
commitment, organisational climate, organisational stress,
organisational efficiency, organisational reward system,
organisational communication system, organisational citizenship
behaviour, mergers and acquisitions, global changes, role of trade
unions, trust, etc, would therefore be interesting to study.

4. Here the study concentrates only the Kerala industrial culture

scenario. While a comparative study of other states and Kerala
industrial labour force on organisational culture would be an
interesting study to analyse the regional variations in multi-
linguistic and multi cultural, diversified country like India. It will be
an interesting piece of information for the Human Resource
Department in their Recruitment and Selection process.

5. A study incorporating many socio-demographic and bio-socio

variables is will be interesting to find out the impact of
organisational culture on occupational health, industrial safety and
hygiene etc.

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