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Pearson BTEC level 5 Higher National Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Assessor’s Name Dr. Mohammed Saber Sokar Internal Verifier Eng. Ahmed Swidan
Learning Outcome(s) Unit Electro Pneumatic and Hydraulic
1 and 2 29 Unit title :
Number Number Systems
1 Assignment Title: Basics of Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems

Assignment Type Sub. ( √ ) Re-Sub. ( ) Retake ( ) Repeat ( )

Which criteria has the assessor Inaccurate
awarded? IV Agree?
Student’s name Decisions/
Pass Merit Distinction Grades
1 Youssef Ahmed All All - Yes
2 Abdallah Mostafa Sayed All All All Yes
3 Nadia Saeed All All - Yes
4 Mohammed Khaled All All - Yes
Do the criteria awarded match those targeted by the
assignment brief? Y
Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded
justified by the assessor’s comments on the student Y
Has the work been assessed accurately? Y

Is the feedback to the learner:

● Link to relevant assessment criteria Y
● Justify each assessment criterion awarded
● Provide appropriate guidance to the learner without
giving specific actions for improvement
In case of : after resubmissions
( end of assessment) only: -
Is the feedback to the learner:
• Identifying opportunities for improved
• Agreeing actions?
Has every learner and the Assessor confirmed the
authenticity of the evidence? Y

Is there evidence of collusion or plagiarism? N

Does the grading decision need amending? N

Action Required:

No Action

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader / HoD
signature (if required)
AITEC - QA 2017
Internal Verification of Assignment Decision. V.1
General comment or recommendations ( If Appropriate ):
Not need works or changes on students’ works:

Essential Action Required

Any actions required must be reviewed across the whole cohort.

Target Date for

Action Required

Confirm action completed

Any actions required must be reviewed across the whole cohort.

I confirm that the assessment decisions are accurate, there is no evidence of

assessment malpractice and any action points have been addressed and
completed in respect of the whole cohort.

Internal Verifier signature Date

Assessor signature Date

Programme Leader / HoD signature

(if required)

AITEC - QA 2017
Internal Verification of Assignment Decision. V.1

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