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Nowadays, it is well known that animals play an important role in the lives of people, being more

specific in the food chain but this has been affected due to the fact the existence of some is
endangered for several reasons.

According to a report by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, about 40% of
the species are threatened with extinction, such as the blue while or the giant panda to name
but a few. Besides, it should be noted the report is not recently therefore the percentage must
have increased.

In addition to this, many of the endangered species are essential for another species survival
which allows there are a balance with other living beings and that is why we must protect them.

However, the support of little groups of people are not enough because the matter is much
bigger that is why is needs laws approved by the government so that the desired objective is

To sum up all this matter is related to us and the support of government is necessary to avoid
that the animals continue under threat

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