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Republic of the Philippines

Caraga Administrative Region
Bislig City


DIRECTION: Read and analyze carefully. 6. It is not a stable measure of variability

Encircle the letter of the correct answer. because its value easily fluctuates
greatly with a change in just a single
1. It is used to describe a set of data
highest or lowest value.
where the measures cluster or
A. Mean
concentrate at a point.
B. median
A. Mean
C. Mode
B. median
D. Range
C. mode
7. Which measure of variability is
D. range
considered most reliable?
2. Which measure of central tendency is
A. Average Deviation
greatly affected by extreme scores?
B. Range
C. Standard Deviation
B. Median
D. Variance
C. Mode
8. If the range of a set of scores is 14
D. Standard Deviation
and the lowest score is 7, what is the
3. Which measure of central tendency is
highest score?
generally used in determining the size
A. 7
of most saleable shoes in a
B. 14
department store?
C. 21
A. Mean
D. 24
B. Median
9. If the range of a set of scores is 5 and the
C. Mode
Highest score is 18, what is the lowest
D. Range
4. For the set of data consisting of 8, 8,
a. 23 b. 13
9, 10, 10, which statement is true?
c. 12 d. 11
A. Mean= Mode
B. Mean= Median
10. In the set of scores 65, 88, 77, 90, 83,
C. Median = Mode
and 62, which of the following gives the
D. Mean < Median
range of the given scores?
5. Show the process of finding the median of
a. 28 b. 25
the following scores:
c. 26 d. 23
5, 3, 4, 8, 8, 5, 7, 9, 6, 10
11. It refers to the table where all
classes and their frequencies are
A. Table of Values
B. Table of Distribution
C. Frequency Distribution
D. Distribution Table
12. It refers to the number of pieces of A. Range of grouped data
data that fall into a particular class. B. Mean Deviation of grouped data
A. Distribution C. Variance of grouped data
B. Frequency D. Standard Deviation of grouped
C..Frequency distribution data
D. Relative frequency 18. How do you get the range of grouped
For items 13-15: Refer to the table below A. Get the difference of the highest
score and the lowest score
SUMMATIVE TEST SCORES OF G8 STUDENTS IN B. Get the difference of the upper limit
MATHEMATICS and the lower limit of the class with
SCORE FREQUENCY highest frequency.
41-45 1 C. Get the difference of the upper class
boundary of the highest interval and
36-40 8
the lower class boundary of the
31-35 8
lowest interval.
26-30 14
D. Get the difference of the upper class
21-25 7 boundary of the highest interval and
16-20 2 the upper class boundary of the
lowest interval.
13. How many students took the test?
A. 40 19. The standard deviation of the scores 5, 4,
B. 45 3, 6, and 2 is?
C. 50 A. 2
D.. 55 B. 2.5
14. How many students got scores 25 C. 3
and below? D. 3.5
A. 1
B. 2 20. Given the set of data, the smaller the
C. 7 range, the smaller the standard
D. 9 deviation,
15. Which statement is correct about the A. the less spread is the distribution
table above? B. the great spread is the distribution
A. The modal class is 26-30 because it C. the less fluctuates the distribution
has the highest frequency. D. the great fluctuates the distribution
B. The median score is 28 since
the 26-30 is the median class 21. When two groups of data are
C. The class size is 4. compared, the group having a smaller
D. There are 14 students passed standard deviation means
the test. A. varied greatly
16. It is the difference between the B. less varied
upper class boundary of the top C. clustered to each other
interval and the lower class D. fluctuates easily
boundary of the bottom interval?
A.Range of ungrouped data 22. Find the variance in the set of data: 95,
B. Variance of ungrouped data 94, 93, 96, and 92.
C. Range of grouped data A. 1
D. Variance of grouped data B. 2
C. 3
17. It represents an average variability of the D. 4
distribution which makes it the best
indicator of the degree of dispersion.
23. Which set of numbers shows lesser 31. A number cube is rolled. Is the chance
variability? of rolling a number that is not 3 is 5 out
A. 20, 70, 90 of six?
B. 30, 70, 80 A. Yes
C. 10, 70, 90 B. No
D. 20, 70, 80 C. Maybe
D. Cannot be determined
For items 24-26: Complete the frequency 32. In a family of three children, what is the
distribution table below. probability that the middle child is a boy?
(f) MARK D. ½
(X) 33. All the possible outcomes that can occur
31-35 1 ____(25) 30.5 30 when a coin is tossed twice are listed in
26-30 2 28 25.5 29 the box below:
21-25 7 23 20.5 27
16-20 12 18 15.5 20
11-15 5 13 10.5 ____(26) HH TH
6-10 3 8 5.5 3
27. It is a measure or estimation of how likely What is the probability of having a
it is that an event will occur. head?
A. Probability A. ¼
B. Statistics B. ½
C. Interpretation C. ¾
D. Experimentation D. 1
34. Arlene Joy got coins from her pocket
28. Activities such as tossing or flipping a which accidentally rolled on the floor. If
coin or picking a card from a standard there were 8 possible outcomes, how
deck of cards without looking which many coins fell on the floor?
could be repeated over and over again A. 3
and which have well-defined results B. 4
are called C. 8
A. Events D. 16
B. Experiments 35. Mrs. Castro asked her students to do an
C. Outcomes activity. Afterwards, her students noticed
D. Sample space that the experimental probability of
29. Suppose you toss two fair coins once, getting tails is 48%, while the
how many possible outcomes are there? mathematical/theoretical probability is
A. 1 50%. Being an attentive student, how
B. 2 would you explain this to your
C. 4 classmates?
D. 8 A. The experimental probability is
30. The local weather forecaster said that wrong.
there is a 20% chance of rain tomorrow. B. We should always rely on the
What is the probability that it will not rain mathematical/ theoretical probability.
tomorrow? C. It is normal for experimental
A. 0.2 probabilities to vary from the
B. 0.8 theoretical probabilities but for a
C. 20 large number of trials, the two will be
D. 80 very close.
D. It is not normal for the experimental A. There are 5 green marbles in the
probabilities to differ from the glass jar.
theoretical probabilities because the B. There are more green marbles than
results must be the same. the others.
36. You tossed a five-peso coin five times C. There are 8 green marbles in the
and you got heads each time. You tossed glass jar.
again and still a head turned up. Do you D. There is only one green marble in
think the coin is biased? Why? the glass jar.
A. I think the 5 peso coin is biased it
favored the heads. 39. In a restaurant, you have a dinner choice
B. I think the coin is biased because it is of one main dish, one vegetable, and one
expected to turn up tail for the next drink. The choices for the main dish are
experiments. pork and chicken meat. The vegetable
C. I think the coin is not biased because choices are broccoli and cabbage. The
both faces of the coin have equal drink choices are juice and water. How
chances of turning up. many choices are possible?
D. I think the coin is not biased because A. 8
the probability of turning heads up is B. 10
¾ while that of tails is only ¼. C. 12
D. 14
37. Your best friend asked you to accompany
him to a carnival play games of chances. 40. You decided to order a pizza but you
According to him, his horoscope states have to choose the type of crust and the
that he is lucky that day and wants to try toppings. If there are only 6 possible
his luck at the carnival. How will you combinations of ordering a pizza, from which
convinced him not to go to the carnival? of the following should you choose?

A. I will ask him to review very well his A. Crust: Thin or Deep Dish
notes on probability so that he can Topping: Cheese or Pepperoni
apply them to a real-life situation like B. Crust: Thin or Deep Dish
this. Topping: Cheese , Bacon or
B. I will tell him that what is written in Pepperoni
the horoscope is sometimes true and C. Crust: Thin or Deep Dish
sometimes false so he would rather Topping: Cheese , Bacon, Sausage
not go to the carnival. or Pepperoni
C. I will give him instances wherein he D. Crust: Thin or Deep Dish
could see the real picture of having a Topping: Cheese , Bacon, Sausage
very little chance of winning so that Pepperoni, or Hotdog
he will not be wasting his money and
D. I will convince him not to go to the
carnival this time because we have 1. A 11. C 21. B 31. A
to finish first our project in 2. A 12. B 22. B 32. C
Probability. Anyway, there will be 3. C 13. A 23. B 33. C
other time to go and enjoy all the 4. B 14. D 24. 30 34. A
games there. 5. Md= 6.5 15. A 25. 33 35. C
6. D 16. C 26. 8 36. C
7. C 17. B 27. A 37. C
38. A glass jar contains 40 red, green, blue
8. C 18. C 28. B 38. A
and yellow marbles. The probability of 9. B 19. A 29. C 39. A
drawing a single green marble at random 10.A 20. A 30. B 40. B
is 1/5. What does this mean?

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