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“The way we spend our time defines who

we are.”

Jonathan Estrin
Spend hours a day
This research is been made with the purpose to show information
about how employed persons spend your time a day from Monday to
Friday. In the following paragraphs we will detail the answers of many
people who were interviewed.
We start this research doing a survey to employed persons at
Cayetano Heredia University. The first question was how many hours they
usually sleep and the most of the answers were between five to six hours
a day. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and Sleep
Research Society (SRS) recommend that adult people should between
seven to nine hours per night to promote optimal health. Sleeping less or
more of that range increase health risk.
Then we continue with the application form and we determinate that
from Monday to Friday almost all persons spend only fifteen minuts for
personal grooming and only 30min for eating (breakfast and lunch). The
ringht during for eating is necessary for good digestion, avoid stomach
diseases like gastritis, and avoid the weight gain. Different research
recommended thirty minuts only for lunch.
Their usually commute was approximately forty five minuts and almost all
persons work all week, by eight hours a day and that is the activity which
spends more time. Although they work a lot they use social networking
sites every day.
Regard to leisure and relax time they said that only have approximately
four hours but only at the weekend and the principal activity was go out
with their friends. In the leisure time almost all said that spend two hours.
At the weekend they only spend one hour in household activities and a
short time with their families (les than one hour).

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