Tectonic-Morphometry 2

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(Case Study in Bumiayu Area, Central Java)

Febri Hirnawan*), 2009


The deformed Tertiary rocks and unconformably overlying Quaternary volcanic deposits
as product of Slamet volcano determine the development of morphometry of Pemali river
basin in SubDistrict of Bumiayu, Central Java and the vicinity. In this researched area
the morphometry developing in the area of distribution of these rocks units is studied as
tectonic morphometry, in terms of the effect of neotectonism on it, which caused damage
of infrastructure.

Results of regression-correlation tests between azimuths of river segments and

lineaments in both rock units of the different age mentioned earlier are significant
exhibiting large values of correlation coefficients r1 = 0.999 and r2 = 0.998 respectively,
which strongly suggest the tectonic control in the morphometry development process.

Again, tests of difference between two means of these variables and also bifurcation
ratio (Rb) and drainage density (Dd ) from two river basins developing in the respective
rock units are not significantly difference. The result suggests that the drainage basin
development is not affected by kinds of rocks but merely by the deformation pattern.
This phenomenon indicates the active recent tectonic movement generating similar joint
patterns in both Tertiary Halang and Kumbang Formations to that in the overlying
Quaternary volcanic deposits, which continuously intersecting the unconformity between
the rock units to the surface.

Key words : tectonic morphometry, neotectonic activity, drainage network, river basin,
drainage density, bifurcation ratio


Batuan Tersier dan endapan volkanik Kuarter yang tidak selaras di atasnya sebagai
produk Gunung Slamet, yang terdeformasi, menentukan perkembangan morfometri
Daerah Aliran Sungai Pemali di Kecamatan Bumiayu, Jawa Tengah dan sekitarnya. Di
wilayah riset ini morfometri di daerah penyebaran kedua satuan batuan itu dipelajari
sebagai gejala morfometri tektonik dalam artian pengaruh neotektonisme, yang
mengakibatkan kerusakan infrastruktur.

*) Prof. Dr. Febri Hirnawan, Post Graduate Program of Geosciences, Faculty of Geological
Sciences and Engineering, University of Padjadjaran, Jatinangor 45363

Corresponding author : fhirnawan@bdg.centrin.net.id,

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Hasil-hasil uji regresi-korelasi antara azimuth segmen sungai dan kelurusan di kedua
satuan batuan yang berlainan usia tersebut adalah signifikan, yang menunjukkan nilai-
nilai tinggi dari koefisien korelasi masing-masing r1 = 0.999 dan r2 = 0.998, yang
memberikan kesimpulan kuat bahwa tektonik sangat berperan dalam mengontrol proses
perkembangan morfometri.

Selanjutnya, uji beda rata-rata terhadap kedua variabel itu dan juga terhadap nisbah
percabangan sungai (Rb) dan kerapatan pengaliran (Dd) dari dua DAS yang berkembang
pada masing-masing satuan batuan tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Hasil uji ini
memberikan kesimpulan bahwa perkembangan DAS tidak dipengaruhi oleh jenis batuan
tetapi lebih oleh pengaruh pola deformasi. Fenomena ini menunjukkan bahwa tektonik
masa kini aktif sehingga menghasilkan pola-pola kekar yang sama pada Formasi Halang
dan Formasi Kumbang, dengan pada endapan volkanik Kuarter, yang secara menerus
deformasi itu telah memotong bidang ketidakselarasan antara kedua formasi dan
endapan Kuarter tersebut.

Kata kunci: morfometri tektonik, aktivitas neotectonik, pola pengaliran, daerah aliran sungai,
kerapatan pengaliran, nisbah percanbangan sungai.

INTRODUCTION As has been already well known,

statistical analyses used by many
Material used for writing this authors for geomorphological approach
paper is the result of research about before 1960s (Doornkamp, 1986), and
responses of drainage basin the present author has already used
development of Pemali River to density these analyses for measuring the effects
and configuration of deformation pattern of either reverse or strike slip fault on
due to recent tectonic activity in joint configuration patterns and bedding
Bumiayu Area, Central Java (Hirnawan, plane mean orientation values
et al, 2007). This phenomenon is similar developing in the rock block separated
to that for both Cijolang and Cimuntur by these faults in 1987 (Hirnawan,
River Basins morphometry in eastern 1987). Geomorphological approach of
West Java, which is determined by drainage basin developments in
recent tectonic activity being manifested eastern West Java mentioned earlier
by the active Citanduy and Baribis Fault had been successfully conducted using
Zones (Hirnawan, 1997). Methodology statistics to verify the similar
used in these researches is the deformation pattern and density of joints
verification of hypotheses regarding both in Quaternary and that in Tertiary
river basin developments as the effects rock deposits as a measure of “how far”
of neotectonic activity, also known as is the effect of neotectonic intensity on
neotectonism or recent tectonism, by tectonic morphometry (Hirnawan, 1997),
using statistics. Tectonism or instead of usual approach of descriptive
diastrophism is a general term for all characterizations.
movement of the crust produced by all
tectonic processes, including the This approach and method are
formation of ocean basins, continents, then widely used by his students of post
plateaus, and mountain ranges (Bates & graduate program of geosciences in his
Jackson, 1984; McNeil, 1999). university to conduct their hypothetico-
Tectonism should be more suitable for deductivism researches of phenomena,
the more specific term. such as erosion, volcanic products of
Merapi volcano, distribution of fosils
bearing beds, sedimentary facies, etc.,
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including the tectonic phenomena, in
which he is involved as one of the According to geological map this
supervisors. The result of research by area is characterized by intensive
his student in Kulon Progo mountainous deformations in both Tertiary marine
region, for example, suggested that sedimentary rocks and unconformably
tectonic activity since Eocene tectonic overlying Quaternary volcanic deposits
period generated similar drainage (Kastowo & Suwarna, 1996; Djuri, et al,
basins developments in Tertiary marine 1996). These rock strata have been
sediments, encompassing five being deformed by continuous tectonic
formations, to that in Quaternary rock activity since post Tertiary- up to
deposits (Budiadi, 2008). In this region Quaternary tectonic periods generating
the occurrences of three tectonic anticlines and synclines, joints, and
deformation patterns were successfully faults, which are exposed in the surface.
verified as had been originated from Joints and faults show indications of
Sumatera-, Java-, and Meratus tectonic lineaments in the satellite imagery,
patterns. This powerful conclusion, as along which generally river segments
one of ten verified hypotheses in this develop. Many river segments construct
research, had not only been the support the neighboring subriver basins which
of previous interpretations in terms of eventually generate a large main river
hypotheses proposed by many authors, basin.
which have not been tested before, but The development of drainage
had also measured the tectonic intensity basin morphology is affected by the
determining the tectonic morphometry geological factors, including fluvial
developments in three chronostra- processes, topography, sea-level
tigraphic systems in the mountainous changes, tectonic activity and other
region. factor like climatic condition
(Doornkamp, 1986). As the result of the
This paper presents that dynamic condition of the basin and the
deformation pattern due to tectonic climate in a region where the surface
activity is preserved in the Quaternary run off flows to the lowland into the sea
volcanic rocks exposures, such as following the pattern of geological
foldings, joints, and faults in SubDistrict weaknesses encompassing joints,
of Bumiayu and the vicinity, Central faults, bedding planes and other
Java. The deformed Quaternary rocks discontinuities, such as unconformable
suggest that the tectonic movement is surfaces, the characteristics of drainage
active in this research area controlling pattern morphology of river basins are
the development of river basin generated (Stewart and Hancock, 1994;
morphometry of the Pemali main river Hirnawan, 1997; Keller and Pinter,
and its tributaries. This phenomenon 1999). Active tectonic movement plays
gives a scientific reason to test the an important role affecting the
measured response of the morphometry development of the river basin
as a result of recent tectonic activity and morphology (Hirnawan, et al., 1998;
the denudation process in the surface. Hirnawan & Muslim, 2006). Surface fault
This is a very important task to test if the and/or recent flexural deformations are
area is in stable or unstable condition good indicators to the surface
regarding professional judgment for the movement characterizing the neotec-
spatial or land use planning and tonic activity (Nakata, et al., 1996).
infrastructure development program,
mainly in the area affected by the The researched area encom-
deformation due to Quaternary tectonic passes four respective regencies of
activity. Banyumas, Purwokerto, Brebes, and

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Tegal, Central Java, in which the than eight litho-stratigraphic units, but
Subdistrict of Bumiayu is located more Halang and Kumbang Formations
or less in the middle part of the area representing the sedimentary rock strata
(Figure 1). In this area indications of are studied together with the
recent tectonic activity occur, which are unconformably overlying Quaternary
exhibited by frequent shallow volcanic deposits of Slamet volcano.
earthquakes, followed by deformations,
such as joints, which cause damage of The objective of this study is to
roads, houses and other structures. examine if morphological development
Besides, landslides and other types of of river basin on Quaternary volcanic
rock mass movements frequently deposits is governed by the pattern
happen. and density of recent deformation.
In this area, Tertiary marine
sedimentary rocks are divided into more

Figure 1. Location of research area with several adjacent epicenters

If so, it would be the evidence of active basins, including those occurring on the
tectonism. If the tectonic movement is youngest rock unit. The morphometry of
active, both the Quaternary volcanic the rivers on this Quaternary rock unit
breccia unconformably overlying the would resemble that on the Tertiary
Tertiary sediments and the sediments rock unit due to the neotectonic activity
themselves should be deformed and or neotectonism. This hypothesis should
may serve as the recent surface be verified using morphometry and
deformation, governing all the deformation data.
morphological developments of river
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Outline of Geology and shaly claystones are commonly
found in the field. Sedimentary structure
Stratigraphy, structural geology, especially parallel lamination is
and geomorphology portraying the geo- observed. In many other areas,
logical condition of the research area outside the study area sandstone
are as follows. Two geochrono- and claystone exposures of the Halang
stratigraphic units, known as systems, Formation indicate complete sedi-
occurring in the study area are Tertiary mentary structures of a, b, c, d, and e
marine sedimentary rocks and the intervals belonging to the turbidite facies
unconformably overlying Quaternary model (Bouma , 1976 in Simandjuntak,
volcanic deposits. The Tertiary chrono- 1980).
stratigraphic system encompassing
Pemali-, Rambatan-, Halang-, Kum- The Kumbang Formation predo-
bang-, Tapak-, Kalibiuk-, and Kaliglagah minantly consists of sedimentary breccia
Formations are distributed in the south- and coarse sandstone beds inter-
western side, whereas the Quater-nary calation. Sedimentary breccia of this
system consisting of volcanic breccia, for-mation is characterized by massive
tuff, and lava is in the north-eastern side to poorly stratified beds, polymictic
of the study area (Figure 2). breccia, hard, dark brown color as a
result of intensive oxidation, carbona-
The following three formations ceous fine grain matrix, matrix sup-
are considered to represent the Tertiary ported (open fabric), poorly sorted
system as they are distributed in more clasts. The clasts consist of sandstone,
larger area, which are also directly claystone and andesitic fragments, and
covered by the Quaternary system. The are predominantly subangular to angular
Halang Formation (Upper Miocene- shaped and gravel to boulder in size.
Middle Pliocene) lies conformably on the
Pemali Formation (Lower to Middle The volcanic deposits of Qua-
Miocene), which consists of mudstone ternary system consists of breccia, lava,
and they serve as basement rock in the and tuff. Breccia is characterized by
study area. The Halang Formation massive or non-stratified to poorly
consists of sandstone and claystone stratified bed, black brownish color,
beds. This formation is distributed from monomictic breccia, clasts supported
western side of Majalengka Regency to and poorly sorted. The clasts are of
eastern side of Banyumas Regency. In igneous rock fragments, subrounded to
the upper part, this formation inter- angular shape and sand to boulder size.
fingers with sandstone and sedimentary Matrix is tuffaceous and sandy. This
breccia of Kumbang For-mation, which deposits are the product of the Slamet
is mainly distributed in the northern side volcano (Djuri, et al. 1996).
of SubDistrict of Bantarkawung.
Geological Structural configura-
Sandstone beds of the Halang tion of the study area is complex
Formation are characterized by well enough, which is generated by folding-,
developed stratification, and fine to thrusting-, and wrenching tectonic
medium grainsize, limy sandstone, movement, followed by normal fault-
sedimentary structures of graded ings. Anticline and syncline axes run
bedding and parallel lamination are from northwest to southeast and are
observed in several exposures. parallel to reverse faults. Wrench faults
Claystone beds of the Halang Formation run almost from south to north. In this
are characterized by well developed area the tectonism is active, which is
stratification, and grayish color. Limy characterized by frequent earthquakes

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followed by damage of infrastructure, Tertiary marine sedimentary rock
and frequent landslides in the rainy formations, known as Halang and
season. Kumbang Formation. That is why,
The geomorphology of the study area lineaments and river segments in these
represented by the drainage pattern formations were taken as samples
shows the tectonic effect on the representing deformation pattern
development of river segment azimuths generated in Tertiary sediments. On the
both in Tertiary- and Quaternary other hand in northeastern side the river
chronostratigraphic systems, which are and its tributaries flow on the
parallel to the lineaments. This Quaternary volcanic deposits, in which
phenomenon is tested in this research the samples of those existing variables
to verify if the neotectonism occurs. were also taken (Figure 3).

METHODS Both respective pair samples

from Tertiary- and Quaternary systems
Morphometric Analysis were only able to be obtained from
Satellite Imagery interpretation,
Geological structures, such as because both the very long river
folds, faults, and joints appear to control segments and the lineaments can not
the drainage networks or drainage be observed in the field. But, samples of
patterns. Morphometry concerns the joints representing the deformation
measurement of drainage network or pattern were obtained from the field and
the form characteristics of rivers, lakes, they are used to check if the samples of
etc. and their basins (Splitz and lineaments are valid and reliable by
Schumm, 1997). Drainage basins are using t-tests. For testing this validity and
the entire area drained by a river reliability, the result of tests in Table 1
system, which contains the rivers and all are not significant difference, suggest-
of its tributaries. The morphological ing the samples of lineaments are able
features of Pemali drainage basin were to be used for the next verification
developed under the control of purposes in this research.
tectonism in the study area.
The result of tests in Table 1
The analysis was done to verify also shows that means of samples of
if the tectonism is significantly active or joints obtained from Halang and
not. The verification of the analysis Kumbang Formations are not significant
should also be able to explain how far is difference, suggesting that they
the effect of tectonic activity on the represent the same deformation pattern.
development of the morphology of the
river. For the purpose of the verification, RESULT AND DISCUSSION
the following data were analyzed using
statistical tests, known as the regression Relationship of River-segment and
– correlation analysis and the tests of Lineament
differences between two means or t-test
and T2 Hotelling tests. The result of regression-corre-
lation analysis indicates a significant
Lineament and River-segment relationship between the two above-
mentioned variables, which verifies that
Two pair of the samples of drainage pattern of Pemali River on the
lineament azimuths and river-segment Quaternary volcanic deposits is
azimuths were randomly taken in Pemali governed by recent deformation.
river basin. In southwestern side this
main river and its tributaries flow on
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Figure 3. Lineaments being parallel to river segments are drawn to
represent their populations both in Tertiary marine sediments
and Quaternary volcanic deposits in researched area

Tabel 1. a) Result of tests of difference between two means of obtained joints from the field and
lineaments from Satellite Imagery interpretation ; b) Test for joints taken from
exposures of Halang Formation (Tmph) and Kumbang Formation (Tmpk), both are
Tertiary rocks formations.

a) Joint samples from field vs lineament samples from satellite imagery interpretation

Variable Mean values

tested Field Satellite n1/n2 tcalculated t (0,975) Decision Conclusion
Tmph Joints
vs Tertiary 92.625 89.250 88/32 0.323 1.980 accept Ho no difference
Tmpk Joints
vs Tertiary 89.571 89.250 77/32 0.029 1.983 accept Ho no difference
Qbx joints vs
Quaternary 92.436 93.000 39/26 0.045 1.998 accept Ho no difference

b) Joint samples from Halang Formation (Tmph) vs Kumbang Formation (Tmpk)

Tmpk joints
vs Tmph 89.571 92.625 77/88 0.379 1.975 accept Ho no difference
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The linier regression formula construct- sub-basins of Pemali river basins were
ed from the analysis is Y = -1.227 + randomly taken from drainage networks
0.988 X, and the large coefficient of prepared from topographic map ob-
correlation r is 0.999 (Figure 4). This tained from Digital Elevation Model Map.
analysis suggests that river segment The numbers of the samples from the
development on Quaternary deposits is respective sub-basins on the Tertiary
governed by deformation pattern of the sediments and Quaternary volcanic
rock unit due to recent active tectonism. deposits are 25 and 16 (Figure 7).

The result of analysis for the Drainage density Dd is ratio of

tributaries of Pemali River on Tertiary the total length of all rivers within a
sediments also indicates the same drainage basin L to the area of that
phenomenon. The constructed linier basin A and Dd = L/A. Bifurcation ratio
formula is Y = 0,178 + 1.000 X, and the Rb is ratio of total number of rivers of
large coefficient of correlation r is 0.998 order u to the number of rivers of order
(Figure 5, also Table 2). The diagrams u+1, Rb = Nu / N(u+1).
in Figure 4 and 5 show that the straight
lines indicate the constants of proportion The purpose of multivariate
of nearly 1. The lines clearly explain analysis of the difference between two
that every plotted point on the diagrams means in Table 4a is to confirm the
represents the almost same value of the morphological development of sub-
lineament and the river-segment basins on the Quaternary deposits as a
azimuths on X-axis and Y-axis respect- result of active tectonism. The result of
tively. this simultaneous difference test
between the mean values of Rb and Dd
The result of t-tests in Table 3 shows representing sub-basins on Tertiary
that means of river segments and sediments on one side and those
lineaments in Quaternary volcanic variables means from the sub-basins on
deposits is different, on the contrary Quaternary deposits on the other side is
in Tertiary sediments the means of significant. This test needs further
these variables is not different. It information about which variable mean
suggests that river segments in the is different (Table 4b).
Quaternary deposits has been
developing into different flow direction The last result of the test
compared with the azimuths of existing suggests that the morphometry of the
lineament, meaning that the erodibility of subbasins, developing on the
the deposits is so high. This Quaternary volcanic deposits, is the
phenomenon is shown by muddy rivers same with that on Tertiary sediments
rich in concentrated suspended load in which is affected by the recent active
dry season, such as Keruh River, which tectonism shown by no significant
flows in the area of distribution of the difference of Rb means. But, the
deposits (Figure 6). conclusion about the active tectonism
generating the different density
between recent deformation patterns of
Drainage Density and Bifurcation Quaternary and Tertiary rock units is
Ratio verified by the test that is presented by
the different Dd means (Table 4b).
Samples of both Bifurcation
ratio (Rb) and drainage density (Dd) of

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SUNGAI( ) (o
150 y = 0,9885x - 0,1227

R2 = 0,9981


0 50 100 150 200

Figure 4. Scattered diagram exhibiting significant relationship between river segments (Y)
and lineaments (X) in Quaternary volcanic deposits


( ) (o)


100 y = 1,0001x + 0,1778


R2 = 0,9977

0 50 100 150 200

Figure 5. Scattered diagram exhibiting significant relationship between river segments (Y)
and lineaments (X) in Tertiary marine sediments

Table 2 .Result of regression-correlation analyses between river segment and lineament

azimuths both in Quaternary volcanic deposits and Tertiary marine sediments.

Rocks n r R2 Tcalculated t(0.01) Decision Conclusion

Quaternary 26 0,999 0,998 115,3921 2,7969 reject Ho strong relation

Tertiary 32 0,998 0,997 109,8253 2,7500 reject Ho strong relation

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Table 3. Result of tests of difference between two means of azimuths of river segment
and lineaments in both Quaternary deposit and Tertiary sediments.

Formation Mean values

tested River Lineament n1/n2 tcalculated t (0,975) Decision Conclusion

Quaternary 91,808 93.000 26/26 -2,551 2,064 reject Ho different


Tertiary 89,437 89,250 32/32 0,442 2,042 accept Ho no difference


Figure 6. Keruh River in Bumiayu showing flow of concentrated mud water

from highly erodibility of volcanic deposits in upstream area due to
deformation by neotectonic activity.

CONCLUSION AND Therefore, this phenomenon is as a

RECOMMENDATION measure of recent tectonic activity or
neotectonism. The neotectonism con-
The results of this research trols the development of morphometry of
suggests that the Quaternary tectonism Pemali river basins in the area of
is active. This neotectonic activity mani- distribution of Quaternary volcanic
fested by frequent shallow earthquakes, product of Slamet volcano. The tectonic
enables the present author to measure geomorphology being characterized by
its effect through the similarity of the morphometry of the river basin
tectonic morphometry development of development in this area is significantly
river basins on Quaternary to that on responding the neotectonism. Existing
Tertiary deposits. This phenomenon is geological hazards in this area due to
as the continuation of the former post the active tectonism should be taken
Tertiary tectonic period generating into consideration as area constraint in
deformation pattern in Quaternary spatial and infrastructure development
volcanic deposits which is similar to that program.
for the Tertiary marine sediments.
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Figure 7. Subdrainage basins represent their populations both in
Tertiary marine sediments and Quaternary volcanic deposits.

Table 4. a) Result of T2-Hoteling test of difference between vector means of Rb and Dd in

Quaternary deposits and Tertiary sediments; b) Results of t-test of Rb and Dd

a) Result of T2-Hoteling test

Population T2-Hoteling T2(0.05,2,39) Decision / Conclusion

Quaternary deposits vs 13,8675 6,642 reject Ho / different

Tertiary sediments

b) Results of t-tests

Variable Mean values

tested Quaternary Tertiary n1/n2 Fcalculated F0,5 tcalculated t39;975 Decision /

Bifurcation 3,584 3,997 16/25 2,585 2,110 -1,592 - accept Ho /

ratio (Rb) 2,132 no difference
up to

Drainage 2,429 3,251 16/25 3,163 2,110 -3,893 - reject Ho /

density 2,132 different
(Dd) up to
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Hirnawan, F., 1997, Morphometry
The author would like to appre- characteristics of drainage system in the
ciate and to express his thanks to region of active tectonic effects – Case
Study of Cijolang and Cimuntur Drain-
Rector of Padjadjaran University, Head
age System) : Analisis Sistem, BPPT
and Secretary of Research Institute, and (Technology Evaluation and Application
also to Research Consideration Com- Board), Kedeputian Bidang Analisis
mittee (KPP), for the fund and the Sistem, No. 9, IV, pp. 67-77*)
support that enable him and his team to
undertake and to finish the research in Hirnawan, F., Sudarsono, U., & Soehaimi, A,
Bumiayu, from which this paper is 1998, Tracing landslide hazards zona-
possibly written. The author is also very tion of slope stability dynamic system
grateful to the editor in chief of Journal and the stabilization by optimizing the
of Research, Geology, and Mining, Re- integrated role of vegetation and slope-
geometry, State Ministry Office of
search Center for Geotechnology (Maja-
Research & Technology, National Re-
lah Riset, Geologi & Pertambangan, search Council, Research Report of
Puslit Geoteknologi, Lembaga Ilmu Riset Unggulan Terpadu Program
Pengetahuan Indonesia) Dr. Robert M. (Integrated Research Program), Field of
Delinom, and also Mr. Sudaryanto, Ir. Environment Protection-Technology,
M.Si, for publishing this paper. 141 p*)

Hirnawan, F., & Muslim, D., 2006, Drainage

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