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Bailiff: All rise.

Ecumenical Prayer for the Courts

Almighty God, we stand in Your Holy Presence as our Supreme Judge.

We humbly beseech You to bless and inspire us so that what we think,
say and do will be in accordance with Your will.
Enlighten our minds, strengthen our spirit and fill our hearts with fraternal love,
wisdom and understanding, so that we can become effective channels of truth, justice and peace.
In our proceedings today, guide us in the path of righteousness for the fulfillment of Your greater

REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 7 TH Judicial Region Branch 7 now in session. Judge Ana Beatrice
Villegas presiding.

Court : Please be seated. Call the case

Clerk of Court : People of the Philippines Vs. Mikey Go
Criminal Case No. CEB-2302
for: Murder
This is for arraignment
Court : Appearances for Prosecution
Defense : 
Court : Appearance for Defense
: 
Court : Is the accused around?
Defense : The accused is around
Court : Arraign the accused.
Clerk of Court : People of the Philippines Vs. Mikey Go
Criminal Case No. CEB-2302

Accused Mikey Go is charged with the crime MURDER, defined and

penalized under Art 248 of the Revised Penal Code as follows:

That on or about 13th day of February,

2019, in the City of Cebu, Province of Cebu
and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable
Court, the accused Mikey Go , with evident
premeditation, treachery and use of superior
force, committed in the dwelling of the victim,
Isabela Deustch, did then and there,
willfully, unlawfully, feloniously, suddenly,
unexpectedly, and treacherously attacked
with a knife/bladed weapon, resulting to 28
stab wounds in the neck and in the head, 20
of such wounds being necessarily mortal and
fatal, thereby causing the direct and
immediate death of said Isabela Deustch.

Court : Do you understand the allegations of the facts?
Accused : Yes, your Honor.
Court : What is your plea?
Accused : Not guilty, your Honor.
Court : The accused pleaded not guilty.
Was there a proposal for the amicable settlement for the civil aspect of the
Lets proceed to pre-trial. Any stipulation from the prosecution,

Court : Marking of Exhibits

Prosecutor : We pray that the Information will be mark as “Exhibit A”
Court : Mark it.
Court :

We pray that the Counter-Affidavit of Norman Torregosa will be mark as

“Exhibit 1”
Defense : Mark it.
Court : Show your documents to the Prosecution
Prosecution, Do you admit the genuiness and due execution of Exhibits 1-
4of the Defense?
Defense : We admit the Genuiness and due execution of Exhibits 1-4 of the defense.

Court : Call the witnesses

Court : Defense, you may call your first witness.
Will the witness please stand to be sworn in by the bailiff.
Swear in the witness

Bailiff: Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Name: Dr. Sherlock Holmes

Age: 43
Civil Status: Married
Occupation: Registered Physician
Work Address: Forensics Division, Crime Laboratory Office,
Philippine National Police, Camp Sotero Cabahug, Gorordo Ave.,
Cebu City

Name: Benedict Tan

Age: 35
Civil Status: single
Residence: 22-A Sanson Road, Lahug Cebu City
Defense :
Court :
Defense :

For our first witness, Your honor, I would like to call on Dr. Sander Benny Tan. We
would like to offer his testimony to identify and affirm the due execution and contents of:
1. His judicial affidavit dated March 5, 2019
2. Annexes

Lawyer: Mr. Witness, do you remember executing a judicial affidavit in relation to this
Witness: Yes
Lawyer: I’m handing you a Judicial affidavit, please go over it and tell us the relation of
the judicial affidavit that you just mentioned to this judicial affidavit. I would like to ask
your Honor that the Judicial affidavit be marked as Exhibit J.
Witness: It’s the same.
Lawyer: This affidavit has been signed on top the name, Dr. Sherlock Homes on page 6.
Kindly examine it and identify whose signature it is.
Witness. It’s my signature.
Me: I would like to ask your honor that the signature of Mr. Benedict Tan on page 6, be
marked as Exhibit K-1
Me: On Question 16, page 4, you made mention of Autopsy Examination Result No.
78345 and 78346 dated March 20, 2019. I am showing you Autopsy Examination Result
No. 78345 and 78346. Is this the same document you mentioned?
Witness: Yes, Atty.
Me: Your Honor, I would like to mark this examination results, already pre-marked as
Exhibit C and C-1 and copy of which was previously furnished to counsel for the
Me: Mr. Witness, you made mention that the specimen of your DNA analysis was the
gloves collected at the crime scene, correct?
Witness: Yes.
Me: Can you disclose before this honorable court how were you able to acquire the
Witness: Atty., we follow a stringent procedure at the UP-Natural Science Research
Institute (UP-NSRI) through the chain of custody. The evidence collected by the scenes
of crime officers would be handed into an exhibits officer who would be present at the
crime scene, the exhibits officer would then log information about the evidence, such as
what it was and the submitting officer’s name and date and time it was received onto an
exhibits log sheet. The exhibits officer would then personally bring the evidence at our

In the case of the gloves, I was the receiving officer on duty at the UP-NSRI. I signed the
chain of custody form with my name and date and time I received it.

Me: After you analyzed the gloves, what did you do next.
I kept the gloves sealed in a vacuum packed container, and I returned it back to the
exhibits officer of the prosecution and signed the chain of custody report.

Me: Do you affirm the due execution and contents of this affidavit that you answered the
questions truthfully?
Witness: Yes.
Me: No further questions your honor. Our witness is now ready for cross examination.



For our second witness, Your honor, I would like to call on Mr. Benedict Tan. We would
like to offer his testimony to identify and affirm the due execution and contents of:
1. His judicial affidavit dated March 2, 2019
2. Annexes

Lawyer: Mr. Witness, do you remember executing a judicial affidavit in relation to this
Witness: Yes
Lawyer: I’m handing you a Judicial affidavit, please go over it and tell us the relation of
the judicial affidavit that you just mentioned to this judicial affidavit. I would like to ask
your Honor that the Judicial affidavit be marked as Exhibit I.
Witness: It’s the same.
Lawyer: This affidavit has been signed on top the name, Benedict Tan on page 6. Kindly
examine it and identify whose signature it is.
Witness. It’s my signature.
Me: I would like to ask your honor that the signature of Mr. Benedict Tan on page 6, be
marked as Exhibit I-1
Me: Do you affirm the due execution and contents of this affidavit that you answered the
questions truthfully?
Witness: Yes.
Me: No further questions your honor. Our witness is now ready for cross examination.

1) 1. In the recent weeks, have you seen the accused visit the house of Miss Isabela
Witness: Yes.
2. Based on your personal knowledge was there anything unusual? If any?
3. 3. The arguments between Isabela and Mikey are they recurring?
4. Since these arguments as you said were recurring, scan you tell us about specific
arguments. If any?



In the six years, have you ever seen Mikey raise a hand
on Isabela?

Not even once?

So how far does their argument go?

When did you last see the accused?

So you did not see him the night before?




Judge Bea: Presentation of 1st witness for the defense. Is the defense ready?
Ina: Yes, your honor.

Bea: Who is the first witness for the defense?

Ina: May we call the accused, Mr. Mikey Go to the stand.

Bea: swear in the witness.

Interpreter: Raise you right hand. Do you swear or affirm to tell the truth and
whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Mikey: I do.

Interpreter: State you personal circumstances

Mikey: I am Mikey Go, of legal age, Filipino, single, employee of private

company, and a resident at 110 Splendor Hills, Alta Vista, Pardo, Cebu

Interpreter: The accused is ready.

Bea: State the purpose in presenting your witness.

Ina: 1. The purpose is to rebut the alleged accusation that Mikey Go killed
Isabel Deustch and Vicente Angelo Gorre. 2. That he wasn’t in the city at
the time of the crime.

Ina: Mr. Go, do you remember having executed a judicial affidavit?

Mikey: Yes.

Ina: Showing to you a judicial affidavit attached to the records of the case,
please go over this and tell this honorable Court what relation this has with
the case.
M: This is the judicial affidavit I executed.

I: Appearing on the ____ page of the judicial affidavit is a signature about

the printed name, Mikey Go, will you please identify whose signature this
M: This is my signature.
R: Your honor I would like to manifest that this JA has been pre-marked as EXHIBIT 2-
A-F and your we would like to respectfully request that the the signature on the 7 th page
of the JA be submarked as EXHIBIT 2-E-1

I: On item number 16, you mentioned of this Judicial Affidavit, you

mentioned of a GrabCar receipt, what relation has this to the case?
M: That is the GrabCar I booked to the airport in the evening of Feb. 12,

I: Why were you heading to the airport?

M: to catch my 9pm flight to Manila.

R: Your honor we would like to respectfully request that document be sub-marked as

Exhibit 5

I: On item number 14 of this Judicial Affidavit, you mentioned of a plane

ticket to Manila previously marked as Annex 2, will you please go over
this and tell this honorable court what relation this has to the case?
M: This is the boarding pass of my flight to Manila last Feb. 12, 2019.

R: Your honor we would like to respectfully request that document be sub-marked as

Exhibit 3

I: What time were you able to board the plane and arrive at Manila?
M: Around 12 in the morning the next day.

I: What did you do upon arrival?

M: I immediately booked a GrabCar to the condominium unit I rented at
the Shell Residences at Pasig.

I: On item number 16, you made mention of a GrabCar receipt. Is this

the same Car you booked to your rented condominium?
M: Yes, it is.

R: Your honor we would like to respectfully request that document be sub-marked as

Exhibit 6

I: What happened, if any, in Manila?

M: I received a call from a police officer informing me of the death of
Isabela and another guy.

I: What did you do after that?

M: I immediately booked a ticket back to Cebu.

I: In item 24, you identified a boarding pass, how is this related to your
previous statement?
M: This is the boarding pass of my flight from Cebu to Manila.

R: Your honor we would like to respectfully request that document be sub-marked as

Exhibit 4

I: Do you affirm and confirm the truthfulness and veracity of the contents of
that judicial affidavit?
M: Yes.

I: Is there anything you want to add?

M: I have been with Isabel for so long…. Chika nga love whatever d gyud
nimo mahimo patyon siya.

I: No further questions your honor.

ROYCE Script

Redirect Mikey Go

Question: Mr. Go, I am showing to you this police blotter as presented by the
prosecution, can you read again the report stated in the police blotter?

Question: Have you seen this document before?

Answer: Yes, if my memory serves me right this document was shown to me by Ms.

Question: What was the reason why Ms. Deutsch presented this document to you, if
Answer: This document was shown to me in order to threaten me.

Question: Threatened you in what way?

Answer: Ms. Deutsch was already deeply indebted and used this document for me to
give her money or else she would file a case against me.

Question: Did you yield to her demand?

Answer: Yes, even without this document I would still lend her money because I
don’t want her to get all stressed up from all the death threats she was receiving.

Question: What were the reasons for this death threats, if any?
Answer: Ms. Deutsch was remised in the payment of her debts.
Question: Mr. Go, showing to you the screen shots presented by the prosecution
showing that you knew Mr. Gorre, can you read the text you allegedly sent?

Question: Can you explain to this court the meaning of this text message that you
allegedly sent?
Answer: I can’t.

Question: Why can’t you explain the meaning of the text?

Answer: I can’t because I only speak and comprehend English.

Question: Mr. Go, do you own golf gloves?

Answer: Yes, I do.

Question: What size are you gloves?

Answer: 10


Question: Mr. Go, im showing you this document again, which was presented by the
good counsel a while ago, can you read this part?
Answer: That on Dece

Question: Mr. Go, you said that this police blotter was used by Ms. Deutsche to
threaten you give her money or else she would file a case against you, is that
Answer: Yes, atty.

Question: You claimed however during the course of the proceeding that it never
became physical, is that correct?
Answer: Yes, atty.

Question: If that were the case Mr. Go, would any rational person give in to a threat,
when in fact what is contained in such threat is not true at all? Is it because you
really physically harmed Mr. Deutsche that night?

*Objection, compounded and relevance, your honor

Judge: Rephrase your line of questioning counsel and what is the relevance counsel?
Atty: What I am trying to prove here your honor is that the accused in this case have
the inclination to inflict physical harm to the victim.

Judge: Objection overruled, but rephrase your line of questioning counsel.

Question: Yes, your honor, Mr. Go, why do you feel threatened of such police blotter
when in fact as you claimed you never physically harmed the victim during that
Answer: Silence
I would like to put in record that the question was proper and that the witness
refuses to answer the same.

Question: Mr. Go, you said you can only speak and comprehend English, is that
Answer: Yes, atty.

Question: Can you lay down again your registered official phone number?
Answer: 09175267198

Question: Showing to you this document screen shots of text messages lifted from
the phone of the victim Ms. Deutsche, can you read it, Mr. Go?
Answer: Babe, moanha ko diha karon ha. Kahibaw naka, tugnaw man gud ang

No further questions your honor.

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