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User Report of the

Kaba GmbH
Workforce Management
Albertistr. 3

78056 Villingen-Schwenningen

Phone +49 7720 603-0

Wilbert Turmkrane GmbH

«We wanted a holistic system,
an integrated solution for all
areas with just one medium.
The CardLink concept embedded
in an overall package convinced

Anette Wilbert
Purchasing manager
Wilbert Turmkrane GmbH

Convenient and reliable – commissioned by construction compa-

all authorizations on one medium nies for complex and difficult projects.
The Wilbert Group with its about 140 The 325-meter-high tower crane, that
employees is specialized in the produc- was required for the construction of the
tion, sale, leasing, assembly and servic- high-rise Commerzbank building in
ing of tower cranes. It was originally Frankfurt am Main came, for instance,
established as a construction company from Wilbert. Cranes from Wilbert were
in 1932 by the grandfather and father of also used in the construction of the
the present-day managing directors. In Riem Arcades in Munich, the Goethe
the 1980s, the company bought numer- Gallery in Jena and the Landesbank
ous tower cranes which it used itself and Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart. When
also sold and leased out. MAN Wolffkran terminated the existing
In 1988, Wilbert was awarded dealer dealer agreements with all German deal-
status by the tower crane manufacturer ers in 1999, the company began to
MAN Wolffkran at the time and devel- construct its own tower crane system to
oped into Germany’s largest and most ensure it remained competitive. Within
successful Wolff crane dealer in a very the space of five years, eight different
short space of time. Over the course of types of crane with and without tower
the years, the medium-sized company tip were developed, the largest of which
from the Rhineland-Palatinate became a is capable of lifting 32 tons. On the
tower crane leasing company that was debut building site of the first crane that
Wilbert Turmkrane

Success Story
the company had built itself, this ran to CardLink for more convenience authorization. Whereas all employees
the complete satisfaction of the client Via a LEGIC medium, the CardLink con- are authorized at some doors, other
Züblin. One hundred and fifty tower cept from Kaba combines online systems rooms can only be opened by a few
cranes have since been manufactured with mechatronic locking systems and employees (e.g. individual offices,
and sold and leased to customers therefore does without cables in the training and IT rooms, storage rooms).
throughout Europe, and even exported areas of the doors. The access authori- All components – the Time Attendance
to Canada. The company’s own produc- zations of the employees are written on terminals, the online Access Control
tion brought new challenges along with the LEGIC medium (badge, key tags) via readers such as the CardLink stand-
success. The company grew and they online readers. The doors are given a alone components – are managed in the
soon realized that the company premises mechatronic (digital) cylinder or fitting. software system bedatime.
in Stromberg were not suitable for the This checks whether the medium is valid Everyone is now familiar with the system
manufacture of such large equipment. and releases the door if the person is at Wilbert and the expectations have
They thus began with the establishment authorized to pass through. The door been met. «Time Attendance recording
of a new production site in neighboring does not need any additional fittings to ran smoothly right from the start and
Waldlaubersheim. In the course of the do this, nor does it require cabling. forms the basis for precise and prompt
new construction, a new locking system Thanks to the modern update mecha- payroll accounting,» explains Anette
was required; and they also considered a nism, the users receive their changed Wilbert. We were able to significantly
system for Access Control and Time access rights simply and quickly at an increase the security in our company.
Attendance. They wanted to increase the online reader and carry them on their Previously, we had an «open house»;
security in the company and replace the personal identification medium to the today, access is only possible with the
existing, time-consuming Time Attend- individual access points. At Wilbert, they appropriate authorization. Overall, we
ance system. The new system was to be opted for LEGIC chips in the form of key are happy with the system. In a next
convenient to use overall and compatible tags as these are small and fit on a key step, Wilbert would now like to introduce
with the existing payroll system. As the ring. Paffrath presented the solution the shopfloor data collection from
company premises are very extensive, bedatime from CompuTime Ausweissys- CompuTime. The data from the SFDC
with 12,000 square meters, the cabling teme GmbH, based in Püttlingen, as the are then to be used as a basis for the
for online Access Control posed prob- software for Time Attendance and SFDC. post-calculation of orders.
lems. The suggestion by the specialist It met all the requirements and can easi-
security dealer Peter Paffrath from ly integrate the CardLink components.
Wiesbaden to use a mechatronic system Before the company moved into the new
from Kaba therefore fell on receptive building, the mechatronic locking system
ground. Via a standardized, robust and (electronic fittings and digital cylinders)
passive medium, the system integrates was installed in the doors by the compa-
both the Access Control and Time ny Paffrath. The Time Attendance
Attendance as well as SFDC. Specialist terminals were then installed at the
security dealer Paffrath made provision respective entry points and in the de-
for both digital cylinders and electronic partments so that they are within easy
door fittings and wall readers at the reach. The entire system went live with-
individual access elements here. In total, out a test run when the company moved
more than 60 components from the into the building in the spring of 2008.
Kaba product portfolio were installed Since then, the employees have validat-
here. All security-relevant doors were ed their LEGIC chip every day at a turn-
fitted with self-locking anti-panic locks. stile and are then given their respective

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