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A death at so Dean Street

A Read the information. Then answer the questions below with a partner.

Miss S m i t h a n d Miss J o n e s live in t h e s a m e a p a r t m e n t b u i i d i n g a t 5 0 Dean Street. They have t e a

t o g e t h e r every Thursday afternoon at 4 : 0 0 ! •

O n this T h u r s d a y Miss S m i t h d o e s n ' t a n s w e r t h e d o o r b e l l . Miss J o n e s calis M r Busby, t h e a p a r t m e n t

m a n a g e r He has a key t o Miss S m i t h ' s a p a r t m e n t . He o p e n s t h e d o o r a n d sees Miss S m i t h o n t h e f l o o r
She is d e a d ! , , • .; ••. ; ,. •

Later, t h e pólice find an

a p a r t m e n t key under Miss The ne ighbors a t 5 0 Dean S tre e t
Smith's sofá, The n u m b e r
Miss J o n e s
on t h e key is 3 0 0 , The key
b e l o n g s t o t h e killer,
[ Mr./Mrs. B u s b y
Miss S m i t h
• W ho are M is s Sm ith and

M/ss Jo ne s ?

• W ho is M r. Bus b y?

• W hat do M is s Jo ne s and

M r. Bus b y s e e ?

• W hat do the po iic e find?

W hy is it im po rtant?

Ms. S á n c h e z Mr, Hu

B Work with your partner to find the killer. Try to be the first in the class.

P a r t n e r A: Read the sentences to your partner. P a r t n e r B: Write the ñames and room numbers below.

Miss Smith lives in a p a r t m e n t 3 0 5 ,

M r and Mrs, Busby live across f r o m Miss


Ms, Sánchez lives b e t w e e n Miss Jones a n d

M r a n d Mrs, Busby,

Mr Hu lives across f r o m Ms, Sánchez,

The a p a r t m e n t next t o Miss Smith's Is 3 0 3 ,

M r Hu lives next t o D r Lewis,

Dr, Lewis lives across f r o m a p a r t m e n t 3 0 0 ,

Let's see. Miss S mith lives in Apa rtme nt 3 0 5 .zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG


1/ - J Miss Smith J

ss S mith . . . 3 0 5 . . . OK, got it! J

L E S S O N A • Places in m y n e i g h b o r h o o d
Combo Spiit

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f Scope & Sequence

Unit 7: In the City

Lesson A : Places in m y n eig h b o r h o o d Vocab u lar y Work out : Places in my neig hb or hood , p. 3 8
Conversat ion Work out : A s k i n g f o r a n d g i v i n g d i r e c t i o n s , p. 3 9
Lang uag e Work out : P r e p o s i t i o n s of p l a c e , p. 4 0

Lesson B: Citles around the worid Vocab ular y and Lang uag e Work out : W h a t ' s y o u r city like?, p. 41
Reading and Writ ing: T h e best cities, p p . 4 2 - 4 3

Unit 8: All About You

Lesson A : Fun activitles Vocab u lar y Work out : F u n activities, p. 4 4
Conversat ion Work out : inviting a n d o f f e r i n g , p. 4 5
Lang uag e Work out : V e r b + n o u n , V e r b + infinitive, p. 4 6

Lesson B: What are you llke? Vocab ular y and Language Work out : P e r s o n a l i t y t y p e s , F r e q u e n c y w o r d s , p. 4 7
Reading an d Writ ing: Personalities, p p . 4 8 - 4 9

Unit 9: Change
Lesson A: 1 need a ch an g e Vocab ular y Work out : 1 n e e d a c h a n g e , p. 5 0
Conversat ion Work out : M a k i n g a n d r e s p o n d i n g t o r e q u e s t s , p. 51
Lang uag e Work out :zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
Like to vs. would like to, p. 52

Lesson B: Plans and dream s Vocab ular y and Language Work out : Plans a n d d r e a m s , Future f o r m s , p. 53
Reading and Writ ing: Your d r e a m , p p . 5 4 - 5 5

Unit 10: Your Health

Lesson A: The b o d y Vocab ular y Work out : O u r b o d i e s , p. 5 6
Conversat ion Work out : Taiking a b o u t health p r o b l e m s , p. 5 7
Lang uag e Work out : Imperatives, p. 5 8

Lesson B: Energy and stress Vocab ular y and Lang uag e Work out : E n e r g y a n d stress, Wlien, p. 5 9
Reading and Writ ing: H o m e r e m e d i e s , p p . 6 0 - 6 1

Unit 11: That's Amazing

Lesson A: Terrific talents Vocab ular y Work out : A b i l i t i e s , p. 6 2
Conversat ion Work out : G i v i n g c o m p l i m e n t s , p. 6 3
Lan g u ag e Work out : C a n , c o u / d , / m o w / l o w to, p. 6 4 '

L e s s o n B: A Sense of achievem ent Vocab ular y and Lang uag e Work out : Taking risks, Because a n d so, p. 6 5
Reading and Writ ing: S u c c e s s stories, p p . 6 6 - 6 7

Unit 12: At the Movies

Lesson A : Now showing at a theater near you Vocab ular y Work out : T y p e s of m o v i e s , p. 6 8
Conversat ion Work out : Taking m e s s a g e s , p. 6 9
Lang uag e Work out : - ing a n d - ed adjectives, p. 7 0

Lesson B: On the set Vocab ular y and Language Work out : W h a t are y o u g o i n g to do?, p. 71
Reading and Writ ing: M o v i e reviews, p p . 72-73


In the City
. , ,.,,L,e,§§on^^^^^ in my neighborhood

Vocabulary Workout
A Match the words that go together. Write the letter of the answer on the line.

l train. a. salen
2. naii _ b. club
3. taxi c. store
4. grocery d. station-
5. h e a l t h _ • e. shop
6. copy f. stand

B Solve this crossword puzzle.


2 3

4 5

6 7


Down Across

1. You exercise there. 2. You can get money from it.

3. You see films there. It's a movie . 7. It's like a cafe. •

4. You buy books there. 8. It's a very small place that sells things.
5. They're two words that mean "exercise." 9. You can dance there.
6. If you miss breakfast, you it. It's a night .
10. You can change how you look there.
It's a salón.

• In the City
Conversation Workout
Unscramble the sentences.

1. right / straight / g o / a n d / turn

2. Main / on / left / Street / turn

3. o n / it's / First A v e n u e / the / of / córner / C o u r t Street / a n d

4. b l o c k / of / it's / in / m i d d i e / the / the

5. left / g o / o n e / a n d / b l o c k / turn

B Look at the map and complete the conversations.

X Min ChuI and Jan

1. gas station [
2. Bridge Theater
3. Carl's Cafe
4. library X
bus stop
5. Pat's Hair Salón
Jay SIreet
6. grocery store
7. Jimmy's Gym bank

8. bookstore

Example: A : Is there a c o f f e e s h o p a r o u n d here?

B: Yes. There's a cafe onzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

the córner of Court Streetand 2"'' Avenue.

l A: E x c u s e me. W h e r e ' s the g r o c e r y store?

B: It's o n the

2. A : W h e r e ' s J i m m y ' s G y m ?

B: It's o n . It's in the middIe

3. A: Is there a m o v i e theater near here?

B: Yes. The B r i d g e Theater is on . It's the bus stop.

'í. A : W h a t is that building o n C o u r t Street across f r o m J i m m y ' s G y m ?

B: T h a f s the .

G Now whte conversations about your neighborhood.

Visitor: E x c u s e me. Is there a coffee s h o p near here?


Visitor: A n o is there a bank or an A T M ?


Lesson A • Places in my neighborhood 39

3 Language Workout
A Look at the map. Answer the questions. Use the prepositions in parentheses.






Example: Where is the post office? (on) It's on FarkAvenue.

l Where is the supermarket? (on)

2. Where is the drugstore? (across).

3. Where is the nnovie theater? (on, next to).

4. Where is the IModern Language Institute? (on)

5. Where is the bank? (comer)

6. Where is the Post Office? (across).

7. Where is the bus stop? (next to) _

B Write two sentences for each place. Use near, across from, next to, in front of behind, or between.
1. Where is your house?

2. Where is your school?

3. Where is your favorite restaurant?

4. Where is your best friend's house?

40 Unit7'lntheCity
Lesson B Cities around the worid

Vocabulary and Language Workout

A Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

stuck weather population pollution

traffic form transportation affordable

l My country has a small . Oniy two miilion people live here.

2. The ¡n Hawai! ¡s very good. It's always warm and sunny

3. It's easy to drive through my neighborhood. I never get in traffic,

4. is a big probIem in London. The streets are small and there are a lot of cars.

5. Everything ¡s expensive in my city. It isn't a very place.

6. There is a lot of . The air and water are very dirty.

7. Buses and subways are two kinds of .

8. My bicycle is my favorite ^ of transportation.

B Are these things good or bad for a city? Write them in the correct box. Add two more things.

very littie pollution bad weather a very large population

affordable prices a lot of public transportation

a lot of traffic severe winters

G ood Things Bad Things

C Complete the questions with Wovymívcft or Woiv many. Then write the añswers.
1. people are there in your city? 4. parks are there?

2. traffic is there? 5. public transportation is there?

3. pollution is there? 6. ^ good restaurants are there?

Lesson B • Cities around the worId 41

2 Reading and Writing

A Read the magazine article.

Choosing a City
Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul is a very unusual city—one part is in
Europa, and the other part is in Asia. About 9
miilion people live there. Visitors love Istanbul
because it has many beautiíul, oíd buildings, and
the food is great. A t mght, the seafood restaurants
are very popular. A n d everything in Istanbul is very
affordable for visitors. Traffic is a problem in the
city, because there are too many cars for the
oíd streets. There are also subways, trains, and buses, aiid some people take boats to go between the
European side and the Asian side. The weather is very good in summer, but in winter it's
sometimes very cold.
Vancouver, Canadá
Vancouver is one of the most beáutiful cities in
the world. It's near the mountains and the sea,
and there are many great parks where you can
walk, ride a bicycle, or just relax. The city has
good public transportation,with buses and fast
trains that go everywhere. There are about
600,000 people in Vancouver, but It's a very clean
city, and there's not much pollíition. Two bad
points-prices tliere are very high, and the
weather isnot very good. Vancouver is faraous
for rain! But there are manygood museums for
those rainy days, and in the evening, the city has
great restaurants and nightclubs to \isit.

B Find information about the two cities and write it in the chart.

Istanbul Vancouver






42 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Unit7 • IntheClty
Read the paragraph. Find eight spelling m istakes and correct t hem .

Singapore is a great city for a vacation. There are alot of interesting things to see. You can visit C h i n a t o w n
and Littie India, a n d go s h o p p i n g on Orchard Road. Singapore aiso has many g o o d restarants. There are some
great beaches for s w i m m i n g naer the city, a n d the parl<5 are reaily beutiful. The city has very g o o d public
transportion. You can take a bus, trane or subway. It's a safe city. It's aiso a clean city. There isn't m u c h p o l u t i o n .
The oniy p r o b i e m is that Singapore is expensiev. •• ; .

Write about a ci t yyo u think is g o o d for a vacat ion.


Lesson B • Cities around the worid 43

Les&aiiaJteFun activities

1 Vocabulary Workout
A Unscramble the ñames of these fun activities.

1. g o a y 5. s I a t i p e
2. s n i t n e 6. bmnnaitdo

3. a a b b II e s 7. d o u j

4. c r e s o c 3. c r a b e o i s

B Write the words from exercise A ¡n the boxes. A d d other fun activities to the boxes.

1 like it. ^ It's O K . 1 don't like it. "

Complete the sentences withzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

1. Ramón and Felipe

play, do or go. Remember to use the correct verb form

soccer every Saturday.

2. It's coid so we can't swimming at the beach.

3. Eun-Mi basketball for her school team.

4. Do you tennis in the park?

5. People usually yoga indoors.

. 6. John bowling with his friends every week.

I have a tent. Lef s camping. ' -

8. I usually. . Pilates on Monday nights.

AA Wr^-.h o . A II A l.,^, ,4- V,
2 Conversation Workout
A Unscramble the sentences to make conversations.

1. Andy: soccer / do / play / want / you / to

Jeff: l'd / love / sure / to

2. María: some / want / you / do / water / more

Anna: thanks / l'm / fine / no (Make two sentences.)

3. David: come / you / do / to / want

Alan: sorry / busy / can't / l'm / I (Make two sentences.)

B Now write new conversations.

1. swimming / tomorrow / pool / in Center Park


Your fríend:


Your frie nd: Sure,

2. baseball / tonight / a big test tomorrow

You: ,

Your fríend:


Your fríend: Sorry,

3. (your ideas)

You: .

Your fríend:


Your fríend: Sure

4. (your ideas)


Your fríend:


Your fríend: Sorry

3 Language Workout

A Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.

1. Rita: Do you plan tennis lessons?

a. take b. to take

Ali:Yes, llike .
a. play tennis b. to play tennis
2. Ali: Do you often ?
a. go to bowling b. go bowling

Rita: Oh, yes. 1 love .

• • a. bowling b. go bowling
3. Ali: I expect .
a, to play basketball tonight
b. playing basketball tonight
Rita: I hate .
- a. play basketball b. basketball
4. Rita: Do you want ?
a. some ice cream b. have some
'•"[" ' ice cream
Ali: No, thanks. I don't like just before
1 go running.
a. to eat b. eat
5. All: How did you learn ?
a. playing b. to play
Rita: I loved games and I learned it that way.
a. watching volleyball b. watch volleyball

B Rewrite the sentences. Correct one mistake in each sentence.

1. I expect winning the game tonight.

2. Where did you learn play tennis?

3. Sha enjoys to go swimming.

4. They plan do yoga this evening.

46 Unit 8 • All A b o u t You

Lesson B What are you like?

1 Vocabulary and Language Workout

Com p let e the words for personal qualities.- , .

l S e l m a is really a s. She wants to be p r e s i d e n t someday. i

2. A r t i s t s are usually very c -_ . They have lots of original ideas.

3. A r e y o u o ? D o y o u have a special place t o put everything?

4. J a r e d is very s . He d o e s n ' t s p e n d m o n e y o n o t h e r people.

5.1 p e o p l e d o things w i t h o u t thini<ing. • •

6. IMy children are very b . They g e t g o o d grades ¡n s c h o o l .

7. A t h l e t e s are o f t e n very c . They try hard tp w i n .

8. S h e is a very p p e r s o n . S h e d o e s n ' t talk a b o u t herself very m u c h .

B Writ e descript ions of two friends. Writ e about their personalities and give ex am ples.

1. Ñ am e: " ' Description: '

2. Ñ am e: . Description:

Write these tim e ex pressions in order of f requency. Then write a sent ence for each one.

e ve r yd a y every Sunday four tim es a year hardiy ever

t wice a m ont h once in a while all the tim e never

Example: all t h e time /zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

wear glaesesa\ \ time.


2. '






Lesson B • What are you like? 47

2 Reading and Writing
A Read the articie.

The Ri^ht Personality^
Do you have the right personality for these jobs? We asiied some famous people what It takes to be a
success Jn their field.

Don Pierce, star of the m ovie Race Against Time

A good actor wants very much to succeed, Most laid back
actors never become famous. Successful actors aiso get to
know the right people in Hollywood. In addition, they are
able to think creativeiy. A n d they understand people very
well. That helps them understand the different characters
they play on stage and in the movies.

Dr. Janice Wo n g , author oi Perfect Health Now

The most important thing for a good doctor is being
a good listener. You have to understand people and
their problems. A good doctor iikes to solve problems
and always wants to help his or her patients. A n d you
can't be impulsive—you should always be careful.
Sometimes the first answer you think of isn't the right

Daniel Vasquez , president of Interex Corporat ion

To be a success in business, you have to work well with
groups of people. At the same time, you need to have
strong opinions and be abie to explain your opinions
cleariy. Good businesspeople are able to make quick
decisions and try new ideas. They are very organizad and
they work very long hours.

48 Unit8« Ali A b o u t Y o u
In the article, which things are important for each job?
actor doctor businessperson

1. good listener X

2. ambitious

3. impulsive

4. Creative

5. understand people

6. careful

7. have strong opinions

8, want to help people

9. organized

10. worl< well with people

C Read and complete the paragraph. Use the words from the box. -zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV

generous organized competitive patient prívate

A g o o d athlete is (1.) . He or she must really want to win! Athletes must

aiso be (2.) during training sessions. Progress doesn't always come quickiy. Being
(3.) is aiso important. There's nothing worse than a player who can't find his
equipment. Although most athletes are quite talkative, some of them have a (4.)
side as well. They don't want everyone to know everything about them. The best athletes are aiso
(5.) . They help their team members score points; they don't try to score all the
points themselves.

D What makes a good teacher? Write a paragraph with your ideas.

Lesson B • What are you llke? 49

9 Change
Lessoa A .1 aeed a c^^

1 Vocabulary Workout
A M a t c h t h e s e n t e n c e halves t h a t g o t o g e t h e r . W r i t e t h e l e t t e r of t h e a n s w e r o n t h e iine.

1. Ellen w a n t s ' t o q u i t . a. in g o o d shape.

2. Bili wants t o be b. Job.

3. Ming d o e s n ' t w a n t t o gain c. o u t of shape.

4. María w a n t s t o f i n d d. smoi<ing.

5. Ali lost his e. less money.

6. Sandra w a n t s t o make f. a b e t t e r Job.

7. Tony d o e s n ' t w a n t t o be . g. w e i g h t .

8, I d o n ' t w a n t t o earn h. m o r e money. '

B Read t h e f i r s t s e n t e n c e . W r i t e a s e c o n d s e n t e n c e . F o i l o w t h e e x a m p i e . Use w o r d s f r o m this unit or

a d d y o u r o w n ¡deas.

Example: I mal<e oniy $ 4 . 0 0 an hour.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

I want to earn more money.

1. I w e i g h 150 kilos.

2. I s m o k e t o o m u c h .

I a m n o t in g o o d shape.

I d o n ' t have a Job.

I a m t o o thin.

a m t i r e d all t h e t i m e .

C W h a t d o y o u w a n t t o c h a n g e a b o u t y o u r ufe? W r i t e f i v e s e n t e n c e s . F o l i o w t h e e x a m p l e :

Example: / want to get a newjok

. 1. ,





Unit 9 • Change
Conversation Workout
A Use the sentences ¡n the box to make a conversation. *'

Thanks a lot! Sure, no problem.

Oh no! I don't have my English book. Do you need it today?
Yes, i have English class at 10:00. Can I borrow yours?

Tom as:


Tom as:


Tom as;

B Use the words to make questions and answers.

Exam ple: ? / b o r r o w / I / your / can / dictionary Can I¡porrowyourdíctionary?

1. . / g o / y o u / sure / here / ,

2. ? / lend / c o u l d / m e / y o u / five dollars

3. ? / O K / it / ¡s / use / p e n / your / if / I

4. ? / please / y o u / w o u l d / m e / lend / a dollar

5. . / need /I / g e t / t o / a haircut

C Now write new conversations making and responding to requests.

1. cali p h o n e / cali m y m o t h e r ... -

Pam :
Pam :

2. (your idea)
Your friend:
Your friend:
Your friend:
Lesson A • I need a change 51
3 Language Workout
^ A Write what each person likes to do and what they would like to do.

1. Tim / use computers, be a programmer

Tim likes to use computers. He'd like tobe a programmer.

2. Barbara / draw, make beautiful clothes

3. José Luis / travel, practice his English

4. Katie / talk to people, work in a restaurant

.5. you / ?

B Fill in the spaces with///ce ío or watv/d///re fo.

l We always go to New York on vacation. Next year, I go to Miami.

2. When I get up, I always drink coffee and read the newspaper

3. Myoung-Hee study English in Canadá this summer

4. Jeff have a big dog, but he lives in a very small apartment.

5. I visit my grandmother every Sunday because she always cooks a big

dinner for me.

6. Francisco doesn't like his work. He get a new Job.

C Answer the questions with your own information.

l What do you like to do in the evening?

2. What would you like to do this evening?

3. What do you like to do on vacation?

4. What would you like to do on your next vacation?

5. What do you like to do in English class?

6. What would you like to do next time in Englis'h class?

Unit 9 • Change
Lesson BzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Plans and d r e a m s

1 Vocabulary and Language Workout

A C o m p l e t e e a c h s e n t e n c e w i t h t h e c o r r e c t w o r d or p h r a s e f r o m t h e b o x .

t a k e off take get apply for

t a k e ¡t become a b o u t to get ready

1. I w a n t to . a Job as s o o n as i finish s c h o o l .

2. I'd l i k e t o a doctor.

3. I a m take my final exams.

4. The Engiish e x a m will three hours.

5. I have to g o a n d . . for the e x a m right now.

6. A f t e r my e x a m s , I will t w o w e e k s a n d just relax.

7. Then I will . easy for a while.

8. A f t e r that, I wil a Job. I h o p e I get one s o o n !

B Write answers about future plans.

Rachel Ken Dan and Carol You

m o v e to a n o t h e r city no yes no

travel yes no yes

start a b u s i n e s s yes no no

1 W h a t is Rachel g o i n g to d o in the future"?zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

Sheierít^omg te move tú amtherclty. She ie going totravá ana start a bueiness.

2. W h a t is Ken g o i n g to d o in the future?

3. W h a t are Dan a n d Carol g o i n g to d o in the future?

4. W h a t are y o u g o i n g to d o in the future?.

C A n s w e r the q u e s t i o n s w i t h y o u r o w n I n f o r m a t i o n .

1. W h a t is o n e of your d r e a m s for the future?

2. W o u l d y o u Iike to get married s o o n ? W h y or w h y not?

3. W o u l d y o u iike to b e c o m e a t e a c h e r ? W h y or w h y not?

Lesson B • Plans and dreams 53

2 Reading and Writing
A zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Read the article.


Find Your Dream

by Sandra Bolen

We all have dreams, but some people actually make
their dreams come true. Their secret? They quit
dreaming, and they start doing. Even a very big dream
starts with small steps, and small goals.

Maybe your dream is to become a doctor. Start by thinking about small goals for your
self. Ask, "What can I do today?" You can't start medical school today, but you can
send e-mails and make phone calis to get Information about medical schools. Make
a list of schools to cali, and then cali a few of them every day.

Another good idea is taiking to people who are doing your dream job. Do you dream
about having your own restaurant? Go to your favorite restaurant and ask the owner
lots of questions. Most people like to talk about their work.

4. .
What do you need for your dream? Tell friends and family members—many of them
can help you. For example, you want to become an artist. You need a lot of cheap
paper for drawing. Maybe your friend's brother throws away a lot of big paper at his
office. So, share your dream with the worid!

B Write the correct title for each section of the article.

Start Today
Ask for HelpzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
' • - r"" " ""^

Learn from Other People '

From Dream to Real Life r

Unit 9 • Change
The underlined words in this paragraph are incorrect. Write the correct words above the incorrect ones.
Use words from this unit.

I plan to (1.) apply for a doctor I studied for eight years. Now I am (2.) tai<ing ready to worl<. But first,

I need to (3.) take some time it for a vacation. For three weeks I plan to just (4.) get it easy. Then I will start

(5.) appiying off Jobs. Right now I am (6.) about for leave for the airport. My plañe (7.) gets off at 2:00!

D Write about how to be a successful language learner. Use your own ideas.

Lesson B • Plans and dreamszyxwvutsrqponml

Your Health
Lesson A The body,

1 Vocabulary Workout
A Unscramble the words for parts of the body.

1. d a n h

2. t s e h c
3. m a r

• 4. t o f o
5. k n e c
- 6. d e a h
7. h s u d I o r e

8, g e l

B Write the words ¡n the correct order.

' 1 . hand, neck, shoulder, arm

lower still lower the lowest pa rt i

the top part i

foot, head, chest, !eg :. -

the top part lower still lower the lowest part

G Complete the sentences with words from the box. Use plural forms when necessary.

stomach foot short narrow bone skin muscle hand long strong

1.. I put my left shoe on my left.

2. I have strong in my arms.

3. Inside the legs are long, hard .
4. The covers the outside of the body

5. When you eat, your . gets full.

6. Your , is at the end of your arm.
7 You can't carry a lot of things if you have . arms.
8. A swimmer must have very arms.
9. A man has broad shoulders, but a boy has ones.
10. People with legs can run faster than people with short legs.

56 Unlt 10 • Your Health

Conversation Workout
Write the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation. . '

What's wrong? I have a headache and I feel really tired.

Really? Why not? Oh, sorry to hear that. Get some rest and l'll cali you in the morning.

I don't feel well. ' I can't meet you tonight, •

Mario: Sorry but ^ • ^

Tina: .— —

Mario: — —
Tina: —
Tina: —

B Now write three new conversatlons. Give your own advice.

l (sore throat/can't talk) - • . •

Carla: - —

Carla: — —

Jan: —
Carla: . —


2. (fever / feel really hot)

Maria: .



3. (your own ¡dea)

Martin: _ _ _

Judy: -

Lesson A • The body 57

3 Language Workout
A A mother is taiking to liar children. Write sentences with imperatives.

wash the dishes—yes clean the table—yes eat all the ¡ce cream—no

cali your friends—no watch TV How—no put away the dishes—yes

take out the garbage—yes play with the dog—no

This kitchen looks terrible.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

Wash thedishee.

B Write advice for these people. Use imperatives.

1. I love coffee, but I can't sieep at night.

2. M y s t o m a c h hurts.

3. I have a very b a d sore throat.

4. I'm a teacher. M y feet hurt after w o r k every day.

5. 1 have a terrible c o u g h .

6. I want t o quit s m o k i n g .

C Circle the correct w o r d or words. .

1. Please bring m e (a glass / a c u p ) of hot coffee.

2. C a n I have (a glass / a piece) o f cake?

3. A f t e r lunch I drank (a glass / a piece) of milk.

4. i s o m e t i m e s put (a c u p / a bit) of saIt o n m y f o o d .

Unit 10 • Y o u r Hfialth
Lesson B Energy and stress

1 Vocabulary and Language Workout

A zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Com p let e the sentences with words f rom the box , ^ .

stressed pressure unhealthy reduce

energy energetic lucky

1. Martha has six children a n d t w o part-time Jobs. She is under a lot of , .

2. I didn't stüdy for m y test, but I still g o t 100. I guess l'm really . ^ „„ .

3. G e t s o m e exercise every d a y a n d g o to b e d early.'You'll have m o r e .

4. Mr. Kwan feeis . His plañe is late a n d he has an i m p o r t a n t m e e t i n g i n t w o hours.

5. To make more time for exercise. y o u s h o u l d your hours of T V w a t c h i n g .

6. My sister is very . She gets up at 6:00 every day a n d goes s w i m m i n g before work.

7. A l e x is a very p e r s o n . He has colds a n d fevers all the time.

B Write sentences with zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

when. Follow the ex am ples.

Ex am pies: have a c o i d / sieep a lot When ¡ have a cola, I sieep a lot. "

feel nervoüs / drink c o f f e e / feelnerwus when Idrinkcoffee.

' 1. s t u d y for six hours / feel e x h a u s t e d

2. talk to m y friend A n n a / have a p r o b i e m

3. g o o n v a c a t i o n / sieep very late

4. feel healthy / exercise every d a y

; 5. take aspirin / have a h e a d a c h e

C Com p let e the sentences with your own ideas.

1. W h e n I have a test

2. W h e n 1 g e t u p very early

3. When I feel stressed,

4. Wh en I have free t i m e

5. When I have a lot of energy,

Lesson B • Energy and stress

2 Reading and Writing
A Read the article.

Home Remedies
híj Grandma Mabel
A long time ago, when people were síclc, thetj dídn't eo to the doctor, and
th&ij dídn't butj medicine from the drugstore. Instead, tneíj used home
remedies—medicine made from thíngs at home. Ibdaij, mantj people líke to use
hom é remedies because thetj are cheap and easij to use. Here are some oíd
home remedies írom the United States.

•W Don't eat dinner late at night. Have a small, iight dinner

early in the evening.
* Eat lettuce for dinner. It helps you feel calm.
%' Eat raw onions to help you sieep.

W Cook an onion and put the hot onion on your ear.
« Put some sait in a bag, heat the bag, and put it on the
side ofyourhead.
Put warm oil in your ear.

* Don't eat very coid food, like ice cream.

« Lie down and cióse your eyes. Breathe calmly, and don't think
about anything.
Put a hot cioth on your head, above your eyes.

W Eat a lot of yogurt to help your stomach work better. 4

gi •« Drink tea made from the ginger, peppermint, or chamomile plants

Reduce alcohol, tea, and coffee.

B Write the correct title for each section. Use four of the titles.
When you have a headache . . When your ear hurts
When your feet hurt • When you have sIeep problems
When you have stomach problems

60 Unit 1 0 - Y o u r Health
C Fill in the spaces with the correct imperative form.

cook take put dón't stay dhnk go

We have many home remedies for coughs in my country. When you

have a cough, (1.) a very hot bath. (2.) tea with a

lot of sugar. ( 3 . ) _ _ _ _ _ exercise because that makes coughs worse.

(4.) warm and (5,) to bed if the weather is cold.

(6.) some eggs and (7.) them on your chest. My

grandmother always uses these home remedies.

D Write about home remedies for colds in your country.

Lesson B • Energy and stresszyxwvutsrq

That's Amazing
Lesson A Terrific talents:

1 Vocabulary Workout
A Unscramble the words.
1. b a i i l y t a 5. i t h s h

2. a n a t r u i n , 6. s d v i o e v

3, t i e n a t t 7. t o u s c s
4, s h e r a c s 8. t o p s p

B Match each sentence starter with the correct ending.

1. Did your post get any . a. scout?

2. When did he post the . b. abilities?

3. Does he have any acting . c. show?

4. Does she have several other. d. post?

5. How many photos did you _ e. talent?

6. Did you l<now she was so f. hits?

7. Is he a taient g. taíented?

8. Did she perform in a talent _ h. video?

C Use the cue words to write questions. Then answer the questions. Use your own ¡deas.

Example: Q: s h e / t a l e n tzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Does ebe have any taíent?

A: (your ¡dea) Yee. 5he plays the piano.

1. Q: he / natural ability

2. Q: the site / get / many hits

3. Q: they / good at

4. Q: he / give up

5. Q: she / talent scout


62 Unit n • That's Amazing

Conversation Workout
A Unscramble the words to make compliments.
1. nice / a / that's / car

2. great / w h a t / a / meal

3. dance / can / really / y o u / well

4. like / y o u r / shoes / a lot / I

5. w o n d e r f u l / a / story / that's

B Write compliments for these situations.

1. Your friend is w e a r i n g a new jacket.

2. Your classmate is singing a n d ¡t sounds great.

3. Your friend c o o k s a delicious dinner f o r y o u .

4. You see y o u r neighbor's beautiful g a r d e n .

5. Your sister paints a p r e t t y picture.

C Answer the compliments and add Information.

E xa m ple : That's a great shirt.

Thanks, I got it at M etro Department Store.

l Your d o g is really cute.

2. You speak English very well.

3. Your role play was really funny.

4. That's a cool T-shirt.

Lesson A • Terrific talents 63

3 Language Workout
A W r i t e sentences a b o u t t h e i n f o r m a t i o n in t h e c h a r t . F o l l o w t h e e x a m p l e .

swim cook
Yoshi, a g e t e n yes no no
Yoshi, n o w yes yes no

Estela, a g e t e n ' no no no

Estela, n o w yes no yes

You, age t e n

You, n o w


He could swim when he was ten. He can swim now.

l He. c o o k w h e n he was t e n . He now.

2. He w h e n he was t e n . He now.


3. S h e . She. . now.

4. S h e . She. now.

5. She She now.


6. I _ now.

7. I now.


B Rewrite t h e sentences. Use t h e c o r r e c t f o r m ofzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH

know how to in place o f can, can't, could a n d couldn't.

1. He can't speak French.

2. She c o u l d n ' t s w i m w h e n she was t w o .

3. She can make music videos.

4. He could walk w h e n he was seven m o n t h s o í d .

64 Unit 11 • That's Amazing

Lesson BzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A sense of achievement

1 Vocabulary and Language Workout

A M a t c h e a c h s e n t e n c e starter w i t h t h e c o r r e c t e n d i n g .

1. A g a m b l e r is always . a. t o visit Paris s o m e d a y .

2. I'm g o i n g to plav it safe a n d take . b. a big success.

3. i h o p e to have a c h a n c e c. this goal by a g e 35.

4. I plan to reach d. a risk-taker

5. A curious p e r s o n wants t o k n o w _ e. everyone.

6. They have a c h a n c e of f. my unnbrella.

7. A n a m b i t i o u s p e r s o n w a n t s t o b e . g. all t h e answer.s.

8. A f a m o u s p e r s o n is k n o w n b y h. w i n n i n g first prize.

B L o o k b a c k at t h e u n d e r l i n e d w o r d s in a c t i v i t y A . P u t t h e m in t h e c o r r e c t b o x .

C R e w r i t e t h e s e n t e n c e s . C h a n g e t h e w o r d s o t o because, o r c h a n g e t h e w o r d because t o so.

Example: Karen can't drive b e c a u s e s h e is oniy 12 years oíd,

K.arenfeoniy 7 2 years oíd so she can't drive.

1. I was tired s o I w e n t t o b e d . ' - • .

2. They b o u g h t t h e c a r b e c a u s e it was c h e a p .

3. T h e test ¡s t o m o r r o w s o w e shoüid s t u d y now.

4. 1 will leave early b e c a u s e I d o n ' t w a n t t o b e late, - ••• -

5. T h e m o v i e w a s b o r i n g s o I left.

Lesson B • A sense of achievement 65

2 Reading and Writing
Read this web site.

, C *


t Us ^ J !Geí Involved ; Contact Us

j^mazingffiusutiatts:^dam Sío
Adam Ho is an amazing musician. He plays the electric
guitar, sings, writes his own music, and records music In his
own home studio. He plays at concerts all around California,
and performs music for TV commercials. An article about
him was on the front page of a Los Angeles newspaper.
Well, what's unusual about that?

Adam is 14 years oíd. He was oniy 12 when his story and

photo appeared in the newspaper! He has received many
prizes for his musical talent. When he was nine, he won first
prize in a music contest. In 2009, he received an award for a
TV commercial he made. When he appeared on a national TV
talent show, he won fírst prize with the best score possible.

Adam has other talents and interests, too. He enjoys swimming, tennis, martial arts, and acting. But mostly he
loves to play the guitar. He often plays on a shopping street in Santa Monica, California. People stop to listen
and give him money—and maybe buy one of his CDs.

Adam wants to play more concerts, and he gives guitar lessons for beginners. His advice for other young
musicians: "1 practica almost two hours a day for better technique and playing. All you have to do is be patient,
and you'll mal<e it."

B Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Adam is amazing because he is very

a. fast b. strong c. young

2. He won a music contest when he was

a. nine . b. tweive c. fourteen

3. Adam aiso likes .

a. sports b. chess c, animáis

4. He other guitar players.

a, teaches b. plays with c. tal<es lessons with

5. Adam to earn money.

a. sells newspapers b. tal<es photos c. sells CDs '

66 Unit 11 • That's Amazinq

C Find the eight spelling mistakes and correct them.

W h e n I w a s a high s c h o o l student, I w a n t e d t o g o

on a s c h o o l trip. My parents said it w a s t o o e x p e n c i v e

for m y f a m i l y s o I d e c i d e d to earn t h e m o n y myself. I

g o t a part-tinne Job in a g r o c e r y store. The w o r k w a s

very dificult, a n d I g o t really tiered, but I didn't give up.

I w o r k e d every Friday a n d S a t e r d a y night for a w h o l e

y e a r I saved e v e r y t h i n g I e a r n e d , a n d at the e n d of

the yaer, I had e n o u g h m o n e y I h a d a great t i m e o n

t h e s c h o o l trip, a n d m y hard work at the g r o c e r y store

m a d e it posible. F o r me, it w a s a b i g a c h e i v e m e n t .

D Write about a big achievement by you or another person.

L e s s o n B • A s e n s e of a c h i e v e m e n tzyxwvutsrqpon
12 At the Movies
Lesson A Now showing at a theater near you

1 Vocabulary Workout
A Complete the sentences with words from the box.

action classics horror sclence fiction musical romantic comedies

1. P e o p i e üsually f a l l i n love in .
2. M a n y m o v i e s are all a b o u t t h e future.

3, G o o d o i d m o v i e s are often called

4. A m o v i e w i t h a lot of s i n g i n g a n d d a n c i n g is a

5. m o v i e s o f t e n have c a r c h a s e s a n d g u n fights.

6. Movies that scare p e o p l e are called movies.

B Unscramble the words to mal<e sentences.

1. m o v i e s / into / l'm / a c t i o n / not

2. always / e n d i n g / like / a / I / h a p p y

3. g o o d / feel / make / r o m a n t i c / m e / c o m e d i e s

4. c r a z y / musicais / she's / a b o u t / not

5. movies / like / scary / d o n ' t / I

6. classic / fan / he's / m o v i e s / a / of / b i g

C Complete the chart.

A movie I Ifked

ñame of the movie kind of movie actors

A movie 1 didn't like

ñame of tlie movie kind of movie actors

68, Unitl2 • At the Movies

Conversation Workout
Complete the conversation with words from the box. Pay attention to capital letters.

r take teil • there this hang thanks please sorry here calling

Larry: Helio?

Mina: Hi, is Beth (I) ,(2.) ?

Larry: Who's (3.) ?
Mina: (4.)zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
[ is Mina, a friend from school.
Larry: OK. (5.) on a minute.
Mina: (6)
Larry: (azyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
few seconds later) Helio? (7.) , Beth's not (8.) '
Can I (9.) a message?
Mina: Yeah. There's a party on Friday at John's house. It's at 8:00.
Larry: OK. i'll (10.) her. . , .
Mina: Thanks a lot.

B Now write new conversations.

1. You have two tickets to a concert. Decide what kind of concert, and what time. Cali your classmate,
Carlos. His mother answers the phone.
Mother: Helio? " '
Mother: (a few seconds later)

2. You have two tickets to a movie. Decide what kind of movie, and what time. Cali your friend, Judy.
Her sister answers the phone.
Sister: Helio?
You: ' :
Sister: :
You: . •
Sister: (a few seconds later)
You: :
Sister: ,

Lesson A • Now showing at a theater near you 69

3 Language Workout
Complete the sentences with thezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
-ed or -ing adjective.

1. (bore) I fell asieep during the movie.

, 1 was very ,
The movie was really .
2. (interest) Julia leves to read bool<s about famous athletes,
She thinks they are very .
She's very in famous athletes.

3. (disappoint) Our favorite baseball team lost the game.

• l t w a s a v e r y _ game.
• W e w e r e really in our team.
- • 4. (excite) My brother won the music contest!

Thatwas news.

. . '' , My family was very .

. 5. (confuse) Math is a difficult subject for David.

It is very for him.

• • Heoftengets in class.

!. * ' 6 . (exhaust) I just finished working 12 hours straight.

• • , ' It was an day for me.

• ^ I am totally .

• 7. (shock) I saw a horror movie on TV last night.

/ '. The story was really .

I was at the end of the movie. "; '

. B Complete the sentences with the correct adjective form of a word from the box.

interest bore excite confuse disappoint shock

l That movie was too . I couldn't understand the story ' ' -
2. I do the same thing every day at work. My Job is really .

3. i was when I heard the terrible news.

4. Are you in oíd movies?

5. Chris was with his low score on the exam.
' •' •• r 6, Action movies are very , . They make me want to jump up out of my seat.

C Now write sentences. Use your own ¡deas.

. " 1. (boring) . .

2. (excited) ^ ^
3. (confusing) , . ,
4. (exhausted) . ^ •
5. (interesting) . .

70 Unit 12 • At the Movies

Lesson B On the set

1 Vocabulary and Language Workout

A Complete the paragraph with words from the box.

r, sit around screen festivals directors stars theater extras shooting

So you want to be in the movies...

Everyone thinks that (1.) a movie is exciting and fun. Movie
(2.) seem to have such wonderful lives. However, there are a' .
lot of things that you don't see on the (3,)
as (4.)
. Many actors work
for years before they get a starring role. The actors
sometimes get really bored. They have to (5.) for hours waiting.

And some (6.)_ . can be difficult to work with. Actors aiso have
to go to film (7.)_ _ and talk about the movies they have made.
It takes a lot of time. So the next time you go to a movie (8.)_
you should realize that the life of a movie star up on screen isn't always so
much fun. . • • •

B Write questions and answers about weekend plans. Use the present continuous as future.

Jeff Maki Matt and Angie you


Saturday go to the beach clean her apartment go shopping

see a movie
Sunday study for a science exam cook a big dinner
with his brother

1. V\/hat's Jeff doing on Saturday? He's going to the beach.

on Sunday?

2. (Maki)^

3. (Matt and Angie) _

4. (you),

Lesson B • On the set 71

2 Reading and Writing
A Read the movie listings.



In Theaters This Week

t TheBlackestNigbt
In this new science fiction film, Brandon Cárter and
Leslie Kim star as two astronauts who have a terrible
accident. They are trapped on the dark side of the
Moon, with just a little food, air, and water. Can they
survive? It's an exciting two hours!

2. WinterandSpring
This movie is about two medical students who fall in
love. They have big plans for the future—getting
married, having a baby, starting a hospital for poor
children. Then Paul (piayed by Matt Keene) gets veiy
sick, and Melissa (Jessica Mays) must make a difñcult
decisión. (Don't worry, the end is happy!)

3. MyNewJob
You can't believe the plot of this new comedy, but it's
very, very ftinny. A famous soccer star nanied Adriano
(piayed by Paulo Costa) gets a job teaching at a
kindergarten. The children do many crazy things, but
Adriano leams some very important lessons from a little
girl (piayed by Kaidyn White). This is a gi'eat movie for

4. DontiookintheAttic .
Rodney Jones and Shontelle Deane star in this scaiy
new movie. John and Susan are a young husband and
wife who buy a new house. But their beautiful house
has a terrible secret. How can they end therr nightmare?
(Don't see this movie alone!)

B Match listings 1-4 with the pictures.

Unit 12 • A t t h e M o v i e s
lllllllllllillJilIJlJ J.lll ii :l li I. ii'

C Read the movie review and add periods, commas, and capital letters.

i saw elizabeth's trip last week it's a really interesting nnovie and there are some great actors in the

cast the movie is about an oíd woman in new york named elizabeth she wants to visit her grandchildren

in los angeles but she's afraid of airplanes she buys a bus ticket and starts an amazing trip she meets a

lot of ¡nteresting and crazy characters on the bus she aiso sees some unusual places in the united states

i really liked this movie a lot

D Write a review of a new movie. Give your opinión.

Lesson B • On the set 73



(Infinitivo) (Pasado) (Participio) (Infinitivo Español) (Infinitivo) (Pasado) (Participio) (Infinitivo Español)

arise arose arisen surgir (dificultades) forbid forbade forbidden prohibir

awake awoke awoken despertar foretell foretold foretold predecir
be was, were been ser, estar forget forgot forgotten olvidar
bear bore borne sostener, soportar forgive forgave forgiven perdonar
bear bore borne producir frutos freeze froze frozen congelar
beat beat beaten pegar, batir, vencer a fret fretted fretted gastar, corroer
become became become llegar a ser fumble fumbled fumbled buscar a tientas
begin began begun empezar get got gotten conseguir, obtener
bend bent bent doblar give gave given dar
bet bet bet apostar gloat gloated gloated deleitarse con maldad
bind bound bound atar, unir, sujetar go went gone ir
bite bit bitten morder grind ground ground moler
bleed bled bled sangrar grow grew grown crecer, cultivar
blend blended blended mezclar hang hanged hanged ejecutar a alguien en la horca.
blow blew blown soplar hang hung hung colgar
break broke broken romper have had had tener, haber
breed bred bred criar hear heard heard oir
bring brought brought traer hew hewed hewed (hewn) trozar (con hacha), esculpir.
build built built construir hide hid hidden esconder
burn burned burned quemar, arder hit hit hit golpear
burst burst burst reventar hold held held sostener
buy bought bought comprar hurt hurt hurt herir
catch caught caught tomar, agarrar keep kept kept guardar, mantener
choose chose chosen escoger kneel knelt (kneeled) knelt (kneeled) arrodillarse
cling clung clung adherirse knit knit (knitted) knit (knitted) tejer
clothe clad clad vestir know knew known saber, conocer
come came come venir laugh laughed laughed reir(se)
cost cost cost costar lay laid laid poner, colocar
creep crept crept gatear, reptar lead led led conducir, guiar
cut cut cut cortar lean leaned leaned apoyarse
dare dared dared atreverse leap leaped (leapt) leaped (leapt) saltar, brincar
deal dealt dealt tratar tema o negocio learn learned (learnt) learned (learnt) aprender
defeat defeated defeated derrotar a, vencer a leave left left abandonar, partir
dig dug dug cavar lend lent lent prestar
do did done hacer let let let permitir, conceder
draw drew drawn dibujar lie lay lain yacer, estar situado
dream dreamed dreamed soñar lie lied lied mentir
drink drank drunk beber light lighted (lit) lighted (lit) encender
drive drove driven conducir loiter loitered loitered sacar la vuelta
eat ate eaten comer lose lost lost perder
fall fell fallen caer make made made hacer
feed fed fed alimentar mean meant meant significar
feel felt felt sentir meddle meddled meddled interferir indiscretamente
fight fought fought pelear meet met met conocer, encontrar(se)
find found found hallar, encontrar outdo outdid outdone superar a uno en algo
found founded founded fundar outlive outlived outlived sobrepasar en vida
fly flew flown volar overhear overheard overheard oir por casualidad
fund funded funded financiar

Author: Jesús Erasmo Veloso Aros 1

(Infinitivo) (Pasado) (Participio) (Infinitivo Español) (Infinitivo) (Pasado) (Participio) (Infinitivo Español)

overtake overtook overtaken tomar la delantera spring sprang sprung saltar, brincar
owe owed owed deber, adeudar stand stood stood pararse, tolerar
pay paid paid pagar steal stole stolen robar (algo)
put put put poner stick stuck stuck pegar, adherirse
quit quit quit renunciar, dejar de sting stung stung picar, pinchar
raise raised raised levantar, izar (algo) stink stank stunk apestar, oler mal
read read read leer strike struck struck golpear
rid rid (ridded) rid (ridded) deshacerse de string strung strung encordar, ensartar
ride rode ridden cabalgar strive strove striven luchar (para conseguir)
ring rang rung sonar swear swore sworn jurar
rise rose risen subir, alzarse sweat sweat sweat sudar
rob robbed robbed robar a (alguien) sweep swept swept barrer
run ran run correr, gobernar swell swelled swelled (swollen) hinchar(se)
say said said decir swim swam swum nadar
see saw seen ver swing swang swung oscilar, balancear
seek sought sought buscar take took taken tomar, llevar
seize seized seized agarrar teach taught taught enseñar
sell sold sold vender tear tore torn rasgar
send sent sent enviar tell told told contar, decir
set set set poner, colocar think thought thought pensar
sew sewed sewn ( sewed) coser thrive throve (thrived) thriven (thrived) florecer, prosperar
shake shook shaken agitar, pasar (la mano) throw threw thrown tirar, arrojar
shed shed shed despojarse de understand understood understood entender
shine shone shone (shined) brillar undertake undertook undertaken emprender
shoot shot shot disparar uphold upheld upheld sostener, mantener
show showed shown mostrar wake woke woken despertar
shrink shrank shrunk encoger wear wore worn usar
shuffle shuffled shuffled barajar (naipes) weave wove woven tejer, trenzar
shut shut shut cerrar wed wedded wedded (wed) casarse con
sing sang sung cantar weep wept wept llorar
sink sank sunk hundir wet wet (wetted) wet (wetted) mojar, orinar en
sit sat sat sentarse win won won ganar (algo)
slaughter slaughtered slaughtered sacrificar animales wind wound wound dar cuerda, enrollar
slay slew slain matar (poético) wound wounded wounded herir
sleep slept slept dormir withdraw withdrew withdrawn retirar, girar dinero
slide slid slid deslizar wring wrung wrung torcer, estrujar
sling slung slung arrojar, lanzar write wrote written escribir
slink slunk slunk esquivar, escabullirse Xerox Xeroxed Xeroxed fotocopiar
smell smelled smelled oler X-ray X-rayed X-rayed hacer una radiografía
speak spoke spoken hablar yawn yawned yawned bostezar
speed speeded (sped) speeded (sped) apresurar yearn yearned yearned añorar, anhelar algo
spell spelled spelled deletrear yell yelled yelled gritar, pegar un grito
spend spent spent gastar, pasar el tiempo yield yielded yielded producir, rendirse
spill spilled (spilt) spilled (spilt) derramar zig-zag zig-zagged zig-zagged zigzaguear
spin span spun girar, dar vueltas
spit spat spat escupir
split split split dividir, partir
spread spread spread extender, desplegar
stab stabbed stabbed apuñalar

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