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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Albay
Guinobatan East District
MAnases Olaybal Memorial Elementary School
Sinungtan, Guinobatan Albay


Earthquake is one of the disasters that caused people died or injured. We cannot detect when and where
it would be happened. It is a natural phenomena caused by the constant movements of the earth’s crustal

Connectively, Manases Olaybal Memorial Elementary School joined the first Quarter National
Simultaneous Earthquake Drill inside our campus. We followed the mechanics given to us. In the first 30 second
alarm, the children started to seek shelter and protect themselves wherever they were situated. They also
performed the duck, cover, and hold under desk, tables or chairs and remained in such positions until the
shocking stop. And then, on the 20-second lull period, the children started to evacuate from the room/ building
to the designated evacuation areas.

As they performed the drill, they felt as it happened in reality. The pupils behaved well and follow the
instructions properly.

The third alarm which is 15-second, this signifies the occurrence of an aftershock. The children remained
in the evacuation area and right after the occurrence; the teacher checked the pupils if there were any sustained
injuries. The teacher counted the pupils. After checking the teacher gave the “All clear signal” that signifies the
termination of the earthquake drill. The pupils successfully returned to their respective rooms.

Prepared by,

School DRR coordinator

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