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Description of class Meša Selimović primary school Subject: English language; VII/ 9 28 students 13 years old

School year 2010/2011. Class time: 45’ Teacher: Amila Islamović,prof.

Teaching unit Correction
Type of lesson Work on test

Sources TB Project 3, Workbook, SB

Aims and goals - To motivate students to find their mistakes and correct them
- To improve student's writing
Short term - To ask them to help their partner
- To make list of their difficulties and mistakes
Long term - To let them to do by themselves

Methods -Task-based method

-Communicative method
-Work on test

Class -Frontal work

managment -Individual work
-Whole class
Teaching aids, materials Blackboard, chalk, TB, notebook, pen.
and equipment

Procedure Introductory part, main part & final part.

Additional plan There is no additional plan because they need 40 minutes to see and correct their mistakes.



Correction of the test

Aims and Class organization, Teaching aids Possible Possible Timing
objectives procedure and activities. problems solutions

Introductory To correct their Teacher talks generally with Board, chalk Some students In this case
part mistakes. students about their test. She and handouts. aren’t ready for teacher insists
To invites students asks a student to help her and correction. for them to
to ask if they don't give them to see their test. And They aren’t write 5'
understand some she asks them to prepare their interested. correction
things in the test. notebook and put the title into and she
To motivate students them. promises
to find mistakes and them her
correct them. help.

Improving student's Teacher asks some volunteers Handout Some students Teacher
writing. to come and write exercises on .notebook board, may not be able explains
To make list of their the board. She asks other chalk and pen. to understand again what
Main part difficulties and students to write them into some tasks. the tasks are 38'
mistakes. their notebooks. about.
To let them writing
by themselves and
with a partner.

To develop Five minutes before ending of None. Some students Teacher says
connection among the lesson teacher says students are angry or that they'll
students, teacher and to take their test and show sad because have another
Final part parents. them to parents. They have to they had bad chance. She 2'
bring them next lesson and marks. encourages
give to the teacher. them and says
that they are
getting better
and better.

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