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189​th​ Annual General Conference * April 6 - 7, 2019

Saturday AM​ * ​Saturday PM​ * ​Priesthood​ * ​Sunday AM​ * ​Sunday PM

Saturday Morning Session

Opening Hymn: (Hymn) -Now Let Us Rejoice (#3)
Conducting: ​President Dallin H. Oaks​, First Counselor in the First Presidency
Hymn: (Hymn) - ​Press Forward Saints
Invocation: Elder Snow
Hymn: (Hymn) - ​There is Sunshine in My Soul Today​ (#220)

Talk: ​Ulisses Soares​ - Quorum of the 12

How Can I Understand?
Stories: Philip teaching the Ethiopian. A women, Mary, who went through a divorce
Major Themes: Conversion, centering our lives and home on Christ
● We have a mandate to learn the Gospel
● Conversion and transformation result in happier lives
● Parents need to make intentional effort to raise children in the Gospel.
● Focus needs to be on Christ and having our own spiritual impressions ingrained in our hearts
● God’s Prophets have consistently instructed that we raise our children in light and truth.
● Teach our children of the importance of God in their lives.
○ There is a Father in Heaven who loves us
○ Jesus Christ is our redeemer
○ Salvation comes through Him.
● Conversion and discipleship doesn’t happen by chance, we need to make intentional effort
● Once we learn the gospel we need to practice it… show our beliefs in the way we live
● want our children to know Pres Nelson is the prophet they need to see us sustain him and follow his
teachings. “Actions speak louder than words”.
● ‘What should I do when I do all these things but my family still distance themselves from the Lord’
○ They are not totally lost, the lord knows where they are and is watching over them.
○ The best we can do in these circumstances is love and embrace them. Be their friends, look for
the good in them, maintain friendship, don’t judge.
○ “The best teacher is a good role model”
● Heavenly Father knows and loves us and understands our pain
● Share the gospel in every family setting
● Bring the Gospel to life in the home

Talk: ​Becky Craven-​ Second Counselor Young Women’s General Presidency

Careful v. Casual
Stories: Happiness for $15; train running into a car
Major Themes: Finding Happiness; straight (strait) and narrow paths; Carefully or casually living the gospel
● It is easy to look for happiness in things that are cheap or temporary, but happiness is only found
through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
189​th​ Annual General Conference * April 6 - 7, 2019
Saturday AM​ * ​Saturday PM​ * ​Priesthood​ * ​Sunday AM​ * ​Sunday PM

● Where is happiness found?

● We are blessed to know how and where to find true happiness. It is found in the gospel of Jesus
● A train was ‘unable to swerve’ out of the way of a car on the tracks. ‘The rails on the tracks kept the
train moving towards its destination regardless of the obstacles on the way’
○ Covenants help keep us on the path
● Casualness can knock us off the path. It can bring us near the tree of life but not to it
● Stay firmly on the path. “We too are on a track, a covenant path we committed to when we were
baptized... Although we may encounter occasional obstacles along the way, this path will keep us
moving towards our prized eternal destination if we stay firmly on it."
● Allegory of the tree of life - the river of water leads near the tree, but not to the tree of life representing
the love of God. Don’t drown in the filthy river.
● Do we sometimes live in the gray?
○ Any time we say ‘except’ or … , we are saying ‘that counsel does not apply to me.
○ There is not a right way to do the wrong thing
● Be careful not casual
● Being careful doesn’t mean being formal or stuffy. It means being appropriate in our thoughts and
● Are we carfel in our sacrament…
● Could we be more careful in… preparing for the sacrament, prayers, temple, come follow me, keeping
covenants, appearance, wearing garments, ministering to others, callings, what we read and watch,
mobile devices, language
● For the Strength of Youth was written for the youth but doesn’t expire when we graduate the youth
program, we should review them regularly
● We do not lower our standards to let others fit in. We help lift them up.
● How do we mark ourselves? Do others see Jesus Christ through the way we mark ourselves?
● We are not meant to blend in with the rest of the world. Being a peculiar people is a complement.
● Everyone will fall off the path, don’t dwell on it, get back on the path.
● Temptations and casualness can lead us away from the covenant path.
● We don’t have to be perfect to be worthy
● Happiness can’t be bought for $15

Talk: ​Brook P. Hales​ - (General Authority Seventy)

Answers to Prayers
Stories: Son called to serve in Paris France and brought an overcoat; Patricia Parkinson losing her eyesight
and overcoming despite her trial in order to help others;
Major Themes: Love of God; God knows our needs
● Key doctrine is Christ has perfect love for his children.
● Just like how Heavenly Father is changing things in our day, all the time lately
● The Father is aware of all our needs and will respond in the way we need which is not always the way
we hope.
● Three experiences that show God knows our needs long before we do.
189​th​ Annual General Conference * April 6 - 7, 2019
Saturday AM​ * ​Saturday PM​ * ​Priesthood​ * ​Sunday AM​ * ​Sunday PM

● 1. Son’s overcoat was too small when he arrived on his mission. He gave the coat to another
missionary who didn’t have much support at home
○ It is very interesting how the lord work through us
● Joseph of Egypt’s prayers were definitely not answered how he hoped but resulted in saving his family.
● 2. Oldest son hired to a part-time job during college with potential for full-time employment after
graduation. He was the leading candidate but did not get the job. He was devastated and crushed. It
was years later that he realized had he taken the job he would have missed a critical and life changing
● 3. A woman’s eyesight was slowly lost early in her life. She continued her education and has been able
to bless lives as a counselor to others in her situation.
○ The Lord knows what is best for us and when we should have it.
● Sometime God doesn’t grant us everything we want, He will wait so that we learn something that He
wants us to learn first.
● "Sometimes our prayers are answered quickly with the outcome we hope for. Sometimes, our prayers
are not answered in the way we hope for, yet with time learn that God had greater blessings prepared
for us than we initially anticipated..."
○ This too shall pass
● Our prayers are not always answered the same way every time
● Trust in the Lord's timing
● God hears our prayers and answers them perfectly according to his infinite wisdom

Hymn: (Hymn) - ​Redeemer of Israel​ (#6)

Talk: ​Elder Dieter Uchtdorf​ - Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Missionary Work -- Sharing What is in Your Heart
Major Themes: Sharing the Gospel
● The number of Christian believers worldwide is shrinking indeed.
● It would have taken Paul 40 days to get to Rome, the same trip takes 3 hours today.
● In spite of persecutions, the church continues to grow. Keep that growth in perspective: 7.5 billion
people, 16 million members of the church.
● Overall membership continues to grow but there are too many who are not participating.
● There are plenty of opportunities to share the good news of the gospel. ​.
● How can we best fulfill the diving commission to proclaim the gospel? We should ponder this question
in our hearts.
● Why do we feel uncomfortable when people talk about missionary work?
○ The Lord does not require flawless efforts, just a heart and willing mind.
● The Lord has never required flawless missionary efforts… He wants our heart and mind.
● Five guilt-free things anyone can do to participate in the Savior’s great commission to help gather israel
● 1. Draw close to God
○ Love God is the first great commandment
189​th​ Annual General Conference * April 6 - 7, 2019
Saturday AM​ * ​Saturday PM​ * ​Priesthood​ * ​Sunday AM​ * ​Sunday PM

○ The Closer we draw, the more His light will shine.

● 2. Fill your heart with love for others
○ The second great commandment
○ See others as children of God
○ Minister with them, love, laugh, heal
■ Even to those who you don’t serve or make fun of you
● 3. Strive to walk the path of discipleship
○ As your love of God deepens, so does commitment to live the gospel
■ You have to feast upon the words
■ Little by little. It may take time
○ Don’t give up
○ Talking with others about the gospel will become so natural it will feel unnatural to not talk about
it with others.
● 4. Share what is in your heart
○ You don’t need to stand on the corner to preach, look for natural and normal ways to bring up
the gospel, both in person and online.
■ I love taking Uber and Lyft rides when I travel because if a person is stuck in the car with
me for 20 minutes I can almost always find ways to naturally bring up the Gospel.
■ Let your light shine
○ Share the gospel online, in social media, twitter, youtube, facebook, instagram
■ I was actually thinking we need more LDS youtube content focused on faith and Christ
from members. Most of the faith-focused content is produced by the church and much of
the member produced content is focused on evidences/history of the church.
■ I love the come follow me program!
● How do you guys do the come follow me readings?
○ My family reads them together every sunday before we go off to our
meetings and each week is a different family member as the teacher
○ I do my personal study during the day and try to bring up what I learned
during family dinner.
■ Share the Gospel Library App.
■ Talk about your weekend… church
■ Explain why we emphasize Savior’s name in the church
■ Invite them to come and see
■ Come and help
■ Come and stay
● 5. Trust the Lord to work His miracles
○ Conversion is the role of the Holy Ghost, your role is to share what’s in your heart.
○ Not your role to convert
■ Not a personal failure if they don't come.
■ Some will, some won’t, so what, someone’s waiting (S.W.x4)
● Believe, love, do
● Follow this path and God will work miracles through your efforts
189​th​ Annual General Conference * April 6 - 7, 2019
Saturday AM​ * ​Saturday PM​ * ​Priesthood​ * ​Sunday AM​ * ​Sunday PM

● The Lord works in His mysterious ways

● At times we may be persecuted… Rejoice in Christ’s sufferings
● We can all do this together

Hymn: (Hymn) - Dearest Children, God is Near You (#96)

Talk: ​Bishop Christopher Waddell​ - Second Counselor, Presiding Bishopric

Just as He Did
Stories: Mike being diagnosed with cancer.
Major Themes: Ministering
● Bishop Waddell’s brother, Mike, had been inactive for many decades but started returning to the
Gospel after being diagnosed with cancer.
○ Received patriarchal blessing 57 years after baptism
○ Mike stopped treatment and was told he had a few months to live. Mike continued to study the
○ Mike’s heart briefly stopped but kicked back in long enough to be ordained an elder
● We have been called to minister in a higher, holier way.
● Don’t give up on people on do not contact lists.
○ Always be their friend
○ People change
○ No one is too far gone and it is never too late for the Savior’s loving reach.
○ Do more than take care of today
● Friendship is magnified as we minister and ministering efforts are magnified.
● Christ took care of people’s immediate needs but was focused on longer term needs
● Seek the guidance of the spirit then act
○ Trust the lord and we will be placed in situations to serve
○ Do what we’re capable of doing and trust god to do the rest.
● Focus on what is most important
● No one is beyond the reach of the atonement.
● It is never too soon to extend an invitation
● There is always hope

Hymn: (Hymn) - I Am A Child of God (#301)

Talk: (​President Henry Eyring​) - (Second Counselor First Presidency)

A Home Where the Spirit of the Lord Dwells
Major Themes: Contention, Overcoming Spiritual decline, Faith in Jesus Christ
● Today is the 189th anniversary of the church.
● We don’t know what the prophet said or what he looked like but we can know that the people in the
room felt the holy ghost.
189​th​ Annual General Conference * April 6 - 7, 2019
Saturday AM​ * ​Saturday PM​ * ​Priesthood​ * ​Sunday AM​ * ​Sunday PM

● We want the feeling of being one in our home.

○ This feeling comes from being spiritually minded
● Contention, pride, and sin must be kept at bay if we’re to have the spirit in our home.
● The account in 4th Nephi describes the symptoms of spiritual decline of good people
○ This pattern has played out numerous times in history
○ This pattern has played out in many families and homes
● Pattern of decline
○ Pride
■ People stopped sharing and instead divided themselves into classes
○ Diminish in faith
○ Increased hate, sin
● Avoid contention whenever possible, but stand up for your convictions with boldness.
● Limited success in calling children to repentance
● Calling someone to repentance is not as impactful as uplifting their faith in Jesus Christ. Don't focus on
diminishing another's sin, focus on building another's faith.
● The key to leading your family is… faith in Jesus Christ
● As people desire to repent, humility will replace pride
● Building faith in Christ is the key to reversing spiritual decline
○ Don’t focus on behaviors or specific sins.
● It’s like the story of the mustard seed
○ Primary song “If planted it will grow..”
● The way we change the world is by changing our home
● Prayers are not geographically constrained.
● The family that prays together is together even if they are far apart.
● Prayer in the family can bring bonds of love and make the home a sacred place.
● “I’m sorry”
○ Forgive quickly
● Joy can go far
● Even a baby can feel the temple is sacred
● Visit temple grounds with your families
● The restoration of the gospel started with a humble question in a humble home
● ‘You are worrying about the wrong problem. Worry about qualifying yourself for the celestial kingdom’
● The family living arrangements in the Celestial Kingdom will be more wonderful than you can ever

Hymn: (​Rejoice The Lord is King​) - Hymn (#66)

Benediction: (​Wilford Anderson​) - (Of the Seventy)

● Lots about loving people who aren’t active
● Reflect on my own gospel activity - am I careful or casual about my faith?
● Do I show any symptoms of a spiritual decline in my life/family?
● Don’t worry about the wrong problem
189​th​ Annual General Conference * April 6 - 7, 2019
Saturday AM​ * ​Saturday PM​ * ​Priesthood​ * ​Sunday AM​ * ​Sunday PM

● It's no coincidence that President Eyring cited that everything went to pot after 200 years, after having
pointed out this Church is nearly 200 years old. "They began to diminish in their faith in Jesus Christ".
● Pres Eyring’s pace is a bit slower than normal.
● There is true happiness in living the gospel of Jesus Christ.
● Great Notes! Thank you!!

● Share the gospel in every family setting (Soares)
● Review the Strength of Youth pamphlet regularly, even as adults (Craven)
● Look for opportunities to bring up and talk about your faith (Uchtdorf)
● Share the gospel online, in social media, twitter, youtube (Uchtdorf)
● Visit temple grounds with your families (Eyring)

Please provide link for next session’s notes here:

Links are in the page header which is hidden to make note taking easier.

189​th​ Annual General Conference * April 6 - 7, 2019

Saturday AM​ * ​Saturday PM​ * ​Priesthood​ * ​Sunday AM​ * ​Sunday PM

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