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AMA Computer College

Information Communication Technology

Angeles City

A Propose Website for the Company of

V8 iNet Café and Computer Services

Submitted by:

Navarro, Gwyneth Ann Marie Santos, Rojo D.

Quitoles, Mark Vincent Eugene Pineda, Jerico S.

Submitted to:

Mr. Christian Pradilla

Table of Contents


1.1 Background of the Study................................... 1

1.2.1 General Objectives.......................................2

1.2.2 Specific Objectives......................................2

1.3 Significance of the Study..................................2

1.4 Scope and Limitation.......................................3

2.0 Methodology of the Study...................................4

3.0 Data Gathering Procedures and Outputs......................5

4.0 Documenting the Current System.............................6

5.0 Software/Project Estimation................................7

5.1 Schedule of Activities.....................................8

5.2 Cost of Estimation.........................................8

6.0 Software Design Specification..............................9

6.1 Screen/Interface Specification............................10

6.2 Program/Module Specification..............................10

7.0 Software Implementation...................................10

7.1 Programming Considerations, Issues, and Tools.............10

7.2 System Requirements Specification.........................11

7.2.1 Hardware Requirements...................................11

7.2.2 Software Requirements...................................11

7.2.3 Human Resource Requirements.............................11

7.3 Software Testing..........................................12

7.3.1 Testing Activities......................................12

7.3.2 Test Case...............................................13

8.0 Software Maintenance Plan.................................13


1.1 Background of the Study

The internet has grown rapidly through the past few years
from being an automated messaging tool to educational,
communication and entertainment provider but now, the business
industries were already been influenced by the internet.
According to Vitez O. who wrote the article The Effect of the
Internet on Modern Businesses & Corporations

atiInformation technology has transformed the way companies

conduct business. Technology allows businesses to automate
manual operations and process information much faster. While
business technology often is used through personal computers,
server storage and point-of-sale or cash register systems,
another major technological advancement is the Internet, which
has created new communication forms and other business methods
that companies use when processing financial and business

This system is a web based money remittance application that

allows individuals who want to establish a startup money

remittance business. It is a system that stores customer

information and transaction history. Users have the ability to

create accounts, add, edit and delete customer data and process

transactions. The system can also calculate the money for


The online money remittance system is designed to simplify

managing the customer’s information in a more organized fashion,

making the process easier and increase work efficiency. It is

built to secure customer data and very easy to use.

1.1.1 General Objectives

The objective of this project is to create a website for

the company of V8 iNet Café & Computer Services with the help of
the knowledge that we learned in our programming subject. The
aims of this study is to help increase the marketing sales of
the said enterprise by giving the existing and potential clients
a much easier access of information regarding to the products
and services that the business can offer.

1.1.2 Specific Objectives

 To help expand the marketing strategy of the company.

 A well-organized content and user-friendly site to
attract customers.
 Improve interaction with existing and potential
 Up to date announcement from the company.
 Accurate list of information about the products and
services of the company.
 Systemize order of data/files.

1.2 Significance of the Study

The importance of this study is to help the said company

that we are currently working for to be recognize at the market
industry by creating a website which will help their marketing
promotion (advertisement). In addition, this project is made to
significantly increase the sales of the business and also to
attract potential customers.

This study’s beneficiaries are the owner and the employees

of the said company. It will be helpful for them to communicate
and transact with the potential customers to help increase their
marketing strategy.

This project will also help the researchers in developing

their knowledge in this kind of program and this will also serve
as their final requirement for the said subject.
This study will also serve as a reference for the upcoming
researchers in the near future to help improve their skills and
understanding pertaining to a related project and programs.

1.3 Scope and Limitation

The study is focus on the web-based system development and

it is planned to help increase the marketing sales of the said
company by serving as a promotion tool for the enterprise’s
advertisement. Since the project is a multi-user website the
existing and potential clients of the company is permitted to
open the program at any web browsers providing that internet
connection is required.

The researchers formulated the scope and limitations of

this project to identify the boundaries of this study.

The scopes of this project are:

• The system displays all the necessary information regarding to

the company’s products and services.
• The system allows the customers to place orders on the site.
• It has a capability to notify the administrator after a
purchased order has been placed.
• The system is a username and password protected

The limitations of this project are:

• The system requires internet connection; else accessing to the

system does not take place.
• The clients are not capable to pay online.
• Only the administrator is capable to edit or modify the data/
information on the site.
2.0 Methodology of the Study

The researchers used the waterfall method so that our

project will be specific the way that it has been plan and to
make sure that it will meet the company’s needs and
expectations. By using the waterfall method the researchers
guarantee that the project system that has built is accurately
as it should be, because of its systematic planning and
development it has a scheduled deadlines for each stage of
progress to meet the client’s expectations.

With the use of this method proper planning, design and

organization are highly necessary because it has a specific
detailed order of procedures in managing every aspect of the
project from design and development to testing and
implementation. The advantage of this model is that early design
changes is allowed, the waterfall method lends itself well to
alterations in the initial step of progression which is great
for the researchers when fleshing out the required documents in
the first couple stages, since alterations can be immediately
done with minimal effort, as no coding or implementation has
actually taken place up to that point.






 Suited for Milestone-Focused Development: Due to the inherent linear structure of a
waterfall project, such applications are always well-suited for organizations or teams
that work well under a milestone- and date-focused paradigm. With clear, concrete, and
well understood stages that everyone on the team can understand and prepare for, it is
relatively simple to develop a time line for the entire process and assign particular
markers and milestones for each stage and even completion. This isn’t to suggest
software development isn’t often rife with delays (since it is), but waterfall is befitting the
kind of project that needs deadlines.

Using this method requires good planning and design and the

developers need a clear and complete definition of the system

before it can be broken down and built inclemently. However, it

is easier to test and debug the system; customers can respond to

any build and it is easier to manage risks. This model increases

each time a new component is added on the design until the

product is complete.

3.0 Data Gathering Procedures and Outputs

Insufficient data and lack of understanding must be

avoided. Requirement gathering should be clear to provide what a

customer wants in a system. The system being developed must

reach the customer’s expectations, the gathered data should be

clarified to know what they have in mind. Acknowledging the

requirements of the business, user and system creates a

successful project as it gives you a clear understanding on what

is needed to be done.
User Observation

This data gathering procedure involves the user to collect

feedback on the system. Structured Observation is used where the

gathered information are recorded in recording sheets,

observation guide, checklist, field note, etc. Observation is a

process where users are being observed by an analyst involving

the user in the observation helps gather specific requirements

that are needed. This method allows the analyst collect more

information in a way that other procedures cannot, such as

questionnaires and interviews. Since structured information

requires direct information for a better understanding on how

the user interacts with the system, including the process,

behavior, event or situation.

4.0 Documenting the Current System

This project aims to service the company of V8 iNet Café

and computer services. Unfortunately, the said business has no
existing or current system to develop. The researchers of this
study used other websites from other companies to use as a
reference in creating this project.
5.0 Software/Project Estimation

Steps January
28-31 February March April











5.1 Schedule of Activities

Monday - Friday
Monday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Immersion Shifting Schedule
Wednesday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Opening Shift: 10:00am to 6:00pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am – 8:00 pm Closing Shift: 12:00nn to 8:00pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Steps Activity

A Brainstorming of ideas on how to begin the software process.

B Analysis of the software process.

C Planning the design of the software.

D Starting the initial step of coding and documentation.

E Finishing the halfway mark of the software.

F Finalizing the software and documentation.

G Debugging the entire system software.

5.2 Cost of Estimation

 Materials Cost:

Papers Php 40.00

Pen Php 20.00

Printing Php 150.00

Total: Php 210.00

 Food Cost:

Lunch Php 60.00

Snacks Php 50.00

Dinner Php 50.00

Total: Php 160.00

 Transportation: Php 300.00

Total Cost Estimation: Php 210.00

6.0 Software Design Specification

The developers must be knowledgeable and understand the

flow of the system in order to attain the objectives before the


The researchers created a data flow diagram in order to

completely understand the flow of the propose Web Based

Remittance System.

6.1 Screen/Interface Specification

6.2 Program/Module Specification

7.0 Software Implementation

7.1 Programming Considerations, Issues, and Tools

 User Guidelines

The provided guidelines will assists users, providing

a list of instructions for the users on what to do. The

guide also shows what and how the system functions and how

it can be used efficiently.

 Technology to Use

It is where the type of technology the system can be

used. The system can be accessed using computers or mobile

phone that is connected to the internet.

 Nature of the Environment

The purpose of this system is to assist the

owner/admin ease of the burden in doing physical work,

managing their time and organizing customer information.

7.2 System Requirements Specification

The system developers specified the following requirements

of system in order for it to run:

7.2.1 Hardware Requirements

 Minimum 4 GB memory

 20 GB Hard-drive

 Intel or Non-Intel Architecture

 Latest tablet and mobile models

7.2.2 Software Requirements

 Windows MC OS X

 Linux Distribution

 Android

 Any system with the latest internet browsers such as Google

Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.

7.2.3 Human Resource Requirements

 Anyone who familiar with money remittance processing

 Basic knowledge in computer operations

7.3 Software Testing

After the software was completed, the developers tested the

functionality of the proposed software to ensure that there are

no errors. Testing the program will determine if the objectives

of the proposed system is achieved. Testing the system will

provide opportunities to detect and errors in the code so that

the developers are able to debug and modify the code.

7.3.1 Testing Activities

 Usability Testing

The design of the system must be simple and user-

friendly so that the client can easily learn on how to

operate the system.

 Performance Testing

This refers to effectiveness and speed of the system

when in generating results and ensures that a specified

function in the system is working properly. This testing

helps detect any error in the code that needs to be fixed.

 Types of Data to be Processed

Some input requires characters and string, so user

should input letters and such. While numeric values uses

integer, decimal, double or float. Exception is used in the

code in case an invalid data is inserted.

7.3.2 Test Case

This serves as the set of conditions to test the program’s

features to determine of the system works correctly and meets it

requirements. The researchers will assess the system, judging

the behavior, functionality, process and features of the

 Availability of adding, updating, deleting and viewing of


 Correct computation and conversion of money.

 Searching of information.

8.0 Software Maintenance Plan

The system will need software updates and daily database

backups. In maintaining the program, the system must be updated

frequently, providing a more secured system and protection for

the customers. Enhancing and adding new features can help

improve the stability of the software making the user’s

experience better

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