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Submitted to: Ms. Janella Saro

Submitted by: Lhorie Angel Centeno

Villefrance Valdez

1. Why did you start this kind of business?

Actually i’m not the one who started this kind of business. My precious tito
( apolinar ) is the one who started this kind of business. I’m just continuing what my
tito bebot started.

2. Why did you pursue this type of business?

I pursue this business because I want to continue what my tito bebot ambitions, also I
was inpired to become what he is today.

3. What product or services you provide in this type of business?

Of course the one and only nothern sement ( product ) to make the hallowblocks stronger than


4. Where did you get the capital of starting this business? How did you get the certain amount

of your capital?

By the help of my dad maam and also my savings before.

5. What makes your business different from other types of business?

What makes my business different from others? I’m really sorry but I can’t share any
details to you because it’s controversial maam. Hehehe!!

6. How much is your outcome everymonth?

It depends maam, Actually sometimes we have a lot of project. So we have more


7. How do you handle your business from conforting other types of business?

From easy way maam, I actually be humble to other and also a kind person.

8. What is your basis stradegy in advertising this kind of business?

Actually I tried many strategies, example- posting on social media, making posters,
and etc. but there are best strategies to advertise this kind of business first make
connections, with your friends, family, also love ones and Secong to the last, LOW
PRICE. Hehehe!!!!

9. How long have you been or experienced this kind of business?

Actually I experienced this type of business when my tito started it. I experienced
how to make hollowblocks, mixing the cement, sand and etc.

10. How did you get the background and skills necessary to run this type of business?

By the help of my tito and especially some of his partnership in this business.
Owner Information
Dragon III Construction and Supply

Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Surname middle name last name
Age: ________________________________
Gender: ________________________________
City Address: ______________________________________________________________
Telephone /CP#: __________________________
Date of Birth: ______________________________ Birth of place: __________________
Civil Status: _______________________________ Citizenship : __________________
Height: ___________________________________ Weight : ___________________
Religion: __________________________________
Spouse: ___________________________________
Name of Children: __________________________
: ___________________________
Father’s Name : __________________________ Occupation : __________________
Mother’s Name : ___________________________ Occupation : __________________


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