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Objective: The objective m esta thesis is to analyze v The impact of social media on the model of
multinational fast-growing business of electronic commerce and the definition of corporate objectives,
using social media, and why they are taking it as a marketing strategy to achieve v your goals long

Methodological approach: This study used the UN qualitative approach, including primary and
secondary data for research and empirical data collection v para evaluate the goals and objectives of
the study and Emptiness fill that has not been sufficiently compensated by previous studies. This thesis
has been used for several examples of interviews with four international companies operating in the
field of fast fashion in Sweden in Stockholm. Companies are Bik Bok Como, River Island, Monki and
Vero Moda. Researchers used UN Polling Method Full time and the telephone method. Only performed
ten (10) Interviews.

results: The main conclusion of esta study lies in the fact that the four companies Electronic Commerce
used social media as a marketing strategy. UN after careful analysis, found Instagram is the most
dominant of all social media platforms. The graphic on social networks is vitally important for these
businesses e-commerce rapid growth, as they can have direct contact with customers, attract new
customers and become familiar with your target market. These four companies have opened for
business e-commerce to offer a product specification and expand the market for niche products.
However, social networks have UN also had an impact on some These e-commerce business,

restrictions: A limitation of esta study is the lack of prospects for department managers of social
networks. The work could be improved if the researcher had the opportunity to communicate with
people these to better confirm the accuracy of the study. : In addition, there are not enough resources
or dealing Authors specifically the impact of social networks in companies involved in e-commerce
fast fashion, and how they work. This may be considered a gap in research.

Futura para Investigaciones suggestions: Since this study only covers the impact of Social Media in
the business of fast fashion in Electronic Commerce. Further studies can From the customer's
perspective ecommerce Fast Fashion. : In addition, the sample of respondents can be more than just a
compilation of data from 2 or 3 people from each company. Perhaps there is the possibility f, if elected
as was the sample; the researcher could perform UN study more specific and comprehensive.

Keywords: social networking, e-commerce, fast fashion, retail, social marketing.


Chapter 1 - Introduction ........................................................................................................... 8

1. E-commerce and social networks ..................................................................................... 8

1.1. Fast fashion .................................................................................................................. 13

1.3. Research on Motivation............................................................................................... 18

1.4. The purpose of the study and m Questions ................................................................. 20

1.5. delimitation .................................................................................................................. 20

1.6. Localization studies ..................................................................................................... 21

CHAPTER 2 - Literature Review ........................................................................................... 23

2. ecommerce...................................................................................................................... 23

2.1.1. Global e-commerce sales .......................................................................................... 26

2.1.2. E-Commerce Fashion Shop Online .......................................................................... 27

2.2. Fashion industry .......................................................................................................... 32

2.2.1. Fast fashion industry ............................................................................................ 33

2.3. Social networks ........................................................................................................... 35

2.3.1. Social network users ................................................................................................. 37 Facebook ........................................................................................................... 38 Instagramma ...................................................................................................... 39

2.3.2. The purpose m of business organizations is how to use social networks ............. 41 Marketing in social networks ............................................................................ 41 Communication tool .......................................................................................... 44 Voice of mouth .................................................................................................. 47

2.4. THEORETICAL base - The Impact of Social Media on the activities of business
organizations ...................................................................................................................... 50

CHAPTER 3 - METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................ 56

3. Research Approach ......................................................................................................... 57

3.1. Research Strategy ........................................................................................................ 57

3.2. thematic Research ........................................................................................................ 59

3.3. Data collection method ................................................................................................ 62

3.3.1. primary data .......................................................................................................... 62

3.3.2. Secondary data ..................................................................................................... 65

3.4. Presentation and Data Analysis ................................................................................... 65

3.5. Validity and reliability................................................................................................. 66

3.6. ethical considerations .................................................................................................. 67

3.7. Methodologies limitation ............................................................................................ 68

Chapter 4 - Empirical Evidence.............................................................................................. 69

4.1. Answers to interview questions aside in baykbok................................................... 69

4.2. History of River Island ................................................................................................ 71

4.2.1. Survey responses on river islands ........................................................................ 72

4.3. Background Monkey ................................................................................................... 73

4.3.1. Survey responses mono ........................................................................................ 73

4.4. Background Vero Moda .............................................................................................. 74

4.4.1. Respondents in the interview Vero Moda ............................................................ 75

CHAPTER 5 - ANALYSIS / DISCUSSION ......................................................................... 78

5. Determination of social networks and social networks used More ................................ 78

5.1. The Company objetivo how to use social networks .................................................... 79

5.2. Marketing in social networks ...................................................................................... 81

5.2.1. Direct communication .......................................................................................... 82

5.2.2. It's free ...................................................................................................................... 83

5.2.3. Information gathering ........................................................................................... 84

5.2.4. Voice of mouth ..................................................................................................... 84

Chapter 6 - Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 85

6. The impact of social networking companies involved in e-commerce fashion Quick... 85

6.1. Management and theoretical implications ................................................................... 88

6.2. Limitation of the study and reflection ......................................................................... 90

6.3. Proposal for Further Research ..................................................................................... 92

referential tab .......................................................................................................................... 93

JUDGMENT......................................................................................................................... 105


Table 1. Increase the pace of development of e-commerce ....................................... Nineteen

... ...................................
Table 2. The share of online shopping now The annual rate of growth by region and industry
for the year.
Selection of highly profitable Countries .............................................
................................................ .. .. ....... twenty
Table 3. Internet sources who have visited a character for information about a company,
product or brand .... 27
Table 4. Persons reported that provided the information found on the Internet 34
Table 5. List of authors with their theories ......................................... .
............................................. 37
Table 6. Details respondents ..45
Table 7. respondents Responses ............................................. ..................................................
............ 56


Figure 1. Social Media in Electronic Commerce Couture 36

Chapter 1 - Introduction

In esta sección an overview of the study is presented. : In addition, This section will also
present the background and Discussions on Problems of Research, Motivation Research, the
research questions and finally, the study's limitations.

1. E-commerce and social networks

In previous years, Internet, especially the Internet, has revolutionized the field of
communication, which has given the opportunity to send and receive information worldwide.
As a result, the Internet has changed the way people live and work. Web portals can be
considered as content aggregators, through which one can provide effective information and
online services (O'Murchu, Breslin and Decker, 2004). Known Internet is a gateway or photos
E-Tickets that provides some adj links to other Internet sites and information. : In addition,
they can also be the focus and the main source of personalized information (O'Murchu, Breslin
and Decker, 2004). : In addition, the Internet allows people to have access to information and
collect detailed information. As a result m, UN plays key role among Internet online
communities, as users seek to gather more information. Estós users, both commercial and non-
commercial organizations can have a valuable opportunity to reduce time-consuming tasks,
such as dissemination of information and administrative tasks (O'Murchu,
Breslin and Decker, 2004).

Development of electronic commerce has benefited consumers, since no physical

presence is needed in purchase transactions of goods (Jahanshahi, Zhang and Brem, 2013).
Consumers can now use the Internet for as purchases. So, this has led to: changes in retail and
sector of services (Jahanshahi, Zhang and Brem, 2013). With the help of e-commerce,
consumers can stay in their homes and businesses to buy goods online. Consumers also have
the opportunity to see the products and goods in your digital device and read the information
on how the products produced child by organizations (Jahanshahi, Zhang and Brem, 2013).
(Yuliandr 2013).

In recent years, the commercial Internet was seen as a revolutionary technology that
will completely change the way people interact with each other. Since the mid-1990s, sales of
Madrid in the field of electronic stores or online now growing rapidly. The growth of e-
commerce Company with a consumer (B2C), consumers regularly buy or sell one Consumers
Other Internet (Rotem-Mindali and Weltevreden, 2013). The retail one over the Internet or
offline shopping is a form of electronic commerce, which allows customers the goods or
services purchased directly from the seller for a UN over the Internet using web browser UN.
There are several online stores names: shop online, online store, shop online,

Electronic commerce (e-commerce) has become a very familiar theme in the Media,
as well as in computer circles. Consequences of probably the most remarkable in retail and
financial services (Gunasekaran, Marri, McGaughey and Nebhwani, 2002) e-commerce son.
Soon the E-commerce has reached new UN level. These initiatives include online banking,
stock trading Online, The Retail of the Internet and innovative smart cards to facilitate e-
commerce, remote payments and electronic checks. The usual people esta one Using the
Internet and started a APPRECIATE its ability to provide a variety of data Different World
contradictory. Millions of websites are a A single click away, opening up new opportunities
for trade and exchange. (Gunasekaran, Marri, McGaughey and Nebhwani, 2002) Internet use
is no longer something new, but has become part of the 'everyday lives of people, as well as
telephones and television. BECAUSE one that people have experienced the growth of the
Internet revolution, now people are going through Second Internet Revolution - e-commerce.
The growth rate of e-commerce esta increasing rapidly, as global e-commerce market in 1997
was estimated at 10,000 million dollars, a figure that increased considerably, reaching 200,000
to 300,000 Million in 2002 (Gunasekaran, Marri, McGaughey And Nebhwani, 2002). Marri,
McGaughey and Nebhwani, 2002) Internet use is no longer something new, but has become
part of the 'everyday lives of people, as well as telephones and television. BECAUSE one that
people have experienced the growth of the Internet revolution, now people are going through
Second Internet Revolution - e-commerce. The growth rate of e-commerce esta increasing
rapidly, as global e-commerce market in 1997 was estimated at 10,000 million dollars, a figure
that increased considerably, reaching 200,000 to 300,000 Million in 2002 (Gunasekaran,
Marri, McGaughey And Nebhwani, 2002). Marri, McGaughey and Nebhwani, 2002) Internet
use is no longer something new, but has become part of the 'everyday lives of people, As

phones and television. BECAUSE one that people have experienced the growth of the Internet
revolution, now people are going through Second Internet Revolution - e-commerce. The
growth rate of e-commerce esta increasing rapidly, as global e-commerce market in 1997 was
estimated at 10,000 million dollars, a figure that increased considerably, reaching 200,000 to
300,000 Million in 2002 (Gunasekaran, Marri, McGaughey And Nebhwani, 2002). As phones
and television. BECAUSE one that people have experienced the growth of the Internet
revolution, now people are going through Second Internet Revolution - e-commerce. The
growth rate of e-commerce esta increasing rapidly, as global e-commerce market in 1997 was
estimated at 10,000 million dollars, a figure that rose sharply to the 200,000 to 300,000 Million
in 2002 (Gunasekaran, Marri, McGaughey and Nebhwani, 2002). As phones and television.
BECAUSE one that people have experienced the growth of the Internet revolution, now people
are going through Second Internet Revolution - e-commerce. The growth rate of e-commerce
esta increasing rapidly, as global e-commerce market in 1997 was estimated at 10,000 million
dollars, a figure that increased considerably, reaching 200,000 to 300,000 Million in 2002
(Gunasekaran, Marri, McGaughey And Nebhwani, 2002).

In recent years, thanks to the progress made on the Internet, new systems are available
for companies, or how social networks. Internet has given people the opportunity to use social
networks to communicate on Twitter and Facebook and email to communicate with sin
Individuals Having physically get together. This progress has contributed to the Web 2.0
Application (Hajli, 2013). With the growth of online communities and social networks, people
can easily access and share information. Social networks provide a variety of value to the
company as the promotion of oral communication, the increasing popularity of the brand,
providing social support to consumers, increased sales and exchange of information in the
context Company (Hajli, 2013). With the rapid development of Web 2.0 and social networking
e-commerce from the environment, product-oriented, it has become a product of social and
consumer-oriented UN. As a result, consumers have access to the experience and knowledge
to help better understand the social purpose m of shopping online and make decisions more
informed and effective policies on purchase (Huang and Benyoucef, 2013). Social networks
help businesses Ecommerce one capture the behavior of its customers, giving them a better
understanding of their expectations and buying experience. giving them a better understanding
of their expectations and buying experience. This will help the Company with developing a
business strategy for effective online organization (Huang and With the rapid development of

Web 2.0 and social networking e-commerce from the environment, product-oriented, it has
become a product of social and consumer-oriented UN. As a result, consumers have access to
the experience and knowledge to help better understand the social purpose m of shopping
online and make decisions more informed and effective policies on purchase (Huang and
Benyoucef, 2013). Social networks help businesses Ecommerce one capture the behavior of
its customers, giving them a better understanding of their expectations and buying experience.
giving them a better understanding of their expectations and buying experience. This will help
the Company with developing a business strategy for effective online organization (Huang and
With the rapid development of Web 2.0 and social networking e-commerce from the
environment, product-oriented, it has become a product of social and consumer-oriented UN.
As a result, consumers have access to the experience and knowledge to help better understand
the social purpose m of shopping online and make decisions more informed and effective
policies on purchase (Huang and Benyoucef, 2013). Social networks help businesses
Ecommerce one capture the behavior of its customers, giving them a better understanding of
their expectations and buying experience. giving them a better understanding of their
expectations and buying experience. This will help the Company with developing a business
strategy for effective online organization (Huang and 0 social networks and e-commerce from
the environment, product-oriented, has developed into a product of social and consumer-
oriented UN. As a result, consumers have access to the experience and knowledge to help
better understand the social purpose m of shopping online and make decisions more informed
and effective policies on purchase (Huang and Benyoucef, 2013). Social networks help
businesses Ecommerce one capture the behavior of its customers, giving them a better
understanding of their expectations and buying experience. giving them a better understanding
of their expectations and buying experience. This will help the Company with developing a
business strategy for effective online organization (Huang and 0 social networks and e-
commerce from the environment, product-oriented, has developed into a product of social and
consumer-oriented UN. As a result, consumers have access to the experience and knowledge
to help better understand the social purpose m of shopping online and make decisions more
informed and effective policies on purchase (Huang and Benyoucef, 2013). Social networks
help businesses Ecommerce one capture the behavior of its customers, giving them a better
understanding of their expectations and buying experience. giving them a better understanding
of their expectations and buying experience. This will help the Company with developing a
business strategy for effective online organization (Huang and Oriented product, it has become

the product of social and consumer-oriented UN. As a result, consumers have access to the
experience and knowledge to help better understand the social purpose m of shopping online
and make decisions more informed and effective policies on purchase (Huang and Benyoucef,
2013). Social networks help businesses Ecommerce one capture the behavior of its customers,
giving them a better understanding of their expectations and buying experience. giving them
a better understanding of their expectations and buying experience. This will help the
Company with developing a business strategy for effective online organization (Huang and
Oriented product, it has become the product of social and consumer-oriented UN. As a result,
consumers have access to the experience and knowledge to help better understand the social
purpose m of shopping online and make decisions more informed and effective policies on
purchase (Huang and Benyoucef, 2013). Social networks help businesses Ecommerce one
capture the behavior of its customers, giving them a better understanding of their expectations
and buying experience. giving them a better understanding of their expectations and buying
experience. This will help the Company with developing a business strategy for effective
online organization (Huang and Consumers have access to the experience and knowledge to
help better understand the social purpose m of shopping online and make decisions more
informed and effective policies on purchase (Huang and Benyoucef, 2013). Social networks
help businesses Ecommerce one capture the behavior of its customers, giving them a better
understanding of their expectations and buying experience. giving them a better understanding
of their expectations and buying experience. This will help the Company with developing a
business strategy for effective online organization (Huang and Consumers have access to the
experience and knowledge to help better understand the social purpose m of shopping online
and make decisions more informed and effective policies on purchase (Huang and Benyoucef,
2013). Social networks help businesses Ecommerce one capture the behavior of its customers,
giving them a better understanding of their expectations and buying experience. giving them
a better understanding of their expectations and buying experience. This will help the
Company with developing a business strategy for effective online organization (Huang and
Social networks help businesses Ecommerce one capture the behavior of its customers, giving
them a better understanding of their expectations and buying experience. giving them a better
understanding of their expectations and buying experience. This will help the Company with
developing a business strategy for effective online organization (Huang and Social networks
help businesses Ecommerce one capture the behavior of its customers, giving them a better
understanding of their expectations and buying experience. giving them a better understanding

of their expectations and buying experience. This will help the Company with developing a
business strategy for effective online organization (Huang and
Benyusef 2013).

: In addition, the social Red Popular, thanks to a new platform for e-commerce Delivery
was created. Social networking sites encourage users a sharing information with other users
of the products on the Internet, or sell products or services through social networks (Liang,
Ho, Li and turban, 2012). Online customers can also check with your community for social
advice based on their purchasing decisions on the Internet (Liang, Ho, Li and turban, 2012).

On the basis of what has been said in the Chapter primer, Internet has grown so much
has changed that way of doing business. Using the Internet has helped a Many different types
of businesses one enter this global market. E-commerce is one of the companies that have
benefited from the use of Internet and social networks. : In addition, with the help of social
networks, e-commerce companies can capture customer behavior based on their shopping
experience and expectations. : In addition, with the use of social networking, electronics Start
a provide information Product one your customers online.

In this chapter, we will continue talking about how e-commerce business will focus on
how social media influence in this business. According to Parsons, (2011) The number of
people using social networks grows, so companies like the Fashion are struggling to find a
way how to use Social networking sites to make millions of consumers using Sites Social
networks every day.

1.1. Fast fashion

На современном рынке моды становится моды конкурентоспособной отрасль,

где индустриям моды постоянно постоянно менять ассортимент своей продукции . Это
означает, что несколько несколько ритейлеров модной одежды одежды увеличивать
увеличивать количество сезонов одежды в зависимости зависимости от сезона в году
(Christopher, Lowson and Peck, 2004, 368). Например, в 1998 in the real market becomes a
competitive fashion industry, where fashion industry needs to constantly change its product

range. This means that some retailers adj Fashion inevitably increase the number of seasonal
clothing depending on the season (Christopher, Lowson and Peck, 2004, 368). For example,
in 1998На современном рынке моды становится моды конкурентоспособной отрасль,
где индустриям моды постоянно постоянно менять ассортимент своей продукции . Это
означает, что несколько несколько ритейлеров модной одежды одежды увеличивать
увеличивать количество сезонов одежды в зависимости зависимости от сезона в году
(Christopher, Lowson and Peck, 2004, 368). Например, в 1998 in the real market becomes a
competitive fashion industry, where fashion industry needs to constantly change its product
range. This means that some retailers adj Fashion inevitably increase the number of seasonal
clothing depending on the season (Christopher, Lowson and Peck, 2004, 368). For example,
in 1998the volume of sales of consumer goods grew from 7,700 million internet ES 2003108
un. 000 million (Brynjolfsson and Smith, 2000, p. 564). The term "fashion" can be described
as a phenomenon of Consumer Behavior, covering the context of both intangible As the
material in the Field of Social Influence and the Diffusion. Fashion also acts as a sign and
helps differentiate social identity, taste and cultural capital (Watson and Yan, 2013). At the
beginning of the company, dedicated to retail e-commerce fashion, it is considered failure of
the UN, as customers who had try on clothes and touch. However, the sales of shoes and
clothing through Internet has been growing steadily, m with the result that in 2000 the revenue
from the sale of fashion through Internet increased from 25% to 30% (Rowley, 2009). The
term "fashion" can be described as a phenomenon of Consumer Behavior, covering the context
of both intangible As the material in the Field of Social Influence and the Diffusion. Fashion
also acts as a sign and helps differentiate social identity, taste and cultural capital (Watson and
Yan, 2013). At the beginning of the company, dedicated to retail e-commerce fashion, it is
considered failure of the UN, as customers who had try on clothes and touch. However, the
sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been growing steadily, m with the result that
in 2000 the revenue from the sale of fashion through Internet increased from 25% to 30%
(Rowley, 2009). The term "fashion" can be described as a phenomenon of Consumer Behavior,
covering the context of both intangible As the material in the Field of Social Influence and the
Diffusion. Fashion also acts as a sign and helps differentiate social identity, taste and cultural
capital (Watson and Yan, 2013). At the beginning of the company, dedicated to retail e-
commerce fashion, it is considered failure of the UN, as customers who had try on clothes and
touch. However, the sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been growing steadily,
m with the result that in 2000 the revenue from the sale of fashion through Internet increased

from 25% to 30% (Rowley, 2009). It spanning the context of both intangible As the material
in the Field of Social Influence and the Diffusion. Fashion also acts as a sign and helps
differentiate social identity, taste and cultural capital (Watson and Yan, 2013). At the
beginning of the company, dedicated to retail e-commerce fashion, it is considered failure of
the UN, as customers who had try on clothes and touch. However, the sales of shoes and
clothing through Internet has been growing steadily, with the result that m in 2000 Revenues
from the sale of fashion through Internet increased from 25% to 30% (Rowley, 2009). It
spanning the context of both intangible As the material in the Field of Social Influence and the
Diffusion. Fashion also acts as a sign and helps differentiate social identity, taste and cultural
capital (Watson and Yan, 2013). At the beginning of the company, dedicated to retail e-
commerce fashion, it is considered failure of the UN, as customers who had try on clothes and
touch. However, the sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been growing steadily,
with the result that m in 2000 Revenues from the sale of fashion through Internet increased
from 25% to 30% (Rowley, 2009). Taste and cultural capital (Watson and Yan, 2013). At the
beginning of the company, dedicated to retail e-commerce fashion, It is considered failure of
the UN, as customers who had try on clothes and touch. However, the sales of shoes and
clothing through Internet has been growing steadily, with the result that m in 2000 Revenues
from the sale of fashion through Internet increased from 25% to 30% (Rowley, 2009). Taste
and cultural capital (Watson and Yan, 2013). At the beginning of the company, dedicated to
retail e-commerce fashion, it is considered failure of the UN, as customers who had try on
clothes and touch. However, the sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been growing
steadily, with the result that m in 2000 Revenues from the sale of fashion through Internet
increased from 25% to 30% (Rowley, 2009). as customers who had try on clothes and touch.
However, the sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been growing steadily, with the
result that m in 2000 Revenues from the sale of fashion through Internet increased from 25%
to 30% (Rowley, 2009). Taste and cultural capital (Watson and Yan, 2013). At the beginning
of the company, dedicated to retail e-commerce fashion, it is considered failure of the UN, as
customers who had try on clothes and touch. However, the sales of shoes and clothing through
Internet has been growing steadily, with the result that m in 2000 Revenues from the sale of
fashion through Internet increased from 25% to 30% (Rowley, 2009). as customers who had
try on clothes and touch. However, the sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been
growing steadily, with the result that m in 2000 Revenues from the sale of fashion through
Internet increased from 25% to 30% (Rowley, 2009). Taste and cultural capital (Watson and

Yan, 2013). At the beginning of the company, dedicated to retail e-commerce fashion, it is
considered failure of the UN, as customers who had try on clothes and touch. However, the
sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been growing steadily, with the result that m
in 2000 Revenues from the sale of fashion through Internet increased from 25% to 30%
(Rowley, 2009). The level of sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been growing
steadily, with the result that m in 2000 Revenues from the sale of fashion through Internet
increased from 25% to 30% ( Rowley, 2009). Taste and cultural capital (Watson and Yan,
2013). At the beginning of the company, dedicated to retail e-commerce fashion, it is
considered failure of the UN, as customers who had try on clothes and touch. However, the
sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been growing steadily, with the result that m
in 2000 Revenues from the sale of fashion through Internet increased from 25% to 30%
(Rowley, 2009). The level of sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been growing
steadily, with the result that m in 2000 Revenues from the sale of fashion through Internet
increased from 25% to 30% ( Rowley, 2009). Taste and cultural capital (Watson and Yan,
2013). At the beginning of the company, dedicated to retail e-commerce fashion, it is
considered failure of the UN, as customers who had try on clothes and touch. However, the
sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been growing steadily, with the result that m
in 2000 Revenues from the sale of fashion through Internet increased from 25% to 30%
(Rowley, 2009). m with the result that in 2000 the revenue from the sale of fashion through
Internet increased from 25% to 30% (Rowley, 2009). Taste and cultural capital (Watson and
Yan, 2013). At the beginning of the company, dedicated to retail e-commerce fashion, it is
considered failure of the UN, as customers who had try on clothes and touch. However, the
sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been growing steadily, with the result that m
in 2000 Revenues from the sale of fashion through Internet increased from 25% to 30%
(Rowley, 2009). m with the result that in 2000 the revenue from the sale of fashion through
Internet increased from 25% to 30% (Rowley, 2009). Taste and cultural capital (Watson and
Yan, 2013). At the beginning of the company, dedicated to retail e-commerce fashion, it is
considered failure of the UN, as customers who had try on clothes and touch. However, the
sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been growing steadily, with the result that m
in 2000 Revenues from the sale of fashion through Internet increased from 25% to 30%
(Rowley, 2009). It is considered failure of the UN, as customers who had try on clothes and
touch. However, the sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been growing steadily,
with the result that m in 2000 Revenues from the sale of fashion through Internet increased

from 25% to 30% (Rowley, 2009). It is considered failure of the UN, as customers who had
try on clothes and touch. However, the sales of shoes and clothing through Internet has been
growing steadily, with the result that m in 2000 Revenues from the sale of fashion through
Internet increased from 25% to 30% (Rowley, 2009).

During the last two decades, there was a fashion industry, and many retailers have
started global expansion for international work. This trend Parent has led the UN change in
the dynamics of Fashion Industry, as demand for lower costs Reduction Mass production,
changes in the structural characteristics of the supply chain and flexibility in logistics , design
and Distribution (Mo, 2015). Fast fashion is the transformation of fashion design in products
that can be purchased for the general public. The purpose m of Business of Fashion Industry -
How to Attract More Clients with regular visits to stores, so they can aumentar purchase
frequency of fashion models (Turker and Altunas, 2014). Its objective m can be achieved by
the low price and low cost m clothes, which remains on the shelves during the UN Timeframe
lower than in conventional garment industry. This! It leads to the fact that the market cycle is
shorter, longer, longer, longer seasons and requires a lot of organizational procurement costs,
such as the ability to design and manufacture of flexible mixing raw materials for making
Suppliers fashionable clothes and short term (Turker and Altunas, 2014).

Many fashion retailers identify themselves as a member in a constant state of evolution

and transformation. In recent years, the Internet has transformed many aspects of business of
fashion in the way that fashion retailers interact with their customers, from the distribution
method of Products (Sands, Harper and Ferraro, 2011). CURRENTLY, social networks have
changed the way that retailers interact with their customers and vice versa. Social networks
are becoming a common strategy for marketing and communication, according to forecasts,
annual growth will be 34% in 2012, and in 2014 3,100 Million US Dollars (Sands, Harper and
Ferraro, 2011) reach. It reported that about 70% of customers have visited this social
networking sites to gather product information, and 49% purchased based on information
gathered on social networks Products (Sands, Harper and Ferraro, 2011) . In this regard,
retailers are increasingly benefiting from the opportunities of use and social networking to
improve their overall marketing strategy. Social networks offer retailers the opportunity to
meet the needs of its customers and actively respond to them. Customers are increasingly using
social networks to gather information on which to make purchasing decisions (Pookulangara

and Koesler, 2011). : In addition, online customers are using various online formats, such as
social networks, wikis, blogs, message boards and podcasts to share their views about a brand,
service or product in particular (by Pookulangara and Koesler, 2011). With the help of social
networks, retailers are using technology to sell their products or services through the Internet,

1.2. Research Problem

In this study, researchers discussed the development of Internet has changed the way
the characters interact with each other and how companies do business. The authors also
discussed the use of e-commerce companies on the Internet use the method of social networks
as a marketing strategy (Hensel and Deis, 2010). However, the principal problem of esta study
to that business organizations face is to ensure the privacy and security on the Internet for your
online customers (Hensel and Deis, 2010). : In addition, a Traders are concerned that spend
significant amounts of money to strengthen the confidence of Internet users, to ensure that any
information obtained from the Company's chosen social networking site,

1.3. Research on Motivation

Traditional Business Management and Fashion Marketing Quick experienced a

revolution in relationship with the development of electronic commerce. Since the advent of
electronic commerce in the world, companies can benefit from the Internet, reducing
associated costs with purchasing, logistics and inventory management relationships with
suppliers and to gain a strategic advantage f and implement Effective the corporate
reorganization (Zhenxiang and Lijie, 2011). In the last 20 years, the fashion industry has
undergone tremendous changes with the arrival of fast fashion, which revolved around the
latest deals clothes as quickly as possible and Efficiently ONU affordable price (Hyunsook,
Choo and Namhee, 2013). According Öztamur and Karakadılar (2014), Companies that have
started a How to use social networks as a business strategy, using the unique quality of the
network and have changed their marketing strategy in e-commerce. Internet has become the
tool rentable for companies to promote their products and services in order to attract your
target customers m. Some of these companies have entered the market to become electronics
retailers, while other have become in Content Providers, brokers, service providers or market
makers. Internet has become the tool rentable for companies to promote their products and
services in order to attract your target customers m. Some of these companies have entered the
market to become electronics retailers, while other have become in Content Providers, brokers,
service providers or market makers. Internet has become the tool rentable for companies to
promote their products and services in order to attract your target customers m. Some of these
companies have entered the market to become electronics retailers, while other have become
in Content Providers, brokers, service providers or market makers. Internet has become the
tool rentable for companies to promote their products and services in order to attract your
target customers m. Some of these companies have entered the market to become electronics
retailers, while other have become in Content Providers, brokers, service providers or market
makers. Internet has become the tool rentable for companies to promote their products and
services in order to attract your target customers m. Some of these companies have entered the
market to become electronics retailers, while other have become in Content Providers, brokers,
service providers or market makers.

Today, the perception of Social Media is a priority for many business leaders question.
Those responsible for decision making are trying to identify the ways that companies can
leverage V application. It was found that companies seem to behave comfortably when
customers can express freely their opinions Among other. : It has also increased the number
of companies who have less control over information them on the Internet (Kaplan and
Haenlein, 2010). : In addition, social networks allow interact with millions of users
simultaneously Companies. Esta feature allows you to get information quickly a through
feedback, you have a long run impact on long-term relationships. This type of tool requires a
small investment compared to other marketing communications (Gamboa and Gonçalves,
2014). Social networks also son of great benefit for all types of businesses, from electronic
devices toddlers to old and well-known organizations working with bricks and mortar,
presented on the Internet. This is one reason why the companies are increasingly incorporating
social networks (Gamboa and Gonçalves, 2014).

In the end, this study will analyze the impact of social networks in the rapidly growing
business of electronic commerce Fashion. To identify problems, the study will examine the
four companies Fast Fashion Working in e-commerce and social networks. He identified a gap

in the studies identified in this study. Based on my research, I discovered that other studies
have not studied the impact of social networks in the fast-growing business in the field of
electronic commerce. As a result, it is considered as an empty Research in this study because
there are no other studies have published this particular issue. So that gave me the motivation
to focus specifically in this area. To fill the void, the four companies,
Monkeys were conducted.

1.4. The purpose of the study and m Questions

Since the gap is how to use social networks in e-commerce Business Fast Fashion, the
objetivo de este study is to analyze v The impact of social networks in electronic commerce
Business Fast Fashion.

Two questions: research will guide the Study how quickly the fashion company e-
commerce influences this marketing tool. Determine the purpose my questions Research, the
study will be able to fill the void of esta study and contribute to the literature. Son two research
questions as follows:

Why Does E-commerce companies use social media for your marketing strategy?
What kind of social networking platforms use the e-commerce business?

1.5. delimitation

The study focuses on four transnational companies operating in fast mode, based in
Stockholm, Sweden, through qualitative interviews to obtain v objetivo de este the study. The
delimitation of the study is that in this study considered only the four companies are based in
Sweden. The outlook for business managers These may differ in other companies located in
another country. Those other companies working abroad can How to use the other or that the
Business Strategy for Business, instead of using social networks. This can be seen in the

Declaration of Phui-Wei and Yazdanifard (2014) when for an international business operates
in different countries, can you use standardized marketing strategy for your business,

1.6. Localization studies

This section provides an overview of research to represent the structure of the entire
document and briefly describe each chapter.

Chapter 1 - Introduction
In esta sección an overview of the study is presented. : In addition, This section will
also present the background, motivation, discussion of problems, research questions and
finally, the study's limitations.
Chapter 2 - Literature Review
On This section the theory of fast fashion industry, e-commerce and social networks
as a basis for the study of during which also presented the theoretical bases will be discussed.

Chapter 3 - Methodology
In esta sección The methodology of the study will be presented. V aiming to achieve
my address research questions of this study UN qualitative interview method was used. The
rest of This section will also address issues of validity, reliability, ethnicity and methodological

Chapter 4 - Empirical Evidence

In This section, researcher will explain the most important results of the study, a four
companies Electronic Commerce Couture (Bikbok, Monki, River Island and Vero Moda). : In
addition, in This section will also briefly review information: background of each of the Four
Fastest Growing Companies operating in the field of fashion. They will also discuss and
determine all the results of the interview the four companies to determine S. The two research
questions of esta study.

Chapter 5 - Analysis / Discussion

In this chapter, the literature review will be linked to: analyze empirical data to
determine vy S. The similarities and the relationship between these two chapters. So, This
section is divided into three sections: the definition of social networking, m objective of the
Company for the use of social networking and marketing Media of Social Communication.

Chapter 6 - Conclusion
This section will be answered in two research questions of this study, as well as
identifying all Major findings of empirical data and analysis. : In addition, This section will
also include the implications and limitations of esta Derivadas study.

CHAPTER 2 - Literature Review
On This section the theory of fast fashion industry, e-commerce and social networks as a basis
for the study of during which also presented the theoretical bases will be discussed.

two. e-commerce

According Standifird (2001), within the framework of e-commerce is concerned an any

economic transaction in which the buyer and seller together one electronic means of
communication on the Internet Based on UN contract for the supply of certain services or
products, and prices, and the performance of the Agreement by delivering payments and
services or products conformity with the Agreement.

: In addition, e-commerce is electronic commerce. This type of trade to raise standards among
the business community worldwide about the opportunities that e-commerce offers to
companies (Niranjanamurthy, Kavyashree, Jagannath and Charhar, 2013). E-commerce: not
just Transaction Electronic Payments on the Internet, but also several other applications or as
publishing activities, including marketing, distribution, management, electronic distribution,
banking and portals sales, which cover the sale. There are three types of e-commerce, business
to business (B2B), business-one consumer (B2C) and a Consumer Consumer (C2C)
(Niranjanamurthy, Kavyashree, Jagannath and Charhar, 2013). : In addition, Gunasekaran,

However, e-commerce can be divided into four categories: online trading, Commercial
Communications, s business processes and services. The prospect of e-commerce is the ability
to buy and sell goods and information on the Internet and other online services (Gunasekaran,
Marri, McGaughey and Nebhwani, 2002). The perspective of communication in e-commerce
is to provide information, services / products or payments through the phone line, Internet and
any other electronic means (Gunasekaran, Marri, McGaughey and Nebhwani, 2002). Based
on the business processes of e-commerce, this type of technology perspectives is the use of
technology to automate the business processes and work (Gunasekaran, Marri, McGaughey
and Nebhwani, 2002). Finally,

Globalization has increased international economic competition and economic
interdependence of national economies in the world thanks to the rapid growth of traffic
expenses of services, goods, capital and technology (Yuliandr 2013, p. 206). Technological
Advances to have increased the competitiveness of companies and sales of products through
the use of electronic commerce (e-commerce), which has helped a bringing to market a wide
range of services or products, of both digital and physical (Yuliandr 2013, p. 206). E-
commerce has changed the way companies buy and sell goods and services. In today's world,
the concept of e-commerce has changed the way we do business organizations
(Niranjanamurthy, Kavyashree, Jagannath and Charhar, 2013). : Further, Business e-
commerce esta Growing exceptional pace of the UN. Visa Company, a company that produce
credit cards, said that in 2000, the SUS Online Customers bought up to 13,000 Million US
Dollars (Gefen, 2000). In connection with the advent of e-commerce, many organizations in
the retail sector took advantage of the enormous opportunities of advanced technologies
(Forbes, Kelley and Hoffman, 2005). Strong growth in consumer spending in the sector Online
Retail trade of electronic goods. In 1999, consumer spending in line reached 19,000 million,
which doubled and amounted to 38.000 million dollars in 2000, and in 2001 amounted to
54,000 million dollars (Forbes, Kelley and Hoffman, 2005).

2.1. Advantages and disadvantages of electronic commerce

Regarding the Development of Information Technology and Communications and the

popularity of e-commerce on the Internet, e-commerce has covered the entire population of
the world with a tendency f irreversible. E-commerce has many advantages for the business
world, such as convenience and efficiency, but hay Some disadvantages of electronic
commerce (Zhang, Deng, and Deng Wei, 2012). This e-commerce improves information flow
and reduce inefficiency and transaction costs (Jahanshahi, Zheng and Brem, 2013). Despite
the benefits that can be derived from the Organization of Electronic Commerce, the use of e-
commerce is hampered by a number of barriers and restrictions. The main obstacles son doubts
about the confidentiality and security, The high cost of customer service and the operation and
maintenance costs, higher than expected (Jahanshahi, Zheng and Brem, 2013). E-commerce is
the Expeditious Buying and Selling on the Internet and a way to easily find products and is

open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. : It also has a lower operating cost and higher quality of
service (Niranjanamurthy, Kavyashree, Jagannath and Charhar, 2013). Companies do not need
to be physically present at the creation of the Company, the son also easy to open and operate.
Finally, customers to easily select products from different suppliers sin having to physically
(Niranjanamurthy, Kavyashree, Jagannath and Charhar, 2013). Multinational organizations
like the fashion industry, They can benefit from electronic trade in many different ways.
Instead of primer, the company can attract new clients from both the Foreign As the domestic
market. : Second, you can improve customer loyalty a product of the UN in particular a keep
compromising it. Third, reduce production costs, distribution, retrieval, storage and processing
of data on paper (Yuliandre 2013). : In addition, the main advantage of online stores for
consumers is the lack of information search costs and the possibility f a fast, convenient and
comprehensive Information What about products and online stores. Online users now have the
advantage f to get more than a simple product information, shop online, brand and price
compared with buyers Offline (Korgaonkar, Petrescu and Becerra, 2014). : In addition, the
main advantage of online stores for consumers is the lack of information search costs and the
possibility f a fast, convenient and comprehensive Information What about products and online
stores. Online users now have the advantage f to get more than a simple product information,
online store, brand and price compared with buyers Offline (Korgaonkar, Petrescu and
Becerra, 2014). : In addition, the main advantage of online stores for consumers is the lack of
information search costs and the possibility f a fast, convenient and comprehensive
Information What about products and online stores.

In connection with a series of transactions between the online shop and customers can be a
risky situation. The reason for this lies in the fact that it is likely that consumers evaluate online
transactions now check whether to make a decision on the continuation of the purchase of the
Product (Hjort and Lantz, 2016). SOME this web sites online stores consume the money of
their customers, and the Company without guaranteed quality of its products. : In addition,
mechanical disruption can have unpredictable effects on all processes (Niranjanamurthy,
Kavyashree, Jagannath and Charhar, 2013). Since there is a possibility that the company's
minimum has direct contact with its customers and Customer Loyalty esta always under
control. Finally, the e-commerce site, payment gateways, services son always vulnerable to
attacks, as many hackers hay, are looking for ways to hack these sites (Niranjanamurthy,

Kavyashree, Jagannath and Charhar, 2013). : In addition, online shoppers now have less
opportunity to inspect the products before buying on the Internet, which can make a company's
reputation Sea: Even more important (Bronnenberg and Ellickson, 2015).
2.1.1. Global e-commerce sales

It is reported that E-commerce sales are growing rapidly in all corners of the world. The
number of stores e-commerce is growing steadily due to the fact that this type Online Business
eliminate pressure on Ventas in Madrid, make them more convenient and save time. For
example, in Europe from 2009 to 2010, the online stores have grown to 18%. In 2016, online
sales in Europe will increase the aggregate rate of 96,700 million euros in 2011 to 171,900
million euros a year (Chui, Tzeng and Li, 2013) .... The table below shows the annual growth
rate e-commerce business in the UK, Sweden and the USA, and the growing number of buyers
online now.

Table 1. Increase the pace of development of electronic commerce

Annual growth rate (thousand
A country Share On-line
million dollars. USA)
30.1 pounds (2011) - 51 lbs
Britain 75% (2011) - 85% (2016)
Sweden n/A 72% (2011) - 86% (2016)
176.2 (2010) - 278.9 (2015)
U.S n/A
Source: (Chui, Zeng and Li, 2013)

The following table shows the proportion of total revenue from online transactions is also
shown now in High Income Countries, including its annual growth in 2004-2014. The picture
shows two categories increased presence on the Internet: Clothing and footwear Electronics
and Appliances (Bronnenberg and Ellickson, 2015). After 20 years of growth in e-commerce
and ubiquity of companies like eBay and Amazon, online sales in High Income Countries still
represent only a small portion of total sales at retail, with the UN Average 6% of the total retail
sales. However, This average is somewhat misleading way in Retail Sales due to the fact that
the two countries, a large hay Difference (Bronnenberg and Ellickson, 2015). Example, in the
UK, the share of retail Through Internet is 10%, against a Least 2% in Italy. In the industries

of consumer goods, e-commerce is concentrated largely in categories such as electronics and
appliances, and clothing and footwear, where online sales now account for 15% and 20%
volume retail sales in High Income Countries, reaching 18% and 30% in the United States.
Between 2004 and 2014, the share of online sales now in all countries with high income level
has increased in two digits (Bronnenberg and Ellickson, 2015). Moreover, online sales now
make up a small part of food retailing, estimated at 1% of total sales one over the Internet.

table 2

Source: (Bronnenberg and Ellickson, p 121, 2015).

2.1.2. E-Commerce Fashion Shop Online

The popularity of online shopping has now increased in the course of business, the number of
companies, an online store (Ogonowski, Montandon, Botha and Reyneke, 2014). Practice
increasingly common for customers becomes the purchase of goods and services in the Retail
now online, providing UN convenient and fast for purchase, saving time and money
environment and High Quality of the Goods and Services (Chui, Tzeng and Li, 2013). Thus,
online shopping now they have become an important channel for retailers, and many of them
are already open, and continue to increase sales (Chui, Tzeng and Li, 2013). As a result,
managers of retail paragraph sable son Extremely Important for how to manage a business and

marketing strategies, since the success of your online store depends on the effective
management and marketing strategy Correspondent (Chui, Tzeng and Li, 2013). : In addition,
online shopping now they have become essential for online retailers now, as they have become
an integral part of the strategy of retail. Therefore, for online retailers it is now important to
know the needs of their customers and how are you online stores can now meet these needs
(Chui, Tzeng and Li, 2013). Online stores son accepted well, clearly visible son son and a
well-known e-commerce type, who buys and sells services and products through Internet.
Online retail stores are now part of the retail channel and e-commerce, including online stores,
online shopping and online shopping now, Tzeng and Li, 2013). : In addition, online shopping
now they have become essential for online retailers now, as they have become an integral part
of the strategy of retail. Therefore, for online retailers it is now important to know the needs
of their customers and how are you online stores can now meet these needs (Chui, Tzeng and
Li, 2013). Online stores son accepted well, clearly visible son son and a well-known e-
commerce type, who buys and sells services and products through Internet. Online retail stores
are now part of the channel the retail and e-commerce, including online stores, online shopping
and online shopping now, Tzeng and Li, 2013). : Further, online shopping now they have
become essential for online retailers now, as they have become an integral part of the strategy
of retail. Therefore, for online retailers it is now important to know the needs of their customers
and how are you online stores can now meet these needs (Chui, Tzeng and Li, 2013). Online
stores son accepted well, clearly visible son son and a well-known e-commerce type, who buys
and sells services and products through Internet. The online retail stores are now part of the
channel of retail and e-commerce, including online stores, online shopping now shopping
online, as they have become an integral part of the strategy of retail. Thus, for online retailers
it is now important to know the needs of their customers and how are you online stores can
now meet these needs (Chui, Tzeng and Li, 2013). Online stores son accepted well, clearly
visible son son and a well-known e-commerce type, who buys and sells services and products
through Internet. The online retail stores are now part of the channel of retail and e-commerce,
including online stores, online shopping now shopping online, as they have become an integral
part of the strategy of retail. Therefore, for online retailers it is now important to know the
needs of their customers and how are you online stores can now meet these needs (Chui, Tzeng
and Li, 2013). Online stores son accepted well, clearly visible son son and a well-known e-
commerce type, who buys and sells services and products through Internet. The online retail
stores are now part of the channel of retail and e-commerce, including online stores, online

shopping now online shopping, for online retailers is now important to know the needs of their
customers and how are you shopping online can now meet these needs (Chui, Tzeng and Li,
2013). Online stores son accepted well, clearly visible son son and a well-known e-commerce
type, who buys and sells services and products through Internet. Online retail stores are now
part of the retail channel and e-commerce, Including online stores, online shopping now online
shopping, for online retailers is now important to know the needs of their customers and how
are you online stores can now meet these needs (Chui, Tzeng and Li, 2013). Online stores son
accepted well, clearly visible son son and a well-known e-commerce type, who buys and sells
services and products through Internet. Online retail stores are now part of the retail channel
and e-commerce, including online stores, online shopping and online shopping now, Online
stores son accepted well, clearly visible son son and a well-known e-commerce type, who buys
and sells services and products through Internet. Online retail stores are now part of the retail
channel and e-commerce, including online stores, online shopping and online shopping now,
Online stores son accepted well, clearly visible son son and a well-known e-commerce type,
who buys and sells services and products through Internet. Online retail stores are now part of
the retail channel and e-commerce, including online stores, online shopping and online
shopping now,

Fashion buyers online now feel encouraged by their feelings, which means that many of the
online fashion buyers now feel that buying online - this is the best way to buy What to buy in
physical stores. Online retail stores now reduce the possibility of buying clothes Online High
Risk Using functions that allow online customers feel that interact with the product
(McCormick and Livett, 2012). This path is increasingly important to the success of e-
commerce. There are many online shoppers, analyzing a number of factors that affect how you
can wear clothing with other clothing, SE Como will see itself, and sensory data and aesthetical
(McCormick and Livett, 2012).

: In addition, online shopping now they have become a conduit or Business Model Many vital
para Organizations. Retailers ARE Internet Changing Do Care using their online channels now
to motivate consumers a return to buy products through these channels, as the market of retail
online now becoming more competitive (Chui, Wang, fang and Huang, 2014). Online store
can benefit from their customers, the average customer should buy four times in the Internet

company. Therefore, it is important that traders understand the reasons why your customers
shop constantly on their online stores (Chui, Wang, Fang and Huang, 2014). Customer
feedback, the value is the most important factor that predicts customer intentions. Customers
are looking for products, services and value this websites on the Internet. It was noted that
online shoppers are looking for a functional value, and 93% of them need innovation, freshness
and openness to meet their domestic needs (Chui, Wang, Fang and Huang, 2014).

A growing number of Internet users are familiar with this environment, and activities such as
Internet search to gather information about the product widespread. On the other hand, online
shopping now no ordinary child. This is due to the fact that about 70% of Internet users in
2000 sought, and compared searched Products (Sismeiro and Bucklin, 2004). However, over
65% of them used to perform the actual purchase Internet. CORRECT reluctance to accept
Internet as a channel for retail, combining a large number of people who visit for information,
resulted in a lower rate of assistance for the purchase of a conversion. It was found that the
conversion rate is less than 2% to 70% Evaluation of this commercial websites, And is
typically between 1% and 4% (Sismeiro and Bucklin, 2004). Therefore, a low conversion rate
of visitors in shopping refers to the foresight and understanding of purchasing behavior online
is extremely important for e-commerce web sites for managers. Even a small change in the
UN Convention could lead a significant increase in sales revenue (Sismeiro and Bucklin,
2004). However, little is known about the effects from site visitors are doing on the site and
visitors are exposed to the site in their propensity to shop online (Sismeiro and Bucklin, 2004).
Even a small change in the UN Convention could lead a significant increase in sales revenue
(Sismeiro and Bucklin, 2004). But nevertheless, Little is known about the effects from site
visitors are doing on the site and visitors are exposed to the site in their propensity to shop
online (Sismeiro and Bucklin, 2004). Even a small change in the UN Convention could lead a
significant increase in sales revenue (Sismeiro and Bucklin, 2004). However, little is known
about the effects from site visitors are doing on the site and visitors are exposed to the site in
their propensity to shop online (Sismeiro and Bucklin, 2004). Even a small change in the UN
Convention could lead a significant increase in sales revenue (Sismeiro and Bucklin, 2004).
However, little is known about the effects from site visitors are doing on the site and visitors
are exposed to the site in their propensity to shop online (Sismeiro and Bucklin, 2004). Even
a small change in the UN Convention could lead a significant increase in sales revenue

(Sismeiro and Bucklin, 2004). However, little is known about the effects from site visitors are
doing on the site and visitors are exposed to the site in their propensity to shop online (Sismeiro
and Bucklin, 2004).

Buyers are line showing great interest for merchandise f from different angles, since online
stores offer fashion information, or use interactive technology image (IIT) to provide Clients
sensory information in order to reduce Risk level for shopping online. Technology Interactive
Viewing images is of particular importance in the retail clothing business, as it allows the
clothes posing sea The NEWEST possible to create a stimulating experience more on the
Internet (McCormick and Livett, 2012 ). Brief information on the way - is the collection of the
fashion trends of the data. Websites Online stores are more successful innovation is to provide
for communication of clothing HIS scammers customers the latest trends and sharing best
fashion tips for physical stores. The retail Internet offers retailers the opportunity to promote
and share the products with end users in a way more effective than any Another tip sales in
physical stores (McCormick and Livett, 2012). Yes regularly updates information on fashion
and becomes very useful and relevant to consumers. Functions Websites apparel retailers,
stories like magazines online, Style Advice, blogs and social networking sites, Your can
increase knowledge regarding the mode of online shoppers (McCormick and Livett, 2012).
Yes regularly updates information on fashion and becomes very useful and relevant to
consumers. Functions Websites apparel retailers, stories like magazines online, Style Tips,
blogs and social networking sites can increase Your knowledge regarding the mode of On-
Line (McCormick and Livett, 2012). Yes regularly updates information on fashion and
becomes very useful and relevant to consumers. Functions Websites apparel retailers, stories
like magazines online, Style Tips, blogs and social networking sites can increase Your
knowledge regarding the mode of On-Line (McCormick and Livett, 2012). Functions Websites
apparel retailers, stories like magazines online, Style Tips, blogs and social networking sites
can increase Your knowledge regarding the mode of On-Line (McCormick and Livett, 2012).
Yes regularly updates information on fashion and becomes very useful and relevant to
consumers. Functions Websites apparel retailers, stories like magazines online, Style Tips,
blogs and social networking sites can increase Your knowledge regarding the mode of On-
Line (McCormick and Livett, 2012). Functions Websites apparel retailers, stories like
magazines online, Style Advice, blogs and social networking sites, Your can increase

knowledge regarding the mode of online shoppers (McCormick and Livett, 2012). Yes
regularly updates information on fashion and becomes very useful and relevant to consumers.
Functions Websites apparel retailers, stories like magazines online, Style Tips, blogs and social
networking sites can increase Your knowledge regarding the mode of On-Line (McCormick
and Livett, 2012). Yes regularly updates information on fashion and becomes very useful and
relevant to consumers. Functions Websites apparel retailers, stories like magazines online,
Style Tips, blogs and social networking sites can increase Your knowledge regarding the mode
of On-Line (McCormick and Livett, 2012). Yes regularly updates information on fashion and
becomes very useful and relevant to consumers. Functions Websites apparel retailers, stories
like magazines online, Style Tips, blogs and social networking sites can increase Your
knowledge regarding the mode of On-Line (McCormick and Livett, 2012).

2.2. Fashion industry

About 30 years ago, when the traditional industry of luxury fashion was established a long
time ago in a stable structure, organizational changes began in the fashion industry. This type
of fashion industry one several challenges in organizing your business as environmental
change, especially globalization, changes in the customer base, as well as access of competitors
a previously protected markets (Turker faced and Altunas, 2014). Until Then, the fashion
industry has continued UN stable calendar shows and exhibitions, representing the trends for
next season. Thanks to the fashion industry, markets were able to forecast demand for the year
to the time of consumption, based on the latest sales data. Under the influence of Certain
factors f,
Altunas 2014).

Competition Strategy clothing retailers usually based on market differentiation as a commodity

and prices, as there is a significant polarity between buyers who are more concerned about the
brand and / or product and price. Fashion can be defined as "a broad term that usually cover
adj any product or market, where there is UN Style Element, which is likely to ephemeral sea"
(Hayes and Jones, 2006). Fashion also be attributed to accessories and clothes that fit the above
definition. This definition means that the market segment, fashion conscious, most likely, will

change quickly, volatile and unpredictable. In recent years, retailers have the confident in
predicting fashion trends Futura, And how to use data in real time, to evaluate v needs and
desires of its customers. It has been found that esta process can begin within 18 months prior
to the sale of the product (Hayes and Jones, 2006).

: In addition, The Fashion Industry can be divided into three sectors: Broadcasting, haute
couture, bridge and mass market. This mass market can also be called fast fashion market,
combining UN Focus on fashion and price. For example, H & M, Zara and Gap son known as
fashion companies Fastest growth that have entered the market, to ensure sustainability of
consumption of clothing an international level, despite the previous economic crisis (Arrigo ,

2.2.1. Fast fashion industry

Fashion System Quick - a combination of high production efficiency capabilities improved

design, which allows you to create "hot" products that reflect the latest trends of customers
and achieve minimum cycle time in accordance with the requirements Duda sin (Cachon and
Swinney, 2011). Companies in the Fashion Industry, Like H & M, Zara and Benetton, adhere
to the philosophy deeply retailers 'fast fashion'. Specifically, the system is Quick Mode is a
combination of two elements (Cachon and Swinney, 2011). The first component is that short
production and distribution dates facilitate compliance with uncertain demand Suggestions f,
and the second component - A product design very fashionable (Cachon and Swinney, 2011).
Fast fashion retailers ProduCen cheap fakes Fashion High Technology modern and delivered
to customers every few weeks, But Not the fashion season. DUE Low prices in an already
hypnosis clothing, consumers buy More Than Ever Fast Fashion and impulsive (Hyun-Mee,
2014). : Moreover, the principle of fast fashion is to reduce the delivery time from concept to
customer. Fast fashion - Concept UN under which retailers are adapting their organizational
measures to reduce the time of delivery of products to stores Strategies, working on a system
of supply seasonal For The product range is constantly updated during the season (Liz and
Gaynor 2010). But it is not the fashion season. Due to low prices in the hypnosis and clothing,
Consumers buy More Than Ever Fast Fashion and impulsive (Hyun-Mee, 2014). : Moreover,
the principle of fast fashion is to reduce the delivery time from concept to customer. Fast

fashion - Concept UN under which retailers are adapting their organizational measures to
reduce the time of delivery of products to stores Strategies, working on a system of supply
seasonal For The product range is constantly updated during the season (Liz and Gaynor 2010).
But it is not the fashion season. DUE Low prices in an already hypnosis clothing, consumers
buy More Than Ever Fast Fashion and impulsive (Hyun-Mee, 2014). : Moreover, the principle
of fast fashion is to reduce the delivery time from concept to customer.

Over the years, the Fast fashion has become in the business model best known in the fashion
industry for his accomplishments Excelling in the global market. In the eighteenth century,
after the industrial revolution, Various innovations and inventions for the Development of
Fashion Industry As part of the UN System and the Scope Complex (Hyunsook, Choo and
Namhee, 2013) were formed. Companies operating in the field of fashion Quick have
developed their own management Supply Chain, IT retail and marketing skills, covering
almost all aspects of the business of fashion. With these competitive advantages of companies
in the Fashion Industry, UN Achieved rapid growth in most countries (Hyunsook, Choo and
Namhee, 2013) has. In recent years, the phenomenon of fast fashion has transformed the
garment industry. The change in consumer attitudes towards consumption of clothing, an
associated low costs of production and recepción Materials External Industrial Markets, ha led
a ANU Culture impulse purchases in the fashion industry in every week the Consumer media
access new clothing styles (McNeil and Moore, 2015). To alienate customers, retailers
regularly identify new trends in this area and weekly buy new products coming to the store
and Reponen (Joy, Sherry, Venkatesh, Wang and Chan, 2012). : Further, Fast fashion - is a
modern term used by fashion retailers to recognize that the design moves from the catwalk to
the shop tan sea as soon as possible, reflecting the current market trends. The clothes are
designed and manufactured at low cost and quickly,

Thanks to its known business models, fashion companies now use social networks as a tool
for your marketing strategy. Today we know that social media are everywhere contradictory:
In the marketing world, and the growing importance of quickly recognized Business (Phan,
Thomas and Heine, 2011). Fashion companies have a clear understanding from the place of
social media can do for your business, so you have developed a clear strategy on how they can
improve the consumer experience and opinion on brands (Phan, Thomas and Heine, 2011).

2.3. Social networks

According to Mohapatra (2013, p. 155 of the original text), the Internet has changed the lives
of people and how they interact and do business. : In addition, the Internet has also changed
any advertising, promotion and marketing. The Internet's impact on the brand value increased
slightly. Constantinides and Foutain (2007) defined Web 2.0 as "a set of online applications
now open, interactive and controlled by the user to enhance the experience, knowledge and
bargaining power of the users as participants in business processes and Social ". Web 2.0
applications support the creation of informal networks of users, facilitate the exchange of ideas
and ensuring the efficient generation, distribution Knowledge, sharing and editing / correction
information content. "

Social networks use Web and mobile technology to create an interactive platform A very
through which is the communities and individuals work together to create, discuss, share and
modify user generated contents. They are those who represent social phenomenon, the UN, as
well as those who are strongly influenced by sales, reputation and business survival
(Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy and Silvestre, 2011). : In addition, social networks are
internet websites where people can create their own home page para post photos, share ideas,
write blogs and connect with others interested in your website (Lai and turban, 2008). In recent
years there has been UN huge increase generated content Internet users through the use of
various devices, which have been identified as social media, despite the use of other terms
Technology, Web As 2.0 (Parra-López , Bulchand-Gidumal, Gutiérrez-Tano and Diaz-Armas,
2011). This area is the fastest-growing network, includes that the social exchange of views of
a through photos and social videos, blogs and microblogging, social bookmarking, Social
Knowledge Exchange and many other forms of content generated by the users. This type of
tool allows an organizer, search, annotate, share and contribute to the maintenance of joint
efforts (Parra-López, Bulchand-Gidumal, Gutiérrez-Tano and Diaz-Armas, 2011). This area
is the fastest-growing network, includes that the social exchange of views of a through photos
and social videos, blogs and microblogging, social bookmarking, Social Knowledge Exchange
and many other forms of content generated by the users. This type of tool allows an organizer,

search, annotate, share and contribute to the maintenance of joint efforts (Parra-López,
Bulchand-Gidumal, Gutiérrez-Tano and Diaz-Armas, 2011). This area is the fastest-growing
network, includes that the social exchange of views of a through photos and social videos,
blogs and microblogging, social bookmarking, Social Knowledge Exchange and many other
forms of content generated by the users. This type of tool allows an organizer,
: In addition, business organizations can evaluate v Platform tools or applications Strategic
Development or use them for marketing activities. Companies or marketing professionals can
create free content on social networks (Wienberg and Pehlivan, 2011). Subrahmanyam et al
(2008) also stated that social networking is the ultimate tool for online communication, which
allows users to create social networking offline and interact with other users on their networks.
Forums Communication are varied Internet and include applications such as email, instant
messaging, chat rooms and Internet sites, or as social networks, blogs and sites for sharing
photos and videos, like YouTube (Weinberg and Pehlivan, 2011). Organization of small and
large businesses, aware of their usefulness f, involved in working with groups of Social Media.
The company tweeted, creating a fan page on Facebook and posting videos on Youtube.
Today, the many businesses recognize the importance of social networks, because they know
that child and will remain vital to your business (Weinberg and Pehlivan, 2011).

(Mohapatra, 2013): In addition, as consumers increasingly use Internet experts use their
strategies to create Competitive Advantage. Internet has also changed the conditions of the
competition, which has helped establish the brand in the online channel. As a result m,
Electronic Commerce Strategies son increasingly attractive for experienced Internet users.
Mohapatra (2013, p. 155) also stated that "Being For relevant to On-line and harness v
maximum advantage of New Media, IT professionals Strategy Electronic Commerce should
reconsider its investment in the brand. Must Have a reasonable balance between the physical
world and the online world brand strategies.

: In addition, social networking sites child One element of exchange of information most
successful social networks. There are many reasons why the US people social networks, or to
focus on a specific target m, or to interact with others in social networks (Bulut and Dogan,
2017). Example, Twitter Usin As microblog, and Instagram As a platform for sharing video
and photos while LinkedIn is Usin for placement Business Networking Site. Almost all

functions and services Free Social Networking child. This may be one reason for the growth
of social networks worldwide (Bulut and Dogan, 2017).

2.3.1. Social network users

Through the development of Internet technology to provide a single interactive feature of

social networks, a through which became an indispensable part of life Competition saturated.
With the help of social networking sites, people can share images, information, news, data,
etc. Through social networks, people around the world, representing different cultures, nations
and religions, have the opportunity to share with the world their views, stories, news, etc.
(Bulut and Dogan, 2017). Studies have shown that 58% of people use one of the social
networks, according to statistical data of the brain (brain). This statistic is 14% of people have
LinkedIn, 56% - Facebook, 9% - Profile Google +, and 11% - Twitter. But nevertheless,
Facebook is known as the Red More Social Grande with about 1,500 million users. In addition,
the more than 200 million of users have Tumblr, Instagram, Google, Baidu and Twitter.
(Bulut and Dogan, 2017).

The following table is an example of how social networks can be useful both for consumers
and businesses, and that can help consumers with information gathering. As the table shows,
70% of customers use this social networking sites, blogs and other sites such as social
networking and this corporate sites to collect information about a brand or product. 60% of
consumers said they use social networks to transmit data (Kirtis and Karahan, 2011).


Source: (Kirtis and Karagan, page 262, 2011).

: In addition, Öztamur and Karakadılar (2014) also reported that companies have started a How
to use social networks as a marketing strategy, use a unique quality of the network and have
changed their marketing strategy in e-commerce. Internet has become the tool rentable for
companies to promote their products and services in order to attract your target customers m.
Some of these companies have entered the market to become electronics retailers, while other
have become in Content Providers, brokers, service providers or market makers.

Improving Application of social networks like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram in
particular led to the emergence of a new paradigm of e-commerce Social Commerce Also
Known As (Kim and Park, 2013). social TRADE - A subset of electronic commerce Usin
social networks and contributions to facilitate online buying and selling various kinds of goods
and services (Kim and Park, 2013). In summary, El Comercio (Commerce s) Social - a
combination of e-commerce and online social networks of the company that offers to
Customers Daily Deals Local businesses (Kim and Park, 2013). Facebook

Facebook is a social networking More Celebs With more than 4 million active users.
Companies can create their own personalized and profile page and share important information
When creating your own brand of community, not only to offer different advertising programs.
: In addition, companies have the opportunity to work with your audience and create a two-
way communication with the company and consumers (Castronovo and Huang, 2012). It is
known that Facebook is Social Media platform most commonly used one through which
retailers create something more than e-commerce within Facebook. Over the past two years,
many retailers have seen part of the sale of their products on the website of the Company on
Facebook. However, to complete the transaction, Often they rely on their e-commerce website
(Saravanakumar and Suganthalakshmi, 2012). This is a step in the right of way, but to ensure
that retailers can take advantage v Advantages of Facebook, the interaction should facilitate
among buyers on the site for promotions, products and reviews, and to buy products without
problems (Saravanakumar and other companies belonging to the network).
Shugantalakshmi 2012).

Retailers are using Facebook as a means of communication with customers, since, according
to the data available, 600 million users of Facebook. With this type of social networking one
Retailers can reward his followers, giving Facebook Users Only Discounts and espionage for
new products (Saravanakumar and Suganthalakshmi, 2012). An example of a tan Effective
Promotion Strategy Strategy is the Lowes. Black Friday, This company made a Facebook
campaign, which offered UN Lowes limited number of incredible products prices in one for
his followers on Facebook. The majority of products at were in the range of 90%
and were available only for the first 100 subscribers (Saravanakumar and Suganthalakshmi,
2012). Instagramma

Boy and Uitermark (2016) claim that Instagram company was founded in 2010 and since then
a, The Social Network has quickly become the social networking platform more popular. More
than 200 million users of Instagram reported in worldwide use this system, so that 70 million
photos a day are transferred to be shared Worldwide. Smart phone users get information,
focusing on user's daily life, taking UN smartphone. According to Sheldon and Bryant (2016)
Instagram is currently the Social Network fastest growing world because it Mobile Phone for

sharing photos and videos of the UN, and the services of social networks, allowing users of
Instagram make videos and photos, and then share them on other platforms.

(Sheldon and Bryant, 2016): In addition, Instagram allows the Individuals also involve social
networking community. A form of social inclusion is the practice of labeling hashes. All users
can view Instagram hash tags, making the community contribute to social networking sites.
Sloane (2015) also stated that e-commerce Company started a slowly developing Instagram,
as this was the first marketing campaign, who could become the Opinion buyers with UN click
alone. (Sloane, 2015) de este way, retailers can link their pages with advertising Instagram.
UN instead of "Buy" button, Instagram allows marketing professionals refer more easily
Online payment page.

In March 2015 the company Instagram first launched the possibility of creating links f When
the carousel advertising that allows you to place a slideshow with images, Terminating the
button to see additional content is executed. The main objective is to allow retailers to send a
its customers where they can buy Directly what they see in advertising Instagram (Sloane,

They reported more than 58% of the 50 LARGEST UN World publican average of 5.6 times
per week on the website of Instagram. Today, every person in this world is with cameras in
the pocket and in the future will be more use of visual social networks (Oren, 2015). Not
surprisingly, consumers ARE shifting a social networking sites Imaging Like Tumblr,
Instagram Pin interest and to document their lives and so of both the services and products
used (Oren, 2015). As a result, consumers react quickly to trends in social networks, and the
Company also transmits these social networking sites for their brands. A large number of
consumers and businesses, That the stories themselves that tell a through images on social
networks They realized. Retailers numerous advantages child how to use Instagram for
Business Strategy (Oren 2015). An example is that when customers placed in retail photo
Instagram is an effective form of advertising the product, so others can see your photos.
Another example is the fact that their products are used in the new case, can you use that
information and disseminate it through the channels themselves Company. For other users to
view the photos. Another example is the fact that their products are used in the new case, can
you use that information and disseminate it through the channels themselves Company. For

other users to view the photos. Another example is the fact that their products are used in the
new case, can you use that information and disseminate it through the channels themselves
(Oren, 2015).

2.3.2. The purpose m of business organizations is how to use social networks

The rapid growth of the Internet has provided both businesses, the new many features in recent
years Customers. Attracted by the Rapid Penetration of social networks in society, the growing
number of business organizations that use social networks as part of their efforts to create a
brand marketing and A (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014), increased significantly.
Organizations using social networks, can benefit from the reach and brand awareness,
communication with Customers a through referrals, transactions and reputation management.
: In addition, businesses can also take advantage v The Wisdom of customers to share their
experiences and knowledge,

: In addition, social networks can help companies to promote their brands, provide useful
information A customers and increase traffic on the website of the Company (Montague,
Gazal, Wiedenbeck and Shephard, 2016). Hay also some companies that use social media to
increase sales ARE YOUR by promoting and demonstrating their products on the Internet and
aumentar brand awareness / Production (Tchach, leasing and Barton, 2016). Social media can
also aumentar sales when customers visit the home page of the Company, which can cause
traffic to the site and increase Do one sales over the Internet. For example, in 2012, Sony UN
has received additional income of a million pounds on sales of a via Twitter,
Dmitriados 2012). Marketing in social networks

Regarding the recent global economic downturn, this has affected the marketing strategies of
many commercial organizations and perception and Consumer Behavior. During and after the
global economic downturn, the marketing function UN role plays important for companies,
allowing them to survive, Continue Being profitable and respond quickly to the needs of

customers (Kirtis and Karahan, 2011). With the help of social networks as a marketing tool
has helped companies a reduce costs. The use of social media to promote their brands and
other marketing activities not worth it for business (Kirtis and Karahan, 2011). It was the
Business Focus More convenient for companies marketing their products in the target market.
Marketers UN intensive social networks to their business strategy has been cheaper because it
is one of the most effective approaches in business practice (Kirtis and Karahan, 2011).
Organizations are using social media, as they have a connection, the Court, the Economic
Advantages and time. Media can reduce the social costs because of the distribution is made in
the Media. However, access to most social networking is free (and Kirtis Karahan).
Organizations are using social media, as they have a connection, the Court, the Economic
Advantages and time. Media can reduce the social costs because of the distribution is made in
the Media. However, access to most social networking is free (and Kirtis Karahan).
Organizations are using social media, as they have a connection, the Court, the Economic
Advantages and time. Media can reduce the social costs because of the distribution is made in
the Media. However, access to most social networking is free (and Kirtis Karahan).
Organizations are using social media, as they have a connection, the Court, the Economic
Advantages and time. Media can reduce the social costs because of the distribution is made in
the Media. However, access to most social networking is free (and Kirtis Karahan).
Organizations are using social media, as they have a connection, the Court, the Economic
Advantages and time. Media can reduce the social costs because of the distribution is made in
the Media. However, access to most social networking is free (and Kirtis Karahan).

Over the past decade, the radical business marketing and promotion of products has
experienced the UN Change. The use of social networks as a marketing strategy has increased
significantly, while physical media promotion, billboards Como, radio, magazines
Newspapers And, have declined. Red has been named the greatest ever invented
Communication Strategy, which has Born A rapid changes in the marketing environment,
thanks to technological progress (Montague, Gazal, Wiedenbeck and Shephard, 2016). In this
sense, companies had to transform the process of planning and implementing their marketing
messages to meet the growing demands of new communication technologies. Social Media -
One of the largest Modern Marketing Strategies developed a result of growth of the digital
market (Montague, Gazal, Wiedenbeck and Shephard, 2016). Social networks are now one of

the best opportunities for companies to establish contacts with potential customers. This
innovation has won the trust of customers, establishing a very close relationship with them. In
early 2010, social media marketing has become a mantra para Several business organizations
(Neti, 2011). In short, the Marketing of Social Media - a method of which is to convince
customers that their products and / or services worthy son of the use of social networks.
Through this a social networking online communities ago marketing blogs and Much More
(Neti, 2011). Social networks are now one of the best opportunities for companies to establish
contacts with potential customers. This innovation has won the trust of customers, establishing
a very close relationship with them. In early 2010, social media marketing has become a
mantra para Several business organizations (Neti, 2011). In short, the Marketing of Social
Media - a method of which is to convince customers that their products and / or services worthy
son of the use of social networks. Through this a social networking, online communities,
marketing blogs, and more (Neti, 2011) is made. Social networks are now one of the best
opportunities for companies to establish contacts with potential customers. This innovation
has won the trust of customers, establishing a very close relationship with them. In early 2010,
social media marketing has become a mantra para Several business organizations (Neti, 2011).
In short, the Marketing of Social Media - a method of which is to convince customers that their
products and / or services worthy son of the use of social networks. Through this a social
networking, online communities, marketing blogs, and more (Neti, 2011) is made. In early
2010, social media marketing has become a mantra para Several business organizations (Neti,
2011). In summary, Commercialization of Social Media - a method of which is to convince
customers that their products and / or services worthy son of the use of social networks.
Through this a social networking, online communities, marketing blogs, and more (Neti, 2011)
is made. In early 2010, social media marketing has become a mantra para Several business
organizations (Neti, 2011). In short, the Marketing of Social Media - a method of which is to
convince customers that their products and / or services worthy son of the use of social
networks. Through this a social networking, online communities, marketing blogs, and more
(Neti, 2011) is made. marketing blogs and Much More (Neti, 2011). In early 2010, Social
media marketing has become a mantra para Several business organizations (Neti, 2011). In
short, the Marketing of Social Media - a method of which is to convince customers that their
products and / or services worthy son of the use of social networks. Through this a social
networking, online communities, marketing blogs, and more (Neti, 2011) is made. marketing
blogs and Much More (Neti, 2011). In early 2010, social media marketing has become a mantra

para Several business organizations (Neti, 2011). In short, the Marketing of Social Media - a
method of which is to convince customers that their products and / or services worthy son of
the use of social networks.

Today, marketers de Ven Social Media as a great opportunity to increase market share. : In
addition, marketing professionals see social networks as a new set of channels for promotion
and marketing of their products or services. Social networks must become very important for
many companies now (Saravanakumar and Suganthalakshmi, 2012) issue. This allows a
channel to establish communication companies the United Nations with its customers,
strengthen the brand s position to promote their products in the market and aumentar Do
Reliability. However, these networking sites UN son bidirectional channel, which requires a
lot of attention and effort by companies to manage communication esta Power (Saravanakumar
Shugantalakshmi 2012). Communication tool

: In addition, the use of social networks for businesses can be effective in increasing UN Focus
Your confidence by providing useful and can contribute to business development through
promotions, discounts, etc. Companies can show the quality of their work with the help of
videos and photos, highlight special promotions and provide the UN direct contact with the
Customer Service Company to solve the problem (Mazurkiewics, 2015) Clients. As social
networks offer business techniques to communicate with Consumers Directly and build
relationships, it is essential that every organization Positively answered by a negative criticism
LAS. For example, if the customer wrote on social networks a negative review on UN product
or service of the Company, Company Dębe esta convert the negative feedback positive
criticism as an advantage f (Minter, 2013). USE: Besides the obvious of Communication and
Information Retrieval unrestricted, now people can use social networks to express their
feelings and thoughts (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). Social Media - This is an opportunity
for companies to communicate with their customers, using the UN Rico means of
communication with Great Coverage. The interactive nature of digital media allows companies
not only communicate with their customers, but also sharing them (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis,

2014). Now people can How to use social networks to express their feelings and thoughts
(Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). Social Media - This is an opportunity for companies to
communicate with their customers, using the UN Rico means of communication with Great
Coverage. The interactive nature of digital media allows companies not only communicate
with their customers, but also sharing them (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). Now people can
How to use social networks to express their feelings and thoughts (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis,
2014). Social Media - This is an opportunity for companies to communicate with their
customers, using the UN Rico means of communication with Great Coverage. The interactive
nature of digital media allows companies not only communicate with their customers, but also
share them with customers (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). UN Rico using means of
communication with Great Coverage. The interactive nature of digital media allows companies
not only communicate with their customers, but also sharing them (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis,
2014). Now people can How to use social networks to express their feelings and thoughts
(Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). Social Media - This is an opportunity for companies to
communicate with their customers, using the UN Rico means of communication with Great
Coverage. The interactive nature of digital media allows companies not only communicate
with their customers, but also share them with customers (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014).
UN Rico using means of communication with Great Coverage. The interactive nature of digital
media allows companies not only communicate with their customers, but also sharing them
(Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). Now people can How to use social networks to express their
feelings and thoughts (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). Social Media - This is an opportunity
for companies to communicate with their customers, using the UN Rico means of
communication with Great Coverage. The interactive nature of digital media allows companies
not only communicate with their customers, but also share them with customers (Tsimonis and
Dimitriadis, 2014). But also sharing them (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). Now people can
How to use social networks to express their feelings and thoughts (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis,
2014). Social Media - This is an opportunity for companies to communicate with their
customers, using the UN Rico means of communication with Great Coverage. The interactive
nature of digital media allows companies not only communicate with their customers, but also
share them with customers (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). But also sharing them (Tsimonis
and Dimitriadis, 2014). Now people can How to use social networks to express their feelings
and thoughts (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). Social Media - This is an opportunity for
companies to communicate with their customers, UN Rico using means of communication

with Great Coverage. The interactive nature of digital media allows companies not only
communicate with their customers, but also share them with customers (Tsimonis and
Dimitriadis, 2014). UN Rico using means of communication with Great Coverage. The
interactive nature of digital media allows companies not only communicate with their
customers, but also share them with customers (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). UN Rico
using means of communication with Great Coverage. The interactive nature of digital media
allows companies not only communicate with their customers, but also share them with
customers (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). The interactive nature of digital media allows
companies not only communicate with their customers, but also share them with customers
(Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). UN Rico using means of communication with Great
Coverage. The interactive nature of digital media allows companies not only communicate
with their customers, but also share them with customers (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014).
UN Rico using means of communication with Great Coverage. The interactive nature of digital
media allows companies not only communicate with their customers, but also share them with
customers (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). The interactive nature of digital media allows
companies not only communicate with their customers, but also share them with customers
(Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). UN Rico using means of communication with Great
Coverage. The interactive nature of digital media allows companies not only communicate
with their customers, but also share them with customers (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014).
UN Rico using means of communication with Great Coverage. The interactive nature of digital
media allows companies not only communicate with their customers, but also share them with
customers (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). The interactive nature of digital media allows
companies not only communicate with their customers, but also share them with customers
(Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). UN Rico using means of communication with Great
Coverage. The interactive nature of digital media allows companies not only communicate
with their customers, but also share them with customers (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014).
The interactive nature of digital media allows companies not only communicate with their
customers, but also share them with customers (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). UN Rico
using means of communication with Great Coverage. The interactive nature of digital media
allows companies not only communicate with their customers, but also share them with
customers (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014).

In reality, consumers increase the value of interaction, creating the content, which can drive
an active purchasing decisions of others in the Process Communication at the UN "peer to
peer". Companies are How to use social media to reach other customers, who uncontacted can
be (and Tsimonis Dimitriadis, 2014). : In addition, social networks can also help increase And
create brand awareness, as teams of social networks allow companies to have access to
millions of people. Since a large number of people visit social networks, the presence of the
brand in all red can help people a information about brand, and know aumentar Do Recognition
(Tsimonis and Dmitriadis).

Of While social media can help companies a communicate with customers worldwide, also
have UN Business Impact various ways, passing information by word of mouth (WOM). Voice of mouth

Herr, Cardesse and Kim (1991) have confirmed that communication "word of mouth" (WOM)
A menudo has a great impact on customer decisions when purchasing goods or services. Chen,
Fay and Wang (2011) also stated that the development of Internet, particularly the Web 2.0
Technologies social networks have provided an unprecedented platform for users to publish
and exchange views and experiences of a Through Customer reviews or "word of mouth".
There is ample Evidence of that "word of mouth" UN Online has significant impact on the
behavior of Purchase (Chen, Fay and Wang, 2011). Communication "word of mouth" is a vital
learning tool and can have a major impact on the purchasing decision of consumers.

Before the advent of the information distributors Internet, the "word of mouth" would affect
first to the local group of relatives and friends, and difusión a wider audience would occur
only gradually. However, the direction electronic communication, a corporal gets an Through
this review sites online now for consumers, can provide immediate access to information an
audience much wider, since only one message can affect one SUS visitors. Recent empirical
studies have shown that the amount and valence of comments online consumers UN have
significant effect on product sales "(Chen, Fay and Wang, 2011). : In addition, consumers are
heavily influenced by the decisions and opinions of other consumers. Communication with the

user can change the decision to purchase the buyer consumer because it is considered a reliable
and credible source of information about the product (Castronovo and Huang, 2012). It is
known that it is the marketing process, exchange of information through the "Word of Silence"
plays UN key role in the business process, as customers tend to rely heavily on the advice of
others to the when making a purchase decision, especially when associated purchase one
psychological and financial risks.
(Castronovo and Huang 2012).

The woman even more effective in making individual decisions to purchase than traditional
advertising channels, and give today a whole Consumers For a long time (Castronovo and
Huang, 2012). Customers are very interested in providing through information-
communication WOM, when dissatisfied or satisfied with the product and are very loyal to the
company (Castronovo and Huang, 2012).


Source: (. Kirtis and Karahan, page 263, 2011)

The table above shows the percentage of consumers who provided information they found on
the Internet. The results table are based on a study conducted in 2008. Based on this study,
researchers found that 60% of consumers surveyed use social networks to transmit information
of other networks (Kirtis and Karahan, 2011 ). Between 60% of consumers, 45% sought

information one Through Social networking sites working with women, while 36% find the
information on a news site or on the website of the Company (Kirtis and Karahan , 2011).

2.4. THEORETICAL base - The Impact of Social Media on the activities of business

The following figure shows how social networks are used in the marketing strategy of the
Organization of Electronic Commerce. As it is shown below, two types of social media
platforms that are most used in e-commerce: Instagram and Facebook. Thanks to these two
types of social media platforms a help improve their tools Companies marketing electronic
commerce. Using them as a marketing strategy, can benefit the company in several different
ways, marketing stories like / promotion Increase brand awareness, increased sales and
increased traffic to the website of E-commerce companies. E-commerce companies can also
be an advantage to attract new customers f one, and can also keep in touch with existing
customers by using social networks as a marketing tool. : In addition, the use of social networks
as a marketing tool is free. However, provide information about their products online to
customers can be beneficial for both the company and the customer: At the same time, e-
commerce can be influenced by rumors.

Figure 1. Social Media in fast mode Electronic Commerce

Social networks

Instagramma Facebook

Fast fashion

Marketing tool

Increase sales Suggest a

product of t
Attracting new customers
Brand recognition Marketing / Promotion
It's free Stay in touch with existing customers
Increase website traffic

rumors rumors

Elaborated: Source

For further development of the theoretical basis of the investigator the other important writers
in support of the theoretical model, as shown above were used. Instead of primer, Social Media
serve as a tool to promote intra- and activities interorganizational Consumer, Individuals,
Organizations and Business Partners, stories of how the joint product development, corporate
Dialogue with financial institutions, the establishment of Knowledge exchange community,
joint training and creativity, management of brand marketing strategy (Ngai, Tao and moon.
2015). : In addition, the development of social networks based on Internet has made it possible
for people & Organizations interact with hundreds or thousands of people Included on the
products and the companies that supply them. One method of communication Most popular,
used by organizations to communicate with their target audience m, is an Integrated Marketing
Communication (IMC) (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). This type of communication tries to
control and coordinate the various types of promotional activities, such as personal selling,
advertising, direct marketing, product promotion, advertising and public relations. IMC Usin
these elements to create unique message UN, Customer Focused, and a result achieves the
various objectives of the Organization (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the advent

of social networks (Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication With
Customers have changed considerably. This type of communication tries to control and
coordinate the various types of promotional activities, such as personal selling, advertising,
direct marketing, product promotion, advertising and public relations. IMC Usin these
elements to create unique message UN, Customer Focused, and a result achieves the various
objectives of the Organization (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the advent of social
networks (Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication With Customers
have changed considerably. This type of communication tries to control and coordinate the
various types of promotional activities, such as personal selling, advertising, direct marketing,
product promotion, advertising and public relations. IMC Usin these elements to create unique
message UN, Customer Focused, and a result achieves the various objectives of the
Organization (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the advent of social networks
(Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication with customers have
changed considerably and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS: organizational goals
(Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the advent of social networks (Mangold and
Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication with customers have changed considerably
and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS: organizational goals (Mangold and Faulds,
2009). But nevertheless, product promotion, advertising and public relations. IMC Usin these
elements to create unique message UN, Customer Focused, and a result achieves the various
objectives of the Organization (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the advent of social
networks (Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication with customers
have changed considerably and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS: organizational
goals (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the advent of social networks (Mangold
and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication with customers have changed
considerably and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS: organizational goals (Mangold
and Faulds, 2009). But nevertheless, product promotion, advertising and public relations. IMC
Usin these elements to create unique message UN, Customer Focused, and a result achieves
the various objectives of the Organization (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the
advent of social networks (Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication
with customers have changed considerably and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS:
organizational goals (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the advent of social networks
(Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication with customers have
changed considerably and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS: organizational goals

(Mangold and Faulds, 2009). But nevertheless, IMC Usin these elements to create unique
message UN, Customer Focused, and a result achieves the various objectives of the
Organization (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the advent of social networks
(Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication with customers have
changed considerably and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS: organizational goals
(Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the advent of social networks (Mangold and
Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication with customers have changed considerably
and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS: organizational goals (Mangold and Faulds,
2009). But nevertheless, IMC Usin these elements to create unique message UN, Customer
Focused, and a result achieves the various objectives of the Organization (Mangold and Faulds,
2009). However, with the advent of social networks (Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies
and Tools Communication with customers have changed considerably and as a result are
achieved MISCELLANEOUS: organizational goals (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However,
with the advent of social networks (Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools
Communication with customers have changed considerably and as a result are achieved
MISCELLANEOUS: organizational goals (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). But nevertheless, and
a result achieves the various objectives of the Organization (Mangold and Faulds, 2009).
However, with the advent of social networks (Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools
Communication with customers have changed considerably and as a result are achieved
MISCELLANEOUS: organizational goals (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the
advent of social networks (Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication
with customers have changed considerably and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS:
organizational goals (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). But nevertheless, and a result achieves the
various objectives of the Organization (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the advent
of social networks (Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication with
customers have changed considerably and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS:
organizational goals (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the advent of social networks
(Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication with customers have
changed considerably and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS: organizational goals
(Mangold and Faulds, 2009). But nevertheless, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication
with customers have changed considerably and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS:
organizational goals (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the advent of social networks
(Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication with customers have

changed considerably and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS: organizational goals
(Mangold and Faulds, 2009). But nevertheless, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication
with customers have changed considerably and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS:
organizational goals (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). However, with the advent of social networks
(Mangold and Faulds, 2009) Strategies and Tools Communication with customers have
changed considerably and as a result are achieved MISCELLANEOUS: organizational goals
(Mangold and Faulds, 2009). But nevertheless,

Table 5. List of authors with their theories

Reasons to use a quick fashion e-commerce
The authors Social networks

McCormick and Livett (2012), Kirtis and Marketing: Information, promotion and
Karahan (2011), Ostamur and Karakadilyar communication products
(2014), Montagu, Gazalm, Vaydenbek and
Shepard (2016), Mazurkiewicz (2015),
Saravanakumar and Sugantalakshmi (2012)
and Miner (2013), Tsimonis and Dimit
Mohapatra (2013), Neti (2014), Weinberg Free Competitive Advantage
and Pelivan (2011), Chach, rental and Barton
(2016) and Kirtis and Karahan (2011), and
Dogan Bulut (2017).

Boy and Uitermark (2016), Sheldon and Installation and Facebook

Bryant (2016), Sloane (2015), Oren (2015),
and Saravanakumar Suganthalakshmi (2012)

Chen Fei and Wang (2011), Castronovo and Word of mouth voice (female)
John (2012).
Elaborated: Source

According to McCormick and Livett (2012), Advantage Web site (e-commerce) is that it offers
the best innovations to transmit information on clothing, promotion and interaction your
customers that scammers Shops: normal. Fashion Information and son Regular updates useful
and relevant to online consumers. : In addition, McCormick and Livett (2012) also mentioned
that the functions on the websites of fashion retailers can focus on their fashion consciousness
for online customers. Kirtis and Karagan reported.

(2011) that 70% of consumers use social networks to gather information about UN product or

Social networks must become a marketing strategy for many companies Electronic Commerce,
as they are one of the tools most profitable to promote their products and services and to attract
your target customers m. It also allows users to share information with clients (Oztamur and
Karakadilar, 2014; Saravanakumar and Suganthalakshmi, 2012; Tsimonis and Others.
Dmitriadis 2014).

Using social networks for retailers can be considered a competitive advantage f, since the
platform is free and less expensive for companies (Weinberg and Pehlivan, 2012; Kirtis and
Karahan, 2011). The queue DUE Social networking sites are not worth it to grow worldwide
(Bulut and Dogan, 2017). This type of marketing strategy for companies has also become a
Competitive Strategy Paragraph these companies, as it helps Marche a Reach online channels
and consumers son increasingly attractive to Internet (Weinberg and Pehlivan (2011): in
addition, companies can How to use social media to increase knowledge does and scope of the
brand and finally to its sales aumentar (Neti, 2011 ;. Tchach, leasing and Barton, 2016);
Montagu, Gazalm, Vaydenbek and Shepard, 2016; Tsimonis and Dmitriadis (2014).

The company Instagram is known as the social networking platform World's Fastest, with
about 200 million users. The US people This type of social networking to capture video and
upload photos for personal and business use. Instagram was also used as a business strategy
for my business organizations because they can upload their products online, so that consumers
can Verlo through advertising their brands (Boy and Uitermark, 2016; Sheldon and Bryant,
2016; Sloane, 2015; Oren 2015). However, by age Store Chain (2012) and Saravanakumar and
Suganthalakshmi (2012), Instagram and Facebook Social networks son world's most popular,
allowing users to share photos and comment on them. It was also reported wave,

: In addition, the use of online social networking has also allowed Customers discuss their
purchases orally (WOM). This type of method influences behavior and purchasing decisions
of potential buyers (Chen, Fay and Wang, 2011; Castronovo and Huang, 2012). In the process
of marketing, word for word is critical to the business processes of any organization, as clients,
communicate, can have a strong influence F in Decision Making of Consumers.


In esta sección The methodology of the study will be presented. V To achieve the objectives
and research questions This study UN Qualitative method was used to interview a Four
multinational companies operating in the field of haute couture electronic commerce (Vero
Moda, Monki, River Island and Bik Bok). The rest of This section will also address issues of
validity, reliability, ethnicity and methodological limitations.
3. Research Approach

M Since the purpose of this paper is to study and illustrate the impact of Social Media in
Business of Fashion in the Field of Electronic Commerce under Quality Research Method Usin
inductive approach to the UN.

Qualitative methods are intended to clarify and develop the specific issue of the UN, instead
of trying to get a general idea of the study population. In each case, the UN method offers
qualitative conclusions take into account the specific Fenomeno (Hyde, 2000). : In addition,
the reason for choosing UN Qualitative method for the study, in particular, is Get Detailed
Information About a small number of people (Hyde, 2000).

There are two basic methods for analyzing qualitative v Focus: deductive and inductive
(Burnard, Gill, Stewart, Treasury and Chadwick, 2008). One reason why this study used the
inductive UN approach, rather than deductive, is that an inductive approach is to analyze v
Data with a limited amount, or if no UN framework or structure of default theories, and Usin
Themselves S. Evidence to determine the structure analysis (Burnard, Gill, Stewart, treasure
and Chadwick, 2008). It is considered that esta method is most often used for the analysis of
qualitative data because it requires a long time and is the most needed. This qualitative method
is adapted better when little about the phenomenon of the study (Burnard, Gill, Stewart,
Treasury and Chadwick know,

3.1. Research Strategy

To achieve the objectives of the study and answered questions posed itself the UN
Development Method: exploratory research. The reason for the Selection of paragraph This
exploratory research study lies in the fact that is performed to identify potential business

opportunities or to clarify ambiguous situations. This study is the first step, which takes a cape
in the hope that studies ADDITIONAL paragraph gather more evidence conclusive.
Sometimes I do it to guide and clarify the follow-up study (Zikmund, Babin, Carr and Griffin,
2013, p. 52). One of the main methods of data collection is exploratory research. Survey data
refer to specific research projects for the unavailability of relevant data. El objetivo director of
research study is to shed light on the nature of the situation and determine S. If the investigator
must collect additional studies (Neelankavil, 2007, p 104). : In addition, this type of method
Usin UN Research Focus: qualitative research, which helps one understand the processes of
subjective thought and an idea of perception and attitude. Finally, it is also useful to identify
problems and generate ideas for execution (Neelankavil, 2007, p. 104). Understand that using
a subjective thought processes and get an idea of perception and attitude. Finally, it is also
useful to identify problems and generate ideas for execution (Neelankavil, 2007, p. 104).
Understand that using a subjective thought processes and get an idea of perception and attitude.
Finally, it is also useful to identify problems and generate ideas for execution (Neelankavil,
2007, p. 104).

: In addition, research in this method if focuses on the detection of ideas. Researchers are
committed to esta technique a part of your Meaningful Work Only When little on the subject
of the United Nations in consideration known. The basic idea of using the study: research is to
clarify the concepts and carry a more extensive investigations (Majumdar, 2005).
P. 2. 3). : In addition, the advantage of exploratory studies is that they require less time and
lower costs. Finally, another reason to keep Cabo research study is a survey of well-informed
people, analysis of several cases, along with an extensive analysis of secondary research
(Majumdar, 2005, p. 23).

To keep out this study: research, researchers decided to use UN As Case Study To better
understand the actual situation, that of which is four multinational companies operating in the
field of electronic commerce couture.

3.2. thematic Research

"A case study is an empirical study that explores the modern phenomenon in the context of
real life, when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are evident and when multiple
sources of evidence are used" (Zainal, 2007). The case study method allows researchers to
examine carefully · Data on specific phenomenon of the UN. In most cases, esta method is to
draw the UN or UN Small very limited number of people as objects of study (Zainal, 2007)
geographic area. To Conduct UN Case Study, When The Research Center focuses on questions
of "why" and "how", and when the researcher wants to capture the contextual conditions son
because he believes relevant to the study of the phenomenon (Baxter and Jack, 2008). : In
addition, the case study explores and investigates the context of real, contemporary life through
the United Nations contextual Detailed analysis of a small number of events or conditions and
their relationships (Zainal, 2007). The research method Case Study can be used in many
different situations paragraph contribute to our knowledge of individual, organization, group,
political, social and related phenomena. This is a method Accepted Method: Research in
Political Science, Social Work, Education, Anthropology, Public Planning and, most
importantly, businesses (Yin, 2013). Anyone Sea Area of Interest, Desire UN entender social
issues, Complex Makes The Sea Analysis Method Specific examples a special need. In
summary, This method enables the researchers to focus on the "business" and preserve the
integrity and the real world, for example in the study of organizational and management
processes (Yin, 2013). Individual help for our understanding of phenomena, organizational,
group, political, social and Allied. This is a method Accepted Method: Research in Political
Science, Social Work, Education, Anthropology, Public Planning and, most importantly,
businesses (Yin, 2013). Anyone Sea Area of Interest, Desire UN entender social issues,
Complex Makes The Sea Analysis Method Specific examples a special need. In summary,
This method enables the researchers to focus on the "business" and preserve the integrity and
the real world, for example in the study of organizational and management processes (Yin,
2013). Individual help for our understanding of phenomena, organizational, group, political,
social and Allied. This is a method Accepted Method: Research in Political Science, Social
Work, Education, Anthropology, Public Planning and, most importantly, businesses (Yin,
2013). Anyone Sea Area of Interest, Desire UN entender social issues, Complex Makes The
Sea Analysis Method Specific examples a special need. In summary, This method enables the

researchers to focus on the "business" and preserve the integrity and the real world, for
example in the study of organizational and management processes (Yin, 2013). This is a
method Accepted Method: Research in Political Science, Social Work, Education,
Anthropology, Public Planning and, most importantly, businesses (Yin, 2013). Whatever the
area of interest, the UN entender Desire to social issues, It Makes Complex Analysis Method
Sea Specific examples a special need. In summary, This method enables the researchers to
focus on the "business" and preserve the integrity and the real world, for example in the study
of organizational and management processes (Yin, 2013). This is a method Accepted Method:
Research in Political Science, Social Work, Education, Anthropology, Public Planning and,
most importantly, businesses (Yin, 2013). Anyone Sea Area of Interest, Desire UN entender
social issues, Complex Makes The Sea Analysis Method Specific examples a special need. In
summary, This method enables the researchers to focus on the "business" and preserve the
integrity and the real world, for example, esta method enables the researchers to focus on the
"business" and preserve the integrity and the real world, for example in the study of
organizational and management processes (Yin, 2013). This is a method Accepted Method:
Research in Political Science, Social Work, Education, Anthropology, Public Planning and,
most importantly, businesses (Yin, 2013). Anyone Sea Area of Interest, Desire UN entender
social issues, Complex Makes The Sea Analysis Method Specific examples a special need. In
summary, This method enables the researchers to focus on the "business" and preserve the
integrity and the real world, for example, esta method enables the researchers to focus on the
"business" and preserve the integrity and the real world, for example in the study of
organizational and management processes (Yin, 2013). This is a method Accepted Method:
Research in Political Science, Social Work, Education, Anthropology, Public Planning and,
most importantly, businesses (Yin, 2013). Anyone Sea Area of Interest, Desire UN entender
social issues, Complex Makes The Sea Analysis Method Specific examples a special need. In
summary, This method enables the researchers to focus on the "business" and preserve the
integrity and the real world, for example, in the study of organizational and management
processes (Yin, 2013). This is a method Accepted Method: Research in Political Science,
Social Work, Education, Anthropology, Public Planning and, most importantly, businesses
(Yin, 2013). Anyone Sea Area of Interest, Desire UN entender social issues, Complex Makes
The Sea Analysis Method Specific examples a special need. In summary, This method enables
the researchers to focus on the "business" and preserve the integrity and the real world, for
example, in the study of organizational and management processes (Yin, 2013). This is a

method Accepted Method: Research in Political Science, Social Work, Education,
Anthropology, Public Planning and, most importantly, businesses (Yin, 2013). Anyone Sea
Area of Interest, Desire UN entender social issues, Complex Makes The Sea Analysis Method
Specific examples a special need. In summary, This method enables the researchers to focus
on the "business" and preserve the integrity and the real world, for example, UN entender
Desire of social issues, Complex Makes The Sea Analysis Method Specific examples a special
need. In summary, This method enables the researchers to focus on the "business" and preserve
the integrity and the real world, for example, UN entender Desire of social issues, Complex
Makes The Sea Analysis Method Specific examples a special need. In summary, This method
enables the researchers to focus on the "business" and preserve the integrity and the real world,
for example,

Once the Research Questions have been identified and are the best answers to through the UN
qualitative case study was given. He should consider the type Study Case Study (Baxter and
Jack, 2008). Choosing a special type of Plan Case Study will be determined by the overall
objective of esta study. These types can be holistic Case Studies, individual case studies and
numerous case studies (Baxter and Jack, 2008).

Since this study, namely, Over UN Contains example, it is to be conducted several case studies.
Reason UN multiple case study which will allow researchers to analyze v the situation in each
case and in different conditions (Baxter and Jack, 2008). This case study examines several
examples paragraph Understanding the differences and similarities between them. Numerous
case studies can predict the outcome of contrast, but with predictable ending UN and predict
similar results (Baxter and Jack, 2008). : In addition, the UN Focus On BASED Multiple case
studies, which allows researchers to compare the results to determine S. If the result is simply
unique m in case only one, or if the, usually, Juice in different cases. This study creates a
stronger theory due to the fact that the assumptions Deeper is based on a variety of empirical
data (Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007). Finally, the construction and relationship are more
clearly defined, because it is easier to determine S. The definition of Accurate and levels of
abstraction design Plurality Case (Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007).

3.3. Data collection method

To complete the methodological focus of this work were performed: primary and secondary
data using qualitative research method. Based on the initial data, the survey method Telefónica
and kept a full-time place in the framework of the questionnaire method and included several
open and closed questions. : In addition, secondary data cover literature review. Researcher
Selected from which company carried a corporal numerous case studies - UN monkey, River
Island, Bik Bok and Vero.

3.3.1. primary data

Since the objetivo de este study was to identify and illustrate or how social networks affect
multinational e-commerce industry Fast fashion, an internal survey was conducted Quality and
a telephone survey to determine S. Research questions of esta study. Questions for the
interview consisted of questions 6 and 9 Profiles transferred Structured Unstructured,
consisting total is is 15 Questions.

The first step taken by the investigator for the study was to establish contact with the four
shops located in Stockholm, by telephone, para saber when it will be the store manager before
you go directly to the store. As indicated Workers A specific date and time, the researcher
visited the store in that paragraph Moment meet with the store manager. All respondents were
asked how respondents did not participate in this study because the investigator told them that
it was the UN student project. Since the interview was conducted full time to evaluate v The
interview process in person it does not take more than 30 minutes, because the questions were
very simple and only was given FEW profiles, so respondents Were faciles responder.

Finally, para entender esta sección better, the researcher explained short a The main data in
more detail.

primary data - son the raw data collected during the study. Generally, the this can be
represented as using a statistical method (Glass, 1976). Reason for Choosing a qualitative

market research paragraph This study lies in the fact that, according to Gill et al. (2008),
qualitative, or like interviews, methods provide better and deeper understanding of social
phenomena. Gill et al (2008) also mentioned that there are three basic types of interviews, and
interviews no structured, semi-structured and unstructured. Questionnaire structured interview
is UN orally with a list of questions that must be done. This method of analysis is considered
quick and simple and can easily be explained by the issue any misunderstanding by the
respondent. : In addition, Chen and Weng (2009) described the questionnaire as a method of
data collection The respondent fills in writing. These questionnaires closed can be a list of
mutually exclusive categories, and a list of which respondents can choose more than one
answer from a list of categories.

While structured interviews - not an open or narrow, during which the respondent can control
the course of the interview interview. The interviewer and interviewee share experiences and
come together to create the UN legacy of colloquial context in which the interviewee feel
comfortable answering questions (Corbin and Morse, 2003). semistructured interviews - this
in-depth interview during which those interviewed Responder should open use Questions
predetermined interview This method takes one end only once and takes 30 minutes more than
one hour.
(Jamshed, 2014).

One of the reasons of a personal paragraph interview this study lies in the fact that Irwin, Drew
and Sensberi (2012) stated that this method of interview requires close communication More
oral, nonverbal communication and comity between the interviewer and the respondent, and
ways to better express their views. : Also during the interview, the interviewer can provide
additional information that can be added to the respondent's answer to question (Irvine, Drew
and Sainsbury, 2012).

Personal interview in qualitative research of Usin often in place of the telephone interview in
qualitative research. ALTHOUGH A telephone survey can be considered a "universal" Data
Collection Tool. Known, to do this type: qualitative research, respondents are more relaxed
and ready to communicate freely and disclose information (Novick, 2008). : In addition, the
phone book also brilliant son, saturated, detailed and of high quality. The advantages of the
telephone survey to qualitative researchers compared to a full time survey are cost reduction

(Novick, 2008). : In addition, también está expanding access to geographically dispersed
subjects, increases the safety of researchers, reduce the need for space and, finally, the
interviewer can discreetly monitor (Novick, 2008). However, the methods of a telephone
survey respondents can make the experience more discomfort when discussing sensitive topics
by telephone than in person (Szolnoki and Hoffmann, 2013). It is also believed that many of
the respondents prefer face to face interviews, Surveys Phone That As participants in the
survey can be monitored Environment (Szolnoki and Hoffmann, 2013).

Table 6. Details of respondents

surveyed position Company Address with out Kind Weather
respondent 1 Manager Vero Moda Drottingatan (T .... 11/22/2016 CaC 20
2 defendant Manager River Drottingatan (T .... 11/22/2016 CaC 15
Island centralen)
3 defendant visual merchandiser Monkey Sergel (Thi .... 11/22/2016 CaC 15
Manager centralen)
4 defendant Manager River Hamnsgatan (T .... 11/22/2016 CaC 20
Island Sentalen)
5 defendant Manager Bik Bok Galerianka (T .... 11/22/2016 CaC 27

6 defendant Director's assistant Bik Bok shopping center in 11/22/2016 CaC 24 min
7 respondent Manager Vero Moda galeriana (T- 11/23/2016 CaC 24 min
8 defendant Manager Monkey Kungsgatan (T- 11/24/2016 Phone 15
respondent 9 Manager Bik Bok Hamnsgatan (T- 11/24/2016 CaC 18
defendant Director's assistant Monkey Sergel 11/24/2016 CaC 22 min
Elaborated: Source

3.3.2. secondary data

Secondary data - is information that already exists and is published, such as surveys, qualitative
research, surveys conducted by the national government and state (Rew, Koniak-Griffin,
Lewis, Miles, O'Sullivan, 2000). In addition, secondary data are also a number of research
projects that use existing data to answer questions that may or may not have been offered
during the collection of baseline data (Rew, Koniak-Griffin,
Lewis, Miles, O'Sullivan, 2000).

Based on this study secondary data collection and analysis of information in the review of the
literature on how social networks influence the fashion business in the field of e-commerce
they were collected. And thanks to this research method helped gather reliable and valuable
literature. Secondary data are collected articles in scientific journals of Google Scholar, e-
books in Google Books and websites such as background information about companies.

3.4. Presentation and data analysis

Data collection and analysis are performed in an iterative process, which is known to be
beneficial for researchers, because it allows you to develop a theory based on empirical data.
Besides the development of categories and detailed description of the data to determine the
behavior or the process that turned out to be of vital importance in the process of data analysis
(Kohlbacher, 2006). Data can be grouped into some issues, the central themes and key issues,
and then, finally, the data must be examined to determine whether they match or not match the
expected category (Kohlbacher, 2006). In addition, data analysis includes tabulations,
research, testing, categorization,

In this study, a literature review and interview questions were divided into three categories:
the most used social networks, social media marketing and the reasons for using social
networks, as well as marketing. Since this method will help researchers identify the most
important aspects of interview questions and review of the literature. The researcher also tied
together with each question and answer session with the companies. After all the questions

were answered by all respondents, the investigator was able to identify similarities and
differences among respondents. For example, in Question 8, 10, 11 and 12 numbers have not
been put in a questionnaire, as in other matters. Therefore, in order that the researcher can
analyze your data, the researcher collects the responses were similar to each other or used
terms have the same meaning, and the other respondents to be able to identify patterns.
Therefore, the researcher was able to determine similarities and differences in behavior
patterns and use them as evidence of empirical studies and discussions.

3.5. Validity and reliability

According to Golafshani (Golafshani, 2003), the researcher designs a study, analysis of results
and assesses their quality, it is important that any qualitative researcher considered him
trustworthy and reliable. However, Brink (1993) stated that many qualitative researchers try
to avoid using the term "validity and reliability" and the use of terms such as courage,
confidence, ease of use, reliability, credibility, corroboration , consistency.

In a qualitative study of the validity of the term means "adequacy" of processes, tools and data
(Leung, 2015. This means that you need to know whether the research questions the desired
result, whether a methodology is correct, if the methodology selected for the answer to the
question of research sampling and analysis of suitability, and finally the results and
conclusions of the study are valid for sampling and context (Leung, 2015). the researcher made
sure that he responded to questions from the right interview have been ystvitelny mail for this
study. not be so many questions he realized that they were not relevant to the subject (social
networks) and have no relationship with him on the basis of the questions in the interview, the

According to Brink (1993), "the reliability associated with stories sequence, stability and
repeatability informants, as well as the ability of researchers to collect and record accurate
information." This refers to the study of the capacity method to consistently get the same
results over repeated testing period. In other words, it requires the investigator using the same
or comparable methods to achieve the same or comparable results each time using the methods
according to the same or comparable art. "In other words, Roberts, Priest and Traynor (2006)

stated that the reliability describes how a tool, procedure or specific test, such as a profile, give
similar results under different circumstances, assuming that nothing else has changed.

The answers to the questions were easy, because the answers to many questions, so that all
leaders who take the time to answer the questions as honestly as possible, without haste.
Moreover, the answers given by four companies, can be considered a reliable source, but their
answers may change in the future. This is due to the fact that social media is a kind of platform
on which the development of new technologies continues to grow. In the near future you can
see another platform that e-commerce companies can use in their business strategy.

3.6. ethical considerations

According to Burton and Stina (2004.p.52), it is imperative that each student-researcher

writing his study took into account the ethics of their research. However, ethical considerations
are also important for both administrative and professional level. Any of doctoral thesis or
master, there are rules for the expected memory corresponding method, or structure and
research (Burton and Steane, 2004.p. 52). In most universities are expected to research students
pay attention and justify ethical considerations, since the university where they are taught to
students, it is a formal structure, from which the student is involved in research (Burton and
Steane, 2004.p. 52). Therefore, student-researcher is the public face of the university as a
student is conducting research people and how they relate to them (Burton and Steane,
2004.p.52). based ethical reasons, researchers should be useful unreasonable demands
presented to the parties and participants should be based on informed / agreement (Ritchie,
Lewis, Nicholls and Ormston, 2014, p. 77) content. Moreover, confidentiality and anonymity
of participants must be observed, and these should be volunteers and free pressure or force
(Ritchie, Lewis, and Ormston Nicholls, 2014, p. 77). researchers should be useful
unreasonable demands presented to parties, and participants must be based on the informed /
agreement (Ritchie, Lewis, and Ormston Nicholls, 2014, p. 77) content. Moreover,
confidentiality and anonymity of participants must be observed, and these should be volunteers
and free pressure or force (Ritchie, Lewis, and Ormston Nicholls, 2014, p. 77). researchers
should be useful unreasonable demands presented to parties, and participants must be based
on the informed / agreement (Ritchie, Lewis, and Ormston Nicholls, 2014, p. 77) content.

Moreover, confidentiality and anonymity of participants must be observed, and these should
be volunteers and free pressure or force (Ritchie, Lewis, and Ormston Nicholls, 2014, p. 77).

In this study, the researcher has applied ethical considerations and has also been taken
seriously, since the researcher is aware of how important it is to recognize ethical
considerations. Before the completion of the investigation, the investigator introduced himself
as a student of Gävle
University in order to assure all participants that their data will not be posted online. As
participants agreed to participate in the research study project, some respondents wanted their
name to be private. Therefore, all respondents have been named anonymously in order to
respect your privacy. Moreover, in Chapter 4 (empirical findings) no personal data the
researcher have been included only the information of respondents. This is done to obtain
reliable and valuable data and to be completely honest with this research study.

3.7. Limitation of the Methodology

The limitation of this study is the lack of having the point of view of managers in the
department of social media. The work could have been better if the researcher was able to get
in touch with these people in order to have a better validation of this research study. Like other
administrators who are responsible for all social media platform your company could probably
know the statistics of his followers and social media, which is more valuable to your company,
for example. In addition, the e-commerce business could have a better understanding of the
influence of social networks in their online store.

CHAPTER 4 - empirical findings

Under this section, the researcher will explain the most important findings of the research
results and a brief backstory of each company. According to Drotar (2009) of this section it is
of vital importance as it would illustrate and determine the main conclusions of the results
collected. Moreover, it would also be easier for the reader to understand the findings resulting
from the primary data from this research study. Based on the results, the findings are based on
how social media has influenced the fast fashion e-commerce business multinational (Bik Bok,
Monki, River Island and Vero Moda). To discuss and review the results of the participants,

Background 4. Bik Bok

Bik Bok is composed of one of the largest textile companies and leading in Scandinavia, with
approximately 11,000 employees and 1,500 stores in eight countries representing the
company, including Norway ( Moreover, Bik Bok is an international business
fast fashion for young women who are both an online store and retail store. Bik Bok was first
released in 1973 by two Norwegians, where the owners had a first idea of creating only jeans
fashion brands for young girls (Bik .For focuses only on those jeans days Bik Bok
jeans began to be popular throughout the whole city in Norway and Sweden (Bik
Because of its success jean,

4.1. Bik Bok interview answers

The three respondents defined social media as a way known by customers to keep abreast of
the products sold and also a way to communicate with customers. Bik Bok uses Instagram,

Facebook and Snapchat, however Instagram is the most valuable feature of social media for
the company that the company has been active for the use of social networks from about 3
years. Bik Boks aim of using social media is to keep in touch with existing customers, attract
new customers and also for marketing and promotion. One of the reasons why social media
marketing is important for Bik Boks e-commerce is to have direct contact with customers. As
a result, the media is the best way to approach marketing company. This is because many
people use social networks like Instagram, which is known to be the best way to reach your
customers. Bik Bok by doing this can show that the company has products both in stores and
online. According to all social media respondents they have influenced their ecommerce
business by using the word of mouth because many people buy their products when they see
social media. According to respondents in the world we live in, most people today check the
products on social media and then tell their friends about the products Bik Bok have in their
online store. According to all social media respondents they have influenced their ecommerce
business by using the word of mouth because many people buy their products when they see
social media. According to respondents in the world we live in, most people today check the
products on social media and then tell their friends about the products Bik Bok have in their
online store. According to all social media respondents they have influenced their ecommerce
business by using the word of mouth because many people buy their products when they see
social media. According to respondents in the world in which we live, most people today check
the products on social media and then tell their friends about Bik Bok products have in your
online store. According to all social media respondents they have influenced their ecommerce
business by using the word of mouth because many people buy their products when they see
social media. According to respondents in the world we live in, most people today check the
products on social media and then tell their friends about the products Bik Bok have in their
online store. According to all social media respondents they have influenced their ecommerce
business by using the word of mouth because many people buy their products when they see
social media. According to respondents in the world we live in, most people today check the
products on social media and then tell their friends about the products Bik Bok have in their
online store.

Moreover, respondents also mentioned that staff members at Bik Bok try to do their best to
make their customers happy to please them, Bik Bok another word react to negative comments
with positivity. Bik Bok checks and keep abreast of the latest updates of social networks by

tracking trends and check what customers want to see. Moreover, respondents have agreed that
the use of social networks have also increased sales of Bik Bok. However, based on how social
media has helped companies e-commerce company, respondents had three different answers.
6 and 9 respondents mentioned that equip customers with information have helped your
ecommerce business, while the other executive said the company has helped to boost e-
commerce conversions and sales. also,

Finally, the last question to all respondents agreed that Bik Bok had been opened an e-
commerce site in order to expand the market for niche products. In addition, they interviewed
6 and 9 had a similar answer to the second option stating that Bik Bok has an e-commerce
business to provide product literature, while the other manager chose to record buying habits
of their customers. Based on the last option of the three managers they had different reasons
why Bik Bok have opened an online store. According to respondent 6 it is understand warranty

4.2. History of River Island

River Island is a family business that began its clothing business in 1948. However, this
multinational began by selling wool fabrics, vegetable and fruit market in feces damaged in a
bombing north London. In 1988, the owners opened their first store in rapid fashion retail
London (fashion business, 2015). Because of its early success and become the first fashion
retailer to target teen market in the UK, this family business became part of a history of
innovation through two other brands (fashion business, 2015). These are Chelsea Girl and
Lewis separated. In addition, in 2015 River Island has more than 300 stores, 40 of these stores
are located abroad; Middle East, Continental Europe and Australia East (fashion business,
2015). River Island launched its first online store in 2013 with an iPad and iPhone application
(River Island, 2013). This is to make it easier for customers to shop found everywhere in the
world and also be able to keep up with the products offered by River Island
(River Island, 2013).

4.2.1. River Island interview answers

According to respondent 2 and 4 social media you can be defined in several ways. These are
to reach their customers, providing information about new and upcoming products. However,
the main factor of social networks is how River Island can be active for its customers. River
Island uses different types of media that are Facebook (little), Instagram and your main website
of the company. However, these two respondents stated that Instagram is the most valuable
feature of social networks that the company uses most. Based on the answers of respondents,
River Island have been active for the use of social media for 5 to about 6 years. On the other

In addition, it is also the best marketing strategy by which respondent 2 said that today people
have changed from paper magazines to digital by which most people use their smart phones to
check on products. Moreover, Respondent 4 stated that social media has made it easier for
customers to see the products offered by the company. It is believed that the word of mouth
have influenced the River Island by the use of social networks. One of the main tasks of the
employees of River Island is to interact with customers in stores to ensure that customers tell
positive feedback about their stores to others. On the other hand, 2 interviewed and surveyed
in April indicated that River Island use the negative comments as positive critical customers,
therefore the company is careful about how business organizations and please their customers.
4 according to respondent, in order to River Island to stay updated on new platforms of social
media, the company has a group dedicated team to stay the course in what your customers are

Both of those interviewed agreed that the use of social networks have helped River Island to
boost sales and also helped the company to equip customers with information and increase
their brand awareness. However, based on the last question of why River Island have opened
an e-commerce site, respondents have two similar answers is to record the buying habits of
customers and to expand the market for niche products . Based on the results, according to
respondent 2 another reason why Isla del Rio has an e-commerce site is to reach customers
worldwide and contrary to the defendant 2 interview
4 indicate that it is offering product data sheet.

4.3. background monki

Monki is a clothing store that opened his shop in 2012. The retail business is owned by a
famous Swedish company called H & M (Milne, 2012). Currently, Monki has more than 200
stores in 12 countries in Asia and Europe and also an online store that ships to 18 countries of
the EU (Hunstig, 2016). This year, the business owned by young fashion H & M celebrates its
10th anniversary of successful (Hunstig, 2016).

4.3.1. Monki interview answers

Based on the first question of how to define Monki social media, the three respondents agreed
that social media is a form of communication through approach to its customers. Monki have
been using social media for up to 3 years where both have an Instagram account and Facebook.
However, according to the defendant 3 Monki also has a YouTube account through which
people can also go there to see for his last clothes. However, the main value of social media
Monki is Instagram. The three respondents chose above all one of three options on what is
Monkis main goal of social media. These options were attracting new customers,

Moreover, the defendant stated that 10 promote and reward their followers on social networks
is another vital tool in social media marketing for your online business. Respondents also noted
that social media is the best marketing tool for Monki as the company does not make any
announcement, apart from social media. This marketing strategy allows Monki to illustrate the
products offered both online and in store. In addition, respondents agreed that social media
have not influenced business e-commerce Monki by using word of mouth as social media, it
is stronger than the word of mouth, because many people have an account social media.
Customers use their digital devices to check online clothing instead of taking the words of the
people and in doing so Monki have had a campaign through which all customers who still
Monki in Instagram would get a 10% discount for each item products online. Monki try to
respond to negative feedback from customers, taking into consideration their comments and
try to answer your negative comment as much as possible with positive feedback.

Well it based on one of the interview questions on the check how Monki and stay on the latest
updates and new platforms of social media, answered three could not answer to it. However,
on the other hand he interviewed mentioned that 10 Monki check on what social media is its
customers more than 8 and the defendant says Monki does nothing to keep abreast of the latest
in social media. Based on higher sales of Monki respondents they agreed that social media
have helped Monki have greater sales. In addition, one of the questions answered 10 mentioned
the four points that have helped e-commerce business Monki by the use of social networks,
while respondent 3 to 8 mentioned client equipped with the information.

However, he interviewed 3 also mentioned that the expelled conversions and sales have helped
online website Monki as respondent in August chose the momentum of brand awareness. In
addition, all respondents agreed two reasons why Monki have opened an e-commerce
business. Those reasons are to record buying habits of its customers and expand its market for
niche products. Based on the third option chosen, interviewed on August 10 and chose to
Monki has an e-commerce business because they want to provide their customers with product
literature, while respondent 3 stated that it reach potential customers who do not have Monki
store in your town.

4.4. Background Vero Moda

Vero Moda is a fashion business leader of the EU which is owned by a Danish family business
under the brand of the company's best sellers. In 2012, Vero Moda operates in 22 countries
with 650 superstores around the world (Claeys, 2012). Vero Moda was launched for the first
time in Denmark in 1987 and was one of the first brands that opened sold. However, this
fashion company opened its first store in Oslo, Norway in 1989 (Lucy, 2013). All Bestseller
products and brands including Vero Moda are available online. This company is 100% owned
by Anders Holch
Povlsen who is the CEO and Holch Povlsen Family (Bestseller, 2016).

4.4.1. Interview respondents Vero Moda

According to the means of social communication it interviewed defined as a method of free

advertising. This company uses Facebook and Instagram for about 2 to 3 years, but Instagram
is the most valuable social media for Vero Moda. Respondent 7 said the aim of using social
media Vero Moda is to attract customers, marketing and promotion, and to keep in touch with
their customers. However, he interviewed 1 declared not mention keep in touch with your
existing customers is the goal of Vero Moda to use social media. On the other hand,

Moreover, interviewed in July he said that social media marketing is vital to Vero Modas e-
commerce company, as free as a defendant in January said and have direct contact with
customers, to promote and reward supporters and to get to know the target market of the
company. 7 respondent had a different view if the media is the best marketing tool for your
company. The answer was no, because there are many other customers who buy their products
because of television commercials the company does. However, both of Vero Moda managers
agree that social media has influenced ecommerce business by using word of mouth.
According to respondent 1 customers buy their products both in stores and online based on the
images that these people have been in Instagram. Further,

These two directors had no answer on how Vero Moda try to stay on top of the latest social
media platform. However, he interviewed 1 indicated that social media has helped the
organization to increase its sales and social media have also helped Vero Moda e-commerce
to equip their customers with information using social networks. On the other hand, as a
defendant 7 he said that social media is not the best marketing tool for Vero Moda therefore
have not helped the company increase sales. However, the defendant 7 mentions that social
media have helped Vero Moda e-commerce to increase brand awareness. In the final question
of both managers he said that for Vero Moda to register the buying habits of their customers
and to expand the market for niche products are known to be the two main reasons why this
company has opened a business e-commerce. On the other side 1 respondent also mentioned
by Vero Moda to provide product literature, while the other manager declared to understand
warranty information is the other reason Vero Moda have opened an e-commerce business.

Table 7. Respondents Responses

Company defendant Reply
Definition of social media:
Bik Bok 5, 6 and 9 To reach customers
River Island 2 and 4 To reach customers
Monkey 3, 8 and 10 To reach customers
Vero Moda 1 and 7 free advertising
Companys media:
Bik Bok 5, 6 and 9 Instagram, Facebook and Instagram and
River Island 2 and 4 Snapchat Facebook
Monkey 3, 8 and 10 Instagram, Facebook and Youtube
Vero Moda 1 and 7 Instagram and Facebook
They have been used most valuable social media and how old social
Bik Bok 5, 6 and 9 networks:Instagram; 3 years
River Island 2 and 4 Instagram; 5 to 6 years
Monkey 3, 8 and 10 Instagram; 3 years
Vero Moda 1 and 7 Instagram; 2 to 3 years
Objective of the use of social networks:
Bik Bok 5, 6 and 9 Keep in touch with existing customers, attract new customers and marketing /
River Island 2 and 4 promotion
Monkey 3, 8 and 10 Keep in touch with existing customers, attract new customers and marketing /
Vero Moda 1 and 7 promotion
Keep in touch with existing customers, attract new customers and marketing /
Keep in touch with existing customers, attract new customers and marketing /
Importance of social media marketing:
Bik Bok 5, 6 and 9 Direct contact with customers
River Island 2 and 4 Direct contact with customers and for free
Monkey 3, 8 and 10 Direct contact with customers
Vero Moda 1 and 7 Direct contact with customers, free of charge, to know your target market and promote
and reward supporters
Why the media is the best marketing strategy:
Bik Bok 5, 6 and 9 To update their products to online customers and shops
River Island 2 and 4 To update their products to customers and paper magazines switched to digital
Monkey 3, 8 and 10 To update its products to customers as no other ad uses
Vero Moda 1 and 7 Social media is not the best marketing approach; TV commercials best method
It has social media influence your company's e-commerce by using word of mouth?
Bik Bok 5, 6 and 9 Yes; Products are purchased when customers tell other customers based on what they
saw in social networks
River Island 2 and 4 Yes; ... ... (WITHOUT REASON)
Monkey 3, 8 and 10 do not; Customers check in to your social media rather than the word of mouth
Vero Moda 1 and 7 do not; Customers check in to your social media rather than the word of mouth
How the company responds to negative customer comments?

Bik Bok 5, 6 and 9 The negative comments as positive critical and try to please their customers
River Island 2 and 4 The negative comments as positive critical and try to please their customers
Monkey 3, 8 and 10 Try to answer again with the positive response by recognizing your comments
Vero Moda 1 and 7 Try to answer again and acknowledge your comments to be happy
How to check and keep track of the latest updates and new platforms in social life
Bik Bok 5, 6 and 9 After the latest trend and check what your customers use the most
River Island 2 and 4 specific equipment group to stay the course in using their customers
Monkey 3, 8 and 10 Check what your customers use social media
Vero Moda 1 and 7 ... ..... (UNANSWERED)

Social media has helped their business e-commerce to boost sales? Yes
Bik Bok 5, 6 and 9 Yes
River Island 2 and 4 Yes
Monkey 3, 8 and 10 Do not
Vero Moda 1 and 7
How has social media helped your ecommerce business?
Bik Bok 5, 6 and 9 Equipping customers with information, unit conversions and brand awareness and
sales momentum
River Island 2 and 4 Equipping customers with information awareness and brand momentum
Monkey 3, 8 and 10 unit conversions and brand awareness and sales momentum
Vero Moda 1 and 7 Equipping customers with information awareness and brand momentum
What is the reason for your company have opened an e-commerce site?
Bik Bok 5, 6 and 9 Expand the market for niche products, technical specifications of the product offering
and diverse variety of product options available 24/7
River Island 2 and 4 Register buying habits of customers and to expand niche products
Monkey March 8 Register buying habits of customers, expand product niches and technical
and 10 specifications for the supply of products
Vero Moda Register buying habits of customers and to expand niche products
1 and 7
Source: self made

Chapter 5 - Analysis / DISCUSSIONS

This chapter literature review will join with empirical findings in order to analyze and
determine the similarities and connection between these two chapters. In doing so, this section
is divided into three sections; definition of the most used social and social networks, the
objective of the use of social media marketing and social enterprise networks. The reason for
dividing the pieces into three sections is to make it easier for the reader and researcher to
identify the purpose of the research study and the two research questions.

5. Definition of most used social networks and social media

Based on the research results social media can be defined in many different terms, however,
most respondents the media as a tool defined to reach their customers and advertising your
brand / product . This definition can be agreed by Mohapatra (2013) who mentioned that social
media is a networking tool that allows companies to communicate with their potential
customers. Furthermore, Subrahmanyam et al. (2008) also agreed that social media is one of
the newest online communication strategy that allow users to communicate with each other.

The more media platform media companies using these ecommerce four multinational fast
fashion are both Instagram and Facebook, but media platform more social communication that
is used by these online retailers is Instagram. According to Sheldon and Bryant (2015) and
Sloane (2016) Instagram is currently the most widely used social network in the world.
Companies have you noticed the effectiveness of this platform is and have become one of the
most used fastest of social media for businesses. As soon as Instagram was launched in 2010,
this social media platform spread worldwide (boy and Uitermark, 2016). This is an example
of the three companies (Monki, Bik Bok and River Island) who have begun using social media
for about for about 4 to 6 years. According to Oren (2015) more than 58% of the use of the 50
major business organizations worldwide
Instagram by publishing 5, 6 times a week.

5.1. The company's goal of using social media

According to Montague, Gazal, Weidenbeck and Shephard (2016) the means of social
communication business firms it helps promote their trademarks, providing useful information
to consumers and also to attract more traffic on the website of your company. Bik Bok, River
Island and Monki agreed that social media help your ecommerce business to increase sales.
This also leads to customers who go to their web sites which increases web traffic. Tsimonis
and Dimitriados (2012) also agreed that social media increases sales companies when
customers visiting your business page and then causes traffic. Chances are, all respondents
mentioned that they use social networks as their business strategy to attract new customers,
marketing / promotion and keep in touch with existing customers. This may be agreed by
Öztamur and Karakadılar (2014) Saravanakumar and Suganthalakshmi (2012) and Boyd and
Ellison (2008). These authors mention that social media is an effective business strategy for
many people especially businesses and especially retailers. This is because researchers say the
media is a tool that helps retailers and consumers interact with each other regarding your
product purchase or learn more about the brand or product. On the other hand, Minter (2013)
also indicated that social media is also a method for businesses to attract new customers. While
these two are part of the objectives of the four companies, according to many researchers in
social media marketing is very important for all types of businesses. These authors mention
that social media is an effective business strategy for many people especially businesses and
especially retailers. This is because researchers say the media is a tool that helps retailers and
consumers interact with each other regarding your product purchase or learn more about the
brand or product. Moreover, Minter (2013) also indicated that social media is also a method
for businesses to attract new customers. While these two are part of the objectives of the four
companies, according to many researchers in social media marketing is very important for all
types of businesses. These authors mention that social media is an effective business strategy
for many people especially businesses and especially retailers. This is because researchers say

the media is a tool that helps retailers and consumers interact with each other regarding your
product purchase or learn more about the brand or product. Moreover, Minter (2013) also
indicated that social media is also a method for businesses to attract new customers. While
these two are part of the objectives of the four companies, according to many researchers in
social media marketing it is very important for all types of businesses. This is because
researchers say the media is a tool that helps retailers and consumers interact with each other
regarding your product purchase or learn more about the brand or product. Moreover, Minter
(2013) also indicated that social media is also a method for businesses to attract new customers.
Although these two are part of the objectives of the four companies, according to many
researchers in social media marketing is very important for all types of businesses. This is
because researchers say the media is a tool that helps retailers and consumers interact with
each other regarding your product purchase or learn more about the brand or product.
Moreover, Minter (2013) also indicated that social media is also a method for businesses to
attract new customers. While these two are part of the objectives of the four companies,
according to many researchers in social media marketing is very important for all types of
businesses. This is because researchers say the media is a tool that helps retailers and
consumers interact with each other regarding your product purchase or learn more about the
brand or product. On the other hand, Minter (2013) also indicated that social media is also a
method for businesses to attract new customers. While these two are part of the objectives of
the four companies, according to many researchers in social media marketing is very important
for all types of businesses. This is because researchers say the media is a tool that helps retailers
and consumers interact with each other regarding your product purchase or learn more about
the brand or product. Moreover, Minter (2013) also indicated that social media is also a method
for businesses to attract new customers. While these two are part of the objectives of the four
companies, according to many researchers in social media marketing is very important for all
types of businesses.

There are some other businesses That Also use social media to Increase Their Sales by
Promoting and displaying Their products on the internet and to create more brand / product
awareness (Tchach, Lease and Barton, 2016). With This statement, all four clothing companies
interviewed That Have Been Mentioned That one of the main Reasons Why Their use social
media company, is Because It Helps Their e-commerce business to boost brand awareness. ,

Moreover, Bik Bok and Monki Also Mentioned on another factor how social media Have
Helped Their e-commerce business Which is to drive conversions and sales.

Business organizations using social media is to reach other customers that can not be achieved
and also to increase brand awareness to have an access of millions of people (Tsimonis and
Dimitriadis, 2014). River Island and Monki stated that one of the reasons that have e-
commerce business is being able to reach other customers living abroad who do not have their
store in your town.

5.2. Social Media Marketing

Business marketing and promotion have changed, so that social networks have increased as a
marketing strategy, while promoting physical media such as radio, magazines and newspapers
have decreased (Montaguem Gazal, Weidenbeck and Shephard, 2016). This statement has
been endorsed by River Island that social media is the best marketing strategy. They have
mentioned that people today have fast of paper magazines (smartphones) digital. Moreover,
organizations that use social networks as a marketing tool can be very useful for business
organizations to build a strong relationship with their customers and promote their brand
(Öztamur and Karakadılar, 2014). Thus, Social media marketing is known to be the best
method of marketing for business organizations to attract customers (Neti, 2011). In addition,
there is a high growth business organizations that use social networks as part of their marketing
and branding (Tsiminos and Dimitriadis, 2014). Companies using social media can benefit
from the reach and brand awareness and customer communication (Neti, 2011). During the
interview all respondents in each fashion company (Vero Moda, Bik Bok, River Island and
Monki) mention all the reasons that social media marketing is vital to your ecommerce
business. Respondents mentioned whether they should have direct contact with customers or
because social media is free or know your target market or to promote or reward your social
media followers. Companies using social media can benefit from the reach and brand
awareness and customer communication (Neti, 2011). During the interview all respondents in
each fashion company (Vero Moda, Bik Bok, River Island and Monki) mention all the reasons
that social media marketing is vital to your ecommerce business. Respondents mentioned
whether they should have direct contact with customers or because social media is free or

know your target market or to promote or reward your social media followers. Companies
using social media can benefit from the reach and brand awareness and customer
communication (Neti, 2011). During the interview all respondents in each fashion company
(Vero Moda, Bik Bok, River Island and Monki) mention all the reasons that social media
marketing is vital to your ecommerce business.

Saravanakumar and Suganthalakshimi (2012) also indicated that today, traders see social
media as a great opportunity for your business to increase its revenue market share, promote
and market their goods and services. Companies are now able to interact with customers, build
brand value, market their products and increase customer loyalty. According to all respondents
who were interviewed, all of them mentioned that one of the reasons why your company have
opened a clothing business e-commerce is to expand its market for niche products.

5.2.1. Direct communication

More and more consumers are surfing therefore businesses use the Internet to create a
competitive advantage for your company. This has helped e-commerce companies to establish
their brands online channels, as they have realized that consumers are attracted to internet
(Mohapatra, 2013). When the interviewer asked why the store managers of social media
marketing was important to their business e-commerce, all of them most likely to respond to
direct contact with customers. Similar to Mazurkiewics (2015) so the media can help
businesses to promote their products and the company has direct contact with its customers
and to attract customers in a new and unique way. Social media is the best marketing tool for
the four fast fashion companies because it is a way to reach customers and for customers to
gather information about products. The effect of social media has influenced business e-
commerce Monkis Bik Bok, Vero Moda, River Island and due to the fact that many customers
use social media and recommend their friends to buy products from your store by online retail.
Social media is one of the most effective elements of exchange. That's why many people
around using social media to interact with each other or share photos, opinions and information
(Bulut and Dogan, 2017). Social media is one of the most effective elements of exchange.
That's why many people around using social media to interact with each other or share photos,
opinions and information (Bulut and Dogan, 2017). Social media is one of the most effective
elements of exchange.

Saravanakumar and Suganthalakshmi (2012) also indicated that retailers with social
networking, use it as a communication tool to communicate with their customers. For example,
it has been reported that there were 600 million users of Facebook in 2012 worldwide that
retailers use to interact with their consumers. With this type of media retailers are also able to
reward their followers or customers, giving them discounts. This can be seen in the response
of Vero Moda, as they also use social media to reward supporters or even Monki. Monki gives
each of his followers 10% discount on all products shown in your online store if you follow
on Instagram.

Based on a question about how these clothing companies respond or react to negative feedback
from their customers, they all had the same answer. All respondents mentioned that they do
their best to respond back to the negative feedback from customers with positive responses.
Recognizing the negative comments, your goal is to please their customers, hence their
negative comments are taken as a positive review. As social networks offer companies a
technique to communicate directly with their customers and build relationships it is vital for
all businesses to face negative comments from their customers in a positive way (Minter,

5.2.2. Free

According to River Island Vero Moda and one other reason why they use social networks as a
marketing tool is because it is free. Kirtis and Karahan (2011) and Weinberg and Pehlivan
(2011) mention that companies create or use social media as a marketing strategy to help
business organizations to reduce their business cost. When companies use social media to
promote their brands and other marketing activities at cost less or even free. Most of the media
is accessed for free.

5.2.3. Gather information

According to Mazurkiewics (2015) the use of social media for business organizations can be
an effective method to improve business credibility, providing useful information and to
generate business through discounts and promotions. Companies can show the quality of work
through videos and photos. Companies also offer their customers a hotline to get in touch with
them. Moreover, Kirtis and Karahan (2011) social media is useful for consumers and
businesses, as it helps them to gather information. 70% of customers have used social networks
to gather information brand or product. Bik Bok,

5.2.4. Word of mouth

According to Tsiminos and Dimitriadis (2014) the media not only allow businesses interact
with their customers, but also allow customers to share information between them. Based on
the results of empirical findings, Bik Bok and River Island declared that social media has
influenced their business by using word of mouth. Respondents mentioned that customers buy
their clothes based on information other customers give them. This means that all the elements
that have been shown in social media, customers disseminate information among themselves
that may have an influence on their purchase decision. Chen,
Moreover, Castronovo and Huang (2012) stated that consumers are highly influenced by the
decisions and opinions of other consumers. Communication between the consumer and the
consumer can change the buying decision of a customer what they consider those sources of
reliable information and valid product information. Moreover, the word of mouth is more
effective in villages decision to purchase the traditional advertising channels. In that sense
Kirtis and Karahan (2011) also indicated that 60% of consumers reported using social media
to transfer data to other people or customers. By contrast, the other two companies, Monki and
Vero Moda stated that their company is not influenced by the use of word of mouth. This is
because people prefer to make their buying decision based on what they see in the media,
rather than what other people comment or say. Chen, Fay and Wang (2011) also indicated that
there are some situations in which the influence of mouth can be ignored privately rather than
the people as a whole are based on the information that people report.

Yet it is said to link the answers with the theoretical model, which has found that e-commerce
companies multinational fast fashion using social networks as a marketing tool in order to get
in touch with your prospects. Another reason is to make your business more successful and all
of the above as mentioned in the theoretical model. Although using social media to be part of
your marketing strategy that could affect the business, such as word of mouth. Word of mouth
is believed to be the strongest factor of influence that online customers more listening. This
factor can have an influence on the buying decision of a customer online, either positively or
negatively. But nevertheless,

Based on all the results of this research study, the gap can be met. As the gap was the lack of
academic studies that have covered the three terms (e-commerce, fast and social fashion)
together. This research study was able to combine the three terms and was able to find out how
social media influences e-commerce multinational enterprises of fast fashion.

CHAPTER 6 - Conclusion

This section will be answered in two research questions of this study, as well as identifying all
Major findings of empirical data and analysis. : In addition, This section will also include the
implications and limitations of esta Derivadas study.

6. The influence of social media in fast fashion e-commerce companies

The development of Internet has helped many e-commerce companies fast fashion using social
media as a business strategy. The growth of e-commerce companies in all sizes of businesses
have increased over the past few years. e-commerce companies use this type of business in
order to be able to attract new customers and more particularly to reach and sell products both
internationally and nationally. Opening online stores for companies have become a very
popular way for e-commerce businesses to provide goods and services online to your potential

customers because it has also become a sales strategy vital . It is very important that each
business type or size of your customers react to negative comments in social media with
positivity. All these four companies recognize the importance of customer comment is even if
it is negative. These companies always try to respond back to the negative feedback from their
customers with positivity. fast fashion e-commerce all they see it as a positive criticism that
all that they do everything possible to make your customers happy in order to avoid negative
comments in the future. To go further, this section will divide the section into two batches
according to the research questions in order to identify and determine the purpose of the study.

What kind of social media platform do e-commerce companies?

To answer this question, researchers found that e-commerce companies have a social media
account to be part of your marketing strategy. The most common platform social media e-
commerce companies use most of your ecommerce business is Instagram. However, apart
from Instagram, Facebook also has been used. These two social media platform are best used
in this world there are millions of people who either have Instagram or Facebook. Instagram
have been introduced worldwide since 2010 which have particularly enabled retailers to
display their products or services online. This is done by sharing photos and videos for
customers to see and a way to attract them.

With the success of Instagram and any other social media platform that have been discovered
e-commerce companies have been using social media for about 3 years. However, there are
some other e-commerce companies have been using the platform of social media, especially

Instagram for more than 5 years to your marketing strategy.

Why e-commerce companies use social media for your marketing strategy?
They have established that there are many reasons why e-commerce companies have been
using social media for marketing strategy. However, most e-commerce companies use social
networks to attract new customers and keep in touch with your existing customers. One of the
main factors that have been discovered is that e-commerce companies have recognized the
importance of social media is a business strategy and marketing where other e-commerce
companies indicated that social media is not as vital as a marketing strategy than traditional
advertising, but also use it as a marketing tool. On that note target companies use social media

e-commerce is to market and promote your business. The reason that social media marketing
is important to your business e-commerce is to have direct contact with customers. Moreover,
some e-commerce companies also mentioned that it's free. When companies open an account
of social media, which helps those firms to reduce their cost of business marketing your brand
or products. Because the reasons for the use of social networks as a marketing tool, these
companies agreed that social media is the best marketing tool / strategy for your business. As
social networks have helped these companies to upgrade their products on the Internet,
informing customers more about clothing products which these companies offer both in stores
and online. Companies have realized that customers have fast traditional advertising, such as
radio magazines or paper to digital media (smartphones). Unlike some e-commerce
companies, social media is not the best marketing tool for your business because most
customers buy their products based on what is shown on TV commercials than any other
platform social media. As a result, the media have not helped e-commerce company to increase

Due to the advancement of technology, especially in the field of social networks, which have
an influence few e-commerce companies for the use of the word of mouth. Customers are
heavily influenced based on what other customers have to say about a specific product or
brand. They can be easily influenced in their purchasing decision, either positively or
negatively. There are many customers that spread product information to other customers and
among customers that takes into account the comments of others as client interaction with the
customer is regarded as a reliable and valuable source of product information. On the other
hand, other e-commerce companies indicated that social media has not influenced their e-
commerce business by word of mouth.

On the other hand, social networks have helped these online companies to provide the
customer information and increase brand awareness. business organizations help of social
media to extend its brand and products worldwide. e-commerce companies also provide their
customers with information about a specific product which also mentioned that provides
product data sheet is one of the reasons why we have opened an e-commerce site. This is to
give more details about the product. By making some of the companies also mentioned that
the purpose for also opening an e-commerce company is expanding its business niche products.

6.1. Theoretical and managerial implications

We have identified several implications of this research study. According to Ang (2014, p.
273) the first implication that covers the contribution of a research study is the theoretical
implication. This section is important for the researcher to ensure the theoretical implication
is aligned with the objective of the research study. First, the theoretical implication has been
discovered that social media have different meanings and purposes for any type of business
organizations. This means that is used differently in their business strategy. The researcher
also found that within the social media platform Instagram and Facebook are the most common
network of social media worldwide. But nevertheless, it is believed Instagram is the most used
and valuable to these companies electronic retail (Monki, River Island, Bik Bok and Vero
Moda). Business organizations aim to use social media to attract new customers, keep in touch
with existing customers and for marketing and promotion. There are some companies use
social networks as a marketing tool in order to have direct contact with customers, to know
your target market, promote and reward supporters. Some companies also use social networks
for marketing to reduce cost spending because this approach is free. With the use of social
networks has helped other companies to increase sales, however, it could not be the case for
other companies. The use of social networks has influenced some e-commerce companies or
any other normal business by using word of mouth. This means that the process of
communication between clients is strong and influential. Among the clients who listen to each
other and strongly consider his comment about a specific product or brand. As a result this
may influence your decision to buy or continue to buy the product or not.

Based on the implications of management it is how other managers would use the results of
the investigation. That is, linking this with the outcome and independent variables. Outcomes
are what managers should try to achieve. Moreover, the implications of management must be
connected to the relationship have been discovered in the research study and to advise
managers on how to improve the independent causal factor to work towards the best desired
result and (Ang, 2014 , p. 273). To link theory with investigators major business implications,
It is that other managers from different organizations online business can learn that social
media have been considered as one of the best methods for marketing. As is believed to

Instagram and Facebook are the most popular social media platform world Thus, the researcher
would recommend it to other managers use these two platforms of social media in marketing
their business. This is because today, there are millions of people like online customers using
these social media platforms daily, either for your personal life or to gather information about
a specific product or brand. But nevertheless, Based on this research study other executives in
other companies can learn that although social media can bring success in the target company
may also be influenced by word of mouth from other customers online. There are millions like
online customers using these social media platforms daily, either for your personal life or to
gather information about a specific product or brand. However, on the basis of this research
study other executives in other companies they can learn that although social media can bring
success in the target company may also be influenced by word of mouth from other customers
line. There are millions like online customers using these social media platforms daily, either
for your personal life or to gather information about a specific product or brand. However,
based on this research study other executives in other companies they can learn that although
social media can bring success in the target company may also be influenced by word of mouth
from other customers online . There are millions like online customers using these social media
platforms daily, either for your personal life or to gather information about a specific product
or brand. But nevertheless, Based on this research study other executives in other companies
can learn that although social media can bring success in the target company may also be
influenced by word of mouth from other customers online. There are millions like online
customers using these social media platforms daily, either for your personal life or to gather
information about a specific product or brand. However, based on this research study other
executives in other companies they can learn that although social media can bring success in
the target company may also be influenced by word of mouth from other customers online .

Based on the contribution of this study, the researcher found that no other academic studies
have fully discussed the influence of social networks in e-commerce companies multinational
fast fashion. This means that other authors have research on fashion companies or e-commerce
companies generally focus more specifically on e-commerce or e-commerce fashion fast
fashion companies just made. Therefore, further studies can use this research to be further
research to determine how social media can influence companies ecommerce fast fashion. But
nevertheless, The main contribution of this research is that other researchers can use this

research in future studies knowing that the media positively influences these businesses in
particular. The main social media platform that e-commerce quickly, apart from using
Facebook is Instagram, which have helped these companies to have direct contact with
customers, promote, attract new customers and also to study your target market . Although
they have mentioned that social media has a positive effect on e-commerce companies fast
fashion, but also has some negative influences such as word of mouth customers online. If
other future researchers want to study how social media can influence e-commerce companies
fast fashion by word of mouth, they can use this research to find answers to their future studies
as no other academic studies have discussed specifically fast fashion e- commerce. attract new
customers and also to study your target market. Although, as mentioned that social media has
a positive effect on e-commerce companies fast fashion, but also has some negative influences
such as word of mouth customers online. If other future researchers want to study how social
media can influence e-commerce companies fast fashion by word of mouth, they can use this
research to find answers to their future studies as no other academic studies have specifically
discussed fast fashion e- commerce. attract new customers and also to study your target market.
Although they have mentioned that social media has a positive effect on e-commerce
companies fast fashion, but also has some negative influences such as word of mouth
customers online.

6.2. Study limitations and reflection

The limitation of all this study is that not enough resources or authors who have specifically
covered the influenced of social networks in business ecommerce fast fashion and what are its
aims to use social media as a business strategy . The only resource I could find was general
information about how to use social media business organization rather than how business
ecommerce fast fashion using social media and how they are influenced by this. In addition,
there was no scientific papers have discussed e-commerce companies fast fashion. The only
items that there is either quickly or e-commerce, but no other items have combined these two
together. Thus, This can be seen as the research gap in this study. Another limitation of this
research study is based on question 10 and 12 of this interview questions were few respondents
in these fast fashion e-commerce companies managers did not explain their reasons for their

answers. This can be seen as a limitation, because one of the possible reasons why respondents
did not give their answers could probably be because they could not afford to give answers
based on these questions or do not have the answer for your reasons. Another limitation of this
research study is based on question 10 and 12 of this interview questions were few respondents
in these fast fashion e-commerce companies managers did not explain their reasons for their
answers. This can be seen as a limitation, because one of the possible reasons why respondents
did not give their answers could probably be because they could not afford to give answers
based on these questions or do not have the answer for your reasons. Another limitation of this
research study is based on question 10 and 12 of this interview questions were few respondents
in these fast fashion e-commerce companies managers did not explain their reasons for their
answers. This can be seen as a limitation, because one of the possible reasons why respondents
did not give their answers could probably be because they could not afford to give answers
based on these questions or do not have the answer for your reasons.

Based on reflection of this study, the researcher has learned that if the study also included a
quantitative approach and not only the realization of a qualitative approach. The research study
could have been better; This is because according to Hussein (2009) a method of triangulation
a mixture of qualitative and quantitative method can help the researcher to increase broader
and deeper understanding of the phenomenon of study and also to increase the credibility of
the study. Another aspect that the researcher would have done differently in this research study
is by adding the perspective of customers as well. By making the researcher also have known
some information out of the box, as well as the views of managers. For example, What are the
reasons why customers check e-commerce companies realize social media before buying their
products and how do they rely on their website to make a payment. Adding customer prospects
in this research study, more information may be collected and different viewpoints can be
obtained at how social media influence ecommerce business quickly. However, these points
that have been mentioned can also be used in the suggestions for further research. Adding
customer prospects in this research study, more information may be collected and different
viewpoints can be obtained at how social media influence ecommerce business quickly.
However, these points that have been mentioned can also be used in the suggestions for further
research. Adding customer prospects in this research study, more information may be collected
and different viewpoints can be obtained at how social media influence ecommerce business

quickly. However, these points that have been mentioned can also be used in the suggestions
for further research.

6.3. Suggestions for future research

As this research study covers only the influence of social networks in business ecommerce fast
fashion. Further study can be carried out at the point of view of the customer's perspective
ecommerce quickly. Moreover, a larger sample of respondents can be collected rather than just
the data they collect from two or three people from each company. There may be a possibility
if the chosen sampling was larger; the researcher could have had more concrete and solid
research study.


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