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Hasnul Arif NIM: 211. 016. 032 Students of IAIN Kerinci Islamic Education Study Program
(PAI) Focus on Character Education Study: Teaching Pattern of Jam'iyyatul Islamiyah in
Strengthening Patience of Sungai Penuh City Jamaat.
The purpose of this study was to determine the type of patience, Teaching Patterns and
supporting and inhibiting factors in the formation of the patience of the Sungai Penuh City
Jam'iyyatul Islamiyah congregation.
The form of this research conducted is qualitative research. This research was carried out at
the Jam'iyyatul Islamiyah City of Sungai Penuh Study with respondents: administrators and
worshipers. Data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. Data
analysis carried out through inaction. The verification process often steps back at the data reduction
stage so that triangulation is always internal in the research process. And also in this study can be
formulated research questions as follows: What kind of patience congregation jam'iyyatul Islamiyah
in the city of Sungai Penuh, how the pattern of teaching jam'iyyatul Islamiyah in strengthening the
patience of pilgrims in the city of Sungai Penuh and what are the supporting and inhibiting factors in
forming congregation patience Jam'iyyatul Islamiyah in the full river city.
Based on the results of the interview and the author's observation that the conclusions in this
study are:
1. Types of Patience for the Jamaah include: Accused of pilgrimage to kekerinci, Dianggab as
heretical sect, Accused of being a sorcerer, After wirid / pengajian in a group of 5K the ladder
is smeared with dirt so the pilgrims are difficult to get down the house from superiors to civil
servants, Threats to be stopped from civil servants, Every exchange of the Kerinci police
chief always has pressure on Jam'iyyatul Islamiyah, transferred to Kejambi as a form of
2. Jam'iyyatul Islamiyah Teaching Patterns such as: Instilling pilgrims to allow all forms of
accusations and cacimaki directed at them, Answering what if asked according to their
knowledge, prohibiting their worshipers from committing acts of violence against threats and
pressures given to them, all matters of business always begin with musyawah by asking in
advance to the builder.
Besides that jam'iyyatul Islamiyah also teaches that approaching the enemy hopefully
becomes friends and friends, approaching ignorant people don't become ignorant hopefully
they repent to Allah, enter the community in order to know each other to know each other,
unite while deliberating on the purpose of eliminating syakwa -judge and doubt, Do not like
to misrepresent well, do not beg, do not ask that it will insult yourself and your religion, what
you see, just see and what you hear, just hear, if there are people who ask for help, please, if
you are told to work, work until time, not half and do not judge yourself. Enough of God and
His apostles who judge it.
3. Supporting and Inhibiting Factors
Supporting factors: with the accusation making them even more convinced by this
recitation, the congregation's obedience to the coach, and complete facilities and
infrastructure such as the availability of soun systems, washing rooms, halls, public kitchens,
live strmng, and complete WhatsApp, routine recitations that have been preserved such as
wiri and pengajian combined, wiri and recitation of BKMT mothers, meetings and wiri and
the teaching of teenagers and wiri and pengajian in each group, branch and branch.
Inhibiting factors such as the distance between the house of the congregation and the
place of recitation, the level of understanding of the congregation in understanding the study,
the teaching material presented globally, the availability of less preachers.

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