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Building and Environment 142 (2018) 188–194

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Reducing formaldehyde emission of urea formaldehyde-bonded T

particleboard by addition of amines as formaldehyde scavenger
Aizat Ghania, Zaidon Ashaaria,b, Paiman Bawona, Seng Hua Leea,b,∗
Department of Forest Production, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia


Keywords: Particleboard is one of the building materials that contribute to the emittance of formaldehyde in enclosed area.
Particleboard In order to reduce the formaldehyde emission from particleboard, amines were added into the urea for-
Formaldehyde catcher maldehyde (UF) resin as formaldehyde scavenger. The amines used were methylamine, ethylamine and pro-
Methylamine pylamine. 0.5, 0.7 and 1% of each type of amine were added into UF resin and the mixtures were used to produce
particleboard from rubberwood particles. The properties of the UF resin after addition of amines such as gelation
time, viscosity, pH, free formaldehyde content and thermal stability were evaluated. The physical, mechanical
properties and formaldehyde emission of the produced boards were also assessed. The results revealed that fully
cured amine-containing UF resin possesses higher thermal stability compared to control UF resin. Amine-con-
taining UF resin also had longer gelation time due to higher pH value. Nevertheless, both physical and me-
chanical properties of the resultant particleboard were negatively affected. Particleboard made from amine-
containing UF resin had higher thickness swelling and water absorption. In addition, lower bending strength and
internal bonding strength were also recorded. Insufficient pressing time for fully cured of resin might be the
reason for such phenomenon. Particleboard with F*** emission level (0.5 ≤ x ≤ 1.5 mg/L) as specified in
Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) or European's E0 class equivalent were achieved when ethylamine and
propylamine were added, regardless of dosage used. This study showed the feasibility of using amines as for-
maldehyde scavenger. However, optimisation of processing parameters is needed to enhance the physico-me-
chanical properties of the particleboard.

1. Introduction level of F****, F*** and F** are more or less equivalent to European
standard's SE0, E0 and E1.
As one of the wooden materials for buildings applications, parti- Sick House Syndrome, a term derived from Sick Building System
cleboard is classified as reconstructed panels that are mainly used to that was first recognised in the year of 1983 by World Health
manufacture furniture as well as for thermal and acoustic insulation Organization as a medical condition, has been reported in residential
[1]. Particleboard is one of the important major timber products in houses and educational facilities throughout the world. The occupants
Malaysia. In the year 2017, the total revenue from the exportation of experience various symptoms such as headache, nose and throat irri-
Malaysian major timber products was RM 23.2 billion [2]. Particle- tation and fatigue [5]. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone and 2-
board has contributed 1.88% of the total export value in 2017, which ethyl-1-hexanol are the main indoor pollutants that were detected in
accounted for RM 437 million. The local production line in Asian buildings and are closely related to the occurrence of mucosal symp-
countries, particularly Malaysia, is continuously influenced by the Ja- toms among users [6]. The formaldehyde levels present in indoor air
panese trends as Japan is a main and vital for demand of particleboard. are highly dependent on the formaldehyde sources, temperature, hu-
Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) has the most stringent standards in midity and air exchange rate in the building. The main sources of in-
the world where only wood panels with emission level of F**** door formaldehyde emission in the residential houses and educational
(≤0.3 mg/L) could be used unrestrictedly within the room, while the facilities nowadays include wood floor finishes, wood-based products
F*** (≤0.5 mg/L) and F** (≤1.5 mg/L) panels are only allowed pro- such as plywood, particleboard and medium density fiberboard, wall-
vided that the room is spacious and have good ventilation [3]. Ac- paper and paints as well as cigarette smoke [7].
cording to Athanassiadou and Ohlmeyer [4], the respective emission Urea formaldehyde is a major aminoplastic resins used for the

Corresponding author. Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
E-mail addresses:, (S.H. Lee).
Received 25 April 2018; Received in revised form 10 June 2018; Accepted 12 June 2018
Available online 12 June 2018
0360-1323/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Ghani et al. Building and Environment 142 (2018) 188–194

fabrication of interior wood-based products due to its low cost and high different types of amines, namely, methylamine, ethylamine and pro-
reactivity [8]. A study by He et al. [9] revealed that urea formaldehyde pylamine which were used as formaldehyde scavenger om this study
(UF) resin is the main source that contributes to the formaldehyde were purchased from Evergreen Engineering & Resources. The hardener
emitted from wood-based panels. Urea and formaldehyde are highly used in this study was ammonium sulphate and wax was applied as
reactive and could react rapidly to form a strong bond. Nevertheless, water repellent.
the reaction is reversible and therefore provides potential for long-term
formaldehyde release [10]. Formaldehyde emits from formaldehyde-
based adhesive bonded particleboard is mainly caused by the existence 2.2. Resin properties after addition of amines
of unreacted free formaldehyde in the board. However, this type of
release lasts only for a short period of time after manufacture. Another Several properties such as acidity (pH), viscosity of the resin, gelatin
release mechanism that could continue throughout the entire working time and free formaldehyde content were tested in the UF resin after
life of the board is through the hydrolysis of the aminoplastic bond addition of different dosage of amines. The Mi105 pH/temperature
when exposed to elevated temperature and relative humidity [11]. professional portable meter was calibrated with buffer solutions at pH 4
In the past decades, great effort in reducing formaldehyde emission and 10 before testing begins. The resin/amine mixtures were cooled to
from particleboard such as lowering the formaldehyde to urea (F/U) 30 °C. Following that, the pH meter electrode was immersed into the
molar ratio in UF resin has been made. However, lowering F/U ratio mixtures and pH reading was recorded. For viscosity measurements,
inevitably lower the UF reactivity and subsequently, reduced the 75 ml UF resin was poured into a 100 ml beaker. The viscosity of the
properties of the resulted panels [12]. In addition, lowering of F/U ratio mixture was measured with an AMETEK Brookfield rotational visc-
has reached its limit when Maminski et al. [13] reported that the ometer & rheometer at 20 °C with a spinning rate of 1 rpm. As for pH
strength of joints made with UF resin with F/U ratio of 0.85 is 20% determination, mixtures of UF resin and amines were poured into a
lower than the resin with an F/U ratio of about 1.1. To make matters beaker and stirred well. Then, 6.5 g of the mixture was poured into a
worse, no significant reduction of formaldehyde emission was recorded. test tube which was immersed (below water line) in a 100 °C water
An additional amount of 15–20% of resin is needed in order to fulfill the bath. Immediately, the content was stirred continuously and the time
performance standards. Although lowering F/U ratio is the most direct (in seconds) required for resin mixtures to cure was recorded.
and economic method, other methods known to reduce formaldehyde For free formaldehyde content determination, 10 g UF resin was
emission including incorporation of formaldehyde catcher or scavenger, weighed and poured into a 250 ml Eerlenmyer flask and 50 ml of di-
optimisation of processing parameters, and coating with nanoparticles methyl sulphoxide solution was added. Rapidly, within 5 s whilst stir-
modified water based varnish have also been adopted by several re- ring, 30 ml of 0.1 M HCl and Na2SO3 were added. Next, to ensure
searchers [14–17]. Recently, a study by Jiang et al. [18] has proved that complete reaction of the formaldehyde with sulphite, the mixture so-
particleboard thermally treated at mild temperature (50 or 60 °C) dis- lution was cooled in ice cubes for 3 min. Then, 1 ml 0.1% thy-
played significant reduction in formaldehyde emission. Ayrilmis et al. molphthalein solution was added. The excess acid was immediately
[19] incorporated microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) into different grades titrated with 0.1 M NaOH solution until it changed to blue color.
of urea formaldehyde (UF) resins (SE0, E0 and E1) and the for- Volume of the 0.1 M NaOH used was recorded as V1. The blank test
maldehyde emission of produced laminated veneer lumber (LVL) were under the same condition but without the UF resin was also carried out
determined. The results revealed that the modification by MFC only and the volume of 0.1 M NaOH used was recorded as V2. The free
showed significant effect on SE0 grade UF resin in terms of for- formaldehyde content was calculated using Equation (1).
maldehyde emission reduction, while E0 and E1 grade UF resin did not
Free formaldehyde (%) = ((V1eV2) x M x 3.002) / W [1]
indicate the same observation.
Various amine-based compounds such as urea, ammonia, melamine, where; V1 = volume of 0.1 M NaOH solution for resin, mlV2 = volume
dicyandiamide, and polyamides have been incorporated into for- of 0.1 M NaOH solution for blank, mlM = molarity of NaOH
maldehyde-based resin to reduce its formaldehyde emission [20]. solutionW = weight in grams for resin, g.
Nevertheless, studies on the addition of primary alkyl amines as for- The experiment was repeated for the UF resin admixed with dif-
maldehyde scavenger are very limited. A study by Boran et al. [21] ferent dosage of amines. Two replicate measurements for each sample
reported on the effectiveness of adding different amine compounds in were made.
the reduction of formaldehyde emission of medium density fiberboard
bonded with urea formaldehyde (UF) resin. Another study by Ghani
et al. [22] revealed that the addition of 1% propylamine into UF resin 2.3. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy analysis
could reduce the formaldehyde emission of the particleboard from
0.7 mg/L to around 0.3 mg/L. Nevertheless, physical and mechanical A FT-IR spectrometer was used to determine any differences oc-
properties of the produced particleboard were adversely affected. This curring to the functional group on pure formaldehyde sample and after
study aims to produce UF-bonded particleboard with lower for- the formaldehyde was mixed with different amounts of amine com-
maldehyde emission using three primary alkyl amines, namely methy- pounds. FT-IR spectra tests were run at ambient temperature using pure
lamine, ethylamine and propylamine. The effects of incorporating dif- samples within the wave number range of 4000 to 400 cm−1 and at a
ferent amines and dosages on the properties of urea formaldehyde resin resolution of 4 cm−1. The infrared spectra of the samples were mea-
were investigated. In addition, the mechanical, physical properties and sured on a Perkin-Elmer FT-IR (model spectrum 100 series, USA).
formaldehyde emission of the resultant particleboard were also eval-
2.4. Thermal stability of UF resin and amine-containing UF resins
2. Materials and methods
Samples of cured control UF resin and amine-containing (methyla-
2.1. Preparation of materials mine, ethylamine and propylamine) UF resins were tested for thermo-
gravimetric analysis (TGA) using Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer, TA
Rubberwood particles were obtained from a local particleboard Instrument Q500 model. About 8 mg samples were placed in alumina
plant, HeveaBoard Berhad, which is located in Gemas. The binding crucible. An empty alumina crucible was used as reference. All the
agents used in this study, urea formaldehyde (UF) resin type E1, was samples were heated from ambient temperature to 600 °C in a
supplied by Aica Chemicals (M) Sdn. Bhd from Senawang. Three 50 mL min −1 flow of nitrogen at 10 °C min −1 heating rate.

A. Ghani et al. Building and Environment 142 (2018) 188–194

2.5. Particleboard fabrication Table 1

Physical properties of UF resin admixed with different dosage of amines.
Single-layer particleboard (340 mm width x 340 mm length x UF type Gelation time (s)a Viscosity (cp) pH FFCb (%)
12 mm thickness) with targeted density of 650 kg/m3 was fabricated.
8% UF resin based on the dry weight of rubberwood particles were M0.5 240 222 9.2 0.21
M0.7 256 265 8.9 0.20
prepared. 0.5, 0.7 and 1.0% of methylamine, ethylamine and propyla-
M1.0 264 286 9.1 0.19
mine based on the solid weight of UF resin were added into the UF E0.5 268 270 9.3 0.18
resin, respectively. 1% of ammonium sulphate (NH2SO4) based on the E0.7 271 282 9.5 0.16
solid weight of UF resin was used as hardener. 0.5% of wax emulsion E1.0 283 314 9.6 0.14
based on the dry weight of rubberwood particles was mixed together P0.5 267 278 9.4 0.15
P0.7 304 279 9.6 0.13
into the UF resin. The admixture was then sprayed evenly on the wood
P1.0 306 308 9.8 0.11
particles and blended for 3 min. After blending, the resinated particles Control 65 217 5.5 0.22
were formed manually into a mat using a wooden forming box. Next,
the mat was placed into a hot press and pressed at 180 °C for 270 s with ***M = methylamine, E = ethylamine, P = propylamine.
pressure of 4 Mpa. After hot pressing, the particleboard was condi- Gelation time at 100 °C.
tioned in a conditioning room to acquire constant weight before Free formaldehyde content.
properties evaluation. A set of particleboards was produced using UF
resin without addition of amines for comparison purpose. value, the initial pH value of control UF resin is 5.5 and turned into
basic (pH around 9) after the incorporation of amines. The higher pH
2.6. Properties evaluation of particleboard values were reportedly to have slowed down the gelation time of the
amines containing UF resin as UF resin is an acid-catalyzed resin which
2.6.1. Physical and mechanical properties requires an acidic condition to cure [25]. The critical pH point for UF
Physical properties such as thickness swelling (TS) and water ab- resin is 7, where above this point, the resin curing rate begins to in-
sorption (WA) was conducted according to the procedure specified in crease dramatically [26]. It can be observed that the application of
Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) A 5908: 2003 [23]. A amines has reduced the free formaldehyde content in the UF resin.
50 mm × 50 mm section was cut from each board. The samples were When 0.5%, 0.7% and 1.0% of methylamine were incorporated into the
weighed and the thickness was measured before immersion in water at UF resin, a reduction of 4%, 9% and 14%, respectively, in free for-
25 ± 2 °C for 24 h. After soaking, the weight and thickness of the maldehyde content were observed. Meanwhile, addition of 0.5%, 0.7%
samples were remeasured to determine and express the TS and WA and 1.0% of ethylamine into UF resin were found to be able to reduce
values in percentage. Mechanical properties of particleboard such as 18%–36% of the free formaldehyde content from the UF resin. On the
modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE) and internal other hand, propylamine portrays a relatively higher effectiveness in
bonding (IB) were tested according to procedure specified in JIS A the reduction of free formaldehyde in UF resin, where the addition of
5908: 2003 [23]. 0.5%, 0.7% and 1.0% propylamine has successfully reduced the free
formaldehyde content by 31%, 42% and 50%, respectively. Effective-
2.6.2. Formaldehyde emission by desiccator method ness of propylamine in the reduction of free formaldehyde content
Formaldehyde emission from the produced particleboards was compared to ethylamine and methylamine might be due to its higher
tested using desiccator method based on JIS A 1460: 2001 [24]. 300 ml reactivity. Differences in reactivity could be attributed to differences in
of distilled water was filled into a glass crystalizing dish, which is CeH bond dissociation energies where methylamine, ethylamine and
centrally located at the bottom of the desiccator. Nine pieces of samples propylamine were reported to have dissociation energies of 103 kcal/
(50 mm width x 150 mm length x 12 mm thickness) having surface area mol, 98 kcal/mol and 95 kcal/mol, respectively [27]. Propylamine with
approximately 1800 cm2 were placed into a desiccator, right above the the least bond dissociation energies have the weakest bond and broke
water-filled glass crystalizing dish. After 24 h, the water in the crys- more easily compared to methylamine and ethylamine. From methyl to
talizing dish was collected and the concentration of formaldehyde in propyl, the electron pushing effects increases on the C1 carbon atom
the solution was measured by acetylacetone molecular absorption and hence, electron density increases on C1 carbon to which NH2 group
spectrometry. is attached and hence, faster cleavage. Therefore, propylamine is the
most reactive and able to bind with higher amount of free for-
2.7. Statistical analysis maldehyde in the resin.

The data were analysed statistically to verify the significance of the 3.2. Characterisation of formaldehyde with different amine compound using
variables studied using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). FT-IR spectroscopy
The collected data were analysed using one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) and the means were separated using Tukey's HSD test. Fig. 1 illustrates the FT-IR spectrum of pure formaldehyde solution
before and after the addition of amine compounds. The pure for-
3. Results and discussion maldehyde solution showed band at 3307 cm−1 for the OeH stretch,
2986 and 2915 cm−1 for the CH2 symmetric stretch, 1644 cm−1 for the
3.1. UF properties after addition of amines C]O aldehyde saturated aliphatic and 1429 cm−1 for the CH2 methy-
lene bonds [28]. After the addition of amines, the formation of imine
Gelation time, viscosity, pH and free formaldehyde content of the bond linkages was confirmed by the FT-IR spectra where all the amine
UF resin after addition of different dosage of amines are listed in compounds exhibit stretching bending imine (C]N) absorption at
Table 1. The UF resin with the addition of 0.5, 0.7 and 1.0% of me- about 1640 cm−1 to 1690 cm−1 in the spectrum as shown in Fig. 1b
thylamine (M), ethylamine (E) and propylamine (P) were denoted as [29,30]. These bands verified the formation of C]N in all amine
M0.5, M0.7, M1.0, E0.5, E0.7, E1.0, P0.5, P0.7 and P1.0, respectively. compound where the formaldehyde reacted with methylamine, ethy-
The gelation time of the control UF resin was 65 s. After the addition lamine and propylamine to produce methylmethanimine, ethylmetha-
of amines, the gelation time increased to a range of 240–306 s. nimine and propylmethanimine, respectively. Another absorbance band
Similarly, the viscosity of the UF resin also increased by a range of at 1446 cm−1, 1453 cm−1 and 1425 cm−1 were observed from the
2%–41% compared to control after the addition of amines. As for pH spectrum which correspond to the CeH bending alkane of CeH in CH3

A. Ghani et al. Building and Environment 142 (2018) 188–194

Formaldehyde + Methylamine
amine-containing UF resins which ranged from 11.42 to 20.87% at the
Formaldehyde + Ethylamine same temperature. UF resin admixed with propylamine had a higher
Formaldehyde + Propylamine
thermal stability as it has higher residual weight at 600 °C
(16.05–16.56%) compared to ethylamine (15.14–16.05%) and methy-
lamine (14.29–14.87). This phenomenon might be attributed to the
higher reactivity of propylamine with the free formaldehyde that was
Transmittance (%)

present in the UF resin.

C=N, stretching imines

C=O, aldehyde saturated aliphatic 3.4. Physical and mechanical properties of particleboard

The density of the particleboard produced ranged from 640 to

685 kg/m3. Table 3 exhibits the thickness swelling (TS) and water ab-
sorption (WA) values of the particleboard made from UF resin and
40 amines-containing UF resin. The thickness swelling and water absorp-
1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600
tion of the particleboard bonded with control UF resin were 28.01%
Fig. 1. A comparison between the FT-IR spectrum (1800–600 cm−1) of pure and 46.07%, respectively. However, after the addition of amines, the TS
formaldehyde solution and formaldehyde admixed with different amines. values increased within a range of 59.96%–72.43%. Similarly, WA
values were increased within a range of 92.94%–117.43%. Regardless
and CH2 resulting from CeC and CeCH interaction from the structure of the types of amines used, both TS and WA values of the particle-
[31,32]. The two bands near 1387 cm−1 and 1351 cm−1 might be at- boards increased with increasing dosage of amines. This behaviour
tributed to CO2− symmetric stretch of carboxylic acid salts [33], might be correlated to the reduction in IB strength of the particleboard
probably due to the occurrence of Cannizzaro reaction that yields produced with amine-containing UF resin. Higher IB strength should be
formic acid salts and methanol [34]. positively correlated to the TS and WA of the particleboard as better
Addition-elimination reaction occurs when amine reacts with alde- bonding between particles could hold them tightly and resulted in
hyde. This mechanism happens in two parts. In the first part, the amine lower TS and WA [38].
nitrogen attacks the carbonyl carbon to form a hemiaminal (RNH- Table 4 displays the mechanical properties of the particleboard
C(OH)R2) after the transfer of a proton from nitrogen to oxygen. In the made from UF resin and amines containing UF resin. The modulus of
second part, the hemiaminal is protonated and H2O is eliminated, fol- rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) for control UF-bonded
lowed by deprotonation, forms the imine (RN = CR2) [35,36]. Based on particleboard were 15.13 N/mm2 and 1772 N/m2, respectively. After
the FT-IR analysis, the possible reaction between formaldehyde and the addition of amines, both MOR and MOE decreased. A reduction of
methylamine, ethylamine and propylamine amine compound are 33.6% in MOR was observed when 1% methylamine was added while
shown in Fig. 2. For methylamine, the amine compound reacts with free MOR of the 1% propylamine-added samples reduced 42.4%. Similar
formaldehyde in the UF adhesive to produce N-methylmethanimine and trends were also observed for MOE. Internal bonding (IB) strength of
water. As for ethylamine, the amine compound will react with free the particleboard made with amines containing UF were 0.29–1.38 N/
formaldehyde, which will then liberate N- ethylmethanimine and mm2, whereas the control UF-bonded particleboard was 1.40 N/mm2.
water. By using propylamine as a formaldehyde catcher, the reaction When 1% of methylamine, ethylamine and propylamine were added,
will produce N-popylmethanimine and water as by product. the IB strength decreased to 1.30, 1.05 and 0.29 N/mm2, respectively.
The findings agree with Roffael et al. [39] who reported addition of
tannin as formaldehyde scavenger markedly reduced the IB strength of
3.3. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) the resulted particleboard. IB strength of particleboard is the most
sensitive physical characteristics that is highly dependent on the
Thermogravimetric analysis curves for the UF resin and resin added crosslinking density of cured resin network [40]. The results suggest
with different dosage of methylamine, ethylamine and propylamine are that the crosslinking of the cured resin network was interfered by the
presented in Fig. 3. addition of amines. The reduction in mechanical properties might be
The thermal stability of the cured amine-containing UF resins are due to the pre-consumption of formaldehyde by amines that dispersed
higher compared to that of the control UF resin as higher residues were in the UF resin [41]. As the free formaldehyde content decreased, the
recorded in the cured amine-containing UF resins as shown in Table 2. degree of the crosslinking in the cured network also decreased corre-
As the amines react with free formaldehyde during the curing process in spondingly and resulted in poorer mechanical properties. In addition,
the UF resin system, lower weight lost was observed compared to the high pH values after the addition of amines also contributed to the
control UF resin [37]. Table 2 shows the weight loss of the control UF reduction in mechanical properties. The rate and degree of the curing
resin and amine-containing UF resins in the temperature range from reaction of the amine-containing UF resin decreased as well as the
100 to 600 °C. The control UF resin has lost up to 30.39% of its weight numbers of the cross-linked structures in the cured resin. As a result, the
at the temperature of 200 °C, almost two-folds compared to that of the mechanical properties of the particleboard were adversely affected.

Fig. 2. Possible reaction between free formaldehyde and amine.

A. Ghani et al. Building and Environment 142 (2018) 188–194

Fig. 3. Temperature dependent mass loss (TG) of control UF resin and UF admixed with (a) methylamine (M), (b) ethylamine (E) and (c) propylamine (P).

Table 2 Table 4
Percentage of weight loss of cured UF resin and amine-containing UF resin by Mechanical properties of particleboard produced from UF and amine-con-
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). taining UF resin (n = 5).
Type of amine Percentage weight loss (%) Residuea (%) Board type Modulus of rupture Modulus of Elasticity Internal bonding
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
100 °C 200 °C 300 °C 400 °C 500 °C
M0.5 12.74ab (0.98) 1697a (165) 1.38a (0.15)
UF 25.54 30.39 71.08 80.65 84.14 13.65 M0.7 12.22ab (1.04) 1592a (197) 1.34a (0.16)
M0.5 11.32 18.62 64.60 77.00 81.09 14.87 M1.0 10.05bcd (1.05) 1542a (134) 1.30a (0.16)
M0.7 12.95 20.87 65.70 77.33 81.33 14.29 E0.5 12.06bcd (1.51) 1591a (193) 1.22ab (0.46)
M1.0 12.25 17.95 65.96 76.83 80.85 14.56 E0.7 11.45abc (1.71) 1545a (334) 1.13ab (0.22)
E0.5 13.33 19.48 65.49 77.01 81.12 15.14 E1.0 10.26bcd (1.16) 1487a (427) 1.05ab (0.36)
E0.7 13.38 20.18 67.65 78.97 82.37 15.68 P0.5 10.47bcd (0.67) 1317a (575) 0.74bc (0.23)
E1.0 11.54 17.92 67.24 78.82 82.54 16.05 P0.7 9.74cd (0.43) 1267a (166) 0.72bc (0.16)
P0.5 12.27 18.50 66.48 77.97 81.75 16.37 P1.0 8.71d (0.89) 1144a (431) 0.29c (0.05)
P0.7 11.67 17.32 68.23 78.99 82.75 16.05 Control 15.13a (1.9) 1772b (231) 1.40a (0.31)
P1.0 11.42 11.42 56.16 68.55 77.84 16.56
*number in the parentheses are standard deviation; Means followed by the
**M = methylamine, E = ethylamine, P = propylamine. same letter is not significant at p ≤ 0.05.
Residue at 600 °C. **M = methylamine, E = ethylamine, P = propylamine.

Table 3 0.8
Physical properties of particleboard produced from UF and amine-containing a
UF resin (n = 5).
Formaldehyde emisison (mg/L)

0.6 b
Board type Thickness swelling (%) Water absorption (%) c c F***
0.5 d de
M0.5 59.96b (4.99) 92.94a (6.91) e
M0.7 60.27b (6.17) 98.69a (17.58) 0.4 f g
M1.0 60.53b (9.00) 101.02a (10.90) g
0.3 F****
E0.5 60.84ab (4.89) 101.20a (26.30)
E0.7 60.99ab (5.24) 106.65a (2.75)
E1.0 61.19ab (2.37) 111.37a (7.26)
P0.5 63.18ab (2.74) 111.85a (9.15) 0.1
P0.7 64.54ab (4.03) 114.40a (9.98)
P1.0 72.43a (7.86) 117.43a (18.43) 0
Control 28.01c (2.9) 46.07b (1.5) Control M0.5 M0.7 M1.0 E0.5 E0.7 E1.0 P0.5 P0.7 P1.0
UF resin type
*number in the parentheses are standard deviation; Means followed by the
same letter is not significant at p ≤ 0.05. Fig. 4. Formaldehyde emission of particleboard from UF and amine-containing
**M = methylamine, E = ethylamine, P = propylamine. UF resins.
*Means followed by the same letter is not significant at p ≤ 0.05.
3.5. Formaldehyde emission of particleboard **M = methylamine, E = ethylamine, P = propylamine.

The formaldehyde emission values of the particleboard panels pro-

duced from UF added with different dosage of amines are tabulated in
Fig. 4. Statistically significant reduction in formaldehyde emission was

A. Ghani et al. Building and Environment 142 (2018) 188–194

observed. The formaldehyde emission of the control board produced by Cadan and Akbulut [49] revealed that the addition of 1% and 3%
using E1 UF resin was 0.7 mg/L, which is F** class according to JIS nanosilica, nanoalumina and nanozinc oxide particles had significantly
standard (0.5 ≤ x ≤ 1.5 mg/L). The value was approximately reduced the emission of formaldehyde from the UF-bonded particle-
equivalent to European E1 class [4]. After the addition of amines, the boards. On the other hand, decrement of 53% and 21% in the for-
formaldehyde emission values of all the particleboard panels were maldehyde emission was observed in the UF-bonded plywood added
ranging from 0.31 mg/L to 0.56 mg/L. All the particleboard achieved at with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane- and 3-methacryloxypropyl-
least F*** or European E0 class equivalent (0.3 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 mg/L) trimethoxysilane-modified nanocrystalline cellulose [50]. Despite their
emission level with the exception of particleboard bonded with 0.5% superiority in scavenging the formaldehyde emission from wood com-
methylamine added-UF resin. As the formaldehyde emission of parti- posites, production of nanomaterials is very costly and therefore is not
cleboard continuously decreased with the increasing dosage of the three favourable in terms of economic sense. By comparison, primary amines
amines, addition of propylamine has resulted in the most reduction in are preferable due to its higher effectiveness in reducing formaldehyde
formaldehyde emission among the three amines used. The highest de- emission and cheaper price.
crement in formaldehyde emission values were 50%, 54% and 56%
after the addition of 0.5%. 0.7% and 1.0% propylamine, respectively. 4. Conclusion
The emission limit for F**** class is ≤ 0.3 mg/L and the emission levels
of the board produced with 0.7% and 1% propylamine is on the This study examined the effects of incorporating of different amines
threshold of this limit value (0.32 and 0.31 mg/L). into UF resin and its relation to the properties of the resultant parti-
The results are in agreement with Boran et al. [21] who reported cleboard. From the current study, amine-containing UF resin had higher
that propylamine is more effective in reducing the formaldehyde pH values, gelation time and viscosity compared to the control UF resin.
emission of the MDF panels compared to other amines used. Ghani et al. When the added amines react with the existing free formaldehyde in the
[22] also reported that the addition of 1.0% propylamine has success- UF resin, free formaldehyde content of the resin is reduced. Although
fully reduced 33% of the formaldehyde emission from UF-bonded TGA results showed that a fully cured amine-containing UF resins
particleboard. The effectiveness of amines could be attributed to the possess better thermal stability than control UF resin, it did not reflect
fact that incorporation of amines led to diminishing density of amino- on the physical and mechanical properties of the resultant particle-
methylene bonds along the chain of the resin and successively reduced board. Addition of amines negatively affected both physical and me-
the amount of formaldehyde emittance. The reduction in formaldehyde chanical properties of the particleboard, with higher TS and WA values
emission could also be caused by the Cannizzaro reaction, a chemical but lower MOR and MOE as well as IB values were recorded. The
reaction that involves the base-induced disproportionation of an alde- pressing parameters (180 °C and 270 s) used in this study were adopted
hyde when reacts with amine molecules [34]. As a result, the for- from the particleboard plant. However, it seems not enough to fully
maldehyde simultaneously oxidized and reduced in the Cannizzaro cure the amine-containing UF resins and resulted in poor physical and
reaction to form methanol and formic acid [42]. Superficially, effec- mechanical properties of the particleboard. UF is an acid-catalyzed
tiveness of propylamine in formaldehyde reduction compared to ethy- resin and therefore longer pressing time is needed for the amine-con-
lamine and methylamine might be due to its higher reactivity as dis- taining UF resin having higher pH values. However, low emission
cussed earlier. particleboard (F*** class) were successfully produced when ethylamine
Apart from amines, other scavengers such as tannin, urea, sodium and propylamine were added, regardless of dosage used. This study
metabisulfite and nanomaterials also proved effective in reducing the shows great potential in producing particleboard with F**** level had
formaldehyde emission from wood composite. Boran et al. [43] used the processing parameters been optimised. Optimisation of processing
tannin solution extracted from white oak bark as formaldehyde sca- parameters such as longer pressing time or higher pressing temperature
venger in the production of UF-bonded medium density fibreboard is needed for future study.
(MDF). The results revealed that, at the rate of 15% UF resin dosage and
1% tannin solution, the formaldehyde content of the MDF determined Acknowledgement
by perforator method decreased 28% compared to that of the control
MDF. Correspondingly, IB, MOR and MOE experienced reduction of This work was supported by the Research University Grant Scheme
12%, 28% and 18%, respectively. However, the obtained perforator (RUGS) [grant numbers 9444600 & 9575500] and the Higher
value (20–40 mg/100 g) is far from the E1 limit of ≤6.5 mg/100 g [44]. Institution Centre of Excellence (HICoE) [grant number 6369107].
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