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Oleh :

Arief Wahyu Soekarno

Mahasiswa MMR Paruh Waktu Jogjakarta

Visi :

Terwujudnya Rumah Sakit yang Memberikan Pelayanan Kesehatan yang Terpadu, Bermutu dan Mandiri
untuk Mencapai Derajat Kesehatan yang Optimal

Komponen Kata Kunci yang Merefleksikan Komponen

Clear hope for the future :
“If everything went as we would like to
go, what would our organization look like Terpadu Bermutu Mandiri
five years from now? How would we be
different than today? “
Challenging and about excellences :
“When stakeholders (patients,
employees, owners) describe our Bermutu Mandiri
organization, what terms would we like
for them to use?”
Inspirational and emotional :
“When we think about the kind of
organization we could be if we all Mandiri
contributed our best, what terms would
describe our collective contributions?”
Empower employees first :
“How can we ensure that employees Mencapai Derajat
understand and are committed to the Kesehatan yang
vision? What needs to be done to get Optimal
everyone’s buy in?”
Memorable and provides guidance :
“What types of words should be included
to ensure all organizational members Bermutu Mandiri
remember and behave in accordance
with the vision?”
Rekomendasi VISI RS Nirmala Suri : Terwujudnya Rumah Sakit unggulan yang Memberikan
Pelayanan Kesehatan yang Terpadu, Bermutu , Profesional dan
Mandiri untuk Mencapai Derajat Kesehatan yang Optimal
Misi :

1. Meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang komprehensif, cepat dan akurat sesuai dengan standar
2. Meningkatkan pelayanan kompetitif untuk mencapai kepuasan pelanggan.

Komponen Kata Kunci yang Merefleksikan Komponen

Target customers and clients : “The
individuals and groups we attempt to
Pelanggan / Pasien
serve are ...” Do not be limited to only
the obvious
Priciple service delivered : “The specific
services or range of services we will Tidak ada
provide to our customers are ...”
Geographical domain of the service
delivered : “The geographical boundaries
Tidak ada
within which we will deliver our services
to our customers are ...”
Specific values :
“Specific values that constitute our
Komprehensif Cepat Akurat
distinctiveness in the delivery of our
services to customers are ...”
Explicit philosophy : “The explicit
Berorientasi pada
phylosophy that makes us distinctive in
our industry is...”
Other important aspect of distinctiveness
: “Any other factors that make us unique Tidak ada
among competitors are ....”
Rekomendasi Misi bagi RS Nirmala Suri : 1) Meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang komprehensif,
cepat dan akurat sesuai dengan standar profesi.
2) Mendorong Rumah Sakit yang mandiri dan mampu bersaing
dengan sehat serta mempunyai daya tarik dari masyarakat
Sukoharjo dan sekitarnya
3) Meningkatkan pelayanan kompetitif untuk mencapai
kepuasan pelanggan.

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