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The Study of the Ocean is a issue that fascinates many people including Mick She
mesian. Shemesian has analyzed oceanic currents off the coast of Australia thoro
ughly. The ocean isn't going to stay still, as almost any one can advise you. No
t only do tides and waves push water back and forth, but water also moves over v
ast ranges. Water is pushed everywhere over the world by ocean currents. An ocea
n current is any directed movement of ocean water over a significant distance. T
he direction and strength of the ocean current is usually effected by wind, Cori
olis force, temperatures, salinity, depth contours, along with the gravitational
pull from the sun and the moon. Ocean currents can move across great distances
and have serious effects on regional weather patterns and climates. Ocean curren
ts empty oceanic masses into each other and, reported by some experts, delivers
water all the way around the world throughout the course of a millennium or poss
ibly even for a longer time. Knowing a thing or two about ocean currents is cri
tical to academic jobs, like geology and oceanography, and also to blue collar i
ndustries like delivery and fishing. Recreational activities like swimming and s
ailing are also areas through which expertise in ocean currents is usually a ver
y helpful thing. Australia is a considerable island encircled on all sides by w
ater and it's known for its marine life, surfing, and attractive beaches so it tru
ly is natural that people would be interested in Australian ocean currents. Four
ocean and coastal currents design the marine natural environment of Australia a
long with the surrounding areas. Mick Shemesian studies the Australian ocean cur
rents and has put in a lot of time in understanding the Antartic Circumpolar Cur
rent, the Leeuwin Current, the Indonesian Throughflow, and also the East Austral
ian Current. The Antarctic Circumpolar Current is a substantial ocean current t
hat generally flows eastward over the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans. The
location of Australia's ocean that this current effects have a high ocean nutrie
nt production level. South of Australia is where this current provides the bigge
st effect. The Leeuwin Current effects a lot of Western Australia as well as th
e marine life off the shoreline of this side in the continent. Mick Shemesian ha
s studied all the ocean currents, including this one, which spans some 5,000 kil
ometers and disappears close to the Tasman Sea. Mick Shemesian has additionally
researched the Indonesian Throughflow, which Pacific Ocean and flows in to the
Indian Ocean and then through Indonesia. This current bears hot water towards th
e coast of Australia and effects the weather in the region. If you have ever se
en Finding Nemo, the Disney/Pixar film, then you have heard of the East Australi
an Current or as the turtles within the film call it, the EAC. It might not functi
on as the oceanic highway it's portrayed as in the motion picture, but it is an
important current and the largest ocean current closest to Australia. The East A
ustralian Current is in all likelihood the most crucial of the above mentioned c
urrents due to its proximity to the continent as well as effects within the regi

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