Simulation Assignment 2

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Simulation Assignment 2

Communication Theory 1
April 9, 2019


Submission Format:
• Submit single .zip file with roll-number as filename.
• .zip file should contain a folder having .m files (simulation) and a PDF with analytical results.
PDF of analytical results can be done either in Latex/Word or can write on A4 papers and
take pics of it and put in one PDF file.
• Make sure code is readable by providing proper indentation and comments wherever neces-
• Copying code from other students or from online will lead to no marks.
• Expected Output: code upon running should produce SER/BER plots containing simulated
and as well analytical for each question.

1. Derive the expression for Bit Error
√ Rate√(BER) and Symbol Error Rate (SER) for QAM
with square constellation (x = ± Eb ± j Eb ).

2. Derive
√ the√expression for Symbol Error Rate (SER) with rectangular constellation (x =
± Eb ± j 3Eb ).
3. Perform MATLAB simulation to generate Symbol Error Rate (SER) Vs SNR per bit (Eb/N0)
curve for Q1 and Q2 and verify whether theoretical results derived are consistent with sim-
ulation results.

Note: For Q3, vary noise power for (Eb/N0) while keeping average constellation energy
constant. Also, assume that noise is additive in nature.

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