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Classroom Observation Form

Instructor: Brad Rogers Course: G11 DP Geography

Peer/Observer: Patrick Boekhoud Date and Time: Nov 15, 2018

Use criteria that apply to format of course observed. Criteria in red were observed directly
Review Section Description/Comments


• Clear knowledge and confidence in subject material
(shows good command and knowledge of subject matter; • Good connections to deeper understanding and other relevant subject material
demonstrates breadth and depth of mastery)

• Scaffolding of knowledge apparent throughout lesson (building up understanding of TNC’s) -C3-3

• Good use of online learning platform (OneNote) – C3-11
• Objectives were inferred (ex. learning about TNC’s) but not explicitly stated – C3-13
2. ORGANIZATION • Reference to over-arching concept and specific ATL-focus of lesson could be explicitly stated – C3-13
• Reference to larger outcomes of current unit could be explicitly stated – C3-13
(organizes subject matter; evidences preparation; is thorough; • Good activities throughout, with interesting culminating activity to synthesize information learned –
states clear objectives; emphasizes and summarizes main points, C3-9
meets class at scheduled time, regularly monitors on-line course) • Good balance of teacher-driven and student-driven learning engagements in lesson
• Lesson adjusted based on timing and length of time students needed to finish tasks (flexible lesson
and good ability to adjust on the fly)
• Could do gallery walk instead of students presenting visuals at front of class to speed up timing

• Great rapport, maintains student interest through interactions and relationships – C3-2
3. RAPPORT • Good use of humor and engagement with students
(holds interest of students; is respectful, fair, and impartial; provides • Sarcasm used in humorous ways (be careful not to overuse)
feedback, encourages participation; interacts with students, shows • Strong teacher-student relationship
• Students have high level of comfort in class – C3-14

• Good tuning in, pre-assessing prior knowledge (TNC’s)

• Variety of learning engagements utilized (lecture, discussion, video, research, skit, visual rep., etc.)
• Inquiry-based teaching – working as a group to come to an understanding of TNC’s – C3-5
4. TEACHING METHODS • Student-driven learning environment (students engaged and creating knowledge through discussion)
(uses relevant teaching methods, aids, materials, techniques, and • Connections to real-world situations throughout lesson to keep learning relevant – C3-6
technology; includes variety, balance, imagination, group • Encourages discussion between students and teacher to develop understanding and point/count-
involvement; uses examples that are simple, clear, precise, and point – C3-5
• ATL skills developed during lesson, but not stated (ex. remind edstudents how to take notes while
appropriate; stays focused on and meets stated objectives) reading an article – research skills)
• Could promote academic honesty in lesson in small ways (ex. say title of article and name of author
to reinforce connection between content and its creator, same with video used) – C3-4
Review Section Description/Comments

(establishes online course or classroom environment conducive to • Very clear and professional
learning; maintains eye contact; uses a clear voice, strong
projection, proper enunciation, and standard English)

• Clear instructions and set timeline for completion of tasks (could use visual to keep students within
(uses time wisely; attends to course interaction; demonstrates
leadership ability; maintains discipline and control; maintains • Things were rushed at end but good idea of splitting tasks (finish visuals in class, skits the next day)
effective e-platform management)

7. SENSITIVITY • Only one female student in class, engagements with teacher were always positive and no sarcasm
(exhibits sensitivity to students' personal culture, gender differences (as opposed to some of the male students who respond positively to sarcastic humor)
and disabilities, responds appropriately in a non-threatening, pro- • Clear thought put into different interactions with different students depending on comfort level and
knowledge of relationships – C3-14
active learning environment)

• Circulation around classroom to check in and gauge progress of students

• Partners were chosen by teacher (was this ability grouping, behavior-related or best-fit?)
(assists students with academic problems) • Extra attention paid to student not in group, as well as students who may require it – C3-10

• Professional and confident, high degree of professionalism demonstrated in attire and interactions –
(evidences self-confidence; maintains professional comportment and C3-14

• Layout of room conducive to learning (ex. mobile furniture allowing for differing layouts and
10. PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF CLASSROOM (optional) • Learner profile on walls, along with DP overview of course
(state location and physical attributes of classroom, number of • Evidence of student learning showcased
students in attendance, layout of room, distractions if any; list any • ISNS Mission Statement posted
• Good use of classroom resources to engage students (using portable whiteboards to create visuals) –
observations of how physical aspects affected content delivery)
Strengths observed:
Very strong teacher-student relationships and rapport. Strong content knowledge and ability to develop an understanding of the content as a group, with the teacher acting as a guide/facilitator (inquiry-
based teaching). Student-driven learning engagements utilized throughout lesson, along with a variety of activities to maintain student interest and engagement. Overall a very well-done lesson! (C3-2, 3,
5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 15)

Suggestions for improvement:

More explicit use of concepts and ATL’s to constantly remind students of what they’re learning (‘bigger picture’) to create a deeper understanding – C3-13. Student-teacher rapport is good but be careful to
not be too sarcastic (ex. a student is sensitive and may not respond well to humor or may be having an ‘off-day’ – C3-14). Focus on language could be incorporated in some aspect to cater to second-
language learners (ex. review of key vocabulary at end of lesson, repetition of command terms during instruction – C3-8, C3-10).

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