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Directions (1-5): Identify the meanings of the given foreign words:
1. Bon Mot
A. Happy voyage B. brainy C. Witty remark D. high society
2. A fortiori
A. to the point of foolishness B. with stronger reason C. vomiting D. wickedness
3. Aficionado
A. Follow B. devotee C. Adulation D. Priest
4. Magna cum laude
A. good B. with great praise C. hidden D. from the gods
5. Semper fidelis
A. Always brave B. Always the same C. Always faithful D. Always invincible

Directions (6-10): Identify the antonyms of the given words:

6. Plaintiff
A. accused B. claimant C.defendant D. convict
7. Admit
A. prose B. whisper C.depart D. repudiate
8. Dispense
A. peril B. collect C.reward D. base
9. Animate
A. inanimate B.disanimate C.wise D. secular
10. Reverent
A. real B.religious C.flippant D. rational

Directions(11-13):Read the given passage and answer the following questions:

The word Holocaust originates from the Greek words ―holos‖ meaning whole and ―kaustos‖ meaning
burned. The Holocaust was the most unique event in history not because of the number of fatalities but
as a matter of intentional principle and actualized policy, to exterminate physically every man, woman
and child belonging to a specific ethnicity or civilization. The rationale of Hitler behind Holocaust is
demonstrated by various despotic laws which were enacted during his reign that included stripping of
Jews from their citizenship, prohibition from marrying other Germans in the country, loss of right to
vote and compulsion to wear yellow Star of David for easily identifying them. All these clearly
demonstrated that the purpose of Hitler to do this was neither related to territorial aggression nor
acquisition of political supremacy, but was solely based on his implicit disgust and hatred towards the
Jewish race and his opinion of them being the sole reason for the German defeat in World War I. Again
the question emerges as whether the death of 6 million Jews warranted because of the pirated and
corrupted ideology of a single person.

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11. Why was Holocaust the most unique event in history?
A. Number of fatalities
B. Intentional principle
C. Actualised policy
D. Both B and C

12. Which of the following was not the purpose of Hitler behind Holocaust?
A. Territorial aggression
B. Political supremacy
C. Hatred towards Jews
D. Both A and B

13. Which of the following cause was the prominent one behind the Holocaust?
A. Corrupted ideology of Hitler
B. Fanatics of the Nazi government
C. Failure of international organizations
D. Greed for political power of Hitler

Directions (14-16): Read the given passage and answer the following questions:
There are two key factors which have to be enlightened, one being ―mass selling‖ which can only take
place if there is a great demand of the respective commodity in the market or to escalate the demand of
that product by unvarying promotion. The second being, ―mass production‖ which is very necessary
once a demand rises in the society due to advertising and in order to stabilise the supply demand ratio
surplus production is essential. In order to constitute an advertisement certain factors need to be
fulfilled. The first and the foremost ingredient is communication; in order to swing a particular
commodity from the storehouses of factories to the floors of a house, it is required to convince, appeal
and attract the public and to enlighten them about the utility of the product. The next ingredient is
sponsor identification which aims towards finding a reputed company or corporate body to be the face of
the product to instil the feeling of trust and reliance in the mind of the consumers. Another factor would
be the element of creativity and uniqueness which should appeal the audience and should not get passed
without being noticed. However the most essential factor which overpowers all the other factors is
consumer choice which means that the product should enable consumers to purchase as per their
budget requirements and choice.
14. Why is mass production necessary?
A. For economic growth
B. Maintain supply demand ratio
C. Consumer choice
D. All of the above
15. Which of the following is not a factor for advertisement?
A. sponsor identification
B. creativity
C. economical
D. None of the above
16. How can demand be increased of a product in the market?
A. mass selling

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B. mass production
C. promotion
D. Both A and C
Directions (17-20):Read the given passage and answer the following questions:
It is the basic rule of nature that in order to establish a sense of equilibrium, independent elements
should acquire the most dominant position while this hierarchy of dominance goes down from
independent to interdependent elements. Relating this concept with the consumer-seller relationship, it
should be the consumers who should have an upper hand and position of dominance as compared to the
purveyors as it is the purveyors who are dependent on the consumers. The consumers always have an
option of moving on to the next seller but if the seller losses its prominent customers, he loses his
business. Therefore, it is the duty of the sellers to conform to the needs of the consumers, provide
them bona fide information in order to enable them to make a fair assessment of the product which
satisfies all their criteria.
17. Who should be dependent on whom according to the passage?
A. Customers on sellers
B. Sellers on customers
C. No interdependence
D. Both dependent on each other

18. How can a seller lose his business?

A. By not being dependent on consumers
B. When consumer moves to next dealer
C. By cheating on consumers
D. All of the above

19. Which of the following comes under the duty of the sellers?
A. Conforming to the needs of the customers
B. Providing bona fide information
C. Making economical offers
D. Both A and B

20. What is the tone of the lines in boldface in all three passages?
A. pessimistic B. sarcastic C. opinionated D. witty

Direction(21-30):Identify as your answer the part that has an error. Mark D if no error.
21. The reason I will not be going to Australia [A]/ this year is because I will use up [B] / all my travel
money attending an important meeting in Singapore. [C].
22. Her avaricious relatives assembled at the lawyer's office [A] / to hear the reading of [B] / Jemima's
will. [C].
23. None of us are knowing [A]/ what the outcome of the battle between [B] / the coordinator and us
will be. [C].
24. Neither of my brothers do anything [A]/ to make life better for our parents [B] / who are both
suffering from arthritis. [C].
25. The teacher sat down [A] / besides the frightened child and tried to reassure him [B] / that the
monster was merely imaginary. [C].

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26. A number of trainees which take this course [A] every year find that their knowledge [B] of
mathematics is inadequate. [C].
27. The last man on earth would abandon his house ruined [A] for a cave, and his woven clothes [B] for
an animal's skin. [C].
28. I will not object to his delivering the lecture [A] as long as he is told not to make [B] personal
attacks on his critics. [C].
29. Since he thinks the phenomenon [A] is the result of enzyme action, [B] I believe it is caused by a
shortage of a neurotransmitter. [C].
30. For a successful career as a beautician, one must be prepared to dissemble: [A] you must not tell
your client [B] the unvarnished truth about its appearance. [C].

Directions(31-40):Arrange the given statements to form a coherent passage:

31. A. What do they hope to get from this, other than insult the memory of the one who has been
immortalised (against her wishes) as India's Braveheart?
B. How is it -- angry people are demanding -- that channels be so TRP hungry, they're willing to
allow this disturbed man's innermost thoughts be broadcast on TV?
C. Indignant people are railing against a rapist given primetime TV slots, so the country can know his
point of view.
D. An illogical, misguided outrage has gripped India.

32. A. These are views held, in varying degrees of militancy, by a majority of this country.
B. Which is why the rapist has, as LesleeUdwin stated, no remorse.
C. He doesn't think he and his friends did anything wrong that night, because the girl was asking for it
doing the wrong things, wearing the wrong clothes.
D. These are not views held by psychopathic killers, dear offended people.

33. A. A badly written, illogical, and at times, nonsensical script comes off sounding ridiculous
delivered in Padukone's thin, flat monotone.
B. Now, Padukone is a hellishly attractive woman, and can make even a boring advert worth
C. Finally, my pet peeve.
D. Did HomiAdajania have to ruin it beyond any possible redemption by using the one thing that is
not her asset, i.e., her voice?

34. A. One might think that the country with a bomb - with whom we are still technically at war, no less
-- would be more of a threat than the country without one, but at least judging by the way we talk about
them, that's not the case.
B. It's not that Americans like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or don't actively consider
the hermit state a threat.
C. It's actually the country's second least-favoured, right after Iran, and equal numbers call North
Korean and Iranian developments of nuclear weapons a "critical threat."
D. Of course, North Korea already has nuclear weapons, and Iran doesn't.

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35. A. It's also partly matter of geography.

B. Despite claims by the North Korean regime, most experts agree that their rockets probably cannot
reach the American mainland.
C. And even if they could, there's a lot of space and time over the Pacific Ocean for the military to
shoot it down.
D. Other countries, especially our allies in the region, don't treat the regime so lightly.

36. A. countries in the Middle East are less willing to rely on us to protect them from Iran.
B. And so western powers worry about an Iranian nuclear weapon turning into a Middle Eastern arms
C. There's also the fear that Iranian development of a nuclear weapon would inspire Saudi Arabia and
other countries in the neighbourhood to seek one of their own.
D. South Korea and Japan accept the United States' umbrella of protection as a safeguard against the
37. A. In my book, Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-Assad are saints compared to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,
the ISIS madman.
B. Saddam‘s Iraq was stable and so was Syria before all hell was let loose into it.
C. ISIS horrified the world by burning alive Jordanian pilot Moath al-Kasasbeh.
D. Some of the hellishness is beamed into our drawing rooms as well.

38. A. However, worshippers of varying Divine manifestations all agree on one essential component:
B. the Supreme Reality is infinite, omniscient, omnipresent, and knowable by all names.
C. Hinduism excludes almost nothing.
D. The arms of Hinduism are immeasurably long and embrace innumerable names, forms and
concepts of the Divine.

39. A. One common misconception of Hinduism is that it is polytheistic.

B. With so many images, it is understandable that people would assume that each image is a separate
C. However, Hinduism is very much a monotheistic religion, in which that one, infinite Supreme
Reality is manifest in all of creation.
D. The first line of the Isopanishads reminds that.

40. A. The Believing Youth worked to raise awareness about the Zaydi branch of Shiite Islam,
B. Which had dominated Yemen for centuries but was sidelined after a civil war in the 1960s and
repressed by the Yemeni government.
C. Charles Schmitz, a professor at Towson University, writes that their origins lie in the Shabab al-
Mumanin (the Believing Youth), a group that operated in the early 1990s.

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D. The Houthis are a Shiite insurgency group that originated from northwestern Yemen's Saada


41. Which of the following Scientist proved that the path of each planet around the Sun is elliptical?
A. Kepler B. Galileo
C. Newton D. Copernicus

42. Which of the following phenomenon helps to conclude that light is a transverse wave?
A. interference B. diffraction
C. refraction D. polarization

43. In which of the Round Table Conference Mahatma Gandhi participated?

A. First Round Table Conference, 1930
B. Second Round Table Conference, 1931
C. Third Round Table Conference, 1932
D. All of the above

44. How many major ports covered under the Sagarmala Project that aimed at port-led development in costal
A. 10 B. 11
C. 12 D. 13

45. The headquarters of the Survey of India Dept.(department) is located at:

A. Jaipur B. Dehradun
C. Hyderabad D. New Delhi

46. The most suitable unit for expressing nuclear radius is:
A. nanometre B. fermi
C. angstrom D. micron

47. The Lalit Kala Akademi is devoted to the promotion of:

A. Fine Arts B. Literature
C. Music D. Dance and Drama

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48. The World Bank-assisted ‗National Watershed Management Project‘ or ‗Neeranchal‘ recently approval for
implementation by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs. It is going to be implementation in some
States. Which are those States?
A. Andhra Pradesh B. Telangana
C. Both of these D. None of these

49. A demand curve will not shift:

A. When only income change
B. When only price of substitute products change
C. When there is a change in advertisement expenditure
D. When only price of the commodity change

50. Kathakali is a dance prevalent in which state?

A. Kerala B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Tamil Nadu D. Orissa

51. Christmas factor is involved in:

A. Excretion B. Blood Coagulation
C. Digestion D. Respiration

52. In October, 2015, Union Cabinet gave its approval for the formation of a Group ‗A‘ service of the technical
cadre of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSD & E). What is the new name of this
A. DG of Employment and Training
B. Indian Skill Development Service
C. Non-functional Selection Grade
D. None of these

53. Todar Mal, the brilliant revenue officer served under:

A. Sher Shah B. Bhagwan Das
C. Humayun D. Baz Bahadur

54. Amino acids are required for the synthesis of:

A. Alkaloids B. Lipids
C. Proteins D. Carbohydrates

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55. The first Bio-sphere Reserve in India has been established in:
A. Kanha B. Nilgiri
C. Nanda Devi D. Hazaribagh

56. The Supreme Court in October, 2015 declined t0 allow of voluntary use of Aadhaar number for welfare
schemes and projects other than which schemes?
A. Public Distribution System B. LPG scheme
C. Both of these D. None of these

57. India born Vijay Seshadri won the prestigious 2014 Pulitzer Prize in which of the following categories?
A. Music B. Poetry
C. Drama D. Journalism

58. When was the League of Nations established?

A. In 1918 B. In 1920
C. In 1939 D. In 1914

59. The most abundant element by number in the living system is:
A. Nitrogen B. Hydrogen
C. Oxygen D. Carbon

60. South Africa won the 5-match ODI series against India as it defeated India in the final ODI at Wankhede
Stadium (Mumbai) by 214 runs on 25 October 2015 to win the series 3-2. Who was declared man of the
A. Virat Kohli B. AB de Villiers
C. Hashim Amla D. Rohit Sharma

61. Which country‘ governing Centre right coalition led by Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho has won the
country‘s general election, recently?
A. Portugal B. Spain
C. Vatican City D. None of these

62. World Wild Life Fund was founded in:

A. 1965 B. 1969
C. 1992 D. 1961

63. Which Article of the Indian Constitution deals with Election Commission?

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A. Article 324 B. Article 356
C. Article 360 D. Article 352

64. Dr. P. Rama Rao Committee is related to which of the following?

A. Taxes B. Defence
C. Industry D. Agriculture

65. Which country‘s art gallery has agreed to give a 2000 year old Buddha sculpture back to India?
A. Canada B. France
C. Australia D. Sri Lanka

66. The largest reservoir of fresh water is:

A. Glaciers B. Ground Water
C. Ponds D. Lakes

67. Who built the famous Shiva temple at Ellora?

A. Rashtrakuta Ruler Krishna I B. Mauryan Emperor Ashoka
C. Gupta King Samudra Gupta D. Chalukyan King Pulikeshi II

68. Which of the following rivers originated from Trans Himalayas?

A. Yamuna B. Sindu
C. Saraswathi D. Ganga

69. Who got SKOCH Award on September 23, 2015 for Smart Governance for its initiatives on UAN Programme
and Transformation of Social Security Agenda in India?
A. EPFO B. Provident Fund Scheme
C. Pension Scheme D. Insurance Scheme

70. Earth Day is celebrated on:

A. March 21 B. April 22
C. May 21 D. June 22

71. What is the name of the Vice-President of Maldives who was arrested on 24 October 2015 in connection with
an attempted murder attempt of the President?
A. Ahmed Adeeb B. Mohammed Nasheed
C. M.A. Khan D. None of these

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72. Baikonur cosmodrome is located in:

A. Kazakhstan B. Tajikistan
C. Uzbekistan D. Turkmenistan

73. Security Council in the U.N.O. has

A. 11 members B. 9 members
C. 15 members D. 12 members

74. The third edition of India-Sri Lanka Joint Training Exercise Mitra Sakti 2015 concluded on October 12, 2015
at Aundh Military Camp. Where it is?
A. Nasik (Maharashtra) B. Mumbai (Maharashtra)
C. Vadodara (Gujarat) D. Pune (Maharashtra)

75. ‗Socialistic Pattern‘ in Indian economy comes through

A. nationalization of industry
B. adoption of mixed economy
C. by removing tax burden on the poor
D. None of these

76. The first case of a Panchayat President being recalled by the electorate has occurred in
A. Kerala B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Karnataka D. Andhra Pradesh

77. The Rio declaration is about

A. The seventh round of WTO agreement
B. The United Nation Child Rights Convention
C. The North American Free Trade Agreement
D. The International legal framework for biodiversity and sustainable development

78. The prestigious Missile Complex at Hyderabad that houses research units of DRDO, was renamed after
A. Sardar Patel B. Bhagat Singh
C. BR Ambedkar D. APJ Abdul Kalam

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79. Which Sikh Guru was executed by Aurangzeb?
A. Guru Arjun Dev B. Guru Ram Das
C. Guru Teg Bahadur D. Guru Gobind Singh

80. Who among the following leaders was the contemporary of Chengiz Khan ?
A. Genghis Khan B. Mirza Muhammad Haidar Dughlat Beg
C. Jalaluddin Surkh-Posh Bukhari D. Iitutmish

81. In Jainism ‗perfect knowledge‘ is referred to as—

A. Jina B. Ratna
C. Kaivalya D. Nirvanas

82. Who was appointed as head of the All India Council of Sports?
A. VK Malhotra B. Sachin Tendulkar
C. Vishwanathan Anand D. Rajiv Shukla

83. The oldest large scale industry of India is

A. Iron and Steel B. Jute
C. Cotton Textile D. Paper

84. When was the Indian National Calendar adopted?

A. January 26, 1940 B. August 15, 1947
C. January 26, 1926 D. March 22, 1957

85. Sustainable Development‖ means

A. Conserving the nature in pristine purity
B. Rapid Industrial Development
C. Balance between Protection of Environment and the need for development.
D. Development of priority sectors

86. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2015 for mechanistic
studies of DNA repair. Who are the awardees?
A. Tomas Lindahi B. Paul Modrich
C. Aziz Sancar D. All of these

87. Which is the correct combination between the following plans and its period?

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A. First Plan 1949-55 B. Second Plan 1955-61
C. Fourth Plan 1968-61 D. Fifth Plan 1974-79

88. Which organization was formed by Henry Dunant the winner of the first Nobel Peace prize in 1901?
A. Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
B. Worldwide Fund for Nature
C. International Red Cross
D. Médecins Sans Frontières

89. Which state will host the National Volleyball Championship in 2016?
A. Uttar Pradesh B. Karnataka
C. Maharashtra D. Tamil Nadu

90. Who recently become 161st member of WTO?

A. Yemen B. Seychelles
C. Tajikistan D. Ukraine


91. If a, b and c are natural numbers then: (a3 + b3 + c3) – (a + b + c) is always divisible by which
among the following numbers completely.
a) 8 b) 4 c) 6 d) 7

92. Ashish purchased ‗Garmi Kool‘ powder and sold to Nihit at 10% profit. Nihit sold to Pulkit at
20% profit. Pulkit sold to Shobhit at a profit of Rs 12. Had Ashish sold to Shobit directly at the
same price at which Pulkit sold to Shobhit, he would have made 66.66% profit. What percent
profit did Pulkit make by selling to Shobhit?
a) 29.4% b) 25.2% c) 20.8% d) 26.26%

93. What are the last two digits in expansion of 1924341?

a) 96 b) 76 c) 24 d) 84

94. ‗Rotalu‘ can clean a room in 6 hours while his girlfriend ‗Sweety‘ can do the same in 4 hours.
While cleaning together, they talk a lot, and thus their efficiency decreases by 20%. How long
will they together take to clean the room?
a) 3 hrs b) 2.4 hrs c) 2.8 Hrs d) 4 hrs

95. Tirbuhan, the village drunkard, has a bottle full of wine. The bottle read 90 ml as its capacity. He
takes out 9 ml from the bottle and drinks it. Then he adds 9 ml of water into it, so that the bottle

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seems full and his wife doesn‘t doubt him on drinking. He then again takes out 9ml and drinks it,
and also adds the same amount of water. However, his wife ―Kanya‖ was smart enough and she
did a purity check of the content of the bottle. In what ratio did ―Kanya‖ find wine to water
a) 81 : 100 b) 81 : 19 c) 82 : 18 d) 4 : 1
96. A retailer marks his goods 80% more than the cost price, but allows 15 articles to a dozen. If
during festive season he further offers a 10% discount, what percent profit does he make in the
festive season?
a) 28% b) 29.6% c) 25% d) 30.3%

97. If a : b = b : c, then a4 : b4 would equal to

a) ac : b2 b) a2 : c2 c) bc : a2 d) a: c

98. If the areas of adjacent faces of a cuboid is p, q and r respectively, then the volume of the cuboid
a) pqr b) sqrt (pqr) c) 2pr d) (pqr)2

99. Two trains start simultaneously, one from Delhi to Patna and the other from Patna to Delhi. The
two cities are separated by a distance of 1400 km. Travelling at uniform speeds, they meet at
Lucknow, which is ‗x‘ km away from Delhi. After meeting, the train from Delhi reaches Patna in
16 hours and the other train reaches Delhi in 9 hours. Find the value of ‗x.
a) 600 km b) 700 km c) 800 km d) Data insufficient

100. Anil can do a work in 10 days while Boman can demolish the same work in 12 days. How long
will it take to finish the work, the first time, if they work on alternate days starting with Anil?
a) 108 days b) 120 days c) 109 days d) 119 days

101. A sphere exactly fits inside a hollow cylinder closed at both ends. The ratio of the volume of
the empty space in the cylinder to the volume of the sphere is:
a) 2 : 1 b) 1 : 2 c) 2 : 3 d) 3 : 2

102. The radius of the front wheel and rear wheel of a tractor are 14 cm and 42 cm respectively.
What is the difference between the number of complete revolutions made by both wheels to
cover a distance of 4 kms?
a) 26 b) 31 c) 28 d) 30

103. Mishraji has a bottle full of wine which weighs 16 kg. When the vessel is half full, it weights
10 kg. What is the weight of the empty bottle of wine?
a) 3 kg b) 3.5 kg c) 5 kg d) 4 kg

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104. Manish received Rs. 6000 as his share out of the total profit of Rs. 9000 which he and Ratnesh
earned at the end of one year. If Manish invested Rs.120000 for 6 months, whereas Ratnesh
invested his amount for the whole year, what was the amount invested by Ratnesh?
a) Rs. 20000 b) Rs. 30000 c) Rs. 40000 d) Rs. 50000

105. My only brother is 4 year elder to me. My father was 29 years of age when my only sister was
born while my mother was 26 years of age when I was born. If my sister was 4 years of age
when my brother was born, then what was the age my father when my brother was born?
a) 35 b) 32 c) 31 d) 33
106. A group of 30 students have average weight of 67 kgs. Five students of average weight 87 kgs
join the group and five students of average age 56 kgs leave the group. What is the new average
of the group?
a) 71.4 kgs b) 72.1 kgs c) 73.23 kgs d) 77.4 kgs

107. Sonu went from Siliguri to Darjeeling with his own car. Since, Darjeeling is a hill station,
upwards he travelled with a speed of 25 km/hr. While coming down, he thought to double the
speed but due to slant he returned at a speed that is 40% more than the speed with which he went
uphill. What is his average speed of the entire journey?
a) 30 km/hr b) 29.16 km/hrc) 28 km/hr d) 30.3 km/hr

Direction for Questions 108 to 110: The following graphs represent percentage of five types of
employees (A, B, C, D and E) in an organization for two consecutive years.

Percentage of employees in 2014 & 2015

2014 2015
30% 26%
22% 24% 18% 20%
14% 16% 16% 14%


Total number of employees in 2014 = 2000

Total numbers of employees in 2015 = 3000

108. What is the percentage increase in the number of type A employees from 2014 to 2015?
a) 71.4% b) 80.3% c) 76.4% d) 70.3%

109. How many type C employees joined the organization in 2015?

a) 280 b) 240 c) 180 d) Data insufficient

110. How many types of employees had more number of employees in 2015 w.r.t the previous
a) 4 b) 2 c) 5 d) 3

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Principles for Ques. 111

A. All citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression subject to reasonable
B. Restrictions can be placed on the right to freedom of speech and expression in the relation
to contempt of court
C. Fair criticism of a judicial act is valid

Assume that a writ petition has been filed in the SC for decriminalization of consensual homosexual sex
between adults. The SC ruled that the law criminalizing homosexuality is valid. The reasoning behind
this decision was stated as being that recognition of LGBT rights by the apex court would be
unconstitutional since it is not in consonance with the moral and social fabric of India and it might lead
to public unrest and breaking of public peace and order. Moreover, only Parliament is empowered to
change a law, not the courts; hence courts cannot declare a law existing on the statute book as invalid.
News Reporter- a leading national newspaper- criticized the judgment of the Supreme Court. A
contempt notice was issued against the editor of News Reporter- NannavRoswamy. Nannav invoked his
fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression. Will he succeed? Choose the most suitable
a) No, since contempt of court is a reasonable restriction on the fundamental right to freedom of speech
and expression
b) Yes, since the judgment is adopts a regressive approach without having a regard to the changing
moral and social notions and hence its criticism is valid
c) Yes, since a fair comment on the judicial decisions is valid and cannot be categorized as being
contempt of court
d) Yes, since free speech is a necessary concomitant of a fully-functional democracy

112. Principle: An action under tort will not lie if there is no infringement of a legal right.

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Kishan Singh, a farmer in Hardoi irrigated his fields by drawing water from underground for past 15
years. His neighbourSampooran who was jealous of the prosperity of Kishan sunk a bore well on his
land and drew huge quantity of water which diminished the water supply of the Kishan. Kishan sued
Sampooran for wrongfully causing a loss to him.
a) Sampooran sunk a borewell only so that the water level is diminished and Kishan suffers a loss and
therefore he is liable.
b) Sampooran dug a bore-well on his own land and therefore he did not violate Kishan‘s legal right.
c) Sampooran is liable as his act is malicious
d) Both (a) and (c)

Principles for Ques. 113

A. An unlawful entry upon the land of another without his permission constitutes trespass to
B. The owner of land is entitled to a column air space above the surface and a column of

Rondulal, a geek, was kept under house arrest by his strict father Haiwan Singh. Rondulal was not
allowed to go out with his friends, play or do anything except study. Whenever he tried to go outside, he
was severely beaten by his dad for not following his orders; and he was also explained that it was all for
his own good. Fed up of his boring life, Rondulal decided to leave his house forever and escape by
making an underground way from his room to his neighbourHasmukh‘s lawn. Rondulal successfully
made the underground path by digging a tunnel from his room to Hasmukh‘s lawn. When Hasmukh
found out about this tunnel, he sued Rondulal for trespass to his land.
a) Rondulal is not liable for trespass as he did not physically enter upon the surface of Hasmukh‘s land
b) Rondulal is not liable as entry in the subsoil does not constitute trespass to Hasmukh‘sland
c) Rondulalis liable as entry in the subsoil constitutes trespass to Hasmukh‘sland
d) None of the above
114. Principle: Nothing is an offence which is done by a person who is or who by reason of a
mistake of fact and not by reason of a mistake of law in good faith believes himself to be, bound by
law to do it.

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Bajrangi is a police constable. He is ordered by his senior inspector to arrest Shotgun Sinha for
committing the crime of theft. Bajrangi arrests Shotgun. Later on after due enquiry, it comes to light that
Shotgun is not guilty and the theft was actually committed by another person. Shotgun wants to know if
he can make Bajrangi liable for his wrongful arrest.
a) Bajrangi has committed an offence by arresting Shotgun instead of the real thief
b) Bajrangi is liable for wrongful arrest of Shotgun
c) Bajrangi has committed no offence.
d) None of the above

Principles for Ques. 115

A. All contracts are to be respected.
B. A contract for an illegal object is not valid.

RanaMirchiwala, a local chilli seller in Rajasthan and Gulfam Khan, a smuggler who is also a ghazal
singer enter into a contract for a sum of Rs 6crores to smuggle drugs into India through the Rajasthan
border. Gulfam Khan has a change of heart as he feels that such a kind of action would be insulting his
art and talent and thus he denies performance of this contract. RanaMirchiwalawants to sue Gulfam
Khan for breach of contract. Decide.
a) RanaMirchiwalawill fail. As the object of contract was illegal hence, Gulfam Khan will not be
liable for breach of contract.
b) RanaMirchiwala will fail as he is filing a case against a ghazal singer who are respectable people
and hence he will not succeed
c) RanaMirchiwala will succeed as Gulfam Khan has not performed his part for which there was a
valid consideration of Rs 6 crores
d) RanaMirchiwalawill succeed as Gulfam Khan is a smuggler hiding behind the mask of being a
ghazal singer and the law will not hear his arguments.

116. Principle: All citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression subject to
reasonable restrictions
‘Kaumde Moti’ is a movie directed by Ravinder Singh. The film's plot is based on forced religious
conversions and depicts that how people, in the name of God and religion inflict atrocities on the masses

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as a result of which people end up being refugees of the religion they had been forcibly converted to.
The movie is inspired by the forced conversion of Muslims in Agra to Hinduism. The Uttar Pradesh
government banned the movie stating that in the event of its release, there is a threat of riots or violence
and the audience of the movie might get hostile. Ravinder Singh filed a writ petition in the Supreme
Court alleging violation of his fundamental right under Article 19(1)(a).
a) The government has imposed a reasonable restriction on Ravinder‘s freedom of speech in order to
maintain the public order and peace
b) The government's inability to handle a hostile audience problem cannot be a ground to restrict the
freedom of speech and expression
c) The ban is justified since a dramatic performance in films must not be such an expression which
incites communal violence in the society
d) None of the above

117. Principle: Parental or quasi-parental authority is a defence to a tortious suit

Hashim was a student of St. Peter's College, Agra. At this school, there was a rule prohibiting smoking
by pupils whether in the school or in public. One day after returning home, Hashim smoked a cigarette
in a public street. When the principal of the school, Father Anthony, came to know about Hashim‘s
actions he administered him ten strokes of cane as a punishment for breaching the school rule. Hashim
filed a suit for damages against Father Anthony for wrongfully causing physical hurt to him.
a) Father Anthony is liable since he had no right to decide what the students do after school
b) Father Anthony is not liable as he had authorization for administering reasonable punishment from
parents of Hashim who sent him to school
c) Father Anthony is liable since he unreasonably interfered with the freedom of students even outside
d) Father Anthony is not liable since smoking is a bad habit and also a haraam as per Islam and
Hashimis rightly punished for smoking

Principles for Ques. 118

A. Defamation is the publication of a false statement without any lawful excuse which injures
the reputation of another

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B. A fair and bona fide comment on a matter of public interest is not defamatory

Tehzeeb-e-Hind is a local organization which promotes spreading of Indian culture and traditions among
youth of Lucknow. Theatre artist Barry D‘Souza wanted to stage a romantic-comedy play ―Raasleelake
Side Effects‖ in Lucknow. Tehzeeb-e-Hind felt that making a comedy out of a religious scripture as
sacred as the Gita and making fun of Lord Krishna‘s Raasleela is derogatory and an insult to Indian
culture. It demanded a ban on staging of the play. Sunrise News, a local daily, heavily criticized the
actions of Tehzeeb-e-Hind and said that their regressive outlook is a barrier in the development of arts
and drama in Lucknow. Tehzeeb-e-Hind filed a defamation suit against Sunrise News.
a) There is no defamation as Tehzeeb-e-Hind‘s actions are liable to be criticized
b) There is no defamation as Sunrise News has a right to make fair comment on matters of public
c) There is defamation as Tehzeeb-e-Hind has been falsely accused of being a hindrance in development
of youth when that itself is their cause
d) None of the above

119. Principle: A violation of a legal right, with or without damage, gives rise to a tort.
PanditGirdhar was the head-priest of the Krishna temple in Mathura and had a special right to worship.
His son Kundan had a right to break the ‗dahi-haandi‘ every year on the occasion of Janamashtami in a
procession organised by the temple. Kundan‘s classmate Abhay who was also the son of another priest
of the temple, was jealous of the special treatment accorded to Kundan. On the occasion of
Janamashtami 2015, Abhay locked up Kundan in a room and proceeded to break the dahi-haandi
himself. Kundan sued Abhay under tort law.
a) Abhay is liable for his act as he has violated the legal right of Kundan.
b) Kundan cannot file a suit as he has suffered no damage.
c) Dahi-haandi ceremony is not a big deal and Kundan cannot file a frivolous suit for not being able to
break the pot.
d) None of the above

120. Principle: An unlawful entry upon the land of another without his permission constitutes
trespass to land

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Pintu is a huge fan of Salman Khan. He along with some of his friends decided to stand outside Salman's
house with his posters till the time Salman pays attention towards them and comes to meet them. They
kept standing outside Salman's house for two days but it was of no avail. One day as they saw the gate
of Salman's mansion being opened by the guards, one of Pintu‘s friends, Namish pushed him inside the
main gate in order that he may be able to meet Salman. However, this act did not go down well with
Salman and he filed a trespass suit against Pintu
a) Pintu is liable for trespass as he entered upon Salman's land
b) Both, Pintu and Namish, are liable for trespass to Salman's land
c) Pintuis not liable for trespass as he was entry upon Salman's land was involuntary
d) Pintu is not liable for trespass to Salman's land as he had no intention to do so

121. Principle: All citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression subject to
reasonable restrictions
'Vigyaapan’ is a weekly magazine which prints and publishes paid advertisements from businessmen,
traders and professionals. Rule 15 of the Advertisements Rules Act requires permission of the
Advertising Agency of India before publication of any advertisement. The object behind the rule was to
check the publication of advertisements promoting sale of certain goods which are not in consonance
with social norms and moral principles. AmanYadav- publisher of ‗Vigyaapan‘- challenged Rule 15 of
this Act as being violative of its right to freedom of speech and expression. Is their fundamental right
under Article 19(1)(a) being violated? Decide.
a) No, because this is matter related to trade and commerce and promotion of business; hence it cannot
be covered under the ambit of Article 19(1)(a)
b) No, because the Rule is a reasonable restriction on the exercise of freedom of speech and expression
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Yes, because commercial speech is also a part of freedom of speech and expression guaranteed under
Article 19(1)(a)

Principles for Ques. 122 to 126

A. Minor is a person who is below the age of 18. However, where a guardian administers the
minor’s property the age of majority is 21.

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B. Minor is not permitted by law to enter into a contract. Hence, where a minor enters into a
contract with a major person, the contract is not enforceable. This effectively means that
neither the minor nor the other party can make any claim on the basis of the contract.
C. In a contract with a minor, if the other party hands over any money or confers any other
benefit on the minor, the same shall not be recoverable from the minor unless the other
party was deceived by the minor to hand over money or any other benefit. The other party
will have to show that the minor misrepresented her age, he was ignorant about the age of
the minor and that he handed over the benefit on the basis of such representation.
Gamluconvinces Paula, a girl aged 18 that she should sell her land to him. Paula‘s mother Sonal is her
guardian. Nonetheless Paula, without the permission of Sonal, sells the land to Gamlu for a total sum of
Rs. 80 lakhs, paid in full and final settlement of the price. Sonal challenges this transaction claiming that
Paula is a minor and hence the possession of the land shall not be given to Gamlu. Thus, Gamlu is in a
difficult situation and has no idea how to recover his money from Paula.

122.Sonal is justified in challenging the sale transaction because:

a) Paula is of unsound mind and is not in a position to make rational decisions.
b) Though Paula is 18 year old, she will be treated as a minor, as Sonal is her guardian.
c) Though Paula is 18 year old, she cannot sell the land without the permission of her mother.
d) Though Paula is 18 year old she should not be treated like a person who has attained the age of

123.Gamlu can be allowed to recover the money only if he can show that:
a) He was deceived by Paula who misrepresented her age.
b) He honestly believed that Paula was empowered under the law to sell the land.
c) He was an honest person who had paid the full price of the land to Paula
d) Both (a) and (b).

124.In order to defend the sale, Paula will need to show that
a) Paula has attained the age of majority.
b) Paula is mature enough to make rational decisions regarding her own affairs.

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c) The sale transaction was beneficial to her interest and will enhance her financial status.
d) None of the above.

125.Which of the following is correct?

a) Gamlu should be allowed to recover the money because even though there is no contract, Paula
and Sonal should not be allowed to unjustly benefit from his money.
b) Gamlu should be allowed the possession of land because Sonal can always decide to approve the
transaction between him and Paula
c) Gamlu should not be allowed to recover because he induced Paula, a minor, to sell the land.
d) None of the above.

126.Which of the following is correct?

a) If Gamlu is allowed to recover the money, that will defeat the law framed for protecting the
minors against fraudulent persons.
b) If Gamlu is not allowed to recover that will cause him injustice as he has paid off the entire sale
c) If Gamlu is not allowed to recover, Sonal will benefit from both the money and the land.
d) None of the above.

127. Principle: Whoever, intending to take dishonestly any movable property out of the possession
of any person without that person's consent, moves that property in order to such taking, is said to
commit theft
Prasad is a teacher of the Physical Education in City Students School. He finds a golden ring belonging
to Kunal on the field after exercise. He quietly kept it in his pocket even after knowing that it belongs to
Kunal. When Kunalcame in search of his golden ring he told him that he has not seen it and is clueless
with about its whereabouts. Whether Prasad is liable for theft? Decide.
a) Yes, because Prasad is a teacher and he should not be doing an act like this.
b) No, because a teacher cannot be sent to jail and Kunal is at fault as he was wearing a golden ring
which is not required in school.

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c) Yes, because Prasad took the ring dishonestly and kept it in his pocket despite knowing that it
belongs to Kunal
d) No, because Prasad dishonestly found the ring on the field and thus he never took it out
possession of Kunal

128.Principle: Inevitable accidents are a defence to actions brought under tort law
Louis, a famous solicitor is very fond of cats. He has a pet cat ‗Bruno‘ whom he used to take with
himself to his workplace. Bruno was a very quiet, docile and shy cat. One day while going to office,
Louis wanted to grab a hotdog from a roadside stall. He parked his car in the street, closed all the
windows of car, locked the car and left Bruno inside while he went away to buy the hotdog. Mike was
walking past the parked car when suddenly Bruno started jumping in the car and smashed a glass panel
which caused a small glass piece to enter the eye of Mike and injured him. Mike filed a suit against
Louis for damages.
a) Louis is not liable as he had closed the window and locked the car and therefore he was not
negligent in taking precautions
b) Car with a cat in it is not a dangerous thing in itself and thus Louis is not liable
c) The injury was a result of an accident that could not be forseen as the cat was usually quiet and
d) All of the above

129. Principle: Total restraint on the liberty of a person, for, however, short a time, without lawful
excuse is false imprisonment
'Vallam Kali' or Snake Boat Race is a popular traditional canoe racing event in Kerala mainly conducted
during the season of the harvest festival Onam in autumn. The Vallam Kali organizing committee made
seating arrangements for viewing the race and appropriated a prt of the bridge, generally used as a
footway, for seats to view the boat-race. Thangaballi, a regular commuter of that path, insisted upon
passing along the path appropriated as footway on the bridge. On refusal by the organizers, he climbed
over the enclosure around seating area. The Vallam Kali Organizing Committee prevented him from
passing onwards in the direction in which Thangaballi wished to go and was told to go back and go to

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his destination through an alternative route.Thangaballi refused to do so and remained obstructed at that
place for an hour. Later, Thangaballi filed a suit for false imprisonment against the Vallam Kali
Organizing Committee.
a) Vallam Kali Organizing Committee is liable for false imprisonment as they prevented Thangaballi
from moving forward and restricted him
b) Vallam Kali Organizing Committee is not liable as they suggested an alternative route to Thangaballi
c) Vallam Kali Organizing Committee is liable as Thangaballi has a freedom to choose the route for
reaching his destination
d) None of the above

130. Principle: All citizens shall have a fundamental right to move freely throughout the territory
of India
In the light of increasing rate of criminal activities in the State of Uttar Pradesh, the government enacted
the 'UP Goondagiri Control Act, 2014'. Section 19 of the Act empowered the police to take preventive
action against the citizens. If the police feels that a particular citizen is a 'gunda', then his movement
could be restricted. The Act nowhere indicated the test to be applied in determining as to whether a
person is a 'gunda' or not. Also, the person was not given any opportunity to defend himself in proving
that he is not a 'gunda'. Under Section 19 of the Act, police disallowed BahubaliGajender from moving
out of his hometown Mathura. BahubaliGajender, who was a travel enthusiast, filed a writ under Article
19(1)(d) to invoke his right to movement. Decide.
a) BahubaliGajender will succeed as Sec 19 of the Act imposes unreasonable restriction on the right
guaranteed under Article 19(1)(d)
b) BahubaliGajender will not succeed as he is a local goon hailing from Mathura and hence his activities
need to be monitored in public interest
c) BahubaliGajender will succeed since the State cannot put unreasonable fetters on a person who is a
travel enthusiast
d) None of the above

Principles for Questions 131 to 134

A. No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them,

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be restricted with regard to the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats maintained wholly or
partly out of State funds or dedicated to the use of the general public
B. It is not discrimination if special provisions are made for women and children
C. The State shall not deny to any person equality before law and equal protection of the laws
within the territory of India.

SurajRathi is the 'sarpanch' of a small village Charanpur located in Rajasthan. Due to scarcity of rainfall,
the villagers faced a lot of problems arising from water shortage. In order to tackle this problem,
SurajRathi got 15 wells constructed at various locations in the village. On the inaugration of these wells,
he dedicated the wells for use by the inhabitants of the village only. Certain students from Theatre
Institute of Mumbai, born in Delhi, arrived in Charanpur to shoot a documentary on the lives of
Rajsthani women. They were to stay in the village for a week. SurajRathi made it clear that the wells are
meant to be used only by villagers and hence the students cannot use it. One of the students, Nayantara,
filed a writ alleging violation of her fundamental rights under Article 15.
131. Is Nayantara‘sfundamental right being violated?
a) Yes, because she and her friends are being discriminated against on the basis of their place of birth
b) Yes, because SurajRathi is violating their right to life by denying them usage of water from the wells
c) No, because the wells have been especially constructed for usage by the villagers only
d) None of the above
132. Assume that SurajRathihad constructed a well in his own house for his private use but as a matter
of courtesy, he allows the inhabitants of village to draw water from it. Now if Nayantara files a writ
alleging violation of her fundamental rights under Article 15 then will she succeed?
a) Yes, because denial of a basic necessity like water violates right to life
b) No, because the ambit of Article 15 does not include within itself the private wells
c) No, beacuseNayantara cannot force SurajRathi to extend his courtesy to her as well
d) None of the above

133. Assume that in the given situation, instead of students, there would have been a group of foreigners
visiting Charanpur who wanted to stay there to experience the rural life of India and they were denied
usage of wells by SurajRathi. Would it amount to violation of Article 15 of the Constitution?
a) Yes, because water is a basic necessity and its denial amounts to violation of right to life

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b) Yes, because India follows the concept of 'vasudhaivakutumbakam' and it is not proper to deny water
to foreigners who are our guests
c) No, because Article 15 is applicable only for citizens of the nation
d) None of the above

134. Assume that seeing the plight of inhabitants of Charanpur, the government constructed certain
wells for usage by women. Menfolk of the village file a writ alleging violation of their fundamental
rights. Will they succeed?
a) Yes, because the State is bound to provide equal treatment to all its citizens
b) No, because the State has made a special provision for women
c) Yes, because their fundamental right to equality is being violated
d) None of the above

135. Principle: Whoever intentionally puts any person in fear of any injury to that person, or to
any other, and thereby dishonestly induces the person so put in fear to deliver to any person any
property, or valuable security or anything signed or sealed which may be converted into a
valuable security, is guilty of "extortion".
Charles Robraj calls AmitBachan, the superstar of Bollywood and threatens him to deliver Rs50crores to
his men otherwise he would be shot during shooting of his film ―Diku‖. Amit, on hearing this, is
threatened and delivers the money to his men. Is Charles Robraj guilty of extortion? Decide.
a) Yes, because Charles Robrajintended to harm him and through instilling the fear of death he
induced AmitBachan to deliver Rs 50 crores to his men.
b) Yes, because Charles Robrajhad intention to harm AmitBachan by putting him in fear of death
and induced him to deliver the money demanded.
c) Either (a) or (b)
d) None of the above.

136. Res Judicata is a part of general principles of law. It was held in:
a) S. S. Lotus Case
b) The Gulf of Maine Boundary case
c) Chorzow Factory Case

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d) U. N. Administrative Tribunal Case

137. With reference to Public International Law; judicial decisions and juristic works are:
a) Primary source of International Law.
b) Direct source of International Law.
c) Subsidiary & Indirect source of International Law.
d) A modern source of law.

138. India has generally recognized the supremacy of:

a) De jure regimes
b) De facto regimes
c) a and b both
d) None of the above

139. The convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982 has been:
a) Signed by India
b) Ratified by India
c) a and b both
d) None of the above

140. The function(s) of law of contract is:

a) When parties provide for uncertain terms in an agreement.
b) When parties do not perform their duties.
c) When parties fail to provide in their agreement for some contingencies.
d) All of the above.

141. Bunku gives a recognizance binding him in a penalty of Rs. 10,000 to appear in the court on a
certain day. Bunku fails to appear in the court because of hangover.
a) Bunku is liable to pay Rs. 10,000
b) Bunku is liable to pay any such compensation as the court considers reasonable.

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c) Bunku is liable to pay such compensation not exceeding Rs. 10,000 as the court considers reasonable.
d) None of the above.

142. Atul contracts with Mohit to pay MohitRs. One Million if he fails to pay MohitRs. Half Million on
a given day. Atul defaults:
a)Mohit can recover from Atul such compensation, not exceeding Rs. One Million, as the court
considers reasonable.
b) Mohit can recover from Atul any such compensation as the court considers reasonable.
c) Mohit is only entitled to reasonable compensation as a penalty of One Million Rupees over Half
Million Rupees is unreasonable.
d) None of the above

143. A stipulation for increased interest from the date of default is known as:
a) Penalty
b) Damages
c) Compensation
d) Default

144. A sum fixed by the parties to a contract represents a genuine pre-estimate of the probable damages
that is likely to result from the breach is termed as:
a) Penalty
b) Special Damages
c) Liquidated Damages
d) All of the above

145. When the compensation is expressly executed in the contract for a breach of the contract, the right
to claim damages under the general law.
a) Is not necessarily excluded
b) Is necessarily excluded
c) May not be always excluded

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d) a and c both

146. For the success of an action for malicious prosecution, it is necessary that:
a) The criminal prosecution was launched maliciously
b) The criminal prosecution was launched with bad motive
c) The criminal prosecution was launched non-seriously
d) The criminal prosecution was filed maliciously without a reasonable cause.

147. Malicious prosecution is a tort intending to protect:

a) right of the police to prosecute the criminal.
b) the accused against police excesses.
c) the police against civil proceedings against it.
d) against abuse of legal proceedings.

148. Jagga with an intention to rape Shraddha enters into Shraddha‘s bedroom at night with the help of
Shraddha‘s colleague. Jagga finds out that Sharaddha is not at home that day. Sharddha‘s watchman
catches Jagga. Jagga is guilty of:
a) Rape
b) Attempt to rape
c) House trespass
d) No offence

149.Which of the following is a criminal attempt?

a) Administering sugar thinking it to be poison powder, with the clear intention to kill someone.
b) Thinking of publishing nude photographs of someone.
c) Procuring color with an intention to make false coins.
d) None of the above.

150. Sumit purchased a stamp paper in the name of a person whose name he intended to forge. Sumit is
guilty of:

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a) attempt of cheating
b) attempt of forgery
c) attempt of criminal misappropriation
d) None of the above

151. Misconduct in public by a drunken person is:

a) Annoyance
b) Public Mischief
c) Intentional Insult
d) All of the above

152. Making, publishing or circulating, any statement or report containing alarming news with intent to
create or promote feelings of enmity, hatred, etc. between different groups or communities is:
a) Annoyance
b) Intentional insult
c) Public Mischief
d) Public Nuisance

153. The distinction between extortion and criminal intimidation relates to:
a) threat of injury
d) delivery of property
c) a and b both
d) None of the above

154. Defamation is concerned with:

a) Character of a person
b) Reputation of a person
c) a and b both
d) None of the above

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155. Defamation is:
a) Only a crime
b) Only a tort
c) Only an offence
d) tort and crime both

156. Section 304-B relating to dowry death was inserted by the:

a) Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 1983
b) Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 1984
c) Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 1985
d) Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 1986

157. A person commits ‗adultery‘, if he:

a) has sexual intercourse with the wife of another man, without the consent of that man, with the consent
of that woman.
b) has sexual intercourse with the wife of another man, with the consent of that man and with the
consent of that woman.
c) has sexual intercourse with an unmarried woman.
d) has sexual intercourse with a married woman.

158. Mock or invalid marriages imply:

a) Cohabitation or sexual intercourse caused by a man deceitfully including a belief of lawful marriage.
b) Dishonestly or fraudulently going through a marriage ceremony knowing that no lawful marriage is
thereby created.
c) a and b both
d) None of the above

159. For a simple and even unintentional entry upon another‘s land, the remedy is:
a) civil suit
b) criminal prosecution

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c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

160. Mischief under section 425 of Indian Penal Code is an offence dealing with the:
a) damage to person
b) damage to property
c) damage to person and property both
d) None of the above


Directions for Question 161 to 165: Read the information below and answer the questions
that follow.
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are the eight members of a three generation family. There are exactly
three couples. P is the grandfather of V. T and U are siblings. S is the sister-in-law of T. Q is the
mother-in-law of S. T is the father of V. R and S belong to the same generation. Each couple has
at least one child.

161. Who is the child of U?

a) V b) W c) P d) Data insufficient

162. Who is the wife of T?

a) S b) R c) W d) Data insufficient

163. What is W to V?
a) Brother b) sister c) cousin d) son

164. Who is the mother of W?

a) U b) R c) S d) Data-insufficient

165. What is W to Q?
a) Grandson b) granddaughter c) sister-in-law d) Data insufficient

Directions for questions 166 to 168: For each of these questions find the missing term in the

166. 365798, 56798,___, 798, 89, 9

a) 7698 b) 6798 c) 6789 d) 7689

167. 23529, 24576, ___, 26676, 27529

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a) 25615 b) 25635 c) 25625 d) 26125

168. 16, 15, 21,___, 77, 195.5

a) 36.5 b) 39 c) 37.5 d) 36

Directions for questions 169 and 170: These questions are based on information below.
A cube of side 6 cms is colored with two different colors red and green, with only one color on
one of its faces. All faces are not colored with same color. It is now cut into smaller cubes of
side 1 cm.

169. What is the maximum number of smaller cubes which can have both colors on its faces?
a) 60 b) 48 c) 56 d) None of these

170. To maximize the number of smaller cubes which has at least two faces colored with green,
which among the following is true?
a) Exactly 5 faces of larger cube should be painted red
b) Exactly 3 faces of larger cube should be painted green
c) Exactly 5 faces of larger cube should be painted green
d) Exactly 4 faces of larger cube should be painted red

171. In a certain language, ―HAPPINESS‖ is coded as ―GBOOJMFRR‖; ―LOVELY‖ is coded as

―KPUFKX‖, then how is CENTURY coded in the same language?

172. A man finds his shadow to his right in the morning. He walks 10 metres straight, turns right
walks 20 metres, again turns right and walks 15 metres. Now, he finds his shadow
a) To his right
b) In front of him
c) Behind him
d) To his left

173. Rahul meets Sanjana and says ―I am your brother‘s son‘s father‘s father‘s wife‘s daughter‘s
husband‖. If Sanjana‘s brother has only one sister, then how is Rahul‘s father related to Sanjana?
a) Father b) uncle c) father in law d) data insufficient

174. In a certain code language, if ―RAIN‖ is coded as ―QSZBHJMO‖, then how is WATER coded?
d) None of these

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175. Looking at a photograph of a person, Rajeev said ―The only daughter of his sister‘s father is my
daughter‖. How is the person in photograph related to Rajeev?
a) Son b) Daughter c) Father d) Nephew

Direction for questions 176 to 180: Read the information below and answer the questions that
There are five men – M, N, O, P and Q ; and five women – V, W,X, Y, Z are sitting opposite
each other, not necessarily in the same order. The men are facing south while the women are
facing north. The diagrammatic representation of seats are given below –

2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9

The men sit on seats numbered 1 to 5. Only 1 is opposite to 10. There is no person to right or left
of person on seat 1 or 10. The person on 2-6, 3-7, 4-8 and 5-9 face each other respectively. One
woman has bluish-green eyes.
The following is also known –
i. M sits to the third left of the person who is opposite the women with blue eyes.
ii. The green eyed woman is opposite the man with shorts. O sits left of P.
iii. V and W are adjacent each other, but none of them are at extremes. W doesn‘t have brown
iv. The brown eyed woman is opposite to second to the right of the man wearing lungi.
v. The man wearing jeans is opposite to Z, who does not have blue or black eyes.
vi. X is opposite the man wearing khaki, who is right of N, who doesn‘t wear trousers.

176. The colour of eyes of Z is

a) Blue b) Brown c) Bluish-green d) Black

177. The man sitting opposite X is wearing –

a) Khaki b) Lungi c) trousers d) jeans

178. If P and Q interchange places, then who is opposite to the immediate left of Q –
a) The woman with green eyes
b) The woman with brown eyes
c) The woman with bluish-green eyes
d) The woman with black eyes

179. Which among the following statements is true?

a) The bluish-green eyed woman is opposite the man with shorts.
b) Q is opposite the brown eyed woman

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c) W has blue eyes
d) The brown eyed woman is opposite to man who is immediate left of P

180. Which among the following combinations is correct?

a) Z – green eyes b) Q – jeans c) X – black eyes d) P – trousers

Directions(181-185):Study the premises and mark one of the following as your answer
A) Conclusion I is valid
B) Conclusion II is valid
C) Either I or II or both are valid
D) Neither I or II are valid

181. when god disposes man proposes and when man proposes dog hoses and when dog hoses plant
Conclusion I – plant did not pose as man did not propose
Conclusion II – god disposed and dog hosed

182. a state is intolerant when its minorities feel insecure and threatened; minorities in India do not feel
threatened, hence ………..
Conclusion I – India is intolerant
Conclusion II – India is not intolerant

183. happiness is a state of mind and happy people get peace from intrinsic sources. Luxury for them is
in the soul rather than in big cars and expensive things
Conclusion I – happiness is never external
Conclusion II - Happy people are rich but they don‘t care for it

184. big budget movies are more about glitz and glamour and less about story and substance. Their
expensive locales, super fine photography, pacy screenplay, luxurious outfits and peppy songs try and
make up for no story; and not to mention big stars, caught another Solomon flick yet?
Conclusion I – Big budget movies are never about story
Conclusion II – Solomon is a big budget star

185. men and women debates range from gender differences to personal grudges. They reflect
heterogeneity and the much tabooed gender inequality. But imagine a world without this. Yes the
inequality part will not be missed but what about the fun and banter and won‘t men be from mars
Conclusion I – gender inequality should not end as that would end the fun part too
Conclusion II – with gender equality men will now stop coming from mars as they will be made on

Directions(186-190): Read the statements below and mark as the following:

A. if assumption I follows
B. if assumption II follows
C. if both follow

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D. if neither follow
186. When was the last you heard good cinematic music? All classy things are a thing of the past.
Assumption I – Good cinematic music is one of the classy things
Assumption II – Good cinematic music is the only classy thing

187. Dealing with children is harder than dealing with adults even when adult problems are more
Assumption I – Complex problems are expected to be harder to deal with
Assumption II – Children‘s problems may not be complex

188. An advertisement – Miggi is back and is as healthy as it always was and tastes the same
Assumption I – Health is more desirable than taste
Assumption II – People want the same taste

189. Orwell‘s books are more incisive and Fry‘s more lighthearted
Assumption I – Orwell is a better writer
Assumption II – Lighthearted and incisiveness are good qualities in a book

190. Look before you leap

Assumption I – Exercising caution helps
Assumption II – If you do not look you will fall

Directions(191-195): Read the passage and the statements following it and mark the following:
A. definitely true
B. probably false
C. probably true
D. cannot be determined
Last year, a curious nonfiction book became a Times best-seller: a dense meditation on artificial
intelligence by the philosopher Nick Bostrom, who holds an appointment at Oxford. Titled
―Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies,‖ it argues that true artificial intelligence, if it is realized,
might pose a danger that exceeds every previous threat from technology—even nuclear weapons—and
that if its development is not managed carefully humanity risks engineering its own extinction. Central
to this concern is the prospect of an ―intelligence explosion,‖ a speculative event in which an A.I. gains
the ability to improve itself, and in short order exceeds the intellectual potential of the human brain by
many orders of magnitude.
Such a system would effectively be a new kind of life, and Bostrom‘s fears, in their simplest form, are
evolutionary: that humanity will unexpectedly become outmatched by a smarter competitor. He
sometimes notes, as a point of comparison, the trajectories of people and gorillas: both primates, but
with one species dominating the planet and the other at the edge of annihilation. ―Before the prospect of
an intelligence explosion, we humans are like small children playing with a bomb,‖ he concludes. ―We
have little idea when the detonation will occur, though if we hold the device to our ear we can hear a
faint ticking sound.‖

191. Humans could go extinct as the AI will have the ability to improve itself.

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192. Gorillas are soon to be extinct.

193. Humans are children at heart as a result they are playing with a bomb.
194. Nick Bostrom‘s book was an unexpected best seller.
195. The main reason for the annihilation of humans will be intelligence explosion.

Directions(196-200): Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions that follow:
196. When, on a particular shopping trip, a consumer purchases an item which he previously had no
intention of purchasing, this sale is called an ―impulse purchase.‖ The objects of impulse purchases are
occasionally essential items (i.e. items that satisfy basic subsistence needs), but much more frequently
are luxury or non-essential items. Researchers have determined that, at the end of a shopping trip, a
consumer is much more excited if she has bought a luxury item on an impulse purchase, than if she had
made no impulse purchases.

If the information above is true, and if the researchers‘ investigation was properly conducted, then which
of the following must also be true?

(A) The impulse purchase of a luxury or non-essential item is more exciting than the impulse purchase
of an essential need.
(B) A consumer who, for whatever reason, is not able to purchase an item she had planned to buy is
necessarily disappointed.
(C) Consumers seeking a high level of excitement often make impulse purchases.
(D) The researcher had a reliable way to determine whether the consumer had planned to buy the luxury
or non-essential item he purchased on that trip.

197. Over the past ten years, the population of Dilli has grown five times as large as it was. During this
time, the average income in the city has risen substantially, and a tremendous amount of capital has
flowed into city. An independent audit found that, somewhat surprisingly, the number of violent
felonies reported per year is now lower than it was ten years ago.

Each of the following statements below, if true, would explain the somewhat surprising finding

(A) White collar crimes, which are almost always non-violent, tend to replace street-crimes during times
of prosperity.
(B) The police now have a computerized filing system, so that it is almost impossible for a violent crime
to be unrecorded.
(c) The police force has expanded in number and is equipped with the latest crime detection technology.

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(D) The city is now much better lit at night, and security cameras protect a large number of public

198. Archeologists have discovered three sites showing conclusive evidence for the mastery of fire in
Tanzania, from a period slightly after the time that Homo habiliswas present in Africa. These sites
clearly were founded by Homo erectus, the descendent species of Homo habilis that migrated north, out
of Africa and into Asia.Homo erectus was known to have mastered fire, from ample evidence at sites in
Asia. There is no reason to attribute mastery of fire to Homo ergaster, the descendent species of Homo
habilis that remained in Africa.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

(A) Before their migration, Homo erectus occupied African territory as far south as Tanzania.
(B) The strain of migration provided the selective pressure motivating Homo erectus‗ mastery of fire.
(C) Homo ergaster would not have derived as much benefit from the mastery of fire as did Homo
(D) Homo ergaster inherited all cultural knowledge from Homo habilis, a species that did not have
mastery of fire.

199. Five years ago, the town of bayside, in the Katonic River Valley, had catastrophic flooding one
spring, and consequently, most insurers now refuse to write flood insurance for houses in Bayside. The
town of Dryadia, in the Phemptic River Valley, is much like Bayside in its proximity to a similar river at
an almost identical point in the river valley. We can conclude that the only reason the same insurers do
not write flood insurance for houses in Dryadia either is its similarity to Bayside in terms of where it is
situated in the river valley.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the argument?

(A) A small number of independent insurers will write flood insurance for at least some houses in each
of the two towns.
(B) It is hard for a homeowner to buy flood insurance if a large proportion of other houses in the same
town have been flooded in recent years.
(C) In many other towns in the Katonic River Valley, it is hard for home-owners to buy flood insurance.
(D) The town of Dryadia has some flooding most springs.

200. More than 80% of the executives in the county attended high school in the county, and clearly they
represent some of the brightest in the county. Among the seventeen high schools in the county, the three
in the coastal towns have had the highest test scores in the county for several decades. A recent study

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shows that almost all of the county executives who attended high school in the county attended one of
those three high schools in the coastal towns.

The argument above is most vulnerable to criticism on which grounds?

(A) The argument does not take into account the significant salary difference between jobs in
government and careers in the private sector.
(B) The argument inappropriately posits a causal relationship between academic intelligence and the
ability to govern effectively.
(C) The argument assumes without basis that these county executives were above-average students at
their respective high schools.
(D) The argument does not consider that all county executive now work in the county seat, which has
the lowest scoring high schools in the county.

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