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In partial fulfillment of the requirements in the subject Practical Research II in the

Accountancy, Business, and Management Strand

Presented by:

AGULTO, Rona Alondra T.

ATANACIO, Stephanie Love G.
BALITAAN, Steven Nigel M.
HEZETA, Kyle Cedric B.
JACOLBIA, Joven Christian B.

ABM 12-28

Prof. Charlon T. Agos

Research Adviser

October 2017


CHAPTER I: The Problem and Its Setting

Introduction 3
Background of the Study 6
Significance of the Study 8
Statement of the Problem 8
Assumptions and Hypothesis 9
Scope and Delimitations 9
Definition of Terms 9
Conceptual Framework 10
CHAPTER II: Review of Related Literature and Study
Local Literature 11
Local Study 13
Foreign Literature 14
Foreign Study 15
CHAPTER III: Research Methodology
Method of Research 16
Method of Collecting Data 16
Sampling Design 17
Statistical Treatment of Data 17
CHAPTER IV: Analysis and Interpretation of Data 18
CHAPTER V: Conclusions and Recommendations 25



With the government constantly striving to pursue a better quality of education

for all Filipinos across the country, under President Aquino’s reign, Republic Act No.
10533 or the K-12 Law was implemented.
The bill for the K-12 curriculum was signed into law by President Benigno
“Noynoy” Aquino III, last May 15, 2013, 4 years prior to now. But what is K to 12? K to 12,
or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 aims to develop the current education
system in the Philippines by preparing students for college and work, in order for them
to become “globally competitive”. Although matters of the country regarding K-12
curriculum still remain unclear, with this new education system, Filipinos have no other
option but to comply and embrace it.
Kindergarten being mandatory, and with an additional 2 years for Secondary
education (Grades 11 and 12), referred to as “Senior High School”, students are obliged
to pick a track and strand, most likely related to the course they wish to take up in college.
However, after graduation, the students will have the option to continue pursuing their
studies, or to work if they choose to do so.
The government has offered a 200% increase since 2010 for the budget on education
because of K-12. Incoming grade 11-12 students from public schools have been offered
vouchers that entitle them to free tuition fees, paying little to none.
Although the curriculum still has existing flaws, the gov’t and the country are
slowly adapting towards the system and are continuously progressing to improve our
current education system.
The K-12 curriculum is divided by 4 tracks, composed of different strands each.
These 4 tracks are: Academic, Technical-Vocational Livelihood, Sports, and Arts & Design.
The Academic track –most students who choose this track are the ones who
usually look forward to go to college. This track will help students prepare for the subject

specialization of the college course they choose to take in the future. It is mainly divided
into 4 strands; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM); Accountancy,
Business and Management (ABM); Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS); and the
General Academic (GAS) Strand. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) Strand –this strand focuses on Science and intertwining principles that are
deemed to be important in the “real world”. Its main focus is on advanced topics and
concepts. Possible career choices include being an engineer, nurse, doctor, pilot,
architect, biologist, etc.; Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) –ABM mainly
focuses on the fundamental concepts of accounting, business management, and
corporate operations. This strand gives emphasis on financial and entrepreneurial
management. Possible career options include being a sales manager, accountant,
bookkeeper, and entrepreneur; Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) –this strand
involves talking to and interacting with a lot of people, basically, it focuses on social
sciences and communication. Possible career options include being a social worker,
reporter, lawyer, broadcaster, and psychologist; Last but not the least, we have the
General Academic (GAS) Strand. While the other strands are career-specific, the General
Academic strand is a great option for students who are still undecided on their course.
Under this strand, you are able to choose electives offered from other various strands.
Next, we have Technical-Vocational Livelihood track. People who are unsure
whether they still want to pursue a college education can choose this track. Offered here
will equip students with job-ready skills in the future. Strands under this track are; Agri-
Fishery Arts; Home Economics; Industrial Arts; and Information and Communications
Technology (ICT)
Third is the Arts and Design track. The Arts and Design track will prepare PUPils
for the design, artistic, and creative industry. The track aims for students to have a career
in the creative field when they graduate. Here, you will be exposed to different types of
media and art, such as painting, graphic design, film, photography, etc. Possible career
choices include being a graphic designer, art critic, filmmaker, etc.

Lastly, we have the Sports track. This track mainly focuses on fitness and practices
related to physical education and recreation. Aside from that, it also focuses on discussing
factors that affect and are essential to social, psychological, and cognitive development.
Professions related to this track are gymnasts, fitness trainers, game officials, team
coaches, gym instructors, etc.
Of course, when it comes to decisions like this, challenges and problems are
inevitable. We have to take into consideration that since the implementation was a
sudden decision, whereas most parents, teachers, and children are still unaware and not
fully educated regarding the program, it is understandable that a significant number of
people are still adjusting towards the said curriculum. This change not only affects their
studies, but also affects their financial capability, their future, and their career choices.
With that being said, let’s get on to the main issues and problems that currently exist
under K to 12.
One of the main problems we can bring into light regarding the implementation
of K to 12, is of course, the financial support. The moment K-12 surfaced through news
channels, majority of parents couldn’t help but express their frustration and anger over
the Aquino administration. Because of the said curriculum, instead of 4 years of high
school, incoming 1st year students (7th graders under the K-12 curriculum) would have
to face an additional 2 years of Secondary education. For parents, this meant more
financial expense. Second, we cannot deny that the lack of available furniture and
infrastructures is present. Since not all schools offer Senior High School, one of the major
problems of the K-12 curriculum is the lack of buildings needed to cater to the huge
population of incoming SHS students. Facilities such as classrooms, laboratories,
computer labs, lavatories, even, are still being built until now. Aside from that, we must
also acknowledge the lack of mediums and resources, such as textbooks, reading
materials, notebooks, equipment, etc. Even now, thousands of PUPils from the first batch
of SHS students still do not have the needed/recommended reading materials, which is
problematic since it affects their learning. Fourth, due to the abrupt implementation of
the curriculum, there lies the shortage of available instructors. This is problematic

because it affects the quality of education the students will receive, and thus could affect
their performance later on as they step up in college. Acknowledging that K-12 has
introduced various programs and subjects, it’s understandable why the program lacks
teachers fit to teach specific, core, and special curriculums. Lastly, but most especially not
the least, parents and students alike have come to question competency of the subjects
being taught. Some complaining that quality education for the said curriculum is
exclusive to people of middle to higher status, and that the curriculum doesn’t help at all
with the country’s [educational] situation. While others have claimed that K to 12 is big
step towards the country’s educational system, some see it only as a waste of time,
resources, and money, something that does not generate improvement at all.
The research, “Senior High School Track Preference of Grade 10 PUP
Laboratory High School Students”, will primarily focus on the selected students’
(variable) track and strand preference when they reach Senior High School. As they have
upperclassmen to look up to, they already have a glance on what to expect once they
reach 11th grade. The said study also aims to know their preference, which would be of
great help to multiple sectors when finished.


Secondary (high school) business courses in the Philippines roots from the
establishment of the Manila Business School (MBS) in 1904. Part of the city school system
of Manila, MBS was delegated to create businessmen for government service and private
employment. The school offered stock keeping, general and retail merchandising, and
secretarial courses (Bureau of Education). Other educational institutions in Manila,
including the De La Salle College, followed the commercial Secondary curriculum of the
Manila Business School (De La Salle University, 2011). The Manila Business School
expanded its offering into two-year associate degrees, and was elevated into insular
status as the Philippine School of Commerce in 1908.

When the Manila Business School was converted to the Philippine College of
Commerce in 1952 by virtue of Republic Act 778, the Faculty of Secretarial and Business
Education, a teacher training department, was formed. In November 1954, a formal
business high school curriculum was approved by the Board of Regents, starting the
operations of the Philippine College of Commerce High School (PCCHS). Students who
attended the high school took secretarial, sales, and stock keeping courses rooted from
the associate courses that the College offered. (Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Laboratory High School, 2004)

The business high school followed the college as it was elevated into a chartered
state university, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines in 1978, through
Presidential Decree 1341. The Secondary department was named Polytechnic University
of the Philippines Laboratory High School (PUPLHS). Over the years, social, biological,
and physical sciences were strengthened to complement the business courses. In 2012,
the K-12 curriculum was implemented by the school under Republic Act No. 10533 or
“An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by Strengthening Its Curriculum
and Increasing the Number of Years for Basic Education, Appropriating Funds Therefor and
for Other Purposes.”

PUPLHS was followed by more business Secondary units, including Caloocan

Business High School, Pasig Catholic College-Business High School, and University of
Perpetual Help Business High School.


The research, “Senior High School Track Preference of Grade 10 PUP Laboratory
High School Students” when finished, will be useful to the students, parents, educators,
and school administrators, as the research aims to be provided as one of the ideal guides
towards their decision making, as far as their sectors are concerned.
The research will be beneficial to the students, as it will tackle the preferred
track/strand of pupils from a certain school. Students who will be reading the research
may see the study as an eye opener for them to start considering what they really want,
and thus, will contribute in helping them choose the track they really want to pursue
when they reach Senior High School.
The research will be similarly beneficial to the parents, most especially when their
sons/daughters are still undecided on what track or strand they want to take up in Senior
High School. The study will serve as the parents’ guide for them to help nurture and
provide support for their children towards their vital decision.
Academic Sector and the School Administrator
The research is deemed to be beneficial to the academic sector, particularly to the
educators and school administration. Having knowledge about their students’ track or
strand preference, the educational instructors would then know what courses to offer for
Senior High School. Technically, this would limit student turnovers. Offering what their
students will prefer will make them stay in their Alma Mater.


The study, “Senior High School Track Preference of Grade 10 PUP Laboratory High
School Students”, aims to know the track preferences of Grade 10 PUP Laboratory High
School students once they reach Senior High School. With the change brought by the K-
12 Basic Education Curriculum, a vast array of courses await incoming Grade 11 students.
Courses ranging from Science and Technology, Business-related studies, Humanities and

Social Sciences, Arts and Design, Sports, etc., students will be offered a wide range of
choices. As this requires decision-making, the researchers have decided to conduct a
study concerning their track preferences. That being given, the researchers formulated
the following specific questions:
1. What are the track and strand preferences of Grade 10 students?
2. How did the LHS curriculum influence the preference of the students?
3. What are the factors that influenced the students in their chosen track?
Majority of the Grade 10 students prefer the Academic Track – Accountancy,
Business, and Management Strand.


The research will be conducted from August – October 2017 at the Polytechnic
University of the Philippines, A. Mabini Campus. The study will look into the track
preferences of Grade 10 PUP Laboratory High School students of the Academic Year
2017-2018 when they reach Senior High School.
The research will also look into the effects of how the LHS curriculum influences
its students in choosing their preferred track.
Given the circumstances, it is possible that the respondents’ preferred track
differs from the track that the respondents may take up in Senior High School.

1. Track – the main division of courses in Senior High School. The said tracks are
namely the Academic Track, the Technical-Vocational and Livelihood Track, the
Arts and Design track, and the Sports Track.

2. Strand – the subdivision in each track. The Academic Track includes the
Accountancy, Business, and Management strand (ABM), Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics strand (STEM), Humanities and Social Sciences
strand (HUMSS), the General Academic Strand (GAS), etc. The Technical-
Vocational and Livelihood Track includes the Home Economics strand (HE), the
Information and Communications Technology strand (ICT), etc. The Arts & Design
track and Sports track also includes strands depending on the programs offered
by the school.


•To know the preferred •The researchers will A useful resource for
track and strand of Grade be using
10 students of the parents and students
Polytechnic University of
questionnaires in to determine their
the Philippines Laboratory gathering the needed most preferred track
High School data and strand for Senior
•To know how the business •Survey - the main
curriculum of the
High School
Laboratory High School
instrument to be used
in collecting the data A valuable input for
affects the track and educational instructors
strand preferences of its •Probability Sampling - and administrators in
Grade 10 students Systematic Sampling choosing as to what
to be used in strands to offer based
Respondents’ demographic
profile: determining the on the data collected
•15-17 years old respondents for the (students' track and
•Grade 10 PUPLHS students aforementioned study strand preference).

Local Literature
Elicon (2009)
According to Elicon’s 10 Things to Consider when Choosing a College Course or a
College Major (2009), there are a lot of factors affecting the choice of students regarding
what career to pursue. Although one can narrow the possible choices, there are also 10
things they have to consider when selecting a college course. The first one is, of course,
the amount of interest in a particular field. The most basic consideration is to choose
what field resonates with one’s desires the most. If this knowledge is not available for
the one choosing the course, a career assessment would make choosing a college course
more systematic and easier. The second thing to consider is the aptitude. One may know
what course one wants, but the need to figure out if the skills and talents they possess
are up to their ideal career choice remains. Ideally, one should take up a major that
permits the exploration of one’s interest and aptitude. In the case where it is not possible
to do this, the choice must be based on the individual’s priorities. It is either the choice
of a major that one will be good at, or the choice based on one’s interests. The next thing
is about values. Every career comes with non-quantifiable/abstract/intangible things
like fulfillment, meaning and purpose, etc. These can also help determine what an
individual wants to get out of a career/college major besides tangible things. Another
important thing to consider is money. Money matters in a lot of ways because it will
dictate what course can or cannot be afforded. The fifth thing to consider is time and
practical considerations. The individual must be aware of what activities are in the
course chosen. Another factor to be looked upon is if the time one has would be willingly
invested in doings these activities. Like in a lot of things, commitment is another thing
which is to be considered in choosing a college major. The individual must have to assess
if it is really what he wants, and if he is willing to stay with it even with all the hardships
it has. Another factor to consider is the times or what the situation of the course is in the
present. There are courses that are not ideal choices in the present. One timely example

course of Nursing. Choosing this course nowadays is not the wisest choice because there
are too many nurses in the Philippines. Considering other people’s feedback (family,
friends, etc.) is also another thing that can help a person when it comes to picking their
course, or maybe even professors and college alumni from a certain institution that can
give an overview of the major as well. The next thing to consider is the core subjects and
topics involved in a certain course. Take a look, take time to note the unit and credit
requirements, and the elective and minor subjects of the possible choices. Looking at
every part of each package deal can help in deciding. The last thing to consider is in
regards to one’s spiritual values.
Estrellado (2015)
According to John Ray Estrellado’s “Are You on the Right Track? A Simple Guide to
Ace Your Senior High” (2015), there are five things students should consider in choosing
the right track.
Filipinos, in general, consider how profitable the career may be. Everyone wants
a high-paying job with multiple benefits. Knowing that majority of the students in the
Philippines experience poverty, it is possible that this is the first thing they consider in
choosing a track.
What are your interests? What are the things you love to do? Answering these
questions will help students identify what track best suits them. As long as they love what
they are doing, there is nothing to worry about even if it is not a high-paying job. The
passion will help a student grow as an individual, and will keep him/her motivated
throughout his/her journey.
A student selecting a track may also want to consider what he is capable of. For
instance, a student majored bookkeeping in Junior High, why not pursue the Academic
Track if he already gained sufficient knowledge in his previous school?
Everyone has a strong point, regardless of background knowledge or interest. One
student may have these skills and knowledge that other students wish to have. That
would be considered his/her strength. One can also asses his/her best traits or features,

and then use them as an asset. These will serve as an advantage for those who are still in
the process of identifying their strengths and weaknesses.
The last factor mentioned is choosing what you are called for. Follow your heart,
as it contains a person’s deepest desires, aspirations, and goals in life. An individual’s
calling may not bring them fortune or make them advantageous among others. However,
it is about integrating oneself into the total fulfillment of life.

Local Study
Pascual (2014)
In Pascual’s study (2014), the relationship of the factors affecting students’
preference of course to their career preference, included consideration towards their
Brainard’s Occupational Preference Inventory (BOPI) results, academic achievements,
and elective grades.
Students’ career success can be best attained if the right course suited to their
personality, ability, and intellect is able to serve as their guide in choosing the course they
are to take in college. Having the students experience the career suited to them firsthand
would help them choose wisely in what course to take as they step in tertiary education.
It is also necessary to let the students understand the important factors they have to
consider in choosing a course like how a career would be economically beneficial at
present and in the future. Career plans would also be improved if the school
administrations, guidance counselors, and parents worked together to come up with a
probable plan and solution.
The results of Pascual’s study show that career plans for students must be updated
constantly and should start early to help them thoroughly identify the course suited for
them. Parents should also be involved in the development of their child’s career plan so
they can understand and assist the student to choose which course is suitable at best,
taking into consideration the factors in terms of the student’s personality, interests, skills,
and intellectual ability.

Abarro (2016)
According to Juan O. Abarro in his study entitled, “Factors Affecting Career Track
and Strand Choices of Grade 9 Students in the Division of Antipolo and Rizal, Philippines”
(2016), a career track is a preferred career choice of an individual that should be decided
ahead of time. Career preferences as defined by Martinez and Fuller (1999) pertains to
the identification of one’s work schedules and activities in relation to an individual’s
abilities, skills, competencies, and with the assistance of management, so he/she can take
a greater job and personal responsibility for his/her future.
The results of Abarro’s study show that sex, average family income, school
preference, occupation of the head of the family, and average scholastic ratings are
factors students consider in choosing a career track. The study also shows that the
highest educational attainment of the head of the family, and persons who are influential
to the choice of the said career tracks, are not associated with the career track choices.

Foreign Literature
Manogna Nalli (2017), K-12 Education in India
According to Nalli (2017), the education system in India made significant progress
recently by having an important place in the global education industry. With the
introduction of technology, it opened doors to new ways of educating students. K-12
education is one of them, an educational system which involves more teacher-student
interaction, and spans from Kindergarten to 12th grade.
K-12 in India has started gaining recognition to the point that the government
decided to make primary education free and compulsory throughout the country. Schools
have also become interested in it to the point that they have formulated creative methods
to effectively teach students with the help of technology. The methods have been proven
useful when it comes to the improvement of the students’ learning abilities and proven
to have helped the students remember different aspects of subjects being taught.
Teachers, on the other hand, are trying to make classes as interactive as possible by
having group discussions, Q&A sessions, etc. These methods would improve individual

attention to students unlike before when there was only a one-way process of teaching
and communication through listening.
K-12 Education has changed the education system in India. Not only did it
introduce technology in classrooms, but it also changed the mode of teaching, resources,
and syllabi. Students can impart and develop their own knowledge with how liberated
the resources one could use in school are now. Schools are adapting to K-12 for the better
growth and improvement of the education system in their country.

Foreign Study
Edward Crowe (2010)
The Importance of Improving Teacher Education in the United States
In Crowe (2010)’s paper, current state accountability policies for teacher
education are not up to the task of ensuring that all programs would produce effective
teachers for public schools in the United States. The state mostly ignores the influence of
newly graduated teachers on the K-12 students they teach. Outcomes that should’ve been
used for quality control mechanisms are in the dark, like student achievement and
classroom teaching performance.
Having a state-specific program, considering that every state has its own set of
policies, ignores the basics of teaching and learning. This is deemed to be problematic
because students and teachers could move from one state to another. As a result,
education would end up being inconsistent.
Crowe proposed a new accountability system for teacher education, where
empirically based performance and feedback indicators are to be considered. These
factors should be directly related to teaching and learning outcomes that affect students,
teachers, and schools. Every state should also use the same system for the public, and
policy makers should have easy access to the measures of quality. Letting the current
system prevail undermines respect for the profession of teaching.


Method of Research
Given the statement of the problem in the first chapter of the research, a
descriptive research method is needed to collect the data. The study requires that the data
collected be easily and descriptively interpreted in order for the researchers to
understand the chosen respondents’ track and strand preferences. The research
methodology for the study is purely quantitative in nature. The researchers will be using
survey questionnaires with close-ended questions, thus getting a deeper view of the
respondents’ track and strand preferences when they reach the level of Senior High
As required by descriptive research, the researchers will begin its focus on the
respondents’ track and strand preferences for Senior High School. The researchers will
also tackle the factors that may have affected the respondents’ choices. The study will
also be focusing on the effect of the LHS curriculum on their chosen track and strand

Method of Collecting Data

The study will use survey questionnaires to gather data from the respondents. The
formulated questions will tackle multiple topics that will enable the researchers to
answer the questions from the study’s Statement of the Problem section.
The questions that form part of the survey questionnaire will allow the
researchers to gather the following information from the respondents:
 The respondents’ preferred track and strand.
 The factors that may have affected the respondents’ track and strand preference.
 The effect of the Laboratory High School’s business curriculum on the
respondents’ track and strand preference.

With the data and information gathered from the survey questionnaires, the
researchers will be able to analyze and conclude the study with accuracy.
Since the researchers will be collecting data from the respondents through the
medium instrument of survey questionnaires, the data will therefore be presented
through hard copies, with survey questions answered by the respondents of the study.

Sampling Design
The researchers will be using the Quota Sampling method under the Non-
Probability Sampling Design in determining the study’s respondents. The Quota Sampling
will be using the Slovin’s formula:

1 + 𝑁𝑒 2
N – Total Population e – Margin of Error
The total population of PUP Laboratory High School 10th grade students is 127: 43
students from Grade 10-Bookkeeping, 43 students from Grade 10-Entrepreneurship, and
41 students from Grade 10-Office Technology. Applying the Slovin’s formula given the
total population and 3% margin of error, the researchers have come up with the
following formula:
127 + [127 (0.032 )]
𝑛 = 113 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠
The respondents’ answers will then be tabulated using the frequency distribution
method that will be later discussed in the next part of this chapter.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data collected from survey questionnaires answered by the respondents will
be analyzed by using Frequency distribution.

Frequency distribution is defined as the counting of the number of responses to a

question, or to the occurrence of a phenomenon of interest. It allows the researchers to
see the dispersion, as well as the maximum and minimum response to a certain choice in
a certain question.
In finding the distribution, the researchers will be dividing the frequency, which
is the number of respondents who answered a particular choice in the question to n, and
n which represents the number of respondents that constitute the sample. The result will
then be multiplied to 100% to determine a choice’s percentage share. The formula is as
𝑥 100%
The analyzed data will be tallied in a table and will be presented in Chapter 4.


Preferred Senior High School Track

Technical-Vocational and
Livelihood Track
7% Sports Track

Arts and Design Track


Respondents were asked what Senior High School track they prefer. According to
50% of the respondents, Academic track is their preferred choice. 24% of them
answered that they prefer the Arts and Design Track, 19% prefer the Technical-
Vocational and Livelihood Track, and about 7% of the total respondents answered that
they prefer the Sports Track.

Preferred Strand (Academic)

Science, Technology,
28% Engineering and Mathematics
Accountancy, Business and
Humanties and Social
General Academic Strand


41% of the total respondents answered that Accountancy, Business, and

Management (ABM) is their preferred strand, followed by Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) which was answered by 28% of the respondents.
Third is Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) where 21% of them prefer the said
strand. Fourth is the General Academic strand (GAS) that was preferred by 10% of the

Preferred Strand (Technical-Vocational

and Livelihood)
Information and
6% Communications
19% Home Economics

Industrial Arts

Agri-Fishery Arts

52% of the total respondents answered that Information and Communications

Technology (ICT) is their preferred strand, followed by Home Economics which was
answered by 23% of the respondents. Third is Industrial Arts where 19% of them chose
the said strand. Fourth is the Agri-Fishery Arts that was preferred by 6% of the

Factors that influenced track and

strand choice


23% 21% School Organizations

LHS Curriculum
6% Friends/Peer Influence
15% Teachers
Academic Performance
13% Future Career

23% of the total respondents answered that future careers influenced their
choice, 21% of them answered that their parents influenced their choice. Next is the LHS
Curriculum which was answered by 18% of the respondents, then academic
performance which was answered by 15% of them. 13% of the respondents answered
that their friends influenced their choice. Next is their school organization which was
answered by 6% of the respondents, then lastly, teachers influenced 3% of the

Did the LHS Curriculum affect your


Yes No


74% of the respondents answered that the LHS Curriculum has affected their
choice, while 26% of them answered that it did not affect their choice.

If yes, why?

The curriculum is aligned

with my chosen track and

The curriculum is crafted

18.92% 59.46% enough to make me excel in
my chosen track and

59.46% of the total respondents answered that the curriculum is aligned with
their chosen track and strand. 21.63% of the respondents answered that being exposed
to the LHS Curriculum for three years is enough for it to influence their track and

strand preferences. 18.92% of them answered that the curriculum is crafted enough to
make them excel in their chosen track and strand.

If no, why?
The curriculum doesn't
affect my academic
The curriculum is not good
enough to make me excel
in my chosen track and
15.38% 61.54% strand.
The curriculum is not
aligned with my chosen
track and strand.

61.54% of the total respondents answered that the curriculum does not affect
their academic decisions. 23.07% of them answered that the curriculum is not aligned
with their chosen track and strand. 15.38% of the respondents answered that the
curriculum is deemed unfit to make them excel in their chosen track and strand.


The study, “Senior High School Track Preference of Grade 10 PUP Laboratory High
School Students”, aims to know the track preferences of Grade 10 PUP Laboratory High
School students once they reach Senior High School.
Using survey questionnaires, the researchers have gathered the data needed from
its respondents, the Grade 10 students of PUP Laboratory High School. After tabulation
and analysis of the data obtained, the researchers have come up with the following
conclusions and recommendations:
Given the specific questions in the Statement of the Problem, the following
conclusions are inferred:
1. What are the track and strand preferences of Grade 10 students?
According to the data gathered from the respondents, the researchers therefore
conclude that the preferred track and strand preferences of PUPLHS Grade 10 students
is Academic Track – Accountancy, Business and Management Strand as it constitutes
the majority of the respondents’ answers in the survey questionnaire. This conclusion
validates the hypothesis stated in the first chapter.
2. How did the LHS curriculum influence the preference of the students?

An absolute majority of the respondents answered that, indeed, the curriculum of

PUP Laboratory High School indeed affected their track and strand preference. Given the
data gathered, the researchers conclude that the LHS curriculum’s alignment with the
respondent’s track and strand choice is the primary influence of the LHS curriculum in
the students’ track and strand preference.

3. What are the factors that influenced the students in their chosen track?
Given the diverse choices of the respondents, the researchers therefore conclude that
two of the most influencing factors to students in choosing their preferred track/strand
is their chosen career and parental choice.

As the conclusions have been stated, the following recommendations are hereby
presented by the proponents of this research to the institutions significant to this study:
The researchers recommend that students should be keen in choosing their
preferred track/strand. As the subjects offered in each strand are focused on the fields,
tough decision making is needed. Suggestions from parents or peers are encouraged, but
the students’ personal choice in this matter is the greatest of them all.
The researchers recommend that the parents, as the foundation and light of the
family, should shed their guiding light to their students. The researchers also encourages
parents to look after them in their decision making, but not to the extent that the parents’
wants will overshadow the students’ wants.
School Administration
The researchers recommend to the school administration of PUP Laboratory High
School that the school heads should be open to letting ‘LHSians’ go to the track/strand
that they always wanted, instead of limiting the students’ choices to three strands only.
In this manner, ‘LHSians’ will excel more in their chosen field of specialization.



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