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姝 Academy of Management Review

2012, Vol. 37, No. 3, 396–418.


The Ohio State University

Because star employees are more visible and productive, they are likely to be sought
out by others and develop an information advantage through their abundant social
capital. However, not all of the information effects of stardom are beneficial. We
theorize that stars’ robust social capital may produce an unintended side effect of
information overload. We highlight the role of human resource management in min-
imizing the effects of information overload for stars, and we discuss avenues for future

Human resource (HR) scholars have argued Ernst, Leptein, & Vitt, 2000; Narin & Breitz-
that some employees are more valuable than man, 1995).
others (Becker & Huselid, 2006; Hausknecht, As a result of their uniquely valuable human
Rodda, & Howard, 2009; Lepak & Snell, 1999). capital contributions, top performers are often
Consistent with a resource-based view of the the most widely recognized employees in a
firm, the highest-performing employees create given organization (Trevor, Hausknecht, & How-
disproportionate value, providing a rare but vi- ard, 2007; Trevor & Nyberg, 2008). Top performers
tal opportunity for an organization to increase are also more visible than their peers in internal
its competitive advantage through human capi- and external labor markets (Groysberg, Lee, &
tal (Barney, 1991; Barney & Wright, 1998; Lepak & Nanda, 2008), as evidenced by increased inter-
Snell, 2002). Alternatives such as hiring a est in hiring practices regarding the highest-
greater number of average performers or en- performing employees (Gardner, 2005; Lazear,
hancing nonhuman assets are not adequate 1986). Research on the professional service in-
substitutes for the value created by top perform- dustry has demonstrated that top performers
ers (Eccles & Crane, 1988; Kelley & Caplan, 1993; receive particular attention from competing
Lepak, Takeuchi, & Snell, 2003; Narin, 1993). For organizations, which tend to view their achieve-
example, in professional service industries an ments as valuable assets ripe for acquisition
organization’s top performers both generate the (Greenwood, Hinings, & Brown, 1990).
bulk of that organization’s business and consti- When top performers possess high internal
tute its core knowledge assets (Eccles & Crane, and external visibility, they are considered to be
1988). Studies of scientists and academic re- stars. Following Groysberg and colleagues
searchers have consistently found that employ-
(2008), we define “stars” as employees who (1)
ees at the top of the performance distribution
demonstrate superior performance in relation to
are many times more valuable than their lower-
others in their respective organizations and (2)
performing colleagues (e.g., Cole & Cole, 1973;
are highly visible in the labor market. These
unique characteristics often endow stars with
We gratefully acknowledge the excellent support of David what sociologists call a “cumulative advan-
Lepak throughout the revision process and thank our anon- tage”—namely, their productive resources in-
ymous reviewers for their insightful comments and sugges- crease at a rate exponentially greater than their
tions. James Oldroyd also thanks the generous support of a less visible and less valuable peers (Cole &
Sungkyunkwan University summer research grant in sup-
porting this project. Finally, we thank to Jay Anand, Tai-
Cole, 1973; Zuckerman, 1977). For example, stars
Young Kim, and Steffanie Wilk for their helpful comments on in science fields find it easier to acquire the
this work. resources necessary to facilitate research, such
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2012 Oldroyd and Morris 397

as colleagues seeking collaboration, cadres of Sorenson, 2007), and overembeddedness (Gar-

highly capable students, and access to data- giulo & Benassi, 2000). All of these factors repre-
bases (Zuckerman & Merton, 1972). Conse- sent some form of structural constraint in which
quently, they are likely to find themselves em- ties are not as helpful as they might otherwise
bedded in a virtuous cycle: they meet with be, either because they are redundant or be-
increased access to information resources and cause they offer limited access to novel informa-
opportunities to increase their productivity, tion. However, while such structural factors lim-
which lead to increased visibility in the labor iting the value of social capital are important to
market, which, in turn, results in even more re- provide a more robust picture of organizational
sources and opportunities (Allison, Long, & trials and successes, they do not reflect a seri-
Krauze, 1982). ous challenge created by the abundant social
From a relational perspective, one by-product capital amassed by star employees.
of stardom is the abundance of social capital, We uniquely highlight that because of their
defined here as the structure of relationship net- high visibility and performance status, stars are
works and information available to an individ- likely to build up an abundance of ties leading
ual (Bourdieu, 1986; Burt, 1992). In this regard, a to nonredundant information flows. But, by the
higher number of network connections or poten- very nature of their unique positions, stars are
tial sources of information increase an individ- less likely to face structural constraints and are
ual’s social capital (Baker, 1990). Nahapiet and more likely to amass exponentially high levels
Ghoshal state that “the central proposition of of social capital. As a result, they are much more
social capital theory is that networks of relation- susceptible to another form of constraint than
ships constitute a valuable resource” (1998: 243). are their average-performing peers: information
In other words, the value of network ties, as well overload. In a state of overload, cognitive limi-
as the social capital that comes with them, de- tations may constrain the value of a star’s social
rives primarily from privileged access to infor- capital; if the information load goes unmanaged
mation and opportunities (Burt, 1997). Because for long periods of time, the star may stumble
star employees are highly visible in the labor and, ultimately, fall (Herbig & Kramer, 1994; Van
market and others are likely to seek relation- Gerven, Paas, Tuovinen, & Tabbers, 2003). Thus,
ships with them, stars will likely develop expo- it is important to generate a greater understand-
nentially high levels of social capital that, in ing of how and when social capital adversely
turn, perpetuate and reinforce their positions affects the performance of both the star em-
(Burkhardt & Brass, 1990; Groysberg et al., 2008; ployee and the organization in which he or she
Kang, Morris, & Snell, 2007). For instance, is embedded. In so doing we posit that a star is
through a series of studies, Groysberg (2010) has likely to fall in the absence of specific individ-
demonstrated that one of the key factors in stars’ ual, organizational, and network-wide actions
success is not only their unique and uniquely that help manage the continual increase in both
valuable human capital but also their social the information given to and the demands made
capital—that is, the relationships they possess of the star. Using a process approach to theory
with others in the organization. development, we focus on this important but
While an abundance of social capital can pos- previously unexplored boundary condition of
itively impact stars’ performance, not all of the the value of social capital, one that applies prin-
effects of abundant social capital are positive cipally to star employees.
(Adler & Kwon, 2002). For instance, scholars are The conditions under which some stars shine
beginning to explore some potential limitations and others fall have long proven difficult to ex-
of social capital due to structural challenges plain, let alone produce (cf. Groysberg, 2010). We
(Arenas, Díaz-Guilera, & Guimerà, 2001; Burt, begin by reviewing the link between social cap-
1997; Dodds, Muhamad, & Watts, 2003; Guimerà, ital and star employees, emphasizing that be-
Díaz-Guilera, Vega-Redondo, Cabrales, & Are- cause of the affiliatory nature of network forma-
nas, 2002; Watts, 2004), differential effects of spe- tion, stars are likely to have exponentially
cific network contexts (Cummings & Cross, 2003; higher levels of social capital than their less
Xiao & Tsui, 2007), links to negative groups visible and less highly performing peers. We
(Lechner, Frankenberger, & Floyd, 2010), limited then discuss how this abundance of social cap-
control (Buskens & van der Rijt, 2008; Ryall & ital may unintentionally result in information
398 Academy of Management Review July

overload for star employees. We go on to explore for his or her organization (Barney & Wright,
the implications of a curvilinear theory of social 1998; Huselid, 1995; Lepak & Snell, 1999). A star’s
capital on the performance of star employees firm-specific human capital may include knowl-
and their organizations, highlighting the bound- edge about how to accomplish complex tasks in
ary conditions of our theory and explicating a particular organization, how to develop trust
when information overload may or may not ad- among a team of employees, and how to create
versely affect star employees with abundant so- a sense of commitment to a firm’s success, along
cial capital. We then highlight strategic HR with other vital, valuable information (Barney &
management responses, targeted at the individ- Hansen, 1994; Conner & Prahalad, 1996).
ual, organizational, and network level, that Strategic HR management researchers recog-
might help mitigate the potentially negative nize the importance of stars’ social capital in the
side effects of social capital for stars. Finally, creation of organizational values (e.g., Dess &
we conclude by outlining several ways in which Shaw, 2001; Wright, Dunford, & Snell, 2001). Be-
future research can link human resource man- cause stars have greater access to information,
agement, stars, social capital, and information as well as access to avenues for sharing it, they
overload. tend to create more value for their organizations
(Dess & Shaw, 2001). For instance, in a study of
R&D project managers, Allen and Katz (1985)
STARS’ HUMAN AND SOCIAL CAPITAL found that star employees are a key source of
technical knowledge. Because of this knowl-
Stars are employees who consistently and edge, organizational colleagues consulted most
substantially perform better than others in their frequently with star employees, and stars spent
organizations and are also highly visible in significantly more time than their colleagues
their respective labor markets (Groysberg et al., conferring with those within and outside of their
2008). Stars are common across industries and own technical specialties. Similarly, Kang et al.
are frequent topics of discussion in knowledge- (2007) have argued that top employees create
based industries where organizational value is value for organizations via their social relation-
largely tied to employees’ individual abilities ships with colleagues across departments and
and potential for coordination. The work differ- functions. These relationships provide access to
ential between stars and nonstars is vast. For new information and opportunities that the stars
example, as Groysberg notes: then use to create greater organizational value.
The phenomenon of stardom— of performers
whose productivity massively outstrips that of
their colleagues—is well documented. One study THE UPWARD SPIRAL OF STARDOM AND
found that the top 1 percent of employees in INFORMATION OVERLOAD
highly complex jobs outperform average perform-
ers by 127 percent. Another reported an eight-to- The Affiliatory Nature of Social Capital
one productivity difference between star com-
puter programmers and average programmers. Recent research in physics (Barabasi & Cran-
The top 1 percent of inventors was found to be dall, 2003), information technology (Ebel,
five to ten times as productive as average inven- Mielsch, & Bornholdt, 2002), and biology (Jeong,
tors (2010: 616).
Tombor, Albert, Oltvai, & Barabasi, 2000) indi-
Zucker, Darby, and Armstrong (1998) found, cates that network formation often follows an
similarly, that in the biotech industry stars rep- affiliatory pattern. Rather than forming ran-
resent only three-quarters of 1 percent of scien- domly between actors, associations form by
tists, but they account for 17.3 percent of pub- choice, based on the actors’ preferences and
lished articles. Thus, star scientists publish what they are searching for or hoping to gain
almost twenty-two times as many articles as (Newman, 2002). Numerous studies show that af-
their average colleagues. filiatory networks represent trends in social and
The value that stars create for knowledge- work life, in which people tend to gravitate to-
based organizations determines both their hu- ward a few individuals who are key to achiev-
man and social capital (Groysberg et al., 2008). ing their objectives (e.g., Newman & Park, 2003).
The rare, intangible resource of a star’s human The people who are the “recipients”—that is, the
capital is a key source of competitive advantage key individuals to whom others gravitate—are
2012 Oldroyd and Morris 399

often high-performing and visible actors in more individuals than average employees; this
these networks. connection pattern follows a power-law (Pareto)
Because of affiliation, organizational net- distribution of ties. Thus, rather than simply
works are not composed of randomly generated having a few more ties than average employees,
connections, Rather, once stars emerge in an stars are likely to have exponentially more as-
organization, others will tend to gravitate to sociations and the concomitant social capital
them, and these new associations will result in than average employees. As a consequence,
a virtuous circle that further increases stars’ im- stardom does not provide a marginal increase in
portance and visibility (Newman, 2002). As a re- social capital over that of the average employee
sult of their high visibility and strong perfor- but, rather, an exponential increase.
mance, star employees are likely to be Underscoring the difference between the mar-
frequently asked for advice and to have influ- ginal increase and the exponential increase in
ence over and association with others social capital is the difference between random
(Burkhardt & Brass, 1990). Because this process and affiliatory networks. This is a vital point
is an upward spiral, other employees in the or- when investigating how social capital affects
ganization are likely to seek out stars once they information flow to star employees. Figure 1 il-
have achieved visibility, heightening the up- lustrates this point. In Figure 1 we model four
ward spiral effect. In other words, when employ- different networks of 100 people each. Two of
ees seek to build new relationships, they are these networks have an average of five ties per
most likely to build those relationships with actor, and two have an average of ten ties per
high-performing, highly visible stars. actor. We compare the difference in both types
Such affiliatory patterns create cumulative of network structures for networks formed in a
advantages for stars. The stars’ prior success random versus affiliatory manner. Both the five-
increases their future endowments of social cap- tie and ten-tie networks consist of 100 people,
ital. This is a mechanism in which social capital and each of the networks has an equal average
and human capital are recursive, with each re- number of ties. However, the distribution of ties
inforcing and increasing the other. As other em- significantly differs between the networks. On
ployees form ties with star employees, they, too, the one hand, in the first network (which has an
try to access their unique human capital or gain average of five ties per actor) and third network
access to their robust relationship; thus, the (which has an average of ten ties per actor), the
stars’ organizational power and influence in- distributions follow a random pattern of rela-
crease concurrently (Emerson, 1962). tionship formation. On the other hand, in the
Using a social network structure approach, second network (which has five ties) and fourth
Tichy and Tushman (1979) showed that stars network (which has ten ties), the distributions
play a “linking pin” role since they occupy the follow an affiliatory, or preferential, model.1 In
core of the organization’s network structure. Ad- the affiliatory networks the majority of the rela-
ditional research has shown that employees tionships are linked to a small number of stars,
who have the highest organizational recogni- concentrated in the center of the network. In the
tion have greater access to resources, including random networks the ties are more evenly dis-
social prestige and knowledge, from which they
persed across the network.
might attract others seeking status, information,
Figure 2 quantifies this difference between
or money (Bacharach & Lawler, 1980; Foa & Foa,
the random and affiliatory networks. In this fig-
1974). For instance, as Allen and Katz (1985)
ure we construct a measure of “in-degree cen-
noted, stars have robust connections and so can
trality” for each actor. In-degree centrality is a
keep up with new developments in their fields,
measure of the incoming ties directed toward an
further increasing their human capital. As a re-
actor. Our results show that in affiliatory net-
sult, stars are frequently embedded in a virtuous
works the most central star employees have
cycle of social capital development, in which
more than two-and-a-half times as many asso-
higher social capital (i.e., more associations) in-
creases their appeal, causing more and more
people to gravitate toward them.
Because of the nature of affiliatory tie forma- 1
Network theorists also refer to affiliatory networks as
tion, stars are likely to be connected to many scale-free networks (e.g., Barabasi & Crandall, 2003).
400 Academy of Management Review July

Random versus Affiliatory Network Graphs

Random 100-node network with average in-degree centrality of 5 Affiliatory 100-node network with average in-degree centrality of 5

Random 100-node network with average in-degree centrality of 10 Affiliatory 100-node network with average in-degree centrality of 10

Centrality in Random and Affiliatory Networks

Comparison of the in-degree centralitya for each node in the Comparison of the in-degree centralitya for each node in the

random and affiliatory network of 100 actors with an average in- random and affiliatory network of 100 actors with an average in-

degree centrality of 5 ties. The highest in-degree centrality for degree centrality of 10 ties. The highest in-degree centrality for

actors in the random network is 10, while the highest in-degree actors in the random network is 27, while the highest in-degree

centrality for actors in the affiliatory network is 26. centrality for actors in the affiliatory network is 46.

30 50
20 35
15 Random 25 Random
Affiliatory 20 Affiliatory
5 10


In-degree centrality is a sum of the ties that are directed toward an actor.
2012 Oldroyd and Morris 401

ciations as those most central in random Stars and Information Flow

Recent research in the information sciences
Figure 3 takes this analysis even further, dem-
has repeatedly demonstrated that communica-
onstrating that the stars’ network ties in affilia-
tion networks follow a power-law distribution—
tory networks are often exponentially higher
namely, key actors in a given network are likely
than others’ ties in the same network. For both
to both receive and send more information than
the random and affiliatory examples, we have
nonkey actors.2 Since stars are likely to have an
calculated the percentage of all ties connected
abundance of social capital, they have access to
to each actor in the network. In our comparison,
numerous contacts, increasing the average
for instance, we found that the top 10 percent of
amount of information they receive (Groysberg
employees’ in-degree centrality in the random
& Lee, 2008; Lechner et al., 2010). As a result,
network accounts for 18 percent of the network’s
stars are not only more likely to have more as-
in-degree ties. The top 10 percent of actors in the
sociations than average employees but are
affiliatory network, however, account for over
more likely to actively communicate using these
40 percent of ties. We see that the magnitude of
ties. This may be due to their colleagues’ need to
this effect intensifies as we narrow our defini-
access their human capital, an effect demon-
tion of stars to fewer and fewer actors. For in-
strated through empirical studies of actors with
stance, the most central actor in a random net-
high human capital. For instance, Burkhardt
work receives just 2 percent of the in-degree ties,
and Brass (1990) found that experts are more
whereas in an affiliatory network the individual
likely to be sought out in organizations than
occupying that position receives 6 percent of
ties, or three times the number of ties. Because
Furthermore, once a star has obtained infor-
organizational networks follow an affiliatory
mation, abundant social capital may enable
pattern and stars are likely to be key players in
these networks, we posit the following.
Proposition 1: Because of their high Baeza-Yates, Boldi, and Castillo (2006) have demon-
strated the affiliatory nature of web page links, showing that
performance and high visibility, star
regardless of the function used to identify page rank, the
employees are likely to have exponen- distribution is likely to follow a power-law function indicat-
tially more social capital than aver- ing that a few key nodes (or sources of information) are
age employees. exponentially more likely to be active.

Percent of Actors with Ties to Star Employees in Random and Affiliatory Network Conditions

Percent of ties in random and affiliatory networks linked to star Percent of ties in random and affiliatory networks linked to star

employees in 5 average ties network employees in 10 average ties network

0.8 0.7
0.7 0.6
0.4 Random network Random network
0.3 Affiliatory network 0.3 Affiliatory network
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
Top 1% Top 5% Top 10% Top 25% Top 1% Top 5% Top 10% Top 25%
402 Academy of Management Review July

him or her to leverage his or her structural po- Stars and Information Overload
sition, facilitating the flow of new and valuable
Individuals process information, according to
information across structural boundaries or
Sternberg (1977: 317), by turning information into
gaps in the network space. Burt notes that those intelligence through a process of “components.”
with abundant social capital often have a “say Component processing includes activities such
in whose interests are served,” and such an in- as coding, inferring, mapping, applying, and re-
dividual will act as an “entrepreneur in the lit- sponding to information. While individuals vary
eral sense of the word—a person who adds in their ability to process information owing to
value by brokering the connection between oth- their cognitive abilities (Ackerman, 1986; Kanfer
ers” (1997: 342).3 & Ackerman, 1989; Locke, 1965), instructional de-
Here we compare the volume of information sign scholars note that all individuals rely on
stars are likely to receive with the volume of short-term or working memory to process infor-
information average employees in the affilia- mation on a day-to-day basis (Baddeley, 1986;
tory networks are likely to receive. In this case Miller, 1956). Individuals are conscious of and
we hold flow constant per actor (a conservative can monitor only the content of their working
measure), finding that stars (who constitute the memories. Because information processing re-
top 1 percent of actors) have nearly nine times quires working memory, information loads that
as many ties as average employees. Assuming exceed its capacity may overwhelm an individ-
that there is an average of five ties present in ual’s information processing activities. These
the network, that each tie generates the same limitations of working memory are widely
information load, and that both incoming and known and accepted (Sweller, van Merrienboer,
outgoing information flows emerge from each & Paas, 1998). As stated by Sweller et al.:
tie, we project that stars will receive eighteen Because working memory is most commonly used
times as much information as average employ- to process information in the sense of organizing,
contrasting, comparing, or working on that infor-
ees. As the number of ties increases, this load mation in some manner, humans are probably
increases in a power-law manner. In addition, it only able to deal with two or three items of infor-
is likely that attention paid to a star is even mation simultaneously when required to process
greater, because stars are not only more likely to rather than merely hold information. . . . it is this
factor that provides a central claim of cognitive
have more connections but are also more likely load theory (1998: 252–253).
to be involved in active ties (in the form of re-
quests, questions, etc.). This interactive effect of Much of the research on social capital as-
combining the number and volume of flow sumes a linear relationship between informa-
clearly indicates that stars are likely to receive tion flow and stardom or highly central posi-
and send an abundance of information. Hence, tions such that the more information an
employee receives, the better his or her perfor-
we posit the following.
mance will be (e.g., Burt, 1992, 1997). Information
Proposition 2: Because of their abun- processing theory further clarifies our under-
dant social capital, star employees standing of the potential risks of information
are likely to send and receive expo- overload on those employees with high levels of
nentially more information than aver- social capital. This theory asserts that individu-
age employees. als benefit from the receipt of information, but
only until they reach a point at which they are
unable to process additional incoming informa-
tion (O’Reilly, 1980; Tushman & Nadler, 1978).
Several studies demonstrate a strong link between per-
Beyond this point, additional information be-
formance and actors who facilitate the connection of other comes a liability (Eppler & Mengis, 2004). In a
actors in the network. Some of these advantages include state of overload, an individual’s ability to per-
prestige (Allen & Cohen, 1969), early job promotion for them- form rapidly declines (Chewning & Harrell,
selves and their subordinates (Burt, 1997; Katz & Tushman,
1990). In any given context, then, if the amount of
1983; Podolny & Baron, 1997), higher salaries (Seibert,
Kraimer, & Liden, 2001), and better job performance. Each of information an individual receives exceeds his
these advantages is distinct to star employees (Brass, or her information processing ability, the extra
1984, 1985). information may harm performance (Boone, van
2012 Oldroyd and Morris 403

Olffen, & van Witteloostuijn, 2005; Carpenter & creasing an employee’s attention and ability to
Fredrickson, 2001; Wadhwa & Kotha, 2006). concentrate on the specific requests themselves
While all organizational actors face some risk (Oldham, Kulik, & Stepina, 1991; Perlow, 1999).
of information overload, a star’s robust and con- Moreover, scholars such as Jett and George
stantly increasing social capital places him or (2003) have shown that information technology
her in a unique position that is likely to lead to has increased the number of interruptions from
information overload if not carefully managed. information requests, with email and other
Moreover, a star’s robust social capital not only forms of electronic communication heightening
likely burdens him or her with extreme levels of the frequency with which people can interact
information flow but also places the star in a and interrupt one another at work (e.g., Cutrell,
position where other employees are likely to Czerwinski, & Horvitz, 2001; Speier, Valacich, &
seek advice and expertise and, in so doing, Vessey, 1999).
cause frequent interruptions that compromise In line with other studies of network structure
the star’s ability to complete tasks (Rudolph & and load (e.g., Watts, Dodds, & Newman, 2002),4
Repenning, 2002). Grove (1983: 67), for example, we suggest that even when star employees have
described the constant request for information relatively low cognitive costs associated with
and advice received by managers as “the processing information for each message, they
plague of managerial work.” Similarly, Perlow are frequently overloaded by the cumulative
(1999) showed that the frequent coworker inter- burden created by their exponential amounts of
ruptions experienced by highly visible software social capital. In Figure 4 we show star employ-
engineers ultimately led to “a time famine,” ees’ cumulative information burden for an infor-
wherein engineers had too many information mation flow of five and ten messages per net-
requests and could not properly perform work contact. Because of the nature of affiliatory
their jobs. networks, and assuming only five incoming and
Such frequent information requests require
extra information processing activity and often
necessitate immediate attention. These requests 4
Network scholars have demonstrated that affiliatory net-
can also interrupt information processing fo- works are robust against random breakdowns. However,
they are easy to disrupt with focused attacks (of overload) on
cused on the task at hand (Cellier & Eyrolle,
the most highly connected actors. In other words, when stars
1992; Kirmeyer, 1988). In an organizational set- are overloaded, their failure to process information can eas-
ting, additional attention and visibility can in- ily disrupt the network (Cohen, Havlin, & ben-Avra-
crease the amount of information requests, de- ham, 2002).

Information Load in an Affiliatory Network with Average Centrality of Five Actors at Five and Ten
Messages per Actor

Information load 5
500 messages per tie
400 Information load 10
messages per tie
404 Academy of Management Review July

outgoing communications per tie, we find that Proposition 4: As star employees expe-
stars carry an information burden of over 450 rience information overload, their per-
messages, as compared with 25 messages for formance is likely to decrease.
the average employee.
Because exponentially higher levels of social
The Organizational Performance Effects of
capital are likely to burden star employees with
Stars’ Information Overload
information, we posit the following.
Because stars are required to share their
Proposition 3: Because of their ex-
knowledge with others, they are likely to receive
treme level of information flow, stars
many requests for advice and information. Pro-
are likely to experience information
fessional service organizations often identify
stars as “thought leaders” or “knowledge ex-
perts”—people others can turn to for help. Stars
The Individual Performance Effects of Stars’ are not only identified but often actively put in
Information Overload contact with others, across business and geo-
A star’s performance is likely to be hindered graphic lines, to ensure visibility and accessi-
by this deluge of information. Information pro- bility by peers (Lorsch & Tierney, 2002). They are
cessing studies have clearly demonstrated a likely to be singled out for formal and informal
link between effective information processing mentoring responsibilities (Noe, 1988). In fact, as
and employee performance (Eppler & Mengis, Phillips-Jones (1983) pointed out, most mentoring
2004). Scholars exploring information overload relationships are informal, incited by admira-
have emphasized that the consequences of in- tion for the star or by job demands that require a
formation overload not only act as a limit to the star’s expertise. Thus, the very mentoring oppor-
employees’ performance but actually may de- tunities meant to energize employees can feel
crease the overall performance of the individual like a punishment for success if the programs
experiencing overload (e.g., Jacoby, 1977; Meier, are not designed to consider the potential for
1963). For instance, Malhotra noted that information overload in the case of stars.
Scholars have also argued that organizations
although consumers develop mechanisms for
limiting their intake of information, their limited often spend the majority of their efforts provid-
processing capacity can become cognitively ing stretch assignments, “special” projects, and
overloaded if they attempt to process “too much” development programs solely for star players
information in a limited time, and this can result (Huselid, Beatty, & Becker, 2005). When organi-
in confusion, cognitive strain, and other dysfunc- zations target these employees, the employees
tional consequences (1984: 437).
may become overburdened with responsibili-
Similarly, in his study of library workers, ties, and this may cause a decrease in their
Meier (1963) found that overwhelmed individu- ability to share information and mentor others.
als had to completely stop the information flow When stars experience information overload,
they received until they could catch up on their they are likely to become bottlenecks in the or-
processing tasks. Oskamp (1965) also found that ganization (Cross & Parker, 2004). In other words,
information improves decision-making ability stars who receive too much information will not
up to a certain point, but when the flow of infor- be able to share their expertise with others in
mation exceeds that point, additional informa- the organization. In this way, information over-
tion diminishes the person’s decision outcomes. load may hinder an organization’s ability to le-
Likewise, Connolly (1977) found that excessive verage a star’s human capital. Consequently,
information leads to a decreased accuracy in information overload may not only affect both
decision making. Schick, Gorden, and Haka the star’s individual performance but also the
(1990) noted that the burden of information over- organization’s performance on the whole.
load leads to confusion, an inability to set pri- Studies of scale-free networks demonstrate
orities, and a deficit in information recall. Over- the effect of overload for key network nodes.
load has also been shown to reduce decision These studies note that an “attack [overwhelm-
makers’ ability to identify relevant information ing the actor] on the most highly connected
(Hodge & Reid, 1971; Streufert, 1973). Hence, we nodes of the network” can result in a serious
posit the following. disruption in network flow (Cohen et al., 2002:
2012 Oldroyd and Morris 405

14). The effects of overload for stars ripple likely to decrease the amount of valu-
through the system, and a small disruption for a able information they share with
star “suffices to disrupt the net for all” (Cohen et their peers, stifling organizational
al., 2002: 14). performance.
While information flowing to stars may not be
Next, we draw further distinctions between
directly proportional to the information they
star and average employees. Research has
share with others, it is likely to be correlated. As
shown that, unlike average workers, star em-
a result, the volume of information sent out by
ployees have high external visibility, which
stars can come back to them, adding exponen-
means they are likely to be able to leave an
tially to their information load. Figure 5 shows a
organization if they feel burdened. Trevor (2001)
comparison of the difference in in-flowing, out-
emphasized this point, noting that star employ-
flowing, and total flow for actors in random ver-
ees’ high performance and visibility lead to high
sus affiliatory networks. This highlights that in
portability. Spence (1973) argued that when em-
affiliatory networks stars are likely to shoulder
ployees make investments in their organiza-
the information burden resulting from both in-
tions, they increase productivity and are visible
coming and outgoing ties; overloaded stars will
to others; thus, competitors note “signals” that
be unable to process and share information.
these employees possess skills generally appli-
Limiting stars’ ability to share information
cable across organizations, and such signals in-
also likely limits their ability to provide advice
vite competitors to attempt to hire these employ-
and mentoring to others, both of which are nec-
ees (Lazear, 1986), increasing the employees’
essary elements in fostering human capital
likelihood of leaving the organization they ini-
within an organization. For instance, DeLong,
tially worked for (Schwab, 1991). In fact, research
Gabarro, and Lees (2007) found that top perform-
suggests that star employees’ turnover rate
ers in professional service firms tend to focus
is not significantly affected by nationwide un-
too much on satisfying clients, to the point of
employment rates, when firms typically engage
neglecting their own and others’ personal skill
in only limited hiring (Lee, Gerhart, Weller, &
building. Therefore, we propose the following.
Trevor, 2008; Trevor & Nyberg, 2008)—their mo-
Proposition 5: As stars experience in- bility is robust even during economic uncer-
formation overload, they are more tainty. The “war for talent” literature shows that

In-Degree, Out-Degree, and Total Degree Centrality for Random and Affiliatory Networks

60 In-degree

50 Out-degree

40 Total degree

Total degree
406 Academy of Management Review July

professional industries typically hire freely from MANAGING STARDOM AND

one another and that highly pursued employees INFORMATION LOAD
often have little loyalty to their employers, con-
Prior studies have examined how to preserve
ceptualizing loyalty instead as a duty to the
information flow in scale-free networks; these
larger profession (Gardner, 2005; Greenwood,
studies show the importance of focusing on key
Oliver, Sahlin, & Suddaby, 2008). Much literature
actors in the networks. For instance, simulations
focuses on the mobility of these individuals (e.g.,
of immunization strategies demonstrate that
Groysberg et al., 2008; Marx, Strumsky, & Flem-
when a system of random inoculation is utilized,
ing, 2009).
a network remains contagious “even after im-
We argue here that when stars are in a state
munization of most of its nodes” (Cohen et al.,
of chronic information overload, they may notice
2002: 23). However, when key nodes are immu-
that their performance is suffering and may
nized, even though only a small fraction of ac-
seek to remedy the situation. With the difficulty tors receive immunization, this strategic inocu-
of single-handedly managing information over- lation is sufficient to dramatically halt the
load and the relative ease of moving to another spread of infection. Similarly, when HR manag-
organization, stars are likely to become frus- ers focus on increasing a star’s efficiency and
trated and exercise their options to work for effectiveness, their efforts are likely to have a
other organizations. Moving can provide them profound effect in managing the side effects of
with the opportunity to access more resources information overload for the organization as a
and face fewer demands on their time and en- whole. We suggest that because networks fol-
ergy.5 Stars experiencing overload and then low a nonrandom pattern, HR strategies should
“shooting” to competitors is a well-understood follow suit and take a nonrandom approach to
phenomenon. For example, Tom Rath, head of curbing information overload. These strategies
workplace consulting for Gallup, noted that should focus on the key individuals in the orga-
companies that require stars to share informa- nization: the stars. We further suggest that when
tion “can be perceived as piling on. And that’s such strategies are absent, stars in these orga-
the quickest way to push that person out the nizations are likely to fall.
door” (quoted in McGregor, 2010). How can HR managers reduce the information
When a star employee decides to leave, the overload side effects of amassing social capi-
organization suffers from the loss of valuable tal? To reduce the liabilities of a star’s abundant
human capital, as well as the loss of social social capital, HR managers can use tactics that
capital. Shaw, Duffy, Johnson, and Lockhart increase stars’ individual processing capacity,
(2005) found that the loss of both human and concentrate on the organization’s characteris-
social capital resulting from turnover is partic- tics with respect to information flow, and bolster
ularly detrimental to an organization’s perfor- the structural foundation of the star’s network
mance; even when a small number of star em- (Eppler & Mengis, 2004). To demonstrate the ef-
ployees leave an organization, such a loss has a fect of these practices, we turn to theories of
sharp negative effect on organizational perfor- cognition, HR management, and social networks
mance. Hence, the extent to which a star’s infor- to examine (1) individual, (2) organizational, and
mation load can be effectively managed re- (3) structural conditions that may influence the
mains a key strategic concern. As a result, we degree to which stars experience information
posit the following. overload. We highlight that without active man-
Proposition 6: When stars experience agement of the information load, star employees
information overload, they are more will tend to become overloaded with informa-
likely to leave a given organization, tion, which will likely lead to either their fall or
stifling organizational performance. their decision to shoot off to other organizations.

Individual Conditions
We thank an anonymous reviewer for pointing us to
relevant research demonstrating that star employees have a While information overload is a likely out-
higher likelihood of leaving their organization when they come for employees with exponentially high so-
experience information overload. cial capital, it is hardly a certainty. Stars have
2012 Oldroyd and Morris 407

the power to increase their information process- pects that otherwise might be quite impossible
ing capacity.6 Instructional design scholars (1998: 258).
have demonstrated that individuals’ ability to For example, Morris et al. (2009) found that
process information is restricted by limitations when people lack a shared vision or a shared
in short-term memory (Baddeley, 1986), which framework of what is important within the orga-
allows individuals to process only a few ele- nization, much of the information possessed by
ments before “overloading their capacity and employees is neither transferred nor processed.
decreasing the effectiveness of processing” (Ka- To increase stars’ information processing capa-
lyuga, Ayres, Chandler, & Sweller, 2003: 23). Daft bilities, then, HR managers should provide them
and Huber (1987), Sproull and Kiesler (1991), with the opportunity to have diverse workplace
Whittaker, Swanson, Kucan, and Sidner (1997), experiences, which will enable them to quickly
Hansen and Haas (2001), and Kostova and Roth understand subtle nuances of information and
(2003) have argued that knowledge sharing is share that understanding with others (Tushman
limited by an actor’s inability to act on shared & Scanlan, 1981). Furthermore, a more robust
information and to distinguish between reus- exposure to different experiences also increases
able and nonusable information. stars’ transactive memory, honing their ability
This limitation with short-term memory can be to locate specific information (Wegner, 1986).7
further mitigated by developing long-term mem- In addition to efforts to increase long-term
ory, which increases information processing by memory, organizations can also optimize how
applying domain-specific knowledge that orga- stars allocate their attention capacities to im-
nizes and categorizes information to aid in de- prove information outcomes (Kanfer & Acker-
cision making. Decision criteria, also known as man, 1989). By designating specific times to
schemas, increase an individual’s ability to cat- check email, voicemail, and texts, organizations
egorize and prioritize information. Information may reduce the cognitive processing load for
that does not fit into existing schemas (Rumel- stars. These steps standardize processing re-
hart, 1975), scripts (Schank & Abelson, 1977), quirements and reduce interruptions. For in-
frames (Minsky, 1975), or categories (Lakoff, 1987) stance, star employees may set aside a specific
requires additional effort to process, and may time to check email each day, ignoring it for the
even require the adaptation of existing linguis- rest of the day. In this way stars can focus on
tic frameworks or the creation of new ones. Once information requests and send information
schemas are created and understood, the infor- when they have time to fully process the infor-
mation load vastly decreases. Sweller et al. mation, replying in an efficient, effective
highlight that manner.
schemas both bring together multiple elements In addition to capability, motivation may af-
that can be treated as a single element and allow fect both information processing (LePine,
us to ignore myriads of irrelevant elements. Colquitt, & Erez, 2000; Sackett, Gruys, & Elling-
Working memory capacity is freed, allowing pro- son, 1998; Witt & Burke, 2002) and knowledge
cesses to occur that otherwise would overburden
working memory. Automated schemas both allow sharing performance (Szulanski, 2000). This
fluid performance on familiar aspects of tasks
and— by freeing working memory capacity—
permit levels of performance on unfamiliar as- 7
Although schemas may help stars speed decision mak-
ing, they may not automatically improve decision outcomes.
For instance, Malhotra notes, “When presented with ‘too
much’ information, consumers may become confused, so that
One strategy for dealing with information overload is to they are unable to effectively and efficiently process the
simply ignore much of the information one receives. While information, and/or they may adopt some heuristic process-
ignoring information flow may directly benefit the star by ing. While consumers may employ heuristics to limit the
reducing his or her cognitive burden, it will likely undermine intake of information, these heuristics may often involve a
cooperation and teamwork in the organization. Groysberg, tradeoff between simplifying and optimizing. As the work by
Lee, and Abrahams note the potential problems of this strat- Wright (1975: 62) suggests, ‘simplifying and optimizing are
egy: “To get the best of your top performers, maintain a likely to be antagonistic goals.’ Hence, in the context of
“no-jerks” policy: Stars who don’t play well with others won’t decision making, it is entirely possible for a consumer to
benefit you in the long run” (2009). Thus, we assume that adopt a choice heuristic that may limit cognitive strain but
encouraging stars to ignore the problem is not a viable that may not lead to the ‘best’ or even to a satisfactory
solution for the stars or the organization. choice” (1984: 438).
408 Academy of Management Review July

proves to be a serious challenge. As Lorsch and Gargiulo, Ertug, and Galunic (2009) have found
Tierney note: that employees can more effectively process in-
Employing stars is necessary but insufficient. formation when they are free from the control of
They must also be aligned; that is, they must network ties and the compulsion to volunteer
behave in ways that move the firm toward its information. In other words, when stars can
goals. . . . Unfortunately, such behavior is usually choose whether they respond to employees, they
an unnatural act. This is particularly true in PSFs may be more effective than their peers at pro-
[professional service firms], where the profes-
cessing large amounts of information. This ar-
sionals’ natural independence is compounded by
the inherently decentralized nature of the work gument is supported by recent research demon-
(2002: 26). strating that people who feel a diminished
sense of power and control have significantly
In a network simulation, Tang, Xi, and Ma impaired information processing and decision-
(2006) showed that the star actors with the most making faculties (Smith, Jostmann, Galinsky, &
connected nodes who were highly motivated to Van Dijk, 2008). According to Hallowell (2011),
share information (and not overwhelmed) were when stars feel as though they have less control
nearly twice as effective in facilitating informa- over their networks, their ability to make deci-
tion flow than were stars with average informa- sions will likely decrease, as will their ability to
tion-sharing aspirations. Thus, by increasing a prioritize information, plan, organize, and im-
star’s motivation, an organization may induce plement new ideas. As a result, when stars are
him or her to dedicate more attention to infor- required to share more information with others,
mation processing (Hwang, Kettinger, & Yi, 2010; rather than being able to choose when they
Kanfer & Ackerman, 1989), dramatically chang- share information, they have a decreased ability
ing information flow in the organization. to cope with high information loads.
Organizations can increase motivation by rec- In light of these methods for improving star
ognizing and rewarding stars for their efforts. A employees’ long-term memory, information allo-
star’s efforts to effectively process and share cation skills, and motivation to share informa-
information are often inadequately rewarded. tion, we propose the following.
For example, Perrow (1999) recounted an inter-
Proposition 7: Increasing a star’s infor-
view with a star engineer. The engineer was
mation processing capabilities (in-
seen by coworkers as highly visible and produc-
creasing working memory, building
tive, and, as a result, many people went to this
efficient attention allocation capabil-
engineer for help.
ities, and increasing his or her motiva-
At one point, the engineer approached the soft- tion) will increase his or her ability to
ware manager and told him that he was having manage information and prevent
trouble balancing all the demands for his help
and completing his own deliverables. According
to the engineer, he was told, ‘Do your own work
first, and then, if you want to help others, that is
your choice, but do it on your own time’ (Perrow, Organizational Conditions
1999: 69).
In addition to individual factors that increase
In this context the star employee was actually a star’s ability to manage high information
discouraged from sharing information with loads, HR professionals can develop organiza-
other employees, sending a negative message tional processes and systems to help stars ward
to employees and decreasing the star’s motiva- off overload. For example, efficient search pro-
tion to help others. cesses can dramatically reduce the number of
Another way to increase a star’s motivation is queries sent to stars. When the stars’ colleagues
to turn over more control to the star. Scholars know where to find information in an organiza-
argue that top performers who are included in tion, they are much less likely to engage in
making strategic decisions pay more attention costly and ineffective search activities (Walsh &
to the information they receive from others (Mor- Ungson, 1991). These searches, in which actors
ris, Alvarez, Barney, & Molloy, 2010). This specif- indiscriminately query others for help, are
ically occurs for knowledge workers in profes- called “greedy” searches (Huberman & Adamic,
sional service industries. Furthermore, 2004). HR activities that focus on facilitating ef-
2012 Oldroyd and Morris 409

ficient searches rather than greedy ones will and apply the star’s knowledge in a comprehen-
dramatically reduce the search burden falling sive and readily digestible format (Morris &
on stars. Oldroyd, 2009). In addition, information systems
However, these efforts are likely to be partic- can work to eliminate fluctuations in the infor-
ularly challenging, since the employees en- mation flow. For instance, companies can de-
gaged in greedy searches are likely to find such crease information overload (e.g., Snell, Youndt,
searches personally efficient (Adamic, Lukose, & Wright, 1996) with the use of specific processes
Puniyani, & Huberman, 2001). Moreover, in affil- and systems consisting of set routines or guide-
iatory networks indiscriminate searches “natu- lines about how information should be received
rally gravitate towards the high degree nodes” and disseminated (Hall, 1992; Itami, 1987; Subra-
(Adamic et al., 2001: 5). We do not suggest here maniam & Youndt, 2005; Walsh & Ungson, 1991).
that stars should not be involved in employee These templates can aid in overcoming the com-
searches; efficient search does not mean that plexities and strains of processing information.
actors should not engage stars but, rather, that Through information systems and processes,
actors should engage the right stars. Efficient knowledge often becomes decontextualized and
searches may also cause a reduction in the over- articulated in databases and other codified sys-
all network traffic by “intentionally choosing tems; this allows employees to more easily un-
high degree nodes” (Adamic et al., 2001: 5) if derstand which information is helpful in which
these nodes are the right nodes. By increasing contexts. In this regard, technology provides em-
employees’ transactive memory, employers can ployees with an appropriate structural mecha-
increase effective searches, which allows actors nism to receive and share information (Brock-
to access information directly and efficiently bank & Ulrich, 2005; Davenport & Prusak, 1998).
(Wegner, 1986). Developing transactive memory For example, Morris et al. (2009) found that cod-
merely requires knowing what all individuals ifying knowledge and embedding it into exist-
know across the organization. ing operations allows organizations to capture,
Efficient search can also be encouraged by roll out, maintain, promote, and distribute infor-
requiring those searching for information to pay mation to others in the organization. In addition
search costs. For instance, within the World to codifying information, organizations such as
Bank Group, project leaders have reduced stars’ McKinsey and Company have transitioned some
processing burdens by requiring project teams of their star employees to full-time knowledge-
and managers from other offices to pay for stars’ sharing positions. In these positions the star
time. Thus, the “costs” of processing more infor- employees’ incentives for information process-
mation are calculated into the organization and ing and sharing are cleanly aligned with their
into the employee’s work schedule (Morris et roles in the organization (Rasiel & Friga, 2002).
al., 2010). HR leaders can further foster trust and mean-
In addition to promoting efficient search, HR ingful relationships with others within the orga-
professionals may also employ information fil- nization. By doing so they may influence stars’
tering mechanisms and information technolo- ability to effectively process information (Groys-
gies (Bawden, 2001; Edmunds & Morris, 2000), berg & Lee, 2008). Quality social relations with
which can help stars manage their information other stars can actually decrease information
burdens. Grant (1996) has argued that process- overload by altering the cognitive processes of
ing information for applications requires orga- stars. Psychiatrists argue that, aside from indi-
nizational processes and information systems viduals’ actual information processing abilities,
that enable an individual to actually use the feelings of information overload also have a
information coming to him or her. These systems neurological basis (Hallowell, 2011). When stars
codify and simplify information input, capturing work in environments where trust and respect
knowledge in a storage system that both pre- for one another proliferate, the deep centers of
serves the information and shifts the burden of the brain send messages through the pleasure
sharing it from the stars to the information sys- center to the area that assigns resources to the
tems themselves. For example, organizations frontal lobes. Even under extreme forms of infor-
may capture a star’s valuable information in mation overload, this sense of human connec-
brief “lessons learned” or some other sort of tion improves the functioning of top-level exec-
template that allows users to directly access utives (Hallowell, 2005). In contrast, those who
410 Academy of Management Review July

work in physical isolation feel more stress from Increasing the density of a star’s network may
information requests (Hallowell, 2005). As a re- also play a role in managing the side effects of
sult, we propose the following. his or her information flow. For example, schol-
ars suggest that stars who operate in more
Proposition 8: Organizational pro-
closed networks within a given organization, or
cesses and systems (effective search,
in networks where employees are robustly con-
implementing information technolo-
nected to one another rather than just through
gies, specifying information roles, and
the stars or central nodes, will have reduced
fostering trust) will increase a star’s
information burdens. Noting that information
ability to prevent information overload.
quality deteriorates as it moves through only a
few central figures, Baker (1984) argued that
markets with more dense networks, which are
Structural Conditions
similar to random networks in which everyone
Not only do individual and organizational is communicating freely and rapidly, result in
conditions influence the likelihood that a star decreased information burdens for the central
will experience overload, but HR professionals few. This improves organizational information
may also affect the network’s structural proper- sharing on the whole.
ties to help stars manage their information bur- HR professionals may also manage the effects
dens. One method is to provide support staff to of information overload on stars by focusing the
stars within networks; support staff can monitor benefits of the stars’ social capital on status
incoming requests and information solicita- outcomes rather than on information outcomes.
tions, acting as information gatekeepers. Gate- In this respect the quality of a star’s information
keepers make initial diagnoses with respect to processing becomes less important to the suc-
the urgency or utility of the information and then cess of the organization as a whole. For exam-
decide whether the information should be given ple, Groysberg et al.’s (2008) study of star stock
to a star employee (Shumsky & Pinker, 2003). If a analysts demonstrated how star employees lev-
gatekeeper can adequately process and dissem- eraged their status and shared standard stock
inate the information offered or requested, there opinions with all contacts, reducing their need
is no need to send it on to the star. The gate- to share unique and customized information.
keeper can also prioritize information so the star Standardized information may be highly valued
will know which information to address first. by such a network; as a result, status may en-
Gatekeepers further act as quality control mech- able stars to increase their ability to overcome
anisms, ensuring that only valuable information information overload. Hence, we propose the
reaches the star. They can also ensure that po- following.
tentially harmful or misrepresentative informa-
Proposition 9: Shaping network condi-
tion is not presented to the star. As a result,
tions (increasing network filters, net-
network filters may influence the information
work density, and the value of status)
load for stars.
will increase a star’s ability to prevent
Another way to help manage a star’s informa-
information overload.
tion burden is by narrowing the breadth of the
star’s networks. Recent work in information sci-
ence has shown that stars’ ability to manage
information dramatically increases when these
individuals are focused primarily on dense re- A few key theoretical implications have
ciprocal interactions. For instance, Adamic and emerged from our more comprehensive theory of
Adar (2002) found that when employees in an HP information overload and the high levels of so-
lab were encouraged to interact only with peo- cial capital for star employees. First, we devel-
ple known to reciprocate knowledge sharing, a oped a theory that links star employees and
linear, rather than power-law, distribution of in- cognitive constraints, suggesting that informa-
formation flow emerged. By taking this research tion overload is a potential reason why some
into account, HR professionals can help focus stars fall. More specifically, we have argued
the information flow of stars to core, reciprocal that stars are likely to possess exponentially
communications. high levels of social capital, resulting in large
2012 Oldroyd and Morris 411

volumes of information flow. Because they have ability to process information. In addition, HR
exponentially higher volumes than their peers, professionals can emphasize aspects of the
stars are more likely to be overloaded with in- stars’ social capital (such as status) that do not
formation. When stars are in a state of overload, impose a cognitive information processing bur-
their decision quality declines and their ability den. Because the value of status is not con-
to share information grinds to a halt, crippling strained by cognition, stars may be better
the performance of both the stars and the orga- served by leveraging their status than by lever-
nizations in which they are embedded. In other aging their information. Finally, stars may move
words, stars’ abundant social capital may, if not away from managing structural redundancies
carefully managed, cause them to fall. in their network—a point emphasized and in-
Second, even though many studies note the vestigated previously—and begin to manage
high mobility of star employees (e.g., Groysberg, the processes by which they gain information.
2010), few have explored the intrinsic reasons Our theoretical model representing these asso-
why stars leave their organizations. While their ciations is summarized in Figure 6.
high visibility makes stars easy targets of com- Our theory suggests several avenues of future
petitive hiring practices, our theory suggests research. For instance, future work could ex-
that star employees’ turnover may actually be plore how stars’ efforts to build social capital
partially caused by the stars’ desire to avoid may result in different types of social capital,
information overload. In other words, instead of such as social capital that optimizes status or
dealing with information overload, stars may social capital that optimizes knowledge flow.8
opt to become “shooting stars”—joining forces This research could investigate the performance
with competitors. effects of firms that differentiate between situa-
Third, the implications for HR professionals tions in which status or reputation is paramount.
who seek to increase organizational knowledge It could also investigate situations in which in-
sharing may be even more far reaching. For formation processing is more important, seeking
decades, organizations have sought to increase to deleverage the information flow associated
social capital by fostering knowledge, coordina- with their stars’ network position. And it could
tion, collaboration, and information flow (e.g., explore the synergies or trade-offs that exist be-
Davenport & Prusak, 1998; Szulanski, 1996; tween the two types of social capital, along with
Thompson, 1967). The theory we have developed their respective advantages.
here places an important caveat on these efforts, Future research could also examine specific
highlighting how, because of stars’ propensity HR practices that are tied to hiring employees
for overload, HR professionals may be better with greater information processing capacities.
served by focusing on alternative strategies. We In addition, researchers could examine prac-
suggest that these strategies should shift from tices involving training employees to deal more
building links to increasing stars’ information effectively with information overload and to
processing capacity, aligning organizational structure work practices so as to reduce infor-
processes and systems to manage stars’ infor- mation burdens for star employees. In this arti-
mation processing burdens, using technological
and human gatekeepers to guard stars’ time and
attention, and shaping information networks to 8
Prior research has identified an additional limitation to
ease stars’ responsibilities. These actions may social networks—namely, the information redundancy that
more effectively facilitate information flow in is primarily due to structural constraints. Specifically, actors
the organizations. Moreover, we suggest a refo- who receive redundant information will yield less value
from their social capital than actors who have more unique
cusing of managerial attention on stars, who are
information flows (Burt, 1997; Granovetter, 1995; Uzzi, 1997).
the key sources of information in organizations. However, since stars’ performance is primarily viewed as
Without them, whole organizational knowledge the ability to utilize knowledge (rather than control knowl-
sharing will likely fail. edge), and since stars reside in the center (rather than the
Fourth, our theory suggests that individual junction) of networks (Berman, Down, & Hill, 2002; Groysberg
et al., 2008), we believe that this type of structural constraint
stars may benefit by preserving the value of
is less central to our discussion of stars and how they main-
robust social capital. Efforts to increase long- tain their information advantage. Still, while information
term memory in the form of schemas, experi- overload differs from our structural constraints, they may
ence, and other strategies can increase stars’ both affect a given star, leading to a type of dual constraint.
412 Academy of Management Review July

Theoretical Model

The upward spiral

+ + Individual

Affiliatory Information
Star employee
social capital Turnover

+ performance

Individual Network
processes and
capabilities properties

HR management tactics

cle we have discussed general strategies that HR practices and explanations of how they re-
organizations can take to help employees man- late to stars’ ability to deal with uncommonly
age information overload. We also suggest that elevated levels of social capital.
some stars may be better suited than others to Further research may also address how the
deal with exponentially high levels of social theory we have delineated can, at the outset,
capital. Future measures could examine the ex- differentiate star employees from their average
tent to which individuals possess specific capa- colleagues (e.g., Hausknecht et al., 2009). Social
bilities that allow them to deal with high levels network analyses could be conducted on entire
of information flow. employee populations across multiple organiza-
Empirical research may help us understand tions; these analyses could measure the extent
specific HR practices and systems that manag- to which star employees are interconnected. Fu-
ers can incorporate to reduce the information ture network analyses could also consider ex-
burden or increase the information processing amining stars’ level of information inflow and
capacity of star employees. For example, Dess outflow. Psychological measures could then be
and Shaw (2001) originally proposed a theoreti- used to examine the star employees’ feelings of
cal link between turnover, social capital, and being overwhelmed. This can be a difficult task,
organizational performance. Shaw and col- since much of the research on work overload
leagues (2005) later tested and extended that and “time famine” is qualitative (e.g., Berg,
theory by examining social capital on the turn- Grant, & Johnson, 2010; Perlow, 1999). For re-
over-performance relationship among thirty- searchers to understand the network and orga-
eight restaurant chains. In a similar vein, this nizational factors involved, future studies
research could be extended to include specific should span organizations to ensure a sample
2012 Oldroyd and Morris 413

variance. Then performance measurements CONCLUSION

could consider both individual and group per-
In sum, this article contributes to existing dis-
formance appraisals and turnover.
cussions of star employees and how organiza-
Finally, it would be interesting to explore how
tions manage them by drawing on the social
the incessant overload of stars impacts various
capital, information processing, and HR man-
aspects of their performance. Does overload
agement literature. We identify a unique theo-
cause a decrease generally across all aspects of
retical link between stars, affiliatory network
performance, or does it limit only certain kinds effects, and information overload, calling atten-
of performance? We posit that status will likely tion to practices that might result in a subse-
be unaffected by overload, but these differences quent decline in the job performance of star em-
could be fruitfully examined in future empirical ployees. Exploring these unique associations,
research. we present a new understanding of how the
This article has several important limitations information processing constraints of stars may
and boundary conditions. First, we have focused influence information flow and the stars’
on the effects of robust social capital involving performance.
an “average” star employee. However, impor- We also refocus scholarly attention from star
tant differences likely exist in the characteris- employees’ structural advantages to the poten-
tics of star employees, particularly regarding tially burdensome cognitive constraints of so-
their ability to manage information flow. While cial capital, which underscores the situational
we have addressed such differences when dis- mechanism of information flow for star employ-
cussing the management of stars and informa- ees. In so doing we attempt to develop a
tion overload, other factors may be beneficial to midlevel theory by using an internal analysis of
the star but harmful to the organization. For system behavior (Coleman, 1990). We explore
instance, some stars may be highly narcissistic how key HR strategies targeted at the individ-
and unwilling to share information. As a result, ual, organizational, and network structure-wide
these employees may act as information black levels may determine whether stars experience
holes, into which vast information is poured overload within and across organizations. Be-
with nothing passed on to colleagues. In these cause of the curvilinear relationship between
cases the information burden that the star em- information overload and performance, stars
ployee bears is reduced only by reducing the must carefully manage the information flow re-
incoming information processed. In cases such sulting from their social capital, rather than
as this, it is possible to alleviate the side effects merely focus on increasing their social capital.
of social capital while heightening the negative Thus, the development of this new theory of in-
effects on the organization. Future research formation overload for stars highlights the im-
could expound upon this important nexus be- plicit tension between the stars’ preferred social
tween social capital, information overload, and structures—the ones that grant information re-
actor motivation. sources—and their ability to utilize these re-
Similarly, some stars may manage excessive sources for individual and organizational
levels of information flow by simply ignoring benefit.
them. This loss of information may not be due to
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James B. Oldroyd ( is an assistant professor of management

and human resources at the Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University. He
earned his Ph.D. at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. His
research focuses on the performance effects of social capital in international organi-
zations, including some of the darker sides of social capital, such as information
overload, brokering negative affect, and social sanctions.

Shad S. Morris ( is an assistant professor of management and

human resources at the Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University. He
earned his Ph.D. at Cornell University. He conducts research in the area of strategic
human resource management, particularly focusing on how international organiza-
tions create value through human and social capital.

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