Essay::Ships Are Safe in Harbour But That Is

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Every object, person, being has a role in this life . To discover ourselves, to discover
what we must do, we must rise. People are born to overcome storms, waves just like
ships. You always have to risk, but you have to risk beautiful. We always have to go
through beautiful life. We have to risk every day and every risk counts, to do
something new, to eat a meal we have not tried, to fly by plane, to jump with
parachute, to get out of the comfort zone. May be small things ,but it win the fear
Safety is nice, but when you are completely safe, you really can’t do much. To do
things, you have to leave at least some of your safety behind and take risks. While
prudence has a prominent role in balancing safety and risk, what you have in the
absence of risk is hardly much of a life.
Getting out of your comfort zone is key to experiencing new things, broadening your
horizons, and taking the risks that help us grow as people—to either achieve our
goals and do the things we’ve always wanted to go, or at least say we tried to get
there, even if we fell short. That it’s better to get out and do the things you want to
do, or the things you need to do, than to sit and rot and do nothing. Even if you fail,
at least you’ll have tried, and at least you’ll have done something and learned
something extraordinary in the process.
In the end, only you can decide if the risk is worth it, but if all you ever do is hide in
your fortress, you probably aren’t going to enjoy life as much as you would if you
were out there living it.

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