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\ lr{l

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It[t[r ,l
Republic of the philippines
Depanm ent of Transportari on


East Avenue. Diliman. s
euezon Ciry hrcrr:*rga



Central and RFRO Nos. L-L2, NCR
including DOTr-CAR & CARAGA
Subject Department Order No. ZOlg-OO4
Re: Rules and Regulations Governing
Contract of Serrrice lJob Order (COS/;O; Workers
Date 14 March 2OI9

we are furnishing you with Department order No. 2org-oo4 dated

11 February 2ol9 relative to the Ru/es and. Regulations Gouernirtj Contract
of seruice/Job (cos/Jo) lWorkers, for you-r information, guidance

Chief, Administrative Division

Direcr Line: 4?6-2515 : 426_2534

Fax No- : 426-?185 : 416-250 r . 4?(:t-?5 r 9 : {)2r -?zg l
Republic of the philippines

CFFICi: 0F THE, ClJ,/rl[{ht.a'\

DEPARTMENT ORDER NO, a.olq _ ccf.{
rr: .. .CM fiyr., J;tL: X
f,'ATE:..,, r i r. ... r l-,5. . .-\,1"{.':1. .






DATE 11 Februa ry Z0 1 9


Tl:e tieed to auglllellt the Departnreilt of

Transportation,s n.]anpo\^,er by v,,ay
of outsourcing personnel servjces in the exigencl, j6
proliferation of individual Job the service has led to t6e
Departtlent. Conseque:itly, this 'rder
(Jo) ana cintr-act of Seryice
ineriitable"situatio, i,., gir., rise to t)re
tcosl j, the
issuesr [al a ]acl< of social protectiorr for folloiving
the i,,,or]ier.s an,l-ileqr,rjinr ili.Senef)ts,
[bl obscure accountabiljty of ]o/cos r,-orlir"rs due to Iacli of enrplover-e,rplo,ee
relatior:ship rt'ith the hiring agency,
Itt order to irddress ti:e abor:en:enticneci issues,
the civil Ser.vjce
[csc]' conittrission of Audit tc,Al a,d Departnre,t'oi euag"t a,d coi:rnrissjor.r
IDBIU] issued csc-coA-DBM Joi,i circurar No. 1, s. 20L7
establishing the guideiiries in trre avairrnent
dated 1s June 2017
of coS and Joservice.s.

sttbseqttettt to the consultatiotrs n,ith stakehoJclers

and in order rlot to inrpair
the delivery of public service, the CSC, COA, DBI\.I
amended said Joilt Cjrcular rrith
the jssuance of GSC-COA-DBIUA Joint circular No.
1, s. 201g dated 09 Novenrlrer
2018 as an interinr nteasure.

Pursuatit to
Joirrt circu)ars, the errgagen:errt and rener,,,ai of
l0i COS persoirnel shallbe governed by rhe fo)lott,ing '

a' Got'erntltel:t ageilcies sltall review tlieir

f-rllctiorls, systems aird procedures,
organizationai structure and staffing to determjnu
compiement for their respe iti'e prog-ams/a
lh. .pp.op.,-.r* irrrrr,,
'esource cti'iti Ls7pl.ol..,r.,
b' Services of individuals engaged through
shalj be uaid sara.y/,^'rgu iqiri'are:rt
c-rf sen;ice a,d job orde:.s
tJ tire, ,.r-,r,/r,,,age cf conrparabie
Ii,.=Ii: I I '4 of Sei'ritrn '1.0 of cSC-COA-DBl,.1 Joir:i Cir.cular
Nc.r. J. s. -?0 17. as ar:iendeci in l0l E

DOTr Conrpounc
,l.po Ccurt, pinatubc cor. Serge TR U r.j iiLiN E: 7g0_s3COl'Zgo_E+cro
Osmefra Str_eets
:C09 CJarl: Freepor-t Zcne, F,anrpe!tS:a., philippines IIC,TC p,CTtCl\r CEi{TER HCTLIN
E: 7S9O
\,.,'y',, 14,. d Ctr. g Crr. p h
positions in the government anci a premiurn of up
to Z0o/o of such
/wage effective 01 January ZAl,g The premium rnay be paid monthly,
inl sum or in tranches [i.e, .mid-year and year-end paym€nts
AS may be
stated agreement or contract with the agenqF. The payment)
of services
shall be charged against the Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses in
the approved agency budget.z

c' Agencies may engage the services of new contract

of seryice and Job ,rder
r'vorkers through individual contract and renew
existing individual contracts
until 31 December 2020. Thereafter, the engagement of contract
of Service
and Job order workers shall be in accordan.u *iti,
the provisions of Joint
Circular No. 1, s, Z\Ll.3

Hence, this order is hereby,issued establishing

the interim guidelines for the
engagement and ren_ewar of c0s/]o personnel ,rt
process of fully complying with the provisions
it. the DepJrtm; ; in the
of cSC-coA-DBIu Joint circular No. L,
s.2AL7, as amended.


Allpersonnel hired through Jo and cos in the Dorr-central

Management Offices/ project Implementation office, its project
Units, MRT_3, CAR and CARAGA
offices, sectorar offices and Attached Agencies
incruding their rlg:onar


a' contract of service refers to the engagement of the

services of an individual,
private firm, other government agency, non-governmentar
jnternationar organization as agency or
.onrrrtt^ni, tearriing service provider or
technical experr to undertake speciar project
o.;ou-#trrin , ,p".in. p..ira
b' |ob order refers to piece nrork or intermlttent job which may generary
entail performance of support functions to maintain
operations of the agency and may require the
the day_to_day
delivery of special services not
available in the agency, rhe woik is io be
accomplished under the ra,,or*er,s
o\^rn responsibility and with minimum supervision
b,rr the hiring rg.r.y rra
will be paid on a daily or hourly basis.

Job order shalr rikewise refer to other intermittent

work and emergency jobs
such as clearing of debris on the road.s,
canals, waten^/ays, etc. after
natural/man-made disasters/ occurrences and
other manual/ tqades and
crafts serwices such as carpenters, prurnbing
erectrical anJthe rite. r

Itern I 1 .5 cf Section 4.0 of CSC-COA-DBIVI
Joint circurar No. 1 , s. 20 r 7, as arnended
'item I l-l of Section 4'0 of cSC-coa-oghi ioint circular in 20 I g
N". i, ,'.1oll,as arrrended in 20rg

D'O' re' R'ules and Regulations Governing

cos/tro !t/orkers Page 2 of LO

A. Nature of Relationship
l'here shali exist
beh{ec.n tJie
hiring agency-and the person tr:iea. rillurron engaged perforr,s or
acconrplishes the specific vvork or job under
ti. p"rror,s oil,n responsibiJiqu
and rvith nt supen ision by the hiring rg"

B. Classification of |O/COS personnel

For purposes of standardizing the distinction beflveen

J0 ancl cos
i-rersonnel based on their Jevel of relerrant erperience and degree
of tecirnical
expertlse, CS-C-conrparable positions u,jth ril.,-, grades
be1oyi 1g shall be
identified as Jo. 0rl the other hand, positions n ith
salar), grades 1B and above
shall be classified as c0s; providecl, that the hlghest
judjcated in tl:e staffing plan cos position that nray be
and organizationfl structure is project 1,,lariager
I for project lnanagenrent offices geltOsl or SalarS, GracJe ZS
for support
serrrice offices.

In the case of cOS persortnei, the head or supenrisor gf

unit the end-user
shaJJdeterlttine t]:e ntode of nronitoring of hort, sen,ices
shall Ire
'endered [i,e., tinre-based or ouq]ut-hasedJ prior ro the star.t of the
engagemer:t, taking i:rto consideratio:r the
natuie of r,,,ork tn tre,.,r*a.
such selected ntode of nionitoring nray no longer
be changed uniii-ti.,.'"ra or
the given contract period.

For JO.p.ers.onnel, colllpensation in tire deliver-v ,:f

sen;ices shail be on
an hourly or dairy basis a,d supported by an acco,prish,r.,.nr.upoijr.

C. General provisions ofthe Contract

The follorrying prv6vj-q;ons ]rust be stipulated in

the contracts of bot,
JO or COSpersonnel:

1. That tjre sen,ice cannot be perfornled by a regurar

]lecessarT in the exlgency of the ser-r,ices; i:ersonneJ, ur:ress

2. That there erists no er:rpiolzer-enrprleyee reiationship

befrt,eel tl:e
hiring agency and the persor_l liired;

3' That the persol] to be hjred possesses the education,

experieuce, and
skills or expertise required to the job;

+. That the person to be hired is of good nrorai

been previousry di-snrissed from the ser'ice by and has not
reason of an

5' That the person to l:re hlreci shall perfoun functions

of a specific
positio:r for a specific per-icd of tilie tt
be indjcated jr: thecontrarct;

D.O. re. Rules and Regulations Governing

COS/JO \{rorkers page 3 of 10

6' That the person to be hired shall not be made

to serve in the Bids and
Awards comminee (BACI or in any commifiee
capacity and shall not be entitled / bady in any
to honoraria in rela6on,fr#r",

7 " That the person to be hired is not entitled to

benefits enjoyed by the
government employees such as PERA, ACA,
RATA ana oinur Uenent,
such as mid-year bonus, productivity incentive,
thirteen *orif,-pry,
christmas bonus and cash gifu pursuant to
isc, ogt,t and coA rures
and regulations on the matter;

8' That the person to be hired may be allowed to rravel

Iocally if such
traver is-required in the performan ce and/
or compretion of official
duties fsuch as conducting site visits and/ or stakehorder
consurtations, or attending/ facilitating
meetings r,rdth rerevant
agencies,institutions or parties, or attending to
any matter, as may be
required by the Department or as may be n"..rr.ryj
in the contract Foreign travers, however, shal
not be alrowed;
9' That the person to be hired nray be allowed
reimbursernents, such as
per diem, air fare, and terminai fee rrrrhen
]ocal travet is necessaiy in
the performance and/ or compretion or om.i"i;H;,
accounting and auditing rules and regulations;
,rbft a
10' That the person to be hired shall not be entitled
to both local and
foreign training programs, seminars, conferences
and other simirar
gatherings that are faciritated, conducted
and/o*ponrorua uv'arr"
Department a.nd its agencies;

11' That the services to be rendered shall not be credited as government

service and that the JOs/COS are not covered
by the Civil Service lar,,r
and rures but covered by the commission on
regulationsa; and \ Audit tcoA) *i", ,ra
12. That the hiring agency reserves- the right to subject
any and ail
]o/cos personnel to undergo random ar.[ t"sito ensure their firness
to the

D. SpeciEc Frovisions of the Contl.act

In addition foregoing provisions,

specifically stipulatedig +"
in the contricts ofeither trr.
the folrcrting must be
;o o, cos perso,ner;
1. ForlO personnel
a' That the personner shail strictly observe the
prevaiiing core
,iiorking hours and shail render fuil-time
service in accordanl
lletn 7 '4 of section 7'0 of GSC-COA-DBM Joint
Circular No. I, s. 2ol7 datedl5 .lune 2017

D'C' re' Rules and Regulations Go'erning

COS/lo Worker-s
Page 4 of iA
vvith ti:e appJicable \\;orlnt,eek sclrenles of the respectirre
offi ce
artd, if requireci, nla\/ render sen,ice on d 2),s o fi Satu l^d ays,
Sundays and holicial,5, subject to the ror,1l of the supervi.sjng

2. For COS personnel

a. That the nronitoring of the deljvery of servjces b), the persor:rrei

ntay either be tinre-based6 or output-based as deiernriped
by the
head or supervisor cf tlre end-user uni! taking into consjd"rrtj.,,.,
the nature of n'ork to be performed;

b. TJrat the personnel r:ray engage in other business activitjes

proirided that there is no confljct cf jnterest rt,ith hi.s/her
engagement to tJ:e hirirrg agency. Nothing in the agreernent
be deerrled or intet'preted to constitute th6 personn"l ,, partner,
agellt or enrplo_vee of the Departntent.

E. Compensation and Funding

1' se^'ices of engaged through contract of se^rice and job
orders shall.individuals
be paid saJary f trage ecluivalent to the preyailing ciajI,,,
salary/r'r'age of conrparable positions in governnrent for"
trre gi'e,
perio d.7

?' Jos/coS persoirnel shall also be paid a premiurlr of up to zao/oi) of sucl

salary/r{age on a nlonthiy basis subject to tlre provisiotrs of part
V of th;s

3' Paylttent for sen'ices rendereci by these persotri:el sl:all be chargeci

agaittst the engineering and administratirre overhead cost of
n]anagelllent of a particular infrastructure project and/or fronr
sources to rtrhich these personnel are assigned, pursuant to the
Prorrisioll of the DoTr Budget as enrbodjed in the General Appropriations
Act [G;t_A].

+' Earntarking of funds for requested l0/C0S positions based on tlie

plan and submitted organizational structure of the office/project
aFlJro\red bir tire Ir'lanagement Divisiotr or its equivalent ofhce'shajl
secured at tire start of the caleudar- ],ear prjor to ihe hiring or renert,al
l0/COS tersonne!

For DC)Tr-CO. full-Cnre serlice is for 10 hour.s per dai,
fol)ou,ir:g ihe for.:r_dav,,t orjiu,eek
'' For Doir-CO' tirne-based cos personnel shall render a fuil-rj:re
I0-hour sen ice fol) the four-
dar r.o;-Ili'eek scl:eure anri- if reguired. nra1, jnc jude. da-r5 pg-
'lrern 1i.5
S"*j"] i- Sun,Ja1.s an,C holidal.s.
t-rf Seclion il r-rfcSC-coA-DBN.rCircurarNo. r.s.:oisoat.,:9Nor,enrberr0ls

D'O, re. Rules and Regulations Governf ng COS/IO

\{ior.kel.s Page 5 of 10
F. Renewal and Termination of tob order/conEact of service

1' The Jo/coS contract may be renewed for a period

of six (6) months but not
toexceed the carendar year depending on thi nature,
the required deliverables.
."t*f oifu,;"* ;";

2. In cases of renewar. of-]o/cos personner, the end-user unit shail

request for rener^ral of its existing submit a
lo/cos personner to the office of the
undersecretary for Administrative'sen ice or its
personners performance rating of at least very "qrirrt.nt
office/unir The
satisfactory [vSJ for the jast
rating period as reflected in the Individual Perf:ormance
commitment Revievv
0PCRj form pursuant to the Strategic performance Ivlanagement
ISPMSJ shall be attached to support the recommendation for renewal.

3' The Jo or CoS may be terminated at any time withil the contract duratio,
the following grounds: on

[aJ Lack of tund;

P] Completion or prolonged suspension of projects;
(cl Failure to deliver the outputs and deliverables within rhe
specified period as required in the contract (for
cos personnel
tdl Failure to perform any other obrigations under
the contracc
[eJ Gross misconduc!
(0 Engaging in unlawfui deeds aird misbehaviors
before or during
the implementation of the contract;
tgl Any violation of the terms of the
IO/COS contract; and
thl Any instance of findirrg of prorribited drug use and/or
vioration of
the provisions of the drug-free wori<place policy.

1. upon the termination of the contract, the lo/cos personnel

automaticary turn over ail assignnrentsTr.iountabilitiur, shall
documents/records in his/her custody-to the omceTunit ^ri1io,
concerned as a
requirement for the release of the last salary.



A. Far New Hires

The following shall be observed in the hiring of personnel under the

l0/COS scherne:

1. The concerned office/unit shail submit a request to hire Jo/coS

personnel to the 0ffice of the Undersecretary
of Administrative i.r.ri.. o.
its equivalent office' The submission must specify
the recommended cSC-
comparable position for the applicant which
must be included in the
organizationar structure of the end-user office/unit.

In the case of coS personnel, said request shail specify

the rnanner in
'ruhich the derivery of services shail be monitored tirre_br;.;d),

D.0. re. Rules and Regulauon-s Governing COS/JO

lirorkers page 6 of 10
ourirut-basedJ and r):e lustificarion behind tI:e selecte,l niode ,:tf
onitorin g,

Th e requ esti ng office/unit nrust ariach the foll ot,,rittg docum entar',2
]-equjrernents in support of tlie reguest:

a. Appjicant's credentials

L. Resume ol Curriculunr Vitae,

?. 0ri$r:al or certjfieci true col_ri,of Tr-ansct^ipt 6f Records or
3. 0rigina] or certjfied true copy of cert!ficates of Epplorrlrent
previous enlplovers [if applicableJ,
4. certificates of Training conrpretio, appricab)e). and
5' 0riginal o' certified true copy cr i,atia ricense to practice
profession (if applicab)eJ;

i:r. Organizationai Structure;r

? staffing Patrern reflecting coniparabre prantrila positions;r0
d. Specific ftrnctjons and duijes to be perfor.tred;r2 a).ld
e' 6opl of appror,'ed earnrarking ior the office concen:ed i, trre
applicable cale:rdar vear.

2 T)re to hire sJrali be transr::itted to the persc,nr:el

Divisio;r or its
equirzalent office fbr er;aluation of the applicant,s
qrrLin.riions relati'e ro
the reconrmended position.

C it h, t'eq p eStS jtil colllplete elld authentic

cr-ede,tiaJs a,d f ot'
d o culll ell ts sh all b e
lr ro CeSSe d fr: r e\; a ju a tio p. If or-iginal copies cannot
subniilted due to certa in Ii r:r ita tio i1s, restrictions
ol- statutory
l'equirenr ents, appli cailts lti352 suilllit ph otocopies
of sa j d creCentials
Lb€- sa_u:r.

The Personnei Divisjo:r sjrali be responsjb-le in ensuring

the auti")ertjciq,
a,d credibilir,v of the credentials subnrifted by the appticlant.

3 The Personrrel Division shar] prepare the se^;ice

contracts of applica,ts
found to ha'e nret the qualificati-on requirer,ents and
endorse the same
aiong u'ith the necessary supporting docunrei:ts
to the office of the
unciersecretary for Aciministratii,e Si^,ice or its
uqri.r.ient office for

l'{eanrvhile, credet:tials and other supporting

docunrents of those fou,d
llot to be quaJified to the recomrrended posliion
s]:all be reflrrned to tjre
requesting office ivithout furtj:er action. i
,,T;:':::::-t:'-ltll-t::tt to ideltif ilre presenr arirJ ideel nrii:iber of posirions
j nls requll-e,nenl sen'es in a 1-.3111qu1.r c-rfiice.
to establish the delineation and YerL<u'r,ri
deJegation litasrs
oiEce ro -iu-s6q, tlie need for adriitionat ,,unpoin,.i. --- -"s L'r and fri::ctions r.r.iiJrin rl:e

D'o' I'e' Rules and Regulations Governing CoS/lO

\trorkers Page 7 c,f L0
4. AII nevu hires shall receive an additional premiunr of
approved salary/wage,
1_0% of their

5' upon approval, the contract shall then be ffansmitted

to the requesting
office/unit for execution. onry when the contract
appointing authority can the ]0/cos personnel report
is signed by the
assume the position.
for work and

6' A copy of the duly signed and notarized contract

shall be furnished to the
Personnel Division for records purposes.

B. For Renewal
1 The end-user office/unit shail submit a request for
renev,,al of their
9x]stins ]o/cos personnel to the Office of the undersecretary for
Administrative service or its equivalent office for approval,
which shall
be suppofted by t1l a dury-accornprished Individuar performance
commitment Review [ipcR) form for thl-rast rating purioa
and (zJ , *ot
of the approved earmarking for the office .onc"inud in
,rru applicable
calendar year.

fle approved request for renevval shall be transmitted to the personnel
Division or its equivalent office for request for contract preparation.
setting of premiums shall be based on the performance
of personnel as
reflected in the submitted IpcR form as incentive for
outstanding or
exemplary service,

The schenre for dete_rrnining trie percentage of premiurn per

personnel shall Jo/cos
be as follows:


20o/o 4,8 to 5.0
1,50/o 4.5 ta 4.7
lAo/o 4,0 to 4.4

3' upon determination of 'he appropriate premium incentive per personnel,

the Personnel Division shall prepare the service contract and transmit
the end-user office/unit for execution.

4' A copy of the duJy signed and notarized contract shall be furnished
to the
Personnel Division for records purposes.



a In accordance with Article IV, subparagraph B of this, the

remuneration of their serwices shall be based on the agreed compensation
beha;ee, the perso,ner concerned and the ,ra
D'O. re. Rules and Regulatrons Governing COS/IO lVorkers
Page B of 10
author-jt,es, as \r,rejl as trre established i:rode in rtfijch tr:e deJiver-y
of se^rices
shall be nronitored [i.e., tirne-based or output_based).

e j0 ajld rir:re-based c0s iler-sonnel shailr"e il o rt to rt,ork on tlie

\\iork hours in order to perform the as sigred tasks effi ci ilrescrjbed
en tilz 3 x 6 effectiv e 1,v*
and shali be based oi-r du Iy rpproved Dajlt, Tjlle Record
(DTRJ, ro gether rt'ith
th e subn: itted Accorr: pli shllent Report, to
supp ot't the cJaim for pa)rnr ent cf
serrrices, Atry absen ces, tardiness and under ti ]l'le
incurred shall be deducteci
against the salary based on ti:e nunrber o f \(io rkin
g d a1,57h ou rs a s ir e r
schedule agt'eed upojl.

c. on the other hand, the output-irased c0s personner shail subr:.: jt

Accomplishment Repor! together nith Certificaies of
Seryices Rendered and
Actuai Deliverab-les u'ith proofs crf accor:rplishn:ent as
afiaclinrents, and a
copy of certified true copy of contract ftr e'ery nronth
of salary being
clain:ed for paytnent. Except for the contract, all docun:ents
shall be certified
correct by the contracting Party or the Llndersecretary/Assistant
r,r'here the personnel reports.

d. The Corrrptrollership Service, the Fjnance Ir,!anagerrierrt Servjce, or t6eir

equirzalent offices, and the signatories of the Disbui-senlent
voucher and the
I\40RS shaJl process payment of renruneratjorr
of the ]o/cos pu,"ronr.i-upo,
receipt of all docun.tentary requirenrents.

e.'l"he i'e,rune'ation shail then rre uproadeti to the jo/c0S persorr,e|s

respectirze Land Bank of tr:e phirippi,es
ILBp) accou]rts.


L{ There shall be no other agreentenls c.r u-ncjerstanding
Lreflr,een the parties
relating to other* nratters e-\cept rho-se stipulat?d
in tne contract. No
change or r:rodification in the coritrait shail Lre i,alicl
u:rJess the sa:ne !s in
rn,riting and signed by the parties.


L{r No lo/cos personnel sl:arl report for vr,ork and assunre their
u'itliout an approved and duly executed contract In such cases,
the head or
sup'reryi561 of tire end-user u'it shalr be persor:alry lialrre for the pa1,r:er:t
r,',agelsaiarV on the dates not covered b), the ci

b cos/]O *'orkers and otrrer non-career perso::nel (contractuajs,

arrd others irclciing non-career positionij shall
notLe ciesignated or allort_ed
to exercise contror or superrrision o'er regu)ar
and ca:-eer personner,rs
C, The follo\rillg shall be prol:ibiteci fronr bei:rg issued
J0 or C OS: I

'' l'terir 7.3 r.f Secijon 7.0 u.f CSC-COA -DB\1

.Tcii;t (lirculr.l. No- I. s. :017 d.--rted l5 ir:ile
f Ail

D,o, re. Rule.s and Regulations Governing

cos/lo \trorker.s Page 9 of 10
the service due to

?. Those who are covered under the rules of nepotism;

3' Those who are hired to perform functions pertaining

to vacant regurar
plantilla positions or those functions r,,rhich are decl-ared
redundant or
no longer rerevant under an approved rationarization/reorganization

4, Those who have reached the compulsory retirement

age of sixty_five
(65J years fapplies only to the
]ob Order plrsonnelJ; and
5. Those nzho have been found to have used prohibited
drugs and/or have
violated RA 916s fcomprehensive Dangeious Drugs act
or z0oz), csc
Resolution No. 1700653, csc MC No. LZ, s.20.J.7, ,nl
D.p"rtment 0rder
No. 2016-021 [Drug-Free Workplace program).


AII previous issuances that are inconsistent herevuith are hereby repealed,
superseded, or amended accordingiy.


This order shail remain effective until 31, December z}za in

accordance \4iith csc-
coA-DBM ]oint circular No. 1, s. 201g dated 09 Novernber


wf ll ffi ilit illtil ilil] ilIil iltil Iilil til

D-O. re. Flutres and Regulations Gorrerning COS/IO trt'orkers

Page 10 of 10

is 0009 4e J
,fu ct&t


l{cvenfier 9, 2018


aoveRxuEnr AGENGTES (NGAs), oovicNluiEr,ii-owNro
oR coNTRoLLED coRpoRATIoNs (Goccs) wrH oRtctNAL

SUBJrbr Amendment to the csccoA-DBM Joint circurar No. i, s.2017

1.A Background

The civil service commission_(lscy, commission cn Auciit (coA)

and Departmerrt
Management issued csc-coA-DeM )oint bircurar r.r". r, ,.
:l.Bjgg:t.and_ ee[dl
2017 (JC No. 1, s. 2017) on 15 June ZO1Z)

Since the issuance of JC No. 1, s. 2o17, the csc. coA and

DBI,,I received
numerous queries regarding its various agencies.

As a result of consultations urith stakeholders and in order not to

impair the delivery
?f lu!l: j:*ice,.the csc, coA and DBM are amending cei-tain proi,isions of JC No.
t. s. zu'i / as an tntenm measure.

2,0 Section 11.0 is hereby arnended to i-ead as follorts:

"11-0 Transitory Provisions

11.1 Agencies may engage fl:e seruices cf rtew contract
of sertice end
Job order woykerg through individuat contract end renev,"xi_*i,ng
individuar contracts untir December 31, z0zo. Thereafter,
engagement of Contract of Service and Job Order i+,orkers
shalt' be in
accordance with the provisions af JC i,io. 1, s. 2017.

11 2 The inst'tuiionar conL,act to be entered by govemnent agencies

with a contractor or service proicier shaulnto
inclu'de'a prcvision which *,jit
sfafe ihaf the existing quaiified coS or Lo vioi:ers
engaged by the
agencies may be consije,,ed in the hinng by the
contractor orsen,rce

11.3 The existing quarified cos and Jo'torkers

shatt be considered for
appoini.ment by the govemment agencies to tieir vacant posrfions
subject to exisfing citir senice t'aw ano *-lei
approved hleit Selecijon plan.
ana agency csc_

Rui:s anc Rsgulaiic;'rs 3rrveming ccntiai af ssi;,ics allc Jcb C;:ei \r/cii:es in t,i; G;i,e;,nre nt
Amencment to the CScCoA-DBht Joint Circular lto. 1, s. z0t7
p.2 of 2

11.4 -Government agencies shall review_Jheir tunctions, sysfems ar?d

procedure.s, organizational structure and staffing to detennine
appropiate human resource compleient for their
p ro gra m s/a cti v itie s/p roj e cts.

The creation qermlnent positnns may be considered for regurar

9t the hiring
vfile of casug_{ ar contrcctual petrsonnel niy ae
considered for prcjects and actiuities that arc temporary in
subject to evaluation of the DBWGovemance comm'issioi for Goccs
(GCG) and to existing budgeting and accounting rules ind
11.5 servrbes of individu.als engaged through contract of seruice and job
orders shail be paid salaryrwage equivatent to the daily satary/wagi
comparabre posifibns in govemment and a premium'or up
io 2o-% o,t
such sarary/v,rage effective January 1, zotti. The premium p"yi"nt
may be paid monthry, in tump sum or in tranches-'(i.e. mid-year
ye-y-e,nd payments) as may be stated in the agreement
or contract
wjth the agency- The payment af seruice.s saal ie cnargeo
the Maintenance and other operating F:rpenses n ne approveo
agency budget.

11.6 Payment of services of persons or entities engaged through

Act No. 9lo4 shail be subject to the provisiori ir i, ,rii
taw ind ifs
implementing rules and re ulations-"
3.0 Effectivity

This Joint Circular shall take effect after fifteen (15) days
from its publication in a
newspaper of general circulation.

Chairperson Chairperson
Civil Service Cornmission Commission on Audit

Department of Budget and Management


l$ E


Ibvember 9, 2018

covERNmefir AGENctEs (NGAs), eovERNnieur-owneo

Amendment to the GSGCOA-DBM Joint Circular No. {, s. 2012

1.0 Background

The Civil Service Commission (CSC), Gommission on Audit (COA) and Department
of Budget and Management (DBM) issued CSC-COA'DBM Joint Circular No. 1, s.
2017 (JC No. 1, s. 2017) on 15 June 2017.1

Since the issuance of JC No. 1, s. 2017, the CSC, COA and DBM received
numerous queries regarding its implementation by various agencies.

As a result of consultations with stakeholders and in order not to impair the delivery
of public service, the CSC, COA and DBM are amending certain provisions of JC No,
1, s.2017 as an interim measure.

2.0 Section 11,0 is hereby amended to read as follows:

"1 7.0 Transitory Provlslons

11.1 Agencies may engage the seruices of new Contmct of Seruice and
Job Order workers through iNividual contract and rcnew exisfing
individual contracts until Deoember 31, 2020. Thercafter, the
engagement of Contrcct of Seruice and Job Order workers shall be in
accordance with the prowsirns of JC No- 7, s. 2017.

11.2 The institufional eontracl to be entered into by govemment agencies

with a contnctor or service prcvider shall include a provision which will
state that the existing gualifted COS or JO workers engaged by the
agencies may be considerad in the hiing by the contractor or seruice

11 .3 The existing qualified COS and JO workers shatl be considered for

appointment by the govemment agencies to their vacant poslfions
subject to existing Civil Seruice Law and rules and agency CSC-
approved Meit Selection Plan.

1 Rules and Regulations Goveming Contract of Servlce and Job Order Workers in the Government.
Amendment to ffie CSGCOA-DBM Joint Citcular No. 1, s. ffi17
p.2 of 2
x ffire-x

11.4 Government agencies shall review their functions, sysfems and

procedurcs, organizational structure and staffing to determine the
apprcpriate human resoutu;e complement for their
p rog ra m s/a ctiv itie s/ proje cts.

The creation of permanent positions may be considered for rcgular

funetions, while the hiing of casual or contructual personnel may be
considered for projects and activities that arc temporary in nature,
subject to evaluation of the DBfuUGovemance Commission for GOCCs
(GCG) and to existing budgeting and accounting rules and regulations.

11.5 Seruices of individuals engaged through confiact of seruice and job

orders shall be paid salarylwage equivalent to the daily salary/wage of
comparable posifions in govemment and a prcmium of up to 20o/o of
such salary/wage effective January 1, 2019. The prcmium payment
may be paid monthly, in lump sum or in tmnches. (i.e. mid-year and
year-end payments) as may be stated in the agreement or contract
with the agency. The payment of seruices shall be charged against
the Maintenanco and Other Operating Expenses in the approved
agency budget.

11 .6 Payment of services of persons or entities engaged through Repubtic

Act No. 9184 shall be subjec't to the provisions of the said law and its
impleme nting rules and rcgulations-"

3.0 Effectivity

This Joint Circular shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from its publication in a
newspaper of general circulation.

l, .:

Chairperson Chairperson
Civil Service Commission Commission on Audit

C (- CA
Department of Budget and Management

ilv ft SEnvrCf (offi tifs ri,J,t


,d,{r{H t,v)Lr,-:,
,,MA(151A A. SAllroi
cfriet ndmhiltrative clfice r June 15, 2AL7
cEilrRAt ntc0nDs Dlvlst0il



SUBJECT : Rules and Regulations Governing Contract of Service and Job

Order Workers in the Government

1.0 Background

Government agencies, including GOCCs, have been authorized in previous

executive issuances and general appropriations acts to enter into contracts with
government entities, private firms or individuals, and non-go\remmont organizations
for services related or incidental to their respective functions and operations, whether

T on part-time or full-time basis.

Agencies have used this provision as basis for direc{y hiring individual workers on
contract of service or job order to perform specific jobs or to supplement their cunent

Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 40, s. 1998,
prescribed the policies and guidelines regarding contracts of service (COS) and job
orders (JOs) entered into by all govemment agencies on both individual and
institutional basis. Said CSC policy clarified that workers under contract of service or
job order are not covered by Civil Service law, rules, and regulations; and that
J services rendered thereunder are not considered as govemment service.

\ However, the proliferation of individual Job Order and Contract of Service workers in
the government and their invohement even in the performance of regular agency
functions have been observed.

This situation gave rise to the following issues: a) lack of social protection for the
workerc and inequality in benefits, and b) obscure accountability of JO/COS workers
due to lack of employee-employer relationship with the hiring agency.

ln view of the foregoing, there is a need to clariff the guidelines on availing of the
services of COS and Job Order workers.

2.0 Policy Statement

Government agencies are authorized to enter into service contracts with other
government agencies, private finns, non-government agencies or individuals for
Joint CSC-COA -DBM Circular re Rules and Regulatrons Goveming
Contract of Service Workers in the Government / p.2 of 6 pages

services related or incidental to their respective functions and operations, whether on

a part-time or full time basis.

3.0 Purpose

This Joint Circular is issued to prescribe the rules and regulations governing Contract
of Service and Job Order workers in the government.

4.A Coverage

This Joint Circular covers all National Government Agencies, Government-Owned or

Controlled Corporations with original charters, State Universities and Colleg€s, and
Constitutional bodies, which avail of the services of Contract of Service and Job
Order workers,

5.0 Definition of Terms

5.1 Contract of Service refers to the engagement of the services of an individual,

private firm, other government agency, non-governmental agency or
international organization as consultant, learning service provider or technical
expert to undertake special project or job within a specific period.

5.2 Contractor or Service provider refers to an individual, a government agency,

private or non-government entity, duly-registered and recognized by
authorized government agencies to provide consultancy services in their
respective field of expertise.
Y 53 lnstitutional contract refers to the agreement between the government agency
and contractor or service provider duly-registered and recognized by
authorized government agencies to provide services such as janitorial,
security, consultancy, and other support services.

5.4 Job Order refers to piece work (pakyaw) or intermittent or emergency jobs
such as clearing of debris on the roads, canals, waterways, etc. after natural/
man-made disasters/occurrences and other manual/trades and crafts
services such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical and the like. These jobs are
of short duration and for a specific piece of work.

5.5 Support services may include lanitorial, security, driving, data encoding,
equipment and grounds maintenance and other services that support the day
to day operations of the agency.

6.0 Contract of Service

6.1 Institutional Contract of Seruice

As a general rule, government agencies may avail of outsourced services

through institutional contract of service, subject to the following conditions:

6.1 .1 lnstitutional Contract of Service covers lump sum work or services to

perform janitorial, security, consultancy, and other support functions
for a maximum period of one (1) year subject to the provisions of

it." ri

f r

I t
Adrnihrstratiue Cffice r
CTffTRAI. RECORO$ 0lvtt!0Fl
Joint CSC-COA-DBM Circular re Rules and Regulattons Governing
Contracf of Senzrbe Workers rn the Government / p.3 of 6 pages

RA No. 9t841 and pertinent budgeting, accounting and auditing rubs

and regulations.

The contractor or service provider should meet the following


a) Duly registered with the Department of Labor and Employrnent


b) Duly registered with the Bureau CIf lnternal Revenue (BlR);

c) For sole proprietorship, duly registered with the :Department of

Trade and lndustry (DTl);

d) For corporations and partnerships, duly registered with the

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); and

e) Must be an active employer registered with the following


1) Social Security System (SSS),

2) Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG Fund), and
3) Philippine Health lnsurance Corporation (PhilHealth).

6.1.2 Workers hired through institutional contract of service shall remain to

be employees of the contractor or service provider.

1 6.1.3 The discipline of workers under institutional contrac* of service shall

be the responsibility of the contractor or service provider. The head
of the procuring entity may report to the contractor or service provider
any misconduct or wrongdoing of the said worker/s.

6.1.4 The contractor or service provider shall be responsible for providing

the workers with compensation and benefits compliant with existing
labor laral including the necessary social security and other benefits
mandated by law in addition to the direct compensation as payment
for their services.

6.2 Individual Contract of Seruice

Government agencies may enter into contract of service with individuals as

consulta nts/contractors su bject to the fol lowi n g g uideli nes :

6.2.1 The term of contract between the agency and the individual contractor
shall be for a maximum period of one year, renewable at the option of
the Head of the procuring entity, but in no case shall exceed the term
of the latter

6.2.2 Engaging the services of individual contractor shall be subject to

pertinent provisions of RA No. 9't84 and its implementing guidelines,

' Govemrnent Procurement Reform Act ,,-l
Tifle tl (Wages), Book 3 (Conditions of Employmen$ of P0 442 or the Labor Code of the Philippines
Secton 53.7, Revised IRR of RA No. 9184, Highly Tectrnical Consultants
A. $4ffi0i
Chiel lddinistratiue 0llicer
CENTRAL Rtmnos Dlvlsl0l'l
ffnilltFo TRUE COPY
Joint CSC-COA-DBM Circular re Rules and Regulattons Governing
contract of Servrce wo*ers rn the Gavernment 1 p.4 of 6 pages
"r Soh*fu
i ;-.T* r


A. SAfflol
AdmJnisrnriyr 0fllral

as applicablea, and the existing budgeting, accounting and auditing

rules and regulations.

OJ Job Order

Government agencies may hire job order workers subject to the following

6.3.1 The services of a .1ob order worker is either paid according to an

agreed contract amount for the piece of work or on a daily wage

6.3.2 contracting the services of job order workers shall be subject to

pertinent budgeting, accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

7.A Limitations

7.1 Hiring under contract of service shall be limited to consultants, learning

service providers, and/or other technical experts to undertake special project
or job within a specific period. The project or job is not part of the regular
functions of the agency, or the expertise is not available in the agency, or it is
impractical or more expensive for the government agency to directly
undertake the service provided by the individual or institutional contractor.

7 .2 Hiring of Job Order workers sha,l be limited to emergency or intermittent work,

\ such as clearing of debris on the roads, canals, watenrays, etc. after natural/
man-made disasters/occurences; other trades and crafts, and manual tasks
such as carpentry, plumbing, painting, electrical, and the like which are not
part of the regular functions of the agency,

7.2 Contract of service and job order workers should not, in any case, be made to
perform functions which are part of the job description of the agency's existing
regular employees.
$ 7.3 Contract of service and job order workers should not be designated to
\ positions exercising control or supervision over regular and career employees.

7.4 The services of the contract of service and 1ob order workers are not covered
by Civil Service law and rules thus, not creditable as government service.
They do not enjoy the benefits enjoyed by govemment employees, such as
leave, PERA, RATA and thirteenth month pay.

8.0 Payment of Services under lndividual Contract of Seruice

lndividuals hired through contract of service shall be paid the prevailing market rates,
subject to the provisions of RA 9184 and its lmplementing Rules and Regulations.

The payment of services shall be charged against the Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses in the approved agency budget.

GPFB Resolutbn No. 09-20'12 and GPPB Pollcl Opinion N12-11-21 (Appllcability of RA 9184 and its Revhed IRR in he Engagement of lndividuab
underJob Order or Contncl of Service)
TRUf c0pY
Joint csGCoA -DBM circular re Ru/es and Regutatrons Goye ming
contract of service workers in the Governrnen{ t p lof }pages

ctffIHAL RrcoR0s

lndividuals hired through contract of service.

social benefit programs thru the !3,ve tfre optron to enroll themselves ;n
sss, philHealth and Cag-lBlG Fund as ser_
employed members.

9.0 Payment of Services under Job Order

lndividuals hired through job order shall be paid wages equivalent to the daily
wage/salary of comparable positions in government anda premium of up to eoy.
such wage/salary,

The payment of services shall be charged against the Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses in the approved ageniy budget.

10.0 Monitoring

The COA shall monitor the compliance of agencies with the provisions of this Joint

11.0 Transitory Provisions

11.1 Agencies may renew the individual contracts of existing Contract of Service or
Job Order workers until December 31, 2018. Thereaft6r, hiring of Contract of
Service and Job Order workers shall be in accordance with tfre provisions of

1 this Joint Circular. As far as practicable and to ensure protection of the

existing Contract of Service or Job Order workers, the rnstitutional contract to
be entered into by government ageneies with a contractor or service provider
shall include a provision which will state that the existing qualifled Contract of
Service or Job Order workers hired by the agency shall be'given priority in the
hiring by the contractor or service provider.

11-2 Existing Contract of Service or Job Order workers shall be gruen priority in the
appointment by the agency to its vacant positions provided that these workers
meet the appropriate eligibility and other qualification requirements for the

s\ position subject to existing Civil Service law and rules.

1 1.3 ln accordance with section 90 of the General provisions of the Fy 2afi

GeneralAppropriations Act, government agencies shall review their functions,
systems and procedures, organizational structure and staffing to determine
the appropriate manpower cornplement for their programs/ activities/projects.
creation of permanent positions may be considered for regular funciions,
while hiring of casual or contractual personnel may be consideled for projects
and activities that are temporary in nature, subject to approval of the overiignt
agencies concerned' and to existing budgeting and accounting rules and

12.A Sanctions
Heads of agencies and/or responsible officers found to violate the provisions of these
rules and regulations,may be charged before the proper administrative bodies (Ofiice
of the Ombudsman, Office of the President or Civil Service Commission) for violation
of existing Civil Service Law and rules of serious nature or conduct prejudicial to the
best interest of the service.

r0ffice of&e Presldsnt (0P), Departnent of Budget and Management (DBM), or he Govemance Commission for GocCs (GCG),
as the case may be
Joint CSGCO A'DBM Circular re Rules and Regulations Gavemrng
Contract of servrce warkers in the Government t p.6of 6pages

13.0 Resolution of lssues

lssues and concerns that may the implementation of these rules a66
ats^e_ in-
regulations shall be resolved by the csc, coA and DBM, as appropriate.
14.0 Effectivity

This Joint Circular shall take etfect fifteen (15) days after its publication in a
newspaper of nationwide circulation.

AL (r.

'' Chairperson Chairperson

Civil Service Commission Commission on Audit

q (,\,
Department of Budget and Management


A. SAf,lT0i
a. rofl

utfln l,fithd**rr*,m

8"4-t Tlri
rLa c8*n

61'2 iltu h
tr{l * apgkcstot, W lh. rpri|ilrrs', frutl{f ttn8,
Jrst le, nfi**oadqrr*tsltt:
?o ,G 1: J* Ordr.
t{rrp&'ontir *0{lis,6ublcct

rtr+ *"*w+ of i rob udcr trrrnlrcq u rrtlir pf,,(r

srraEsr i ssF .6 e(,*rrst erifiuat. far,tlx oa;a flf u&fr or qtr r

t,0 Ofolrgrotlna cor&eotfio ur* *rn*r o{'Jop o(der ug.:r<eru r{r$lt lrh $uft}d. to
prrrrnsqt uuog*ifig rsai$ntitg tlt<l'ei.#Airq n lfs Dnd lgguhtiilfts.
h$rt h

ufiQf i{rr*rl{t ci r.wrcc

JI I of lllo
Arr6frtir. h!\il u!*t trb prurhbn 3r brc$ {or drlcuy ttlrhg Erdrvkrrel ux,ttorl] st lhe €rn6r,
&.rd ef rdrioti or fp orUrr b frytqrm lp.drb pbc or io f$nlom*t rtt* qlrgtt I u lsr
ctur l.lo 7 .2 Hkforq o{.lob (lrdar */Qrta's sfit[ bo ltmrud ur eoretuanc, oP ,rt*ffnfifftt {'erk
cuctr-e$ 5is.r'ng p{ 6tebrl6 uotlfrf W8. E Ertt, rrirtiomrrr fio aH,r. r,uirr8lJ'
Ft*t$r*ed" Crnfatf,rt&ecurttf*+s: offiqt ka,"ict 8fld c<a{F, i#hl firlngot tr$kB
56rcrr tr; sgro{d$?y, pt*rnt*og. 1trtturrg,'€loctricd,.rnd th* lrr<r xtltch 4tg twl .

orff fid petl S tru rag,.rlarlrsuUooa o{ lha egency

? 7, Oonr8cl ol Oelvrr*r anr, toir rmJar *oilron t,wukf rtL Ir1 any :;.at6. bE.t?iiilJs tb
?fo*uvrr. Srr prlttilamfi o{ fidhrlf,rlrf Jgbffinf'rld Gon$ed sf Sr{Ylao$ir*rrs fi oBfftFm fuBctmris Utrieh-ar* Oart gt lh€;$s dtisvrpuun o, Rl"rl a{Fifiryfi {rittfl.T
nr govrfimeill fid Uttr $to{wqqnl ei,rn.ln fic pa{tortnroil ol rtfl3rhr qeo.q, rag{*r{ ryrrl rlq/oea.
krndirar trrrm begr rfrrsteti.
,3 CAnfrea{ rzt erc.ltc|' ltltrl ;ob- or4or r^ror1rDr. cfiOldr, lrol bid ,J4$Afil4,,1f/4 h
lflt mdrt promcootl hr SE 'r€surlrr'sfid t:ilsEl urtptotxt
Ttrtr $trrscr cIE mt.' E UL bilosrE h3ra$ aI Oa Eq}flrcm .Bxorrrt,/tg c(rttrot or *tqt rtsmrttfrts
r[t{.re 1rd sEer5fu in u*cfitr ryd ElaUelrt ircanUttrtf d JOICOG lrorlr6
&rs b Mclrnplhrc*ftofnrrrdrilontttipslth Erc lddno {DnBy 'l I The {*r$*$c *r ionti*" nt' tsr*u;n *nrl :oft'qrd+r e'rld(Gt*' e1r not oouglod
. bf fJiyil $u,'vlc;* it* .rrrU rr,.bl'dtu.a. nQ( fro'it$ttl6 ir{l ';r$usttull4t$ A{ndgo.
lo \r$rfl of Eo lbf6Qotry, rhafi, f n rt}u b elrdty lht FlrHrdnrt orr rvslng G* ttl} itt'|t * n€i anpl rE .hrrafdr.qrxsrrrJ'by flfrr9srnffi{mt em*ts/rr$o, nsoh 4t
?onEar ct CO6 sr,d.lob Otdr*adrrrr
Fouqrstrtmrat 8,0 Pr-ym.ntdSrtrtnsr urrdar lndh.ldurt csnrrctotssrftEo
Ggfirefilmool ffsdtolghf SfO ruttsrtjlrd'to o4tIf mtO r.,rrnCa CofiIfrct$ wfi .c\or lridrvtdglk furcd tnrl.i.Oh rxur(ra*t o{ *rrwro* ;*L*lt tff Fstii fhf Fr'i*I l{lfi ;ll}fx::el rqtc*
IoyBrnmoat {O"r}ud fi.ata flnnr. nopgOrngrrncnt filat{c{q, at firdiffi}E W r,1*.r-* tO Um pmvklcis oi B/3i $ fi'4 Sfio fl6 lnrrf#rgrontrng hrhr *ii.,l ltegr*ltro$ir,

i.vrc." rde*ad Or tn61dintat tE tfrorr rufpli:tirrc nrrcte,$ rnd opcrdbnr u/hettgr on

.. pan-&rfi$ $f fu0 $rnr brrur, Tho pl}rlrtfit of trrry+.)fn .?nu} t8 {*raff,srj i&rrrat {rr lylerrr?4r.oc(x: $$d frtlier
.0p$'*rrx1.&panr**r,4 r!" t?rr{rr€d'6garff}r Eal{{tt
&4. Furpox
. ''",$ofiFl Dfirfor pi{l,ftrr*ltlt ltst$ Trrrd r*
Th* CL.{,lIIl h rrar.d tO prumru tno r$ioo rrtd
Jo,sS r{urtorl} gst/tft}ifio gontrrct "ibrHrErle ruru ths $S$. irrHi .f ug ..oot(-
i ,s.aprffi$IF]np6r?
fi,{}3rvrcE rrro Joib 0':6s'umrtc|T }otit lorrftaltottt
{3.0 Oav-sf.eo
inil{vdud} ftr$d $Hftign ,st sd*r *trs# tr* Ff,,(l u,aflfa rgu;.j,?h.H t) lh* daf,y
Tltn.&[u crfittn $o'trort ilI $rstgod qa4rrytql* noc?td.r, Gq{Grnmar{srrrsd st {aorr*tn*rf 6rtd^fl tr}utiurrt.cfi us,' ts ?sltlcf
r*a0cj?etrnry. of rxxnr.wrfl,)tr pgqlionr hr
<x+'pareur:rts *{n1orlt*rrltl.rur}irr, fitilo uarrrcrBrDsr -99Fq11'fl3 #
. *frilu!E''{t [afibt, $ilel.".rEi or,trr'ttRl+16'qf 6s*rrs oil $orsqs *nd Joh .*-itr rtngahr**lv
.Oilgt $,oaErt) pfym*rrt'sl $6rvicts thS uC cftrygaO agbfii,si r:',a t*lrr,trneqir;rnd Ctttrat
ppet*tttg Exp.rrra*n rl lh,:r StrFtoret a,3i,mry rx4d6,rt
6,.S .'Mrittipr,'oftrnrrt
Gontrecl,clt -'4ltri-rratnrp.lo ttre,r.srsnml o{ thrr tsfttcff of el mdrtsurl.
$rrrrm fr {otlcy *A-E fnanitodng
t**"1"-'rirlr roJ6tnme':* {c*ftet'' tp7}gort'crtrn+tul
ffi;-.d"d ctr-rnu*6"-; s{*f,rat. drn}E 'f?F ptq1.,, or ta**.}t(,'
{ fia COA .ahl; r:rpltrrtor ('re ;unplruao(! (Jl dssfxx:o rvill, tltr pfovrr'lofis 6t tl'lB Jd't?t
r*prr to,.trogrL*c t9c(ril 'proiEqt-or IG-b *ffir' c r9cdfic p"tigd Jtu16l
Cont adar or Csflts! pmwicr rr:ftrt to
-,poqr."1f,nrncnt *r rgsllrnrneot qtorrcf'
ir$iutrnrst 11 0 Trr,t{rtorlr Ptovlsbnb
il;tr s fil1 . t1"ty.r.g6$s6. -std rucrgrrr+qd.. by
afft;ror$d g6rglitt iilorsior d' efi{nq coqt+tur6v bGrYF6fi lft th€k tl rrai rri.{irr lil€
Trcp.ctryt frrt0d tixgli&,,Q
L"ituot eucorderx
lFd cf s, r!tt{l*t&
6rrch flt n f,t;ntrt+tor o"
llrrag tf t&a qifncr gNrilr
Jc' o.$t rrI8*l.te pltco *d* wffr4 otr'lt*Eltl#rn( or errurgotriy irtrr uyrhe rY O+r'ri#$ putd$s{
;rrr;q*;-,tdf6[;q; on rrriorir. da.Bbbu/?ttrrirrr' Ero' dlar rtlur6y
;t*rtrada (lrt*rr*od.r.rroncta soC illnar tFgl'Jetlttlds-3 *t8 crafu 17 7,.trsci {il B*rv,* rle ..r}h i}rt*r yrar*en rrrue bg gr*en lxrloty t.It
ii{};#;arfi ;; ;,pfiltty srlrlhrlg, ctErrrcd 5d rhc h(G Thcrc reba srB tf$ y'rrrir.dmt fostl.#ils puvltltlt Hat tntaa q}fl<Efq
*ppqrfi;rne6| lry .tfi$ egarlcy lr,
qf rhort tcr"tOn rrH'top I rp*stfn f$cq ut qqfk, nli,ri l'ia et$rafit6ld.*tj,!.ny {rtl'I oh(,t t}u$ficeli'rrl n}qutrfr?i&htrb {ar tltll
pasi[* r *rtllHx I tn axrxtiral'Civrl $rrnreo lnrr an'J lrrlta
${rF0stt rfi?taan {rr0$ tndutlt.tnrXtilrfryf, loEtxrty; flIqp' d*ta *ncoI}rfl'
q-tirmer{ gr+rtir*i,rt*ints rnO'ofirrt srrrrca6 thri sLppolt ths dry 1?.3 {n i*#lhn (rf lho
"r,a of t?tt
6rY OFnrrtfits lrgrra'll)tr
t O Crntrrc't.o{ $rrs{gg
tnsututtQfi rl Contruct Ol 8r rvie+

Ar I lEltofd rulo, .gerJcrnfilofit asfiss*. tFy rl.rd f'- 9ltPt'"ilq. rlrtv}({tB' ru*x
t ro* A.Urea of sE6mr 1rl6t to tfr6 {oflo*'ng co&flt}q}e' t0

$-1 1 .Irlctrl$tttrrf;l Gor'lrl**'ol'8gnrlc6,Po!r*tl tutlFlry1'n vi.Or.k gf iDftlkit tO

pcrrcnn raoices, ocr{rr$r, ton*ulalrr. rid' ofryt :.uPq9l:f*t aLo Srno$rna
. 16 t nnerinTrrm Far'oc oi os tli 'rorr $lso{it tI' ttlt pf9\at$nt sr
t sqdn olrO6O4Oq ffr4rof ,c!.pfi1clt4a qtttore tor,rrt! is v@lo tilc fxtrr4tiqpf.ltfslfi
dA t\ro 0tS{' ms F*fl rrer{}o. sccarnlrrtg enrJ **lrtrn, rutte ;lfimd;&i.ilaio"qc nrar tlrin*orO letdrr fid rmport*tiffiEalug bo6cr it/-l$co
:firiffid;din.-dtf&E 6;fi or crv: I so/-dct cdft! fttrst+nl fsr.ulu&ran
f,rto oofl0it€tot cr .as(ucB ptftdldd.f rhould m{'ot .tfio follstlt,tl$ ii;{laihg C*tt Sarvr,* ta-rr ryd lle1of **rrs{;* {l6turq irr mndu6f ffqdt5s}Bl to lt}-}
fiiqu,i6fn0l1ts . :
I{.rfitgn*t <r*H een*cs,

r) Bdty rogrebtcd re{ tfrr Orporfrr*nt of Labo( ertd Employtneftt {S.0 Bosotq$o'n ot t*trt*
l&ucs qnd qmcc'mr ne* ,n y Srlril m tht unplmrantalorr *f tnfi'e ruE6 {rtd
(tggarar,a snanrrs rurotrmtt oy nr csp, c#A t,rtd i)*'t,t 6s npprogrirdo.
b) o$ty'rtrr'*raa .r*tl ltta glrn*r o{ tnutfi* f*vrotrr (uftl.
c) for foid prof*Sf'ry${p, ,1,$! niTc**rtrC tt6 tne Ornerffium af ,1*.F El rctvltt
tradE tno tn*rcuY tDTl|; d: s
Thto Joirs Crrq*nr $sll tar8 amf ftf$cdt'(lb) Cat6t art*r- 'ttr irjt$tt}Ssn

d) Fot oortQrrdsnr rfid trrnn66Flpr, 'rytg rodderoci c'{h :ht o{r#}popor ol ndrurrr*to (irfidllftorl' ,

bia,a,ll end Erchomi Comn'*ar'c.r{sgc' sr'd

ei t*ucf bo lt'i rcftvl ttFrolo,ol *Xtffiad $ttllr the fololl,lng

{} 6oad Sccu.ity $ydurl Cg$gf
N'M ChrSsr*on
pcftnelo AGulHALoo
A iilrr eil;oirairg llvud Fund tPrO'lffG Fundl. ntu Chil 8sftti(?* Ccffifl$rrfixt
,ii Pttmiep{,i t{sifitl lttitran$ f orp+ rtlott (Ftl&finiltt})'
S 1. a Vlrork(t }'ur.{r{htoqqfi }l*ffittus'l{ ::{r^r{L:1rvte shrl rurnri0 to
bg arn#alecr o{ rha-confrstsr ot r#f iop g'o'dt'x.t' trslilA$rtt.E, QIOI$B
S t.3 Tha 'd $fcrGsry
Oarpei*trsfi t *f H-uagt* xnj, tnslm0crteril

b l:4 Thr lor


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