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4G Of aps | REPUBLIC OF KENYA ye — MINISTRY OF ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DEPARTMENT ROAD DESIGN MANUAL | i PART V | PAVEMENT REHABILITATION } AND | OVERLAY DESIGN CHIEF ENGINEER (ROADS) | PERMANENT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF ROADS AND | MINISTRY OF ROADS PUBLIC WORKS AND PTRLIC WORKS: |P.0. BOX 30260 MAY 1988 | P, 0, BOX 30260 NAIROBI | | NAIROBI contents ii SECTION PAGE CHAPTER 1 = INTRODTICTION lad 1.1 SCOPE OF THE MANUAL. at 1.2 PLANNING PRION. are 1 3 PRIORITIES FOR CONSIDERATION 11 1.4 MAINTENANCE AND UPGRADING aia 1.5 REHABILITATION, STRENGTHENING OR RECONSTRUCTION 1.2 CHAPTER 2 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS. 2.1 GENERAL 2.2 TOTAL TRANSPORT COST... 2.3 FURTHER INVESTMENT COSTS CHAPTER 3 PAVEMENT BEHAVIOUR AND DETERIORATION. 3.1 3.1 FLEXIBLE AND RIGID PAVEMENTS. 3.1 (a) Flexible Pavements. 1 (b) Semi-Rigid and Rigid Pavements 3/2 MODES OF DETERIORATION 3.3 MOST USUAL DEFECT PATTERNS- POSSIBLE CAUSES 3.3 (a) Definitions . z : : 3.3. (b) Typical Detects... CHAPTER4 PAVEMENT EVALUATION. 4.1. SURFACE CONDITION. 4.1. (a) Recording and Quantifying the Defects 41 4.1 (b) Surface Roughness 42 4. 1 (0) Present Serviceability Concept... sven 43 41 4.2 STRUCTURAL EVALUATION weessesstsssstseusticeineee 44 4.2. (@) The use of ue Deflection Measurement... 44 2. (b) The Use of Radius of Curvature Measurements .. 47 4.2, (¢] Subgrade and Drainage Analysis. aa 1.2 (a) Bristing Pavement Suwclure Aualysis ay 4.2 (e} Shoulder Assessment 4.10 4.3 SUMMARY OF THE PROCEDURE FOR PAVEMENT EVALUATION é 411 CHAPTERS CRITERIA FOR MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITION 3.1 5. 1 SURFACE CONDITION CRITERIA. 5.1 5.2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CRITERIA 5.2 5.3. PRESENT SERVICEABILITY CRITERIA .. 5.3 5.4 DEFLECTION CRITERIA ..ssescsecnssnstsnsetinesssestvase 5.3 5.4 {a} Relationchip Between Tolerable Deflectivu aul Cumulative Traffic 5.3 5.4 (b) Life Phases of Flexible pavement Deflection changes... 5.3 CONTENTS iti SECTION PAGE 5.4. (¢) The Use of Deflection For Performance Prediction and Residital Life Eotimation of Plexible PaveuiUttlS ec ccecsessiaco SA 5.4. (d) Relations of Tolerable Deflection/ Cumulative Traffic obtained in Kenya. eee 5. B.S PRODUCT BD CRITERIA... ee sesseesesttnrentsee D CHAPTER 6 TECHNIQUES AND MATER STRENGTHENING. ene 6. | RESTORATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM : ae i 6.1 .(a) External drainage... 6.1, (b} Internal Drainage econo 6.2, PREPARATION OF THR FXISTING PAVEMENT FOR 6.2. (a) Local Repairs 6.2. (b) Levelling ‘ 6.2. (c) Cleaning and Tack Coat 6.3. OVERLAYS... : 6.3. (a) Different Types of Overlay. 6.8. (b) Flexible Overlay Materials... 6.3. (c) Bound Overlay materials... 6.3. (d) Preventing Reflection Cracking CHAPTER7 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS................ 2 7.1 Design Principles ...seeccse cee 7.1, (a) Overlay Thickness and Characteristics... 7-1. (0) Design Period sae : 7.1. (c} Stage Construction... 7.2 PRACTICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BASES. 7.2 (a) Use of Flexible Overlays... 7.2. (b) The behaviour of Overlay Materials 7.2 (c) Construction Principles . 7.9. THE STRUCTURAL APPROACH... es nd 7.3 (a) Schematisation of Existing Pavement... 7.8 7.3. (b) Pavement’s Equivalent Modulus 78 7.8. (¢} Calculation of stress and strain : a 7.3 (d) Determination Of The Overlay Thickness Required 79 7.4 Overlay design charts. eae sete 7.9 7.8. METHOD OF USE... 7.4L 7-5. (aj First Step: Determination of the Design Parameters... 7.11 7-5. {b) Second Step: Schematisation of Existing Pavement... 7.11 7S. (c) Third Step; Estimation of Cumulative Traffic . wo TAD 7.5.(d) Fourth Step: Inventory and Study of the Available Overlay Materials and Selection of the Possible Types of Overlay 7.12 7.8. (¢) Pifth Step. Determination ot the Overlay Thickness Required, : ae 7.12 7.5 {f) Sixth Step : Economic Comparison of the Possible Overlays and Final Choice of Que Overlay Structure inti isnsiee FAD

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