2nd Draft Road Design Guidelines For Urban Roads PDF

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REPUBLIC OF KENYA 2! DRAFT ROAD DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR URBAN ROADS ugust; 2001— The Project Manager (KUTIP) Ministry of Local Government P.O. Box 30004 NAIROBI Carl Bro International als P.O. Box 46505 NAIROBI } URBAN ROAD DESIGN GUIDELINES INDEX ' 1 INTRODUCTION... : 2 CLASSIFICATION OF ROADS «....--eess00 ' 2.1. Urban Arterial Roads .. : 22. Unban Collector Rous. 23, Local Roads... 2.3.1, ~ Minor Distibut 23.2. Local Streets... .seeee-« 233, Residential Stand Access 23/4 Commercial and Industial Stand Acces. 23.5. Shopping Streets... BASIC CRITERIA w0055 3.1 The Design Vehicle... LL, Dimensions 1.2, Templates... 13. Minimura Radius 1. Performance on Grade } 3.2. The driver oc... 3.2.1. Bye height .. 3.2.2. Reaction time -... sce. 3.2.3, The road surface on re 4 ROAD CAPACITIES ... | 4.1. Passenger car Units... 4.2. Cartiageway capacity... 5.” TRAFFIC GROWTH FORECASTS . i 5.1, General Considerations 2. Baseline traffic lows Eee eters 5.2.1. Average Daily Traffic...» 7 5.22. Peak-hour trafic a 5.23. Directional distribution 5.24. Composition of trafic ' 5.3. Future traffic projections | 53.1. Normal traffic | 532. Diverted traftic .. 5:33. Generated traffic 6. "DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS 6.1. Speed . fe 62. Sightdistance .. ee 6.2.1. Stopping sigh distance (SSD) 622. Barrier or prohibition sight 623. Passing sight distance 6.24. Decision sight distance | 62.5. Intersection sight | 63, Horizontal alignment see : [na 63.2, Minimum radi. aa | 6.3.3. Elimination of adverse camber 63.4, Length of curve .. 63.4.1. Minizwum length of curve i 3 3. 3 7 c 3 5 3 3 5 5. 6 6 6 6 6 6- 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 63.4.2, Maximum length ofc : is - t 635. Comipt EE 6. x 7 Successive curves - SIs ite. : Reverse Curve 2.0 6-7 1 6.3.33. Broken back curves... s 6-7 ) Compound curves 6-7 7 6. Transition curves ....---- 6-7 n 63.7. Superetevation .. 6-8 } 63.71. Runoff 6-8 ! 63.7.2, Rate of rotation... 6-8 63.73. Calculation of runoft length. 6-9, Minimum length of run-off. a 6-9 638. Carriageway/pavement widening 6-9 4. Vertical alignment... .scseeeve se 6-1 : 64.1. Curvature 6-1 iy 642, Minimum tength of curve ...... 6-u i 643. Geeraf controls for vertical alignment. 6-13 | 6:5 Combiauton of vnc te exizota agent 6-B 8.6 "CrOSS SECTIONS : o=3 66.1. Camber... : 6-13 66.2. Lane Width ns vescensnne z aa 6-14 663. Shoulders 6-4 664, Kerbs . foe 6-15 ‘6164.1. Half batered/ion-mountable Ketbs 6=15, Battered/semi-mountable .. ce ~ 6-15 66.43. Mountable 6-15, Flush/block . 6-15 6.6.5. Side Stopes 6-16 6.6.6. Central reserve (medians) 6-16 6.6.7. Footpaths 6-17 668 Cycle tracks 6-17 6.69. Typical cross sections ... 6-17 7. __” PARKING,LAY-BYS AND BUS-STOPS 7-1 Tt. Parking -....-.. . eee 7-1 TLL Looe sangeet eee 7-1 pee ee Pell 7.13. Parking demand 7-1 72. Lay-bys.. : 7-2 73. _Bus-stops 7-2 8 FOOTPATH 8.L. Footpaths... 8-1 8.2. Pedestrian bridges 8-2 83. Cycle trACkS .csenen 8-2 9. INTERSECTION DESIG 9-1 oa. = 9-1 9°L1. Minimum design for sharp turns 9-1 9°1.2-~Desirable desiga for sharp tarts oT 9.2,” Desigi for slip roads (turning roadways) . : ot z 9.2.1, Minimum design for stip coads 2 . 9-1 9.2.2, Desirable design of slip roads ..... am 9-4 9.23. Width of slip roads ....... 9-5 93, Seed change anes acferation an eelmtion ins) ne 95 9.3.1. Deceleration lanes 9-5 9.3.2. Acceleration lanes .. 9-5 9.4. "Sight distance on slip roads 9-10 2 9.4.3. Bxit terminal design . Islands and channelisation 9-12 I ‘Median openings ....... ase ence ADD : Double right turns Es 9-14 Roundabouts a - 9-4 1L_ Roundabout capacity. 9-14 98.7. Desig ectuques = 9.9. Priority junctions 9-16 9.9.1. Capacity senvsennn 9716 9.92. Typical designs for three-leg junctions... 917 : 9.9.3. Typical designs for four-leg junctions «0.0... 9-18

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