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Prepared for MUMBAI University in the partial fulfillment of

Social Project
for the requirement for the award of the degree in


ROLL No.​38




Students Name and Signature Mentor Name and Signature


Date: Place: ​Mumbai

I would like to express my gratitude to my project guide ​(Dr.DINESH
KAPADIA​) for his/her valuable guidance, whole-hearted co-operation and generous
helping hand in carrying out this project.
I would like to heartily thank to ​(Mr.​AAKASH GUPTE/​SEVA SAHYOG
FOUNDATION) to give me such opportunity to get and learn knowledge about
E-commerce industry.

With a deep sense of gratitude I would also like to thank my family who has
contributed in one way or the other to the success in completion of my project.

I thank my parents, who encouraged me to extend my reach, with their help

and support; I have been able to complete this work​.
Table of content
Sr. no. Topic Page Nos.

1 Executive Summary

2 Global Goals

3 About the NGO

3.1 Profile of NGO
3.2 Details of NGO with contact details/location
Global Goals Addressed By NGO

Initiatives and Success Stories of NGO / Innovation


4 On the job training / On field Project

4.1 List of Project/ Projects carried in 21 Days
4.2 Details of Each project with 4 Photos / Activities done
4.3 Impact of the project on NGO
5 Challenges Faced by the NGO
5.1 Challenges faced
5.2 How challenges were overcome

6 Suggestions and Limitations

7 Learnings/ Experience
8 Picture Gallery
Executive Summary
Global Goals

UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development Addressed (check all that apply):

Goal 1 No poverty
Goal 2 Zero hunger
Goal 3 Good health and well-being
Goal 4 Quality education
Goal 5 Gender equality
Goal 6 Clean water and sanitation
Goal 7 Clean energy
Goal 8 Economic growth
Goal 9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
Goal 10 Reduced inequalities
Goal 11 Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 12 Responsible consumption & production
Goal 13 Climate action
Goal 14 Life below water
Goal 15 Life on land
Goal 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions
Goal 17 Partnerships for the goals
About the NGO
Profile of NGO –Details of NGO

Details of NGO with contact details/location – Location, Branches, Number of employee etc.

Global Goals Addressed By NGO – Which Global goals addressed by NGO

Initiatives and Success Stories of NGO / Innovation

​Innovation Eligibility:
• Achieves 1 or more ​of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
• Makes money ​or benefits the business. (2+ years is best)
• Embedded ​in the business as a part of normal operations, or philanthropy.
• Is ​scalable​. This means that the NGO could expand the innovation and/or another NGO
or social entrepreneurs could do something similar to increase the positive impact.

Chapter 3: About the NGO

3.1 Profile of NGO:

Seva Sahayog Foundation

Seva Sahayog Foundation has been serving for over 10 years towards the development and
welfare for the underprivileged section of the urban slum lives. We started our operation in the
year 2005 as a Not-for-Profit company and are registered under Section 8 (Old Section 25B) of
the companies act.

Seva Sahayog Foundation aims at engaging socially conscious corporates, groups and
individuals, with NGOs of matching interest with a purpose to collectively add value to the
society at large.
We observed that there are numerous NGOs who have been working at grass root level for the
betterment of the underprivileged people but lack adequate resources in terms of technology,
finance and manpower to take their work to the next level.

On the other hand, they have observed that there are corporates and individuals who have a
noble purpose of contributing to the welfare of the society, but were not aware as to how to
utilize their resources for the betterment of the society.

Seva Sahayog Foundation (SS) aims at engaging socially conscious corporates, groups and
individuals, with NGOs of matching interests.

The NGOs in Seva Sahayog network are those, who have demonstrated a sound and robust
record in grassroots work, but lack resources such as technology, finance and human resources
- to take their work to the next level. The SS network aims at effectively channelizing these
resources to the NGOs.

The core team of Seva Sahayog is composed of volunteers highly placed in IT and other
corporate entities. They have grass roots exposure with various NGOs in various sectors and
have worked dedicatedly for development initiatives. Seva Sahayog is thus powered with a
unique skill set of deep understanding of grass roots realities and a clear vision of the role
corporate India can play to support community initiatives. Seva Sahayog is largely a
volunteer-run organization with adequate professional staff backup and well-equipped offices
set up in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai & Pune. Seva Sahayog has over 13,000 registered volunteers.

Seva Sahayog Foundation is a Not-for-Profit company registered under Section 25B (Now
Section 8 as per Companies Act, 2013) on 31​st​ August 2009 and Seva Sahayog donors get
tax-exemption benefit under Sec 80-G of Income tax Act.

The Story – Beginning

When like-minded people come together with common aspirations great results can be
A regular family-get-together gave rise to a noble thought of devoting time for the welfare of
the society. A sheer willingness to serve for uplifting people from urban slums gave birth to
Seva Sahayog Foundation.
Our core team of volunteers also known as ‘Seva Sahayogies’ are corporates working in IT and
other reputed corporate entities. Our Seva Sahayogies have passion to dedicate their time and
service towards the wellbeing of the society. Individually, most of them have jointly worked
with various NGOs at the grass root level towards development initiatives.
Today we have over 15,000 registered volunteers, adequate professional staff and
well-equipped office centrally located in Pune city.

Bonding – The spirit of volunteerism

Our belief is that if we are working for the welfare of the society we cannot work in isolation.
For us to make the difference and bring value to the community we ourselves must be well
knitted. With this thought in mind for last 10 years every 1st Sunday of the month we have
been coming together at Bal Shikshan Mandir, Pune from 9:30 am – 10:30 am to celebrate the
spirit Seva Sahayogies.
It’s not just volunteers’ meet-up but a purposeful Seva Sahayog family time. Over the years, we
have seen the children of Seva Sahayogis join us for the meet-up and various programs. This
regular meet-up has created a special bond not just with the volunteers but their families who
makes Seva Sahayog Family.
We have had instances where kids of our volunteers had proactively accompanied us to
assemble school kits, during School Kit drive. Through this one can witness how powerfully the
next generation has imbibed the spirit of community welfare in them.
The Focus Areas


Education is an empowering tool every child must be equipped with. It plays

a vital role in overall development of an individual, family and the society at


We aspire to make women from slums financially independent by building on

their capacity to earn livelihood for their family. Alongside we provide
vocational education programs to make youths employable.


Health and hygiene of women and children are at the center of our work. We
constantly drive programs to facilitate health checkups and workshops on
affordable nutritional diet.


Aiming towards the betterment of the environment our programs focuses on

greener future, sanitation, waste management and cleanliness.

Services provided by Seva Sahayog:

For CSR units of For Non-profit For Volunteers
companies Organizations (NGOs)
CSR policy development Providing resources like Pre-set volunteering
funds, technology etc. opportunities for
through linking with CSR International and Indian
CSR initiatives planning and Capacity building in Orientation and training on
implementation documentation and IT development issues
fields, project planning, and
proposal drafting
Accreditation of NGOs, Providing volunteers for Exposure through Visits to
Identification of suitable pre-defined assignments various NGO projects and
NGO partners matching the and tasks interactions with visionaries
CSR goals
Monitoring and evaluation Linking with Corporate and Group-building and planning
of CSR funding Government funding support for group initiatives
Associate Corporate: Partner NGOs: Seva Sahayogis:
150 + companies 220 Plus NGOs & Schools 5000 plus volunteers.
Figure 1: Services provided by Seva Sahayog

3.2 Details of NGO with contact details/location

Directors of Seva Sahayog Foundation

(Registration No. U85100MH2009NPL195370)

1. Mr. Atul Nagras – Chairman of Seva Sahayog Foundation, An engineering graduate,

worked in USA for an IT company for 12 years. Managing Director of a company working
in the semiconductor field.
2. Mr. Sanjay Hegde – Chartered Accountant, Ex-Partner, Pricewaterhouse Coopers,
Director of a co-operative bank in Mumbai.
3. Mr. Dilip (Kishore) Moghe – Chemical Technologist from UDCT, Mumbai. Worked in
corporate for 25 years. Associated with many other NGOs.
How to contact or join Seva Sahayog
Write to:​
Visit our website –

Visit the office:

2​nd​ Floor, Maharshi Dadhichi Hospital, Near
Santacruz Bus Depot,
Santacruz (East),
Mumbai 400055
Office Land-line No.: 022-2618-9779

18 "Pathik" Vrundavan Society,
Nr Shri Shri Ravi Shankar Vidya Mandir,
Navi Peth, Mhatre Bridge,
Pune 411030.
Office Land-line No.: 020 2453-7
Seva Sahayog has Innovation Eligibility which means:
• It achieves 1 or more ​of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
• Makes money ​or benefits the business. (2+ years is best)
• Embedded ​in the business as a part of normal operations, or philanthropy.
• Is ​scalable​. This means that the NGO could expand the innovation and/or another NGO
or social entrepreneurs could do something similar to increase the positive impact.

The source for the above information is taken from the official website of Seva Sahayog:

3.3 Global Goals Addressed By NGO

The Global Goals followed by my NGO i.e. Seva Sahayog are as follows:
● Goal 3 Good health and well-being
● Goal 4 Quality education

Goal 3 Good health and well-being


Seva Sahayog aspires to make women from slums financially independent by

building on their capacity to earn livelihood for their family. Alongside we
provide vocational education programs to make youths employable.

This goal is explained by the following project that they carry out:

Social Leadership Development (SLD) Program:

The Social Leadership Development program

organized by Seva Sahayog Foundation, aims at
developing leaders in the social field. During the
two weeks program, the participants are initially
oriented for the first three days and then placed
in the NGOs for 10 days for working at the grass
root level field training. During their stay at the
rural centers of the NGOs they get a first-hand
exposure to the realism, eventually developing their own skill set.
Seva Sahayog, Mumbai has successfully seeded ​50 Social Leaders​ till now.

Goal 3 Good health and well-being


Health and hygiene of women and children are at the center of Seva
Sahayog’s work. We constantly drive programs to facilitate health checkups
and workshops on affordable nutritional diet.

Goal 4 Quality education


Education is an empowering tool every child must be equipped with. It plays

a vital role in overall development of an individual, family and the society at

This goal is explained by the following project that they carry out:


This is regarding all round development of

students in urban slums or rural areas.
Students in these areas do not have proper
guidance for studies from home. Their houses
are small and they have lot of disturbances in
studying regularly at home. For such students
we start “Abhyasika” or study centers where
30-40 students from different classes come
and do their studies for 2 hours. A teacher is
appointed to help these students and
maintain discipline. On Saturdays various
activities are conducted by corporate
volunteers for all round development of
students. Camps are conducted twice in a year for their personality development. Presently,
101 Abhyasikas are being run in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai & Pune, which we are aiming to double
in next year.
The program works on three aspects:
● Education: Focus on development in academics through Study Centers (Abhyasikas),
libraries and computer education.
● Health: Health and hygiene program for adolescent girls mentoring, providing
preventive healthcare and vaccinations, guidance on good-affordable nutrition for
better health.
● Self-reliance: The most crucial element of better living. Vocation training is imparted to
develop skills needed for job. Self-help groups are formed to provide a chance to be

Goal 6 Clean water and sanitation


Aiming towards the betterment of the environment our programs focuses on

greener future, sanitation, waste management and cleanliness.

This goal is explained by the following project that they carry out:

Swatchh Bharat:

Rural schools do not have proper toilet facilities. This

reduces attendance of girls for the want of clean toilets.
Rural Schools in remote areas are identified to provide
them with a facility of clean toilets.

Seva Sahayog through its various other projects fulfills many of the Global Goals.
3.4 Initiatives and Success Stories of NGO / Innovation

Current activities of Seva Sahayog


Science & Technology Education Program (S.T.E.P.):

STEP is to promote Science & Technology among
rural and urban poor students. Under this projects a
Mini Science Centre, Projector and E learning
software, Digital Microscope with Laptop, 3 D models
& Charts and Library are provided to schools.
Teachers are given training to handle these
equipments. Students find it simple to understand
scientific principals with these educational aids.
The project is in its 3​rd​ year of implementation. In the
current year 25 schools will be covered. In first two
years 31 schools were benefitted. Number of beneficiary students is 20,000.

Mobile Science Lab:

Many schools do not have equipped science

laboratories as schools have constraint of funds. Their
students are deprived of hands on experience in
science. Mobile lab visits about 15 such schools once
in 3 months and shows experiments from their
syllabus to students from Std. VI to X. This gives
students a confidence to face practical exams.
Presently 15 schools in Thane and Eastern Suburbs of
Mumbai are being covered.

Shiksha Vikas:
Under this project 20 schools are selected for
infrastructural and soft skills development. It is a
project for 3 years. In the first year, mainly school
needs will be addressed. In the 2​nd​ year school as
well as community development needs will be
addressed. In the 3​rd​ year community development
will be done on a larger scale. This will create
conducive atmosphere for students to concentrate
on their studies.

Book Bank:
Due to rising prices of books, several poor students can’t
afford to buy text books. It is all the more difficult for
professional courses. Through Book Bank, text books are
issued to college students – professional and
non-professional- for a year or semester at a nominal up keep
charge. They can cut down on their text book cost by 60% to
80%. Income criteria is kept to help maximum numbers of
needy students.

Swatchh Bharat:

Rural schools do not have proper toilet facilities. This

reduces attendance of girls for the want of clean toilets.
Rural Schools in remote areas are identified to provide
them with a facility of clean toilets.

Krida Vikas:

Sport is an integral part of students’ life.

However, very few schools have good
facilities for sports. In rural and tribal
areas there is lot of talent available but is
never tapped. To identify such talent and
to promote sports in rural area, the
project is started. Fourteen schools have
been identified in Karjat-Khalapur area
where sports equipments and training will be given to students to develop interest in sports.
One centrally located school having basic infrastructure for sports like ground, indoor area, gym
etc. is developed as a “Sports Academy” where in depth training is given in various sports for
the selected few. We aim to create a culture of sports among students in this area and also
promote talented sportsmen to reach to national and international levels.

Community Knowledge Hub (C KH or ​सीख):

The main purpose of this project is to promote knowledge based
society by giving students hands on experience. We are starting a
Knowledge Hub for community where students from different school
can visit this Hub during or after their school hours. They can do
experiments related to Physics, Chemistry & Biology. They will be
trained in Robotics. They can explore their favorite subjects on E
learning and a well-equipped library.


This is regarding all round development of

students in urban slums or rural areas.
Students in these areas do not have proper
guidance for studies from home. Their houses
are small and they have lot of disturbances in
studying regularly at home. For such students
we start “Abhyasika” or study centers where
30-40 students from different classes come
and do their studies for 2 hours. A teacher is
appointed to help these students and
maintain discipline. On Saturdays various
activities are conducted by corporate
volunteers for all round development of
students. Camps are conducted twice in a year for their personality development. Presently,
101 Abhyasikas are being run in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai & Pune, which we are aiming to double
in next year.
The program works on three aspects:
● Education: Focus on development in academics through Study Centers (Abhyasikas),
libraries and computer education.
● Health: Health and hygiene program for adolescent girls mentoring, providing
preventive healthcare and vaccinations, guidance on good-affordable nutrition for
better health.
● Self-reliance: The most crucial element of better living. Vocation training is imparted to
develop skills needed for job. Self-help groups are formed to provide a chance to be

School Kit:
Many rural and tribal poor can’t afford
to buy new school bag and notebooks
every year for their children. These
children obviously are not enthusiastic
about going to school and do their
studies. We provide to such children,
educational material required for their
schooling by giving them a school kit.
The kit consists of a school bag,
notebooks, geometry box, pencil box,
drawing book etc. as per their needs.
The kit motivates them to go to school
regularly and study. We have been
giving about 60,000 kits every year for last 2 years. In last 8 years we have distributed over
2,50,000 kits.

Shiksha Vikas – Wada:

This project caters to diverse needs of ten schools in Wada area of Thane District. Need
assessment of each school is done by pre-visit of school with corporate volunteers and
discussion with teachers. A non-grant school is given teachers’ salary so that good teachers can
be retained. A rural school is given Spoken English Lab to train its students in English.
Compound wall of a school is built for student’s safety, whereas a school is given all
consumables for its science lab. Fulfilling precise needs helps better participation of teachers &
students in the project.
Smart School:

Urban schools are changing their faces. They are becoming smart with digital teaching aids and
creativity enhancement of students. We are trying
to bring rural schools also at par with them by
providing them E learning software with projector,
digital microscope, activity center etc. This will
boost confidence of students and make them
technology friendly.


There are many talented students from

poor families who can’t afford
professional education. It is mainly
because high fees of these courses and
huge expenses on books and other
essentials. We are helping such students
after a thorough due diligence.
In 2015-16, we helped 112 engineering
students from VJTI who hailed from
drought affected Marathawada region.
They were all farmers’ children and had
practically no family income in that year.
We paid for their mess expenses, hostel/rent expenses so that they can continue their studies
in such a premier institution.

Seva Fairs – Opportunity at doorstep:

Seva Sahayog holds exhibitions of NGO products and
presents their projects in campuses of various IT
companies. During Diwali, Seva Sahayog holds Seva
Fairs in companies in and around Mumbai, Navi
Mumbai & Pune (viz. PwC, Deutsche Bank, Kotak
Mahindra, Teradata, Bajaj Electricals, & KPIT). The
Seva fair exhibits innovative products by various
NGOs in these companies. Seva Fair, is an exhibition of work done by Voluntary Organizations,
specifically women in Self Help Groups, supported by Seva Sahayog. There are many people in
developed India who wish to do their part to help the community. This exhibition brings
Voluntary Organizations (NGOs) at your doorstep. It not only showcases the products made by
various Self Help Groups and Voluntary organizations across India, it also allows you to register
yourself for ‘bite size’ volunteering opportunities or donate money to a certain area of
community development.

One of the goals of “Seva Fair” activity of Seva Sahayog is to help women in SHGs make quality
products (handicrafts and other environment friendly items) and keep enhancing their skill sets
in this area. Thereby they can increase their earning potential, become independent individuals
and get a place of respect in their families and the society. They may then contribute to their
family income, this makes a positive difference in their lives and that of their children and other
family members in many ways. “Seva Fair “activity deals with marketing goods made by SHGs
and creating awareness about such groups in corporate houses and the society at large.

At “Seva Fair” you will get a golden opportunity to help in exhibiting and selling items made by
several women’s self-help groups in various IT companies near Pune. A great way to connect
SHGs with the Corporate Houses and their CSR activity.

The fair helps NGOs to showcase & market their products on wider platform.

Social Leadership Development (SLD) Program:

The Social Leadership Development program

organized by Seva Sahayog Foundation, aims at
developing leaders in the social field. During the
two weeks program, the participants are initially
oriented for the first three days and then placed
in the NGOs for 10 days for working at the grass
root level field training. During their stay at the
rural centers of the NGOs they get a first-hand
exposure to the realism, eventually developing
their own skill set.
Seva Sahayog, Mumbai has successfully seeded ​50 Social Leaders​ till now.

Tech for Seva (TFS)

Tech for Seva (TFS) was established in 2013 with the objective of providing an integrated
platform for inclusive development in the society. “Tech” meaning Technology and “Seva”
means selfless service for the greater good of the society at large. Technology can be defined as
science applied to practical purposes, and when it is applied for the greater good of the masses
it is referred to as Seva.

TFS is a facilitator for the major fraternities of social change – Corporate, Scientific and
Research Institutes and NGOs, primarily aiming at reaching technology to the weaker sections
of society so that they derive benefit in terms of quality education, reduced drudgery,
enhanced income and in general an improved quality of life.

Using technology to improve areas as diverse as health, environment, education, livelihood

might be a dream of many but most lack the resources to achieve their dream. We at TFS aim
to catalyse, the creation and use relevant technologies for a desirable future for all of us.

TFS as an integrating platform has been visualized by stalwarts who have played a catalytic role
in addressing social issues in its many dimensions by promoting scientific and technological
innovations for social upliftment. The TFS Conference of 2014 aims at opening a gateway for
partnerships among the fraternities aiming at an inclusive development while ensuring
economic advancement.

A Conference is being held by TFS in the month of December 2014 with the aim of providing an
interface between the S&T Institutions (the Scientific Solution Providers) the Corporates (CSR)
(the Resource Providers) and the NGO’s (the the Social Change Agents).


Highlights of Walk for Seva 2018

Walk for Seva (WFS) is an initiative by Seva Sahayog with an objective of transforming urban
slum life through education, health and self-reliance through Samutkarsha, an intergrated slum
development program.
Over 5000 socially conscious citizens of Pune are expected to participate in WFS 2018
WFS 2018 Leadership Meet will bring together corporate and social leaders on one platform
● Publish the impact of various Seva Sahayog Programs:
o Samutkarsha (community learning center) Program
o Women Empowerment Program
o Kishori Vikas (adolescent girl child) program
● Corrective measures based on the report will be presented and deliberated
● Orientation on how you can contribute towards society during the program

List of programs:
1 Education 2 Environment / Swaccha
. Bharat

➢ Educational aid & school kit ➢ Toilet construction &

distribution maintenance
➢ Samutkarsh study center ➢ Waste management
➢ Computer lab (digital literacy) ➢ Incineration of sanitary napkins
➢ Mini Science Center ➢ Tree plantation
➢ Infrastructure support

3. Health 4 Women & child care

. initiatives
➢ Health camps like blood ➢ Rehabilitation programs for
checkup, eye check up platform children
➢ Malnutrition identification ➢ Adolescent girl program (Kishori
survey & food supplements Vikas)

➢ Health survey of women and ➢ Support for Girl child centers

children in Slums
➢ Support for Ambulance / ➢ Support for orphanages &
Mobile clinic for rural areas adoption centers
➢ Support for medical
equipments & health programs
of hospitals

5. Tailor made programs that 6 Skill development & Self

suits your policies . sustenance
➢ Women entrepreneurship
development programs
➢ Skill development for youth

On the job training / On field Project

List of Project/ Projects carried in 21 Days (Mention in Tabular form)

Date From Name of project / Work Assigned

--------- to
4​TH Prepared Marketing strategies for social media
DECEMBER; 1) Promoting about NGO activities through Videos and Pictures
2017 2) Had detail discussion regarding activities to be undertaken at
specific abhiyasika
5​TH Visited the Abhiyasika, had an introduction session with kids and the
teacher regarding the working structure of the Abhiyasika
1) Asked them to write an essay on "Myself" and present the same
2017 2) Supervised the students to know more about their subjects
(Dictation, Reading Session, GK Session)
3) Indoor Game Session
6​TH Developed a weekly plan for kurla Abhiyasika ( SWOT) Made a
DECEMBER; strategy for the same
7​TH Work from home - Research for Marketing Manual
8​TH We had a drawing competittion to enhance their creativity skills,
DECEMBER; played a memory game
10​TH Visited the Abhiyasika and played different games
11​TH Visited the office and made calender action plan
Visited the and taught them few concepts of English & Maths
DECEMBER; Visit the Abhiyasika and teach them about basic GK with the help of


14​TH Visit the office and take update about the different Abhiyasika and
work on procurement and accounts manual
DECEMBER; them Taught Basic science (Photosynthesis, solar

DECEMBER; English Poem reading, Story writing and summarising

18​TH General discussion for Moral and ethical behaviour
19​TH Taught them mathematical tables, Squares, Odd even number

Details of Each project with 4 Photos / Activities done

● Project -1
● Project-2.
Challenges Faced by students working at NGO

Students were absent most of the time.
Only few were regular.
Few of them only had the will to learn something new.
This was also due to as the classes were held after the school as everyone would wish to
go to home after school.
There was no compulsion for attendance .
NGOs often lack the technical and organizational capacity to implement and fulfill their
mission, and few are willing or able to invest in training for capacity building. Weak capacity
affects fundraising ability, governance, leadership and technical areas.

There was no one to supervise the work assigned to us at any point of time


Ngo assigned useless work to us .
Instead they would have allotted the work which was more useful as well as fruitful.
They do not concentrate more on abhyasika as educating children is their main aim and
this would have been more fruitful.


​Many NGOs find it difficult to garner sufficient and continuous funding for their work. Gaining
access to appropriate donors is a major component of this challenge. They may have limited
resource mobilization skills locally, so instead they wait for international donors to approach them.
Current donors may shift priorities and withdraw funding. The NGO might suffer from a general lack
of project, organizational and financial sustainability.
1. A lack of effective governance is all too common in NGOs. Many have a deficit of
understanding as to why they must have a Board and how to set one up. A founder may be
too focused on running the NGO for their own purposes; however, governance is
foundational to transparency.
2. Poor or disorganized networking is another major challenge, as it can cause duplicated
efforts, time inefficiencies, conflicting strategies and an inability to learn from experience. The
more NGOs communicate with one another, with International Non-Governmental
Organizations (INGOs) and with the community at large, the more effective all of them can
be. However, many NGOs perceive INGOs as hindering or even threatening to their goals
and missions.
3. Many NGOs do not maximize the use of current technologies that could facilitate better
communication and networking. More effective use of technology can assist NGOs in staying
abreast of important regional, national and global concerns.


Many NGOs suffer from the lack of a cohesive, strategic plan that would facilitate success in
their activities and mission. This renders them unable to effectively raise and capitalize on
financial support.




All NGOs should be using a minimum of Internet, email, a basic website and relevant social
medial platforms.
1. NGOs with assets can use any surplus to help generate income. Renting out buildings,
offering training, providing consultancy, creating and selling products and trading on your
name are just a few examples.
2. If your NGO is facing any of the challenges described above, Maximpact can help. We offer
training and capacity building to strengthen your organization and assist you in meeting your


The ability to reach out for needed advice and guidance whenever required during a project
or to optimize NGO operations is extremely valuable. Access to qualified experts will inspire
confidence in donors and contribute to the project’s success. NGOs will naturally become
more efficient, streamlined and effective.
Capacity building and training can help to provide crucial new skills. NGOs can then more
readily train staff and cultivate the necessary skills within the organization to address
challenges going forward.
Find an appropriate grant and funder for their focus and mission.

Suggestions and Limitations

● List out the suggestion / solutions for NGO

● What were the limitation during project
Learnings/ Experience
● Managerial Skills you developed during this project.
● Over all experience.

Picture Gallery
(3 – 4 pages of picture gallery of colored photos with title / description of work done )
Vivekanand Education Society Institute of Management Studies & Research


Chapter heading 20 pts.

Section heading 16 pts.
Sub-section heading 14 pts.
Normal text 12 pts.
Font type Times New Roman
Font style Regular.
Font spacing Normal.
Line spacing 1
Report size 60 to 70 pages
Number of copies 2 copies
Page Numbering Bottom Centre aligned
Reference No. : Each Table/ Exhibit/ Figure must be
assigned a reference No.
Annexure to be Numbered and put in sequential
∙​ Left:1.5 Inch
∙​ Right :1 Inch
∙​ Top:1 Inch
∙​ Bottom: 1 Inch
A4 size paper

Evaluation sheet

Evaluation Sheet for NGO Mentor

Attendance Dedication Successfully Conducting the task Total
Towards Assigned / project
10 10 10 30

Evaluation Sheet for Faculty Mentor

Tasks Carried out Implementing of Learnings Viva & Presentation Total
20 20 10 20 70

Final Mark Sheet

Attendance Dedication Successfully Project/ Solutions Implementing Learnings Total
Towards Conducting s Given of Innovative Marks
Assigned the task / Carried Solutions
Work project out
10 10 10 20 20 20 10 100

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