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Copyright(c) 2018 by Nixon Vunganai.

All rights reserved.

Neither this document nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any
means or translated into another language, without the prior consent of Nixon Vunganai. The
information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

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Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data 26
Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers) 27
Define Screen Layout per Company Code (Customers) 29
Define Screen Layout per Activity (Customers) 29
Change Message Control for Customer Master Data 30
Develop Enhancements for Customer Master Data 31
Adoption of Customer's Own Master Data Fields 31
Prepare Modification-Free Enhancement in Customer Master Record 31
Business Add-In: Processing of Master Data Enhancements 33
Business Add-In: Customer Sunscreens 33
Business Add-In: Processing of Master Data Enhancements with 34
Enter Accounting Clerk Identification Code for Customers 35
Define Industries 36
Accounts Receivable Master Data for Argentina 36
Define Fiscal Type 36
Assign Fiscal Type 36
Assign Capital Letter to Fiscal Type 37
Define ID Type 37
Define Activity Codes for Gross Income Tax 37
Define Distribution Type for Gross Income Tax 38
Accounts Receivable Master Data for South Korea 38
Define Business Type (Customers) 38
Define Industry Type (Customers) 39
Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts 39
Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups 40
Define Accounts Receivable Pledging Indicator 40
Define Text IDs for Central Texts (Customers) 41
Define Text IDs for Accounting Texts (Customers) 41
Define Sensitive Fields for Dual Control (Customers) 42
Data Transfer Workbench 42
Delete Customer Master Data 42
Preparations for Changing Customer Master Data 43
Define Field Groups for Customer Master Records 43
Group Fields for Customer Master Records 44
Request to Change Master Data 44

2 |
Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services 45
Define Own Scenarios for Request to Change Master Data 45
Match codes 49
Check Search Fields for (Customer) Match codes 49
Maintain Match codes for Customers 49
Display Line Items 51
Define Additional Fields for Line Item Display 51
Local Reporting for Account Balances 52
Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services 52
Display Line Items without ALV 53
Determine Standard Sorting for Line Items 53
Define Line Layout 54
Define Additional Fields for Line Item Display 54
Choose Selection Fields 55
Define Sort Variants 55
Define Totals Variants 55
Choose Standard Line Layout and Standard Totals Variant 55
Choose Additional Fields 55
Choose Search Fields 56
0 Choose Sort Fields 56
1 Choose Totals Fields 56
Define Master Record Info 56
Maintain Work list 57
Change Message Control for Displaying Line Items 58
Local Reporting for Line Items 59
Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services 59
Maintain ALV Layout for Line Item Display 60
Maintain Selection Variants for Customer Line Item Display 61
Assign Variant Key to Selection Variants 61
Open Item Processing 61
Define Line Layout 61
Choose Standard Line Layout 62
Choose Selection Fields 62
Choose Search Fields 62
Choose Sort Fields 62
Maintain Work list 63
Correspondence 64
Make and Check Settings for Correspondence 64
Define Correspondence Types 64
Create Report Variants for Correspondence 65
Assign Programs for Correspondence Types 66
Define Forms for Correspondence 67
Define Form Names for Correspondence Print 67
Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form 69
Determine Call-Up Functions 69
Develop Enhancements for Correspondence 70
Define Sort Variants for Correspondence 70
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Define Sort Variants for Line Items 71

Define Period Types for Customers 71
Specify Selection Criteria for Customer Form Letters 71
Maintain Work list for Displaying Balances 72
Local Reporting for Account Balances 73
Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services 73
BAdI: Data Retrieval for the App 74
BAdI: Processing Notes Related to Customers 76
Define Company Code Groups 77
Define Creation Mode for Dispute Cases 77
Specify Usage of SAP Credit Management 78
Customer-Defined Charts 78
Define Charts 78
BAdI: Data Retrieval for Customer-Defined Charts 79
Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data 80
Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors) 81
Define Screen Layout per Company Code (Vendors) 82
Define Screen Layout per Activity (Vendors) 83
Change Message Control for Vendor Master Data 84
Develop Enhancements for Vendor Master Data 85
Adoption of Customer's Own Master Data Fields 85
Prepare Modification-Free Enhancement in Vendor Master Record 85
Business Add-In: Processing of Master Data Enhancements 86
Business Add-In: Customer Sunscreens 87
Business Add-In: Processing of Master Data Enhancements with 88
Define Accounting Clerks 89
Define Industries 89
Accounts Payable Master Data for Argentina 90
Define Fiscal Type 91
Assign Fiscal Type 92
Assign Capital Letter to Fiscal Type 92
Define ID Type 92
Define Activity Codes for Social Security Insurance 93
Define Activity Codes for Gross Income Tax 93
Define Distribution Type for Gross Income Tax 93
Accounts Payable Master Data for South Korea 94
Define Business Type (Vendors) 94
Define Industry Type (Vendors) 94
Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts 95
Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups 96
Define Text IDs for Central Texts (Vendors) 96
4 |
Define Text IDs for Accounting Texts (Vendors) 96
Define Sensitive Fields for Dual Control (Vendors) 97
Carry Out and Check Settings for Withholding Tax 97
Maintain Tax Codes 97
Maintain Countries 98
Maintain Formulas 99
Maintain Types of Recipient 99
Define Recipient Codes 100
Define Income Types 100
Define Accounts for Withholding Tax 100
6 Settings for Withholding Tax Return to Vendor 101
Define Forms for Withholding Tax 101
Define Form Names for Extended Reporting 102
Define Header and Footer Texts for Forms 102
Define Minority Indicators 102
Data Transfer Workbench 103
Delete Vendor Master Data 103
Preparations for Changing Vendor Master Data 103
Define Field Groups for Vendor Master Records 104
Group Fields for Vendor Master Records 104
Request to Change Master Data 105
Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services 105
Define Own Scenarios for Request to Change Master Data 106
Match code 109
Check Search Fields for (Vendor) Match codes 109
Maintain Match codes for Vendors 110
Display Line Items 112
Define Additional Fields for Line Item Display 112
Local Reporting for Line Items 112
Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services 113
Maintain ALV Layout for Line Item Display 114
Maintain Selection Variants for Vendor Line Item Display 114
Assign Variant Key to Selection Variants 115
Display Line Items without ALV 115
Determine Standard Sorting for Line Items 115
Define Line Layout 116
Define Additional Fields for Line Item Display 116
Choose Selection Fields 116
Define Sort Variants 117
Define Totals Variants 117
Choose Standard Line Layout and Standard Totals Variant 117
Choose Additional Fields 117
Choose Search Fields 117
Choose Sort Fields 118
Choose Totals Fields 118
Define Master Record Info 118
Maintain Work list 118
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Change Message Control for Displaying Line Items 120

Open Item Processing 120
Define Line Layout 120
Choose Standard Line Layout 121
Choose Selection Fields 121
Choose Search Fields 121
Choose Sort Fields 121
Maintain Work list 122
Correspondence 123
Make and Check Settings for Correspondence 123
Define Correspondence Types 123
Create Report Variants for Correspondence 125
Assign Programs for Correspondence Types 125
Define Forms for Correspondence 126
Define Form Names for Correspondence Print 127
Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form 128
Determine Call-Up Functions 129
Develop Enhancements for Correspondence 129
Define Sort Variants for Correspondence 130
0 Define Sort Variants for Line Items 130
Define Period Types for Vendors 130
Specify Selection Criteria for Vendor Form Letters 131
Maintain Work list for Displaying Balances 131
Local Reporting for Account Balances 132
Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services 133
Make and Check Document Settings 134
Define Document Types 134
Define Posting Keys 135
Validation in Accounting Documents 136
Define Texts for Line Items 137
Define Default Values 137
Define Field Status Variants 137
Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants 138
Screen Variants for Document Entry 139
Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks 139
Substitution in Accounting Documents 139
Define Text IDs for Documents 140
2 Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview 141
3 Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display 141
Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display 141
Document Change Rules, Document Header 141
Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items 142
6 |
Make and Check Settings for Document Parking 142
Define Entry Screens for Parking Documents 142
Create Workflow Variant for Parking Documents 143
Assign Company Code to a Workflow Variant for Parking Documents 143
Define Release Approval Groups for Parking Documents 143
Define Release Approval Paths for Parking Documents 143
Assign Release Approval Paths for Parking Documents 144
Assign Release Approval Procedure for Parking Documents 144
Define Users with Release Authorization for Parking Documents 145
Reset Release Approval (Customers) 145
Reset Release Approval (Vendors) 145
Reset Release Approval (G/L Accounts) 146
Maintain Terms of Payment 146
Define Terms of Payment for Instalment Payments 147
Define SCB Indicator for Foreign Trade Regulations 147
Define Cash Discount Base for Incoming Invoices 148
Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos - Enjoy 148
Define Document Types for Enjoy Transaction 148
Define Tax Code per Transaction 149
Define Posting Key for Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos 149
Include Customer Fields in Enjoy Transactions 149
Invoice/Credit Memo Fast Entry 150
Define Posting Keys for Fast Entry 150
Define Screen Templates for G/L Account Items 151
Define Account for Net Procedure 151
Carry Out and Check Settings for Withholding Tax 151
Maintain Tax Codes 151
Maintain Countries 152
Maintain Formulas 153
Maintain Types of Recipient 153
Define Recipient Codes 153
Define Income Types 154
Define Accounts for Withholding Tax 154
Settings for Withholding Tax Return to Vendor 154
Define Forms for Withholding Tax 154
Define Form Names for Extended Reporting 155
Define Header and Footer Texts for Forms 155
EDI 156
Enter Program Parameters for EDI Incoming Invoice 157
Assign Company Code for EDI Incoming Invoice 158
Assign G/L Accounts for EDI Procedures 159
Assign Tax Codes for EDI Procedures 159
Assign Additional Account Assignments for EDI Procedure 160
Develop Enhancements for EDI Incoming Invoice 161
Create Workflow Variant for Release for Payment 162
Assign Company Code Workflow Variant for Release for Payment 162
Define Release Approval Groups for Release for Payment 163
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Define Release Approval Paths for Release for Payment 163

Assign Release Approval Paths for Release for Payment 163
Assign Release Approval Procedure for Release for Payment 163
Define Relevant Document Types for Release for Payment 164
Define Users with Authorization to Payment Release 164
Carry Out Function Enhancements for Release for Payment 164
Define Payment Block Reason for Payment Release 165
Outgoing Payments Global Settings 166
Make and Check Document Settings 166
Define Document Types 166
Define Posting Keys 167
Validation in Accounting Documents 168
Define Texts for Line Items 169
Define Default Values 169
Define Field Status Variants 169
Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants 171
Screen Variants for Document Entry 171
Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks 171
Substitution in Accounting Documents 172
Define Text IDs for Documents 172
Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview 173
Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display 173
Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display 173
Document Change Rules, Document Header 174
Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items 174
Define Accounts for Cash Discount Taken 174
Define Accounts for Lost Cash Discount 175
Configure Automatic Generation of Cash Discount Documents 175
Define Accounts for Overpayments/Underpayments 175
Define Accounts for Exchange Rate Differences 176
Define Account for Rounding Differences 176
Define Accounts for Payment Differences with Alter. Currency 176
Define Clearing Accts for Payment Diff. with Altern.Currency 177
0 Define Accounts for Bank Charges (Vendors) 177
Define Posting Keys for Clearing 177
Enable Translation Posting 178
Carry Out and Check Settings for Withholding Tax 178
Maintain Tax Codes 178
3 Maintain Countries 179
Maintain Formulas 179
3 Maintain Types of Recipient 180
Define Recipient Codes 180
Define Income Types 180
Define Accounts for Withholding Tax 181
8 |
Settings for Withholding Tax Return to Vendor 181
Define Forms for Withholding Tax 181
Define Form Names for Extended Reporting 182
Define Header and Footer Texts for Forms 182
Payment Block Reasons 182
Define Payment Block Reasons 182
Define Default Values for Payment Block 183
Manual Outgoing Payments 183
Define Tolerances (Vendors) 184
Overpayment/Underpayment 184
Define Reason Codes (Manual Outgoing Payments) 184
Define Accounts for Payment Differences (Manual Outgoing Payment) 185
Define Standard Reason Codes for Clearing w/ Payment Advice Notes 185
Prepare Cross-Company Code Manual Payments 186
Make Settings for Processing Open Items 186
Define Line Layout 186
Choose Standard Line Layout 187
Choose Selection Fields 187
Choose Search Fields 187
Choose Sort Fields 187
Check Payment Block Reason 187
Automatic Outgoing Payments 188
Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program 188
Set Up Payment Program 188
Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions 190
Set Up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions 191
Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions 191
Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions 193
Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions 195
Define Payment Method Supplements 196
Define Value Date Rules 196
Assign Payment Method to Bank Transaction 196
Define Payment Groupings 197
Define Reconciliation Accounts without Automatic Payments 197
Country-Specific Functions 198
Payment Algorithms (Country-Specific) 198
Activate Country-Spec. Algorithm for Pay of Vendor Invoices in For. Curr. 198
Italy 199
Define House Banks 199
SEPA Direct Debits 199
Determine Local Instrument Code and Lead Times 199
Change Priority Rules for Local Instrument Code and Lead Times 200
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) 201
BAdI: Determining the Lead Times for SEPA Direct Debits 201
BAdI: Assignment of a SEPA Mandate to an Item 203
BAdI: Influencing the Selection of SEPA Mandates 204
Payment Proposal Processing 206
Make Settings for Displaying Payments 206
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Define Line Layout for Displaying Payments 206

Select Standard Line Layout for Payments 206
Select Search Fields for Payments 206
Choose Sort Fields for Payments 206
Make Settings for Displaying Line Items 207
Define Line Layout for Displaying Line Items 207
Select Standard Line Layout for Line Items 207
Select Search Fields for Line Item Display 207
Select Sort Fields for the Line Item Display 208
Check Payment Block Reasons (Default) 208
Automatic Posting 208
Prepare Automatic Postings for Payment Program 208
Prepare Automatic Posting for Payment Requests 208
Branch Assignment for Automatic Postings 209
Define Assignment Keys 209
Define Branch Assignment for Automatic Postings 210
Country-Specific Settings 210
Payment Media 210
Define Payment Forms 210
Define Sender Details for Payment Forms 210
Make Settings for Classic Payment Medium Programs 211
Assign Payment Forms for Payment Method in Company Code 211
Assign Payment Medium Program for Payment Method in Country 212
Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench 212
Adjust Note to Payee 212
Assign Payment Medium Format and Note to Payee to Payment Method 213
Create/Assign Selection Variants 213
Adjust Payment Medium Format 214
Create Payment Medium Formats 215
Define Identification for Cross-Payment Run Payment Media 216
Sort Variants 217
Payment Media: Define Sort Variants 217
Payment Media: Define Sort Variants for Line Items 217
Check Management 217
Define Number Ranges for Checks 218
Define Void Reason Codes 218
Data Medium Exchange In the following steps you make the settings for data medium exchange. 218
Define Instruction Keys 218
Define Instructions for Payment Transactions 219
Develop Enhancements for DME 219
EDI Payment Orders and Debit Memos 220
Define EDI-Compatible Payment Methods for a House Bank 221
Assign EDI Payment Method to External Payment Method 221
Define Organization Objects for Authorizations in Workflow 221
Call Up Customer Functions 222
10 |
Country-Specific Settings for Payment Media 222
Italy 222
Maintain UIC Codes 223
Brazil 223
Maintain Currency Codes for DME 223
BAdI: Conversion and Validation of Barcode Numbers in Brazilian Boletos 224
Domestic Bank Transfer (Japan) 225
Define Bank Charges for Japan 225
Define Accounts for Bank Charges (Japan) 225
Define Bank Group for Merged Banks (Japan) 226
Define Branch Group for Merged Banks (Japan) 226
Norway 227
Define Sequence Number for Telepay Format 227
Define User Number at Bank in Norway, United Kingdom, and Ireland 227
Define Bank Transaction Code for United Kingdom 227
Define DME User ID (France) 227
Payment Run Display 228
Make Settings for Displaying Payments 228
Define Line Layout for Displaying Payments 228
Select Standard Line Layout for Payments 228
Select Search Fields for Payments 229
Choose Sort Fields for Payments 229
Make Settings for Displaying Line Items 229
Define Line Layout for Displaying Line Items 229
Select Standard Line Layout for Line Items 229
Select Search Fields for Line Item Display 230
Select Sort Fields for the Line Item Display 230
Make and Check Document Settings 230
Define Document Types 230
Define Posting Keys 231
Validation in Accounting Documents 232
Define Texts for Line Items 233
Define Default Values 233
Define Field Status Variants 234
Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants 235
Screen Variants for Document Entry 235
Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks 236
Substitution in Accounting Documents 236
Define Text IDs for Documents 237
Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview 237
Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display 237
Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display 238
Document Change Rules, Document Header 238
Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items 238
Make and Check Settings for Document Parking 239
Define Entry Screens for Parking Documents 239
Create Workflow Variant for Parking Documents 239
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Assign Company Code to a Workflow Variant for Parking Documents 239

Define Release Approval Groups for Parking Documents 240
Define Release Approval Paths for Parking Documents 240
Assign Release Approval Paths for Parking Documents 240
Assign Release Approval Procedure for Parking Documents 240
Define Users with Release Authorization for Parking Documents 241
Reset Release Approval (Customers) 241
Reset Release Approval (Vendors) 242
Reset Release Approval (G/L Accounts) 242
Maintain Terms of Payment 242
Define Terms of Payment for Instalment Payments 243
Define Cash Discount Base for Outgoing Invoices 244
Define Tax Accounts for Outgoing Invoices 244
Make and Check Settings for Correspondence 244
Define Correspondence Types 244
Create Report Variants for Correspondence 245
Assign Programs for Correspondence Types 246
Define Forms for Correspondence 247
Define Form Names for Correspondence Print 247
Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form 248
Determine Call-Up Functions 249
Develop Enhancements for Correspondence 249
Define Sort Variants for Correspondence 250
Define Sort Variants for Line Items 250
Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos - Enjoy 250
Define Document Types for Enjoy Transactions 250
Define Tax Code per Transaction 251
Define Posting Key for Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos 251
Include Customer Fields in Enjoy Transactions 251
Country-Specific Functions 252
Argentina 252
Define Electronic Branches 252
Maintain AFIP Return Codes and Descriptions 253
Maintain Country Codes 253
Maintain Currency Codes 254
Maintain Unit of Measure 254
Define Settings for Web Services 254
Assign Condition Types to Material Codes 254
Define a Branch for Web Service 255
Define VAT Rate Codes and VAT Percentages for Web Service 255
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) 255
BAdI: Change Web Service Document Data for RG2904 255
BAdI: Change Document for Web Service Communication 256
Hungary 257
Specify Sign for PHPF Reporting 257
12 |
Incoming Payments Global Settings 257
Make and Check Document Settings 257
Define Document Types 257
Define Posting Keys 259
Validation in Accounting Documents 259
Define Texts for Line Items 260
Define Default Values 260
Define Field Status Variants 261
Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants 262
Screen Variants for Document Entry 262
Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks 263
Substitution in Accounting Documents 263
Define Text IDs for Documents 264
Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview 264
Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display 264
Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display 265
Document Change Rules, Document Header 265
Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items 265
Define Accounts for Cash Discount Granted 265
Define Accounts for Overpayments/Underpayments 266
Define Accounts for Exchange Rate Differences 266
Define Account for Rounding Differences 267
Define Accounts for Bank Charges (Customers) 267
Define Posting Keys for Clearing 268
Enable Translation Posting 268
Overpayment/Underpayment 268
Define Reason Codes 268
Define Accounts for Payment Differences 269
Define Standard Reason Codes for Clearing w/ Payment Advice Notes 270
Define Reason Code Conversion Version 270
Define Conversion of Payment Difference Reason Codes 271
Payment Block Reasons 271
Define Payment Block Reasons 271
Define Default Values for Payment Block 272
Payment Advice Notes (Incoming) 272
Define Payment Advice Types 272
Choose Selection Fields for Payment Advice Notes 273
1 Choose External Selection Fields for Payment Advice Notes 273
Define Selection Rules 273
Allocate selection fields 274
Payment Advice Overview: Define Line Layout 274
Payment Advice Overview: Choose Standard Line Layout 274
Manual Incoming Payments 275
Define Tolerance Groups for Employees 275
Assign User/Tolerance Groups 276
Define Tolerances (Customers) 276
Clearing Differences 277
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Define Tolerances for Customers/Vendors 277

Define Tolerance Groups for Employees 278
Assign Users to Tolerance Groups 278
Define Accounts for Clearing Differences 279
Residual Item Posting in Invoice Currency 279
Prepare Cross-Company Code Manual Payments 280
Make Settings for Processing Open Items 280
Define Line Layout 280
Choose Standard Line Layout 281
Choose Selection Fields 281
Choose Search Fields 281
Choose Sort Fields 281
Outgoing Payment Notices 281
Make and Check Settings for Correspondence 281
Define Correspondence Types 282
Create Report Variants for Correspondence 283
Assign Programs for Correspondence Types 283
Define Forms for Correspondence 284
Define Form Names for Correspondence Print 285
Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form 286
Determine Call-Up Functions 286
Develop Enhancements for Correspondence 287
Define Sort Variants for Correspondence 287
0 Define Sort Variants for Line Items 287
Control the Automatically Generated Payment Notices 288
Create Receipt Lot 289
Assign Receipt Lots to Number Ranges 289
Define Stamp Tax 289
Automatic Incoming Payments 290
Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program 290
Set Up Payment Program 290
Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions 292
Set Up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions 293
Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions 294
Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions 295
Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions 297
Define Payment Method Supplements 298
Define Value Date Rules 298
Assign Payment Method to Bank Transaction 299
Define Payment Groupings 299
Payment Proposal Processing 300
Make Settings for Displaying Payments 300
Define Line Layout for Displaying Payments 300
Select Standard Line Layout for Payments 300
Select Search Fields for Payments 300
14 |
Choose Sort Fields for Payments 300
Make Settings for Displaying Line Items 301
Define Line Layout for Displaying Line Items 301
Select Standard Line Layout for Line Items 301
Select Search Fields for Line Item Display 301
Select Sort Fields for the Line Item Display 302
Check Payment Block Reasons (Default) 302
Automatic Posting 302
Prepare Automatic Postings for Payment Program 302
Branch Assignment for Automatic Postings 302
Define Assignment Keys 302
Define Branch Assignment for Automatic Postings 303
Print 303
Payment Media 303
Payment Media: Define Sort Variants 303
Payment Media: Define Sort Variants for Line Items 303
Define Instruction Keys 304
Define Instructions for Payment Transactions 304
Develop Enhancements for DME 304
Payment Run Display 306
Make Settings for Displaying Payments 306
Define Line Layout for Displaying Payments 306
Select Standard Line Layout for Payments 306
Select Search Fields for Payments 306
Choose Sort Fields for Payments 307
Make Settings for Displaying Line Items 307
Define Line Layout for Displaying Line Items 307
Select Standard Line Layout for Line Items 307
Select Search Fields for Line Item Display 308
Select Sort Fields for the Line Item Display 308
Generate Error List for Payment Program Configuration 308
Electronic Incoming Payments 308
Prepare Payment Authorization/POR Procedure 308
Payment Advice Notes 309
Assign Company Code for EDI Payment Advice Notes 309
Define Further Processing of Payment Advice Notes 309
Develop Enhancements for EDI Payment Advice Notes 310
Management of SEPA Mandates 310
General Settings 310
Define Modifiable Fields 311
Make Central Settings for Payment Cards 311
Assign G/L Account to Cash Clearing Account 312
Basic Settings for Dunning 312
Define Dunning Areas 312
Define Dunning Keys 313
Define Dunning Block Reasons 313
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Dunning Procedure 313

Define Dunning Procedures 314
Define Dunning Groupings 315
Define Interest Rates 315
Known/Negotiated Leave 316
Define Types of Leave 316
Define Rules for Issuing an Invoice 316
Printout 317
Define Dunning Forms (with SAP Script) 317
Define Dunning Forms (with SAP Smart Forms) 317
Assign Dunning Forms 318
Define Sender Details for Dunning Forms 318
Develop Enhancements for the Dunning Print Program 319
Attached Payment Media 319
Enter Long Texts for Attached Payment Media 319
Country-Dependent Data for Attached Payment Media 320
Company Code-Dependent Data for Attached Payment Media 320
Define House Banks/Bank Account 320
Define Control Data for Payment Authorization/POR 320
Generate List for Dunning Program Configuration 321
Define Accounts for Exchange Rate Differences 321
Define Account for Rounding Differences 321
Define Posting Key for Clearing Open Items 321
Make Settings for Processing Open Items 322
Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display 322
Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display 322
Choose Selection Fields 323
Choose Search Fields 323
Choose Sort Fields 323
Make Settings for Local Assignment of Open Items 323
Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services 323
Maintain Standard Text for Mail to Accounting Clerk 324
Prepare Automatic Clearing 325
Clearing Differences 325
Define Tolerances for Customers/Vendors 325
Define Tolerance Groups for Employees 326
Assign Users to Tolerance Groups 327
Define Accounts for Clearing Differences 327
Residual Item Posting in Invoice Currency 328
Country-Specific Functions 329
Russia 329
Activate Negative Posting for Country 329
Make and Check Document Settings 329
16 |
Define Document Types 330
Define Posting Keys 331
Validation in Accounting Documents 331
Define Texts for Line Items 332
Define Default Values 333
Define Field Status Variants 333
Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants 334
Screen Variants for Document Entry 335
Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks 335
Substitution in Accounting Documents 335
Define Text IDs for Documents 336
Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview 336
Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display 337
Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display 337
Document Change Rules, Document Header 337
Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items 338
Define Reconciliation Accounts for Customer Down Payments 338
Define Tax Accounts for Down Payments Received 338
Define Account for Tax Clearing 339
0 Make and Check Document Settings 339
Define Document Types 339
Define Posting Keys 340
Validation in Accounting Documents 341
Define Texts for Line Items 342
Define Default Values 342
Define Field Status Variants 343
Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants 344
Screen Variants for Document Entry 344
Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks 345
Substitution in Accounting Documents 345
Define Text IDs for Documents 346
Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview 346
Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display 346
Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display 347
Document Change Rules, Document Header 347
Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items 347
Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Down Payments 347
Define Account for Tax Clearing 348
Down Payments/Down Payment Requests 348
Activate Application 348
Change Message Control 349
BAdI: Default Values for Vendor Down Payment Clearing 349
BAdI: Check of Down Payment Totals 350
Make and Check Document Settings 350
Define Document Types 351
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Define Posting Keys 352

Validation in Accounting Documents 352
Define Texts for Line Items 353
Define Default Values 354
Define Field Status Variants 354
Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants 355
Screen Variants for Document Entry 355
Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks 356
Substitution in Accounting Documents 356
Define Text IDs for Documents 357
Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview 357
Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display 357
Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display 358
Document Change Rules, Document Header 358
Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items 358
Make and Check Settings for Correspondence 359
Define Correspondence Types 359
Create Report Variants for Correspondence 360
Assign Programs for Correspondence Types 361
Define Forms for Correspondence 361
Define Form Names for Correspondence Print 362
Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form 363
Determine Call-Up Functions 363
Develop Enhancements for Correspondence 364
Define Sort Variants for Correspondence 365
Define Sort Variants for Line Items 365
Other Special G/L Transactions 366
Make and Check Document Settings 366
Define Document Types 366
Define Posting Keys 367
Validation in Accounting Documents 368
Define Texts for Line Items 369
Define Default Values 369
Define Field Status Variants 369
Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants 371
Screen Variants for Document Entry 371
Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks 371
Substitution in Accounting Documents 372
Define Text IDs for Documents 373
Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview 373
Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display 373
Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display 373
Document Change Rules, Document Header 374
Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items 374
18 |
Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Customers 374
Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Vendors 375
Define Accounts for Automatic Offsetting Entry 375
Generate List for Special General Ledger 375
Generate Error List for Special General Ledger 376
Define Alternative Reconciliation Accounts 376
Request Adjustment Posting Locally 376
Activate Test Scenario for Request for Adjustment Posting 377
Define Scenarios for Request for Adjustment Posting 377
Assign Own Scenarios for Request for Adjustment Posting 379
Assign Adjustment Postings to Scenarios 380
Permit Negative Postings 380
Define Reasons for Reversal 381
Interest Calculation Global Settings 381
Define Interest Calculation Types 381
Define Number Ranges for Interest Forms 382
Prepare Interest on Arrears Calculation 382
Prepare Item Interest Calculation 383
Prepare Account Balance Interest Calculation 383
Prepare Special G/L Transaction Interest Calculation 383
Maintain Withholding Tax Code for Interest Document 383
Interest Calculation 384
Define Reference Interest Rates 384
Define Time-Based Terms 384
Enter Interest Values 385
Specify Function Module for Interest Rate Determination 385
Maintain Interest Rates for Vendor Operation (Brazil) 385
Define Fixed Amounts for Interest Calculation 385
Interest Posting 386
A/R: Calculation of Interest on Arrears 386
Interest on Arrears Calculation (Vendors) 387
A/R: Balance Interest Calculation 387
A/P: Balance Interest Calculation 388
Branch Assignment for Automatic Postings 389
Define Assignment Keys 389
Define Branch Assignment for Automatic Postings 389
Add-In: Payment Reference Numbers 389
Print 391
Define Interest Forms (with SAP Script) 391
Assign Forms for Interest Indicators 391
Define Sender Details for Interest Forms 392
Count 392
Cross-System Intercompany Reconciliation 393
Preparations in the Sender System 393
Define Enhancements 393
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Preparations in the Reconciliation System 394

Generate Default Customizing 394
General Settings 395
Communication Support 395
Define Reconciliation Process Attributes 398
Create Additional Fields 399
Activate Processes 399
Activate Transaction Data Tables 400
Maintain Field Catalogs 400
Data Selection And Storage 401
Define Reconciliation Process Detail Attributes 401
Define Ledger 401
Define Enhancements 401
Companies to be Reconciled 402
Data Assignment 403
Maintain Number Range for Group Reference Numbers 403
Define Rules for Document Assignments 403
Data Reconciliation 405
Set Up Reconciliation Display 405
Define Sets 405
Set Up Object Groups and Subgroups 406
Define Possible Status for Documents 408
Define Enhancements 409
Additional Options for Web-Based User Interface 410
Set Up Assignment Confirmation 410
Configure Reconciliation Overview CHIP 411
Define Navigation Options from Service Requests to Reconciliation 411
Balance Confirmation Correspondence 412
Make and Check Settings for Correspondence 412
Define Correspondence Types 412
Create Report Variants for Correspondence 414
Assign Programs for Correspondence Types 414
Define Forms for Correspondence 415
Define Form Names for Correspondence Print 415
Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form 416
Determine Call-Up Functions 417
Develop Enhancements for Correspondence 418
Define Sort Variants for Correspondence 418
Define Sort Variants for Line Items 418
Define Reply Addresses for Balance Confirmation 419
Specify Selection Criteria for Balance Confirmation 419
Valuate 419
Foreign Currency Valuation 419
Reserve for Bad Debt 419
Define Methods 420
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Define Accounts for Reserve for Bad Debt 420
Develop Enhancements for Reserve for Bad Debt 420
Valuations 422
Define Value Adjustment Key 422
Define Interest Calculation Types 422
Define Accounts 423
Determine Base Value 423
Determine Values for Line Item Display 424
Reclassify 425
Report 425
Black List Explanation (Italy) 425
Group Tax Balances 426
Define Customer as Natural Person 427
Maintain Details of Tax Code Representative 427
Foreign Trade Regulations 427
Define Currency Key for Banque de France 427
Define Countries for Banque de France 427
Define State Central Bank Indicator for Banque de France 428
Identify Offsetting Accounts for Banque de France 428
Define Accounts Subject to Reporting for Banque de France 428
Define Accounts for Automatic HR Postings (A/R) 429
Define Accounts for Automatic HR Postings (A/P) 429
Define Number Range Intervals 430
Define Chain Types 430
Define Special G/L Transactions 431
Define Retention Amount Categories 431
Default Values for Retention Amount Categories 432
Define Additional Cost Categories 432
Define Contractual Penalty Categories 433
Define Verification Categories 434
Define payment block for retention amounts and special retention amounts 434
Deferred Tax for Down Payment Chains 435
Customizing for Deferred Tax 435
Settings: Repeat Run for Deferred Tax 436
Change Message Control 436
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) 437
BAdI: Editing Payment Chains 437
BAdI: Menu Enhancement for Down Payment Chains 439
BAdI: Standard Postings for Down Payment Chains 440
BAdI: Controls for Down Payment Chains 440
Japan 442
Invoice Summary: Standard Customizing Settings 442
Basic Settings 442
9 Define Line Items 443
Maintain Bank Charges 443
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Maintain Number Ranges 444

Post Tax Adjustment 444
Invoice Summary: BAdI Enhancements 444
Implementation: Change Statement 444
Master Data 445
Implementation: Add Customer Data (1) 445
Implementation: Add Customer Data (2) 445
BAdI: Invoice Summary Customer Master Data 445
Invoice Summary 446
Notes on Implementation 446
BAdI: Invoice Summary Items 446
BAdI: Invoice Summary-Relevant Postings 447
BAdI: Invoice Summary Payer and Monthly Invoices 448
Netherlands 449
Set Up Aggregated Scaled Dunning Charges 449
Portugal 450
Digital Signature 450
Record Number Ranges for Digital Signature of Invoices (FI) 450
Russia 451
Transfer Pricing 451
Maintain Company Information 451
Company Information 451
Maintain Company Categories 452
Liquidation Codes 452
Define Parameters 452
Foreign Organization Data 452
Transaction Types 453
Transaction Participant Codes 453
Transaction Participant Statuses 453
Price Sources 454
Pricing Methods 454
BAdI: Transfer Pricing Data 454
VAT Invoices 456
Correction Invoices 456
Define Correction Invoices 456
Invoice Journal 456
Assign Incoming Invoice Number Ranges 456
Automatic Registration of Incoming Invoices 457
Automatic Registration of Outgoing Invoices from FI 457
Automatic Registration of Outgoing Invoices from SD 457
Define Operation Type Codes 458
Assign Operation Type Codes to Tax Codes 458
Enter Text Object IDs for Incoming Invoices 458
Automatic Processing of Reversals 459
Down Payments in Foreign Currency 459
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Activate Down Payments in Foreign Currency Function 459
Enable Down Payments in FC Function for SD Billing 459
Enable Down Payments in FC Function for MM Documents 460
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) 461
BAdI: Advance Report 461
BAdI: Change of Address 461
BAdI: Print Data Update for Tax Invoice 462
BAdI: Selection of Different VAT Reg. No. for Invoice Register Report 463
Maintain Standard Text for Mail to Accounting Clerk 465
Activate Test Scenario for Request for Adjustment Posting 466
Define Scenarios for Request for Adjustment Posting 466
Assign Own Scenarios for Request for Adjustment Posting 468
Assign Adjustment Postings to Scenarios 469
Process URL Category 469
Edit URL Address 470
Standard Evaluations 471
Copy Standard Evaluations 472
Select Standard Evaluations 472
Enhance Standard Evaluations 473
Drilldown Reports (Accounts Receivable) 474
Form 474
Define Form 474
Transport Form 475
Import Form from Client 000 475
Delete Form 475
Report 475
Define Report 476
Transport Report 476
Import Report from Client 000 477
Delete Report 477
Define Global Variables 478
Translate Report 478
Delete Report Data 479
Standard Evaluations 480
Copy Standard Evaluations 480
Select Standard Evaluations 480
Enhance Standard Evaluations 482
Drilldown Reports (Accounts Payable) 482
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Form 482
Define Form 483
Transport Form 483
Import Form from Client 000 483
Delete Form 484
Report 484
Define Report 484
Transport Report 485
Import Report from Client 000 486
Delete Report 486
Define Global Variables 487
Translate Report 487
Delete Report Data 488
Assign Permitted Credit Control Areas to Company Code 489
Define Preliminary Settings for Credit Management 490
Define Text IDs for Credit Management 490
Maintain Text IDs for Central Texts in Credit Management 490
Define Groups 491
Define Risk Categories 491
Define Credit Representative Groups 491
Define Credit Representatives 491
Define Field Groups 492
Assign Fields to Field Groups 492
Define Intervals for Days in Arrears in Credit Management 493
Russia 494
Contract Maintenance 494
Define Rules for Automatic Contract Number Filling 494
Define DMS Document Types for Contract Processing 495
Structural Divisions 495
Maintain Settings for Structural Divisions 495
Maintain Attribute Types 496
Maintain Output Groups 497

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Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable

In the following activities you make the settings for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.

Additional Information

To fully understand this Implementation Guide, you should be familiar with using the SAP system. For
more information, read the document Getting started with the R/3 System.

For more information about Customizing and the Implementation Guide see the SAP Library under SAP
NetWeaver -> Solution Life Cycle Management -> Customizing.

Before making any settings in the system, you should be familiar with the business-related functions and
concepts of the Financial Accounting (FI) application component.

For information on these functions and concepts, see the Financial Accounting section of the SAP

For information on the SAP NetWeaver functions, see the SAP NetWeaver section of the SAP Library.

Customer Accounts

In the following steps, you make the settings for customer accounts.

Master Data

In the following steps, you make the settings for customer master data.

Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data

In the following steps, you make the settings for preparing to create customer master records. To do this,
you need the following objects:

- Number ranges
The number range determines the number interval from which the account number for the master
record is to be selected. The account number must be assigned when creating a customer master
record. Using the number range, you also determine whether the numbers are assigned internally by
the system or externally by yourself.
- Account group
The account group is a grouping of properties which control the creation of master records. It
determines which fields have to be or can be filled when creating the master record. A number range
is allocated to the account group. The type of number assignment and a number interval are
determined using it. Accounts which require the same master record fields and use the same number
range are created using the same account group.

26 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

- Field status
The field status definitions determine the status of the fields on the screens for the master data. You
define the status dependent on the account group. You can also determine the status dependent on
the processing type (transaction) and on the company code.

To do this, you should consider the following:

- How many number ranges do you need for your customer master records?
For the size of the number intervals, you should try and take into consideration not only the current
customer master but also future developments.

- How many account groups do you need?

You must create at least one account group if you do not use the groups available in the standard
The number of number ranges gives you an initial clue as to the number of account groups. Your
number ranges are allocated to the account groups. If you have determined that you require several
number ranges, then you must create at least as many account groups so that you can use the number
The number of account groups which you need also depends on whether you use these groups for the
layout of the screens. For example, in the standard system two account groups are recommended: one
group for standard accounts and another group for one-time accounts.

- Should the screen fields have a special field status dependent on the account group?
This status can depend on

- the company code in which the master record is created

- The transactions with which the master record is processed.

Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers)

In this step, you determine the account groups for customers.

You can also define reference account groups for one-time accounts. You can use these to control the fields
of the one-time account screen so that, for example, certain fields are displayed as required fields or are

When creating a customer account, you must specify an account group. You can specify a reference
account group under "Control" in the "General data" part of a one-time account's master data. If you do
not specify a reference account group, then, as previously, all fields of the one-time account screen are
ready for input during document entry.

You use the account group to determine:

- the interval for the account numbers

- whether the number is assigned internally by the system or externally by the user (type of number

- whether it is a one-time account

- which fields are ready for input or must be filled when creating and changing master records (field

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You want to hide the address, communication and bank data fields for the one-time accounts. You
determine the field status in the general data area for these fields since the fields are contained in this
area. The reconciliation account field is defined as a required field since a reconciliation account must
also be specified for the one-time accounts. This field is company code-dependent. You define the
status of this field in the company code-dependent data area.

With the account groups, you group accounts together according to the criteria mentioned above, for
example, one-time accounts. You determine the account number interval and the type of number
assignment using the number ranges.


If you create new account groups, do not forget to maintain the field status. Otherwise all corresponding
fields are shown. It is recommended that you control the field status via the account groups. In exceptional
cases, it can make sense to control the field status either dependent on company code or dependent on

Note on changing the account group

You may only delete an account group from the system if there are no master records referencing this
account group. Otherwise you can no longer display or change the master record.

- Changing the field status definition

If you hide a field at a later stage in which you had already made an entry, the field contents are still

- Changing number ranges

You can increase the upper limit of the number interval as long as there is no other interval containing
the required numbers. You can allocate a new number range to the account group. The numbers of
the new master records must then be contained in the new area.

Standard settings

Sample account groups have been defined.


Do not use the account groups to group the customer accounts according to content. Therefore do not
attempt to allocate the accounts to accounting clerks via the account groups or to group customers together
according to countries. You can do this via special master record fields.


1. Check and change the standard account groups if necessary.

2. Make sure that the number ranges specified for the account groups have been created.

28 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

Define Screen Layout per Company Code (Customers)

In this step you determine, depending on the company code, which company code-dependent master record

- are ready for input

- require an entry

- Are hidden.

This specification is linked to the field status of the account group and a specification for the transaction.
By means of the link, you can see which status the fields have on the entry screen for master data. In this
case, the fields take on the status which has the highest priority. Hiding a field has the highest priority,
followed by a display field, a required field and then an optional field:


The entry under the company code * applies to the company codes which are not explicitly entered in the
table. You should not delete this entry.

Standard settings

For the standard company code, a sample entry has been included.


Control the field status via the account groups. It only makes sense to define the field status company code-
specifically in exceptional cases. This, for example, can be the case if the company codes are in different
countries or some company codes do not use automatic payment processing for customers.

If fields are to have an alternative status depending on the company code, specify the company code and
determine the status of the fields.

Define Screen Layout per Activity (Customers)

In this activity you determine, depending on the transactions (display, create, change) for customer master
data, which master record fields

- are ready for input

- require an entry

- Are hidden.

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This specification is linked with the field status of the account group and the company code-dependent
specification. By means of the link, you can see which status the fields have on the entry screen for master
data. In this case, the fields take on the status which has the highest priority. Hiding a field has the highest
priority, followed by a display field, a required field and then an optional field:
Specification for field status definition

Standard settings

A specification has been made for all transactions.


Control the field status via the account groups. It only makes sense to define the field status for each
transaction in exceptional cases. This, for example, can be the case if the fields are to be filled when
creating and are not to be changed via the change transaction. This would make sense, for example, for
the reconciliation account field.


If fields are to have an alternative status depending on the transaction, you determine the status of the fields
for the required transaction.

Change Message Control for Customer Master Data

In this activity you can set system messages to appear as you require them.
You can

- determine whether a message is issued as a note in the dialog box or in the footer

- change warnings into error messages

- switch off warnings and error messages

Different specifications are possible for the online mode and for the batch input sessions processed in the

You can make the corresponding specifications for a client or, if required, also for the individual user.

The work area is "F2" for switching on the duplicate check for customer master records. In this case, the
system checks whether accounts with the same address already exist when creating a new account or
changing the address. Match code fields are used for searching. If these contain the same data, the
duplicates found by the system are displayed in a window.


1. Select the application area.

2. Select Edit -> New entries.

30 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

3. Enter the following data:

- Message number
By selecting the F4 key on the MsgNo field you can find out which messages are available.

- User name
If you enter a name here then the specifications only apply to this particular user. If you enter
"blank", then the settings apply to all users within the client.

- Message type
You can find out the permitted message type by selecting F4 on the Online or BatchI fields.

- Save your entries. The accompanying message text is inserted automatically.

Develop Enhancements for Customer Master Data

The following SAP enhancement is available for the customer master data area:

- SAPMF02D for checking the data entered before saving it


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify
the source code for a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides
you with the necessary function modules with short text, interface, and documentation to
Be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP may exist for user exits which can be copied
(and changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are
carried out within a name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu
from the project management screen for SAP enhancements.

Adoption of Customer's Own Master Data Fields

Prepare Modification-Free Enhancement in Customer Master Record


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You can enhance the master data of your customers and vendors (FI and LO) in order to add additional
information. To do this, you develop sub screens to which you add the required fields.

You can access your sub screens in the master records of the business partner via integrated buttons; there,
your screens are integrated on a tab page. You can assign up to 32 tab pages/sub screens to each button.

With a change of release, upgrade, or a support package, you copy your own sub screens and data and the
relevant tables without having to make any modifications.

In this IMG activity, you prepare the modification-free transfer of enhancements from your business
partner masters.


In the following, "business partner" indicates "customer" and "vendor".

1. Choose Edit screen group <business partner>, and define a two digit alphanumeric key and a
name for each of the required screen groups.
The name of the screen group appears later in the form of a pushbutton on the initial screens of your
business partner master data.
To use your enhancement, that is, your button is visible, activate it with the BADI Processing Master
Data Enhancements with method CHECK_ADD_ON_ACTIVE (see step 3 below).

2. Choose Name tab page, and for each screen group, enter the data required for the tab pages.
For each screen group you can create a maximum of 32 tab pages.
Note the following:

- With Ordinal number, you control the order of the tab pages.

- With the Function code, at runtime, the system identifies the tab page selected by the user.

- The Name appears as heading on the tab page.

- The Icon (optional) appears next to the heading on the tab page.
You call up the tab pages in the business partner master data via the corresponding pushbutton. Each
tab page contains your customer-specific sub screen on which you can process your business partner
You integrate your sub screens using the filter-dependent BADI Customer Sunscreens; choose your
screen group as filter (see step 3 below).

3. To link your sub screens and data to the standard application, use the following BADIs:

- Business Add-In: Processing Master Data Enhancements


- Business Add-In: Customer Sunscreens


- Business Add-In: Processing Master Data Enhancements with Batch Input

You can access the BADIs in the Implementation Guide directly under this IMG activity; for more
information see the documentation for the relevant BADIs and their methods.

32 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

Business Add-In: Processing of Master Data Enhancements


Application component: LO-MD-BP-CM, FI-AR-AR-N

Package: VS

You use the Business Add-In (BADI) CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA for processing enhancements in the
customer master record in addition to BADI CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA_CS. You use the BADI
CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA_CS to integrate your own sub screens in the standard dialog, and this BADI
provides you with various methods to prepare the processing of your own data.

For more information, see the documentation of the individual methods.



Standard settings

The Business Add-In is not activated in the standard.

The Business Add-In can be used more than once.


To activate the Business Add-In, you must create an active implementation. To do this, choose the
following path in the SAP Menu: Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Utilities -> Business Add-Ins ->

For more information about this procedure, see the SAP Library under

- Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench -> Changing the SAP Standard -> Business Add-
Ins -> Implementing Business Add-Ins.

Note that the Business Add-In can be used multiple times and therefore all active implementations are
called and run through.


You can use the Business Add-In to prepare the processing of your own fields in the customer master
record dialog.

Business Add-In: Customer Sunscreens


Application component: LO-MD-BP-CM, FI-AR-AR-N

Package: VS

You use the Business Add-Ins (BADI) CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA_CS and BADI

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CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA for processing enhancements in the customer master record. You use the
BADI CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA_CS to integrate your own sub screens in the standard dialog. You can
process your own data (add-on data) on these sub screens.

For more information, see the documentation of the individual methods.


Ensure that:

- In Customizing for the customer master, under Transfer Customer Master Data Fields, you have
prepared the modification-free enhancement of the customer record so that you have defined a screen
group with name and have labelled the tab pages

- You have activated the processing of your own data with the method CHECK_ADD_ON_ACTIVE
of the Business Add-In CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA in the standard dialog.

Standard settings

The Business Add-In is not activated in the standard.

The Business Add-In is filter-dependent.

You can use the Business Add-In more than once.


To activate the Business Add-In, you must create an active implementation. To do this, choose the
following path in the SAP Menu: Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Utilities -> Business Add-Ins ->

For more information about this procedure, see the SAP Library under

- Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench -> Changing the SAP Standard -> Business Add-
Ins -> Implementing Business Add-Ins.

Due to the filter dependency of the Business Add-In, you have to specify a filter. Choose the screen group
selected in your Customizing settings as the filter.

Note that the Business Add-In can be used multiple times and therefore all active implementations are
called and run through.


You can use the Business Add-In to integrate sub screens in the standard dialog of the customer master.
On these sub screens you can enable the processing of your own data.

Business Add-In: Processing of Master Data Enhancements with

Batch Input

34 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |


Application component: LO-MD-BP-CM, FI-AR-AR-N

Package: VS

You use the Business Add-In (BADI) CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA _BI to process enhancements in the
customer master. It is used in the area ALE distribution and batch input processing of the customer master.
In ALE, the BADI provides you with methods that you can use to fill your own ALE segments in ALE
outbound processing or to evaluate your own change pointers. In ALE inbound processing and the standard
batch input of the customer master, the BADI provides you with methods that you can use to integrate your
own data in the batch input data calculated by the standard program.

In the method documentation, batch input data indicates data whose structure corresponds to the batch
structures of the customer master. These batch structures are, for example, BKNA1, BKNB1, and so on.
For more information about creating batch input data, see the documentation of the standard batch input
program for the customer master RFBIDE00).

For more information, see the documentation of the individual methods.



Standard settings

The Business Add-In is not activated in the standard.

You can use the Business Add-In more than once.


To activate the Business Add-In, you must create an active implementation. To do this, choose the
following path in the SAP Menu: Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Utilities -> Business Add-Ins ->

For more information about this procedure, see the SAP Library under

- Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench -> Changing the SAP Standard -> Business Add-
Ins -> Implementing Business Add-Ins.

Note that the Business Add-In can be used multiple times and therefore all active implementations are
called and run through.


The Business Add-In enables you to process your own data in ALE distribution and batch input.

Enter Accounting Clerk Identification Code for Customers

In this step, you define the names of the accounting clerks under a name identification code. You enter the
identification code in the customer master records which the accounting clerk supervises. You can use this
information for evaluations and for correspondence.

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Enter the names of your accounting clerks and the required identification code.

Define Industries

In this activity you define the industries you require.

You can group together your customers by industry. The industry field is located in the general area of the
customer’s master record. You specify what industry a business partner belongs to by entering an industry
key in its master record. You can use this information for evaluations, for example, to create a customer
list according to industry.


Enter the required industry keys and a description.

Accounts Receivable Master Data for Argentina

In this section, you make the settings for customer master data in Argentina.

Define Fiscal Type

Here, you can define the fiscal types.

Assign Fiscal Type

You assign the fiscal types to account type 'D'. That means you maintain which fiscal types can be used
for customers.

36 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |


You can enter the fiscal type for 'final consumer' in a customer master record only if you have assigned the
fiscal type to the account type 'D'.

Assign Capital Letter to Fiscal Type

This customizing point defines the determination of the capital letter depending on the parties involved
and the type of business transaction.

Standard settings

The most common determination rules are delivered as default.


Please customize all the determination rules needed for your business cases.

Define ID Type

The type of ID defines the type of identification number used for tax purposes.


The type of ID is used in Argentina. Some types are:

- C.U.I.T.

- C.U.I.L.

- Passport

- Provincial ID card

Standard settings

The most commonly used types of ID in Argentina are delivered as a default.

Define Activity Codes for Gross Income Tax

The Argentine Gross Income Tax is calculated based on business activities. They are identified by a code.

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Please define all needed activity codes for Gross Income Tax.

Define Distribution Type for Gross Income Tax

For Gross Income Tax in Argentina different distributions can be defined in order to handle different
coefficients per region. The most common distribution type is the multilateral agreement.


Please define all needed distribution types.

Further notes

Normally only one distribution type (multilateral agreement) is needed.

Accounts Receivable Master Data for South Korea

In this activity you make settings for the customer master data in South Korea.

Define Business Type (Customers)

In this activity you define the business types you wish to use when creating customers, vendors and
Business places.


Enter the required business types.

38 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |
Further notes

You do not have to define all business types that occur among your customers, vendors, and business
places. It may be beneficial to define only the most important business types. Rarely-used business types
can be entered directly.

Define Industry Type (Customers)

In this activity you define the industry types you wish to use when creating customers, vendors and business


Enter the required industry types.

Further notes

You do not need to define all the industry types that occur among your customers, vendors and business
places. It may be more beneficial to enter only the most important industry types. Rarely-used industry
types can be entered directly.

Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts

In this activity you create the number ranges for the customer accounts. To do this, specify the following
under a two-character key:

- A number interval from which the account number for the customer accounts is to be selected
- The type of number assignment (internal or external number assignment)

Allocate the number ranges to the account groups for customers.


The type of number assignment is especially important. The following are possible:

- Transferring the numbers of your customers/vendors from an existing system or a pre-system

(external assignment: you enter a number when creating a master record).

- Creating the master records under new numbers assigned by the SAP system (internal assignment:
the system assigns a number when creating the master records).

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External number assignment, for example, is useful if you transfer master data from a pre-system. In all
other cases, you should use the internal number assignment. The SAP system offers a number of help
functions to determine an account number. Therefore the account numbers no longer have to be
"mnemonic". The help functions include the match code or the Prev.acct no. field in the customer/vendor
master record.


1. Find out which number ranges are needed.

2. Create these number ranges.

Notes on transport

You transport number range objects as follows:

Choose Interval -> Transport in the accounting document Number Range screen.

All intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import,
only the intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time
of export.

Dependent tables are not transported or converted.

Additional information

For more information on this topic, see the "FI Document Posting" document.

Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups

In this step you assign the number ranges you created in the preceding step to the account groups for
customers. You can use one number range for several account groups.

Assign the required number ranges to the account groups.

Define Accounts Receivable Pledging Indicator

You use the accounts receivable factoring indicator to select customer master records and line items within
a company code to participate in the factoring procedure.


40 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

You have activated the accounts receivable factoring procedure in the required company code. To do this,
select the activity Activate Accounts Receivable Factoring Procedure per Company Code in
Customizing under Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Company Code.


Define the factoring indicator in the customer master record.

Select the field Accounts receivable factoring indicator. You can do this from the R/3 screen as follows
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Accounts receivable -> Master records -> Change ->
Customer -> General data -> Company code data -> Payment transactions.

The system automatically transfers the indicator to the customer line item on posting.

Further notes

In special cases, for example, alternative master record details, you can also enter or change the accounts
receivable factoring indicator manually using Change document.

You can also carry out a mass change of the factoring indicator for line items. For information see the
SAP Library under FI Document Posting -> Functions in Document Processing -> Change
Documents in Mass Changes to Customer and Vendor Line Items.

Define Text IDs for Central Texts (Customers)

In this activity you define text IDs for the general area of a customer master record. You can enter texts for
every text ID in the master record. This means that you can store information on the customer in the master

Define the required text IDs.

Define Text IDs for Accounting Texts (Customers)

In this step, you define text IDs for the company code-dependent area of a customer master record. For
every text ID, a text can be entered when maintaining the master records. This means that you can store
information on the customer in the master record.


Define the required text IDs.

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Define Sensitive Fields for Dual Control (Customers)

In this activity you define the fields for dual control in the customer/vendor master records.

If you define a field in the customer/vendor master record as "sensitive", the corresponding
customer/vendor account is blocked for the payment run if the entry is changed. The block is removed
when a second person with authorization checks the change and confirms or rejects it.


The alternative payee field has been defined as sensitive in the Customizing table. If the accounting clerk
responsible changes the entry in this field in the customer/vendor master record, the account is blocked for
the payment run until a second person with authorization confirms the change to the master data.


Define the required fields as sensitive. You can choose the fields using the possible entries button.

Data Transfer Workbench

The data transfer workbench is a central transaction for the automatic transfer of data from a
legacy system. It offers the tools required for the initial and subsequent data transfer.
The complete documentation about the data transfer workbench is in the SAP Library:
CA - Cross-Application Components -> CA - Data Transfer Workbench
The documentation tells you step by step how to carry out the data transfer, and which object-
specific special features you should be aware of.
Delete Customer Master Data

In this activity, you delete the master records for customers by using a program. Only use this program in
the test phase.


The company code for which master records are to be deleted, may not yet be flagged as productive.

Only master records for accounts which do not have any transaction data may be deleted.


The general customer master data is only deleted for customers who are not also created as customers in
Sales and Distribution.


Delete the master records for the required company codes.

42 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

Additional information

Refer to the SAPF019 program documentation for further information on the program.

Preparations for Changing Customer Master Data

In the following steps, you set the requirements for:

- Selecting fields from the customer master records for the programs for displaying change documents

- Assigning an authorization with which you can protect fields from the customer master records from
being changed

The authorization is optional. You only need it if not every accounting clerk who has authorization for
changing customer master records is to be authorized to change all the fields of a master record.

The contents of the protected fields continue to be displayed to all users. But only those to whom you have
allocated the change authorization for the protected fields can change these fields.

Requirements for the authorization check

The users to whom you want to assign this special change authorization must have the general change
authorization for the customer master records (Financial Accounting basic settings within the
Implementation Guide).

To be able to assign this special authorization, proceed as follows:

1. First of all you define field groups (see define field groups for customer master records). These groups
combine the fields which are to be protected together.

2. Afterwards you allocate the master record fields which are to be particularly protected to the groups
(see group fields from the customer master records).

3. You then define the authorization by specifying required groups for the Customer: Change
authorization for particular fields authorization object.

4. Lastly you allocate the authorization to the required profile.

The profiles are stored in the user master record of the accounting clerk. The authorizations become
effective once they are in these.

Define Field Groups for Customer Master Records

In this activity you define field groups by entering a key (one or two-digit, numeric) and description for
each field group.

You can also set the indicator Field group not relevant for the authorization check. In this case, this
group is not subjected to the authorization check when maintaining master data. If the indicator is set, the
field group is then only used for selecting the fields via which the report for displaying change documents


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Define your field groups. If you do not need an authorization check, set the corresponding indicator.

Additional information

You can find additional information on the cross-account display of change documents for the customer
master data in the documentation for program RFDABL00.

Group Fields for Customer Master Records

After you have defined the field groups, assign the required master record fields to the field groups here.


1. Allocate the fields to the groups.

2. Enter the corresponding field groups in program RFDABL00 afterwards.

3. If it is necessary, you then define one or more authorizations for changing the grouped fields.

4. Enter these authorizations into the required profiles afterwards.

Request to Change Master Data

In this activity, you make the settings needed for requesting changes to the following master data via the

- Cost centres

- Internal orders

- G/L accounts

- Vendors

- Customers

In the so-called scenarios, you define the process of requesting a master data change. This process
definition is technically based on messages.

You can find additional information in the "SAP Library" under Financials -> Controlling (CO) ->
Cost Centre Accounting -> Master Data in Cost Centre Accounting -> Processing Master Data
-> Requesting Master Data Changes in the Internet/Intranet.

44 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services

In this activity you determine which users may carry out which Financial Accounting Internet services.
You can also specify which accounts and company codes the users can view. This ensures that an Internet
user cannot have unauthorized access to the data of other users.

Standard settings

The following Internet services are possible in Financial Accounting:

- Create bank details at customer

- Create bank details at vendor

- Change customer address

- Customers: Assign open items

- Change accounting clerk at customer

- Customers: Execute report

- Customers: Balance display

- Vendors: Execute report

- Vendors: Balance display


1. Enter the required user.

2. You can use possible entries (F4) to display the possible Internet services. Select the required service.

3. Enter the relevant account or account interval.

4. Enter the relevant company code.

5. Save your assignments.

Define Own Scenarios for Request to Change Master Data

In this IMG activity, you define scenarios for the request to change master data.

Standard settings

All the scenarios provided by SAP are in the S* namespace.

For requests to change master data, the following notification types are provided in client 000:

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- Notification type 50 for requests for cost centres, orders, and G/L accounts.

- Notification type 70 for requests for vendors and customers.

To be able to use these notification types, you need to transfer the settings from client 000 using the
QISR_SM29 transaction. Then you need to process number ranges for the notification types. The
notification type contains information on whether the request must be approved, and if so, by whom.
Note that you can use a notification type for more than one scenario.


SAP recommends that you use the scenarios provided for master data changes as a reference for creating
your own scenarios, and then to adapt the copy as required.


1. To copy a scenario, select is and choose Copy. To create a scenario, choose new entries.

2. Enter a key and a description for the scenario.

The scenario key must not be in the SAP (S*) namespace.

3. In the general data, make the required entries.

Take this opportunity to store a long text for the scenario. This description is displayed as an
explanation when you call up the form. You can also use this description to find a corresponding
form in the intranet. When you enter the text, you do not have to enter key words as the search engine
filters the text using not only the words, but also their conjugation or declination. Word groups are
also used for the search.
For more information on the search engine, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Controlling ->
Cost Centre Accounting -> Information System -> Interactive Information System, and then see Report
Documentation under Document Search Using the Retrieval System.

4. Transfer the scenarios from notification type 50 or 70 accordingly.

Note that you initially need to transfer the settings for the notification types from client 000 using the
QISR_SM29 transaction. Then you need to process the number ranges for the notification types.

Check whether the follow-up activities provided on the activities menu bar match your requirements.
We recommend that you use the follow-up activities supplied by SAP.

5. Use Entry with form as the entry type.

6. You only need to specify an ITS service if you choose the Entry with form entry type. You use an
HTML form specially designed for the scenario. You also need to assign an Internet service to the
scenario that contains the required HTML templates, ITS (Internet transaction server) and language-
dependent resources. In addition, there is a choice of business add-ins (BADIs) that you can use, in
which you can define specific requests.
You can assign an Internet service to maximum one scenario. To create a new Internet service,
choose Generate.
You have two options:

46 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

- Generate internet service with reference
When you generate the Internet service, if you specify a scenario with an existing Internet
service as a reference, the system copies it to the new Internet service name.

- Generate internet service without reference

If you do not specify a scenario with an existing Internet service as a reference, the system
copies the default Internet service SR00. An internet service created in this way contains all
settings required for immediate testing of the scenario definition. The system automatically
inserts a request data area with corresponding entry fields, for the request-specific
characteristics that were defined in the scenario.

Before you can test the Internet service, you need to publish it manually. This takes you
automatically to the Internet service processing in the development workbench, where you can
publish the entire Internet service. Then you can test the IT’S service from Customizing using

7. To modify forms, choose Business Add-Ins. You can now change the implementation (create,
change, delete and so on).
If you require special initialization or checks on the request for the scenario, you can use a business
add-in (BADI QISR1). For more information on BADIs, see Basis -> Change and Transport System
- Overview -> Transactions and Tools -> BC Changes to SAP Standards -> Business Add-Ins.
SAP recommends that you use the F4 Help to transfer the corresponding Business Add-In from the
scenario for requests to change master data. In this case, the existing interfaces to the SAP system
are used automatically.
Each Business Add-In provided ensures that all of the fields defined in the SAP system (which you
use on your request form) are integrated with the SAP system, for example, for the purpose of
consistency checks. You can also copy and enhance the Business Add-In if necessary.

8. Do not activate the Cost incurring indicator.

The scenarios for changing master data do not incur costs.

9. Choose Transfer.
In the next dialog box, choose Copy all. The selection list now provides the scenario that you copied.

10. Flag your scenario and choose Characteristics in the selection area.

11. Enter the fields that you require for the request form.
Next, select Dictionary category and transfer the structure for each request. All the fields are
contained here that you can use for the form. You can carry out a search via structure name ISR*.
In the basic data you use IT’S to determine which fields appear on the form, and in which order
they should appear. You use a Business Add-In to control which fields are filled as default.

Notes on field selection

- In the cost centre structures ISR_COSTCENTER_CREATE (for scenario SRK1 create cost
centres) and ISR_COSTCENTER_CHANGE for scenarios SRK2 and SRK3 (change/lock
Centres) some of the fields appear twice, but you need to choose the following fields for the request

LOCK_IND_ACT_PRIM_COSTS Lock indicator for primary actual postings

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LOCK_IND_PL_SEC_COSTS Lock indicator for secondary cost planning

NAME_CC General description
- For a request to create a new cost centre, the following are minimum requirements:

- Controlling area

- Cost centre key

- Date valid from

- Date valid to

- Description

- Person responsible

- For a request to change a cost centre, the following are the minimum requirements:

- Controlling area

- Cost centre key

- Date valid from

- Date valid to

12. Choose Tasks in the selection area.

You specify the processing procedure in the SAP System for the request to change master data by
using the workflow or work lists.

13. Transfer a task for each scenario.

14. Enter a processor or a standard role.

This data is automatically provided when you call up the request form.
SAP provides you with standard roles for the various requests to change master data. It is
recommended that you copy these and adapt the copy accordingly.

15. Note
You can use the partner role to control whether a single processor (task processor) is defaulted in
the request form, or a whole department (department responsible). For more information on the
role, see the SAP Library under Basis -> Business Management -> Organizational
Management -> Integration into the Workflow -> Role Breakdown -> Role Definition ->
Define Responsibility Roles.

SAP provides the standard role 3100014 for requests to change cost centre master data.

Further notes

More information on master data adjustment requests is available in the SAP Library under Financials
-> CO Controlling -> Cost Centre Accounting -> Master Data in Cost Centre Accounting ->
Processing Master Data -> Master Data Adjustment Requests via Internet/Intranet.

48 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

Match codes

Match codes are used to access customer accounts without specifying the account number. If you, for
example, do not know the account number, you can search for the account via other specifications, such
as the name or the city. When defining match codes, you specify which fields of a master record can be
used for the search.

Match codes are displayed from the master data tables via database indices that may be your own. These
indices are automatically created during match code definition. Since some fields of the master record,
such as name or account name support upper/lower case, substitutes in upper case have been included for
match code queries.

Check Search Fields for (Customer) Match codes

In this activity you can decide which search fields in the customer master record will be used in match
code IDs.
Since the search fields for a customer's name (NAME1) and city (ORT01) require proper capitalization,
substitute fields are created for these fields. All entries in search fields for which substitute fields exist are
converted into capital letters in the substitute fields. Because of this, you do not have to use exact
capitalization when you enter a customer's name or city during a match code selection.

Standard settings

NAME1, NAME2, and ORT01 are entered as search fields in the standard SAP software.

In the standard match code IDs, substitute field MCOD1 is entered instead of NAME1, and substitute field
MCOD3 is entered instead of ORT01.

The NAME02 field is not used in the match code IDs provided with the standard software. Therefore you
can set up another search field in this step instead of NAME02. For example, you can you can use STRAS
instead of NAME2 if you need the street address as a search field. To do this, you must enter field STRAS
instead of NAME2.


If possible do not make changes to the standard software. If you do need to change the standard NAME1
or ORT01 search fields, you also have to then update the standard match code IDs. If you need additional
search fields which are not included in the standard software, you can also make use of the NAME2 field.

Additional Information

For further information see the documentation in the Maintain match codes for customer’s activity.

Maintain Match codes for Customers

In this activity you define match codes for customer master records. If you want to change or display a
customer master record but do not know the account number, you can search for it using a so-called match
code. The system saves certain fields from a customer master record in a match code. You can search for
the customer account using these fields, the so-called match codes.

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Match codes are set up in the master data tables using database views and indexes (= update type I).


You are looking for a specific customer account number, but know only the long text name of the account
and its relevant company code. You can find the account number with the help of a match code search
using the company code or long text.

Standard settings

The standard system includes the following match codes for customer accounts:

- The match code ID A lets you search using address data.

- The match code ID C allows you to search by class. You have to classify your customers first.

- The match code ID D allows you to search using the "Search term" field in the master record. This
field usually contains the essential part of the name. This ID also lets you search by company code.

- The match code ID E allows you to search by country. This match code is used to search for foreign

- The match code ID K allows you to search by account group.

- The match code ID S allows you to search by sales organization. This match code is used in the Sales
and Distribution (SD) application.

- The match code ID Z allows you to search by account number of the head office. This match code is
used for searching according to the branches of a head office.

The match code object for customer accounts is called DEBI.

It determines which database tables and fields are required for the match code ID. You can create several
match code IDs for a match code object. The match code ID determines which fields and/or combinations
of fields are used for searches.


Since proper capitalization is required for searches using the name (NAME1) and city (ORT01) of a
customer, special substitute fields were created for these fields. All entries are automatically converted to
capital letters in these substitute fields (MCOD1 for NAME1 and MCOD3 for ORT01). Therefore, when
entering the name or city of the customer within a match code selection, you do not need to take
capitalization into account.


50 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

If you require other match code IDs than the ones supplied with the standard software, which should
include the fields for the name or city of the customer, you have to enter match code fields MCOD1 and
MCOD3 for the search fields (NAME1 and ORT01) in the match code ID field list.

The substitute fields MCOD1 and MCOD3 are delivered with the standard SAP system for the search fields
NAME1 and ORT01. The search field NAME2 is not contained in the standard match codes. Therefore
you can configure a field other than the standard one. You can, for example, use the field STRAS (street)
instead of NAME2 if you require the street as a search field. To do this, you must enter the field STRAS
instead of NAME2 in the "Check search fields for match codes" step.


1. Find out which match codes are needed in your company.

2. Check the standard match code IDs. It is very important that the required fields are specified in the
correct sequence. Add your own match code IDs if necessary.
3. If you want to carry out a match code search using classes, make sure that classes have been created
via the Cross-Application Components in the Implementation Guide and are saved in the customer
master records.

Additional information

For more information on match codes, see the BC ABAP/4 Dictionary manual. You can find further
information on classification in the relevant section of the Basis Implementation Guide.

Line Items

In the following steps, you make the settings for customer line items.

Display Line Items

In this activity you make settings for the line item display using the ABAP List View (ALV).

Define Additional Fields for Line Item Display

In this activity you can add additional fields to the field list for line item display.


You have the option of displaying additional fields, such as User who entered the document from table
BKPF or Quantity and Unit of measure from table BSEG.


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Consider whether you really need to enhance the line item display. Note that this enhancement can reduce
performance, since the system has to read more table entries.

Local Reporting for Account Balances

In the following activities, you make settings for the local reporting of line items.
If you wish to enable a customer or vendor to carry out reporting for line items via the Internet, you have
To perform the following activities:

1. Have system administration create reference users once. You can then assign one or more roles to a
reference user. The following roles are available:


2. Have an online user created for each business partner interested in using the Internet, and assign the
users to the reference user.

3. Maintain users and accounts for Internet services.

4. If required, define your own ALV layouts.

The standard system contains layouts for open items, cleared items, and all items.

5. If required, define your own selection variants for line item display.
The standard system contains variants for open items, cleared items, and all items.

6. Assign variant keys to the selection variants.

7. Create the URL and inform your business partner of this. The syntax is as follows: http ://<
Servername>/scripts/wgate/<Servicename>/!?~VARIANT=< Var.key > Example for customers:


Example for vendors:


Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services

In this activity you determine which users may carry out which Financial Accounting Internet services.
You can also specify which accounts and company codes the users can view. This ensures that an Internet
user cannot have unauthorized access to the data of other users.

52 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

Standard settings

The following Internet services are possible in Financial Accounting:

- Create bank details at customer

- Create bank details at vendor

- Change customer address

- Customers: Assign open items

- Change accounting clerk at customer

- Customers: Execute report

- Customers: Balance display

- Vendors: Execute report

- Vendors: Balance display


1. Enter the required user.

2. You can use possible entries (F4) to display the possible Internet services. Select the required service.

3. Enter the relevant account or account interval.

4. Enter the relevant company code.

5. Save your assignments.

Display Line Items without ALV

Line items are displayed with the ABAP List Viewer (ALV) in the standard system. If you do not wish to
use ALV, you can continue to use line item display without ALV as a modification.

The following activities describe Customizing settings for line item display without ALV.

Determine Standard Sorting for Line Items

In this step, you determine rules by which the system fills the Allocation field during document entry. Data
can be transferred to the field from the document header or from the line item. The field contents determine
the standard sort sequence for the line items. Every rule is stored under a freely assignable key.

Enter the required key for the account in the master records for G/L accounts, customer accounts and
vendor accounts. This key is proposed for the account when entering a business transaction.


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The rules are valid for all clients. As an alternative to the standard sort sequence, you can define sort
sequences yourself.

Standard settings

Some common rules (for example, sorting by document date or by name and city for one-time accounts)
Are defined.


1. Check the standard rules.

2. Change the standard rules if necessary.

3. If you want to define default values in the master records of the accounts, you must make sure that
the required keys are entered.

Define Line Layout

In this step, you determine which information is to be made available on the screen when displaying line
items (for example, document number, document type, and amount).


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to the specifications if

2. If you want to allocate a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master

Define Additional Fields for Line Item Display

In this activity you can add additional fields to the field list for line item display.


You have the option of displaying additional fields, such as User who entered the document from table
BKPF or Quantity and Unit of measure from table BSEG.


Consider whether you really need to enhance the line item display. Note that this enhancement can reduce
performance, since the system has to read more table entries.
54 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |
Choose Selection Fields

In this step, you specify the fields via which the system is to make selections when displaying line items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Define Sort Variants

In this step, you define the fields for up to three levels by which the line items are to be sorted.


Enter the required sort variants.

Define Totals Variants

In this step, you define the fields for up to three levels by which the line items are to be totalled.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to the specifications if

Choose Standard Line Layout and Standard Totals Variant

In this step, you define what information is to be available as a standard when displaying line items and
via which fields the line items are to be totalled as a standard. If you display the line items and have not
selected any other line layout variant, the standard variant is displayed. The same is true of the standard
totals variant.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if
Choose Additional Fields

In this step, you define the additional fields via which the system is to make selections when displaying
line items.


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1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Choose Search Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

0 Choose Sort Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

1 Choose Totals Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to total items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Define Master Record Info

In this step, you define master record data for which you write a function module. This module refers to a
Form on which the master record information you require is displayed.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

56 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

Maintain Work list

Using a work list, you can group together company codes, customers or vendors for which/whom a
common display of the line items and the processing of the open items is to be possible.


You receive goods from the same vendor in different company codes. In order to look at the vendor's items
in all company codes, group these company codes together into a work list.

The accounting clerks can select whether they want to work with work lists or with individual objects when
processing the business transactions.

You can either create work lists manually or use work lists maintained automatically. In both cases, you
decide for which object (company code, customers or vendors) the work list is to be created.

- Manual work lists

If you create a work list manually, specify the required keys of the objects (for example, the account
numbers of the customers) which are to be handled together.

- Work lists maintained automatically

These work lists are possible for customers or vendors who belong to the same corporate group or
refer to the same alternative payer. You specify a rule according to which the name of the work list
is to be formed. You must then start the structure of the work list once. A work list is created
automatically for every alternative payer and for every corporate group number which is used in the
master records. If other customers or vendors refer to an alternative payer or to a corporate group
account number, then they are allocated automatically to existing work lists or new work lists are
created for them.

Note the following rules for naming the automatic work lists:

- The name can be a maximum of ten characters in length.

- You can specify a prefix.

- Initial zeros can be left off (offset) the account referred to (corporate group or alternative payer).
- The number of characters to be transferred from the account referred to must be specified.


Prefix KS-, offset 5, number 5 and corporate group 0000012345 leads to a work list KS-12345


1. Determine which company codes, customers or vendors are to be looked at together when displaying
line items and which when processing open items.

2. Group these company codes and accounts if you want to maintain the work lists manually. Specify a
naming rule for work lists to be maintained automatically.

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3. Make sure that the accounting clerks do not hide the Work list fields for the line item display and for
processing the open items.
You can show or hide the fields for the work lists in the line item display. To do this select Edit ->
Work list.
Select Settings -> editing options when processing the open items. Select the "Use work lists" field
for the open items. You can then enter the key for the work list in the "Account" field. If both an
account and a work list exist for a key, then the work list has priority.

Change Message Control for Displaying Line Items

In this activity you can set system messages to appear as you require them.
You can

- determine whether a message is issued as a note in the dialog box or in the footer

- change warnings into error messages

- switch off warnings and error messages

Different specifications are possible for the online mode and for the batch input sessions processed in the

You can make the corresponding specifications for a client or, if required, also for the individual user.

When displaying customer line items you can ask the system to tell you since when and for which customer
a legal dunning procedure is in operation. The following describes how to do this. The application area is
"F4", the message number "062".


1. Select the application area.

2. Select Edit -> New entries.

3. Enter the following data:

- Message number
By selecting the F4 key on the MsgNo field you can find out which messages are available.
- User name
If you enter a name here then the specifications only apply to this particular user. If you enter
"blank", then the settings apply to all users within the client.

- Message type
You can find out the permitted message type by selecting F4 on the Online or BatchI fields.

- Save your entries. The accompanying message text is inserted automatically.

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Local Reporting for Line Items

In the following activities, you make settings for the local reporting of line items.
If you wish to enable a customer or vendor to carry out reporting for line items via the Internet, you have
to perform the following activities:

1. Have system administration create reference users once. You can then assign one or more roles to a
reference user. The following roles are available:


2. Have an online user created for each business partner interested in using the Internet, and assign the
users to the reference user.

3. Maintain users and accounts for Internet services.

4. If required, define your own ALV layouts.

The standard system contains layouts for open items, cleared items, and all items.

5. If required, define your own selection variants for line item display.
The standard system contains variants for open items, cleared items, and all items.

6. Assign variant keys to the selection variants.

7. Create the URL and inform your business partner of this. The syntax is as follows: http ://<
Servername>/scripts/wgate/<Servicename>/!?~VARIANT=< Var.key > Example for customers:


Example for vendors:


Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services

In this activity you determine which users may carry out which Financial Accounting Internet services.
You can also specify which accounts and company codes the users can view. This ensures that an Internet
User cannot have unauthorized access to the data of other users.

Standard settings

The following Internet services are possible in Financial Accounting:

- Create bank details at customer

- Create bank details at vendor

- Change customer address

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- Customers: Assign open items

- Change accounting clerk at customer

- Customers: Execute report

- Customers: Balance display

- Vendors: Execute report

- Vendors: Balance display


1. Enter the required user.

2. You can use possible entries (F4) to display the possible Internet services. Select the required service.

3. Enter the relevant account or account interval.

4. Enter the relevant company code.

5. Save your assignments.

Maintain ALV Layout for Line Item Display

In this activity you can maintain your own ALV layouts for displaying line items via the Internet.

Standard settings

The standard system contains the following ALV layouts:

- 1 SAP-INET1 for open items

- 1 SAP-INET2 for cleared items

- 1 SAP-INET3 for all items

- 1SAP-INET4 (vendors only: RFITEMAP) for clearing information


In order to create your own ALV layouts, you must first carry out line item display yourself for an existing
account that contains line items. In the display function, you can create new ALV layouts.

60 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

Maintain Selection Variants for Customer Line Item Display

In this activity you can create your own selection variants for line item display.
Selection variants are necessary as part of the Internet service "Online Business Partner Information
Service". You use the variant to define which line items are displayed for your customers/vendors. The
variant must be assigned to a variant key. The variant key then forms part of the URL that is used to call
up the Internet service.

Standard settings

The following selection variants are supplied by SAP:

SAP&INET1 - open items
SAP&INET2 - cleared items
SAP&INET3 - all items

Assign Variant Key to Selection Variants

In this activity you assign variant keys to selection variants. You can use possible entries (F4) to select an
Internet service. When you have selected an Internet service, you can also display the relevant selection
variants using possible entries (F4).

Enter a variant key, select a service, and assign the required variant.

Further notes

The variant key forms part of the URL that you publish.

Open Item Processing

In the following steps, you make the settings for processing open items.

Define Line Layout

In this step, you determine which information is to be made available on the screen when processing line
items (for example, document type, document number, account number, company code).

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1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to the specifications if

2. If you want to allocate a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master

Choose Standard Line Layout

In this step, you define what information is to be available as a standard when processing line items. If you
display the line items and have not selected any other line layout variant, the standard variant is displayed.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if
Choose Selection Fields

In this step, you specify the fields via which the system is to make selections when processing line items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Choose Search Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Choose Sort Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

62 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

Maintain Work list

Using a work list, you can group together company codes, customers or vendors for which/whom a
common display of the line items and the processing of the open items is to be possible.


You receive goods from the same vendor in different company codes. In order to look at the vendor's items
in all company codes, group these company codes together into a work list.

The accounting clerks can select whether they want to work with work lists or with individual objects when
processing the business transactions.

You can either create work lists manually or use work lists maintained automatically. In both cases, you
decide for which object (company code, customers or vendors) the work list is to be created.
- Manual work lists
If you create a work list manually, specify the required keys of the objects (for example, the account
numbers of the customers) which are to be handled together.

- Work lists maintained automatically

These work lists are possible for customers or vendors who belong to the same corporate group or
refer to the same alternative payer. You specify a rule according to which the name of the work list
is to be formed. You must then start the structure of the work list once. A work list is created
automatically for every alternative payer and for every corporate group number which is used in the
master records. If other customers or vendors refer to an alternative payer or to a corporate group
account number, then they are allocated automatically to existing work lists or new work lists are
created for them.

Note the following rules for naming the automatic work lists:

- The name can be a maximum of ten characters in length.

- You can specify a prefix.

- Initial zeros can be left off (offset) the account referred to (corporate group or alternative payer).

- The number of characters to be transferred from the account referred to must be specified.


Prefix KS-, offset 5, number 5 and corporate group 0000012345 leads to a work list KS-12345


1. Determine which company codes, customers or vendors are to be looked at together when displaying
line items and which when processing open items.

2. Group these company codes and accounts if you want to maintain the work lists manually. Specify a
naming rule for work lists to be maintained automatically.

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3. Make sure that the accounting clerks do not hide the Work list fields for the line item display and for
processing the open items.
You can show or hide the fields for the work lists in the line item display. To do this select Edit ->
Work list.
Select Settings -> editing options when processing the open items. Select the "Use work lists" field
for the open items. You can then enter the key for the work list in the "Account" field. If both an
account and a work list exist for a key, then the work list has priority.

In the following steps, you make the settings for customer correspondence.

Make and Check Settings for Correspondence

You can make new settings for correspondence here, or check existing settings:

- If you have already made settings for correspondence in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings"
Implementation Guide, you can check that these settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any settings, you can do so here.

Define Correspondence Types

In this activity, you create your own correspondence types or change the specifications for the standard
correspondence types. A correspondence type represents the type of letters in the system. You must create
a correspondence type for the possible correspondences for each type of letter which you need.

In the standard system there are the correspondence types "Payment notice with line items",
"Payment notice without line items", "Document extract" or "Account statement". You can define
further correspondence types for payment notices, such as payment notices especially for
payments which are made for invoices already cleared, or for credit memos cleared twice.

The correspondence types are

- Offered to the user by the system for selection when processing business transactions or

- Created automatically according to rules defined by the user or

- Always created automatically by the system

You can select the correspondence type "Payment notice" when entering incoming payments. Bill of
exchange charges statements are created automatically for your customers' payments by bill of
exchange if charges to be passed on were posted.

64 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

You determine which data is necessary for creating the letters for the correspondence types. The following
data is necessary for the correspondences:

Correspondence Necessary data

Payment notices Document number

Account statements Account number and date specifications
Bill/exch.charges statements Document number
Internal documents Document number
Individual letters Account number
Document extracts Document number
This data is either entered manually by the user or is determined automatically by the system after he/she
has selected the relevant correspondence type.

If you select the correspondence type "Payment notice without line items" in the account display,
then you must specify a document number since the correspondence type requires this. If you have
specified in the customer master record that the payment notices are to be created automatically, then
the system determines the necessary data when posting an incoming payment.

Standard settings

Correspondence types are delivered with the standard system. Their keys begin with SAP.


You can use the standard correspondence types. If you want to make changes to them, copy the required
correspondence type and change the new correspondence type accordingly. This is necessary since the
standard correspondence types could be overwritten during the next change of release.


1. Find out which letters were sent to your customers/vendors previously.

2. Find out whether a correspondence type is already defined for these in the standard system.

3. Define your own correspondence types if necessary.

Create Report Variants for Correspondence

In this activity you can define the selection variants for the correspondence that you require.

You define the selection variants independently of the company code and the type of correspondence.


Correspondence type internal document, program RFKORD30, variant SAP09

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Usually only the fields in the output control and print control areas, as well as the field correspondence
in the test run area, are of interest for a selection variant.

The remaining fields in the test run area are used if the documents are to be output directly with the print

1. Find out the name of the appropriate print program. You can get an overview of the existing programs
using the function Tools -> Program search. To search for standard programs, enter RFKORD*,
or to search for customer-defined programs ZFKORD*, for example. An up-to-date list of programs
is displayed.

2. Select the required program from the list and run it. The system takes you to the selection screen.
Here you can either change an existing variant or create one of your own.
To change a standard variant, you can display the variant using the function fetch variant. You can
then change these variants and then save them under your own name (customer name range). To
create your own variant, enter the selection criteria directly and then save this variant under your own
name (customer name range).

3. In Customizing, specify the report name and the variant for the report assignment for the
correspondence type. You can do this in the activity Assign Programs for Correspondence Types.

Additional information

There are report variants for the different correspondence types in client 000. For more information about
the system settings, see the corresponding program documentation.

Assign Programs for Correspondence Types

In this activity, you define the print program and the selection variant corresponding to each
correspondence type. The selection variant is used when printing the requested correspondence.

Correspondence Print program

Payment notices RFKORD00

Account statements RFKORD10
Bill/exch.charges statements RFKORD20
Internal documents RFKORD30
Individual letters RFKORD40
Document extracts RFKORD50
Customer statement RFKORD11
You can distinguish your specifications by company code. This is usually necessary for companies with
several company codes, since you also enter the printer on which you want your correspondence to be
issued in the selection variant.

66 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |
Specify the name of the print program and the required variant for each correspondence type.
You can create the variant using the configuration function. Select Got -> Maintain variant.
Additional information

You can find further information on the selection variants in the sections for the individual types of

Define Forms for Correspondence

In this activity you can define the forms (layout sets) for your business correspondence.

Standard settings

Forms for correspondence are already defined in the standard system.


SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is
required on your part.

If you want to make changes to the forms, SAP recommends NOT to change the standard forms, but to
first copy them and then make changes to the copied version.


If you are using the standard forms, you do not need to make any settings here.

Proceed as follows to define your own forms:

1. Enter the standard form you want to copy.

2. Choose Layout set -> Create/Change.

You will then see the header data screen for the layout set.

3. Choose Layout set -> Save as... and enter a new name.
The name of the new layout set should start with the letter "Z" or "Y" in order to ensure that it is not
overwritten during upgrades. Assign the layout set to the layout set class FKOR.

4. Edit and activate the new form.

Define Form Names for Correspondence Print

In this activity, you define the names of the forms which are to be used for printing the correspondence.

The system attempts to create the letters for your customers/vendors in the language specified in the
customer/vendor master record. Internal documents are issued in the company code or logon language. To
do this, the corresponding form must be available in the required language in the system. You should
therefore translate the forms into the required languages if they are not already available in the standard

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You define the form names depending on the company code, print program and a form ID. With the help
of the form ID, it is possible to store different forms for one print report.


You want to create account statements with and without displaying the days in arrears. For this, you defined
a correspondence type. For every account statement type you also create your own form and store the
names of the forms for the print program "RFKORD10" under your own form ID.

If you want to use the form IDs, you should note that you must enter them in the selection variants for the
print reports. You need the corresponding number of variants.


You are to be able to create payment notices with and without an individual text. To do this, you store
a form without form ID for the program RFKORD00. This form does not have any individual texts
defined for it. You store another form under a form ID. This form does have an individual text defined
for it. You create two selection variants for the print program and store these variants for the relevant
correspondence types in the system.

Text elements are contained in the standard forms. Text elements offer the option of storing different,
alternative texts in a form which are then printed depending on the posting procedure.


In the standard form for payment notices, a text element is stored for the case that a credit memo was
to be posted and another text element for the case that a partial payment was to be posted for an
incoming payment.

For your information, the individual text elements are commented on in the standard forms.


In the letter, you can display the segment text (posting text) of an item. An asterisk (*) must be at the
beginning of the text field.
To define your own forms, copy the standard ones and change them. Delete the print texts you do not need.
Make sure the numbers of the available text elements and the commentary lines remain for each text
element. The commentary lines contain the character /* in the form column.


1. Find out the names of the standard forms.

2. Check whether you can use these forms.

3. Define and activate your own forms and translate them, if necessary.

4. Store the names of the forms.

68 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form

In this activity, you define which texts are to be used in the letter window and the signature line for each
company code. This applies to the following:

- letter header

- letter footer

- sender address


This procedure is useful if you use a form for several company codes, since you do not need to define these
details in the form or use pre-printed writing paper. In this case, the company code-specific texts must be
stored separately.


1. Create your standard texts.

The text ID is ADRS.

2. Specify which texts are to be

used for the individual
company codes.

To transport the texts from the Customizing system to the productive system, include them in a transport

1. Choose Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> ABAP Editor.

2. Enter the program name RSTXTRAN.

3. Enter the name of the correction and the text ID, and then execute the transport.

Determine Call-Up Functions

In this activity, you specify which correspondence types can be selected online within which functions.

The following functions are included:

- document entry

- functions for payment settlement

- document display and document change

- Account editing (balance display and line item processing).


Payment notices can only be selected for payment transactions, whilst account statements can be selected
in all of the above functions.
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You do not make a specification for the bill of exchange charges statement. You cannot select the statement
of bill of exchange charges - it is created automatically for your customers if bill of exchange charges were

Make your specifications dependent on company code. If no entry exists for a company code, the
correspondence types specified without company code are offered.


1. Check the standard specifications.

2. Change them if necessary.

If you defined your own correspondence types, you must include them here and make your

Develop Enhancements for Correspondence

The following SAP enhancements are available for the "Correspondence" area:

- RFKORIEX for automatic correspondence


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify
the source code for a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides
you with the necessary function modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able
to do this. A sample source code created by SAP may exist for user exits which can be copied (and
changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are
carried out within a name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu
from the project management screen for SAP enhancements.
Define Sort Variants for Correspondence

In this activity, you define sort variants for printing letters for all of the various correspondence types.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

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2. Enter the sort variants in the printing program for correspondence.

Define Sort Variants for Line Items

In this activity, you define correspondence sort variants for the line item output sequence in letters.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. You specify sort variants in the payment method layout set data for the company code, so that the
print program carries out the sorting for that payment method as you require. Select customizing for
the print program to make these settings.

Define Period Types for Customers

You can create account statements automatically. To do this, you enter a key specifying with which
frequency account statements are to be created in the Acct statement field in the customer/vendor master
records (period types). This key should be specified as a selection criterion for the program that creates the
periodic account statements.


1. Determine the accounts for which periodic account statements are to be created.

2. Determine the keys you want to use.

3. Ensure that the corresponding keys are entered in the customer/vendor master records.

4. The program for creating the account statements should be started in the required intervals by
specifying the account statement interval or the OI key date. You should specify the key representing
the required frequency in each case. The program then creates account statements for all
customers/vendors who have this key in their master record.
Specify Selection Criteria for Customer Form Letters

In this step, you choose selection criteria for serial letters, you need in addition to the existing ones, from
a list. These appear in the task level menu (Accounts Receivable menu or Accounts Payable menu) as
configuration-dependent selection criteria.


Check whether you need further selection criteria. If needed, choose these criteria from the list by selecting
them and store your selection.

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In the following activity you make the settings for displaying account balances.

Maintain Work list for Displaying Balances

You can use work lists to combine the company codes, customer accounts and vendor accounts that should
use the same type of line item display and open item processing.


Different company codes receive goods from the same vendor. To display the vendor items in all company
codes at the same time, you would combine these company codes in one work list.

Accounting clerks can decide for themselves whether they want to work with work lists or individual
objects when processing business transactions.

You can create work lists manually or use the work lists that are automatically maintained. Either way you
determine what objects (company code, customer or vendor accounts) the work list is created for.

- Manual work lists

If you create a work list manually, specify the required keys of the objects (for example, the customer
account numbers) to be processed in the same manner.

- Work lists maintained automatically

These work lists are possible for customers or vendors who belong to the same corporate group or
refer to the same alternative payer. You specify a rule according to which the name of the work list
is to be formed. You must then start the structure of the work list once. A work list is created
automatically for every alternative payer and for every corporate group number which is used in the
master records. If other customers or vendors refer to an alternative payer or to a corporate group
account number, then they are allocated automatically to existing work lists, or new work lists are
created for them.
Note the following rules for naming the automatic work lists:

- The name can be a maximum of ten characters in length.

- You can specify a prefix.

- Initial zeros can be left off (offset) the account referred to (corporate group or alternative payer).

- The number of characters to be transferred from the account referred to must be specified.


72 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

Prefix KS-, offset 5, number 5 and corporate group 0000012345 leads to a work list KS-12345


1. Determine which company codes, customers or vendors you want to display together in line item
display and open item processing.

2. Group these company codes and accounts if you want to maintain the work lists manually. Specify a
naming rule for work lists to be maintained automatically.

3. Make sure that the accounting clerks do not suppress the Work list fields for line item display and for
open item processing.
You can show or hide the fields for work lists in line item display by choosing Edit -> Work list.
Choose Settings -> editing options when processing the open items. Select the "Use work lists"
field for the open items. You can then enter the key for the work list in the "Account" field. If both
an account and a work list exist for one key, then the work list has priority.

Local Reporting for Account Balances

In the following activities, you make settings for the local reporting of account balances.
If you want to provide reporting for balances via the Internet for your customers and vendors, you need to
perform the following steps:

1. Have system administration create reference users once. You can then assign one or more roles to a
reference user. The following roles are available:


2. Have an online user created for each business partner interested in using the Internet, and assign the
users to the reference user.

3. Maintain users and accounts for Internet services.

4. Create the URL and inform the business partner of this. The syntax is as follows: http ://<
Servername>/scripts/wgate/< Servicename>/!

Example for customers:!

Example for vendors:!

Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services

In this activity you determine which users may carry out which Financial Accounting Internet services.
You can also specify which accounts and company codes the users can view. This ensures that an Internet
user cannot have unauthorized access to the data of other users.

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Standard settings

The following Internet services are possible in Financial Accounting:

- Create bank details at customer

- Create bank details at vendor

- Change customer address

- Customers: Assign open items

- Change accounting clerk at customer

- Customers: Execute report

- Customers: Balance display

- Vendors: Execute report

- Vendors: Balance display


1. Enter the required user.

2. You can use possible entries (F4) to display the possible Internet services. Select the required service.

3. Enter the relevant account or account interval.

4. Enter the relevant company code.

5. Save your assignments.

SAP Customer Financial Fact Sheet (Mobile App)

BAdI: Data Retrieval for the App


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used with the mobile application SAP Customer Financial Fact Sheet.
You can use this BAdI to prepare the data that comes from the back-end system, and that the sales
representative sees on his mobile device. The following BAdI methods are available:




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Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement
Spot Element Definition tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE 18).

There is an active BAdI implementation in the standard system

(LWM_FIN_FACTSHEET_BADI_DEFAULT), whose methods function as follows?

- Determine the customer numbers ( GET_CUSTOMERS_OF_SALESREP )

Determines the customers of a sales representative using the partner function Sales Employee. The
link between the sales representative and the customers is made in the sales data of the customer
master data. Prerequisite for this is that the sales representative has been created in Human
Resources (HR) as an employee.

- Check whether a customer is rated as critical ( EVALUATE_CUSTOMER )

Determines the highest dunning level of a customer. This method also analyses the trend of the days
in arrears. If the trend is negative and the customer has at least dunning level 2, the customer is rated
as critical. The method also provides an explanation.

- Return a list of additional customer attributes (GET_ADDITIONAL_ATTRIBS) Provides the

payment terms of a customer.
- Return a list of additional invoice attributes (GET_ADD_INV_ATTRIBS) Provides the
reference document number (purchase order no) of an invoice.

- Determine the credit segment/credit control area ( DETERMINE_CREDIT_SEGMENT )

Determines the credit segment or credit control area of a customer. If the result is not unique, the
system returns the first option found.

- Return the sales volume trend ( GET_SALESVOLUME_TREND )

Analyses the sales volume for the current fiscal year compared with the same periods of the previous
year and returns the sales volume trend.

- Return Archive Link documents for a customer (GET_ALINK_DOCS)

Returns a list of Archive Link documents for a customer covering a period of 90 days. The list
contains Meta data information, such as document ID, mime type, file size, document type, and
archiving date and so on.

- Return the content of an Archive Link document for a customer

Returns the content of a given Archive Link document as a byte stream with Meta data information
for the document.

If you create a customer-specific implementation, use class CL_LWM_CFS_BADI_DEFAULT as the

superclass for your implementing class. If you do so, you are able to redefine single methods (for example
GET_CUSTOMERS_OF_SALESREP) without losing the default logic of the other methods you do not
want to change.
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For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP
NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

BAdI: Processing Notes Related to Customers


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used with the mobile application SAP Customer Financial Fact Sheet.
You can use this BAdI to transfer notes between the back-end system and the app. It applies to both
customer-related notes created in the back-end system and those created in the app. You can use the Notes
function only if you are using the app on an iOS device. The following BAdI methods are available:




Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement
Spot Element Definition tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE 18).

BAdI Implementations

There is an active default BAdI implementation in the standard system

(LWM_CFS_GOS_NOTE_BADI). This implementation uses the Generic Object Services (GOS)
functions to store the notes.


When you create a new implementation, use class CL_LWM_CFS_GOSNOTEBADI_DEFAULT as the

superclass for your implementing class. If you do so, you are able to redefine single methods (for example
GET_NOTES to add additional read-only notes from another source) without losing the default logic of
the other methods you do not want to change.

See also

For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the enhancement framework, see SAP Library for
SAP NetWeaver Platform on SAP Help Platform Choose a release and
then Application Help. In SAP Library, choose SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View -

76 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

> Application Server -> Application Server ABAP -> Application Development on AS ABAP ->
ABAP Customer Development -> Enhancement Framework.

Define Company Code Groups


In this Customizing activity, you can group the company codes of a company so that transaction data of a
customer (such as open items, dispute cases, and promises to pay) can be considered together in the SAP
Customer Financial Fact Sheet mobile app.

If you define company code groups in this activity, the user can choose these groups in the mobile app.
Otherwise users can only choose a company code direct. It is not possible to combine these modes.

If you want to group company codes in a group but also use some of them individually, you have to create
a company code group for each individual company code.

The keys for the company code groups must be different from the existing keys of the company codes.
Standard settings

The SAP Customer Financial Fact Sheet operates in individual company code mode.

Define Creation Mode for Dispute Cases


Creation mode is used by the SAP Customer Financial Fact Sheet mobile app for the creation of dispute
cases, and defines whether a dispute case is created using the process integration with Accounts
Receivable, or by adding customer-disputed objects.


Creating a dispute case by adding customer-disputed objects must meet the following prerequisites:

- The Accounts Receivable and the SAP Dispute Management applications are running on at least SAP
Enhancement Package 2 for SAP ERP 6.0.

- You are using the Customer-Disputed Objects in Dispute Cases function and you have activated it in
Customizing of Financial Supply Chain Management under -> Dispute Management ->
Process Integration with Accounts Receivable Accounting -> Customer-Disputed Objects in
Dispute Cases -> Process Settings for Customer-Disputed Objects in Dispute Cases.

Standard settings

The default mode is to add invoices as customer-disputed objects. If this is not possible for technical
reasons, either because the current release does not support the creation of customer-disputed objects or
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the creation of customer-disputed objects is not configured for the particular company code, the system
automatically creates a dispute case using the process integration with Accounts Receivable.

Specify Usage of SAP Credit Management


If you are using SAP Credit Management (FIN-FSM-CR), this indicator defines whether it runs in a one
system scenario with Accounts Receivable (FI-AR).

The indicator is used to optimize SAP Credit Management related calls from the SAP Customer Financial
Fact Sheet mobile app. If you set this indicator, the data is fetched from SAP Credit Management direct.

Customer-Defined Charts

Define Charts


The standard version of the SAP Customer Financial Fact Sheet app shows the following charts:

- Days in Arrears

- Sales Volume

- Due Date Grid

In this Customizing activity, you can define the basic data for the additional charts you might want to
display in the app. Note that you can define additional charts only if you are using the app on the iPad.

The back-end data for such a chart is retrieved by an implementation of the Business Add-In BAdI: Data
Retrieval for Customer-Defined Charts.

Standard settings

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As an example, the standard system already contains one additional chart. It displays the material ordered
by a customer during the past year as a pie chart. This chart only works if both the Sales and Distribution
(SD) and Financial Accounting (FI) applications are running in the same client in the same system. For
more information, see BAdI: Data Retrieval for Customer-Defined Charts.


1. To define a new chart, enter the following data:

- Chart ID
This serves as a filter value to identify the corresponding BAdI implementation.

- Chart title, chart type and legend for the axes

This data is optional. The system supports pie charts, bar charts and line charts.

- Sequence of the charts

This information is optional. Note that the app initially shows the standard charts mentioned
above in that order. With this option, you can determine the sequence for your additional charts
that follow the standard charts.
2. For each new chart, create an implementation of Business Add-In BAdI: Data Retrieval for Customer-
Defined Charts.

BAdI: Data Retrieval for Customer-Defined Charts


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used with the mobile application SAP Customer Financial Fact Sheet.
You can use this BAdI to retrieve the back-end data for the charts you have created under Define Charts.
Note that you can define additional charts only if you are using the app on the iPad.

The BAdI is called when a chart appears on the mobile device, on the overview tab of a customer. The
chart ID is used as a filter value.

The following BAdI methods are available:



Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement
Spot Element Definition tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE 18).

There is an active BAdI implementation in the standard system (LWM_CFS_CHART001_BADI) that

you can use as a template for further implementations. It retrieves the data points for the chart Material
Ordered in the Past Year. This chart only works if both the Sales and Distribution (SD) and Financial
Accounting (FI) applications are running in the same client in the same system. If this restriction prevents
you from using the chart, or if you simply do not want to use it, you must deactivate its implementation in

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the current Customizing activity. However, you do not need to eliminate the corresponding data available
under Define Charts.


Create an implementation for each chart you have defined.

See also

For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the enhancement framework, see SAP Library for
SAP NetWeaver Platform on SAP Help Portal at Choose a release and
then Application Help. In SAP Library, choose SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View -
> Application Server -> Application Server ABAP -> Application Development on AS ABAP ->
ABAP Customer Development -> Enhancement Framework.
Vendor Accounts

In the following steps, you make the settings for the vendor accounts.

Master Data

In the following steps, you make the settings for vendor master data.

Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data

In the following steps, you make the settings for preparing to create vendor master records. To do this, you
need the following objects:

- Number ranges
The number range determines the number interval from which the account number for the master
record is to be selected. The account number must be assigned when creating a vendor master record.
Using the number range, you also determine whether the numbers are assigned internally by the
system or externally by yourself.

- Account group
The account group is a grouping of properties which control the creation of master records. It
determines which fields have to be or can be filled when creating the master record. A number range
is allocated to the account group. The type of number assignment and a number interval are
determined using it. Accounts which require the same master record fields and use the same number
range are created using the same account group.

- Field status
The field status definitions determine the status of the fields on the screens for the master data. You
define the status dependent on the account group. You can also determine the status dependent on
the processing type (transaction) and on the company code.

To do this, you should consider the following:

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- How many number ranges do you need for your vendor master records?
For the size of the number intervals, you should try and take into consideration not only the current
vendor master but also future developments.

- How many account groups do you need?

You must create at least one account group if you do not use the groups available in the standard
The number of number ranges gives you an initial clue as to the number of account groups. Your
number ranges are allocated to the account groups. If you have determined that you require several
number ranges, then you must create at least as many account groups so that you can use the number
The number of account groups which you need also depends on whether you use these groups for the
layout of the screens. For example, in the standard system two account groups are recommended: one
group for standard accounts and another group for one-time accounts.
- Should the screen fields have a special field status dependent on the account group?
This status can depend on

- the company code in which the master record is created

- The transactions with which the master record is processed.

Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors)

In this step you determine the account groups for vendors.

You can also define reference account groups for one-time accounts. These enable you to control the fields
in the one-time account screen. You can, for example, make certain fields required fields and suppress

When creating a vendor account, an account group must be specified. You can enter a reference account
group in the "General data" section of the one-time account master record under "Control data". If you do
not specify a reference account group, all fields in the one-time account screen for document entry are
ready for input (as before).

Via the account group you determine

- The interval for the account numbers

- Whether the number is assigned internally by the system or externally by the user (type of number

- Whether it is a one-time account

-Which fields are ready for input or must be filled when creating and changing master records (field
In the one-time accounts you want to suppress the address, communication and bank detail fields.
These fields are part of the general data and so you set the field status in the general data section.
Define the reconciliation account as a required field since this is a required entry for one-time
accounts as well. The field is company code-dependent so you define the status for this field in the
company data section.
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With the account groups, you group accounts together according to the criteria mentioned above, for
example, one-time accounts. You determine the account number interval and the type of number
assignment by using number ranges.


Do not forget to maintain the field status when you create new account groups. If you do not mark a status
for a field group, all the corresponding fields are displayed. We recommend that you control the field status
by account group. In exceptional cases it may make sense to control the field status by company code or
Notes on changing the account group

You can only delete an account group from the system if no master record refers to this account group.
Otherwise you can no longer display or change the master record.

- Changing the field status definition

If you suppress a field which you have already filled in at an earlier date, the field content is still

- Changing number ranges

You can increase the upper limit of the number range interval as long as no other interval contains
the required numbers. You can assign a new number range to the account group. The numbers of the
new master records must then be within the new range.

Default settings

Sample account groups have been defined.


Do not use the account groups to group the vendor accounts according to content i.e. do not attempt to
assign the accounts via the account groups to accounting clerks or to group vendors together according to
countries. You can do this via special master record fields.


1. Check and change the standard account groups if necessary.

2. Make sure that the number ranges specified for the account groups have been created.

Define Screen Layout per Company Code (Vendors)

In this step you determine, depending on the company code, which company code-dependent master record

- are ready for input

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- require an entry

- Are hidden.

This specification is linked to the field status of the account group and a specification for the transaction.
By means of the link, you can see which status the fields have on the entry screen for master data. In this
case, the fields take on the status which has the highest priority. Hiding a field has the highest priority,
followed by a display field, a required field and then an optional field:


The entry under the company code * applies to the company codes which are not explicitly entered in the
table. You should not delete this entry.

Standard settings

For the standard company code, a sample entry has been included.


Control the field status via the account groups. It only makes sense to define the field status company code-
specifically in exceptional cases. This, for example, can be the case if the company codes are in different
countries or some company codes do not use automatic payment procedures for vendors.


If fields are to have an alternative status depending on the company code, specify the company code and
determine the status of the fields.

Define Screen Layout per Activity (Vendors)

In this step you determine, depending on the transactions (display, create, change) for vendor master data,
which master record fields - are ready for input

- require an entry

- Are hidden.

This specification is linked to the field status of the account group and the company code-dependent
specification. By means of the link, you can see which status the fields have on the entry screen for master
data. In this case, the fields take on the status which has the highest priority. Hiding a field has the highest
priority, followed by a display field, a required field and then an optional field:

Standard settings

A specification has been made for all transactions.


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Control the field status via the account groups. It only makes sense to define the field status for each
transaction in exceptional cases. This, for example, can be the case if the fields are to be filled when
creating and are not to be changed via the change transaction. This would make sense, for example, for
the Reconciliation account field.


If fields are to have an alternative status depending on the transaction, you determine the status of the fields
for the required transaction.

Change Message Control for Vendor Master Data

In this activity you can set system messages to appear as you require them.
You can

- determine whether a message is issued as a note in the dialog box or in the footer

- change warnings into error messages

- switch off warnings and error messages

Different specifications are possible for the online mode and for the batch input sessions processed in the

You can make the corresponding specifications for a client or, if required, also for the individual user.

The work area is "F2" for switching on the duplicate check for vendor master records. In this case, the
system checks whether accounts with the same address already exist when creating a new account or
changing the address. Match code fields are used for searching. If these contain the same data, the
duplicates found by the system are displayed in a window.


1. Select the application area.

2. Select Edit -> New entries.

3. Enter the following data:

- Message number
By selecting the F4 key on the MsgNo field you can find out which messages are available.

- User name
If you enter a name here then the specifications only apply to this particular user. If you enter
"Blank", then the settings apply to all users within the client.

- Message type
You can find out the permitted message type by selecting F4 on the Online or BatchI fields.

- Save your entries. The accompanying message text is inserted automatically.

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Develop Enhancements for Vendor Master Data

The following SAP enhancement is available for the vendor master data area:

- SAPMF02K for checking the data entered before saving it


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify
the source code for a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides
you with the necessary function modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able
to do this. A sample source code created by SAP may exist for user exits which can be copied (and
changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are
carried out within a name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu
from the project management screen for SAP enhancements.

Adoption of Customer's Own Master Data Fields

Prepare Modification-Free Enhancement in Vendor Master Record


You can enhance the master data of your customers and vendors (FI and LO) in order to add additional
information. To do this, you develop sub screens to which you add the required fields.

You can access your sub screens in the master records of the business partner via integrated buttons; there,
your screens are integrated on a tab page. You can assign up to 32 tab pages/sub screens to each button.
With a change of release, upgrade, or a support package, you copy your own sub screens and data and the
relevant tables without having to make any modifications.

In this IMG activity, you prepare the modification-free transfer of enhancements from your business
partner masters.


In the following, "business partner" indicates "customer" and "vendor".

1. Choose Edit screen group <business partner>, and define a two digit alphanumeric key and a
name for each of the required screen groups.
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The name of the screen group appears later in the form of a pushbutton on the initial screens of your
business partner master data.
To use your enhancement, that is, your button is visible, activate it with the BADI Processing Master
Data Enhancements with method CHECK_ADD_ON_ACTIVE (see step 3 below).

2. Choose Name tab page, and for each screen group, enter the data required for the tab pages.
For each screen group you can create a maximum of 32 tab pages. Note
the following:

- With Ordinal number, you control the order of the tab pages.

- With the Function code, at runtime, the system identifies the tab page selected by the user.

- The Name appears as heading on the tab page.

- The Icon (optional) appears next to the heading on the tab page.
You call up the tab pages in the business partner master data via the corresponding pushbutton. Each
tab page contains your customer-specific sub screen on which you can process your business partner
You integrate your sub screens using the filter-dependent BADI Customer Sunscreens; choose your
screen group as filter (see step 3 below).

3. To link your sub screens and data to the standard application, use the following BADIs:

- Business Add-In: Processing Master Data Enhancements


- Business Add-In: Customer Sunscreens


- Business Add-In: Processing Master Data Enhancements with Batch Input

You can access the BADIs in the Implementation Guide directly under this IMG activity; for more
information see the documentation for the relevant BADIs and their methods.

Business Add-In: Processing of Master Data Enhancements


Application component: LO-MD-BP-VM, FI-AP-AP-N

Package: FBK

You use the Business Add-In (BADI) VENDOR_ADD_DATA for processing enhancements in the vendor
master record in addition to BADI VENDOR_ADD_DATA_CS. You use the BADI
VENDOR_ADD_DATA_CS to integrate your own sub screens in the standard dialog, and this BADI
provides you with various methods to prepare the processing of your own data.

For more information, see the documentation of the individual methods.


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Standard settings

The Business Add-In is not activated in the standard.

The Business Add-In can be used more than once.


To activate the Business Add-In, you must create an active implementation. To do this, choose the
following path in the SAP Menu: Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Utilities -> Business Add-Ins ->

For more information about this procedure, see the SAP Library under

- Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench -> Changing the SAP Standard -> Business Add-
Ins -> Implementing Business Add-Ins.

Note that the Business Add-In can be used multiple times and therefore all active implementations are
called and run through.


You can use the Business Add-In to prepare the processing of your own fields in the vendor master record

Business Add-In: Customer Sunscreens


Application component: LO-MD-BP-VM, FI-AP-AP-N

Package: FBK

For processing enhancements in the vendor master record. You use the BADI
VENDOR_ADD_DATA_CS to integrate your own sub screens in the standard dialog. You can process
your own data (add-on data) on these sub screens.
For more information, see the documentation of the individual methods.


Ensure that:

- In Customizing for the vendor master, under Transfer Customer Master Data Fields, you have
prepared the modification-free enhancement of the vendor record so that you have defined a screen
group with name and have labelled the tab pages

- You have activated the processing of your own data with the method CHECK_ADD_ON_ACTIVE
of the Business Add-In VENDOR_ADD_DATA in the standard dialog.

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Standard settings

The Business Add-In is not activated in the standard.

The Business Add-In is filter-dependent.

You can use the Business Add-In more than once.


To activate the Business Add-In, you must create an active implementation. To do this, choose the
following path in the SAP Menu: Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Utilities -> Business Add-Ins ->

For more information about this procedure, see the SAP Library under

- Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench -> Changing the SAP Standard -> Business Add-
Ins -> Implementing Business Add-Ins.

Due to the filter dependency of the Business Add-In, you have to specify a filter. Choose the screen group
selected in your Customizing settings as the filter.

Note that the Business Add-In can be used multiple times and therefore all active implementations are
called and run through.


You can use the Business Add-In to integrate sub screens in the standard dialog of the vendor master. On
these sub screens you can enable the processing of your own data.

Business Add-In: Processing of Master Data Enhancements with

Batch Input


Application component: LO-MD-BP-VM, FI-AP-AP-N

Package: FBK
You use the Business Add-In (BADI) VENDOR_ADD_DATA _BI to process enhancements in the
vendor master. It is used in the area ALE distribution and batch input processing of the vendor master. In
ALE, the BADI provides you with methods that you can use to fill your own ALE segments in ALE
outbound processing or to evaluate your own change pointers. In ALE inbound processing and the
standard batch input of the vendor master, the BADI provides you with methods that you can use to
integrate your own data in the batch input data calculated by the standard program.

In the method documentation, batch input data indicates data whose structure corresponds to the batch
structures of the vendor master. These batch structures are, for example, BLFA1, BLFB1, and so on. For
more information about creating batch input data, see the documentation of the standard batch input
program for the vendor master RFBIKR00).

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Standard settings

The Business Add-In is not activated in the standard.

You can use the Business Add-In more than once.


To activate the Business Add-In, you must create an active implementation. To do this, choose the
following path in the SAP Menu: Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Utilities -> Business Add-Ins ->

For more information about this procedure, see the SAP Library under

- Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench -> Changing the SAP Standard -> Business Add-
Ins -> Implementing Business Add-Ins.

Note that the Business Add-In can be used multiple times and therefore all active implementations are
called and run through.


The Business Add-In enables you to process your own data in ALE distribution and batch input.

Define Accounting Clerks

In this step, you define the names of the accounting clerks under a name identification code. You enter the
identification code in the vendor master records which the accounting clerk supervises. You can use this
information for evaluations and for correspondence.


Enter the names of your accounting clerks and the required identification code.
Define Industries

In this activity you define the industries you require.

You can group together your vendors by industry. The industry field is located in the general area of the
vendor master record. You specify what industry a business partner belongs to by entering an industry key
in its master record. You can use this information for evaluations, for example, to create a vendor list
according to industry.


Enter the required industry keys and a description.

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Accounts Payable Master Data for Argentina

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Define Fiscal Type

Here, you can define the fiscal types.

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Assign Fiscal Type

You assign the fiscal types to account type 'K'. That means you maintain which fiscal types can be used
for vendors.


You can leave out the fiscal type for 'final consumer'. Thereby, you can avoid that this fiscal type is wrongly
assigned to a vendor in the vendor master record.

Assign Capital Letter to Fiscal Type

This customizing point defines the determination of the capital letter depending on the parties involved
and the type of business transaction.

Standard settings

The most common determination rules are delivered as default.


Please customize all the determination rules needed for your business cases.

Define ID Type

The type of ID defines the type of identification number used for tax purposes.


The type of ID is used in Argentina. Some types are:

- C.U.I.T.

92 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

- C.U.I.L.

- Passport

- Provincial ID card

Standard settings

The most commonly used types of ID in Argentina are delivered as a default.

Define Activity Codes for Social Security Insurance

Activity codes for Social Security are used in Argentine reporting.


Please define all needed activity codes for Social Security.

Further notes

The activity codes need to be maintained per vendor in the vendor master record.

Define Activity Codes for Gross Income Tax

The Argentine Gross Income Tax is calculated based on business activities. They are identified by a code.

Please define all needed activity codes for Gross Income Tax.

Define Distribution Type for Gross Income Tax

For Gross Income Tax in Argentina different distributions can be defined in order to handle different
coefficients per region. The most common distribution type is the multilateral agreement.
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Please define all needed distribution types.

Further notes

Normally only one distribution type (multilateral agreement) is needed.

Accounts Payable Master Data for South Korea

In this activity you make settings for the vendor master data in South Korea.

Define Business Type (Vendors)

In this activity you define the business types you wish to use when creating customers, vendors and
business places.


Enter the required business types.

Further notes

You do not have to define all business types that occur among your customers, vendors, and business
places. It may be beneficial to define only the most important business types. Rarely-used business types
can be entered directly.

Define Industry Type (Vendors)

In this activity you define the industry types you wish to use when creating customer, vendors and business

94 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |


Enter the required industry types.

Further notes

You do not need to define all the industry types that occur among your customers, vendors and business
places. It may be more beneficial to enter only the most important industry types. Rarely-used industry
types can be entered directly.

Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts

In this activity you create the number ranges for vendor accounts. To do this, specify the following under
a two-character key:

- A number interval from which the account number for the vendor accounts is to be selected

- The type of number assignment (internal or external number assignment)

Assign the number ranges to the account groups for vendors.


The type of number assignment is especially important. The following is possible:

- Transferring the numbers of your vendors from an existing system or a pre-system ( external

- Creating the master records under new numbers assigned by the SAP System (internal assignment)

External number assignment is useful, for example, if you transfer master data from a pre-system. In all
other cases, you should use the internal number assignment. The SAP System offers a number of help
functions to determine an account number. Therefore the account numbers no longer have to be
"mnemonic". This includes, among other things, the match code or the field Prev.acct no. in the vendor
master record.


1. Find out which number ranges are needed.

2. Create these number ranges.

Notes on transport

You transport number range objects as follows:

Choose Interval -> Transport in the accounting document Number Range screen.

All intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import,
only the intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time
of export.

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Dependent tables are not transported or converted.

Additional information

For more information on this topic, see the FI Document Posting document.

Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups

In this step you allocate the number ranges you created in the preceding step to the account groups for
vendors. You can use one number range for several account groups.


Allocate the required number ranges to the account groups.

Define Text IDs for Central Texts (Vendors)

In this step, you define text IDs for the general area of the vendor master records. Texts can be entered in
the master records for each text ID. This means that you can store information on the vendor in the master

Define the required text IDs.

Define Text IDs for Accounting Texts (Vendors)

In this step you define text IDs for the company code-dependent area of the vendor master records. For
each text ID, a text can be entered when maintaining the master records. This means that you can store
information on the vendor in the master record.


Specific information on the vendor is required for the withholding tax report in Italy, such as sex, date of
birth and place of birth. You can store this data in the master record under text ID 0002. The text is
determined by the tax report and issued in the report.

Standard settings

The text ID for the withholding tax report is delivered with the standard system. No other text ID may be
used for the withholding tax report.


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Define the required text IDs.

Define Sensitive Fields for Dual Control (Vendors)

In this activity you define the fields for dual control in the customer/vendor master records.

If you define a field in the customer/vendor master record as "sensitive", the corresponding
customer/vendor account is blocked for the payment run if the entry is changed. The block is removed
when a second person with authorization checks the change and confirms or rejects it.


The alternative payee field has been defined as sensitive in the Customizing table. If the accounting clerk
responsible changes the entry in this field in the customer/vendor master record, the account is blocked for
the payment run until a second person with authorization confirms the change to the master data.


Define the required fields as sensitive. You can choose the fields using the possible entries button.

Carry Out and Check Settings for Withholding Tax

You can make new settings for withholding tax here, or check existing settings:

- If you have already made settings for withholding tax in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings"
Implementation Guide, you can check that those settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any settings, you can do so here.

Maintain Tax Codes

The system needs a withholding tax code in order to be able to determine the withholding tax. You specify
the following for each code:

- The portion subject to tax

Here it is possible to calculate the withholding tax with a calculation base of over 100%. This
procedure is sometimes used in Spain.

- The withholding tax minimum amount for Japanese withholding tax reporting

- The tax rate

Percentage rate which is to be used for the withholding tax base amount for calculating the withholding
tax amount. You can also enter the reunification tax in percent in this field.

- The reduced withholding tax rate in the case of a valid exemption certificate

- The withholding tax formula

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You only select the Withholding tax formula field if you require a special withholding tax calculation. In
the USA, for example, different tax rates are used for 1042 reporting depending on the federal state in
which the vendor is situated.

- Specifications for the withholding tax report in Spain (region, fiskalis provincial code and income

Withholding tax codes are dependent on the country.

Standard settings

Withholding tax codes have already been defined in the standard system for countries where withholding
tax is to be posted.


Check the list of standard withholding tax codes, and make corrections if necessary.
Further notes

Do not change or delete any indicators and the accompanying definition if open items still exist for the
indicator, otherwise errors will occur in the payment transaction.

The following settings must be made for 1042 reporting in the USA (withholding tax for foreign

- The official withholding tax code as opposed to the withholding tax code is used for the output in the
"Income Code" column.

- The portion subject to tax for determining the base amounts must always be 100% for the withholding
tax codes for 1042.

- The tax rate is defined in the formula.

Program RFKQSU40 creates the necessary evaluations and forms for the 1042 procedure as well as a file
for transferring to the tax authorities.

You will find further information in the chapter Define special calculation types.

Maintain Countries

In this activity you check the withholding tax countries.

The withholding tax country is needed for printing the withholding tax form. Since the list of country IDs
prescribed by law is different from the list in the system, you have to define the withholding tax countries


1. Check the country list delivered with the standard system.

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2. Compare it with the official list from the tax authorities and make corrections where necessary.

Maintain Formulas

In this activity, you define the formulas for a special calculation of withholding tax.

The formulas are needed for the 1042 procedure in the USA and for a special calculation type in Japan, for
which the withholding tax is calculated on a scaled basis with the percentage rates dependent on the

You must note the following points when setting up withholding tax formulas for the 1042 procedure
common in the USA:

- The currency in the formula should correspond to the currency of the company code.

- You should enter the highest possible value as the To-base amount.
- You should define an entry in which the country is masked with blanks for all countries which you
do not define.

- For grants (Income Code) divide the annual tax-exempt amount by the number of payments to be
expected. This value calculated is entered in the Minimum base amount field.

- In the case of changes to the tax rate, you should create a new code. This way both the percentage
rates are displayed separately in reporting.

You can find more information on creating tax codes in the "Define taxes on sales/purchases codes"


1. Expand the standard list.

2. Specify the amount and the withholding tax rate for each withholding tax country and withholding
tax code with which the withholding tax is calculated.

Maintain Types of Recipient

In this activity, you check the type of recipient for 1042 reporting in the USA and withholding tax reporting
in Spain.

The type of recipient categorizes the vendor, which is necessary for printing the withholding tax form.


Check the standard list of types of recipient and make corrections if necessary.

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Define Recipient Codes

In this activity, you define the recipient codes for withholding tax reporting. You define the recipient code
depending on the type of recipient.

Recipient codes are necessary for withholding tax reporting in Spain, for example.

Since the recipient codes are not identical for all regions of Spain and differences exist depending on the
province, you must make the following default settings for the exception regions: You must enter the
region and the provincial tax code.

Otherwise, you only enter the recipient code per type of recipient.

Standard settings

A list with types of recipient is included in the standard system. For more information, see Check Recipient

1. Check whether recipient codes are necessary in the country for which you are using withholding tax.

2. Define your recipient codes for the standard list of the types of recipient as well as the key of the
region and the provincial tax code for every exception region.

Define Income Types

In this step, you maintain the income types for the withholding tax return in Spain. The income type is a
classification of your (foreign) vendors according to income. You need the income type as a specification
for the withholding tax return.


1. Check the list of the income types delivered with the standard system and make corrections, if

2. Define the income type in the withholding tax code under "Specifications for the withholding tax
return". Read the chapter "Maintain tax codes".

Define Accounts for Withholding Tax

In this activity, you define the account numbers of your withholding tax accounts. The system posts the
tax amount to these accounts when clearing open items.

Further notes

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Your specifications are dependent on the chart of accounts. In addition, you can differentiate your
specifications according to the tax code.


1. Enter the accounts.

2. Make sure that the accounts are created.

6 Settings for Withholding Tax Return to Vendor

This section contains the settings relevant for withholding tax reports for the vendor. If you have not yet
made any such settings, you should do so here. If you have already made settings, you can check them

Define Forms for Withholding Tax

In this activity you can define forms for the withholding tax return.

Standard settings

Forms have already been defined for withholding tax returns in the SAP standard system.


SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is
required on your part.

If you do want to make changes in the forms, SAP recommends that you do not change the standard forms
but that you copy and then change the copied forms.


If you work with the standard forms you do not need to do anything here.

If you would like to define your own forms, proceed as follows:

1. Enter the standard form which you would like to copy.

2. Select Form -> Create/change.

The header data screen of the form appears.

3. Select Form -> Save as... and enter the name of the new form.

4. Edit and activate the new form.

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Define Form Names for Extended Reporting

In this activity you define the names of the forms for the withholding tax return to your vendors.

You can define them based on a company code and a form ID. You can use the form ID to define country-
specific forms. To create a return, each user can access the appropriate country-specific form by entering
the form ID in the country variant field.


1. Determine the names of the standard forms.

2. Check whether you can use these forms. Define your own forms if necessary. To do this, carry out
the "Define forms" step.

3. Define the names of the forms.

4. You can display the forms by choosing Environment -> Display form.
Define Header and Footer Texts for Forms

In this activity, you define which letter header, footer, and signature line texts you will use for forms.
These definitions are company code- dependent.


Use this procedure if you use one form for multiple company codes. In such a case, the company code-
dependent texts need to be stored separately.


1. Create your standard texts.

2. Specify which texts should be used for each company code.

Define Minority Indicators

In this step, you define your minority indicators. These indicators are only relevant in the USA.

You enter the indicator in the vendor master records belonging to the corresponding minority. It is not
supported further by the SAP System. You can use it for evaluations which you create with your own


Define the required minority indicators.

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Data Transfer Workbench

The data transfer workbench is a central transaction for the automatic transfer of data from a
legacy system. It offers the tools required for the initial and subsequent data transfer.
The complete documentation about the data transfer workbench is in the SAP Library:
CA - Cross-Application Components -> CA - Data Transfer Workbench
The documentation tells you step by step how to carry out the data transfer, and which object-
specific special features you should be aware of.
Delete Vendor Master Data

In this step, you delete the master records for vendors by using a program. Only use this program in the
test phase.


The company code for which master records are to be deleted, may not yet be flagged as productive.

Only master records for accounts which do not have any transaction data may be deleted.


The general vendor master data is only deleted for vendors who are not also created as vendors in


Delete the master records for the required company codes.

Additional information

Refer to the program documentation for further information on the program.

Preparations for Changing Vendor Master Data

In the following steps, you set the requirements for:

- Selecting fields from the vendor master records for the programs for displaying change documents or

- Assigning an authorization with which you can protect fields from the vendor master records from
being changed

The authorization is optional. You only need it if not every accounting clerk who has authorization for
changing vendor master records is to be authorized to change all the fields of a master record.

The contents of the protected fields continue to be displayed to all users. But only those to whom you have
allocated the change authorization for the protected fields can change these fields.
Requirements for the authorization check

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The users to whom you want to assign this special change authorization must have the general change
authorization for the vendor master records (Financial Accounting basic settings within the Implementation

To be able to assign this special authorization, proceed as follows:

1. First of all you define field groups (see define field groups for vendor master records). These groups
combine the fields which are to be protected together.

2. Afterwards you allocate the master record fields which are to be particularly protected to the groups
(see group fields from the vendor master records).

3. You then define the authorization by specifying required groups for the Vendor: Change
authorization for particular fields authorization object.

4. Lastly you allocate the authorization to the required profile.

The profiles are stored in the user master record of the accounting clerk. The authorizations become
effective once they are in these.

Define Field Groups for Vendor Master Records

In this step, you define the field groups by entering a key (one or two-digit, numeric) for the field group
and a group name.

You can also set the indicator Field group not relevant for the authorization check. In this case, this
group is not subjected to the authorization check when maintaining master data. If the indicator is set, the
field group is then only used for selecting the fields via which the report for displaying change documents


Define your field groups. If you do not need an authorization check, set the corresponding indicator.

Additional information

You can find additional information on the cross-account display of change documents for the vendor
master data in the documentation for program RFKABL00.

Group Fields for Vendor Master Records

After you have defined the field groups, allocate the required master record fields to the field groups here.


1. Allocate the fields to the groups.

2. Then enter the corresponding field groups in program RFKABL00.

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3. If it is necessary, define one or more authorizations for changing the grouped fields.

4. Enter these authorizations into the required profiles.

Request to Change Master Data

In this activity, you make the settings needed for requesting changes to the following master data via the

- Cost centres

- Internal orders

- G/L accounts

- Vendors

- Customers

In the so-called scenarios, you define the process of requesting a master data change. This process
definition is technically based on messages.

You can find additional information in the "SAP Library" under Financials -> Controlling (CO) ->
Cost Centre Accounting -> Master Data in Cost Centre Accounting -> Processing Master Data
-> Requesting Master Data Changes in the Internet/Intranet.

Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services

In this activity you determine which users may carry out which Financial Accounting Internet services.
You can also specify which accounts and company codes the users can view. This ensures that an Internet
user cannot have unauthorized access to the data of other users.

Standard settings

The following Internet services are possible in Financial Accounting:

- Create bank details at customer

- Create bank details at vendor

- Change customer address

- Customers: Assign open items

- Change accounting clerk at customer

- Customers: Execute report

- Customers: Balance display

- Vendors: Execute report

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- Vendors: Balance display


1. Enter the required user.

2. You can use possible entries (F4) to display the possible Internet services. Select the required service.

3. Enter the relevant account or account interval.

4. Enter the relevant company code.

5. Save your assignments.

Define Own Scenarios for Request to Change Master Data

In this IMG activity, you define scenarios for the request to change master data.

Standard settings

All the scenarios provided by SAP are in the S* namespace.

For requests to change master data, the following notification types are provided in client 000:

- Notification type 50 for requests for cost centres, orders, and G/L accounts.

- Notification type 70 for requests for vendors and customers.

To be able to use these notification types, you need to transfer the settings from client 000 using the
QISR_SM29 transaction. Then you need to process number ranges for the notification types. The
notification type contains information on whether the request must be approved, and if so, by whom.
Note that you can use a notification type for more than one scenario.


SAP recommends that you use the scenarios provided for master data changes as a reference for creating
your own scenarios, and then to adapt the copy as required.


1. To copy a scenario, select is and choose Copy. To create a scenario, choose new entries.

2. Enter a key and a description for the scenario.

The scenario key must not be in the SAP (S*) namespace.

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3. In the general data, make the required entries.
Take this opportunity to store a long text for the scenario. This description is displayed as an
explanation when you call up the form. You can also use this description to find a corresponding
form in the intranet. When you enter the text, you do not have to enter key words as the search engine
filters the text using not only the words, but also their conjugation or declination. Word groups are
also used for the search.
For more information on the search engine, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Controlling ->
Cost Centre Accounting -> Information System -> Interactive Information System, and then see Report
Documentation under Document Search Using the Retrieval System.

4. Transfer the scenarios from notification type 50 or 70 accordingly.

Note that you initially need to transfer the settings for the notification types from client 000 using the
QISR_SM29 transaction. Then you need to process the number ranges for the notification types.

Check whether the follow-up activities provided on the activities menu bar match your requirements.
We recommend that you use the follow-up activities supplied by SAP.

5. Use Entry with form as the entry type.

6. You only need to specify an ITS service if you choose the Entry with form entry type. You use an
HTML form specially designed for the scenario. You also need to assign an Internet service to the
scenario that contains the required HTML templates, ITS (Internet transaction server) and language-
dependent resources. In addition, there is a choice of business add-ins (BADIs) that you can use, in
which you can define specific requests.
You can assign an Internet service to maximum one scenario. To create a new Internet service,
choose Generate.
You have two options:

- Generate internet service with reference

When you generate the Internet service, if you specify a scenario with an existing Internet
service as a reference, the system copies it to the new Internet service name.

- Generate internet service without reference

If you do not specify a scenario with an existing Internet service as a reference, the system
copies the default Internet service SR00. An internet service created in this way contains all
settings required for immediate testing of the scenario definition. The system automatically
inserts a request data area with corresponding entry fields, for the request-specific
characteristics that were defined in the scenario.

Before you can test the Internet service, you need to publish it manually. This takes you
automatically to the Internet service processing in the development workbench, where you can
publish the entire Internet service. Then you can test the IT’S service from Customizing using

To modify forms, choose Business Add-Ins. You can now change the implementation (create,
change, delete and so on).
If you require special initialization or checks on the request for the scenario, you can use a business
add-in (BADI QISR1). For more information on BADIs, see Basis -> Change and Transport System
- Overview -> Transactions and Tools -> BC Changes to SAP Standards -> Business Add-Ins.
SAP recommends that you use the F4 Help to transfer the corresponding Business Add-In from the
scenario for requests to change master data. In this case, the existing interfaces to the SAP system
are used automatically.
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Each Business Add-In provided ensures that all of the fields defined in the SAP system (which you
use on your request form) are integrated with the SAP system, for example, for the purpose of
consistency checks. You can also copy and enhance the Business Add-In if necessary.

8. Do not activate the Cost incurring indicator.

The scenarios for changing master data do not incur costs.

9. Choose Transfer.
In the next dialog box, choose Copy all. The selection list now provides the scenario that you copied.

10. Flag your scenario and choose Characteristics in the selection area.

11. Enter the fields that you require for the request form.
Next, select Dictionary category and transfer the structure for each request. All the fields are
contained here that you can use for the form. You can carry out a search via structure name ISR*.
In the basic data you use IT’S to determine which fields appear on the form, and in which order
they should appear. You use a Business Add-In to control which fields are filled as default.

Notes on field selection

- In the cost centre structures ISR_COSTCENTER_CREATE (for scenario SRK1 create cost
centres) and ISR_COSTCENTER_CHANGE for scenarios SRK2 and SRK3 (change/lock
Centres) some of the fields appear twice, but you need to choose the following fields for the request

LOCK_IND_ACT_PRIM_COSTS Lock indicator for primary actual postings

LOCK_IND_PL_SEC_COSTS Lock indicator for secondary cost planning
NAME_CC General description
- For a request to create a new cost centre, the following are minimum requirements:

- Controlling area

- Cost centre key

- Date valid from

- Date valid to

- Description

- Person responsible

- For a request to change a cost centre, the following are the minimum requirements:

- Controlling area

- Cost centre key

- Date valid from

- Date valid to

12. Choose Tasks in the selection area.

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You specify the processing procedure in the SAP System for the request to change master data by
using the workflow or work lists.

13. Transfer a task for each scenario.

14. Enter a processor or a standard role.

This data is automatically provided when you call up the request form.
SAP provides you with standard roles for the various requests to change master data. It is
recommended that you copy these and adapt the copy accordingly.

15. Note
You can use the partner role to control whether a single processor (task processor) is defaulted in
the request form, or a whole department (department responsible). For more information on the
role, see the SAP Library under Basis -> Business Management -> Organizational
Management -> Integration into the Workflow -> Role Breakdown -> Role Definition ->
Define Responsibility Roles.

SAP provides the standard role 3100014 for requests to change cost centre master data.

Further notes

More information on master data adjustment requests is available in the SAP Library under Financials
-> CO Controlling -> Cost Centre Accounting -> Master Data in Cost Centre Accounting ->
Processing Master Data -> Master Data Adjustment Requests via Internet/Intranet.

Match code

Match codes are used to access vendor accounts without specifying the account number. If you, for
example, do not know the account number, you can search for the account via other specifications, such
as the name or the city. When defining the match codes, you specify which fields of a master record can
be used for the search.

Match codes are displayed from the master data tables via database indices that may be your own. These
indices are automatically created during match code definition. Since some fields of the master record,
such as name or account name support upper/lower case, substitutes in upper case have been included for
the match code queries.

Check Search Fields for (Vendor) Match codes

In this activity you can decide which search fields in the vendor master record will be used in match code
Since the search fields for a vendor's name (NAME1) and city (ORT01) require proper capitalization,
substitute fields are created for these fields. All entries in search fields for which substitute fields exist are
converted into capital letters in the substitute fields. Because of this, you do not have to use exact
capitalization when you enter a vendor's name or city during a match code selection.

Standard settings

NAME1, NAME2, and ORT01 are entered as search fields in the standard SAP software.
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In the standard match code IDs, substitute field MCOD1 is entered instead of NAME1, and substitute field
MCOD3 is entered instead of ORT01.

The NAME02 field is not used in the match code IDs provided with the standard software. Therefore you
can set up another search field in this step instead of NAME02. For example, you can you can use STRAS
instead of NAME2 if you need the street address as a search field. To do this, you must enter field STRAS
instead of NAME2.


If possible do not make changes to the standard software. If you do need to change the standard NAME1
or ORT01 search fields, you also have to then update the standard match code IDs. If you need additional
search fields which are not included in the standard software, you can also make use of the NAME2 field.

Additional Information

For further information see the documentation in the Maintain match codes for vendor’s activity.

Maintain Match codes for Vendors

In this activity you define match codes for vendor master records. If you want to change or display a vendor
master record but do not know the account number, you can search for it using a so-called match code.
The system saves certain fields from a vendor master record in the match code. You can search for the
vendor account using these fields, the so-called match codes.

Match codes are set up in master data tables using database views and indexes (= update type I).


You are looking for a specific vendor account number, but you only know the long text name of the account
and its relevant company code. Using a match code search with the company code or long text, you can
identify the account number.

Default settings

The standard system includes the following match codes for vendor accounts:

- The match code with the identification A allows you to search via the address data.
- The match code with the identification C allows you to search via classes. The vendors first need to
be classified.

- The match code with the identification E allows you to search via the search term and further master
record fields. In particular, it allows you to search via the purchasing organization.

- The match code with the identification I allows you to search via the country in which the vendor
resides. This match code is used to search for foreign vendors.

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- The match code with the identification K allows you to search via the search term and further master
record fields. In particular, it allows you to search via the company code.

The match code object for vendor accounts is called KRED.

The match code object basically determines which database tables, and therefore which fields are required
for match code IDs. One or more match code IDs can be created for a match code object. The match code
ID determines which fields and/or combinations of fields are used for searches.


Since proper capitalization is required for searches using the name (NAME1) and city (ORT01) of a
vendor, special substitute fields were created for these fields. All entries are automatically converted to
capital letters in these substitute fields (MCOD1 for NAME1 and MCOD3 for ORT01). Therefore, when
entering the name or city of the vendor within a match code selection, you do not need to take capitalization
into account.


If you require other match code IDs than the ones supplied with the standard software, which should
include the fields for the name or city of the vendor, you have to enter match code fields MCOD1 and
MCOD3 for the search fields (NAME1 and ORT01) in the match code ID field list.

The substitute fields MCOD1 and MCOD3 are delivered with the standard SAP system for the search fields
NAME1 and ORT01. The search field NAME2 is not contained in the standard match codes. Therefore
you can configure a field other than the standard one. You can, for example, use the field STRAS (street)
instead of NAME2 if you require the street as a search field. To do this, you must enter the field STRAS
instead of NAME2 in the "Check search fields for match codes" step.


1. Find out which match codes are needed in your company.

2. Check the standard match codes. It is very important that the required fields are specified in the correct
sequence. Add your own match codes if necessary and delete the match codes you do not need.

3. If you want to carry out a match code search using classes, make sure that classes have been created
via the Cross-Application Components in the Implementation Guide and are saved in the vendor
master records.
Additional information

For more information on match codes, see the BC ABAP/4 Dictionary manual. You can find further
information on classification in the relevant section of the Basis Implementation Guide.

Line Items

In the following steps, you make the settings for vendor line items.

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Display Line Items

In this activity you make settings for the line item display using the ABAP List View (ALV).

Define Additional Fields for Line Item Display

In this activity you can add additional fields to the field list for line item display.


You have the option of displaying additional fields, such as User who entered the document from table
BKPF or Quantity and Unit of measure from table BSEG.


Consider whether you really need to enhance the line item display. Note that this enhancement can reduce
performance, since the system has to read more table entries.

Local Reporting for Line Items

In the following activities, you make settings for the local reporting of line items.
If you wish to enable a customer or vendor to carry out reporting for line items via the Internet, you have
to perform the following activities:

1. Have system administration create reference users once. You can then assign one or more roles to a
reference user. The following roles are available:

2. Have an online user created for each business partner interested in using the Internet, and assign the
users to the reference user.

3. Maintain users and accounts for Internet services.

4. If required, define your own ALV layouts.

The standard system contains layouts for open items, cleared items, and all items.

5. If required, define your own selection variants for line item display.
The standard system contains variants for open items, cleared items, and all items.

6. Assign variant keys to the selection variants.

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7. Create the URL and inform your business partner of this. The syntax is as follows: http ://<
Servername>/scripts/wgate/<Servicename>/!?~VARIANT=< Var.key > Example for customers:


Example for vendors:


Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services

In this activity you determine which users may carry out which Financial Accounting Internet services.
You can also specify which accounts and company codes the users can view. This ensures that an Internet
user cannot have unauthorized access to the data of other users.

Standard settings

The following Internet services are possible in Financial Accounting:

- Create bank details at customer

- Create bank details at vendor

- Change customer address

- Customers: Assign open items

- Change accounting clerk at customer

- Customers: Execute report

- Customers: Balance display

- Vendors: Execute report

- Vendors: Balance display


1. Enter the required user.

2. You can use possible entries (F4) to display the possible Internet services. Select the required service.

3. Enter the relevant account or account interval.

4. Enter the relevant company code.

5. Save your assignments.

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Maintain ALV Layout for Line Item Display

In this activity you can maintain your own ALV layouts for displaying line items via the Internet.

Standard settings

The standard system contains the following ALV layouts:

- 1 SAP-INET1 for open items

- 1 SAP-INET2 for cleared items

- 1 SAP-INET3 for all items

- 1SAP-INET4 (vendors only: RFITEMAP) for clearing information


In order to create your own ALV layouts, you must first carry out line item display yourself for an existing
account that contains line items. In the display function, you can create new ALV layouts.
Maintain Selection Variants for Vendor Line Item Display

In this activity you can create your own selection variants for line item display.
Selection variants are necessary as part of the Internet service "Online Business Partner Information
Service". You use the variant to define which line items are displayed for your customers/vendors. The
variant must be assigned to a variant key. The variant key then forms part of the URL that is used to call
up the Internet service.

Standard settings

The following selection variants are supplied by SAP:

SAP&INET1 - open items
SAP&INET2 - cleared items
SAP&INET3 - all items

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Assign Variant Key to Selection Variants

In this activity you assign variant keys to selection variants. You can use possible entries (F4) to select an
Internet service. When you have selected an Internet service, you can also display the relevant selection
variants using possible entries (F4).


Enter a variant key, select a service, and assign the required variant.

Further notes

The variant key forms part of the URL that you publish.
Display Line Items without ALV

Line items are displayed with the ABAP List Viewer (ALV) in the standard system. If you do not wish to
use ALV, you can continue to use line item display without ALV as a modification.

The following activities describe Customizing settings for line item display without ALV.

Determine Standard Sorting for Line Items

In this step, you determine rules by which the system fills the Allocation field during document entry. Data
can be transferred to the field from the document header or from the line item. The field contents determine
the standard sort sequence for the line items. Every rule is stored under a freely assignable key.

Enter the required key for the account in the master records for G/L accounts, customer accounts and
vendor accounts. This key is proposed for the account when entering a business transaction.


The rules are valid for all clients. As an alternative to the standard sort sequence, you can define sort
sequences yourself.

Standard settings

Some common rules (for example, sorting by document date or by name and city for one-time accounts)
are defined.


1. Check the standard rules.

2. Change the standard rules if necessary.

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3. If you want to define default values in the master records of the accounts, you must make sure that
the required keys are entered.

Define Line Layout

In this step, you determine which information is to be made available on the screen when displaying line
items (for example, document number, document type, and amount).


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to the specifications if

2. If you want to allocate a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master
Define Additional Fields for Line Item Display
In this activity you can add additional fields to the field list for line item display.


You have the option of displaying additional fields, such as User who entered the document from table
BKPF or Quantity and Unit of measure from table BSEG.


Consider whether you really need to enhance the line item display. Note that this enhancement can reduce
performance, since the system has to read more table entries.

Choose Selection Fields

In this step, you specify the fields via which the system is to make selections when displaying line items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

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Define Sort Variants

In this step, you define the fields for up to three levels by which the line items are to be sorted.


Enter the required sort variants.

Define Totals Variants

In this step, you define the fields for up to three levels by which the line items are to be totalled.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to the specifications if

Choose Standard Line Layout and Standard Totals Variant

In this step, you define what information is to be available as a standard when displaying line items and
via which fields the line items are to be totalled as a standard. If you display the line items and have not
selected any other line layout variant, the standard variant is displayed. The same is true of the standard
totals variant.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Choose Additional Fields

In this step, you define the additional fields via which the system is to make selections when displaying
line items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Choose Search Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.

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1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Choose Sort Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Choose Totals Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to total items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Define Master Record Info

In this step, you define master record data for which you write a function module. This module refers to a
form on which the master record information you require is displayed.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Maintain Work list

Using a work list, you can group together company codes, customers or vendors for which/whom a
common display of the line items and the processing of the open items is to be possible.


You receive goods from the same vendor in different company codes. In order to look at the vendor's items
in all company codes, group these company codes together into a work list.

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The accounting clerks can select whether they want to work with work lists or with individual objects when
processing the business transactions.

You can either create work lists manually or use work lists maintained automatically. In both cases, you
decide for which object (company code, customers or vendors) the work list is to be created.

- Manual work lists

If you create a work list manually, specify the required keys of the objects (for example, the account
numbers of the customers) which are to be handled together.
- Work lists maintained automatically
These work lists are possible for customers or vendors who belong to the same corporate group or
refer to the same alternative payer. You specify a rule according to which the name of the work list
is to be formed. You must then start the structure of the work list once. A work list is created
automatically for every alternative payer and for every corporate group number which is used in the
master records. If other customers or vendors refer to an alternative payer or to a corporate group
account number, then they are allocated automatically to existing work lists or new work lists are
created for them.

Note the following rules for naming the automatic work lists:

- The name can be a maximum of ten characters in length.

- You can specify a prefix.

- Initial zeros can be left off (offset) the account referred to (corporate group or alternative payer).

- The number of characters to be transferred from the account referred to must be specified.


Prefix KS-, offset 5, number 5 and corporate group 0000012345 leads to a work list KS-12345


1. Determine which company codes, customers or vendors are to be looked at together when displaying
line items and which when processing open items.

2. Group these company codes and accounts if you want to maintain the work lists manually. Specify a
naming rule for work lists to be maintained automatically.

3. Make sure that the accounting clerks do not hide the Work list fields for the line item display and for
processing the open items.
You can show or hide the fields for the work lists in the line item display. To do this select Edit ->
Work list.
Select Settings -> editing options when processing the open items. Select the "Use work lists" field
for the open items. You can then enter the key for the work list in the "Account" field. If both an
account and a work list exist for a key, then the work list has priority.

WHATSAPP +255738656506
[Pick the date] CUSTOMIZING]

Change Message Control for Displaying Line Items

In this activity you can set system messages to appear as you require them.
You can
- determine whether a message is issued as a note in the dialog box or in the footer

- change warnings into error messages

- switch off warnings and error messages

Different specifications are possible for the online mode and for the batch input sessions processed in the

You can make the corresponding specifications for a client or, if required, also for the individual user.

When displaying customer line items you can ask the system to tell you since when and for which customer
a legal dunning procedure is in operation. The following describes how to do this. The application area is
"F4", the message number "062".


1. Select the application area.

2. Select Edit -> New entries.

3. Enter the following data:

- Message number
By selecting the F4 key on the MsgNo field you can find out which messages are available.

- User name
If you enter a name here then the specifications only apply to this particular user. If you enter
"blank", then the settings apply to all users within the client.

- Message type
You can find out the permitted message type by selecting F4 on the Online or BatchI fields.

- Save your entries. The accompanying message text is inserted automatically.

Open Item Processing

In the following steps you make the settings for processing open items.

Define Line Layout

In this step, you determine which information is to be made available on the screen when processing line
items (for example, document type, document number, account number, company code).

120 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to the specifications if

2. If you want to allocate a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user
Master record.

Choose Standard Line Layout

In this step, you define what information is to be available as a standard when processing line items. If you
display the line items and have not selected any other line layout variant, the standard variant is displayed.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Choose Selection Fields

In this step, you specify the fields via which the system is to make selections when processing line items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Choose Search Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if

Choose Sort Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.


WHATSAPP +255738656506
[Pick the date] CUSTOMIZING]

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if
Maintain Work list

Using a work list, you can group together company codes, customers or vendors for which/whom a
common display of the line items and the processing of the open items is to be possible.


You receive goods from the same vendor in different company codes. In order to look at the vendor's items
in all company codes, group these company codes together into a work list.

The accounting clerks can select whether they want to work with work lists or with individual objects when
processing the business transactions.

You can either create work lists manually or use work lists maintained automatically. In both cases, you
decide for which object (company code, customers or vendors) the work list is to be created.

- Manual work lists

If you create a work list manually, specify the required keys of the objects (for example, the account
numbers of the customers) which are to be handled together.

- Work lists maintained automatically

These work lists are possible for customers or vendors who belong to the same corporate group or
refer to the same alternative payer. You specify a rule according to which the name of the work list
is to be formed. You must then start the structure of the work list once. A work list is created
automatically for every alternative payer and for every corporate group number which is used in the
master records. If other customers or vendors refer to an alternative payer or to a corporate group
account number, then they are allocated automatically to existing work lists or new work lists are
created for them.

Note the following rules for naming the automatic work lists:

- The name can be a maximum of ten characters in length.

- You can specify a prefix.

- Initial zeros can be left off (offset) the account referred to (corporate group or alternative payer).

- The number of characters to be transferred from the account referred to must be specified.


Prefix KS-, offset 5, number 5 and corporate group 0000012345 leads to a work list KS-12345

122 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable |

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1. Determine which company codes, customers or vendors are to be looked at together when displaying line items and
which when processing open items.

2. Group these company codes and accounts if you want to maintain the work lists manually. Specify a naming rule for
work lists to be maintained automatically.

3. Make sure that the accounting clerks do not hide the Work list fields for the line item display and for processing the
open items.
You can show or hide the fields for the work lists in the line item display. To do this select Edit -> Work list.
Select Settings -> editing options when processing the open items. Select the "Use work lists" field for the open
items. You can then enter the key for the work list in the "Account" field. If both an account and a work list exist for a
key, then the work list has priority.


In the following steps, you make the settings for correspondence. The following types of correspondence are included here:

- vendor account statements

- open item lists

- individual letters

- form letters

For all correspondence types, first make all general settings, then perform specific configurations per correspondence type.

Make and Check Settings for Correspondence

You can make new settings for correspondence here, or check existing settings:

- If you have already made settings for correspondence in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation
Guide, you can check that these settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any settings, you can do so here.

Define Correspondence Types

In this activity, you create your own correspondence types or change the specifications for the standard correspondence types.
A correspondence type represents the type of letters in the system. You must create a correspondence type for the possible
correspondences for each type of letter which you need.
In the standard system there are the correspondence types "Payment notice with line items", "Payment notice without
line items", "Document extract" or "Account statement". You can define further correspondence types for payment
notices, such as payment notices especially for payments which are made for invoices already cleared, or for credit
memos cleared twice.

The correspondence types are

- Offered to the user by the system for selection when processing business transactions or
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- Created automatically according to rules defined by the user or

- Always created automatically by the system

You can select the correspondence type "Payment notice" when entering incoming payments. Bill of exchange charges
statements are created automatically for your customers' payments by bill of exchange if charges to be passed on were

You determine which data is necessary for creating the letters for the correspondence types. The following data is necessary
for the correspondences:

Correspondence Necessary data

Payment notices Document number

Account statements Account number and date specifications
Bill/exch.charges statements Document number
Internal documents Document number
Individual letters Account number
Document extracts Document number
This data is either entered manually by the user or is determined automatically by the system after he/she has selected the
relevant correspondence type.

If you select the correspondence type "Payment notice without line items" in the account display, then you must specify
a document number since the correspondence type requires this. If you have specified in the customer master record
that the payment notices are to be created automatically, then the system determines the necessary data when posting
an incoming payment.

Standard settings

Correspondence types are delivered with the standard system. Their keys begin with SAP.


You can use the standard correspondence types. If you want to make changes to them, copy the required correspondence
type and change the new correspondence type accordingly. This is necessary since the standard correspondence types could
be overwritten during the next change of release.
1. Find out which letters were sent to your customers/vendors previously.

2. Find out whether a correspondence type is already defined for these in the standard system.

3. Define your own correspondence types if necessary.

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Create Report Variants for Correspondence

In this activity you can define the selection variants for the correspondence that you require.

You define the selection variants independently of the company code and the type of correspondence.


Correspondence type internal document, program RFKORD30, variant SAP09


Usually only the fields in the output control and print control areas, as well as the field correspondence in the test run area,
are of interest for a selection variant.

The remaining fields in the test run area are used if the documents are to be output directly with the print program.


1. Find out the name of the appropriate print program. You can get an overview of the existing programs using the function
Tools -> Program search. To search for standard programs, enter RFKORD*, or to search for customer-defined
programs ZFKORD*, for example. An up-to-date list of programs is displayed.

2. Select the required program from the list and run it. The system takes you to the selection screen. Here you can either
change an existing variant or create one of your own.
To change a standard variant, you can display the variant using the function fetch variant. You can then change these
variants and then save them under your own name (customer name range). To create your own variant, enter the
selection criteria directly and then save this variant under your own name (customer name range).

3. In Customizing, specify the report name and the variant for the report assignment for the correspondence type. You can
do this in the activity Assign Programs for Correspondence Types.

Additional information

There are report variants for the different correspondence types in client 000. For more information about the system settings,
see the corresponding program documentation.
Assign Programs for Correspondence Types

In this activity, you define the print program and the selection variant corresponding to each correspondence type. The
selection variant is used when printing the requested correspondence.

Correspondence Print program

Payment notices RFKORD00

Account statements RFKORD10
Bill/exch.charges statements RFKORD20
Internal documents RFKORD30
Individual letters RFKORD40
Document extracts RFKORD50
Customer statement RFKORD11

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You can distinguish your specifications by company code. This is usually necessary for companies with several company
codes, since you also enter the printer on which you want your correspondence to be issued in the selection variant.


Specify the name of the print program and the required variant for each correspondence type.
You can create the variant using the configuration function. Select Got -> Maintain variant.

Additional information

You can find further information on the selection variants in the sections for the individual types of correspondence.

Define Forms for Correspondence

In this activity you can define the forms (layout sets) for your business correspondence.

Standard settings

Forms for correspondence are already defined in the standard system.


SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part.

If you want to make changes to the forms, SAP recommends NOT to change the standard forms, but to first copy them and
then make changes to the copied version.
If you are using the standard forms, you do not need to make any settings here.

Proceed as follows to define your own forms:

1. Enter the standard form you want to copy.

2. Choose Layout set -> Create/Change.

You will then see the header data screen for the layout set.

3. Choose Layout set -> Save as... and enter a new name.
The name of the new layout set should start with the letter "Z" or "Y" in order to ensure that it is not overwritten during
upgrades. Assign the layout set to the layout set class FKOR.

4. Edit and activate the new form.

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Define Form Names for Correspondence Print

In this activity, you define the names of the forms which are to be used for printing the correspondence.

The system attempts to create the letters for your customers/vendors in the language specified in the customer/vendor master
record. Internal documents are issued in the company code or logon language. To do this, the corresponding form must be
available in the required language in the system. You should therefore translate the forms into the required languages if they
are not already available in the standard system.

You define the form names depending on the company code, print program and a form ID. With the help of the form ID, it
is possible to store different forms for one print report.


You want to create account statements with and without displaying the days in arrears. For this, you defined a correspondence
type. For every account statement type you also create your own form and store the names of the forms for the print program
"RFKORD10" under your own form ID.

If you want to use the form IDs, you should note that you must enter them in the selection variants for the print reports. You
need the corresponding number of variants.


You are to be able to create payment notices with and without an individual text. To do this, you store a form without
form ID for the program RFKORD00. This form does not have any individual texts defined for it. You store another
form under a form ID. This form does have an individual text defined for it. You create two selection variants for the
print program and store these variants for the relevant correspondence types in the system.

Text elements are contained in the standard forms. Text elements offer the option of storing different, alternative texts in a
form which are then printed depending on the posting procedure.

In the standard form for payment notices, a text element is stored for the case that a credit memo was to be posted and
another text element for the case that a partial payment was to be posted for an incoming payment.

For your information, the individual text elements are commented on in the standard forms.


In the letter, you can display the segment text (posting text) of an item. An asterisk (*) must be at the beginning of the text
To define your own forms, copy the standard ones and change them. Delete the print texts you do not need. Make sure the
numbers of the available text elements and the commentary lines remain for each text element. The commentary lines contain
the character /* in the form column.


1. Find out the names of the standard forms.

2. Check whether you can use these forms.

3. Define and activate your own forms and translate them, if necessary.

4. Store the names of the forms.

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Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form

In this activity, you define which texts are to be used in the letter window and the signature line for each company code. This
applies to the following:

- letter header

- letter footer

- sender address


This procedure is useful if you use a form for several company codes, since you do not need to define these details in the
form or use pre-printed writing paper. In this case, the company code-specific texts must be stored separately.


1. Create your standard texts. The text ID is ADRS.

2. Specify which texts are to be used for the

individual company codes.

SAP AG 128
To transport the texts from the Customizing system to the productive system, include them in a transport request.

1. Choose Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> ABAP Editor.

2. Enter the program name RSTXTRAN.

3. Enter the name of the correction and the text ID, and then execute the transport.

Determine Call-Up Functions

In this activity, you specify which correspondence types can be selected online within which functions.

The following functions are included:

- document entry

- functions for payment settlement

- document display and document change

- Account editing (balance display and line item processing).


Payment notices can only be selected for payment transactions, whilst account statements can be selected in all of the above


You do not make a specification for the bill of exchange charges statement. You cannot select the statement of bill of
exchange charges - it is created automatically for your customers if bill of exchange charges were posted.

Make your specifications dependent on company code. If no entry exists for a company code, the correspondence types
specified without company code are offered.


1. Check the standard specifications.

2. Change them if necessary.

If you defined your own correspondence types, you must include them here and make your specification.

Develop Enhancements for Correspondence

The following SAP enhancements are available for the "Correspondence" area:

- RFKORIEX for automatic correspondence


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP
may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.
2. Activate the project.
This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.

Define Sort Variants for Correspondence

In this activity, you define sort variants for printing letters for all of the various correspondence types.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. Enter the sort variants in the printing program for correspondence.

0 Define Sort Variants for Line Items

In this activity, you define correspondence sort variants for the line item output sequence in letters.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. You specify sort variants in the payment method layout set data for the company code, so that the print program carries
out the sorting for that payment method as you require. Select customizing for the print program to make these settings.
Define Period Types for Vendors

You can create account statements automatically. To do this, you enter a key specifying with which frequency account
statements are to be created in the Acct statement field in the customer/vendor master records (period types). This key
should be specified as a selection criterion for the program that creates the periodic account statements.


1. Determine the accounts for which periodic account statements are to be created.

2. Determine the keys you want to use.

3. Ensure that the corresponding keys are entered in the customer/vendor master records.

4. The program for creating the account statements should be started in the required intervals by specifying the account
statement interval or the OI key date. You should specify the key representing the required frequency in each case. The
program then creates account statements for all customers/vendors who have this key in their master record.
Specify Selection Criteria for Vendor Form Letters

In this step, you choose selection criteria for serial letters, you need in addition to the existing ones, from a list. These appear
in the task level menu (Accounts Receivable menu or Accounts Payable menu) as configuration-dependent selection criteria.


Check whether you need further selection criteria. If needed, choose these criteria from the list by selecting them and store
your selection.


In the following activity you make the settings for displaying account balances.

Maintain Work list for Displaying Balances

You can use work lists to combine the company codes, customer accounts and vendor accounts that should use the same type
of line item display and open item processing.

Different company codes receive goods from the same vendor. To display the vendor items in all company codes at the same
time, you would combine these company codes in one work list.

Accounting clerks can decide for themselves whether they want to work with work lists or individual objects when processing
business transactions.

You can create work lists manually or use the work lists that are automatically maintained. In either way you determine
what objects (company code, customer or vendor accounts) the work list is created for.

- Manual work lists

If you create a work list manually, specify the required keys of the objects (for example, the customer account numbers)
to be processed in the same manner.

- Work lists maintained automatically

These work lists are possible for customers or vendors who belong to the same corporate group or refer to the same
alternative payer. You specify a rule according to which the name of the work list is to be formed. You must then start
the structure of the work list once. A work list is created automatically for every alternative payer and for every
corporate group number which is used in the master records. If other customers or vendors refer to an alternative payer
or to a corporate group account number, then they are allocated automatically to existing work lists, or new work lists
are created for them.

Note the following rules for naming the automatic work lists:

- The name can be a maximum of ten characters in length.

- You can specify a prefix.

- Initial zeros can be left off (offset) the account referred to (corporate group or alternative payer).

- The number of characters to be transferred from the account referred to must be specified.

Prefix KS-, offset 5, number 5 and corporate group 0000012345 leads to a work list KS-12345


1. Determine which company codes, customers or vendors you want to display together in line item display and open item

2. Group these company codes and accounts if you want to maintain the work lists manually. Specify a naming rule for
work lists to be maintained automatically.

3. Make sure that the accounting clerks do not suppress the Work list fields for line item display and for open item
You can show or hide the fields for work lists in line item display by choosing Edit -> Work list. Choose Settings ->
editing options when processing the open items. Select the "Use work lists" field for the open items. You can then
enter the key for the work list in the "Account" field. If both an account and a work list exist for one key, then the work
list has priority.

Local Reporting for Account Balances

In the following activities, you make settings for the local reporting of account balances.
If you want to provide reporting for balances via the Internet for your customers and vendors, you need to perform the
following steps:

1. Have system administration create reference users once. You can then assign one or more roles to a reference user. The
following roles are available:


2. Have an online user created for each business partner interested in using the Internet, and assign the users to the
reference user.

3. Maintain users and accounts for Internet services.

4. Create the URL and inform the business partner of this. The syntax is as follows:

Http ://< Servername>/scripts/wgate/< Servicename>/!

Example for customers:!

Example for vendors:!
Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services

In this activity you determine which users may carry out which Financial Accounting Internet services. You can also specify
which accounts and company codes the users can view. This ensures that an Internet user cannot have unauthorized access
to the data of other users.
Standard settings

The following Internet services are possible in Financial Accounting:

- Create bank details at customer

- Create bank details at vendor

- Change customer address

- Customers: Assign open items

- Change accounting clerk at customer

- Customers: Execute report

- Customers: Balance display

- Vendors: Execute report

- Vendors: Balance display


1. Enter the required user.

2. You can use possible entries (F4) to display the possible Internet services. Select the required service.

3. Enter the relevant account or account interval.

4. Enter the relevant company code.

5. Save your assignments.

Business Transactions

In the following steps you make the settings for business transactions.

Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos

In the following steps, you make the settings for invoice and/or credit memo receipt.
Make and Check Document Settings

You can make new document settings here, or check existing settings, so that they correspond to the business transaction
you are currently processing:

- If you have already made document settings in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation Guide, you
can check that those settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any document settings, you can do so here.

Define Document Types

In this activity you create document types for customer, vendor and general ledger business transactions in Financial
Accounting. Document types differentiate business transactions and control document filing.

You specify a number range for each document type. Document numbers are chosen from this number range. You can use
one number range for several document types.

Document types are valid for all clients. You specify a number range key for each document type. You create the desired
number range intervals for each number range key based on the company code. This means that you can specify intervals of
different sizes for the same number range.


You defined a document type for incoming invoices. In company code 0001 there are a lot of invoices to be posted. Thus
you create a large number interval for the number range in this company code. In another company code there are only a few
incoming invoices that need to be posted. For this company code you can define a small number interval for the same number

If a document type is not used in a company code, do not store a number interval for that company code.


To use the net method of posting documents, you need a net document type (for example, KN). In this document type, you
have to set the "Net document type" indicator found under the "Control" area. You can define a common document type (for
example, AB) and a common number range for clearing open items in accounts receivable, payable and G/L accounts.

For automatic posting transactions (for example, transfer postings with clearing), you have to define a clearing document
type (for example, AB). If you do not want to use the standard setting AB for the clearing document type, you can delete it
and define your own. Under the document type properties, you can assign an individual reverse document type to each
document type. For document types with external number ranges, you have to define an individual reverse document type
because the system can make automatic reverse entries only in document types that have internal number assignment.

Standard settings

The present document types cover business transactions

- in Financial Accounting for:

- General ledger accounting

- Accounts receivable
- Accounts payable

- Asset accounting
- Consolidation

- in Materials Management and Sales and Distribution for:

- Goods receipt and issue

- Incoming and outgoing invoices

- Physical inventory ( stocktaking )

- Invoicing


1. Find out whether you can use the standard settings.

2. Change or extend the default settings, if necessary.

3. Check the specified document number ranges via the "Define document number ranges" activity if you use the standard
document types.
These number ranges must be created for your company codes and contain the number intervals you require.

Define Posting Keys

In this activity you define posting keys. Users specify a posting key before entering a line item. The posting key controls
how the line item is entered and processed.

For each posting key, you define among other things:

- which side of an account can be posted to,

- which type of account can be posted to, and

- Which fields the system displays on the entry screens and whether an entry must be made (field status).


The system also uses the field status group you specify in a G/L account to determine the status of fields in document entry.
Field status groups are defined within a field status variant.


Use the posting keys delivered with the standard system.


1. Check the standard settings.

2. Modify them if necessary.

In particular, you may need to make changes to customer and vendor posting keys if a different field status is required.
Validation in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define additional checks for accounting documents in the form of validations for each of your company
codes. You can assign a validation for the document header and one for the line items to each company code. The assigned
validations are valid both for manual entry of documents as well as for the automatic creation of documents (for example,
payment program).

For every company code to which you want to assign a validation, you store the following information:

- Validation call-up point

Here you enter key "1" for "Check document header" and key "2" for "Check line item".

- Validation
Here there are the names of validations which already exist which you can display or change. A new validation must
firstly be created by you. Afterwards the name appears in the overview.

- Description of the validation

- Activation level
Here you enter key "0" for inactive, key "1" for active and key "2" for active except for batch input.


For example, you can use the validation for the following situation: You want to make sure that postings to the expense
account "Telephone costs" can only be posted to the services cost centre "Telephone". You can carry out the checks needed
for this by using the validation.


If you want to define new validations, go through the following activities:

1. Place the cursor on a line in which company code and call-up point are entered (you can enter company code and
validation call-up point via Edit -> New entries).

2. Afterwards select Environment -> Validation. You reach the first screen for maintaining a validation.

3. Select Validation -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you come to an overview screen of the
validation activities belonging to the validation.
4. Select Insert entry. On the next screen you can describe a new validation activity. You describe the check requirements
and the actual check for this. The syntax to be used for this is described in the online help (F1 help) for the input fields
for Requirements and Check. You can also define a message (warning or error message) which is sent if the check is
not successful.

If you want to change validations which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Place the cursor on an already existing entry and select go to -> Validation.

2. On the next screen select Validation -> Display or Validation -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you get to the
overview screen of the validation activities belonging to the validation. If you select Insert entry, you can carry out
changes if necessary.
Define Texts for Line Items

In this activity, you can store texts under keys which can be transferred to the line item. When entering a document, the key
is entered in the text field.


If you wish, the texts can be transferred to the customers in payment notices.


1. Find out which texts are to be stored.

2. Enter these texts into the system under a key.

Define Default Values

In this activity, you define default values for document types and posting keys which otherwise must be entered by the user
when processing business transactions. Your specifications depend on the function code.


When posting outgoing invoices, you use the document type "DR" and posting key "01". You can store these specifications
in the system. They are proposed by the system when you call up the corresponding transaction.


Define the required default values.

Define Field Status Variants

In this activity you can define and edit field status variants and groups. You group several field status groups together in one
field status variant. You assign the field status variants to a company code in the activity Assign Company Code to Field
Status Variants. This allows you to work with the same field status groups in any number of company codes.

You can also define and process field status groups. You must define a field status group in the company code-specific area
of each G/L account. The field status group determines which fields are ready for input, which are required entry fields, and
which are hidden during document entry. Bear in mind that additional account assignments (i.e. cost centres or orders) are
only possible if data can be entered in the corresponding fields.

Standard settings

Field status variant 0001 is entered for company code 0001 in the standard SAP software. Field status groups are already
defined for this variant.


You cannot attach a field status to some fields, such as those in the document header. You can, however, switch between
required and optional entry field designations in the document type for some of these header fields.

The field status group you enter in the reconciliation accounts affects postings to the related customer or vendor accounts.
You cannot enter a field status group in the customer or vendor accounts. Field status groups are determined for customer
and vendor accounts from their respective reconciliation accounts, via the G/L account number in their master records.
There are other factors, besides the field status group itself, which have an influence on the field status. Among these are:

- The field status defined for the posting key.

The status "optional entry field" was assigned to posting keys 40 and 50 in the standard system. These are the standard
posting keys for G/L account postings. The "optional entry field" status has no effect on the field status.

- Specifications for the document type.

You can specify here that a reference number and document header text must always be entered, for example.


Designate field status via the field status groups in the G/L accounts. This allows you a more account-specific screen layout.
You cannot differentiate by posting key, since there are only two such keys for postings to G/L accounts.

The situation with reconciliation accounts is different. You do not make any differentiated field status
Definition via the master record for these special G/L accounts. You use the debit and credit posting keys instead.


1. Create new field status variants using Edit -> New entries. You can also use the copy function to create new field
status variants. To do this, select Edit -> Copy as. When copying field status variants, the accompanying field status
groups are also copied.

2. Look at the standard field status groups.

3. Find out which fields on the entry screens should be

- ready for input

- required entry fields

- Hidden for the G/L accounts in your company.

You do not make this definition for each account, but rather for groups of accounts. This is why you may want to adapt
the field status groups included in the standard system.

4. If necessary, change the standard field status groups, or define your own for each field status variant.

5. You can delete field status variants that are no longer required via Edit -> Delete. The accompanying field status
groups will also be deleted.

Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants


In this IMG activity, you assign the company codes in which you want to work with identical field status groups to the same
field status variant.

You define your field status group per field status variant. For more information, see Define Field Status Definition Groups.
Standard settings

In the SAP standard, a field status variant of the same name is assigned to company code 0001.


Assign the company codes concerned to the same field status variant.
Screen Variants for Document Entry

The screen variant which you specify for each company code addresses special screens for documents for several specific
functions. You determine the screen variant dependent on the company code.


In an Italian company code, for example, a screen with fields for withholding tax is required when entering a vendor item.
You therefore have to select a special screen variant for Italian company codes.

Standard settings

A corresponding variant was selected for the standard company codes.


Check whether the required variants have been selected for your company codes.

Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks


In this IMG activity, you can define your own sub screens for posting transactions. In posting transactions, the account
assignment objects are displayed on sub screens. If the fields on a sub screen are not sufficient for your purposes, you can
define your own sub screen.


For more information about defining your own sub screens, see the general section Define Sunscreens for Account
Assignment Block.

Substitution in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define possible changes regarding your accounting documents in the form of substitutions of individual
fields for your company codes. You can make changes both in the document header and in the line item. The substitutions
are valid for both the manual entry of documents and for the automatic creation of documents (for example, payment
For each company code to which you want to assign a substitution, define the following information:

- Time of substitution
Here you enter the key "1" for substitution within the document header, the key "2" for substitution within the line item
and the key "3" for the whole document.

- Substitution
Here you can change or display the names of substitutions which already exist. You have to create a new substitution.
The name then appears in the overview afterwards.

- Name for the substitution

- Activation level
Here you enter the key "0" for inactive, the key "1" for active and the key "2" for active (except for in batch).


If you want to define new substitutions, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on a line in which the company code and the time have been entered (you can enter the company
code and the time via Edit -> New entries).

2. Then select Environment -> Substitution. You reach the first screen for maintaining a substitution.

3. Select Substitution -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you reach the overview screen with
the substitution activities belonging to substitution.

4. Select Insert entry. You can describe a new substitution activity on the next screen. You describe the substitution
requirements and the actual substitution for this. The syntax to be used for this is explained in the F1 help for the input
fields Requirements and Substitution.

If you want to change substitutions which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on an existing entry and select go to -> Substitution.

2. On the next screen, select Substitution -> Display or Substitution -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you reach
the overview screen with the substitution activities belonging to substitution. If you select Insert entry, you can make
the required changes.

Define Text IDs for Documents

In this activity you define text IDs for long texts at document header level. When entering a document, you can enter texts
for every text ID. This means that you can store information on the document that affects the whole document.


You create text IDs across the system, i.e. for all clients.
SAP standard settings

The system is delivered with the text IDs Note, Correspondence, and Payment advice info as standard settings.


1. Define the required text IDs.

2. Select the Relevant text field in the clients in which the text IDs are to be used.

2 Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview

In this activity, you define the line layout variants for document posting by specifying which information you want to have
available onscreen (i.e., document number, account number, company code). You can also assign a display format to each


1. Check the extent to which you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user's master record.

3 Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you define the line layout variants.

For the functions Change document or Display document, you define which information from the line item is displayed
on the screen.

For the function Edit payment proposal, you define the layout for displaying the payments or exceptions.


1. Check whether you can use the standard settings. Change them or add to them as required.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you select the standard default values for the following functions:
- Displaying or changing documents

- Displaying or processing payment proposals

These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up if you do not select any other variant.


Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Document Change Rules, Document Header

In this activity, you determine under which circumstances fields within posted documents can be changed.

For a number of fields, the system itself determines that they can no longer be changed after posting. This includes all fields
which are central to the principles of orderly accounting, for example, the amount posted and the account.

The system also prevents the update objects from being changed in documents which have already been posted, independent
of the document change rules. Update objects are elements in the system for which transaction figures or line items are
updated, for example, business area or cost centres (if cost centre accounting is used in the SAP system). Update objects are
entered as additional account assignments during posting.

If you are using the Special Purpose Ledger application, you should ensure that fields which are updated there are protected
against changes in the document. Document changes do not affect updating in the special purpose ledger.


1. Check the default settings.

2. Change the specifications if necessary.

Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items

In this activity you define screen templates for the fast entry of G/L account items when posting documents. You can generate
screen templates with the field’s account, amount and company code, for example.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. If necessary, change or enhance the

2. If you want to assign a screen template to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Make and Check Settings for Document Parking

You can make new settings for document parking here, or check existing settings:

- If you have already made settings for document parking in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation
Guide, you can check that those settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any settings, you can do so here.

Define Entry Screens for Parking Documents

In the following activity, you define fast entry screen templates for parked documents.

You can define several entry screens from a list of possible fields for this.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard templates. Define your own screen templates if necessary.
Create Workflow Variant for Parking Documents

Create a workflow variant. You allocate a workflow template for the account assignment approval to this variant. You also
specify whether the document release is active and from which amount this is necessary. You can read about how to copy
workflow templates within the workflow settings for posting documents and release.


Define your workflow variant.

Further notes

You can find out which workflow templates are delivered with the standard system by reading the documentation under
Financial Accounting in the Accounts Payable document. You can find more information on workflow under cross-
application functions in the SAP Business Workflow document.

Assign Company Code to a Workflow Variant for Parking Documents

Company codes can be assigned to the workflow variants. If a company code is not assigned to a workflow variant, then a
document release is not carried out.

The currency of the workflow variant and of the corresponding company codes must be the same.


Assign workflow variants to the company codes for which you want to release parked documents.

Define Release Approval Groups for Parking Documents

In this activity, you define release approval groups. You then enter these in the master records of your customers and vendors.

You require release approval groups in the later activities Assign release approval paths and Assign release approval
procedures. On the basis of the release approval path and a certain amount, the system determines which sub workflow is
triggered by the payment release and who is to release the payment. If a release approval group is not defined, the system
subsequently accesses the data with the initial release approval group.


1. Define your release approval groups.

2. Then enter the groups in the customer or vendor master record.

Define Release Approval Paths for Parking Documents

In this activity you define your release approval paths. You need these for the steps "Allocating release approval paths" and
"Allocating release approval procedures".

Define your release approval paths.

Assign Release Approval Paths for Parking Documents

In this activity you assign a release approval path to a combination of workflow variants, document types and release approval
groups. You need to make this assignment before you can carry out the activity "Assign release approval procedures".

Prior to this activity you must have defined release approval groups and release approval paths. For information on this, refer
to Define release approval groups and Define release approval paths.


Make the necessary assignments.

Assign Release Approval Procedure for Parking Documents

For each workflow variant and release approval path, you determine as from which amount which release approval procedure
is triggered and carried out. These procedures are referred to as "sub workflows" in workflow terms. They control how the
release is to proceed in detail, for example, how many release levels are to be run.

Standard settings

The standard system comes with sub workflows predefined as workflow templates for use as a reference for your own sub
workflows. The first of these (WS10000052) contains a single-level release, the second, (WS10000053), a two-level release
and the third, (WS10000054), a three-level release. The single-level requires just one person to release the document. The
two-level version supports dual control, whilst the three-level procedure allows for triple control of payment releases. Each
sub workflow is triggered the first time parked documents are entered.


Assign the release approval procedure (sub workflow) that you require dependent on the workflow variant, release approval
path, and amount.

You can also enter your own sub workflows here. However, they must receive the same data from the workflow
(WS10000051) as the predefined workflow example (WS10000052, and so on).

You can also specify the release levels to be executed. You set this specification in the parked document and it should
correspond with the number of release levels of the sub workflow. However, this specification is not evaluated by the
predefined workflow examples and in this case, has only an explanatory nature.

Since the number of release levels is stored in the parked document, (and this number is accessible within the workflow as
Attribute for object type FIPP), this number could be used in customer sub workflows.
Define Users with Release Authorization for Parking Documents

In this activity, you assign the persons authorized to release to the amount release in the form of an organizational unit
(position, organizational unit, and job). You assign the organizational object dependent on the workflow variant, the release
approval path, the release approval level reached, and the amount entered. In turn, these parameters are dependent on the
document data entered.

To assign organizational objects to an entry, select the entry and choose go to -> Detail OrgObject. The organizational
objects defined for the amount release in Customizing for Financial Accounting are automatically assigned to the standard
task amount release in the background.


Define the persons authorized to release using organizational objects and assign these to an appropriate combination of

- Workflow variant

- Release approval path

- Release approval level

- Amount

Reset Release Approval (Customers)

If changes are made within certain fields of the "Customer" account type, the document release is cancelled and restarted. In
this activity, you include the fields to be checked in case of changes to the document. If you included, for example, the
amount field here and the amount is then changed in the customer item, the document release is cancelled and must be


Include the fields for which the release is to be cancelled if they are changed. All fields that can be entered in the document
are displayed for entry.

If the settings have been transported from another system, you have to start report RFBIPPG2 in the current system. This
generates a function module that evaluates the Customizing settings.

Reset Release Approval (Vendors)

If changes are made within certain fields of the "Vendor" account type, the document release is cancelled and restarted. In
this activity, you include the fields to be checked in case of changes to the document. If you included, for example, the
amount field here and the amount is then changed in the vendor item, the document release is cancelled and must be restarted.


Include the fields for which the release is to be cancelled if they are changed. All fields that can be entered in the document
are displayed for entry.
If the settings have been transported from another system, you have to start report RFBIPPG2 in the current system. This
generates a function module that evaluates the Customizing settings.

Reset Release Approval (G/L Accounts)

If changes are made within certain fields of the "G/L account" account type, the document release is cancelled and restarted.
In this activity, you include the fields to be checked in case of changes to the document. If you included, for example, the
amount field here and the amount is then changed in the G/L account item, the release is cancelled and the document release
must be restarted.


Include the fields for which the release is to be cancelled if they are changed. All fields that can be entered in the document
are displayed for entry.

If the settings have been transported from another system, you have to start report RFBIPPG2 in the current system. This
generates a function module that evaluates the Customizing settings.

Maintain Terms of Payment

In the step Maintain terms of payment, you can define rules with which the system can determine the required terms of
payment automatically. The rules are stored under a four-character key. You assign the terms of payment specified to the
vendors in the master record via the key. The key and the terms determined with it are proposed when entering a document
to the vendor account.


You can specify a key in the master data area for Financial Accounting and Sales + Distribution. You should use the same

You can use the same key for the terms of payment for both customers and vendors who have the same payment terms. SAP
recommends, however, that you use different terms of payment keys for customers and vendors and limit the permitted
account type correspondingly within the terms of payment. This, for example, then has an advantage if the sales department
of your company changes a payment term for a customer. You can then adapt the accompanying customer terms of payment
key without vendors being affected by the same terms of payment.
Standard settings

The most usual terms of payment have already been set in the standard system. These include specifications on the payment
conditions, the day limit or the payment period baseline date, for example.


You do not normally have to make any additions or changes to the default settings, unless you want to:

- Enter a separate help text for a payment term which deviates from the explanations created automatically

- Exclude an account type for a payment term (in the standard system, a payment term applies to all account types of the
business partner)
- Change the payment conditions for a payment term

- Indicate that it has to do with a holdback/retainage payment

In this case you must also define the holdback/retainage payment partial amounts in the subsequent step. For more
information on this, read the section "Define terms of payment for holdback/retainage". In the current step "Maintain
terms of payment", only the holdback/retainage payment terms are displayed under "Explanations" in so far as you
have defined them.


1. Check whether you can use the default settings as they are without making any changes. You might have to change or
extend the default settings.

2. Ensure that the terms of payment key is entered in the vendor master record which represents the specified terms of

Define Terms of Payment for Instalment Payments

In this step you can determine whether an invoice amount is to be divided into partial amounts with different due dates. For
these terms of holdback/retainage payment, you must determine the amount of the holdback/retainage in percent and the
terms of payment for each holdback/retainage payment. If you then post an invoice with terms of holdback/retainage
payment, the system generates the corresponding number of line items due to your specifications for the holdback/retainage.


You make your specifications under a particular terms of payment key. You have already defined this previously in the step
"Maintain terms of payment" as well as set the "Holdback/retainage payment" indicator under the payment conditions.

1. Define your partial amounts in percent for each terms of payment key affected. Make sure that your number the
individual partial amounts consecutively.

2. Ensure that the key is entered in the vendor master record which represents the specified terms of payment.

Define SCB Indicator for Foreign Trade Regulations

In this activity, you define information using an indicator which is needed for reporting according to German foreign trade
regulations (AWV) for foreign payment transactions and which shows the reason for payment. You must enter the indicator
in the line item. The reasons for payment stored for the indicator are transferred when you print the form or in the
corresponding data medium exchange.


Enter the required reasons for payment using an indicator.

Define Cash Discount Base for Incoming Invoices

In this activity you determine whether the tax amount is taken into consideration in the base amount for calculating the cash
discount amount. You make your specifications per company code.


Check whether the specification for the cash discount base amount was made correctly for your company codes.

Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos - Enjoy

Define Document Types for Enjoy Transaction

You can define a document type for each transaction for entering incoming invoices and credit memos. This document type
is then generally proposed as a default value. You can however, overwrite the proposed document type if the field Document
type is ready for input when you are entering the invoice or credit memo. If you do not define a document type, the system
proposes standard document types, for example, KR for entering vendor invoices.
Define Tax Code per Transaction

In order to select a subset from all of the tax codes in the system, you can define, per transaction and country, which
codes are valid and should therefore be offered in the possible entries help. You can also define one of these tax codes
as a default value.

Define Posting Key for Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos

Here you define the posting key for customer, vendor and G/L account items when entering incoming invoices and credit


You cannot change the posting key during document entry.

Include Customer Fields in Enjoy Transactions


In this IMG activity, you can assign your customer fields to a screen variant for the G/L account items (screen 100 in program
SAPLFSKB) of the Enjoy transactions for postings. This enables you to use the customer fields when making manual
postings for account assignment.

You cannot select the customer fields directly when creating a screen variant for the G/L account items. In the element list
on the screen, you only see generic fields (ACGL_ITEM_GEN-GEN_CHAR1...) as placeholders in the screen variant in
place of the customer fields. During runtime, the generic fields are replaced in the screen by the customer fields. However,
only fields with the type CHAR are considered, and other formats (such as DATS) are purposefully not supported (For
ways of overcoming this issue, see SAP Note 174413).

You therefore have to do the following:

- When editing the screen variant, you specify the maximum number of visible customer fields and their column
position/sequence. For this, a maximum of five customer fields are possible in a screen variant.
For more information about editing a screen variant, see the documentation in the SAP Library under Accounting ->
Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting (New) -> Business Transactions -> Post -> G/L Account
Posting -> Screen Variants: Enjoy Transaction.

- In this IMG activity, you then specify which fields are displayed in the screen variant in place of the generic fields and
in which sequence they are displayed.
If you do not make an assignment for a screen variant, the customer fields are displayed up to the maximum number
specified in the variant and in the same sequence as that defined in the coding block.

You can use the customer fields in the following Enjoy transactions to enter G/L account items:

- G/L account posting and parking (FB50, FV50, FV50, FV50L)

- Invoice entry and parking (FB70 and FB60, or FV70 and FV60)

- Credit memo entry and parking (FB75 and FB65, or FV75 and FV65)

- Incoming invoice (MIRO, MIR7) (does not concern the screens specified in SAP Note 352701)

Alternatively, you can also include your customer fields in the screen as a modification (for example, if more than five
customer fields need to be entered in one screen variant). For more information, see SAP Note 174413. In this way, you do
not need to execute this IMG activity, and you can hide the generic fields in screen 100 when editing the screen variant.

If foreign key relationships are defined for customer fields, SAP Note 174413 (point [1]) needs to be applied so that the
foreign key values are known when the program is executed.


You have already defined your customer fields and have included them in the coding block. You make the setting in
Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) under Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) -> Ledgers ->
Fields -> Customer Fields.

For more information on customer fields, see the documentation in the SAP Library under Accounting -> Financial
Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting (New) -> Configuring Ledgers in General Ledger Accounting ->
Customer Fields.


Select the desired screen variant as the work area and arrange your customer fields in the desired sequence.
Invoice/Credit Memo Fast Entry

In this step, you make the settings for the fast entry of invoices and/or credit memos.

Define Posting Keys for Fast Entry

In this step you define the posting keys for the fast entry of incoming credit memos and invoices as well as their G/L account
offsetting items. These posting keys are determined automatically by the system if posting is carried out by means of the fast
entry function.

Standard settings

The following posting keys are defined in the standard system:

Posting key Meaning

21 Credit memo
31 Invoice
40 Debit entry to G/L accounts
50 Credit entry to G/L accounts

Check the standard default values and change them if necessary.

Define Screen Templates for G/L Account Items

In the following step, you define fast entry screen templates for G/L accounts.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard templates. Define your own screen templates if necessary.

Define Account for Net Procedure

In this step, you define the number of a cash discount clearing account for the net procedure. For this procedure, the amount
which is posted to the expense or balance sheet accounts, is reduced by this cash discount amount. A similar amount is posted
for clearing the document in this cash discount clearing account. This posting takes place at the time of posting the invoice.

In Germany, this procedure is used when posting vendor invoices against assets. As a result, the exact acquisition amount
minus the cash discount taken is posted to the asset accounts.


1. Specify the number of the cash discount clearing account.

2. Make sure that the account is created and the Tax category field is filled correctly.

Carry Out and Check Settings for Withholding Tax

You can make new settings for withholding tax here, or check existing settings:

- If you have already made settings for withholding tax in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation
Guide, you can check that those settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any settings, you can do so here.

Maintain Tax Codes

The system needs a withholding tax code in order to be able to determine the withholding tax. You specify the following for
each code:
- The portion subject to tax
Here it is possible to calculate the withholding tax with a calculation base of over 100%. This procedure is sometimes
used in Spain.

- The withholding tax minimum amount for Japanese withholding tax reporting

- The tax rate

Percentage rate which is to be used for the withholding tax base amount for calculating the withholding tax amount. You can
also enter the reunification tax in percent in this field.

- The reduced withholding tax rate in the case of a valid exemption certificate

- The withholding tax formula

You only select the Withholding tax formula field if you require a special withholding tax calculation. In the USA, for
example, different tax rates are used for 1042 reporting depending on the federal state in which the vendor is situated.

- Specifications for the withholding tax report in Spain (region, fiskalis provincial code and income type).

Withholding tax codes are dependent on the country.

Standard settings

Withholding tax codes have already been defined in the standard system for countries where withholding tax is to be posted.


Check the list of standard withholding tax codes, and make corrections if necessary.

Further notes

Do not change or delete any indicators and the accompanying definition if open items still exist for the indicator, otherwise
errors will occur in the payment transaction.

The following settings must be made for 1042 reporting in the USA (withholding tax for foreign companies):

- The official withholding tax code as opposed to the withholding tax code is used for the output in the "Income Code"

- The portion subject to tax for determining the base amounts must always be 100% for the withholding tax codes for

- The tax rate is defined in the formula.

Program RFKQSU40 creates the necessary evaluations and forms for the 1042 procedure as well as a file for transferring to
the tax authorities.

You will find further information in the chapter Define special calculation types.

Maintain Countries

In this activity you check the withholding tax countries.

The withholding tax country is needed for printing the withholding tax form. Since the list of country IDs prescribed by law
is different from the list in the system, you have to define the withholding tax countries again.

1. Check the country list delivered with the standard system.

2. Compare it with the official list from the tax authorities and make corrections where necessary.

Maintain Formulas

In this activity, you define the formulas for a special calculation of withholding tax.

The formulas are needed for the 1042 procedure in the USA and for a special calculation type in Japan,
For which the withholding tax is calculated on a scaled basis with the percentage rates dependent on the amount.

You must note the following points when setting up withholding tax formulas for the 1042 procedure common in the USA:

- The currency in the formula should correspond to the currency of the company code.

- You should enter the highest possible value as the To-base amount.

- You should define an entry in which the country is masked with blanks for all countries which you do not define.

- For grants (Income Code) divide the annual tax-exempt amount by the number of payments to be expected. This value
calculated is entered in the Minimum base amount field.

- In the case of changes to the tax rate, you should create a new code. This way both the percentage rates are displayed
separately in reporting.

You can find more information on creating tax codes in the "Define taxes on sales/purchases codes" chapter.


1. Expand the standard list.

2. Specify the amount and the withholding tax rate for each withholding tax country and withholding tax code with which
the withholding tax is calculated.

Maintain Types of Recipient

In this activity, you check the type of recipient for 1042 reporting in the USA and withholding tax reporting in Spain.

The type of recipient categorizes the vendor, which is necessary for printing the withholding tax form.


Check the standard list of types of recipient and make corrections if necessary.

Define Recipient Codes

In this activity, you define the recipient codes for withholding tax reporting. You define the recipient code depending on the
type of recipient.

Recipient codes are necessary for withholding tax reporting in Spain, for example.

Since the recipient codes are not identical for all regions of Spain and differences exist depending on the province, you must
make the following default settings for the exception regions: You must enter the region and the provincial tax code.
Otherwise, you only enter the recipient code per type of recipient.

Standard settings

A list with types of recipient is included in the standard system. For more information, see Check Recipient Types.


1. Check whether recipient codes are necessary in the country for which you are using withholding tax.

2. Define your recipient codes for the standard list of the types of recipient as well as the key of the region and the
provincial tax code for every exception region.

Define Income Types

In this step, you maintain the income types for the withholding tax return in Spain. The income type is a classification of
your (foreign) vendors according to income. You need the income type as a specification for the withholding tax return.


1. Check the list of the income types delivered with the standard system and make corrections, if necessary.

2. Define the income type in the withholding tax code under "Specifications for the withholding tax return". Read the
chapter "Maintain tax codes".

Define Accounts for Withholding Tax

In this activity, you define the account numbers of your withholding tax accounts. The system posts the tax amount to these
accounts when clearing open items.

Further notes

Your specifications are dependent on the chart of accounts. In addition, you can differentiate your specifications according
to the tax code.


1. Enter the accounts.

2. Make sure that the accounts are created.

Settings for Withholding Tax Return to Vendor

This section contains the settings relevant for withholding tax reports for the vendor. If you have not yet made any such
settings, you should do so here. If you have already made settings, you can check them here.

Define Forms for Withholding Tax

In this activity you can define forms for the withholding tax return.
Standard settings

Forms have already been defined for withholding tax returns in the SAP standard system.


SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part.

If you do want to make changes in the forms, SAP recommends that you do not change the standard forms but that you copy
and then change the copied forms.


If you work with the standard forms you do not need to do anything here.

If you would like to define your own forms, proceed as follows:

1. Enter the standard form which you would like to copy.

2. Select Form -> Create/change.

The header data screen of the form appears.

3. Select Form -> Save as... and enter the name of the new form.

4. Edit and activate the new form.

Define Form Names for Extended Reporting

In this activity you define the names of the forms for the withholding tax return to your vendors.

You can define them based on a company code and a form ID. You can use the form ID to define country-specific forms. To
create a return, each user can access the appropriate country-specific form by entering the form ID in the country variant

1. Determine the names of the standard forms.

2. Check whether you can use these forms. Define your own forms if necessary. To do this, carry out the "Define forms"

3. Define the names of the forms.

4. You can display the forms by choosing Environment -> Display form.

Define Header and Footer Texts for Forms

In this activity, you define which letter header, footer, and signature line texts you will use for forms.
These definitions are company code- dependent.

Use this procedure if you use one form for multiple company codes. In such a case, the company code-dependent texts need
to be stored separately.


1. Create your standard texts.

2. Specify which texts should be used for each company code.


In this section, you can make the settings for invoices received via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).


You can use invoice receipt via EDI for the following business transactions:

- Your business partner sends invoices and credit memos via EDI; these are to be posted directly to Accounts
Payable (without a purchase order reference).

- You process an intercompany transaction using EDI, that is, for a cross-company code sale (also valid for credit
memos), the system automatically posts the internal payable in Accounts Payable.

The system provides the following functions:

- The tax jurisdiction codes are copied from the EDI invoice.

- Surcharges or deductions can be displayed as separate posting items if required, or added to the
Material or service item.

- For vendors that are subject to withholding tax, the withholding taxinformation from the master record is used
(extended withholding tax).

- You can create a batch input session.

- You can park the invoices or credit memos.

If, in an intercompany transaction, transfer prices are transferred, the following restrictions apply:

- You cannot create a batch input session.

- You cannot transfer withholding tax information.

- You cannot transfer surcharges or deductions.

- The system does not split the invoice.

You can make the settings for EDI invoices with purchase order reference in the Implementation Guide for Materials
Management under Logistics Invoice Verification -> EDI.

- You are using an EDI subsystem that translates the file from the vendor into an SAP IDoc with message type

If you use EDI to process intercompany business transactions, you do not need an EDI subsystem. - You have
set up an EDI partner.

- You have defined the inbound parameter in the EDI partner agreement. The transaction code for an invoice
receipt in Accounts Payable is INVF. From the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Tools -> Business
Communication -> IDoc-Basis -> IDoc -> Partner profile.

- You have entered the ISO codes for currencies, units of measure, and countries in the IMG under Global Settings:

- Define Countries

- Check Currency Codes

- Check Units of Measure


Carry out the subsequent IMG activities in the order specified.

Enter Program Parameters for EDI Incoming Invoice


For each EDI partner and invoice company code, you enter parameters for the content and the procedure, which determine
how the EDI invoices are posted in the system.

Make the following entries for the posting procedure:

- Posting key for the debit posting and the credit posting to the G/L account or the vendor account.

- Document types for credit memos and invoices

- Clearing accounts
An EDI invoice with more than 949 posting items is distributed to more than one FI document. If you only require a
vendor posting, you can temporarily post the additional documents to the specified clearing account.

- Tax code for tax-exempt items

This tax code is used for posting surcharges and reductions that affect the whole invoice, and for posting split clearing

You enter the following for transfer flags:

Calculate tax
If you select this field, the system calculates the tax. Otherwise, it uses the tax that is specified in the EDI invoice.

- Transferred tax jurisdiction code

If the tax jurisdiction code is transferred in the EDI invoice, select this field.

- Surcharges/reductions at header level

If surcharges or reductions are transferred in the EDI invoice header, select this field so that the surcharges or reductions
can be posted at totals level (segment E1EDK 05).

You enter the following for processing:

- Park document
If you select this field, the document is only parked in Accounts Payable Accounting. Otherwise, the document is posted

- BDC session
If you select this field, then the system creates a batch-input session when you park or post documents. Otherwise, the
EDI invoice is posted directly to Accounts Payable Accounting.


- If an EDI invoice creates more than 949 posting lines, then more than one FI document is created, and regardless of this
setting, the system also creates a batch-input session. This is because the system cannot ensure that the invoice is either
posted or posted completely when more than one single document is posted.

- If you use the transfer price function, the system always posts the document directly.

- Surcharge/reduction at totals level

If you select this field, surcharges or reductions that were determined on the invoice items are displayed in separate
document lines


For more information, see: Introduction to EDI.

Enter the tax parameters for posting the EDI invoices and credit memos received,

Assign Company Code for EDI Incoming Invoice


For each EDI partner, you assign the company code (that contains the payable to be posted) to the name for the invoice
recipient in the EDI invoice.

Technical Note

The name is read from the NAME1 field in the E1EDKA1 segment for the invoice recipient (qualifier IR) or the sold-to party
(qualifier SP).


You do not do this IMG activity, if the company code (in which the system posts the payable from the EDI invoice) was
determined in one of the following ways:

- The company code is read from the E1EDK14 segment with qualifier 011.

- You process an intercompany transaction and have already specified a sender (from which the company code is
determined) in Sales & Distribution customizing under Billing ->Intercompany Billing -> Automatic Posting to
Vendor Account (SAP-EDI) -> Assign Vendor.

- The company code is determined using a customer exit, for example, EXIT_SAPLIEDI_001 (enhancement FEDI 0001).
For more information on customer exits, see the following IMG activity: Develop Enhancements
for EDI Incoming Invoices.

For more information on general prerequisites, see: Introduction to EDI.

Assign G/L Accounts for EDI Procedures


For each EDI partner and Invoice Company code (company code for the vendor), enter the G/L account for the expense
account posting or revenue posting and the company code to which the expense account or revenue is to be assigned.

The G/L account for goods or services items is determined by the name of the good or service in the EDI
Invoice. The G/L account for surcharges and price reductions is determined from the condition key and the condition plus-
minus sign (+ for surcharge, - for reduction).

If the company code for the G/L account differs from the invoice company code, then the system creates a cross-company
code posting.

The leading company code is the company code from the first G/L account posting in the document, not the company code
from the vendor.

If you require additional functions to determine the G/L account and the company code, use the following customer exit:

- Customer exit EXIT_SAPLIEDI_001

- Enhancement FEDI0001

For more information, see the IMG activity Develop Enhancements for EDI Invoice Receipt.


For more information on general conditions, see Introduction to EDI.


1. Enter the EDI partner.

2. Enter the invoice company code.

3. Enter the goods or service number. The following entries are possible: - Goods or service name in the EDI invoice

- * For all goods or services not listed.

- Condition plus-minus sign and condition key for surcharge or reduction.

- + For all surcharges not listed.

- - For all reductions not listed.

4. Enter the G/L account for the expense account posting or revenue posting.

5. Enter the company code to shich the expense or revenue is to be assigned.

Assign Tax Codes for EDI Procedures


For each EDI partner, you assign the tax code defined in the SAP System to the tax type and the tax rate determined by that
You can assign these according to the country of the invoice recipient (the country of the company code)
Where the vendor account is located.

- If you want to make the assignment independently of the country, then leave the country field empty.

- If you want to make the assignment independently of the tax type, then enter VAT as the tax type. The tax code is
determined using the tax rate.

The characters of the tax rate determined in the IDoc are compared to those in the tax rate that you enter here.

0 does not equal 00000

0 does not equal 0, 1


For more information on general prerequisites, see: Introduction to EDI.

Assign Additional Account Assignments for EDI Procedure


For each EDI partner and invoice company code, assign an account assignment object from the SAP System (such as a cost
centre, fixed asset or a business area) to the ID that is determined in the EDI invoice.

The additional account assignments are determined using the account assignment ID in the EDI invoice.

Technical Note

The account assignment ID is read in the IDoc type INVOIC01 from the E1EDP02 segment, with the 021 qualifier from the
BELNR field. (See also: Documentation for IDoc Types. In the object name field, enter INVOIC01.)


You do not make any assignments here if you determine the additional account assignments in one of the following ways:

- You use the IDoc type INVOIC02, and transfer the additional account assignments in the E1EDP30 segment,
using the following qualifiers:

- 045 Cost centre

- 049 Business area

- 048 Profit centre

- 078 Partner profit centre

- 047 Project number

- 046 Profitability segment

- You use the EXIT_SAPLIEDI_002 customer exit from enhancement project FEDI0001 to determine additional
account assignments.
For more information on general prerequisites, see Introduction to EDI.


When you assign account assignment objects, you can also make the following masked entry in the ID account assignments

* For all non-listed account assignment IDs

Develop Enhancements for EDI Incoming Invoice


You can use customer exits in EDI inbound processing of FI invoices, to meet requirements that are not provided in the
standard system.

The following SAP enhancement is provided for this purpose:

- FEDI0001 for invoice receipt via EDI


To see the exits, proceed as follows:

1. Do the IMG activity

2. Choose Utilities -> SAP Enhancements.

3. In the Exit name field, enter FEDI0001.

4. Choose Exits -> Display.

5. Place the cursor on the required exit and choose go to -> Documentation.


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP
may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.
Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.
Release for Payment

Accounting line items can be blocked for payment and go through a release for payment. After the release for payment has
taken place, the payment block is cancelled and the line item can be paid.

In the following steps, you make the settings for the release for payment. You make the following specifications:

- which document types should be released for payment

- how the release for payment is to take place (e.g. single level)

- Who is authorized to release a line item for payment and up to what amount?

Make sure that you have correctly configured the SAP Business Workflow function. To do this go to the step "Global
settings" in the Implementation Guide and select the node Maintain standard settings for SAP Business Workflow.

Create Workflow Variant for Release for Payment

In this step, you define your workflow variants for the release for payment. You make the following specifications:

- Release required

A workflow is to be triggered within the release for payment

- As from which amount the release for payment to take place

Afterwards you allocate the variants to the required company codes (see following step).

You generate workflow definitions using the workflow editor and this way describe the activities to be carried out as a
sequence of steps. You can define several release approval procedures for each variant in the form of sub workflows. Several
sub workflows are predefined in the system for your use, i.e. it is not absolutely necessary to create your own.

Activities Define your workflow variant.

Further notes

You can find more information on defining workflows in the documentation under cross-application functions in the SAP
Business Workflow document.

Assign Company Code Workflow Variant for Release for Payment

In this activity you assign the workflow variant to the company codes in which it is to be valid.

The currency of the workflow variant and that of the accompanying company codes must be the same.


Assign workflow variants to those company codes in which you want to release payments.
Define Release Approval Groups for Release for Payment

In this step you define so-called release approval groups. You then enter these in the master records of your customers and

You require release approval groups in the later steps "Allocate release approval paths" and "Allocate release approval
procedures". On the basis of the release approval path and a certain amount, the system determines which sub workflow is
triggered by the payment release and who is to release the payment. If a release approval group is not defined, then the system
subsequently accesses the data with the initial release approval group.


1. Define your release approval groups.

2. Then enter the groups in the customer or vendor master record.

Define Release Approval Paths for Release for Payment

In this step you define your release approval paths. You need these for the steps "Allocate release approval paths" and
"Allocate release approval procedures".


Define your release approval paths.

Assign Release Approval Paths for Release for Payment

In this activity you assign a release approval path to a combination of workflow variants, document types, and release
approval groups. You need to make this assignment before you can carry out the "Assigning release approval procedures"


Prior to this step you must have defined release approval groups and release approval paths. For information on this, refer to
Define release approval groups and Define release approval paths.


Make the required assignment.

Assign Release Approval Procedure for Release for Payment

Per workflow variant and release approval path, you determine which release approval procedure is triggered and carried
out, and from which amount. These procedures are referred to as "sub workflows" in workflow terms.

Standard settings

The standard system comes with sub workflows (WS00400011, WS00400021, and WS00400022) predefined as workflow
templates for use as a reference for your own sub workflows. The first of these contains a single-level release, the second, a
two-level release and the third, a three-level release. The single-level release requires just one person to release the line items
for payment. The two-level version supports dual control, whilst the three-level procedure allows for triple control of
payment releases.


Assign the release approval procedure (sub workflow) that you require, dependent on the workflow variant, release approval
path, and amount.

You can also enter your own workflows here. However, these must receive the same data from the workflow (WS00400012)
as the predefined sub workflow examples (WS00400011, and so on).

Define Relevant Document Types for Release for Payment

In this step you specify for which document types the release for payment is to be used for each workflow variant.

Define the document types for each workflow variant.

Define Users with Authorization to Payment Release

In this activity you assign the users who have release authorization to the payment release in the form of an organizational
object (position, organizational unit, and job). This organizational object is assigned to the release approval step taking into
consideration the document data (such as vendor and thus release approval group), if a release is to be carried out.

To assign an organizational object to an entry (workflow variant, approval path, approval level, amount), select the entry and
choose go to -> Details (Org.Object). The organization objects defined for the release amount in the Financial Accounting
IMG are assigned to the payment amount standard task automatically in the background.


Define the users with release authorization using organizational objects.

Further notes

For more information on organizational objects, see Personnel Planning and Development -> Organizational
Management in the R/3 Library.

Carry Out Function Enhancements for Release for Payment

The following SAP enhancement is available for the release for payment area:

- SAPLF051 for checking whether the release for payment is necessary


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP
may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.
For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.

Define Payment Block Reason for Payment Release

Using payment blocking reasons, you can differentiate why invoices are to be blocked for payment.

For each block indicator, you must decide whether:

- Changes are allowed in the payment proposal.

If the indicator is not set, the reason for blocking cannot be set nor removed when a payment proposal is processed.

- Documents defined with the block key are also not to be cleared during manual payment entry.


If items are missing or errors are found in a delivery during the goods receipt control and the invoices should not be paid
because of the missing items or errors, you can define a separate payment blocking reason for this situation.


Payment blocking reasons are valid for all company codes. By using the reasons for payment blocking, you can also prevent
items from being processed manually with the clearing procedures "Incoming payment" and "Outgoing payment". You
define a blocking reason to do this and mark it accordingly.
Such items can always be transferred or reversed.

Standard settings

In the SAP standard system, the following reasons for payment blocking, for example, are defined:

Blocking reason Name

““(=blank) Released for payment

"R" Blocked by invoice verification


1. Find out the reasons why invoices are to be blocked for payment in your department.
2. Enter the indicators and descriptions for the payment blocking reasons that exist in your company.

Outgoing Payments

In the following steps, you make the specifications which are required for outgoing payments.

Outgoing Payments Global Settings

In the following steps, make the global settings for outgoing payments.

Make and Check Document Settings

You can make new document settings here, or check existing settings, so that they correspond to the business transaction
you are currently processing:

- If you have already made document settings in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation Guide, you
can check that those settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any document settings, you can do so here.

Define Document Types

In this activity you create document types for customer, vendor and general ledger business transactions in Financial
Accounting. Document types differentiate business transactions and control document filing.

You specify a number range for each document type. Document numbers are chosen from this number range. You can use
one number range for several document types.

Document types are valid for all clients. You specify a number range key for each document type. You create the desired
number range intervals for each number range key based on the company code. This means that you can specify intervals of
different sizes for the same number range.


You defined a document type for incoming invoices. In company code 0001 there are a lot of invoices to be posted. Thus
you create a large number interval for the number range in this company code. In another company code there are only a few
incoming invoices that need to be posted. For this company code you can define a small number interval for the same number

If a document type is not used in a company code, do not store a number interval for that company code.


To use the net method of posting documents, you need a net document type (for example, KN). In this document type, you
have to set the "Net document type" indicator found under the "Control" area. You can define a common document type (for
example, AB) and a common number range for clearing open items in accounts receivable, payable and G/L accounts.

For automatic posting transactions (for example, transfer postings with clearing), you have to define a clearing document
type (for example, AB). If you do not want to use the standard setting AB for the clearing document type, you can delete it
and define your own. Under the document type properties, you can assign an individual reverse document type to each
document type. For document types with external number ranges, you have to define an individual reverse document type
because the system can make automatic reverse entries only in document types that have internal number assignment.

Standard settings

The present document types cover business transactions

- in Financial Accounting for:

- General ledger accounting

- Accounts receivable

- Accounts payable

- Asset accounting

- Consolidation

- in Materials Management and Sales and Distribution for:

- Goods receipt and issue

- Incoming and outgoing invoices

- Physical inventory ( stocktaking )

- Invoicing


1. Find out whether you can use the standard settings.

2. Change or extend the default settings, if necessary.

3. Check the specified document number ranges via the "Define document number ranges" activity if you use the standard
document types.
These number ranges must be created for your company codes and contain the number intervals you require.

Define Posting Keys

In this activity you define posting keys. Users specify a posting key before entering a line item. The posting key controls
how the line item is entered and processed.

For each posting key, you define among other things:

- which side of an account can be posted to,

- which type of account can be posted to, and

- Which fields the system displays on the entry screens and whether an entry must be made (field status).


The system also uses the field status group you specify in a G/L account to determine the status of fields in document entry.
Field status groups are defined within a field status variant.

Use the posting keys delivered with the standard system.


1. Check the standard settings.

2. Modify them if necessary.

In particular, you may need to make changes to customer and vendor posting keys if a different field status is required.

Validation in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define additional checks for accounting documents in the form of validations for each of your company
codes. You can assign a validation for the document header and one for the line items to each company code. The assigned
validations are valid both for manual entry of documents as well as for the automatic creation of documents (for example,
payment program).

For every company code to which you want to assign a validation, you store the following information:

- Validation call-up point

Here you enter key "1" for "Check document header" and key "2" for "Check line item".

- Validation
Here there are the names of validations which already exist which you can display or change. A new validation must
firstly be created by you. Afterwards the name appears in the overview.

- Description of the validation

- Activation level
Here you enter key "0" for inactive, key "1" for active and key "2" for active except for batch input.

For example, you can use the validation for the following situation: You want to make sure that postings to the expense
account "Telephone costs" can only be posted to the services cost centre "Telephone". You can carry out the checks needed
for this by using the validation.


If you want to define new validations, go through the following activities:

1. Place the cursor on a line in which company code and call-up point are entered (you can enter company code and
validation call-up point via Edit -> New entries).

2. Afterwards select Environment -> Validation. You reach the first screen for maintaining a validation.

3. Select Validation -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you come to an overview screen of the
validation activities belonging to the validation.

4. Select Insert entry. On the next screen you can describe a new validation activity. You describe the check requirements
and the actual check for this. The syntax to be used for this is described in the online help (F1 help) for the input fields
for Requirements and Check. You can also define a message (warning or error message) which is sent if the check is
not successful.

If you want to change validations which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Place the cursor on an already existing entry and select go to -> Validation.

2. On the next screen select Validation -> Display or Validation -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you get to the
overview screen of the validation activities belonging to the validation. If you select Insert entry, you can carry out
changes if necessary.

Define Texts for Line Items

In this activity, you can store texts under keys which can be transferred to the line item. When entering a document, the key
is entered in the text field.


If you wish, the texts can be transferred to the customers in payment notices.


1. Find out which texts are to be stored.

2. Enter these texts into the system under a key.

Define Default Values

In this activity, you define default values for document types and posting keys which otherwise must be entered by the user
when processing business transactions. Your specifications depend on the function code.


When posting outgoing invoices, you use the document type "DR" and posting key "01". You can store these specifications
in the system. They are proposed by the system when you call up the corresponding transaction.


Define the required default values.

Define Field Status Variants

In this activity you can define and edit field status variants and groups. You group several field status groups together in one
field status variant. You assign the field status variants to a company code in the activity Assign Company Code to Field
Status Variants. This allows you to work with the same field status groups in any number of company codes.

You can also define and process field status groups. You must define a field status group in the company code-specific area
of each G/L account. The field status group determines which fields are ready for input, which are required entry fields, and
which are hidden during document entry. Bear in mind that additional account assignments (i.e. cost centres or orders) are
only possible if data can be entered in the corresponding fields.

Standard settings
Field status variant 0001 is entered for company code 0001 in the standard SAP software. Field status groups are already
defined for this variant.


You cannot attach a field status to some fields, such as those in the document header. You can, however, switch between
required and optional entry field designations in the document type for some of these header fields.

The field status group you enter in the reconciliation accounts affects postings to the related customer or vendor accounts.
You cannot enter a field status group in the customer or vendor accounts. Field status groups are determined for customer
and vendor accounts from their respective reconciliation accounts, via the G/L account number in their master records.

There are other factors, besides the field status group itself, which have an influence on the field status. Among these are:
- The field status defined for the posting key.
The status "optional entry field" was assigned to posting keys 40 and 50 in the standard system. These are the standard
posting keys for G/L account postings. The "optional entry field" status has no effect on the field status.

- Specifications for the document type.

You can specify here that a reference number and document header text must always be entered, for example.


Designate field status via the field status groups in the G/L accounts. This allows you a more account-specific screen layout.
You cannot differentiate by posting key, since there are only two such keys for postings to G/L accounts.

The situation with reconciliation accounts is different. You do not make any differentiated field status definition via the
master record for these special G/L accounts. You use the debit and credit posting keys instead.


1. Create new field status variants using Edit -> New entries. You can also use the copy function to create new field
status variants. To do this, select Edit -> Copy as. When copying field status variants, the accompanying field status
groups are also copied.

2. Look at the standard field status groups.

3. Find out which fields on the entry screens should be

- ready for input

- required entry fields

- Hidden for the G/L accounts in your company.

You do not make this definition for each account, but rather for groups of accounts. This is why you may want to adapt
the field status groups included in the standard system.

4. If necessary, change the standard field status groups, or define your own for each field status variant.

5. You can delete field status variants that are no longer required via Edit -> Delete. The accompanying field status
groups will also be deleted.
Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants

In this IMG activity, you assign the company codes in which you want to work with identical field status groups to the same
field status variant.

You define your field status group per field status variant. For more information, see Define Field Status Definition Groups.

Standard settings

In the SAP standard, a field status variant of the same name is assigned to company code 0001.


Assign the company codes concerned to the same field status variant.

Screen Variants for Document Entry

The screen variant which you specify for each company code addresses special screens for documents for several specific
functions. You determine the screen variant dependent on the company code.


In an Italian company code, for example, a screen with fields for withholding tax is required when entering a vendor item.
You therefore have to select a special screen variant for Italian company codes.

Standard settings

A corresponding variant was selected for the standard company codes.


Check whether the required variants have been selected for your company codes.

Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks


In this IMG activity, you can define your own sub screens for posting transactions. In posting transactions, the account
assignment objects are displayed on sub screens. If the fields on a sub screen are not sufficient for your purposes, you can
define your own sub screen.

For more information about defining your own sub screens, see the general section Define Sunscreens for Account
Assignment Block.
Substitution in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define possible changes regarding your accounting documents in the form of substitutions of individual
fields for your company codes. You can make changes both in the document header and in the line item. The substitutions
are valid for both the manual entry of documents and for the automatic creation of documents (for example, payment

For each company code to which you want to assign a substitution, define the following information:

- Time of substitution
Here you enter the key "1" for substitution within the document header, the key "2" for substitution within the line item
and the key "3" for the whole document.

- Substitution
Here you can change or display the names of substitutions which already exist. You have to create a new substitution.
The name then appears in the overview afterwards.

- Name for the substitution

- Activation level
Here you enter the key "0" for inactive, the key "1" for active and the key "2" for active (except for in batch).


If you want to define new substitutions, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on a line in which the company code and the time have been entered (you can enter the company
code and the time via Edit -> New entries).

2. Then select Environment -> Substitution. You reach the first screen for maintaining a substitution.

3. Select Substitution -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you reach the overview screen with
the substitution activities belonging to substitution.

4. Select Insert entry. You can describe a new substitution activity on the next screen. You describe the substitution
requirements and the actual substitution for this. The syntax to be used for this is explained in the F1 help for the input
fields Requirements and Substitution.

If you want to change substitutions which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on an existing entry and select go to -> Substitution.

2. On the next screen, select Substitution -> Display or Substitution -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you reach
the overview screen with the substitution activities belonging to substitution. If you select Insert entry, you can make
the required changes.

Define Text IDs for Documents

In this activity you define text IDs for long texts at document header level. When entering a document, you can enter texts
for every text ID. This means that you can store information on the document that affects the whole document.


You create text IDs across the system, i.e. for all clients.
SAP standard settings

The system is delivered with the text IDs Note, Correspondence, and Payment advice info as standard settings.


1. Define the required text IDs.

2. Select the Relevant text field in the clients in which the text IDs are to be used.

Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview

In this activity, you define the line layout variants for document posting by specifying which information you want to have
available onscreen (i.e., document number, account number, company code). You can also assign a display format to each


1. Check the extent to which you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user's master record.

Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you define the line layout variants.

For the functions Change document or Display document, you define which information from the line
Item is displayed on the screen.

For the function Edit payment proposal, you define the layout for displaying the payments or exceptions.


1. Check whether you can use the standard settings. Change them or add to them as required.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you select the standard default values for the following functions:

- Displaying or changing documents

- Displaying or processing payment proposals

These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up if you do not select any other variant.


Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Document Change Rules, Document Header

In this activity, you determine under which circumstances fields within posted documents can be changed.


For a number of fields, the system itself determines that they can no longer be changed after posting. This includes all fields
which are central to the principles of orderly accounting, for example, the amount posted and the account.

The system also prevents the update objects from being changed in documents which have already been posted, independent
of the document change rules. Update objects are elements in the system for which transaction figures or line items are
updated, for example, business area or cost centres (if cost centre accounting is used in the SAP system). Update objects are
entered as additional account assignments during posting.

If you are using the Special Purpose Ledger application, you should ensure that fields which are updated there are protected
against changes in the document. Document changes do not affect updating in the special purpose ledger.

1. Check the default settings.

2. Change the specifications if necessary.

Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items

In this activity you define screen templates for the fast entry of G/L account items when posting documents. You can generate
screen templates with the field’s account, amount and company code, for example.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. If necessary, change or enhance the definitions.

2. If you want to assign a screen template to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Define Accounts for Cash Discount Taken

In this step, you define the account numbers of your cash discount received accounts. The system posts the cash discount
amount to these accounts when clearing open items.


Your specifications are dependent on the chart of accounts. In addition, you can differentiate your specifications according
to tax code.


1. Specify your accounts.

2. Make sure that the accounts are created.

Define Accounts for Lost Cash Discount

In this step you define the account numbers for cash discount expense accounts. For net-posted invoices, the system
automatically posts the difference between the cash discount amount which was originally calculated and the discount which
was actually claimed, to these accounts.

Your entries depend on the chart of accounts. Along with the accounts, you configure the rules and the posting key for
automatic posting of cash discount differences.


1. Create your accounts.

2. Make sure that your accounts were created.

Configure Automatic Generation of Cash Discount Documents

In Argentina, a separate credit memo is posted for cash discount. Here, you maintain the necessary settings for the automatic
generation of these accounting documents.


Please set up the customizing for the generation of discount documents for each issuing branch and document type as

Further notes

For each combination of issuing branch and original document type to be paid, you have to define the issuing branch and the
document type of the discount document. Furthermore, you define which posting keys should be used. If you do not enter
posting keys, the posting keys '11' and '21' will be used by the system.

You can also specify how the posting date should be determined.

Define Accounts for Overpayments/Underpayments

In this activity you define the numbers of revenue and expense accounts to which the system posts if the following
requirements are fulfilled:

- There is a difference in payment. The difference can result from an underpayment or an overpayment.
- The difference is within the tolerance limits for an automatic adjustment posting.

- The difference cannot be posted via cash discount adjustments.


Your specifications are dependent on chart of accounts.


1. Specify your accounts.

2. Make sure the accounts are created.

Define Accounts for Exchange Rate Differences

In this step you define the numbers of the accounts to which realized exchange rate differences are posted automatically
when clearing open items.

When clearing open items, the system posts realized gains or losses (realized exchange rate differences).
You therefore define expense accounts and revenue accounts.


You can also define the accounts for valuating open items in this step. You can, however, also still set these accounts when
making the specifications for the closing procedures. For more information on this, refer to the "Prepare automatic postings
for foreign currency valuation" chapter in the General Ledger Accounting Implementation Guide. In this step, what mainly
matters is that you define the accounts for the realized exchange rate differences. Otherwise you cannot post in foreign

You can differentiate the accounts by currency. Exchange rate gains and exchange rate losses are then posted to separate
accounts for the individual currencies. You may no longer change your accounts for the valuation posting after the first
valuation run. Otherwise valuation postings can no longer be cancelled.


1. Enter the account numbers for the accounts mentioned.

2. Make sure that the accounts are created before starting to post.

Define Account for Rounding Differences

Define Accounts for Payment Differences with Alter. Currency

In this activity you can define accounts for payment differences occurring with alternative currencies. You will need these
accounts if you work with alternative payment currencies in manual or automatic payment transactions.

Activities Maintain the accounts.

Define Clearing Accts for Payment Diff. with Altern.Currency

In this activity you define the clearing accounts for payment differences occurring with an alternative payment currency.
You will need these accounts if you work with alternative payment currencies in manual or automatic payment transactions.


Maintain the accounts.

0 Define Accounts for Bank Charges (Vendors)

In this step, you define the account numbers of your bank charges accounts. The system posts the charges amount you specify
for a bank item when settling payment to these accounts.


Your specifications are dependent on the chart of accounts.


1. Specify your accounts.

2. Make sure the accounts are created. The bank charges accounts must be defined as relevant to cash flow.

Define Posting Keys for Clearing

In this step, you define posting keys that the system uses for automatically created line items during clearing procedures. The
payment program uses these posting keys as well.


For the "Transfer posting with clearing" transaction, additional document types are defined which the system uses.

If you use the posting keys from the standard system, you can take over the defined posting keys without changing them.


1. Check the default settings.

2. Change the settings if necessary.

Enable Translation Posting

For every company code, you determine whether translation gains or losses are to be posted for clearing open items in foreign


Select the company code for which translation postings are necessary.

Additional information

For more information on translation postings, see the section on "Foreign currency" in the "FI General Topics" document.

Carry Out and Check Settings for Withholding Tax

You can make new settings for withholding tax here, or check existing settings:

- If you have already made settings for withholding tax in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation
Guide, you can check that those settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any settings, you can do so here.

Maintain Tax Codes

The system needs a withholding tax code in order to be able to determine the withholding tax. You specify the following for
each code:

- The portion subject to tax

Here it is possible to calculate the withholding tax with a calculation base of over 100%. This procedure is sometimes
used in Spain.

- The withholding tax minimum amount for Japanese withholding tax reporting
- The tax rate

Percentage rate which is to be used for the withholding tax base amount for calculating the withholding tax amount. You can
also enter the reunification tax in percent in this field.

- The reduced withholding tax rate in the case of a valid exemption certificate

- The withholding tax formula

You only select the Withholding tax formula field if you require a special withholding tax calculation. In the USA, for
example, different tax rates are used for 1042 reporting depending on the federal state in which the vendor is situated.

- Specifications for the withholding tax report in Spain (region, fiskalis provincial code and income type).

Withholding tax codes are dependent on the country.

Standard settings

Withholding tax codes have already been defined in the standard system for countries where withholding tax is to be posted.

Check the list of standard withholding tax codes, and make corrections if necessary.

Further notes

Do not change or delete any indicators and the accompanying definition if open items still exist for the indicator, otherwise
errors will occur in the payment transaction.

The following settings must be made for 1042 reporting in the USA (withholding tax for foreign companies):

- The official withholding tax code as opposed to the withholding tax code is used for the output in the "Income Code"

- The portion subject to tax for determining the base amounts must always be 100% for the withholding tax codes for

- The tax rate is defined in the formula.

Program RFKQSU40 creates the necessary evaluations and forms for the 1042 procedure as well as a file for transferring to
the tax authorities.

You will find further information in the chapter Define special calculation types.

3 Maintain Countries

In this activity you check the withholding tax countries.

The withholding tax country is needed for printing the withholding tax form. Since the list of country IDs prescribed by law
is different from the list in the system, you have to define the withholding tax countries again.


1. Check the country list delivered with the standard system.

2. Compare it with the official list from the tax authorities and make corrections where necessary.

Maintain Formulas

In this activity, you define the formulas for a special calculation of withholding tax.

The formulas are needed for the 1042 procedure in the USA and for a special calculation type in Japan, for which the
withholding tax is calculated on a scaled basis with the percentage rates dependent on the amount.

You must note the following points when setting up withholding tax formulas for the 1042 procedure common in the USA:

- The currency in the formula should correspond to the currency of the company code.

- You should enter the highest possible value as the To-base amount.

- You should define an entry in which the country is masked with blanks for all countries which you do not define.

- For grants (Income Code) divide the annual tax-exempt amount by the number of payments to be expected. This value
calculated is entered in the Minimum base amount field.
- In the case of changes to the tax rate, you should create a new code. This way both the percentage rates are displayed
separately in reporting.

You can find more information on creating tax codes in the "Define taxes on sales/purchases codes" chapter.


1. Expand the standard list.

2. Specify the amount and the withholding tax rate for each withholding tax country and withholding tax code with which
the withholding tax is calculated.

3 Maintain Types of Recipient

In this activity, you check the type of recipient for 1042 reporting in the USA and withholding tax reporting in Spain.

The type of recipient categorizes the vendor, which is necessary for printing the withholding tax form.

Check the standard list of types of recipient and make corrections if necessary.

Define Recipient Codes

In this activity, you define the recipient codes for withholding tax reporting. You define the recipient code depending on the
type of recipient.

Recipient codes are necessary for withholding tax reporting in Spain, for example.

Since the recipient codes are not identical for all regions of Spain and differences exist depending on the province, you must
make the following default settings for the exception regions: You must enter the region and the provincial tax code.

Otherwise, you only enter the recipient code per type of recipient.

Standard settings

A list with types of recipient is included in the standard system. For more information, see Check Recipient Types.


1. Check whether recipient codes are necessary in the country for which you are using withholding tax.

2. Define your recipient codes for the standard list of the types of recipient as well as the key of the region and the
provincial tax code for every exception region.

Define Income Types

In this step, you maintain the income types for the withholding tax return in Spain. The income type is a classification of
your (foreign) vendors according to income. You need the income type as a specification for the withholding tax return.

1. Check the list of the income types delivered with the standard system and make corrections, if necessary.

2. Define the income type in the withholding tax code under "Specifications for the withholding tax return". Read the
chapter "Maintain tax codes".
Define Accounts for Withholding Tax

In this activity, you define the account numbers of your withholding tax accounts. The system posts the tax amount to these
accounts when clearing open items.

Further notes

Your specifications are dependent on the chart of accounts. In addition, you can differentiate your specifications according
to the tax code.


1. Enter the accounts.

2. Make sure that the accounts are created.

Settings for Withholding Tax Return to Vendor

This section contains the settings relevant for withholding tax reports for the vendor. If you have not yet made any such
settings, you should do so here. If you have already made settings, you can check them here.

Define Forms for Withholding Tax

In this activity you can define forms for the withholding tax return.

Standard settings

Forms have already been defined for withholding tax returns in the SAP standard system.


SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part.

If you do want to make changes in the forms, SAP recommends that you do not change the standard forms but that you copy
and then change the copied forms.


If you work with the standard forms you do not need to do anything here.

If you would like to define your own forms, proceed as follows:

1. Enter the standard form which you would like to copy.

2. Select Form -> Create/change.

The header data screen of the form appears.

3. Select Form -> Save as... and enter the name of the new form.
4. Edit and activate the new form.

Define Form Names for Extended Reporting

In this activity you define the names of the forms for the withholding tax return to your vendors.

You can define them based on a company code and a form ID. You can use the form ID to define country-specific forms. To
create a return, each user can access the appropriate country-specific form by entering the form ID in the country variant


1. Determine the names of the standard forms.

2. Check whether you can use these forms. Define your own forms if necessary. To do this, carry out the "Define forms"

3. Define the names of the forms.

4. You can display the forms by choosing Environment -> Display form.

Define Header and Footer Texts for Forms

In this activity, you define which letter header, footer, and signature line texts you will use for forms.
These definitions are company code- dependent.


Use this procedure if you use one form for multiple company codes. In such a case, the company code-dependent texts need
to be stored separately.


1. Create your standard texts.

2. Specify which texts should be used for each company code.

Payment Block Reasons

In the following steps you make the settings for payment block reasons.

Define Payment Block Reasons

Using payment blocking reasons, you can differentiate why invoices are to be blocked for payment.

For each block indicator, you must decide whether:

- Changes are allowed in the payment proposal.

If the indicator is not set, the reason for blocking cannot be set nor removed when a payment proposal is processed.

- Documents defined with the block key are also not to be cleared during manual payment entry.


If items are missing or errors are found in a delivery during the goods receipt control and the invoices should not be paid
because of the missing items or errors, you can define a separate payment blocking reason for this situation.


Payment blocking reasons are valid for all company codes. By using the reasons for payment blocking, you can also prevent
items from being processed manually with the clearing procedures "Incoming payment" and "Outgoing payment". You
define a blocking reason to do this and mark it accordingly.
Such items can always be transferred or reversed.

Standard settings

In the SAP standard system, the following reasons for payment blocking, for example, are defined:

Blocking reason Name

““(=blank) Released for payment

"R" Blocked by invoice verification


1. Find out the reasons why invoices are to be blocked for payment in your department.

2. Enter the indicators and descriptions for the payment blocking reasons that exist in your company.
Define Default Values for Payment Block

In this step, you can change (based on the payment terms) the blocking key value that is proposed as a default when entering
postings to customer accounts and vendor accounts.


You have already defined payment block reasons and payment terms.


Change the default value.

Manual Outgoing Payments

In the following steps, you make the settings which allow for the manual processing of outgoing payments.
Define Tolerances (Vendors)

In this step, you specify the tolerances for vendors. These tolerances are used for dealing with differences in payment and
residual items which can occur during payment settlement. Specify the tolerances under one or more tolerance groups.
Allocate a tolerance group to each vendor via the master record. For each tolerance group, specify the following:

- Tolerances up to which differences in payment are posted automatically to expense or revenue accounts when clearing
open items

- The handling of the terms of payment for residual items, if they are to be posted during clearing


Bear in mind that you can also define employee tolerances. When clearing, the lower limit for the customer specifications
and employee group specifications are taken.


1. Specify the tolerances for your vendors.

2. Make sure that the required tolerances are allocated to the vendors in the master record.

In the following steps, you make the settings for payment differences.

Define Reason Codes (Manual Outgoing Payments)

In this step, you define reason codes, per company code, for handling payment differences in the form of

- Residual items

- Partial payments

- Postings on account

Reason codes come about, for example, if the cash discount period was exceeded, if cash discount was taken when net
payment was due or simply if there is a computer error at the customer's.

Per reason code, you determine:

- In which company code it is valid

- Which correspondence type (payment notice to the customer) is connected to it

- Short text and long text of the reason code

Finally, you can set the A indicator (= charge off difference) for each reason code. This means that the payment difference
is charged off using a separate G/L account. You define this G/L account in the General Ledger Implementation Guide in
the "Create G/L accounts" step. For more information on this, read the chapter "Define accounts for payment differences".

If you do not set the indicator, then a new item is generated in the form of an outstanding receivable in the customer's account.

Standard system
In the standard system, the reason codes 050 to 060 are delivered with the accompanying correspondence types. This means
that you can send a specific payment notice to the customer for an incoming payment if there is just one reason code. For
more information on this, read the chapter on "Control the automatically generated payment notices.


Define your reason codes or check the ones delivered in the standard system and change them if necessary.

Define Accounts for Payment Differences (Manual Outgoing Payment)

In this step, you set the account determination for the reason codes for which payment differences are
Charged off via a separate G/L account. You define the corresponding expense accounts for this.


You can, for example, define a different expense account for the reason codes "Faulty goods", "Delivery too late" etc.


You have previously defined reason codes and determined whether an outstanding receivable is to be set for the customer or
whether the difference is to be charged off for each reason code. See the chapter "Define reason codes" for more information
on this.


Your specifications are dependent on the chart of accounts. You can also break down your specifications by tax code.


1. Specify your accounts per reason codes and, if required, also per tax code.

2. Make sure that the accounts are created.

Define Standard Reason Codes for Clearing w/ Payment Advice Notes

In this step you make the settings you need for manual payment processing via payment advices. Residual items are
automatically created if a difference remains between the payment advice note amount and the total assigned open item
amount after the open items have been selected and provided there is no reason code in the payment advice note. Upton three
residual items may be created, showing

- Differences in gross amounts

- Differences in cash discount amounts

- Other differences

The reason codes for differing gross and cash discount amounts are entered in this step.

Other differences occur where the difference between the amount to be paid and the paid amount in the payment advice note
is not completely accounted for by the differences in the gross and cash discount amounts.


Define reason codes for differing gross and cash discount amounts. You can also use the reason codes delivered with the
standard system.
Prepare Cross-Company Code Manual Payments

In this step, you enter the company codes which carry out manual payments and other clearing procedures for other company


You can distinguish this specification by clearing procedure. You can choose different combinations for incoming payments,
outgoing payments and other clearing entries. Your specification is only valid for the manual processing of open items. You
make your specifications separately for the payment program.


You have defined the clearing accounts for cross-company transactions (General Ledger Accounting IMG, step "Prepare
cross-company code transactions").


Specify which company codes are processed by another company code if you want to clear across company codes manually.

Make Settings for Processing Open Items

If you are using the line item display with the ABAP List Viewer that is supplied with the standard system, these settings do
not apply to you.

You should only check and/or change the settings specified in the following activities if you are using line item display
without the ABAP List Viewer (as a modification measure).

Define Line Layout

In this step, you determine which information is to be made available on the screen when processing line items (for example,
document type, document number, account number, company code).


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to the specifications if necessary.
2. If you want to allocate a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.
Choose Standard Line Layout

In this step, you define what information is to be available as a standard when processing line items. If you display the line
items and have not selected any other line layout variant, the standard variant is displayed.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Choose Selection Fields

In this step, you specify the fields via which the system is to make selections when processing line items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Choose Search Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Choose Sort Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.
Check Payment Block Reason

You can set payment block reasons to prevent payment using the payment program and manual payment.


If the indicator is set, the payment block reason prevents items with the clearing transactions "incoming payment" and
"outgoing payment" from being processed. However, items like these can be transferred and reversed manually.


1. Check if there are block reasons and which block reasons should prevent manual payment.

2. Check the settings for the payment block reasons and make any corrections that may be necessary.
Automatic Outgoing Payments

In the following steps, you make the settings for automatic outgoing payments to be processed by the payment program.

Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program

In the following steps, you make the settings for payment method and/or bank selection.

Set Up Payment Program

This activity is found in Customizing under Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ->
Business Transactions -> Outgoing Payments -> Automatic Outgoing Payments -> Payment Method/Bank
Selection for Payment Program.

In this activity you make the settings that control the payment program. You determine:

- Which company codes are included in payment transactions and which company codes make payments.

- Which payment methods can be used?

For the payment method, you make specifications that are either dependent on the country or on the paying company

- Whether you want to use payment method supplements.

You can group payments using payment method supplements (mailstop codes) and therefore, for example, control the
sending of checks.

- From which bank accounts payment is made.

The payment program can select the bank account according to defined rules or you can specify from which account a
payment is to be made.

- With which form payment is made.

The forms are to be defined in the system using SAP script. For every paying company code, you specify which form
is used per payment method.


You can also make down payments with the payment program and pay with bills of exchange. For more information on these
special features, see the FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable documentation.


You have created your house banks in the Define House Banks activity.


1. Find out which forms are used for payment transactions in your company.

a) Check whether the forms you use are defined in the system.
b) Change the predefined forms if necessary, or create new forms.

2. Find out which company codes pay and which company codes participate in payment transactions.

3. Make the settings for payment transactions for all company codes. Choose the activity Set up All Company Codes for
Payment Transactions.
If you wish to use payment method supplements, activate the relevant attribute. Choose Company code -> all, and
then the required company code. Select the Payment method supplements attribute.
If you wish to display the payment method supplement field in line item display for customers or vendors, you can
define appropriate display variants. The same applies when displaying payments and paid items in the function for
displaying payment proposals. Choose the following activities:

a) Define Line Layout

b) Make Settings for Displaying Payments

c) Make Settings for Displaying Line Items

4. Make the settings for payment transactions for the paying company codes. Choose Set Up Paying Company Codes for
Payment Transactions

5. Find out which payment methods are generally used in your company and which payment methods are used in the
individual paying company codes.

When defining a payment method, you enter keys which must have been defined previously. These include:

- The document type for posting the payment

- The special G/L indicator for posting a bill of exchange

- The forms for printing payment media, payment advice notes, and check/bills of exchange

a) Check whether the payment methods your company needs are defined in the system. To do this, choose Set up
Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions.

b) Make the payment method settings for each company code. To do so, choose Set up Payment Methods per
Company Code.

6. Make sure that the payment methods to be used to pay the open items of a customer/vendor are entered in the relevant
customer/vendor master records.

7. For the paying company codes, specify the bank accounts to be used for making payments. To do so, choose Set up
Bank Determination for Payment Transactions.

a) Enter the banks and the bank ranking order. Select the paying company code, and double-click Ranking.

b) Define the bank accounts. Select the paying company code and double-click Bank accounts.

c) Define the available amounts. Select the paying company code and double-click Available amounts.

d) Define the value date. Select the paying company code and double-click Value date.

e) Define the charges for bill of exchange payments. Select the paying company code and double-click

8. Order the required forms.

If you want to issue payment forms in different currencies, you should print the currency key using the print program.
The forms should then not contain a currency key.

Further notes
You can find detailed information on configuring the payment program in the SAP Library under Financials ->
Financial Accounting -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments.

Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you make specifications for all company codes involved in payment transactions.

For each company code, you make the following specifications:

- Paying company code

You assign a paying company code to each company code. This means that you can have one company code process
payment transactions centrally for several company codes.
For more information about cross-company code settlement, see the SAP Library under Financials
-> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts
Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments.

- Separate payment per business area

- Use payment method supplements

Select the field if you wish to use payment method supplements, and then define the payment method supplements
in the activity Define Payment Method Supplements. If you wish to display the Payment method supplement
field in the line item display for customers and vendors, you can define the corresponding display variants. The same
applies to the functions for displaying payments and paid items when displaying payment proposals. For this, choose
the following activities:

- Define Line Layout

- Make Settings for Displaying Payments

- Make Settings for Displaying Line Items

- Cash discount and tolerance

The payment program uses these entries to determine the cash discount strategy for the company code.

- Special G/L transactions

Specify which special G/L transactions are to be settled for customers and vendors.
Example: FPA
F = Down payment request
P = Payment request
A = Down payment on current assets


You have defined which company codes are to be involved in payment transactions.


Make the required entries.

Further notes
For more information about Customizing for payment transactions, see the SAP Library under Financials ->
Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable -> Payments.

Set Up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you make the following specifications for the paying company codes:
- Data for controlling the payment program
Here you specify the minimum amount for which an incoming or outgoing payment is created, for example. You can
define additional amount limits for the payment method. To do so, choose the activity Set up Payment Methods per
Company Code for Payment Transactions.

- Specifications for paying with bills of exchange

You can show or hide the settings for paying with bills of exchange.

- Forms and sender details for advice notes and EDI accompanying sheets
If you wish to print payment advice notes or an EDI accompanying sheet, specify the form name. Specify also the SAP
script text modules that contain details about the sender that are to be printed on the payment advice note. You can go
directly from this transaction to the transaction for editing forms and text modules.

Standard settings

The standard system contains forms for payment advice notes and EDI accompanying sheets which you can copy and adjust
to meet your requirements.

Further notes

For more information about Customizing for payment transactions, see the SAP Library under Financials ->
Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable -> Payments.

The chapter Forms also contains more information about adjusting forms.

Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you specify which payment methods are to be used in each country. You enter the following details for the
payment method:

- Country-Specific Specifications for the Payment Method:

- Payment method either for incoming or outgoing payments

- Characteristics for classifying payment method

Here you specify the type of payment method in question (such as check or bank transfer) and any other features
of that payment method (the payment method is used for personnel payments, for example).
When you select a payment method, only the characteristics that are appropriate for that payment method are
displayed. This means that you can only select fields that are relevant for the selected payment method.
- Required entries in master record
Here you determine which specifications in the master record control whether the payment method is used (such
as bank details or collection authorization).
Note: If the required details have not been entered in the master record, the payment method cannot be used.

- Posting specifications
You specify how the payment is to be posted, for example (such as which document type is to be used).

- Which procedure is to be used to issue the accompanying payment form

One option is to use the classic payment medium programs. All the payment medium programs contain extensive
country-specific documentation. If required, you can call up a list of all the payment medium programs available
in the standard system, as described under Activities. You can also use the Payment Medium Workbench for the
payment forms. For more information, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting ->
Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ->
Payments -> Payment Medium Workbench.

- You also specify which currencies are to be permitted, dependent on the country and payment method. If you
leave the currency table blank, this means that all currencies are permitted.
If the payment method only allows payments in local currency, the system ignores any currencies specified.

- If you use the Payment Medium Workbench, read the documentation under Make Settings for Payment Medium
Formats from Payment Medium Workbench in the section Payment Media.


- You have specified which payment methods are used by your organization.

- You have already defined the following keys, which you need to enter here:

- document type for posting the payment (see Customizing under Financial Accounting ->
Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Document -> Document Header -> Define Document Types.)

- special G/L indicator for posting a bill of exchange


Ensure that the payment methods to be used for paying the open items of a business partner have been entered in the
appropriate customer or vendor master record.


1. Check whether the payment methods required for your organization are defined in the system.

2. Make the necessary adjustments to the required payment methods, and enter the country-specific data.

List payment media programs

3. Choose System -> Services -> Reporting.

4. Enter RFFO* and choose Utilities -> Find program -> Program -> Execute.
A list of the payment medium programs appears. The title of the programs explains their purpose.
Further notes

For more information about payments, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts
Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments.

For more information about special G/L procedures and posting with alternative reconciliation accounts, see the SAP
Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts
Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Special G/L Transactions: Down Payments and Payment Guarantees.

For more information about bills of exchange, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Bank
Accounting -> Bills of Exchange Management -> Special G/L Transactions: Bills of Exchange.

Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you specify which payment methods can be used per company code and determine the conditions under
which a payment method should be used.

- Amount limits for payments within which the payment program can select the payment method Note:
You always have to specify a maximum amount, otherwise the payment method cannot be used. If you specify the
payment method in an open item, the payment program ignores the amounts you enter here.

- Specifications for grouping items for payment (such as single payment for marked items)

- Specifications for foreign/foreign currency payments

- Specifications for optimizing bank selection

- Specifications for the form to be used for the payment medium

- Specifications for issuing payment advice notes


You can optimize either by bank groups or by postal codes. If you optimize by bank groups, money is transferred from the
house bank to the business partner’s bank in the shortest possible time. For this to be possible, you assign all banks in the
master records to a bank group defined by you.

If you optimize by postal codes, the house bank selection is determined by the business partner's domicile. If you select the
"Optimization by postal codes" field, you can go directly to the activity for assigning house banks to an interval of postal

Foreign payment/Foreign currency payment

If you specify that the payment method can also be used for foreign currencies, all currencies are permitted. In the activity
Set up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions, you can also specify certain currencies per payment method
and country. Only payments in these specified currencies are then made using this payment method.

If the payment method only permits local currency payments, the specified currencies are ignored.

- For a transitional period, the existing local currency and the EURO can be used for domestic bank transfers. You permit
payments in foreign currency for the payment method "Bank transfer", and enter the EURO and the existing local
currency as the possible currencies.

- You can only use a payment method such as EURO bank transfer for specific currencies.
- You use foreign currency checks with a pre-printed currency key (USD checks, for example) and you wish to set up a
payment method that you only use for payments in USD, and USD is not your local currency.

Payment advice note control

Depending on the space available on the payment medium form for information about the note to payee, you have the
following options:

- If unlimited space is available, you do not need to print payment advice notes (for checks, for example), but can do so
if desired.

- If there is no space available, a payment advice note containing all the information about the purpose of payment is
always printed (for bills of exchange, for example).

- If only limited space is available and there is therefore a risk that the space will not be sufficient, you can choose from
the following options:

- You can have the system create a payment advice note containing the information about the note to payee.
If a payment advice note is to be created every time, select "Always payment advice". The note to payee is then
printed on both the form (as far as the number of lines selected on the form allow) and the payment advice note.
If insufficient space is available, a payment advice note indicator is printed on the payment medium.
A payment advice note can only be created if the note to payee information does not fit into the available space.
Select Payment advice after X lines.

- You can have the system distribute the items between several forms. To do so, select No payment advice and
Distribute items, XX lines per payment.

- You can have the payment program determine another payment method if insufficient space
Is available. To do so, choose No payment advice and Payment method valid to xx lines.

- You have specified which payment methods are used in each paying company code.

- You have already defined the forms for printing payment media. You do this in the system using SAP script.
For more information, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting ->
Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable -> Payments -> Forms, and under Basis Components -> Basis Services/Communication Interfaces
(BC-SRV) -> SAP script (BC-SRV-SCR) -> BC SAP script: Printing with Forms.


Make sure that the payment methods to be used for settling the business partner's open items have been entered in the
customer/vendor master records.


Check whether the payment methods required by your organization have been defined in the system.

Further notes

For more information about payments, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts
Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments.
Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you make settings that the payment program uses to select the banks or bank accounts from which payment
is to be made. You define the following:

- Ranking order of banks

You specify which house banks are permitted and rank them in a list.

- Bank accounts
For each house bank and payment method (and currency, if required), you specify which bank account is to be used for

- Available amounts
For each account at a house bank, you enter the amounts that are available for the payment run. You enter separate
amounts for incoming and outgoing payments. Specifying available amounts enables you to control which bank account
is to be used for payments. You can specify the amounts depending on the value date at the bank.

- Value date
You specify how many days elapse between the posting date of the payment run and the value date at the bank,
dependent on the payment method, bank account, payment amount, and currency. You can have the system determine
the value date, taking into account the bank calendar and any individual arrangements made with the bank. To do so,
choose the activity Define Value Date Rules

- Fees/Charges
You define the charges that are printed on the bill of exchange forms (standard practice in Spain).


Available amounts
Update the amounts before each payment run.

Bank accounts

Use bank subaccounts to post incoming and outgoing payments (accounts for outgoing checks, outgoing bank transfers,
incoming checks, and bank collection). For more information about bank subaccounts, see the SAP Library under Financials
-> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Account Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable -> Payments.


1. Select the required company code from the list of paying company codes.

2. In the structure on the left of the screen, double-click the required function to select it (such as ranking order).

3. Make the necessary entries.

Further notes

For more information about bank determination, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial
Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -
> Payments
Define Payment Method Supplements

In this activity you define payment method supplements.


You specified that you wish to use payment method supplements in the activity Set up All Company Codes for Payment
Define Value Date Rules

In this activity, you make the following specifications for certain bank-related transactions (for example, bill of exchange
presentation, and incoming checks) for each house bank and each account:

- Reference date for determining the value date

This date forms the basis of the agreement made with the bank as to when the value date is to occur.

- Rules for determining the precise value date

The value date is determined as follows: You first enter a certain number of days. The system determines the value date
from this number of days starting from the reference date.

It is also possible to determine this date according to a calendar identification (= K1) you have defined. If you enter a
calendar ID, only working days are taken into account when determining the date. If you do not enter a calendar, the
system not only takes working days but also weekends and public holidays into account.

In a second step, the date determined by the system is now checked according to a second calendar ID as to whether it
is a Sunday or public holiday. This can be the case:

- If you did not proceed according to a certain calendar ID when determining the date, that is, all days, including
weekdays and public holidays were taken into account when determining the date

- If a certain day (for example, Corpus Christi) is a working day according to the first calendar ID (for example, in
Berlin), and yet is a public holiday according to the second calendar (for example, in Bavaria).

If it is actually a weekend day or a public holiday, the system moves forwards or backwards within a given time until
it finds a working day according to the second calendar ID you entered. The system has thus calculated the final value


Define the necessary data for each house bank, account, and transaction for determining the value date.

Assign Payment Method to Bank Transaction

In this activity, you assign a payment method (such as bank bill or check) to each house bank-related transaction. You define
the payment method in the customer and vendor master records to specify which procedure can be used for making payments.

Define the following information for each house bank and each account:

- Payment method
- Transaction type
You need the transaction type to be able to distinguish between payment methods (for example, bill of exchange for
discount or bill of exchange for collection).

- Bank group of the customer/vendor

You need the bank group of the customer/vendor because the transaction type results from the house bank and the bank
group of the customer/vendor. You can also enter a dummy entry here (="blank").

- House bank-related transaction and transaction name


You have already defined payment methods. For more information, see the activities Set up Payment Methods per Country
for Payment Transactions and Set up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions.


1. Assign a payment method to each house bank-related transaction for each house bank and each account.

2. Ensure that the payment method is defined in the customer and vendor master records.

Define Payment Groupings

In this activity you define the grouping keys that are used to settle a customer or vendor's open items together. For each key,
you specify a maximum of three fields from the database tables BSIK (vendors) or BSID (customers). Items containing the
same entries in the specified fields are settled together. You determine the grouping key used to group together the open
items of a customer/vendor by entering this grouping key in the customer/vendor master record.


If you have installed SAP's loans management system (currently being developed), you can use the grouping key to carry
out bank collection at the customer, separated according to loan numbers.

If an alternative payee is specified in the master record of the customer/vendor, the grouping key of the payee is used. When
clearing between customers and vendors takes place, the key in the vendor master record has priority.


1. Define the required grouping keys.

2. Ensure that the grouping keys are entered in the customer/vendor master records.

Define Reconciliation Accounts without Automatic Payments

In this activity you can exclude the reconciliation accounts that you create in addition to the normal reconciliation accounts
from automatic payment transactions.

The normal reconciliation account that the system defaults and posts to during document entry is defined in the customer
master record. The "Reconciliation account" field is usually not ready for input during document entry.
To make postings to both the normal reconciliation account and a reconciliation account without automatic payment
transactions, you have to select Reconciliation account ready for input in the master records of these two accounts.


1. Enter the additional reconciliation account.

2. Make sure Reconciliation account ready for input in the Document entry control group box is selected in the master
record of the normal reconciliation account as well as the reconciliation account without automatic payment

If the Reconciliation account ready for input field is suppressed in these master records, you have to change its field status
in the account group to optional entry. To do this, execute the Define screen layout per account group (G/L accounts) activity.

Country-Specific Functions

Payment Algorithms (Country-Specific)

Activate Country-Spec. Algorithm for Pay of Vendor Invoices in For. Curr.


With this Customizing activity, you activate the country-specific algorithm for calculating payment in local currency of
vendor invoices that are in foreign currency.

The country-specific algorithm is as follows:

Payment amount in local currency = net amount from invoice in document currency *
exchange rate on payment date + VAT amount in local currency (from invoice)

This payment algorithm is required by Israeli legislation, for example.

Standard settings

In the standard system, the following algorithm is used:

Payment amount in local currency = full amount of invoice in document currency *

exchange rate on payment date

Define House Banks


In this Customizing activity, you define house bank details for all combinations of CUP and CIG codes. Note that this
Customizing activity is only relevant if the customers choose to pay the company using Bills of Exchange (BOE). The system
retrieves the relevant house bank for BOE presentation from here and includes this information in the printed bill sent to the
customers. The customers make payments to the house bank specified in this bill.


You have defined house banks in Customizing for Financial Accounting (New), under Bank Accounting -> Bank Accounts -
> Define House Banks.
SEPA Direct Debits

Determine Local Instrument Code and Lead Times


In this Customizing activity, you define the rules that the payment programs use to determine the following values necessary
for SEPA direct debits:

- Local Instrument Code

- Lead Time for SEPA Direct Debits

- Calendar that is to be used to calculate the lead time.

Standard settings

No rules are delivered in the standard SAP system. The system determines the following values:

- For B2B Mandates:

Local instrument code B2B Lead time 1 day

- For other mandates:

Local instrument code CORE
Lead time 5 days for the first use of a mandate
Or two days for the subsequent use of a mandate

If you do not define a calendar, the payment program uses a standard logic to determine the calendar. In the FI payment
programs (transaction F110 and F111) the calendar is determined for example using the Payment Program Configuration
-> Edit -> Value Date -> With Bank Calendar. If you have not entered a calendar there, the system uses the EU calendar,
which you still may need to define.


You determine the local instrument code using these rules - for the countries
of the house banks or for the house banks,
- For the bank countries of the payers or for the banks or the payers.

When you determine the lead times, you can also differentiate between first and subsequent direct debit of mandates used
multiple times, and also between one-time use mandates. You can also define different lead times for B2B mandates.

When maintaining the rules, you do not need to fill all key fields. If you leave the values empty, the
System interprets the entries generically. You determine the order in which the generic entries are to read by the payment
program in the Customizing activity Change Priority Rules for Local Instrument Code and Lead Times.

You can test which entries the payment program selects in which situations in the activity above using the Simulate button.
You enter the house bank and determine the bank details of the payer either using a mandate, or using the bank key and


Entry for a country

You can define with the following entry that all German banks (for example) accept the local instrument code COR1, and
consequently use it for all direct debits within Germany.
Bank Country House Bank DE
Payer Bank Country DE
Local instrument code COR1
Lead time 1 Day

Additional entry for an exception

If a particular bank in Germany does not yet support the local instrument code COR1, then you add the three entries for the
local instrument code CORE with the related bank key for this bank (two entries for first and subsequent usage of mandates
with multiple use, and one for one-time mandates). This entry can, depending on the circumstances, be useful for both the
bank of the payer and for the house bank. The payment program then uses first the entry for which more key fields are
specified, and only selects the generic entry if no specific entries are found.

Adjustment of the lead time

If you always schedule the payment runs two days before presenting the payment file (for example, to have enough time to
check the payment data), you would in turn have to increase the lead days by two
Days. Alternatively, you could move the baseline date in business add-in (BAdI)
SAPF110S_SEPA_ADD_DAYS_ADJUST two days back.

Change Priority Rules for Local Instrument Code and Lead Times


In this Customizing activity, you specify how the entries in the settings to determine the Local Instrument Code and Lead
Times are to be read by the payment program.

Standard settings

A usable reading priority is delivered in the system, being stored in delivery client 000. You can find out how you can copy
these standard settings to the current client, so you can then adapt them to your particular requirements, in the Message that
is displayed when you access the Customizing activity, provided no entries have been maintained.

If you want to use the priority rules delivered by SAP, no action is required.

Once you have decided that the standard settings delivered need to be adapted, copy the entries as described above from
client 000, and change the settings.

No entries are delivered in the standard system that use the IBAN to decide how the local instrument code is determined. If,
when using the IBAN without BIC, the country of the IBAN is insufficient as a criterion, you can activate the use of the
IBAN as the criterion in this activity. If this is the case, add the corresponding entries.


The settings in this Customizing activity can be important, for instance, if your house bank 123 supports local instrument
code COR1 but bank 456 of a payer only allows CORE. If you have made entries under Determine Local Instrument Code
and Lead Times for both banks, then the entries for this activity determine the order in which the entries are used in the
payment process:

House bank Payer bank Local instrument code

DE 123 DE COR1
The second entry would be found first using the standard settings, as the priority of the reading accesses there is as follows:

Priority Country House Bank Key House Bank Payer Bank Country Payer Bank Key

4 X X X9 X X X

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

BAdI: Determining the Lead Times for SEPA Direct Debits


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Payment Transactions (FI-AR-AR-PT and FI-BL-PT-AP) component. You can
use this BAdI to assist you in determining the data required for SEPA direct debits.

In the payment run (F110 for customer items or F111 for payment assignments), the system determines this data as follows:

- In the Customizing activity Determine Local Instrument Code and Lead Times, you define the rules for determining
the Local Instrument Code and the related lead times.
- The system uses the current date as the baseline date for determining the lead times in the case of a payment run for
SEPA direct debits. For Payment Runs for Direct Debit Pre-notification (F110 only), the system uses the posting date
as the baseline date.

- The system also uses the posting date of the payment run as the clearing date of the payment documents.

You can use this BAdI to influence the determination of these date entries:

- If the Customizing settings are insufficient, you can adjust the days for the lead times, the local instrument code, and
the calendar.
To do this, you change the CV_SEPA_ADD_DAYS, CV_INST_CODE, or CV_CALID parameters.

- You can cause the baseline date for the calculation of the lead times to be in the future. This can be useful if, for instance,
one or more days elapse between the proposal run and sending the payment media to the bank.
To do this, change parameter CV_CURRENT_DATE.

- You can fill the clearing date with the run date of the payment.
To do this, fill parameter EV_SET_CLEARING_DATE with the value X.

There are entries for the current payment in the interface, including house bank account, payment method, payer bank,
mandate used and the payment run identification that you can use as a basis for making a decision. You can distinguish
between payment runs using the run identification:

- For F110 IS_PAYRUN-LAUFI+5 is empty.

- For F111 IS_PAYRUN-LAUFI+5 has the value R.


For the payment processes, you use payment program F110 in accounts receivable accounting or payment program F111 for
payment assignments.

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement Spot Element
Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE 18).


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the implementation.

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog box. You then
choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

1. In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system displays the initial
screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.

2. On this screen, enter a short description for your implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.

3. If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has populated the Name of the Implementing Class
field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.

4. Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.

5. To edit a method, double-click its name.

6. Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of Method>. And end
method. Statements.

7. Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen. Note: You can also create an
implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want to do this, do not perform the following step:

8. Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the code you created is run through.


You can find example implementations in the BAdI Builder on the Enh. Spot Element Definitions tab under
Implementation Example Classes.
The following example implementations are available:


See also

For information about how to implement BAdIs in the Enhancement Framework, see SAP Library for the SAP NetWeaver
Platform on the SAP Help Portal at Select a release and then choose Application Help. In
SAP Library, choose SAP NetWeaver Library:
Function-Oriented View -> Application Server -> Application Server ABAP -> Application
Development on AS ABAP -> ABAP Customer Development -> Enhancement Framework.

BAdI: Assignment of a SEPA Mandate to an Item


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Payment Transactions (FI-AR-AR-PT) component. You can use this BAdI to
influence the assignment of different SEPA mandates to individual items.

For SEPA direct debits, the payment program determines a mandate which the customer has used to authorize the direct
debit. An accounting clerk has already assigned this mandate to bank details in the customer master record, or entered in the
CPD screen when posting with an individual payer. In addition, the user can enter the mandate in the document when posting
the transaction, for example, in FI or SD.

If several mandates have been entered in the customer master record and no mandate is specified in the document, the
payment program (F110) selects the first active mandate for this direct debit. You can implement this BAdI to influence this
random selection. To determine the mandate, the system provides you in the interface with the transaction data for the item
and master record for the customer.

You are using payment program F110 for the payment processes in accounts receivable accounting, and want to assign
mandates to individual items.

If you want to select the mandates at a more basic level, for example to separate first and subsequent direct debits, you can
use BAdI: Influencing the Selection of SEPA Mandates.

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement Spot Element
Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE 18).


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the implementation.

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog box. You then
choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

1. In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system displays the initial
screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.

2. On this screen, enter a short description for your implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.

3. If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has populated the Name of the Implementing Class
field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
4. Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.

5. To edit a method, double-click its name.

6. Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of Method>. And end
method. Statements.

7. Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen. Note: You can also create an
implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want to do this, do not perform the following step:

8. Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the code you created is run through.


The following use cases could occur for implementing the BAdI method ASSIGN:

- You define a contract in the mandate, and also post the customer items with contract reference. You can use this BAdI
to determine the suitable mandate for the item contract. You can find more information in the Instructions with Example
- You have created several customer master records for the same customer, but are not using the Alternative Payer. You
can assign the same bank details and the same IBAN to each of these customers, but the mandate to only one master
record. You can use this BAdI to determine the mandate for this customer, and also use for a different customer with a
direct debit, providing the customer has the same bank details.

- You have received a mandate from a customer, and entered it in the master record. You post items including specifying
the data for the alternative payer (CPD screen). The IBAN you enter their matches the IBAN in the mandate. You do
not create a new mandate when posting the items, but want the payment program to use the mandate in the master
record for the direct debit. With this BAdI you can determine and assign the mandate from the master record.

See also

For information about how to implement BAdIs in the Enhancement Framework, see SAP Library for the SAP NetWeaver
Platform on the SAP Help Portal at Select a release and then choose Application Help. In
SAP Library, choose SAP NetWeaver Library:
Function-Oriented View -> Application Server -> Application Server ABAP -> Application
Development on AS ABAP -> ABAP Customer Development -> Enhancement Framework.

BAdI: Influencing the Selection of SEPA Mandates


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Payment Transactions (FI-AR-AR-PT and FI-BL-PT-AP) component.

For SEPA direct debits, the payment program determines a mandate which the payer has used to authorize the direct debit.
If the payment program finds several active mandates when doing this, it uses the first of these mandates for the direct debit.

You can use this BAdI to influence the selection of the mandates, either by sorting the list of mandates found or deleting
entries. This way you can accomplish that one payment run only uses new mandates, while another payment run only selects
mandates already used.

There are entries for the payment run and payment method and also selection conditions for the mandate selection in the
interface to assist you in deciding how the mandates are selected. You can distinguish between payment runs using the run

- For F110 IS_PAYRUN-LAUFI+5 is empty.

- For F111 IS_PAYRUN-LAUFI+5 has the value R.


For the payment processes, you use payment program F110 in accounts receivable accounting or payment program F111 for
payment assignments.

If you want to influence the mandate selection for each item in payment program F110, then you should use BAdI:
Assignment of a SEPA Mandate to an Item.
Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement Spot Element
Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE 18).


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the implementation.

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog box. You then
choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

1. In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system displays the initial
screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.

2. On this screen, enter a short description for your implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.

3. If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has populated the Name of the Implementing Class
field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.

4. Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.

5. To edit a method, double-click its name.

6. Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of Method>. And end
method. Statements.

7. Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen. Note: You can also create an
implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want to do this, do not perform the following step:

8. Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the code you created is run through.


You can find example implementations, including for separating payment runs between new and already used mandates,
in the BAdI Builder on the Enh. Spot Element Definitions tab in the Implementation Example Classes section.

The following example implementations are available:


See also

For information about how to implement BAdIs in the Enhancement Framework, see SAP Library for the SAP NetWeaver
Platform on the SAP Help Portal at Select a release and then choose Application Help. In
SAP Library, choose SAP NetWeaver Library:
Function-Oriented View -> Application Server -> Application Server ABAP -> Application Development on AS
ABAP -> ABAP Customer Development -> Enhancement Framework.
Payment Proposal Processing

In the following steps you make the settings for processing the payment proposal.

Make Settings for Displaying Payments

In this activity, you make the settings for the line layout for payments and exceptions.

Define Line Layout for Displaying Payments

In this activity, you define the line layout variants.

For the functions Change document or Display document, you define which information from the line item is displayed
on the screen.

For the function Edit payment proposal, you define the layout for displaying the payments or exceptions.


1. Check whether you can use the standard settings. Change them or add to them as required.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Select Standard Line Layout for Payments

In this activity, you select the standard default values for the following functions:

- Displaying or changing documents

- Displaying or processing payment proposals

These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up if you do not select any other variant.


Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Select Search Fields for Payments

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Choose Sort Fields for Payments

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Make Settings for Displaying Line Items

If you are using the line item display with the ABAP List Viewer that is supplied with the standard system, these settings do
not apply to you.

You should only check and/or change the settings specified in the following activities if you are using line item display
without the ABAP List Viewer (as a modification measure).

Define Line Layout for Displaying Line Items

In this step, you determine which information is to be made available on the screen when displaying line items (for example,
document number, document type, and amount).


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to the specifications if necessary.

2. If you want to allocate a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.
Select Standard Line Layout for Line Items

In this step, you define what information is to be available as a standard when processing line items. If you display the line
items and have not selected any other line layout variant, the standard variant is displayed.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Select Search Fields for Line Item Display

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.
Select Sort Fields for the Line Item Display

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Check Payment Block Reasons (Default)

When processing a payment proposal, you can remove payment blocking indicators from items or enter them for items. This
processing option can be restricted by designating the payment blocking reason in the proposal as "not changeable". Such
blocking reasons cannot be entered or removed during proposal processing.


1. Check whether there are any reasons for blocking in the payment proposal and if there are, whether they can or cannot
be changed.
2. Check the settings for blocking reasons and make corrections, if necessary.

Automatic Posting

In the following activities you make the settings for the automatic postings that the payment program makes.

Prepare Automatic Postings for Payment Program

In this step, you can define posting keys and special G/L indicators for postings that are only needed by the payment program.


If you have changed the standard posting keys and special G/L indicators, check whether the stored keys and indicators are
still correct.

Prepare Automatic Posting for Payment Requests

In this step, you store the following information for entering requests for customer and vendor payments:

- Posting key for the debit posting or credit posting

- Special G/L indicator. A noted item, that is, a special G/L transaction that does not result in a balance update on
accounts, is identified with this special G/L indicator. You can either use the indicator that is delivered with the standard
system or define a new indicator.
The special G/L indicator you are using here must be entered in the list of the special G/L indicators or the special G/L
transactions to be paid. Read the section "Requirements".
A request for payment activates a payment by the payment program. It is paid by the payment program when the due date is

Standard settings

In the standard system, the posting keys 09 and 39 and the special G/L indicator "P" are delivered. Furthermore, the special
G/L accounts 198000 or 198100 are provided in the chart of accounts JSAS and the special G/L accounts 266900 and 266950
in the chart of accounts ISCA.


If you want a different special G/L indicator to the one used in the standard system, you must create it beforehand.

Furthermore, you must define the corresponding alternative reconciliation account if you create a special
G/L transaction with an indicator since an alternative reconciliation account is posted to instead of the
Normal receivables account or payables account in the case of special G/L transactions.

Read the chapter "Store reconciliation accounts for customer down payments".


Enter the information necessary for filing requests for payment.

Further notes

In the payment program you must enter the special G/L indicator for requests for payment for every paying company code.
For more detailed information on configuring the payment program, please refer to the "Set up payment program" chapter.

Branch Assignment for Automatic Postings

In this activity, you make the settings for assigning the branch to the company code for the payment program (Argentina).

Define Assignment Keys

If you want to perform automatic postings where each document must get an entry in the branch field (like in the payment
program), you have to define assignment keys for branches.
Define Branch Assignment for Automatic Postings

You specify for each assignment key which branch should be used if automatic postings are to be generated in a certain
company code.
Further notes

You can enter an assignment keys in the parameters of the payment program, for example.

Country-Specific Settings

Payment Media

In the following activities, you make the settings for payment media.

You can generate payment media using either the classic payment medium programs (RFFO*), or payment medium formats
from the Payment Medium Workbench.

Define Payment Forms

In this step you can define payment forms.

Standard settings

Payment forms have already been defined in the SAP standard system.


SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part.

If you do want to make changes in the forms, SAP recommends that you do not change the standard forms (layout sets) but
that you copy and then change the copied forms.


If you work with the standard forms (layout sets), you do not need to do anything here.

If you would like to define your own forms, proceed as follows:

1. Enter the standard form (layout set) which you would like to copy.

2. Select Layout set -> Create/change.

The header data screen of the form appears.

3. Select Layout set -> Save as... and enter the name of the new form.

4. Edit and activate the new form.

Define Sender Details for Payment Forms

In this activity you specify the standard texts that you want to use for the letter header, letter footer, and the sending address
in the letter window per company code.

The standard texts you want to use must already be created.

Create standard texts


For each company code, enter the text ID and the standard texts you want to use.

Make Settings for Classic Payment Medium Programs

Assign Payment Forms for Payment Method in Company Code

In this activity you assign the forms you created to each payment method defined for a company code.


Enter the necessary forms.

Further notes

For more information about forms for payments, see the "Customizing the Payment Program" section in the FI Accounts
Receivable and Accounts Payable documentation.
Assign Payment Medium Program for Payment Method in Country

In this activity, for each payment method you assign the classic payment medium program (RFFO*) that is used for creating
payment media in that country.


1. Enter the necessary country key.

2. Enter the appropriate program for each payment method.

Further notes

For more information on how to control printing, see the "Customizing the Payment Program" section in the FI Accounts
Receivable and Accounts Payable documentation.

Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench

In the following activities, you make the settings for using payment medium formats from the Payment Medium Workbench.
Use the list of all payment medium formats to check whether the format you require is already supported.


- SWIFT formats (MT100, MT200, MT202, MT210)

- German formats (DTAUS0, DTAZV)

- Format for USA (ACH)

Adjust Note to Payee

In this activity you can use Customizing and/or function modules to change a note to payee.


The note to payee that you configure in Customizing is made up of four line types. The most important of these is
type 1. This consists of the usual note to payee lines (with invoice number, date, and amount, for example), as well
as sub-types 5 and 6.
Type 6 controls whether control levels are to be created with the selected header in the various company codes that are
settled with this payment.
Type 5 specifies whether a text for the alternative payee - if one exists - is to be created as a header for the whole note to
Note to payee line types 2 and 3 specify the internal (payment document number, for example) and
External (account number in the business partner's accounts, for example) references respectively. Under type 4, you specify
what sort of note to payee is to be created if the space defined by the format is not sufficient and a payment advice note is
created. The payment advice note thus replaces the specifications under type 1.


You can change an existing note to payee via Customizing by including other text symbols. You can display the available
symbols using possible entries.
You can use function modules to include additional logic which allows you to produce a different note to payee dependent
on certain entries.


You can generally use the notes to payee provided by SAP. You should only make changes if these notes to payee do not
meet your requirements.
It is possible to test an existing or newly-created note to payee. To do so, select Preview in Customizing for the note to payee
layout. After entering the format you intend to use, you can use this preview function to determine whether enough space is
provided by this format.

Assign Payment Medium Format and Note to Payee to Payment Method

In this activity you assign the payment medium format to a combination of payment method and country.
You also determine the note to payee to be used, depending on the country and origin.


- To use the Payment Medium Workbench with the selected payment method, choose the setting Use Payment Medium
Workbench under Payment methods in the country. The field is now ready for input, and you enter the format and,
if necessary, the format supplement here.

- You can then assign a previously created note to payee via the node Note to Payee by Origin in the tree structure.
You also define the origin for which the note to payee is used. For origins to which a note to payee has not been
assigned, the entry with the blank origin is selected (default).
Create/Assign Selection Variants

In this activity you can create and assign selection variants for a format. Selection variant maintenance is a requirement for
automatically scheduling the payment media of the Payment Medium Workbench in the payment program.


1. To assign a selection variant to a format, double-click the required format to select it on the left side of the screen the
payment medium format is displayed on the right side of the screen.
2. Use the possible entries button (F4) to display the existing variants in the Selection variants field. Select the required

3. You can create an appropriate variant by choosing Variants -> Edit variants, or via the @0R@ icon. When you select
this function, the selection screen of report program SAPFPAYM appears.
Enter the required selection criteria on this screen, maintain the attributes, and save the variants.
You return to the screen for maintaining selection variants for payment medium formats via Back.

4. Save the selection variant assignment.

5. Transport the selection variant assignment by choosing Variants -> Transport All.

Adjust Payment Medium Format

In this work step you can adapt payment medium formats to fit your special requirements.


Modification of a format is necessary and tailoring of a solution cannot be achieved using existing Customizing (house bank,
company code) or through fields in the document (invoice).

Before you modify a format, it is a good idea to make sure that you understand the structure and attributes of the format. The
section creating payment medium formats deals with format attributes.

- Level of detail
Increasing the level of detail means that you can create more files (for example, one file per company code).

- Implementing the modification

You can influence the creation of files using customer function modules. Events replace standard modules. Others are
called after standard processing that make it possible to effect content changes.

- Event 00 - Fill sort field

- Event 06 - Fill additional reference fields

- Event 11 - Check format parameters

- Event 21 - Start/file header

- Event 25 - File close/open

- Event 31 - Order/transaction record

- Event 41 - End/file trailer Format-specific parameters

If fields are required in the events for format creation (21, 31, and 41) that are not available in the SAP system, it is
necessary to create a structure in the Data Dictionary containing the fields. Fields in this structure can be set as required
fields and defaults can also be set. Customer-specific parameters are provided on the selection screen under the standard
parameters (format parameters). The filled parameter values are transferred to event 21.
Create Payment Medium Formats

In this activity you can create payment medium formats yourself.


You will need to create new payment medium formats if the credit institute (house bank) cannot process one of the supplied
formats and there is no alternative method of transferring the payment orders (such as IDoc).
Example: The bank expects a data medium exchange format that is only valid for that bank.

Implementation is only possible after the format specification has been thoroughly analysed to establish the required
characteristics of the format. Example:

- What is the name of the format, and where can it be used?

- Who is the recipient of the payment medium, and how are different files to be generated accordingly? If the bank
number field is contained in the format header, for example, a file must be generated for each bank.
- In which fields of the format are entries made, and what are the relevant fields in the SAP System called (structures

Standard settings

Like the formats provided by SAP, the formats defined in this activity are generated by the generic payment medium program.


A payment medium format has the following characteristics, which must be assigned in individual activities.

- Format output
Using the Payment Medium Workbench, non-document-based payment media are usually generated as a file. If a
particular name of the format appears as a selection option on the selection screen of the generic payment medium
program, you must enter this name. If, in addition to the payment medium, an accompanying sheet or a list are
generated, you must select it.

- Information about the format

It is possible to create documentation for the payment medium format. You can use the text module
FPM_DOCU_SAMPLE as a reference.

- Level of detail
The payments in one payment run are grouped in payment media. The criteria used to group the payments are described
by the level of detail.

- Format supplement
The format supplements translate the internal SAP term for the payment method into the language of the format.
Example: Entries are to be made in a field in the file according to the direction of payment (bank transfer/debit memo).
Two payment methods are created for this in the SAP System, and the relevant format supplements for bank transfer
or debit memo are assigned to these payment methods.

- Length and number of reference fields

The file generally contains fields that inform the recipient of the purpose of the payment on the account statement. You
have to define the length and number of these reference fields.

- Implementing the formats

If function modules are used to implement the format, entries must be made on the following interfaces:
- Event 00 - Enter sort field

- Event 05 - Enter additional reference fields

- Event 10 - Check format parameters

- Event 20 - Start/file header

- Event 25 - Open/close file

- Event 30 - Order/transaction record

- Event 40 - End/file trailer
If the DME Engine is used, you must select the relevant field in the program control. The above events 05 and 10 can
also be used in this case.

- Format-specific parameters
If the format requires fields that are not available in the SAP System, (such as special bank-specific codes for the disk),
you have to create a structure in the Data Dictionary that contains the fields. The fields in this structure can be defined
as required entry fields and provided with default values. A button is then provided on the selection screen of the generic
payment medium program, which can be used to make entries in these format-specific parameters. The parameters in
event 20 are then available.

Define Identification for Cross-Payment Run Payment Media


In this IMG activity, you define the identifications that you use to summarize payments from different payment runs in one
payment medium. In order to process these payment runs, you only use the program for creating cross-payment run payment
media SAPFPAYM_MERGE. You can use this function for the following payments:

1. Group I

- Payments from the payment program for Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable Accounting ( transaction
F 110)

- Payments from the payment program for payment orders (transaction F111), in particular
- online payments
- payments with Repetitive Code

2. Group II

- Personnel payments

- Payments from Travel Expenses

Note that in the system, you are not permitted to summarize payments from the first group with payments from the second
group in one payment medium.


This function is most useful in connection with payment methods that use the Payment Medium Workbench. You can also
use the classic payment media, although you have to deactivate the configurable message FZ113 first.
The identifications from the online payments are numbered sequentially. Specifying the identifications 0*, 1*, 2*,..., 9*
together with the corresponding Online Payment Settings has the effect that the system posts the payment documents that
belong together in individual payment runs when you enter the online payments, and program SAPFPAYM_MERGE groups
the payment media.

If you enter * or a blank space as the identification, all of the payment runs for the selected run ID are summarized in cross-
payment run payment media.

Sort Variants

In the following steps, you make the settings for printing the payment media.

Payment Media: Define Sort Variants

In this activity you define the sort variants for payment medium forms (such as payment advice notes, checks, and bills of
exchange). You can choose sorting by the payee's postal code, by the payment method supplement, by the accounting clerk,
or by a combination of these fields.

Standard settings

If you do not make your own settings for sorting, a standard sorting takes place via the currency and the payee's bank details.


Enter the required sort variants in the form data of a payment method in the company code.

Payment Media: Define Sort Variants for Line Items

In this step, you define the sort variants for line items. Sorting can be set, for example, by reference document numbers or
posting date.

Standard settings

If you do not define your own sort variants, then a standard sorting via the SAP document takes place.


Define the sort variants for line items.

Check Management

In the following steps, you make preparations for the payment method "renumbered checks". This payment method is used
in the USA, Great Britain, Canada and Australia.
Define Number Ranges for Checks


In this IMG activity, you define the required number intervals.

The renumbered checks are usually split into lots so that they can be printed or filled out at different locations. A check
number interval in the SAP System represents a lot of pre numbered checks.


If you enter a payment method where the payment media are created via the Payment Medium Workbench (PMW) order
program RFFOEDI1 (payment IDoc) in the payment method list for the check lot, the payments executed are entered in the
check register. For more details see the relevant Release Information.

Define Void Reason Codes

In this step, you define void reason codes for pre numbered checks.

The use of pre numbered checks is listed by using the check management program. You must mark check forms as voided
if they were made invalid by mistake, if they were stolen or if they were made void due to other reasons. To do this, specify
the reason for voiding by using a ratio.


The ratios one to three are predefined. They are used if a check was voided for system reasons (for example, sample printout).


Define the void reasons you require.

Data Medium Exchange In the following steps you make the settings for data medium

Define Instruction Keys

In this activity you define an instruction key, which controls what instructions for making a payment order are sent to
participating banks. You can specify the key in vendor master records or for house banks.


1. Find out what instructions for data medium exchange are to be defined in the system.

2. Define these instructions in the system.

3. Make sure the key is defined for your house banks (standard entry) or in the vendor master record.

Define Instructions for Payment Transactions

You can enter instructions that control the way in which a payment is made for a credit institute at two different points in the

- Via the instruction key (for example, in the vendor master record)

- Directly when posting the invoice

This specification then overrides the specification in the master record.

Invoices sharing the same instructions are grouped together for payment by the payment program. If no instructions are
defined in the document, the instructions from the instruction key in the master record are used, as before. You can use
possible entries to display which instructions can be used per format or country.

In this activity you can, where required, define the instructions that can be entered during posting.


1. The standard system contains the necessary instructions. Check whether you require any further instructions.

2. If necessary, define the permitted instruction fields and the required instructions per application area (country).
Develop Enhancements for DME

The following SAP enhancements are available for the DME area:

- RFFOX001 for foreign DME ( payment) - Germany

- RFFOX002 for domestic DME ( payment) - Germany

- RFFOX003 for domestic DME ( header) - Germany

- RFFOX021 for domestic DME BGC - Netherlands

- RFFOX022 for domestic DME ClieOp02 - Netherlands

- RFFOX041 for domestic DME - Belgium

- RFFOX042 for domestic DME - Belgium

- RFFOX041 for DME DOM80 - Belgium

- RFFOX900 for DME MT100 ( payment) - international

- RFFOX901 for DME MT100 (header) - international

- RFFOX902 for DME MT100 ( trailer) - international

- RFFOX061 for SAD TA05 Switzerland (PTT)

- RFFOX062 for SAD TA11 Switzerland (PTT)

- RFFOX063 for BAD TA48 Switzerland (PTT)

- RFFOX064 for SAD TA12 Switzerland (PTT)

- RFFOX065 for SAD TA14 Switzerland (PTT)

- RFFOX066 for SAD TA25 Switzerland (PTT)

- RFFOX071 for DME TA826 Switzerland (Banks)

- RFFOX072 for DME TA827 Switzerland (Banks)

- RFFOX073 for DME TA830 Switzerland (Banks)

- RFFOX074 for DME TA832 Switzerland (Banks)

- RFFOX075 for LSV TA870 Switzerland (Banks)

- RFFOX081 for foreign DME ( payment) - France

- RFFOX082 for domestic DME ( payment) - France


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP
may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.

EDI Payment Orders and Debit Memos


In addition to printing payment orders and checks and generating diskette and tape data carriers, the system can create
messages for electronic data interchange (EDI). Your data will reach customers, vendors, or your house bank most quickly
via EDI, and can be automatically processed at that point.
The solution supported in our system is based on the IDoc technology and is dependent upon the message type actually used.
For more information, see the SAP Library under ALE/EDI Business Processes.

Define EDI-Compatible Payment Methods for a House Bank

You first have to 'inform' the payment program which payment methods with which house banks can be used for EDI, before
you can carry out payments and bank collection using EDI. You can find further information in the IMG under "Defining
house banks".


Specify the supported EDI payment method for each EDI-capable house bank.

Assign EDI Payment Method to External Payment Method

In this activity, you assign a payment method that you transfer by EDI to an external payment method used by the bank.


In the SAP System, payment method C indicates payment by check. However, the bank uses CHK, for example. Enter CHK
as an external payment method.


You have already carried out the following activities:

- Set up business partner

- Configure payment method


For each company code, house bank, and bank country, specify the SAP payment method and assign an external payment

Further notes

For more information, see the SAP Library under Basis -> Basis Services / Communication Interfaces -> The IDoc

Define Organization Objects for Authorizations in Workflow

Before using roll module '00400131' in conjunction with Workflow, you first have to define which OrgObject should be
assigned under which conditions.

1. Create at least one entry for each message type and paying company code used. Specifying the partner number is
optional and serves only for differentiating between various EDI partners.

2. Select each data record and use go to ->Details to maintain one or more OrgObjects which are allocated to the entry
when the data is saved.


Maintain OrgObject allocation in such a way that there will always be one place where at least one
Processing instance can be determined. Specify an administrator in Workflow basic data who can be automatically contacted
in case errors occur.

Call Up Customer Functions

When creating a group of intermediate documents, customer functions '901', '902' and '903' are called up after the events
listed below:

- new EDI partner

- saving an intermediate document

- end EDI partner

This allows the user to access the generated dataset at specific points in time in order to read or change it.

In addition to these statistical call-ups, it is also possible to branch into a pre assigned customer function when saving certain
segments. The customer function named will be called up for the following message types:

- REMADV: '001'

- PAYEXT: '002'

- DIRDEB: '003'


Specify the segments at which you want the respective customer function to be called up.

Country-Specific Settings for Payment Media

Maintain UIC Codes


In this Customizing activity, you assign a UIC code defined by the Italian Foreign Exchange Office to each country and
region with which you have trading activities.

In Italy, it is required for foreign bank transfers. The system determines the UIC code during the generation of payment
media using the Payment Medium (Italy) - Foreign DME.


To assign the default value of UIC code for a country, specify only the country code in the Cty field and do not specify the

To assign the UIC code for a region within a country, you must specify both the region and the country code in the respective

If you do not assign UIC code for a region, the system automatically considers the default value of the UIC code specified
for the corresponding country.


Cty Region UIC Code

IT 111
IT 10 222
AR 06 333

In this example, the default value of UIC code for Italy is 111. For Argentina, there is no default value maintained. The UIC
code maintained for Argentina is specific to region 06.

According to the entries assigned in the example above, the system determines the UIC code as follows:

- For Italy, for region 10, the UIC code is 222.

- For Italy, for region 06, the system determines the default UIC code 111 as there is no specific value maintained for
region 06.

- For Argentina, for any region other than region 06, the system cannot determine the UIC code since the region specific
or the default country specific UIC code is not assigned.

Maintain Currency Codes for DME


In this IMG activity, you maintain currency codes as they are to be represented on payment media. The system uses the
currency codes maintained here when it prints boletos (for Accounts Receivable) and generates DME files (for both Accounts
Payable and Accounts Receivable) , both of which are triggered by the payment program.

For each house bank in your company code, you need to enter:

- Currency key for the currency in which amounts are managed in the system

- Currency code for boletos, that is, how it is to be printed on the boleto

- Currency code for DME file, that is, how it is to be entered into the DME file that you send to your bank (as defined by
your bank format specification)
This establishes the assignment between your house bank and how the currency is to be represented in the particular
file format the bank uses.


The currency key for Brazilian real is BRL, while the currency code to be printed on boletos is R$, and the numerical code
for the currency in DME files is 09 (as defined by FEBRABAN).

BAdI: Conversion and Validation of Barcode Numbers in Brazilian Boletos


This Business Add-In allows you to:

- Activate the conversion of boleto barcode numbers

- Validate entered or scanned barcode numbers

The system calls the BAdI when you enter a barcode number in the BRCDE field of the Change Document transaction,
FB02, and save your entry, and when it retrieves the converted barcode number stored in the database, converts it back to its
original number, and includes it in an outgoing DME file.
Standard settings

In the standard system, the BAdI is not activated. If you do not implement it, the system writes the barcode number to the
database as it is entered in the system - except that it does not store the amount. In this case, the system always takes the
vendor invoice amount as the barcode amount (for instance, when including the amount in the DME file). If you do activate
it, the system uses whatever amount that has been entered as part of the barcode number.


Implement the BAdI or activate the delivered implementation, BOLETO_BARCODE_BR, following the instructions.

See also


- Validate Data and Convert Barcode

- Reconvert Barcode to Original

- Validate Barcode
Domestic Bank Transfer (Japan)

Define Bank Charges for Japan

In this and the following IMG activities, you make the settings required for the Payment Medium Japan Domestic DME (and
Bank Charges) report.

In this activity, you specify how much banks charge when you make a payment by bank transfer. When you make a domestic
payment by bank transfer, the system calculates and posts the charges that you have entered here.

The following example shows you how bank charges are determined based on the bank type.

Assume banks A and B merge and join the same bank group. Branches A01 and A02 of bank A and branches B01 and B02
of bank B also join the same branch group. Branch B03 of bank B, however, does not join this branch group and chooses to
remain an independent branch within the new bank group.
In this case, the following scenarios are possible:

Scenario 1

If branches A01 or A02 transfer funds to branches B01 or B02, the bank type is 1 because the sending and receiving branches
are in the same branch group and are therefore considered as being one and the same branch.

Scenario 2

If branches A01, A02, B01, or B02 transfer funds to branch B03, the bank type is 2 because the sending and receiving
branches are in same bank group but not the same branch group.

Scenario 3

If any branches of banks A or B transfer funds to a bank C, the bank type is 3 because bank C has not been defined under the
same bank group as banks A and B and is therefore considered to be a different bank.

Define Accounts for Bank Charges (Japan)

In this activity, you specify which G/L account the Payment Medium Japan - Domestic DME (and Bank Charges) report
posts bank charges to.
Define Bank Group for Merged Banks (Japan)

In this IMG activity, you specify which banks belong to the same group. Banks charge less to transfer funds to other banks
in the same group. The Payment Medium Japan - Domestic DME (and Bank Charges) report can then calculate the bank
charge for all banks in a defined bank group.

You define the bank group for the merged bank keys per paying company. The banks defined under the same bank group are
regarded as being the same bank when a bank charge is calculated. So, although the sending and receiving banks are different,
the system considers two banks defined under the same bank group as being one and the same. This means that the bank type
is 2 in the IMG activity Define Bank Charges for Japan.

For an example of how the report calculates the charges for banks that belong to the same group, see the IMG activity Define
Bank Charges for Japan.

Define Branch Group for Merged Banks (Japan)

In this IMG activity, you define which branches of the merged bank belong to the same branch group. When banks merge,
their individual branches can choose to join a common branch group or to remain independent. Branches in the same branch
group do not charge each other for services, so it costs less to transfer funds to banks in the same branch group. You can
specify which branches participate in such an agreement by defining the branch groups here. The Payment Medium Japan -
Domestic DME (and Bank Charges) report can then calculate the bank charge for all banks in a defined bank and branch

You define the branch group for the merged bank and branch keys for each paying company. The branches of the merged
bank defined under the same branch group are regarded as being the same branch of the merged bank when a bank charge is
calculated. So, although the sending and receiving branches of banks are different, the system considers two branches of the
merged banks defined under the same branch group as being one and the same. This means that the bank type is 1 in the
IMG activity Define Bank Charges for Japan. If the branches of the merged banks are not defined under the same branch
group, but are still in the same bank group, the bank type is 2. If the branches are not in the same branch group or the same
bank group, the bank type is 3.

For an example of how the report calculates the charges for branches belong to the same group, see the IMG activity Define
Bank Charges for Japan.

Define Sequence Number for Telepay Format


In this Customizing activity, you make settings so that when you generate outgoing payment files using the Payment
Medium Norway - DME with Domestic and Foreign Bank Transfers (RFFONO_T) program, the system automatically
generates a sequence number based on the department that creates the file.


Enter the country, user number at the bank, and the department(s) that create DME payment files. The system then
automatically updates the transaction number and sequence number when you run the report.

Define User Number at Bank in Norway, United Kingdom, and Ireland

In this activity, you define a user number at the bank per company code, country, and bank number.

Define Bank Transaction Code for United Kingdom

In this activity, you define the bank transaction code for the customer/vendor and the bank transaction code for the house
bank per country, payment method, and bank number.
Define DME User ID (France)

In this activity, you define the user ID for bank transactions (for example, bill of exchange presentation) by means of data
medium exchange (=DME) for France, Italy, and Spain. The DME identification is assigned by the house bank and must be
stated in the DME file so that the presenting party can be identified by the bank.

The following DME identifications must be defined:

- "Identificacion del Cedente" for Spain

- "Numero d'Emmeteur de Virements" for France

- "Numero D'Emetteurer de Remises LCR" for France

- "Codice Rapporto del Presentatore" for Italy


Define the DME identification per house bank and per account ID for the required bank transactions. Your house bank will
tell you your DME identification.

Payment Run Display

In the following steps, you make the settings for displaying the payment run.

Make Settings for Displaying Payments

In this activity, you make the settings for the line layout for payments and exceptions.

Define Line Layout for Displaying Payments

In this activity, you define the line layout variants.

For the functions Change document or Display document, you define which information from the line item is displayed
on the screen.

For the function Edit payment proposal, you define the layout for displaying the payments or exceptions.


1. Check whether you can use the standard settings. Change them or add to them as required.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master

Select Standard Line Layout for Payments

In this activity, you select the standard default values for the following functions:

- Displaying or changing documents

- Displaying or processing payment proposals

These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up if you do not select any other variant.


Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Select Search Fields for Payments

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Choose Sort Fields for Payments

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Make Settings for Displaying Line Items

If you are using the line item display with the ABAP List Viewer that is supplied with the standard system, these settings do
not apply to you.

You should only check and/or change the settings specified in the following activities if you are using line item display
without the ABAP List Viewer (as a modification measure).
Define Line Layout for Displaying Line Items

In this step, you determine which information is to be made available on the screen when displaying line items (for example,
document number, document type, and amount).


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to the specifications if necessary.

2. If you want to allocate a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Select Standard Line Layout for Line Items

In this step, you define what information is to be available as a standard when processing line items. If you display the line
items and have not selected any other line layout variant, the standard variant is displayed.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.
Select Search Fields for Line Item Display

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Select Sort Fields for the Line Item Display

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos

In the following steps, you make the settings for outgoing invoices and/or credit memos.

Make and Check Document Settings

You can make new document settings here, or check existing settings, so that they correspond to the business transaction
you are currently processing:

- If you have already made document settings in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation Guide, you
can check that those settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any document settings, you can do so here.

Define Document Types

In this activity you create document types for customer, vendor and general ledger business transactions in Financial
Accounting. Document types differentiate business transactions and control document filing.

You specify a number range for each document type. Document numbers are chosen from this number range. You can use
one number range for several document types.

Document types are valid for all clients. You specify a number range key for each document type. You create the desired
number range intervals for each number range key based on the company code. This means that you can specify intervals of
different sizes for the same number range.


You defined a document type for incoming invoices. In company code 0001 there are a lot of invoices to be posted. Thus
you create a large number interval for the number range in this company code. In another company code there are only a few
incoming invoices that need to be posted. For this company code you can define a small number interval for the same number
If a document type is not used in a company code, do not store a number interval for that company code.


To use the net method of posting documents, you need a net document type (for example, KN). In this document type, you
have to set the "Net document type" indicator found under the "Control" area. You can define a common document type (for
example, AB) and a common number range for clearing open items in accounts receivable, payable and G/L accounts.

For automatic posting transactions (for example, transfer postings with clearing), you have to define a clearing document
type (for example, AB). If you do not want to use the standard setting AB for the clearing document type, you can delete it
and define your own. Under the document type properties, you can assign an individual reverse document type to each
document type. For document types with external number ranges, you have to define an individual reverse document type
because the system can make automatic reverse entries only in document types that have internal number assignment.

Standard settings

The present document types cover business transactions

- in Financial Accounting for:

- General ledger accounting

- Accounts receivable

- Accounts payable

- Asset accounting

- Consolidation

- in Materials Management and Sales and Distribution for:

- Goods receipt and issue

- Incoming and outgoing invoices

- Physical inventory ( stocktaking )

- Invoicing


1. Find out whether you can use the standard settings.

2. Change or extend the default settings, if necessary.

3. Check the specified document number ranges via the "Define document number ranges" activity if you use the standard
document types.
These number ranges must be created for your company codes and contain the number intervals you require.

Define Posting Keys

In this activity you define posting keys. Users specify a posting key before entering a line item. The posting key controls
how the line item is entered and processed.

For each posting key, you define among other things:

- which side of an account can be posted to,
- which type of account can be posted to, and

- Which fields the system displays on the entry screens and whether an entry must be made (field status).


The system also uses the field status group you specify in a G/L account to determine the status of fields in document entry.
Field status groups are defined within a field status variant.


Use the posting keys delivered with the standard system.


1. Check the standard settings.

2. Modify them if necessary.

In particular, you may need to make changes to customer and vendor posting keys if a different field status is required.

Validation in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define additional checks for accounting documents in the form of validations for each of your company
codes. You can assign a validation for the document header and one for the line items to each company code. The assigned
validations are valid both for manual entry of documents as well as for the automatic creation of documents (for example,
payment program).

For every company code to which you want to assign a validation, you store the following information:

- Validation call-up point

Here you enter key "1" for "Check document header" and key "2" for "Check line item".

- Validation
Here there are the names of validations which already exist which you can display or change. A new validation must
firstly be created by you. Afterwards the name appears in the overview.

- Description of the validation

- Activation level
Here you enter key "0" for inactive, key "1" for active and key "2" for active except for batch input.

For example, you can use the validation for the following situation: You want to make sure that postings to the expense
account "Telephone costs" can only be posted to the services cost centre "Telephone". You can carry out the checks needed
for this by using the validation.

If you want to define new validations, go through the following activities:

1. Place the cursor on a line in which company code and call-up point are entered (you can enter company code and
validation call-up point via Edit -> New entries).

2. Afterwards select Environment -> Validation. You reach the first screen for maintaining a validation.

3. Select Validation -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you come to an overview screen of the
validation activities belonging to the validation.

4. Select Insert entry. On the next screen you can describe a new validation activity. You describe the check requirements
and the actual check for this. The syntax to be used for this is described in the online help (F1 help) for the input fields
for Requirements and Check. You can also define a message (warning or error message) which is sent if the check is
not successful.

If you want to change validations which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Place the cursor on an already existing entry and select go to -> Validation.

2. On the next screen select Validation -> Display or Validation -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you get to the
overview screen of the validation activities belonging to the validation. If you select Insert entry, you can carry out
changes if necessary.

Define Texts for Line Items

In this activity, you can store texts under keys which can be transferred to the line item. When entering a document, the key
is entered in the text field.


If you wish, the texts can be transferred to the customers in payment notices.


1. Find out which texts are to be stored.

2. Enter these texts into the system under a key.

Define Default Values

In this activity, you define default values for document types and posting keys which otherwise must be entered by the user
when processing business transactions. Your specifications depend on the function code.


When posting outgoing invoices, you use the document type "DR" and posting key "01". You can store these specifications
in the system. They are proposed by the system when you call up the corresponding transaction.


Define the required default values.

Define Field Status Variants

In this activity you can define and edit field status variants and groups. You group several field status groups together in one
field status variant. You assign the field status variants to a company code in the activity Assign Company Code to Field
Status Variants. This allows you to work with the same field status groups in any number of company codes.

You can also define and process field status groups. You must define a field status group in the company code-specific area
of each G/L account. The field status group determines which fields are ready for input, which are required entry fields, and
which are hidden during document entry. Bear in mind that additional account assignments (i.e. cost centres or orders) are
only possible if data can be entered in the corresponding fields.

Standard settings

Field status variant 0001 is entered for company code 0001 in the standard SAP software. Field status groups are already
defined for this variant.


You cannot attach a field status to some fields, such as those in the document header. You can, however, switch between
required and optional entry field designations in the document type for some of these header fields.

The field status group you enter in the reconciliation accounts affects postings to the related customer or vendor accounts.
You cannot enter a field status group in the customer or vendor accounts. Field status groups are determined for customer
and vendor accounts from their respective reconciliation accounts, via the G/L account number in their master records.

There are other factors, besides the field status group itself, which have an influence on the field status. Among these are:
- The field status defined for the posting key.
The status "optional entry field" was assigned to posting keys 40 and 50 in the standard system. These are the standard
posting keys for G/L account postings. The "optional entry field" status has no effect on the field status.

- Specifications for the document type.

You can specify here that a reference number and document header text must always be entered, for example.


Designate field status via the field status groups in the G/L accounts. This allows you a more account-specific screen layout.
You cannot differentiate by posting key, since there are only two such keys for postings to G/L accounts.

The situation with reconciliation accounts is different. You do not make any differentiated field status definition via the
master record for these special G/L accounts. You use the debit and credit posting keys instead.


1. Create new field status variants using Edit -> New entries. You can also use the copy function to create new field
status variants. To do this, select Edit -> Copy as. When copying field status variants, the accompanying field status
groups are also copied.

2. Look at the standard field status groups.

3. Find out which fields on the entry screens should be

- ready for input

- required entry fields

- Hidden for the G/L accounts in your company.

You do not make this definition for each account, but rather for groups of accounts. This is why you may want to adapt
the field status groups included in the standard system.

4. If necessary, change the standard field status groups, or define your own for each field status variant.

5. You can delete field status variants that are no longer required via Edit -> Delete. The accompanying field status
groups will also be deleted.

Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants

In this IMG activity, you assign the company codes in which you want to work with identical field status groups to the same
field status variant.

You define your field status group per field status variant. For more information, see Define Field Status Definition Groups.

Standard settings

In the SAP standard, a field status variant of the same name is assigned to company code 0001.


Assign the company codes concerned to the same field status variant.

Screen Variants for Document Entry

The screen variant which you specify for each company code addresses special screens for documents for several specific
functions. You determine the screen variant dependent on the company code.


In an Italian company code, for example, a screen with fields for withholding tax is required when entering a vendor item.
You therefore have to select a special screen variant for Italian company codes.

Standard settings

A corresponding variant was selected for the standard company codes.


Check whether the required variants have been selected for your company codes.
Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks


In this IMG activity, you can define your own sub screens for posting transactions. In posting transactions, the account
assignment objects are displayed on sub screens. If the fields on a sub screen are not sufficient for your purposes, you can
define your own sub screen.

For more information about defining your own sub screens, see the general section Define Sunscreens for Account
Assignment Block.

Substitution in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define possible changes regarding your accounting documents in the form of substitutions of individual
fields for your company codes. You can make changes both in the document header and in the line item. The substitutions
are valid for both the manual entry of documents and for the automatic creation of documents (for example, payment

For each company code to which you want to assign a substitution, define the following information:

- Time of substitution
Here you enter the key "1" for substitution within the document header, the key "2" for substitution within the line item
and the key "3" for the whole document.

- Substitution
Here you can change or display the names of substitutions which already exist. You have to create a new substitution.
The name then appears in the overview afterwards.

- Name for the substitution

- Activation level
Here you enter the key "0" for inactive, the key "1" for active and the key "2" for active (except for in batch).


If you want to define new substitutions, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on a line in which the company code and the time have been entered (you can enter the company
code and the time via Edit -> New entries).

2. Then select Environment -> Substitution. You reach the first screen for maintaining a substitution.

3. Select Substitution -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you reach the overview screen with
the substitution activities belonging to substitution.
4. Select Insert entry. You can describe a new substitution activity on the next screen. You describe the substitution
requirements and the actual substitution for this. The syntax to be used for this is explained in the F1 help for the input
fields Requirements and Substitution.

If you want to change substitutions which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on an existing entry and select go to -> Substitution.

2. On the next screen, select Substitution -> Display or Substitution -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you reach
the overview screen with the substitution activities belonging to substitution. If you select Insert entry, you can make
the required changes.

Define Text IDs for Documents

In this activity you define text IDs for long texts at document header level. When entering a document, you can enter texts
for every text ID. This means that you can store information on the document that affects the whole document.


You create text IDs across the system, i.e. for all clients.

SAP standard settings

The system is delivered with the text IDs Note, Correspondence, and Payment advice info as standard settings.


1. Define the required text IDs.

2. Select the Relevant text field in the clients in which the text IDs are to be used.

Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview

In this activity, you define the line layout variants for document posting by specifying which information you want to have
available onscreen (i.e., document number, account number, company code). You can also assign a display format to each


1. Check the extent to which you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user's master record.

Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you define the line layout variants.

For the functions Change document or Display document, you define which information from the line
Item is displayed on the screen.

For the function Edit payment proposal, you define the layout for displaying the payments or exceptions.

1. Check whether you can use the standard settings. Change them or add to them as required.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you select the standard default values for the following functions:

- Displaying or changing documents

- Displaying or processing payment proposals

These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up if you do not select any other variant.


Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Document Change Rules, Document Header

In this activity, you determine under which circumstances fields within posted documents can be changed.


For a number of fields, the system itself determines that they can no longer be changed after posting. This includes all fields
which are central to the principles of orderly accounting, for example, the amount posted and the account.

The system also prevents the update objects from being changed in documents which have already been posted, independent
of the document change rules. Update objects are elements in the system for which transaction figures or line items are
updated, for example, business area or cost centres (if cost centre accounting is used in the SAP system). Update objects are
entered as additional account assignments during posting.

If you are using the Special Purpose Ledger application, you should ensure that fields which are updated there are protected
against changes in the document. Document changes do not affect updating in the special purpose ledger.

1. Check the default settings.

2. Change the specifications if necessary.

Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items

In this activity you define screen templates for the fast entry of G/L account items when posting documents. You can generate
screen templates with the field’s account, amount and company code, for example.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. If necessary, change or enhance the definitions.
2. If you want to assign a screen template to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Make and Check Settings for Document Parking

You can make new settings for document parking here, or check existing settings:

- If you have already made settings for document parking in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation
Guide, you can check that those settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any settings, you can do so here.

Define Entry Screens for Parking Documents

In the following activity, you define fast entry screen templates for parked documents.

You can define several entry screens from a list of possible fields for this.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard templates. Define your own screen templates if necessary.
Create Workflow Variant for Parking Documents

Create a workflow variant. You allocate a workflow template for the account assignment approval to this variant. You also
specify whether the document release is active and from which amount this is necessary. You can read about how to copy
workflow templates within the workflow settings for posting documents and release.


Define your workflow variant.

Further notes

You can find out which workflow templates are delivered with the standard system by reading the documentation under
Financial Accounting in the Accounts Payable document. You can find more information on workflow under cross-
application functions in the SAP Business Workflow document.

Assign Company Code to a Workflow Variant for Parking Documents

Company codes can be assigned to the workflow variants. If a company code is not assigned to a workflow variant, then a
document release is not carried out.

The currency of the workflow variant and of the corresponding company codes must be the same.


Assign workflow variants to the company codes for which you want to release parked documents.
Define Release Approval Groups for Parking Documents

In this activity, you define release approval groups. You then enter these in the master records of your customers and vendors.

You require release approval groups in the later activities Assign release approval paths and Assign release approval
procedures. On the basis of the release approval path and a certain amount, the system determines which sub workflow is
triggered by the payment release and who is to release the payment. If a release approval group is not defined, the system
subsequently accesses the data with the initial release approval group.


1. Define your release approval groups.

2. Then enter the groups in the customer or vendor master record.

Define Release Approval Paths for Parking Documents

In this activity you define your release approval paths. You need these for the steps "Allocating release approval paths" and
"Allocating release approval procedures".


Define your release approval paths.

Assign Release Approval Paths for Parking Documents

In this activity you assign a release approval path to a combination of workflow variants, document types and release approval
groups. You need to make this assignment before you can carry out the activity "Assign release approval procedures".


Prior to this activity you must have defined release approval groups and release approval paths. For information on this, refer
to Define release approval groups and Define release approval paths.


Make the necessary assignments.

Assign Release Approval Procedure for Parking Documents

For each workflow variant and release approval path, you determine as from which amount which release approval procedure
is triggered and carried out. These procedures are referred to as "sub workflows" in workflow terms. They control how the
release is to proceed in detail, for example, how many release levels are to be run.

Standard settings

The standard system comes with sub workflows predefined as workflow templates for use as a reference for your own sub
workflows. The first of these (WS10000052) contains a single-level release, the second, (WS10000053), a two-level release
and the third, (WS10000054), a three-level release. The single-level requires just one person to release the document. The
two-level version supports dual control, whilst the three-level procedure allows for triple control of payment releases. Each
sub workflow is triggered the first time parked documents are entered.

Assign the release approval procedure (sub workflow) that you require dependent on the workflow variant, release approval
path, and amount.

You can also enter your own sub workflows here. However, they must receive the same data from the workflow
(WS10000051) as the predefined workflow example (WS10000052, and so on).

You can also specify the release levels to be executed. You set this specification in the parked document and it should
correspond with the number of release levels of the sub workflow. However, this specification is not evaluated by the
predefined workflow examples and in this case, has only an explanatory nature.

Since the number of release levels is stored in the parked document, (and this number is accessible within the workflow as
Attribute for object type FIPP), this number could be used in customer sub workflows.

Define Users with Release Authorization for Parking Documents

In this activity, you assign the persons authorized to release to the amount release in the form of an organizational unit
(position, organizational unit, and job). You assign the organizational object dependent on the workflow variant, the release
approval path, the release approval level reached, and the amount entered. In turn, these parameters are dependent on the
document data entered.

To assign organizational objects to an entry, select the entry and choose go to -> Detail OrgObject. The organizational
objects defined for the amount release in Customizing for Financial Accounting are automatically assigned to the standard
task amount release in the background.


Define the persons authorized to release using organizational objects and assign these to an appropriate combination of

- Workflow variant

- Release approval path

- Release approval level

- Amount
Reset Release Approval (Customers)

If changes are made within certain fields of the "Customer" account type, the document release is cancelled and restarted. In
this activity, you include the fields to be checked in case of changes to the document. If you included, for example, the
amount field here and the amount is then changed in the customer item, the document release is cancelled and must be

Include the fields for which the release is to be cancelled if they are changed. All fields that can be entered in the document
are displayed for entry.

If the settings have been transported from another system, you have to start report RFBIPPG2 in the current system. This
generates a function module that evaluates the Customizing settings.

Reset Release Approval (Vendors)

If changes are made within certain fields of the "Vendor" account type, the document release is cancelled and restarted. In
this activity, you include the fields to be checked in case of changes to the document. If you included, for example, the
amount field here and the amount is then changed in the vendor item, the document release is cancelled and must be restarted.


Include the fields for which the release is to be cancelled if they are changed. All fields that can be entered in the document
are displayed for entry.

If the settings have been transported from another system, you have to start report RFBIPPG2 in the current system. This
generates a function module that evaluates the Customizing settings.

Reset Release Approval (G/L Accounts)

If changes are made within certain fields of the "G/L account" account type, the document release is cancelled and restarted.
In this activity, you include the fields to be checked in case of changes to the document. If you included, for example, the
amount field here and the amount is then changed in the G/L account item, the release is cancelled and the document release
must be restarted.


Include the fields for which the release is to be cancelled if they are changed. All fields that can be entered in the document
are displayed for entry.
If the settings have been transported from another system, you have to start report RFBIPPG2 in the current system. This
generates a function module that evaluates the Customizing settings.

Maintain Terms of Payment

In this step, you can define rules with which the system can determine the required terms of payment automatically. The
rules are stored under a four-character key. You assign the terms of payment specified to the customers in the master record
via the key. The key and the terms determined with it are proposed when entering a document to the customer account.


You can specify a key in the master data area for Financial Accounting and Sales + Distribution. You should use the same

You can use the same key for the terms of payment for both customers and vendors who have the same payment terms. SAP
recommends, however, that you use different terms of payment keys for customers and vendors and limit the permitted
account type correspondingly within the terms of payment. This, for example, then has an advantage if the sales department
of your company changes a payment term for a customer. You can then adapt the accompanying customer terms of payment
key without vendors being affected by the same terms of payment.

Standard settings

The most usual terms of payment have already been set in the standard system. These include specifications on the payment
conditions, the day limit or the payment period baseline date, for example.


You do not normally have to make any additions or changes to the default settings, unless you want to:

- Enter a separate help text for a payment term which deviates from the explanations created automatically

- Exclude an account type for a payment term (in the standard system, a payment term applies to all account types of the
business partner)

- Change the payment conditions for a payment term

- Indicate that it has to do with a holdback/retainage payment

In this case you must also define the holdback/retainage payment partial amounts in the subsequent step. For more
information on this, read the section "Define terms of payment for holdback/retainage". In the current step "Maintain
terms of payment", only the holdback/retainage payment terms are displayed under "Explanations" in so far as you
have defined them.

1. Check whether you can use the default settings as they are without making any changes. You might have to change or
extend the default settings.

2. Ensure that the terms of payment key is entered in the customer master record which represents the specified terms of

Define Terms of Payment for Instalment Payments

In this step you can determine whether an invoice amount is to be divided into partial amounts with different due dates. For
these terms of holdback/retainage payment, you must determine the amount of the holdback/retainage in percent and the
terms of payment for each holdback/retainage payment. If you then post an invoice with terms of holdback/retainage
payment, the system generates the corresponding number of line items due to your specifications for the holdback/retainage.


You make your specifications under a particular terms of payment key. You have already defined this previously in the step
"Maintain terms of payment" as well as set the "Holdback/retainage payment" indicator under the payment conditions.


1. Define your partial amounts in percent for each terms of payment key affected. Make sure that your number the
individual partial amounts consecutively.

2. Ensure that the key is entered in the customer master record which represents the specified terms of payment.
Define Cash Discount Base for Outgoing Invoices

In this step you determine whether the tax amount is to be taken into consideration in the base amount for calculating the
cash discount amount. You make your specifications per company code.


Check whether the specification for the cash discount base amount was made correctly for your company codes.

Define Tax Accounts for Outgoing Invoices

In this step, you specify to which accounts the different tax types are to be posted. The system determines
These accounts for automatic postings.


Define the tax accounts.

Make and Check Settings for Correspondence

You can make new settings for correspondence here, or check existing settings:

- If you have already made settings for correspondence in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation
Guide, you can check that these settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any settings, you can do so here.

Define Correspondence Types

In this activity, you create your own correspondence types or change the specifications for the standard correspondence types.
A correspondence type represents the type of letters in the system. You must create a correspondence type for the possible
correspondences for each type of letter which you need.

In the standard system there are the correspondence types "Payment notice with line items", "Payment notice without
line items", "Document extract" or "Account statement". You can define further correspondence types for payment
notices, such as payment notices especially for payments which are made for invoices already cleared, or for credit
memos cleared twice.

The correspondence types are

- Offered to the user by the system for selection when processing business transactions or

- Created automatically according to rules defined by the user or

- Always created automatically by the system

You can select the correspondence type "Payment notice" when entering incoming payments. Bill of exchange charges
statements are created automatically for your customers' payments by bill of exchange if charges to be passed on were

You determine which data is necessary for creating the letters for the correspondence types. The following data is necessary
for the correspondences:

Correspondence Necessary data

Payment notices Document number

Account statements Account number and date
Bill/exch.charges statements Document number
Internal documents Document number
Individual letters Account number
Document extracts Document number
This data is either entered manually by the user or is determined automatically by the system after he/she has selected the
relevant correspondence type.

If you select the correspondence type "Payment notice without line items" in the account display, then you must specify
a document number since the correspondence type requires this. If you have specified in the customer master record
that the payment notices are to be created automatically, then the system determines the necessary data when posting
an incoming payment.

Standard settings

Correspondence types are delivered with the standard system. Their keys begin with SAP.


You can use the standard correspondence types. If you want to make changes to them, copy the required correspondence
type and change the new correspondence type accordingly. This is necessary since the standard correspondence types could
be overwritten during the next change of release.


1. Find out which letters were sent to your customers/vendors previously.

2. Find out whether a correspondence type is already defined for these in the standard system.

3. Define your own correspondence types if necessary.

Create Report Variants for Correspondence

In this activity you can define the selection variants for the correspondence that you require.

You define the selection variants independently of the company code and the type of correspondence.

Correspondence type internal document, program RFKORD30, variant SAP09


Usually only the fields in the output control and print control areas, as well as the field correspondence in the test run area,
are of interest for a selection variant.

The remaining fields in the test run area are used if the documents are to be output directly with the print program.


1. Find out the name of the appropriate print program. You can get an overview of the existing programs using the function
Tools -> Program search. To search for standard programs, enter RFKORD*, or to search for customer-defined
programs ZFKORD*, for example. An up-to-date list of programs is displayed.

2. Select the required program from the list and run it. The system takes you to the selection screen. Here you can either
change an existing variant or create one of your own.
To change a standard variant, you can display the variant using the function fetch variant. You can then change these
variants and then save them under your own name (customer name range). To create your own variant, enter the
selection criteria directly and then save this variant under your own name (customer name range).

3. In Customizing, specify the report name and the variant for the report assignment for the correspondence type. You can
do this in the activity Assign Programs for Correspondence Types.

Additional information

There are report variants for the different correspondence types in client 000. For more information about the system settings,
see the corresponding program documentation.

Assign Programs for Correspondence Types

In this activity, you define the print program and the selection variant corresponding to each correspondence type. The
selection variant is used when printing the requested correspondence.

Correspondence Print program

Payment notices RFKORD00

Account statements RFKORD10
Bill/exch.charges statements RFKORD20
Internal documents RFKORD30
Individual letters RFKORD40
Document extracts RFKORD50
Customer statement RFKORD11
You can distinguish your specifications by company code. This is usually necessary for companies with several company
codes, since you also enter the printer on which you want your correspondence to be issued in the selection variant.


Specify the name of the print program and the required variant for each correspondence type.
You can create the variant using the configuration function. Select go to -> Maintain variant.
Additional information

You can find further information on the selection variants in the sections for the individual types of correspondence.

Define Forms for Correspondence

In this activity you can define the forms (layout sets) for your business correspondence.

Standard settings

Forms for correspondence are already defined in the standard system.


SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part.

If you want to make changes to the forms, SAP recommends NOT to change the standard forms, but to first copy them and
then make changes to the copied version.


If you are using the standard forms, you do not need to make any settings here.

Proceed as follows to define your own forms:

1. Enter the standard form you want to copy.

2. Choose Layout set -> Create/Change.

You will then see the header data screen for the layout set.

3. Choose Layout set -> Save as... and enter a new name.
The name of the new layout set should start with the letter "Z" or "Y" in order to ensure that it is not overwritten during
upgrades. Assign the layout set to the layout set class FKOR.

4. Edit and activate the new form.

Define Form Names for Correspondence Print

In this activity, you define the names of the forms which are to be used for printing the correspondence.

The system attempts to create the letters for your customers/vendors in the language specified in the customer/vendor master
record. Internal documents are issued in the company code or logon language. To do this, the corresponding form must be
available in the required language in the system. You should therefore translate the forms into the required languages if they
are not already available in the standard system.
You define the form names depending on the company code, print program and a form ID. With the help of the form ID, it
is possible to store different forms for one print report.

You want to create account statements with and without displaying the days in arrears. For this, you defined a correspondence
type. For every account statement type you also create your own form and store the names of the forms for the print program
"RFKORD10" under your own form ID.

If you want to use the form IDs, you should note that you must enter them in the selection variants for the print reports. You
need the corresponding number of variants.


You are to be able to create payment notices with and without an individual text. To do this, you store a form without
form ID for the program RFKORD00. This form does not have any individual texts defined for it. You store another
form under a form ID. This form does have an individual text defined for it. You create two selection variants for the
print program and store these variants for the relevant correspondence types in the system.

Text elements are contained in the standard forms. Text elements offer the option of storing different, alternative texts in a
form which are then printed depending on the posting procedure.


In the standard form for payment notices, a text element is stored for the case that a credit memo was to be posted and
another text element for the case that a partial payment was to be posted for an incoming payment.

For your information, the individual text elements are commented on in the standard forms.


In the letter, you can display the segment text (posting text) of an item. An asterisk (*) must be at the beginning of the text
To define your own forms, copy the standard ones and change them. Delete the print texts you do not need. Make sure the
numbers of the available text elements and the commentary lines remain for each text element. The commentary lines contain
the character /* in the form column.


1. Find out the names of the standard forms.

2. Check whether you can use these forms.

3. Define and activate your own forms and translate them, if necessary.

4. Store the names of the forms.

Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form

In this activity, you define which texts are to be used in the letter window and the signature line for each company code. This
applies to the following:

- letter header

- letter footer

- sender address


This procedure is useful if you use a form for several company codes, since you do not need to define these details in the
form or use pre-printed writing paper. In this case, the company code-specific texts must be stored separately.

1. Create your standard texts. The text ID is ADRS.

2. Specify which texts are to be used for the

individual company codes.

To transport the texts from the Customizing system to the productive system, include them in a transport request.

1. Choose Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> ABAP Editor.

2. Enter the program name RSTXTRAN.

3. Enter the name of the correction and the text ID, and then execute the transport.

Determine Call-Up Functions

In this activity, you specify which correspondence types can be selected online within which functions.

The following functions are included:

- document entry

- functions for payment settlement

- document display and document change

- Account editing (balance display and line item processing).


Payment notices can only be selected for payment transactions, whilst account statements can be selected in all of the above

You do not make a specification for the bill of exchange charges statement. You cannot select the statement of bill of
exchange charges - it is created automatically for your customers if bill of exchange charges were posted.

Make your specifications dependent on company code. If no entry exists for a company code, the correspondence types
specified without company code are offered.


1. Check the standard specifications.

2. Change them if necessary.

If you defined your own correspondence types, you must include them here and make your specification.

Develop Enhancements for Correspondence

The following SAP enhancements are available for the "Correspondence" area:

- RFKORIEX for automatic correspondence


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP
may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.
Define Sort Variants for Correspondence

In this activity, you define sort variants for printing letters for all of the various correspondence types.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. Enter the sort variants in the printing program for correspondence.

Define Sort Variants for Line Items

In this activity, you define correspondence sort variants for the line item output sequence in letters.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. You specify sort variants in the payment method layout set data for the company code, so that the print program carries
out the sorting for that payment method as you require. Select customizing for the print program to make these settings.

Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos - Enjoy

Define Document Types for Enjoy Transactions

You can define a document type for each transaction for entering invoices and credit memos. The system then displays this
document type as a default value. You can however, overwrite the proposed document type if the field Document type is
ready for input when you are entering the invoice or credit memo. If you do not define a document type, the system proposes
standard document types, for example, KR, for entering vendor invoices.
Define Tax Code per Transaction

In order to select a subset from all of the tax codes in the system, you can define, per transaction and country, which
tax codes are valid and should therefore be offered in the possible entries help. You can also define one of these tax
codes as a default value.

Define Posting Key for Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos

Here you define the posting key for the customer/vendor and G/L account item when entering outgoing invoices and credit


You cannot change the posting key during document entry.

Include Customer Fields in Enjoy Transactions


In this IMG activity, you can assign your customer fields to a screen variant for the G/L account items (screen 100 in program
SAPLFSKB) of the Enjoy transactions for postings. This enables you to use the customer fields when making manual
postings for account assignment.

You cannot select the customer fields directly when creating a screen variant for the G/L account items. In the element list
on the screen, you only see generic fields (ACGL_ITEM_GEN-GEN_CHAR1...) as placeholders in the screen variant in
place of the customer fields. During runtime, the generic fields are replaced in the screen by the customer fields. However,
only fields with the type CHAR are considered, and other formats (such as DATS) are purposefully not supported (For
ways of overcoming this issue, see SAP Note 174413).

You therefore have to do the following:

- When editing the screen variant, you specify the maximum number of visible customer fields and their column
position/sequence. For this, a maximum of five customer fields are possible in a screen variant.
For more information about editing a screen variant, see the documentation in the SAP Library under Accounting ->
Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting (New) -> Business Transactions -> Post -> G/L Account
Posting -> Screen Variants: Enjoy Transaction.

- In this IMG activity, you then specify which fields are displayed in the screen variant in place of the generic fields and
in which sequence they are displayed.
If you do not make an assignment for a screen variant, the customer fields are displayed up to the maximum number
specified in the variant and in the same sequence as that defined in the coding block.

You can use the customer fields in the following Enjoy transactions to enter G/L account items:

- G/L account posting and parking (FB50, FV50, FV50, FV50L)

- Invoice entry and parking (FB70 and FB60, or FV70 and FV60)

- Credit memo entry and parking (FB75 and FB65, or FV75 and FV65)

- Incoming invoice (MIRO, MIR7) (does not concern the screens specified in SAP Note 352701)

Alternatively, you can also include your customer fields in the screen as a modification (for example, if more than five
customer fields need to be entered in one screen variant). For more information, see SAP Note 174413. In this way, you do
not need to execute this IMG activity, and you can hide the generic fields in screen 100 when editing the screen variant.

If foreign key relationships are defined for customer fields, SAP Note 174413 (point [1]) needs to be applied so that the
foreign key values are known when the program is executed.


You have already defined your customer fields and have included them in the coding block. You make the setting in
Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) under Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) -> Ledgers ->
Fields -> Customer Fields.

For more information on customer fields, see the documentation in the SAP Library under Accounting -> Financial
Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting (New) -> Configuring Ledgers in General Ledger Accounting ->
Customer Fields.


Select the desired screen variant as the work area and arrange your customer fields in the desired sequence.
Country-Specific Functions


Define Electronic Branches


In this IMG activity, you specify which branches are electronic branches.

If you maintain a branch as an electronic branch, all the invoices that belong to this branch will be included in the CAE
number authorization request file (Annexure III) sent to the National Tax Office in Argentina (Administration Federal de
Ingress Públicos, AFIP). If the AFIP approves the invoice, a CAE number is assigned and you can generate the invoice in
electronic format.
If you maintain the branch as a web service branch, all documents created for this branch will be processed by the AFIP
using Remote Function Call (RFC).


You have defined an issuing branch for Argentina in the IMG activity Define Issuing Branches.


You use the Electronic Invoice (Argentina) program to generate the authorization request file (Annexure III). If you maintain
the branch as an electronic branch, this program automatically includes all the invoices that belong to this branch in the
generated file.

If you maintain the branch as a web service branch, the Monitoring Tool for Web Services (Argentina) program processes
all invoices that belong to this branch.

Maintain AFIP Return Codes and Descriptions


In this IMG activity, you maintain the return codes and their descriptions that you received from the National Tax Office in
Argentina (Administration Federal de Ingress Públicos, AFIP) in the AFIP response file (Annexure IV).

For each return code, you also define whether invoices with the specific return code can be resent to the AFIP and if so, what
corrections are necessary prior to resending the invoice (for example, corrections in the master data or official document

You use the AFIP Response File (Annexure IV) Upload program to upload the file sent by the AFIP to the SAP system. The
settings you make in this IMG activity allow that the system can interpret the return codes given in the file.

Maintain Country Codes


In this Customizing activity, you map the country code to the corresponding country code as specified by the legal authorities
in Argentina.

The country code is specified by the Administration Federal de Ingress Públicos (AFIP).
Maintain Currency Codes


In this Customizing activity, you map the predefined currency codes to the corresponding currency codes as specified by the
legal authorities in Argentina.

The currency code is specified by the Administration Federal de Ingress Públicos (AFIP).
Maintain Unit of Measure


In this Customizing activity, you map the predefined unit of measure to the corresponding unit of measure as specified by
the legal authorities in Argentina.

The unit of measure is specified by the Administration Federal de Ingress Públicos (AFIP).

Define Settings for Web Services


In this Customizing activity, you make settings that ensure that when you process invoices for Argentina, the system identifies
the destination systems used by the Administration Federal de Ingress Públicos (AFIP) to communicate using Web

Assign Condition Types to Material Codes


In this Customizing activity, you assign condition types to material codes, which are required to determine the behaviour of
a pricing condition. The pricing condition, in this case, is either a surcharge or a discount.


- Ensure that you have defined the condition types. You do this in Define Condition Types.

- You have also maintained the relevant material types in the material master.
Define a Branch for Web Service


In this Customizing activity, you make settings that determine the web service branch for official numbering of billing
documents and Financial Accounting (FI) documents for Argentina. To do so, you assign a web service branch to each
combination of sales organization and shipping point.


- You have assigned an issuing branch to a shipping point. You do this is Assign Issuing Branch to Shipping Point.

- You have defined the branch as a web service branch in the Branch number (J_1ASNR) application table.

Define VAT Rate Codes and VAT Percentages for Web Service


In this Customizing activity, you make settings to ensure that the system identifies the VAT rate codes and VAT percentages
defined by the Administration Federal de Ingress Públicos (AFIP) to calculate the value added tax (VAT) for billing
documents and accounting documents in Argentina.

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

BAdI: Change Web Service Document Data for RG2904


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Sales and Distribution (SD) component. This BAdI enables you to change the
build data (pertaining to RG2904) in an XML file before sending it to the Administration Federal de Ingress Públicos


The BAdI is not filter-dependent but is reusable. The BAdI definition is activated in the standard system. No default logic is
provided. Create your own implementation and activate it to change the XML file data.

Standard settings
For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement Spot Element
Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE 18).


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under
BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also



BAdI: Change Document for Web Service Communication

(RG 2485)


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Sales and Distribution (SD) component. This BAdI enables you to change the
build data (pertaining to RG2485) in an XML file before sending it to the Administration Federal de Ingress Públicos


The BAdI is not filter-dependent and non-reusable. The BAdI definition is activated in the standard system. No default logic
is provided. Create your own implementation and activate it to change the XML file data.
Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement Spot Element
Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE 18).


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under
BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also

Interface: IF_IMP_AEI_WS_2485_DOC_CHANGE



Specify Sign for PHPF Reporting


In this Customizing activity, you specify an indicator for reporting the Public Health Product Fee (PHPF) in Hungary. The
system uses this indicator to determine the sign of the PHPF value for a billing document line item.


+ indicates positive amount and - indicates negative amount.

Incoming Payments

In the following steps, you make the settings for incoming payments.
Incoming Payments Global Settings

In the following steps you make the basic settings for incoming payments.

Make and Check Document Settings

You can make new document settings here, or check existing settings, so that they correspond to the business transaction
you are currently processing:

- If you have already made document settings in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation Guide, you
can check that those settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any document settings, you can do so here.

Define Document Types

In this activity you create document types for customer, vendor and general ledger business transactions in Financial
Accounting. Document types differentiate business transactions and control document filing.

You specify a number range for each document type. Document numbers are chosen from this number range. You can use
one number range for several document types.

Document types are valid for all clients. You specify a number range key for each document type. You create the desired
number range intervals for each number range key based on the company code. This means that you can specify intervals of
different sizes for the same number range.

You defined a document type for incoming invoices. In company code 0001 there are a lot of invoices to be posted. Thus
you create a large number interval for the number range in this company code. In another company code there are only a few
incoming invoices that need to be posted. For this company code you can define a small number interval for the same number

If a document type is not used in a company code, do not store a number interval for that company code.


To use the net method of posting documents, you need a net document type (for example, KN). In this document type, you
have to set the "Net document type" indicator found under the "Control" area. You can define a common document type (for
example, AB) and a common number range for clearing open items in accounts receivable, payable and G/L accounts.

For automatic posting transactions (for example, transfer postings with clearing), you have to define a clearing document
type (for example, AB). If you do not want to use the standard setting AB for the clearing document type, you can delete it
and define your own. Under the document type properties, you can assign an individual reverse document type to each
document type. For document types with external number ranges, you have to define an individual reverse document type
because the system can make automatic reverse entries only in document types that have internal number assignment.

Standard settings

The present document types cover business transactions

- in Financial Accounting for:

- General ledger accounting

- Accounts receivable

- Accounts payable

- Asset accounting

- Consolidation

- in Materials Management and Sales and Distribution for:

- Goods receipt and issue

- Incoming and outgoing invoices

- Physical inventory ( stocktaking )

- Invoicing


1. Find out whether you can use the standard settings.

2. Change or extend the default settings, if necessary.

3. Check the specified document number ranges via the "Define document number ranges" activity if you use the standard
document types.
These number ranges must be created for your company codes and contain the number intervals you require.
Define Posting Keys

In this activity you define posting keys. Users specify a posting key before entering a line item. The posting key controls
how the line item is entered and processed.

For each posting key, you define among other things:

- which side of an account can be posted to,

- which type of account can be posted to, and

- Which fields the system displays on the entry screens and whether an entry must be made (field status).

The system also uses the field status group you specify in a G/L account to determine the status of fields in document entry.
Field status groups are defined within a field status variant.


Use the posting keys delivered with the standard system.


1. Check the standard settings.

2. Modify them if necessary.

In particular, you may need to make changes to customer and vendor posting keys if a different field status is required.

Validation in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define additional checks for accounting documents in the form of validations for each of your company
codes. You can assign a validation for the document header and one for the line items to each company code. The assigned
validations are valid both for manual entry of documents as well as for the automatic creation of documents (for example,
payment program).

For every company code to which you want to assign a validation, you store the following information:

- Validation call-up point

Here you enter key "1" for "Check document header" and key "2" for "Check line item".

- Validation
Here there are the names of validations which already exist which you can display or change. A new validation must
firstly be created by you. Afterwards the name appears in the overview.

- Description of the validation

- Activation level
Here you enter key "0" for inactive, key "1" for active and key "2" for active except for batch input.

For example, you can use the validation for the following situation: You want to make sure that postings to the expense
account "Telephone costs" can only be posted to the services cost centre "Telephone". You can carry out the checks needed
for this by using the validation.

If you want to define new validations, go through the following activities:

1. Place the cursor on a line in which company code and call-up point are entered (you can enter company code and
validation call-up point via Edit -> New entries).

2. Afterwards select Environment -> Validation. You reach the first screen for maintaining a validation.

3. Select Validation -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you come to an overview screen of the
validation activities belonging to the validation.

4. Select Insert entry. On the next screen you can describe a new validation activity. You describe the check requirements
and the actual check for this. The syntax to be used for this is described in the online help (F1 help) for the input fields
for Requirements and Check. You can also define a message (warning or error message) which is sent if the check is
not successful.

If you want to change validations which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Place the cursor on an already existing entry and select go to -> Validation.

2. On the next screen select Validation -> Display or Validation -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you get to the
overview screen of the validation activities belonging to the validation. If you select Insert entry, you can carry out
changes if necessary.

Define Texts for Line Items

In this activity, you can store texts under keys which can be transferred to the line item. When entering a document, the key
is entered in the text field.


If you wish, the texts can be transferred to the customers in payment notices.


1. Find out which texts are to be stored.

2. Enter these texts into the system under a key.

Define Default Values

In this activity, you define default values for document types and posting keys which otherwise must be entered by the user
when processing business transactions. Your specifications depend on the function code.

When posting outgoing invoices, you use the document type "DR" and posting key "01". You can store these specifications
in the system. They are proposed by the system when you call up the corresponding transaction.

Define the required default values.

Define Field Status Variants

In this activity you can define and edit field status variants and groups. You group several field status groups together in one
field status variant. You assign the field status variants to a company code in the activity Assign Company Code to Field
Status Variants. This allows you to work with the same field status groups in any number of company codes.

You can also define and process field status groups. You must define a field status group in the company code-specific area
of each G/L account. The field status group determines which fields are ready for input, which are required entry fields, and
which are hidden during document entry. Bear in mind that additional account assignments (i.e. cost centres or orders) are
only possible if data can be entered in the corresponding fields.

Standard settings

Field status variant 0001 is entered for company code 0001 in the standard SAP software. Field status groups are already
defined for this variant.


You cannot attach a field status to some fields, such as those in the document header. You can, however, switch between
required and optional entry field designations in the document type for some of these header fields.

The field status group you enter in the reconciliation accounts affects postings to the related customer or vendor accounts.
You cannot enter a field status group in the customer or vendor accounts. Field status groups are determined for customer
and vendor accounts from their respective reconciliation accounts, via the G/L account number in their master records.

There are other factors, besides the field status group itself, which have an influence on the field status. Among these are:

- The field status defined for the posting key.

The status "optional entry field" was assigned to posting keys 40 and 50 in the standard system. These are the standard
posting keys for G/L account postings. The "optional entry field" status has no effect on the field status.
- Specifications for the document type.
You can specify here that a reference number and document header text must always be entered, for example.


Designate field status via the field status groups in the G/L accounts. This allows you a more account-specific screen layout.
You cannot differentiate by posting key, since there are only two such keys for postings to G/L accounts.

The situation with reconciliation accounts is different. You do not make any differentiated field status definition via the
master record for these special G/L accounts. You use the debit and credit posting keys instead.


1. Create new field status variants using Edit -> New entries. You can also use the copy function to create new field
status variants. To do this, select Edit -> Copy as. When copying field status variants, the accompanying field status
groups are also copied.

2. Look at the standard field status groups.

3. Find out which fields on the entry screens should be

- ready for input

- required entry fields

- Hidden for the G/L accounts in your company.

You do not make this definition for each account, but rather for groups of accounts. This is why you may want to adapt
the field status groups included in the standard system.

4. If necessary, change the standard field status groups, or define your own for each field status variant.

5. You can delete field status variants that are no longer required via Edit -> Delete. The accompanying field status
groups will also be deleted.

Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants


In this IMG activity, you assign the company codes in which you want to work with identical field status groups to the same
field status variant.

You define your field status group per field status variant. For more information, see Define Field Status Definition Groups.
Standard settings

In the SAP standard, a field status variant of the same name is assigned to company code 0001.


Assign the company codes concerned to the same field status variant.

Screen Variants for Document Entry

The screen variant which you specify for each company code addresses special screens for documents for several specific
functions. You determine the screen variant dependent on the company code.


In an Italian company code, for example, a screen with fields for withholding tax is required when entering a vendor item.
You therefore have to select a special screen variant for Italian company codes.

Standard settings

A corresponding variant was selected for the standard company codes.


Check whether the required variants have been selected for your company codes.
Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks


In this IMG activity, you can define your own sub screens for posting transactions. In posting transactions, the account
assignment objects are displayed on sub screens. If the fields on a sub screen are not sufficient for your purposes, you can
define your own sub screen.

For more information about defining your own sub screens, see the general section Define Sunscreens for Account
Assignment Block.

Substitution in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define possible changes regarding your accounting documents in the form of substitutions of individual
fields for your company codes. You can make changes both in the document header and in the line item. The substitutions
are valid for both the manual entry of documents and for the automatic creation of documents (for example, payment

For each company code to which you want to assign a substitution, define the following information:

- Time of substitution
Here you enter the key "1" for substitution within the document header, the key "2" for substitution within the line item
and the key "3" for the whole document.

- Substitution
Here you can change or display the names of substitutions which already exist. You have to create a new substitution.
The name then appears in the overview afterwards.

- Name for the substitution

- Activation level
Here you enter the key "0" for inactive, the key "1" for active and the key "2" for active (except for in batch).


If you want to define new substitutions, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on a line in which the company code and the time have been entered (you can enter the company
code and the time via Edit -> New entries).

2. Then select Environment -> Substitution. You reach the first screen for maintaining a substitution.

3. Select Substitution -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you reach the overview screen with
the substitution activities belonging to substitution.

4. Select Insert entry. You can describe a new substitution activity on the next screen. You describe the substitution
requirements and the actual substitution for this. The syntax to be used for this is explained in the F1 help for the input
fields Requirements and Substitution.

If you want to change substitutions which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on an existing entry and select go to -> Substitution.

2. On the next screen, select Substitution -> Display or Substitution -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you reach
the overview screen with the substitution activities belonging to substitution. If you select Insert entry, you can make
the required change.

Define Text IDs for Documents

In this activity you define text IDs for long texts at document header level. When entering a document, you can enter texts
for every text ID. This means that you can store information on the document that affects the whole document.


You create text IDs across the system, i.e. for all clients.

SAP standard settings

The system is delivered with the text IDs Note, Correspondence, and Payment advice info as standard settings.


1. Define the required text IDs.

2. Select the Relevant text field in the clients in which the text IDs are to be used.

Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview

In this activity, you define the line layout variants for document posting by specifying which information you want to have
available onscreen (i.e., document number, account number, company code). You can also assign a display format to each


1. Check the extent to which you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user's master record.

Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you define the line layout variants.

For the functions Change document or Display document, you define which information from the line item is displayed
on the screen.

For the function Edit payment proposal, you define the layout for displaying the payments or exceptions.

1. Check whether you can use the standard settings. Change them or add to them as required.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.
Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you select the standard default values for the following functions:

- Displaying or changing documents

- Displaying or processing payment proposals

These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up if you do not select any other variant.


Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Document Change Rules, Document Header

In this activity, you determine under which circumstances fields within posted documents can be changed.


For a number of fields, the system itself determines that they can no longer be changed after posting. This includes all fields
which are central to the principles of orderly accounting, for example, the amount posted and the account.

The system also prevents the update objects from being changed in documents which have already been posted, independent
of the document change rules. Update objects are elements in the system for which transaction figures or line items are
updated, for example, business area or cost centres (if cost centre accounting is used in the SAP system). Update objects are
entered as additional account assignments during posting.

If you are using the Special Purpose Ledger application, you should ensure that fields which are updated there are protected
against changes in the document. Document changes do not affect updating in the special purpose ledger.


1. Check the default settings.

2. Change the specifications if necessary.

Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items

In this activity you define screen templates for the fast entry of G/L account items when posting documents. You can generate
screen templates with the field’s account, amount and company code, for example.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. If necessary, change or enhance the definitions.

2. If you want to assign a screen template to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Define Accounts for Cash Discount Granted

In this step, you define the account numbers for your cash discount expense accounts. The system posts the cash discount
amount to these accounts when clearing open items.

Your specifications are dependent on the chart of accounts. You can additionally distinguish your specifications by tax code.


1. Specify your accounts.

2. Make sure that the accounts are created.

Define Accounts for Overpayments/Underpayments

In this activity you define the numbers of revenue and expense accounts to which the system posts if the following
requirements are fulfilled:

- There is a difference in payment. The difference can result from an underpayment or an overpayment.

- The difference is within the tolerance limits for an automatic adjustment posting.

- The difference cannot be posted via cash discount adjustments.


Your specifications are dependent on chart of accounts.


1. Specify your accounts.

2. Make sure the accounts are created.

Define Accounts for Exchange Rate Differences

In this step you define the numbers of the accounts to which realized exchange rate differences are posted automatically
when clearing open items.

When clearing open items, the system posts realized gains or losses (realized exchange rate differences).
You therefore define expense accounts and revenue accounts.


You can also define the accounts for valuating open items in this step. You can, however, also still set these accounts when
making the specifications for the closing procedures. For more information on this, refer to the "Prepare automatic postings
for foreign currency valuation" chapter in the General Ledger Accounting Implementation Guide. In this step, what mainly
matters is that you define the accounts for the realized exchange rate differences. Otherwise you cannot post in foreign

You can differentiate the accounts by currency. Exchange rate gains and exchange rate losses are then posted to separate
accounts for the individual currencies. You may no longer change your accounts for the valuation posting after the first
valuation run. Otherwise valuation postings can no longer be cancelled.

1. Enter the account numbers for the accounts mentioned.

2. Make sure that the accounts are created before starting to post.

Define Account for Rounding Differences

Define Accounts for Bank Charges (Customers)

In this step, you define the account numbers for your bank charges accounts. The system posts the charges which you specify
in the bank item when settling payments to these accounts.


Your specifications are dependent on the chart of accounts.


1. Specify your accounts.

2. Make sure that the accounts are created.

Define Posting Keys for Clearing

In this step, you define posting keys that the system uses for automatically created line items during clearing procedures. The
payment program uses these posting keys as well.


For the "Transfer posting with clearing" transaction, additional document types are defined which the system uses.


If you use the posting keys from the standard system, you can take over the defined posting keys without changing them.


1. Check the default settings.

2. Change the settings if necessary.

Enable Translation Posting

For every company code, you determine whether translation gains or losses are to be posted for clearing open items in foreign


Select the company code for which translation postings are necessary.

Additional information

For more information on translation postings, see the section on "Foreign currency" in the "FI General Topics" document.


In the following steps, you make the settings for the payment differences.

Define Reason Codes

In this step, you define reason codes, per company code, for handling payment differences in the form of
- Residual items

- Partial payments

- Postings on account

Reason codes come about, for example, if the cash discount period was exceeded, if cash discount was taken when net
payment was due or simply if there is a computer error at the customer's.

Per reason code, you determine:

- In which company code it is valid

- Which correspondence type (payment notice to the customer) is connected to it

- Short text and long text of the reason code

Finally, you can set the A indicator (= charge off difference) for each reason code. This means that the payment difference
is charged off using a separate G/L account. You define this G/L account in the General Ledger Implementation Guide in
the "Create G/L accounts" step. For more information on this, read the chapter "Define accounts for payment differences".

If you do not set the indicator, then a new item is generated in the form of an outstanding receivable in the customer's account.

Standard system

In the standard system, the reason codes 050 to 060 are delivered with the accompanying correspondence types. This means
that you can send a specific payment notice to the customer for an incoming payment if there is just one reason code. For
more information on this, read the chapter on "Control the automatically generated payment notices.


Define your reason codes or check the ones delivered in the standard system and change them if necessary.

Define Accounts for Payment Differences

In this step, you set the account determination for the reason codes for which payment differences are charged off via a
separate G/L account. You define the corresponding expense accounts for this.


You can, for example, define a different expense account for the reason codes "Faulty goods", "Delivery too late" etc.


You have previously defined reason codes and determined whether an outstanding receivable is to be set for the customer or
whether the difference is to be charged off for each reason code. See the chapter "Define reason codes" for more information
on this.


Your specifications are dependent on the chart of accounts. You can also break down your specifications by tax code.


1. Specify your accounts per reason codes and, if required, also per tax code.

2. Make sure that the accounts are created.

Define Standard Reason Codes for Clearing w/ Payment Advice Notes

In this step, you make the default settings you need for manual incoming payment processing via payment advice notes. If a
difference between the payment advice item and the total of the allocated open items remains after selecting the open items,
residual items are created automatically. Up to three residual items can be created, one each for:

- differences for the gross amounts

- differences for the cash discount amounts

- other differences

The reason codes for alternative gross amounts and cash discount amounts are set in this step; the reasons for differences for
the other differences are copied from the payment advice item.


Other differences occur when the net amount in the payment advice item does not result from the difference Gross amount -
Cash discount. In this case, a reason code that represents the reason for the reduction of the payment amount specified by the
person paying can be specified in the payment advice item. For information on which default settings you must make for this
case, please refer to the two following chapters "Define reason code conversion version" and "Define conversion of payment
difference reason codes".


Define your reason codes for alternative gross amounts and cash discount amounts. You can also use the reason codes
delivered with the standard system.

Define Reason Code Conversion Version

In this step, you make the default settings you need for the manual incoming payment processing via payment advice notes.
If differences between the payment advice item and the total of the allocated open items occur after selecting the open items,
you can enter a reason code in the payment advice item. This represents the reason for the reduction of the payment amount
specified by the paying person.

The reasons specified by the customer, for example, "Delivery is useless", must now be set to internal (that is, known by the
system) reason codes. This conversion is necessary so that certain system activities are initialized, for example charging off
the payment difference and creating a residual item in the customer's account.

In this step, you make the preparations for this conversion. Define a version number for the reason code conversion. If you
specify this number during manual incoming payment processing, the external reason code of the customer is automatically
converted to an internal reason code. The version number can be additionally defined in the customer master for the company
code-dependent data. In this case, it appears in the payment advice note as a default value.

You can define several version numbers with different allocations - external reason code - internal reason code.


Define your version number(s) by entering an alphanumeric code with up to three characters.

Further notes

Then allocate the external reason codes to the internal reason codes under a particular version number. For more detailed
information, refer to the chapter "Define conversion of payment difference reason codes".
Define Conversion of Payment Difference Reason Codes

In this step, you allocate the reasons for the reduction of the payment amount specified by the person paying (= external
reason codes) to internal (that is, known to the system) reason codes under a certain version number. Due to this conversion,
certain system activities are initiated, for example charging off, carrying forward the residual item and so on

It is possible to allocate different internal reason codes to the same external reason code - if you make the allocation under
different version numbers.


You created version numbers beforehand. For more information, refer to the chapter "Define reason code conversion
Standard settings

The reason codes 050 to 060 are delivered with the standard system. For more detailed information, refer to the chapter
"Define reason codes".


Under a certain version number allocate internal reason codes to external reason codes.

Payment Block Reasons

The following sections explain how to set block indicators for payment transactions.

Define Payment Block Reasons

Using payment blocking reasons, you can differentiate why invoices are to be blocked for payment.

For each block indicator, you must decide whether:

- Changes are allowed in the payment proposal.

If the indicator is not set, the reason for blocking cannot be set nor removed when a payment proposal is processed.

- Documents defined with the block key are also not to be cleared during manual payment entry.


If items are missing or errors are found in a delivery during the goods receipt control and the invoices should not be paid
because of the missing items or errors, you can define a separate payment blocking reason for this situation.

Payment blocking reasons are valid for all company codes. By using the reasons for payment blocking, you can also prevent
items from being processed manually with the clearing procedures "Incoming payment" and "Outgoing payment". You
define a blocking reason to do this and mark it accordingly.
Such items can always be transferred or reversed.

Standard settings

In the SAP standard system, the following reasons for payment blocking, for example, are defined:
Blocking reason Name

““(=blank) Released for payment

"R" Blocked by invoice verification


1. Find out the reasons why invoices are to be blocked for payment in your department.

2. Enter the indicators and descriptions for the payment blocking reasons that exist in your company.

Define Default Values for Payment Block

In this step, you can change (based on the payment terms) the blocking key value that is proposed as a default when entering
postings to customer accounts and vendor accounts.


You have already defined payment block reasons and payment terms.


Change the default value.

Payment Advice Notes (Incoming)

In the following steps, you make the settings for incoming payment notices.

Define Payment Advice Types

In this step, you define the following attributes for the payment advice types predefined by the system:

- Minimum retention period in the system

In this case, you specify the number of days a payment advice note must be in the system before it may be deleted

- Authorization group
You can assign authorizations for entering, changing, displaying and deleting payment advice notes.
The authorizations can be assigned for certain company codes and for certain payment advice types. The authorization
is optional. You only need them if not every accounting clerk is to have the authorization to enter, change, display and
delete payment advice notes. For more information on authorization maintenance, please refer to the chapter "User
Maintenance" in the "Financial accounting global settings" Implementation Guide.

If you want to assign authorizations, they must be maintained beforehand. More information for this can be found, as already
mentioned above, in the "User maintenance" chapter of the "Financial accounting global settings" Implementation Guide.

Standard settings

The following payment advice types are delivered with the standard system:

- 01: Payment advice note with lockbox procedure

- 02: Payment advice note from account statement

- 03: Payment advice note is created within manual clearing processing

- 04: Payment advice note entered manually

- 05: Payment advice note from credit memo display

- 06: Payment advice note of customer (EDI)

These payment advice types are predefined, that is, you cannot create any other payment advice types.


Add the corresponding information (minimum retention period, authorization group) for the payment advice types you are

Choose Selection Fields for Payment Advice Notes

In this step, you specify the fields via which the system is to make selections when displaying payment advice items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

1 Choose External Selection Fields for Payment Advice Notes

In this step, you define external selection fields. These are used for identifying invoices, such as from delivery note numbers,
for which no fields exists in Financial Accounting.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.
Define Selection Rules

In this activity you make the preparations for the correct identification of open items.

In the payment advice item, you enter data that is to result in selecting an open item (for example document number, reference
number, billing document number). You need so-called selection rules to convert the data, the person paying sends you, (for
example, delivery note number) into information the system can understand. According to these rules, an internal selection
field as well as a value to be selected for the determination of the open items is derived from an external selection field.

The selection rule can be defined in the customer master with the company code-dependent data. In this case, it is stated in
the payment advice note as a default value.


The customer sends a payment advice note in form of a delivery note with the external selection field "Delivery note number".
The system now determines the internal selection field "Document number" by means of the defined rules by finding the
value that is relevant for determining the open item.


Define your selection rules.

Allocate selection fields

In this step you assign internal selection fields, that is, selection fields the system knows, to external selection fields (data
the customer sends you, such as a delivery note number) under a certain selection rule.

This assignment is necessary to ensure the correct identification of the open items.


You have already defined selection rules. For more information, see Define Selection Rules


Make the necessary assignments between external and internal selection fields.

Payment Advice Overview: Define Line Layout

In this step, you determine which information is to be made available on the screen for the payment advice overview (such
as payment advice item, document number, selection field).

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Payment Advice Overview: Choose Standard Line Layout

In this step, you define standard default values for the line layout. These variants are used when calling the display for the
first time if you do not select any other variant.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Manual Incoming Payments

In the following steps, you make the settings for manual incoming payments.

Define Tolerance Groups for Employees

In this activity, you predefine various amount limits for your employees with which you determine:

- the maximum document amount the employee is authorized to post

- the maximum amount the employee can enter as a line item in a customer or vendor account

- the maximum cash discount percentage the employee can grant in a line item

- The maximum acceptable tolerance for payment differences for the employee.

Payment differences are posted automatically within certain tolerance groups. This way the system can post the difference
by correcting the cash discount or by posting to a separate expense or revenue account.

In this respect you define:

- the amounts or percentage rates up to which the system is to automatically post to a separate expense or revenue account
if it is not possible to correct the cash discount or

- Up to which difference amounts the system is to correct the cash discount. In this case the cash discount is automatically
increased or decreased by the difference. Using tolerance groups.

You can also additionally differentiate these settings by company code. Since the same rules usually apply to a group of
employees, enter the values for employee groups. You can then enter amount limits and tolerances per employee group and
company code.


You can also define tolerances without specifying a tolerance group. Leave the field Grp empty in this case. The stored
tolerances are then valid for all employees who are not allocated to a group. There must be at least one entry for every
company code.

You can also specify tolerances for clearing procedures depending on your customers or vendors. The lower limits from the
customer/vendor specifications and employee group are taken in each case during clearing.

Standard settings

In the system, sample tolerances are defined for the standard company codes.


1. For every company code, find out which tolerances are to be determined and whether a differentiation according to
employee group is necessary. If you want to define different tolerances for your employees, specify the amount limits
for each of the groups. If the tolerance limits are to apply to all employees, leave the "group" field empty.

2. Define the tolerances correspondingly.

3. If you have defined differing tolerance groups, you then have to assign your employees to a certain tolerance group.
To do this, select the activity "Assign users to tolerance groups". This is where you enter your employees under the
relevant groups.

Assign User/Tolerance Groups

In this activity, you assign Financial Accounting employees to whom you wish to give special tolerances to a group.
Tolerances are defined for a group for posting and clearing documents or line items.


For employees that you do not assign to a group, you must define tolerance values for which you leave the Group field blank
and only specify the company code. For more information on this, see Define Tolerances (Vendors)


Enter your employees under the required group.

Define Tolerances (Customers)

In this step, you specify the tolerances for customers. These tolerances are used for dealing with
Differences in payment and residual items which can occur during payment settlement. Specify the tolerances under one or
more tolerance groups. Allocate a tolerance group to each customer via the master record. For each tolerance group, specify
the following:

- Tolerances up to which differences in payment are posted automatically to expense or revenue accounts when clearing
open items

- The handling of the terms of payment for residual items, if they are to be posted during clearing


If you want to assign a set payment term to a tolerance group for posting residual items from payment differences, you must
first define the terms of payment. Read more about this in the chapter called Maintain terms of payment.

If you want to allocate a dunning key for a tolerance group, you first have to define the dunning keys.
Read more about this in the chapter Define dunning keys.


1. Identify groups of customers which have identical tolerances.

2. Create the required tolerance groups for your customers.

3. Make sure that the required tolerance groups are allocated in the customers' master records.

Additional information

If you want to work with uniform tolerances for all customers in a company code, create a tolerance group with the key
"blank" in that company code. In this case, it will not be necessary to enter a tolerance group in the customer master record.
You can also use the "blank" tolerance group if you want to more specifically control tolerances for certain customers than
for others, for example. To achieve this, create tolerance group "0001" for the customers who should have restricted
tolerances, and enter this group in their master records. This will cause all other customers to automatically have the "blank"
tolerance group.

Make sure that you can also define tolerances for your employees. During clearing, the lower limit from the specifications
for the customer and for the group of employees will be valid.

Clearing Differences

Define Tolerances for Customers/Vendors

In this activity you define the tolerances for customers/vendors. The tolerances are used for dealing with payment differences
and residual items that may arise when payment clearing is carried out. You specify the tolerances in one or more tolerance
groups and assign a tolerance group to each customer/vendor using the master record. For each tolerance group specify the
- Tolerances, up to which payment differences arising from open item clearing can be automatically posted to expense
or revenue accounts

- The treatment of terms of payment for residual items if they are to be posted during clearing


Ensure that you can also Define Tolerance Groups for Employees. For clearing, the lower limit from the specifications for
the customer/vendor, and the specifications for the employee group are valid.


If you want to enter fixed terms of payment for posting residual items from payment differences for a tolerance group, you
have to define the terms of payment first. To do this, see Maintain Terms of Payment.

If you want to assign a dunning key to a tolerance group, you must have already defined the dunning key.
To do this, see Define Dunning Keys.


1. Identify groups of customers/vendors to which identical tolerances apply.

2. Create the required tolerance groups for your customers/vendors.

3. Make sure that the required tolerance groups are assigned to the customers/vendors in the master record.

Further notes

If you want to work with uniform tolerances for all customers/vendors in a company code, create a tolerance group with the
key "blank" ( ) for the company code. In this case, you do not have to enter the tolerance group in the customer/vendor master
record. You can also use a tolerance group with key "blank" ( ), if for example, you want to define lower tolerances for
particular customer/vendors than others. In this case, for example, you create a tolerance group 0001 with low tolerances for
the customers/vendors and then enter this tolerance group in the customer/vendor master record. All other customers/vendors
automatically have the tolerance group "blank" ( ) assigned to them.
Define Tolerance Groups for Employees

In this activity you specify the various amount limits for your employees. These limits determine:

- The maximum amount for which an employee is permitted to post a document

- The maximum amount for which an employee is permitted to enter a line item in a customer or vendor account

- The discount percentage the employee is permitted to enter in a line item

- To what amount payment differences can be accepted

Payment differences within specific tolerance groups are automatically posted. The system posts the difference by either
adjusting the discount or posting it to a separate expense or revenue account.

To do this you have to define:

- The amounts or percentage rates that the system should automatically post to a separate expense or revenue account if
adjusting the discount is not possible, and/or

- The maximum difference amounts for which the system should adjust the discount. In these cases, the discount is
automatically increased or reduced by the difference amount.

You can also make these specifications per company code. Since the same limits usually apply for a group of employees,
enter the limits per employee group. You then define the amount limits and tolerances per employee group and company


You can also define tolerances without specifying tolerance groups. In this case leave the field Grp blank. The tolerances
then apply to all employees that have not been assigned to a group. There must be at least one entry for each company code.

You can Define Tolerances for Customers/Vendors. For clearing, the lower limits from the trading partner and the employee
group apply.

Standard settings

Sample tolerances are defined in the company codes delivered.


1. For each company code, determine which tolerances should be defined and whether differentiation according to
employee group is required. If you want to determine different tolerances for your employees, enter different amount
limits for each group. If the tolerance limits are to apply to all employees, leave the field Group blank.

2. Define the tolerances accordingly.

3. If you have defined different tolerance groups, you then have to assign your employees to a specific tolerance group.
To do this select the activity Assign Users to Tolerance Groups.

Assign Users to Tolerance Groups

In this activity you can assign a Financial Accounting employee for whom you want to define special tolerances to a group.
Tolerances for posting and clearing documents or document line items are defined for the group.

For the employees that you do not assign to a group, you have to define tolerance values. When you
Define the tolerances, you must leave the field Group blank and only specify the company code. For more information see
Define Tolerances for Customers/Vendors.


Enter your employees in the required groups.

For the blank group, this is not necessary.

Define Accounts for Clearing Differences

When you are clearing customer/vendor accounts, these tolerance groups specify limits within which differences are accepted
and automatically posted to predefined accounts. In this activity you define the accounts to which these differences should
be automatically posted.

Residual Item Posting in Invoice Currency


In this activity, you can activate company codes to carry out a residual item posting in invoice currency for them.

Similar to the transaction transfer posting with clearing F-30, the residual items are cleared in the payment document and
posted as open item to the same customer in the currency of the original invoice.

The clearing document number in the original invoice, in the residual item of the payment document, and in the new residual
item documents is the number of the payment document.

For a payment document with one or more residual items, these residual items are cleared irrespective of the currency and
a new residual item document is posted for each residual item. The following information is copied from the invoice for the
new residual item:

- Document date, reference document number, currency key ( XBLNR, BLDAT, WAERS )

- Invoice reference (REBZG, REBZJ, REBZZ, REBZT)

For the transfer posting the following information is taken from the payment for the new residual item:

- Posting date (BKPF-BUDAT)

- Translation date (BKPF-WWERT)

The amounts of the new residual item are translated as follows:

- The amount of the new residual item in document currency is re determined from the local currency amount using the
date of the payment document.
- The amounts of the new residual item in the second and third local currency are taken from the residual item of the
payment document. Even if Customizing defines a determination of the second and third local currency based on the
document currency, only those exchange rates based on the time of payment are adjusted. However, this has no effect
on the amounts in parallel currency.


In Customizing, you have activated Residual Item Transfer Posting in Invoice Currency in table T041AR for at least
one company code.
There you have defined a document type for the company code in which a residual in document currency is to be posted.
This document type is used for the additional transfer posting document in invoice currency.

If extended withholding tax has been activated for a company code in a line item, if withholding tax data exists for the
customer, no additional residual item document in invoice currency is posted.

Since classic withholding tax can only be posted for vendors in a company code in which extended withholding tax has not
been activated, in this case also no additional residual item documents in invoice currency are posted, since this function is
only supported for customer accounts.

You have selected a document type with internal number assignment.

Prepare Cross-Company Code Manual Payments

In this step, you specify which company codes are processed by another company code for manual payments and other
clearing procedures.


You can differentiate this specification by clearing procedure. As a result, you can select different combinations for incoming
payments, outgoing payments and other clearing entries. Your specification only applies to the manual processing of open
items. Specifications for the payment program are made separately.


You have defined the clearing accounts for cross-company code transactions.


If you want to clear cross-company code payments manually, specify which company codes are to be processed by another
company code.

Make Settings for Processing Open Items

Define Line Layout

In this step, you determine which information is to be made available on the screen when processing line items (for example,
document type, document number, account number, company code).


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to the specifications if necessary.

2. If you want to allocate a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.
Choose Standard Line Layout

In this step, you define what information is to be available as a standard when processing line items. If you display the line
items and have not selected any other line layout variant, the standard variant is displayed.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Choose Selection Fields

In this step, you specify the fields via which the system is to make selections when processing line items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Choose Search Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Choose Sort Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Outgoing Payment Notices

In the following steps, you make the settings for outgoing payment notices.

Make and Check Settings for Correspondence

You can make new settings for correspondence here, or check existing settings:

- If you have already made settings for correspondence in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation
Guide, you can check that these settings are correct here.
- If you have not yet made any settings, you can do so here.

Define Correspondence Types

In this activity, you create your own correspondence types or change the specifications for the standard correspondence types.
A correspondence type represents the type of letters in the system. You must create a correspondence type for the possible
correspondences for each type of letter which you need.

In the standard system there are the correspondence types "Payment notice with line items", "Payment notice without
line items", "Document extract" or "Account statement". You can define further correspondence types for payment
notices, such as payment notices especially for payments which are made for invoices already cleared, or for credit
memos cleared twice.

The correspondence types are

- Offered to the user by the system for selection when processing business transactions or

- Created automatically according to rules defined by the user or

- Always created automatically by the system

You can select the correspondence type "Payment notice" when entering incoming payments. Bill of exchange charges
statements are created automatically for your customers' payments by bill of exchange if charges to be passed on were

You determine which data is necessary for creating the letters for the correspondence types. The following data is necessary
for the correspondences:

Correspondence Necessary data

Payment notices Document number

Account statements Account number and date specifications
Bill/exch.charges statements Document number
Internal documents Document number
Individual letters Account number
Document extracts Document number
This data is either entered manually by the user or is determined automatically by the system after he/she has selected the
relevant correspondence type.

If you select the correspondence type "Payment notice without line items" in the account display, then you must specify
a document number since the correspondence type requires this. If you have specified in the customer master record
that the payment notices are to be created automatically, then the system determines the necessary data when posting
an incoming payment.

Standard settings

Correspondence types are delivered with the standard system. Their keys begin with SAP.

You can use the standard correspondence types. If you want to make changes to them, copy the required correspondence
type and change the new correspondence type accordingly. This is necessary since the standard correspondence types could
be overwritten during the next change of release.


1. Find out which letters were sent to your customers/vendors previously.

2. Find out whether a correspondence type is already defined for these in the standard system.

3. Define your own correspondence types if necessary.

Create Report Variants for Correspondence

In this activity you can define the selection variants for the correspondence that you require.

You define the selection variants independently of the company code and the type of correspondence.


Correspondence type internal document, program RFKORD30, variant SAP09


Usually only the fields in the output control and print control areas, as well as the field correspondence in the test run area,
are of interest for a selection variant.

The remaining fields in the test run area are used if the documents are to be output directly with the print program.


1. Find out the name of the appropriate print program. You can get an overview of the existing programs using the function
Tools -> Program search. To search for standard programs, enter RFKORD*, or to search for customer-defined
programs ZFKORD*, for example. An up-to-date list of programs is displayed.

2. Select the required program from the list and run it. The system takes you to the selection screen. Here you can either
change an existing variant or create one of your own.
To change a standard variant, you can display the variant using the function fetch variant. You can then change these
variants and then save them under your own name (customer name range). To create your own variant, enter the
selection criteria directly and then save this variant under your own name (customer name range).

3. In Customizing, specify the report name and the variant for the report assignment for the correspondence type. You can
do this in the activity Assign Programs for Correspondence Types.

Additional information

There are report variants for the different correspondence types in client 000. For more information about the system settings,
see the corresponding program documentation.

Assign Programs for Correspondence Types

In this activity, you define the print program and the selection variant corresponding to each correspondence type. The
selection variant is used when printing the requested correspondence.
Correspondence Print program
Payment notices RFKORD00
Account statements RFKORD10
Bill/exch.charges statements RFKORD20
Internal documents RFKORD30
Individual letters RFKORD40
Document extracts RFKORD50
Customer statement RFKORD11
You can distinguish your specifications by company code. This is usually necessary for companies with several company
codes, since you also enter the printer on which you want your correspondence to be issued in the selection variant.


Specify the name of the print program and the required variant for each correspondence type.
You can create the variant using the configuration function. Select go to -> Maintain variant.

Additional information

You can find further information on the selection variants in the sections for the individual types of correspondence.

Define Forms for Correspondence

In this activity you can define the forms (layout sets) for your business correspondence.

Standard settings

Forms for correspondence are already defined in the standard system.


SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part.

If you want to make changes to the forms, SAP recommends NOT to change the standard forms, but to first copy them and
then make changes to the copied version.


If you are using the standard forms, you do not need to make any settings here.

Proceed as follows to define your own forms:

1. Enter the standard form you want to copy.

2. Choose Layout set -> Create/Change.
You will then see the header data screen for the layout set.

3. Choose Layout set -> Save as... and enter a new name.
The name of the new layout set should start with the letter "Z" or "Y" in order to ensure that it is not overwritten during
upgrades. Assign the layout set to the layout set class FKOR.

4. Edit and activate the new form.

Define Form Names for Correspondence Print

In this activity, you define the names of the forms which are to be used for printing the correspondence.

The system attempts to create the letters for your customers/vendors in the language specified in the customer/vendor master
record. Internal documents are issued in the company code or logon language. To do this, the corresponding form must be
available in the required language in the system. You should therefore translate the forms into the required languages if they
are not already available in the standard system.

You define the form names depending on the company code, print program and a form ID. With the help of the form ID, it
is possible to store different forms for one print report.


You want to create account statements with and without displaying the days in arrears. For this, you defined a correspondence
type. For every account statement type you also create your own form and store the names of the forms for the print program
"RFKORD10" under your own form ID.

If you want to use the form IDs, you should note that you must enter them in the selection variants for the print reports. You
need the corresponding number of variants.


You are to be able to create payment notices with and without an individual text. To do this, you store a form without
form ID for the program RFKORD00. This form does not have any individual texts defined for it. You store another
form under a form ID. This form does have an individual text defined for it. You create two selection variants for the
print program and store these variants for the relevant correspondence types in the system.

Text elements are contained in the standard forms. Text elements offer the option of storing different, alternative texts in a
form which are then printed depending on the posting procedure.


In the standard form for payment notices, a text element is stored for the case that a credit memo was to be posted and
another text element for the case that a partial payment was to be posted for an incoming payment.
For your information, the individual text elements are commented on in the standard forms.


In the letter, you can display the segment text (posting text) of an item. An asterisk (*) must be at the beginning of the text
To define your own forms, copy the standard ones and change them. Delete the print texts you do not need. Make sure the
numbers of the available text elements and the commentary lines remain for each text element. The commentary lines contain
the character /* in the form column.


1. Find out the names of the standard forms.

2. Check whether you can use these forms.

3. Define and activate your own forms and translate them, if necessary.

4. Store the names of the forms.

Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form

In this activity, you define which texts are to be used in the letter window and the signature line for each company code. This
applies to the following:

- letter header

- letter footer

- sender address


This procedure is useful if you use a form for several company codes, since you do not need to define these details in the
form or use pre-printed writing paper. In this case, the company code-specific texts must be stored separately.


1. Create your standard texts. The text ID is ADRS.

2. Specify which texts are to be used for the

individual company codes.

To transport the texts from the Customizing system to the productive system, include them in a transport request.

1. Choose Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> ABAP Editor.

2. Enter the program name RSTXTRAN.

3. Enter the name of the correction and the text ID, and then execute the transport.

Determine Call-Up Functions

In this activity, you specify which correspondence types can be selected online within which functions.

The following functions are included:

- document entry

- functions for payment settlement

- document display and document change

- Account editing (balance display and line item processing).


Payment notices can only be selected for payment transactions, whilst account statements can be selected in all of the above


You do not make a specification for the bill of exchange charges statement. You cannot select the statement of bill of
exchange charges - it is created automatically for your customers if bill of exchange charges were posted.

Make your specifications dependent on company code. If no entry exists for a company code, the correspondence types
specified without company code are offered.

1. Check the standard specifications.

2. Change them if necessary.

If you defined your own correspondence types, you must include them here and make your specification.

Develop Enhancements for Correspondence

The following SAP enhancements are available for the "Correspondence" area:

- RFKORIEX for automatic correspondence


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to
Be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed)
if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.

Define Sort Variants for Correspondence

In this activity, you define sort variants for printing letters for all of the various correspondence types.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. Enter the sort variants in the printing program for correspondence.

0 Define Sort Variants for Line Items

In this activity, you define correspondence sort variants for the line item output sequence in letters.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. You specify sort variants in the payment method layout set data for the company code, so that the print program carries
out the sorting for that payment method as you require. Select customizing for the print program to make these settings.

Control the Automatically Generated Payment Notices

Payment notices can be created automatically. You have two options for doing this:
- The payment notices are to be created depending on the business transaction. This is possible for
residual items, partial payments or payments on account.

- The payment notices are to be created depending on the customer for each incoming payment.
To do this, mark the field Cust. (With CI) or the field Cust. (W/o CI) in the customer master record. This specification
has a higher priority than the first option.

If you want to create payment notices for residual items, partial payments or payments on account, store the correspondence
type which is to be used in this step for every company code for which you require this and dependent on the tolerance group.

In addition, you have the option of sending a specific payment notice to the customer for the incoming payment. To do this,
you must set the " reason code" indicator. This is, however, only valid if there is only one payment reason code. If
there are several payment reason codes, for example, "10% deduction due to faulty goods" and "Cash discount deducted
when net payment due", then the type of payment notice is determined again using the tolerance group.


In company code 0001, you would always like to create a payment notice without line item display for residual items. To do
this, define the correspondence type "SAP02". You do not want, however, to use the general correspondence type "SAP02"
if there is just one reason for the payment difference, but to generate a payment notice suitable for just the one reason. To do
this, set the " reason code" indicator. If there is more than one reason code, then the correspondence type "SAP02" is
taken as before.


If you want to send a suitable payment notice according to a reason code, you must first of all define reason codes. In the
standard system, there are a number of reason codes delivered with the accompanying correspondence types. For more
information on this, please read the chapter "Defining reason codes".


You can make your specification depending on the tolerance group for payment differences. The tolerance groups must also
have been entered in the customer master records.


1. Find out for which company codes and business transactions payment notices are to be created automatically. Enter
these company codes and the necessary details.

2. Find out for which customers payment notices are always to be created automatically. Ensure that the corresponding
fields are selected in the master records.
3. Ensure that print programs, selection variants, layout sets and standard texts are stored for the relevant correspondence
Create Receipt Lot

In this step, you define receipt lots per company code. Receipts are divided into receipt lots to allocate this to a number range
group in a second step.


Define your receipt lots per company code.

Further notes

You make the allocation of the lots to number ranges in the following step. In this step, you can only display the number
range you maintained.

Assign Receipt Lots to Number Ranges

In this activity you assign the receipt lots you created to a number range group. You define your number ranges per number
range group.


Your specifications are company code-dependent.


You have already created receipt lots in the previous step. For more information, see Create Receipt Lots


1. To define the number range groups, choose the switch "Maintain groups".

2. Choose Groups -> Insert and define the group by entering the text and specifying the corresponding number range.

3. Then allocate the receipt lots to the groups. To do this, select the corresponding receipt lot with "Select element", then
mark the group and choose "Allocate element to group".

4. Save your entries.

Define Stamp Tax

In this step, you make the specifications on how stamp tax is calculated (i.e. the tax amount that is levied for every receipt
depending on the amount involved (without tax on sales/ purchases)).

For this, you define the following information:

- Country (=Japan)
- Currency (=JPY)

- Level of the stamp tax calculation rule (level 1 up to a maximum amount of 29,999 is tax-exempt, for example)
- the maximum base amount for the tax calculation

- the tax amount to be paid


Make the default settings for calculating stamp tax.

Automatic Incoming Payments

In the following steps you make the settings for automatic incoming payments.

Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program

In the following steps, you make the settings for payment method and/or bank selection.

Set Up Payment Program

This activity is found in Customizing under Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ->
Business Transactions -> Outgoing Payments -> Automatic Outgoing Payments -> Payment Method/Bank
Selection for Payment Program.

In this activity you make the settings that control the payment program. You determine:

- Which company codes are included in payment transactions and which company codes make payments.

- Which payment methods can be used?

For the payment method, you make specifications that are either dependent on the country or on the paying company

- Whether you want to use payment method supplements.

You can group payments using payment method supplements (mailstop codes) and therefore, for example, control the
sending of checks.

- From which bank accounts payment is made.

The payment program can select the bank account according to defined rules or you can specify
From which account a payment is to be made.

- With which form payment is made.

The forms are to be defined in the system using SAP script. For every paying company code, you specify which form
is used per payment method.

You can also make down payments with the payment program and pay with bills of exchange. For more information on these
special features, see the FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable documentation.


You have created your house banks in the Define House Banks activity.


1. Find out which forms are used for payment transactions in your company.

a) Check whether the forms you use are defined in the system.

b) Change the predefined forms if necessary, or create new forms.

2. Find out which company codes pay and which company codes participate in payment transactions.

3. Make the settings for payment transactions for all company codes. Choose the activity Set up All Company Codes for
Payment Transactions.
If you wish to use payment method supplements, activate the relevant attribute. Choose Company code -> all, and
then the required company code. Select the Payment method supplements attribute.
If you wish to display the payment method supplement field in line item display for customers or vendors, you can
define appropriate display variants. The same applies when displaying payments and paid items in the function for
displaying payment proposals. Choose the following activities:

a) Define Line Layout

b) Make Settings for Displaying Payments

c) Make Settings for Displaying Line Items

4. Make the settings for payment transactions for the paying company codes. Choose Set Up Paying Company Codes for
Payment Transactions

5. Find out which payment methods are generally used in your company and which payment methods are used in the
individual paying company codes.

When defining a payment method, you enter keys which must have been defined previously. These include:

- The document type for posting the payment

- The special G/L indicator for posting a bill of exchange

- The forms for printing payment media, payment advice notes, and check/bills of exchange

a) Check whether the payment methods your company needs are defined in the system. To do this, choose Set up
Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions.

b) Make the payment method settings for each company code. To do so, choose Set up Payment Methods per
Company Code.

6. Make sure that the payment methods to be used to pay the open items of a customer/vendor are entered in the relevant
customer/vendor master records.

7. For the paying company codes, specify the bank accounts to be used for making payments. To do so, choose Set up
Bank Determination for Payment Transactions.

a) Enter the banks and the bank ranking order. Select the paying company code, and double-click Ranking.

b) Define the bank accounts. Select the paying company code and double-click Bank accounts.
c) Define the available amounts. Select the paying company code and double-click Available amounts.

d) Define the value date. Select the paying company code and double-click Value date.

e) Define the charges for bill of exchange payments. Select the paying company code and double-click

8. Order the required forms.

If you want to issue payment forms in different currencies, you should print the currency key using the print program.
The forms should then not contain a currency key.

Further notes

You can find detailed information on configuring the payment program in the SAP Library under Financials ->
Financial Accounting -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments.

Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you make specifications for all company codes involved in payment transactions.

For each company code, you make the following specifications:

- Paying company code

You assign a paying company code to each company code. This means that you can have one company code process
payment transactions centrally for several company codes.
For more information about cross-company code settlement, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial
Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable -> Payments.

- Separate payment per business area

- Use payment method supplements

Select the field if you wish to use payment method supplements, and then define the payment
Method supplements in the activity Define Payment Method Supplements. If you wish to display the Payment
method supplement field in the line item display for customers and vendors, you can define the corresponding
display variants. The same applies to the functions for displaying payments and paid items when displaying payment
proposals. For this, choose the following activities:

- Define Line Layout

- Make Settings for Displaying Payments

- Make Settings for Displaying Line Items

- Cash discount and tolerance

The payment program uses these entries to determine the cash discount strategy for the company code.

- Special G/L transactions

Specify which special G/L transactions are to be settled for customers and vendors.
Example: FPA
F = Down payment request
P = Payment request
A = Down payment on current assets

You have defined which company codes are to be involved in payment transactions.


Make the required entries.

Further notes

For more information about Customizing for payment transactions, see the SAP Library under Financials ->
Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable -> Payments.

Set Up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you make the following specifications for the paying company codes:

- Data for controlling the payment program

Here you specify the minimum amount for which an incoming or outgoing payment is created, for example. You can
define additional amount limits for the payment method. To do so, choose the activity Set up Payment Methods per
Company Code for Payment Transactions.
- Specifications for paying with bills of exchange
You can show or hide the settings for paying with bills of exchange.

- Forms and sender details for advice notes and EDI accompanying sheets
If you wish to print payment advice notes or an EDI accompanying sheet, specify the form name. Specify also the SAP
script text modules that contain details about the sender that are to be printed on the payment advice note. You can go
directly from this transaction to the transaction for editing forms and text modules.

Standard settings

The standard system contains forms for payment advice notes and EDI accompanying sheets which you can copy and adjust
to meet your requirements.

Further notes

For more information about Customizing for payment transactions, see the SAP Library under Financials ->
Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable -> Payments.

The chapter Forms also contains more information about adjusting forms.
Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you specify which payment methods are to be used in each country. You enter the following details for the
payment method:

- Country-Specific Specifications for the Payment Method:

- Payment method either for incoming or outgoing payments

- Characteristics for classifying payment method

Here you specify the type of payment method in question (such as check or bank transfer) and any other features
of that payment method (the payment method is used for personnel payments, for example).
When you select a payment method, only the characteristics that are appropriate for that payment method are
displayed. This means that you can only select fields that are relevant for the selected payment method.

- Required entries in master record

Here you determine which specifications in the master record control whether the payment method is used (such
as bank details or collection authorization).
Note: If the required details have not been entered in the master record, the payment method cannot be used.
- Posting specifications
You specify how the payment is to be posted, for example (such as which document type is to be used).

- Which procedure is to be used to issue the accompanying payment form

One option is to use the classic payment medium programs. All the payment medium programs contain extensive
country-specific documentation. If required, you can call up a list of all the payment medium programs available
in the standard system, as described under Activities. You can also use the Payment Medium Workbench for the
payment forms. For more information, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting ->
Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ->
Payments -> Payment Medium Workbench.

- You also specify which currencies are to be permitted, dependent on the country and payment method. If you
leave the currency table blank, this means that all currencies are permitted.
If the payment method only allows payments in local currency, the system ignores any currencies specified.

- If you use the Payment Medium Workbench, read the documentation under Make Settings for Payment Medium
Formats from Payment Medium Workbench in the section Payment Media.


- You have specified which payment methods are used by your organization.

- You have already defined the following keys, which you need to enter here:

- document type for posting the payment (see Customizing under Financial Accounting ->
Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Document -> Document Header -> Define Document Types.)

- special G/L indicator for posting a bill of exchange


Ensure that the payment methods to be used for paying the open items of a business partner have been entered in the
appropriate customer or vendor master record.

1. Check whether the payment methods required for your organization are defined in the system.

2. Make the necessary adjustments to the required payment methods, and enter the country-specific data.

List payment media programs

3. Choose System -> Services -> Reporting.

4. Enter RFFO* and choose Utilities -> Find program -> Program -> Execute.
A list of the payment medium programs appears. The title of the programs explains their purpose.

Further notes

For more information about payments, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts
Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments.

For more information about special G/L procedures and posting with alternative reconciliation accounts, see the SAP
Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts
Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Special G/L Transactions: Down Payments and Payment Guarantees.

For more information about bills of exchange, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Bank
Accounting -> Bills of Exchange Management -> Special G/L Transactions: Bills of Exchange.

Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you specify which payment methods can be used per company code and determine the conditions under
which a payment method should be used.

- Amount limits for payments within which the payment program can select the payment method Note:
You always have to specify a maximum amount, otherwise the payment method cannot be used. If you specify the
payment method in an open item, the payment program ignores the amounts you enter here.

- Specifications for grouping items for payment (such as single payment for marked items)

- Specifications for foreign/foreign currency payments

- Specifications for optimizing bank selection

- Specifications for the form to be used for the payment medium

- Specifications for issuing payment advice notes

You can optimize either by bank groups or by postal codes. If you optimize by bank groups, money is transferred from the
house bank to the business partner’s bank in the shortest possible time. For this to be possible, you assign all banks in the
master records to a bank group defined by you.

If you optimize by postal codes, the house bank selection is determined by the business partner's domicile. If you select the
"Optimization by postal codes" field, you can go directly to the activity for assigning house banks to an interval of postal

Foreign payment/Foreign currency payment

If you specify that the payment method can also be used for foreign currencies, all currencies are permitted. In the activity
Set up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions, you can also specify certain currencies per payment method
and country. Only payments in these specified currencies are then made using this payment method.
If the payment method only permits local currency payments, the specified currencies are ignored.

- For a transitional period, the existing local currency and the EURO can be used for domestic bank transfers. You permit
payments in foreign currency for the payment method "Bank transfer", and enter the EURO and the existing local
currency as the possible currencies.

- You can only use a payment method such as EURO bank transfer for specific currencies.

- You use foreign currency checks with a pre-printed currency key (USD checks, for example) and you wish to set up a
payment method that you only use for payments in USD, and USD is not your local currency.

Payment advice note control

Depending on the space available on the payment medium form for information about the note to payee, you have the
following options:

- If unlimited space is available, you do not need to print payment advice notes (for checks, for example), but can do so
if desired.

- If there is no space available, a payment advice note containing all the information about the purpose of payment is
always printed (for bills of exchange, for example).

- If only limited space is available and there is therefore a risk that the space will not be sufficient, you can choose from
the following options:

- You can have the system create a payment advice note containing the information about the note to payee.
If a payment advice note is to be created every time, select "Always payment advice". The note to payee is then
printed on both the form (as far as the number of lines selected on the form allow) and the payment advice note.
If insufficient space is available, a payment advice note indicator is printed on the payment medium.
A payment advice note can only be created if the note to payee information does not fit into the available space.
Select Payment advice after X lines.

- You can have the system distribute the items between several forms. To do so, select No payment advice and
Distribute items, XX lines per payment.

- You can have the payment program determine another payment method if insufficient space is available. To do so,
choose No payment advice and Payment method valid to xx lines.


- You have specified which payment methods are used in each paying company code.

- You have already defined the forms for printing payment media. You do this in the system using SAP script.
For more information, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting ->
Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable -> Payments -> Forms, and under Basis Components -> Basis
Services/Communication Interfaces (BC-SRV) -> SAP script (BC-SRV-SCR) -> BC SAP script: Printing with


Make sure that the payment methods to be used for settling the business partner's open items have been entered in the
customer/vendor master records.

Check whether the payment methods required by your organization have been defined in the system.

Further notes

For more information about payments, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts
Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments.

Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you make settings that the payment program uses to select the banks or bank accounts from which payment
is to be made. You define the following:

- Ranking order of banks

You specify which house banks are permitted and rank them in a list.

- Bank accounts
For each house bank and payment method (and currency, if required), you specify which bank account is to be used for

- Available amounts
For each account at a house bank, you enter the amounts that are available for the payment run. You enter separate
amounts for incoming and outgoing payments. Specifying available amounts enables you to control which bank account
is to be used for payments. You can specify the amounts depending on the value date at the bank.

- Value date
You specify how many days elapse between the posting date of the payment run and the value date at the bank,
dependent on the payment method, bank account, payment amount, and currency. You can have the system determine
the value date, taking into account the bank calendar and any individual arrangements made with the bank. To do so,
choose the activity Define Value Date Rules

- Fees/Charges
You define the charges that are printed on the bill of exchange forms (standard practice in Spain).

Available amounts
Update the amounts before each payment run.

Bank accounts
Use bank subaccounts to post incoming and outgoing payments (accounts for outgoing checks, outgoing bank transfers,
incoming checks, and bank collection). For more information about bank subaccounts, see the SAP Library under Financials
-> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Account Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable -> Payments.


1. Select the required company code from the list of paying company codes.

2. In the structure on the left of the screen, double-click the required function to select it (such as ranking order).

3. Make the necessary entries.

Further notes

For more information about bank determination, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial
Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -
> Payments

Define Payment Method Supplements

In this activity you define payment method supplements.


You specified that you wish to use payment method supplements in the activity Set up All Company Codes for Payment
Define Value Date Rules

In this activity, you make the following specifications for certain bank-related transactions (for example, bill of exchange
presentation, and incoming checks) for each house bank and each account:

- Reference date for determining the value date

This date forms the basis of the agreement made with the bank as to when the value date is to occur.

- Rules for determining the precise value date

The value date is determined as follows: You first enter a certain number of days. The system determines the value date
from this number of days starting from the reference date.

It is also possible to determine this date according to a calendar identification (= K1) you have defined. If you enter a
calendar ID, only working days are taken into account when determining the date. If you do not enter a calendar, the
system not only takes working days but also weekends and public holidays into account.

In a second step, the date determined by the system is now checked according to a second calendar ID as to whether it
is a Sunday or public holiday. This can be the case:

- If you did not proceed according to a certain calendar ID when determining the date, that is, all days, including
weekdays and public holidays were taken into account when determining the date

- If a certain day (for example, Corpus Christi) is a working day according to the first calendar ID (for example, in
Berlin), and yet is a public holiday according to the second calendar (for example, in Bavaria).

If it is actually a weekend day or a public holiday, the system moves forwards or backwards within a given time until
it finds a working day according to the second calendar ID you entered. The system has thus calculated the final value


Define the necessary data for each house bank, account, and transaction for determining the value date.
Assign Payment Method to Bank Transaction

In this activity, you assign a payment method (such as bank bill or check) to each house bank-related transaction. You define
the payment method in the customer and vendor master records to specify which procedure can be used for making payments.

Define the following information for each house bank and each account:
- Payment method

- Transaction type
You need the transaction type to be able to distinguish between payment methods (for example, bill of exchange for
discount or bill of exchange for collection).

- Bank group of the customer/vendor

You need the bank group of the customer/vendor because the transaction type results from the house bank and the bank
group of the customer/vendor. You can also enter a dummy entry here (="blank").

- House bank-related transaction and transaction name


You have already defined payment methods. For more information, see the activities Set up Payment Methods per Country
for Payment Transactions and Set up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions.


1. Assign a payment method to each house bank-related transaction for each house bank and each account.

2. Ensure that the payment method is defined in the customer and vendor master records.

Define Payment Groupings

In this activity you define the grouping keys that are used to settle a customer or vendor's open items together. For each key,
you specify a maximum of three fields from the database tables BSIK (vendors) or BSID (customers). Items containing the
same entries in the specified fields are settled together. You determine the grouping key used to group together the open
items of a customer/vendor by entering this grouping key in the customer/vendor master record.


If you have installed SAP's loans management system (currently being developed), you can use the grouping key to carry
out bank collection at the customer, separated according to loan numbers.


If an alternative payee is specified in the master record of the customer/vendor, the grouping key of the payee is used. When
clearing between customers and vendors takes place, the key in the vendor master record has priority.


1. Define the required grouping keys.

2. Ensure that the grouping keys are entered in the customer/vendor master records.
Payment Proposal Processing

In the following steps, you make the settings for processing the payment proposal.

Make Settings for Displaying Payments

In this activity, you make the settings for the line layout for payments and exceptions.

Define Line Layout for Displaying Payments

In this activity, you define the line layout variants.

For the functions Change document or Display document, you define which information from the line item is displayed
on the screen.

For the function Edit payment proposal, you define the layout for displaying the payments or exceptions.


1. Check whether you can use the standard settings. Change them or add to them as required.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Select Standard Line Layout for Payments

In this activity, you select the standard default values for the following functions:

- Displaying or changing documents

- Displaying or processing payment proposals

These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up if you do not select any other variant.


Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Select Search Fields for Payments

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Choose Sort Fields for Payments

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Make Settings for Displaying Line Items

If you are using the line item display with the ABAP List Viewer that is supplied with the standard system, these settings do
not apply to you.

You should only check and/or change the settings specified in the following activities if you are using line item display
without the ABAP List Viewer (as a modification measure).

Define Line Layout for Displaying Line Items

In this step, you determine which information is to be made available on the screen when displaying line items (for example,
document number, document type, and amount).


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to the specifications if necessary.

2. If you want to allocate a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.
Select Standard Line Layout for Line Items

In this step, you define what information is to be available as a standard when processing line items. If you display the line
items and have not selected any other line layout variant, the standard variant is displayed.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Select Search Fields for Line Item Display

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.
Select Sort Fields for the Line Item Display

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Check Payment Block Reasons (Default)

When processing a payment proposal, you can remove payment blocking indicators from items or enter them for items. This
processing option can be restricted by designating the payment blocking reason in the proposal as "not changeable". Such
blocking reasons cannot be entered or removed during proposal processing.


1. Check whether there are any reasons for blocking in the payment proposal and if there are, whether they can or cannot
be changed.
2. Check the settings for blocking reasons and make corrections, if necessary.

Automatic Posting

In the following activities you make the settings for the automatic postings that the payment program makes.

Prepare Automatic Postings for Payment Program

In this step, you can define posting keys and special G/L indicators for postings that are only needed by the payment program.


If you have changed the standard posting keys and special G/L indicators, check whether the stored keys and indicators are
still correct.

Branch Assignment for Automatic Postings

In this activity, you make the settings for assigning the branch to the company code for the payment program (Argentina).

Define Assignment Keys

If you want to perform automatic postings where each document must get an entry in the branch field (like in the payment
program), you have to define assignment keys for branches.
Define Branch Assignment for Automatic Postings

You specify for each assignment key which branch should be used if automatic postings are to be generated in a certain
company code.

Further notes

You can enter an assignment keys in the parameters of the payment program, for example.


In the following steps, you make the settings for printing.

Payment Media

In the following steps, you make the settings for printing the payment media.

Payment Media: Define Sort Variants

In this activity you define the sort variants for payment medium forms (such as payment advice notes, checks, and bills of
exchange). You can choose sorting by the payee's postal code, by the payment method supplement, by the accounting clerk,
or by a combination of these fields.

Standard settings

If you do not make your own settings for sorting, a standard sorting takes place via the currency and the payee's bank details.


Enter the required sort variants in the form data of a payment method in the company code.

Payment Media: Define Sort Variants for Line Items

In this step, you define the sort variants for line items. Sorting can be set, for example, by reference document numbers or
posting date.

Standard settings

If you do not define your own sort variants, then a standard sorting via the SAP document takes place.

Define the sort variants for line items.

Define Instruction Keys

In this activity you define an instruction key, which controls what instructions for making a payment order are sent to
participating banks. You can specify the key in vendor master records or for house banks.


1. Find out what instructions for data medium exchange are to be defined in the system.

2. Define these instructions in the system.

3. Make sure the key is defined for your house banks (standard entry) or in the vendor master record.

Define Instructions for Payment Transactions

You can enter instructions that control the way in which a payment is made for a credit institute at two different points in the

- Via the instruction key (for example, in the vendor master record)

- Directly when posting the invoice

This specification then overrides the specification in the master record.

Invoices sharing the same instructions are grouped together for payment by the payment program. If no instructions are
defined in the document, the instructions from the instruction key in the master record are used, as before. You can use
possible entries to display which instructions can be used per format or country.

In this activity you can, where required, define the instructions that can be entered during posting.


1. The standard system contains the necessary instructions. Check whether you require any further instructions.

2. If necessary, define the permitted instruction fields and the required instructions per application area (country).

Develop Enhancements for DME

The following SAP enhancements are available for the DME area:

- RFFOX001 for foreign DME ( payment) - Germany

- RFFOX002 for domestic DME ( payment) - Germany

- RFFOX003 for domestic DME ( header) - Germany

- RFFOX021 for domestic DME BGC - Netherlands

- RFFOX022 for domestic DME ClieOp02 - Netherlands

- RFFOX041 for domestic DME - Belgium

- RFFOX042 for domestic DME - Belgium

- RFFOX041 for DME DOM80 - Belgium

- RFFOX900 for DME MT100 ( payment) - international

- RFFOX901 for DME MT100 (header) - international

- RFFOX902 for DME MT100 ( trailer) - international

- RFFOX061 for SAD TA05 Switzerland (PTT)

- RFFOX062 for SAD TA11 Switzerland (PTT)

- RFFOX063 for BAD TA48 Switzerland (PTT)

- RFFOX064 for SAD TA12 Switzerland (PTT)

- RFFOX065 for SAD TA14 Switzerland (PTT)

- RFFOX066 for SAD TA25 Switzerland (PTT)

- RFFOX071 for DME TA826 Switzerland (Banks)

- RFFOX072 for DME TA827 Switzerland (Banks)

- RFFOX073 for DME TA830 Switzerland (Banks)

- RFFOX074 for DME TA832 Switzerland (Banks)

- RFFOX075 for LSV TA870 Switzerland (Banks)

- RFFOX081 for foreign DME ( payment) - France

- RFFOX082 for domestic DME ( payment) - France


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP
may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.
For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.

Payment Run Display

In the following steps, you make the settings for displaying the payment run.

Make Settings for Displaying Payments

In this activity, you make the settings for the line layout for payments and exceptions.

Define Line Layout for Displaying Payments

In this activity, you define the line layout variants.

For the functions Change document or Display document, you define which information from the line item is displayed
on the screen.

For the function Edit payment proposal, you define the layout for displaying the payments or exceptions.


1. Check whether you can use the standard settings. Change them or add to them as required.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Select Standard Line Layout for Payments

In this activity, you select the standard default values for the following functions:

- Displaying or changing documents

- Displaying or processing payment proposals

These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up if you do not select any other variant.


Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Select Search Fields for Payments

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Choose Sort Fields for Payments

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Make Settings for Displaying Line Items

If you are using the line item display with the ABAP List Viewer that is supplied with the standard system, these settings do
not apply to you.

You should only check and/or change the settings specified in the following activities if you are using line item display
without the ABAP List Viewer (as a modification measure).

Define Line Layout for Displaying Line Items

In this step, you determine which information is to be made available on the screen when displaying line items (for example,
document number, document type, and amount).


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to the specifications if necessary.

2. If you want to allocate a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Select Standard Line Layout for Line Items

In this step, you define what information is to be available as a standard when processing line items. If you display the line
items and have not selected any other line layout variant, the standard variant is displayed.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.
Select Search Fields for Line Item Display

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Select Sort Fields for the Line Item Display

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Generate Error List for Payment Program Configuration

In this step, you call up an error list for the configuration of the payment program. The list is created for one company code
at a time. At the end of the list, error statistics are issued.


1. Create the list.

2. Make corrections via configuration, if necessary.

Electronic Incoming Payments

In the following steps, you will make the settings for electronic incoming payments.

Prepare Payment Authorization/POR Procedure

In this activity, you define information needed for the automatic posting of incoming customer payments with the OSR/ISR
procedure. To do this, you specify a company code, the document type, the number of the incoming payments account and
of the payment clearing account for each OSR/ISR subscriber number.


Enter the required data.

Payment Advice Notes

In the following steps, you make the settings for payment advice notes.

Assign Company Code for EDI Payment Advice Notes

In this activity you assign the selected company code to the name which your EDI partner uses for your company in the
payment advice note.


Make the required assignments.

Define Further Processing of Payment Advice Notes

In this activity, you determine which further automatic activities should take place for electronically transferred payment
advice notes. This applies to:

- Payment advice notes that are transferred to the SAP System (payment advice notes from partner or credit memo
displays from the bank)

- Credit memos that are already stored in the payment advice database and the processing of which you start with report

You specify whether:

- A payment advice note is to be created for cash management and forecast.

- Automatic clearing of a customer's open items is to be activated.


1. Specify the type of payment advice note you require (06 payment advice note for customer for example), the type of
account (D for customer for example), the company code, the +/- sign of the amount (incoming or outgoing amount),
and an account.
If you do not specify an account, automatic further processing applies to all accounts.

2. Select Create Payment Advice Note to have a payment advice note created for the cash management and forecast.
If you also want payment advice notes created for the further processing of EDI payment advice notes, select Also for
Specify a cash management forecast type (e.g. AB for confirmed payment advice notes).

3. Select Automatic Posting to activate the posting to Financial Accounting.

Specify a posting rule (e.g. 0001 cash receipt for interim account). At present, only posting types that result in open
items being cleared are supported.
Specify the G/L account for the account determination of the posting rule (113100 for example). Note that when
displaying credit memos for a bank account, the G/L account defined in the local bank data is used.

Further notes

You can execute the automatic posting for the cash receipt and the open item clearing directly or create a batch input session.

- To post directly, in the inbound parameters of the EDI partner agreement, define the transaction code REMC.

- To create a batch input session, define the transaction code REMA in the inbound parameters of the EDI partner

Develop Enhancements for EDI Payment Advice Notes

The following SAP enhancement is available for processing payment advice notes via EDI:

- FEDI0002 for processing payment advice notes via EDI


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP
may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.

Management of SEPA Mandates

General Settings


In this IMG activity, you activate SEPA mandate management.

In addition, you can make the following settings:

- Specify a sub screen for displaying additional data

- Register own function modules that make data supplements and further checks

- Define a form name for printing SEPA mandates

Define Modifiable Fields


In this IMG activity you define which fields it possible to change in an SEPA mandate.

For each changeable field, you also define whether the change is mapped by simply overwriting the old value, or whether a
new version of the mandate is to be created.

If you change several fields at the same time, a new version of the mandate is created if you have specified that should happen
for at least one of the fields that have been changed.
Payments with Payment Cards

In the following activities you make the special settings for payment cards in Financial Accounting.

You can find the rest of the settings in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for "Billing" in the "Sales and Distribution"
application component. To find these, choose the activities on the topic of Payment cards.

Make Central Settings for Payment Cards

In this activity you make the following settings for payments that are made using payment cards:

- You determine whether the customer item is retained in the accounting document when transferring data from Sales
and Distribution (SD) to Financial Accounting (FI). The advantages of keeping the customer item in the accounting
document are that the receivables against the customer are re-created automatically (meaning that the cleared items are
reset) and can also be processed further in the dunning or payment program. If the customer items do not exist in the
accounting document, you must create them again by making a posting.

- You specify the type of settlement document if settlement is made by the payment card company. The settlement
document clears the open items in the G/L account and generates items in a cash clearing account.

- You specify a document type for resetting cleared items if settlement cannot be made by the payment card company.


Make all the settings described above.

Further notes

You can find more information on payment cards in the "FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable" documentation in
the section on payments.
Assign G/L Account to Cash Clearing Account

In this activity you assign the G/L account that records open items per credit card type to a cash clearing account.

The G/L account records all the receivables that you report to the credit card company using a settlement program. The
settlement program posts the reported open items against the cash clearing account and clears them.


A G/L account kept on an open item basis and a cash clearing account must already be created.

Assign each G/L account you set up for each credit card type to a cash clearing account.

Further notes

For more information on payment cards, see the "Payments" section in the FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable


In the following section, you make the specifications required for the dunning program.

You can use the dunning program to dun both customers and vendors.

Standard settings

The dunning program is included in the standard system.


You should first generate a list of the standard settings in the dunning program and check which of the settings you wish to

See: Generate List for Dunning Program Configuration

Basic Settings for Dunning

In the following activities, you make the global settings for dunning.

Define Dunning Areas

In this step, you can define your dunning areas. Dunning areas are used if several organizational units are responsible for
carrying out dunning within one company code. These organizational units are referred to as dunning areas. The dunning
area can correspond, for example, to a profit centre, a distribution channel, a sales organization or a business area.

The individual dunning areas can use different procedures or the same dunning procedure.
- The dunning areas with the required dunning procedures are to be entered into the customer or vendor master record if
you use different dunning procedures.
- Otherwise, the system uses the standard dunning procedure. The dunning area is then entered in the line item. The
system enters the dunning area into the master record automatically with the corresponding data.


The use of dunning areas is optional.


If the field for the dunning area in the line item is to be ready for input, specify in the company code-specific specifications
for dunning that you want to dun separately according to dunning areas. Also read “Setting up dunning program".


1. Define your dunning areas if you want to use them.

2. Make sure that you specify for the required company codes that you want to dun according to dunning areas.

3. Make sure that the required dunning areas are entered into the master records of the business partners with the dunning
procedures, if you use different dunning procedures for the individual dunning areas.

Define Dunning Keys

Define your dunning keys in this step. With the dunning keys, you can limit the dunning level of an item. Define either
instead of or in addition to the dunning key whether the items with a dunning key are to be displayed separately in the
dunning letter.


Define your dunning keys.

Define Dunning Block Reasons

In this step, you define the reasons for a dunning block under a key. The key can be entered in an item or in the account of a
business partner. Blocked items or accounts are not considered for the dunning run.


1. In your department, find out why items or accounts are blocked for dunning.

2. Enter reasons for blocking under a key in the system.

Dunning Procedure

In this section, you make the settings for the dunning procedure.
Define Dunning Procedures

In this activity you enter the settings that control the dunning program by:

- Specifying the company codes to include in dunning.

You specify these company codes when configuring the dunning program.

- Setting up the dunning procedure you want to use.

Dunning procedures are company code independent. They determine the dunning interval, the grace periods for the due
date determination, and the number of dunning levels. You can also set the dunning level at which you want to list all
due items from an account in the dunning notice.

- Setting the dunning charges.

You can either specify a fixed charge or have the system calculate the charge on the basis of a percentage rate you

- Specifying the net payment due date at which a particular dunning level is reached.

- Specifying the dunning notice you want to send to your customers.

You have to define one or more forms for the notice.


An account is only included in dunning if it assigned a dunning procedure. To exclude an account from dunning, you can set
a dunning block for it.


Before defining several dunning procedures and forms, you should check whether you can fulfil all your requirements using
one dunning procedure and one form.
You should select always Dunn. Notice? For the last dunning level so that items at this level are not skipped.
You can store the header and footer texts separately for your dunning notices. If your letter paper already contains these
specifications, you can remove the windows for these texts in the form you define using SAP script.

1. Find out which company codes to include in dunning. Specify these company codes by choosing Environment ->
Company code data.

2. Find out how the dunning procedure should be set up and whether several dunning procedures are necessary.

3. Define your dunning procedures.

- To create new dunning procedures, choose new procedure.

- To maintain the dunning levels, choose go to -> Dunning levels in the dunning procedure. Enter the number of
days in arrears for each dunning level. The system proposes values which you can overwrite.

- To maintain the dunning charges, choose go to -> Dunning charges in the dunning procedure. First enter the
currency and then enter the dunning charges for the different dunning levels. If you want to define dunning charges
dependent on the dunnable amount, also enter the dunning amount. If you want to define charges in other
currencies, choose Edit -> Other currency.
- To specify minimum amounts for dunning notices, choose go to -> Minimum amounts in the dunning procedure.
Enter the dunning level and the minimum amounts and/or the minimum percentage rates. You can also specify a
minimum amount for the interest calculation for each dunning level.

- To determine sort fields, choose Environment -> Sort fields in the dunning procedures.

4. Find out which forms should be used for dunning.

5. Create these forms and specify one or more forms for each dunning procedure.

6. Make sure a dunning procedure is entered in the master records of the customers/vendors who are to be taken into
consideration for dunning.

Further notes

For more information on the dunning program, see the FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable documentation.

Define Dunning Groupings

Dunning notices are generally created per business partner. In special cases, it can be useful to group together the open items
of a business partner according to certain aspects and dun these items together.

In order to group items together for dunning notices, you need to define grouping keys (two-character, alphanumeric). For
each key, specify a field from the line item whose contents are to comprise the main criteria for the group. Items whose
contents in this field are identical, are dunned together.

You are using the Financial Assets Management system and want to send your business partner a separate dunning notice
for each leased property. To do this, you define a grouping key referring to the contract number field. As a result, open items
with the same contract number can be dunned together.


1. Define the required grouping keys.

2. Ensure that a grouping key for open items is specified in the relevant business partner master records, indicating
according to which criterion items are grouped together for dunning.

Define Interest Rates

In this activity, you specify for each interest indicator

- Which interest rate is to be used for debit or credit balances

- The currency in which the interest is to be calculated

- The date as of which the entry for the interest indicator is valid

The interest indicators are currently used by the dunning program for the calculation of interest on arrears and for discounting


You have created the required interest indicator. Activities

Enter the above data for your interest indicators.

Known/Negotiated Leave

In the following steps, you define rules for issuing invoices within the leave period of your customers. The objective is to
take the leave period of the customer into account when setting the due date for the invoices.

In Spain, companies usually close completely and for quite some time within the holiday period. No invoices are processed
during this time. To avoid open invoices being dunned during this time or cash discounts expiring, the vendor makes
arrangements with his/her customers regarding the leave period (invoice issue rules). Invoices are settled either before the
start of the vacation, after the end of the vacation or partly before and partly after. In addition, the business partners agree
that interest will be paid accordingly, or that different conditions will apply for cash discount.


When posting the invoice and determining the due date, the negotiated leave is not taken into account by the SAP System.
To apply negotiated leave, the invoices should be evaluated with a report and dealt with according to the negotiated leave.
Currently, SAP does not provide a report for this.

Define Types of Leave

In this step, you create a key (four-character, alphanumeric) for the known/negotiated leave type. In the next step, you specify
a period for the leave of your customers and a leave regulation. Via the key for the type of leave, you allocate the specified
leave regulation to the customers in the master record.


1. Create the required keys for the types of leave.

2. Ensure that a key for the type of leave is entered into the corresponding customer master records.

Define Rules for Issuing an Invoice

In this step, you specify the beginning and the end of the leave and a key for the leave regulation (rules for invoice issue) in
addition to the type of leave already defined. This key will later be used to determine the due date according to the leave
regulation. Currently, it is not evaluated by the SAP System.


Specify the leave periods for every type of leave.


In this section, you make the settings for printing dunning notices.

Note that you can define dunning forms using either SAP Script or SAP Smart Forms.
Define Dunning Forms (with SAP Script)

In this activity you define dunning forms in SAP Script.

You can also use SAP Smart Forms to define the forms for your dunning notices.

Standard settings

Dunning forms have already been defined in the SAP standard system.


SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part.

If you do want to make changes in the forms, SAP recommends that you do not change the standard forms but that you copy
and then change the copied forms.


If you work with the standard forms you do not need to do anything here.

If you would like to define your own forms, proceed as follows:

1. Enter the standard form which you would like to copy.

2. Choose Form -> Create/change.

The header data screen of the form appears.

3. Choose Form -> Save as... and enter the name of the new form.

4. Edit and activate the new form.

Further notes

For more information on form maintenance using SAP Script, see the SAP Library under Basis Components -> Basis
Services/Communication Interfaces -> SAP Script.

Define Dunning Forms (with SAP Smart Forms)

In this activity, you define the forms - with SAP Smart Forms - that you wish to use for printing dunning notices.


The standard settings allow for creating dunning notices using SAP Script. If you wish to print your
Dunning notices using SAP Smart Forms, you must first define the corresponding function module.
1. In Customizing for Financial Accounting, choose Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Business Transaction
The SAP Business Framework screen appears.
2. Choose Settings -> P/S function modules -> ... of an SAP appl. . . .
3. Under the Business Transaction Event (BTE) "1720" with application indicator FI-FI, change the function module
in FI_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE_SMARTF and save your entries.

Standard settings

SAP provides a predefined example form for dunning notices:



1. Make sure the function module FI_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE_SMARTF has been defined (see above).

2. Create a dunning form or change the example form to meet your requirements for the various dunning notices.

Further notes

For more information about SAP Smart Forms, see the SAP Library under Basis Components -> Basis Services/
Communication Interfaces -> SAP Smart Forms.

Assign Dunning Forms

In this activity you specify the forms you want to use for the standard dunning procedure and the legal dunning proceedings
per dunning procedure, company code, and account type.


The dunning procedure must be configured. To do this, see Set up dunning program.

Further notes

For more information on dunning, see the "Configuring the Dunning Program" section in the FI Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable documentation.
Define Sender Details for Dunning Forms

In this activity, you define which standard texts are used for the header, the footer, and the sender address in the letter window
for each company code.


You first have to create the standard texts which are to be used.

Create standard texts


For each company code, enter the text ID and specify the standard text which should be used.

Develop Enhancements for the Dunning Print Program

The following SAP enhancement is available for the dunning letter print program area:

- F0D001


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP
may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.

Attached Payment Media

In this section, you make the settings for attached payment media. Attached payment media might, for example, be bank
transfers that you send to your business partner together with their account statement or dunning notice.

Check the payment program configuration. The payment methods and house bank determination must be configured
accordingly. You do this in the Set up payment program activity.

Enter Long Texts for Attached Payment Media

In this activity you defined the texts that are to be printed as note to payee on the attached payment medium.


Enter the texts you require.

Country-Dependent Data for Attached Payment Media

In this activity, you define a function module per country and payment method. This function module determines the data to
be printed on an attached payment medium.


Enter the function module.

Company Code-Dependent Data for Attached Payment Media

In this step you define the form for the appended payment medium. You do this, for example, if you want to send a bank
transfer separately in addition to the dunning notice rather than printing a bank transfer directly in the dunning notice.


Enter the name of the required form.

Define House Banks/Bank Account

In this activity you define the payee's house bank or bank account details on the attached payment medium.

Where payment methods require a bank account to be specified, you must define the payee's house bank and account short
key (account ID) as part of the company code data.


Create the payee's house bank and account ID.

Define Control Data for Payment Authorization/POR

In this activity you make your specifications for the OSR/ISR procedure for the attached payment medium.

Enter the subscriber number for the outgoing payment medium, the company code, and the number of the OSR/ISR
procedure. For ISR procedures 04 and 08 you also need to enter the customer identification number and the bank number.


Ensure that you do not have an indicator set for the OSR /ISR printout.


Enter the necessary details as described above.

Generate List for Dunning Program Configuration

In this step, you call up a list of values stored via configuration for the dunning program. The list is created for the
combination of dunning procedure and company code in each case.

Activities Create the list.

Open Item Clearing

In the following steps, you make the settings for managing open items.

Define Accounts for Exchange Rate Differences

In this activity you define the numbers of the revenue and expense accounts to which realized exchange rate differences
(gains and losses) are posted when open items are cleared.


You can also define the accounts for valuating open items here. Note however, that you can only make the necessary settings
for these accounts when entering the settings for the closing procedures. For more information on this, see the activity
"Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation" in the General Ledger Accounting Implementation Guide.

However the main purpose of this activity, is to define the accounts for realized exchange rate differences since if you do
not do so, you cannot post foreign currency documents.

You can differentiate the accounts by currency in which case exchange rate gains and exchange rate losses are posted to
separate accounts. Following the first valuation run, you can no longer make changes to your accounts for the valuation
posting (since if you did so, you would not be able to reverse valuation postings.)


1. Enter the account numbers for the accounts mentioned.

2. Make sure that the accounts are created before you begin posting documents.

Define Account for Rounding Differences

When clearing foreign currency documents in which the foreign currency and the local
currency are national currencies, any differences that occur are not exchange rate
differences, but rather rounding differences.

One account must be defined in the chart of accounts to which the rounding difference
amounts are posted.
Define Posting Key for Clearing Open Items

In this step, you define posting keys that the system uses for automatically created line items during clearing procedures. The
payment program uses these posting keys as well.


For the "Transfer posting with clearing" transaction, additional document types are defined which the system uses.

If you use the posting keys from the standard system, you can take over the defined posting keys without changing them.


1. Check the default settings.

2. Change the settings if necessary.

Make Settings for Processing Open Items

If you are using the line item display with the ABAP List Viewer that is supplied with the standard system, these settings do
not apply to you.

You should only check and/or change the settings specified in the following activities if you are using line item display
without the ABAP List Viewer (as a modification measure).

Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you define the line layout variants.

For the functions Change document or Display document, you define which information from the line item is displayed
on the screen.

For the function Edit payment proposal, you define the layout for displaying the payments or exceptions.


1. Check whether you can use the standard settings. Change them or add to them as required.
2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you select the standard default values for the following functions:

- Displaying or changing documents

- Displaying or processing payment proposals

These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up if you do not select any other variant.


Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Choose Selection Fields

In this step, you specify the fields via which the system is to make selections when displaying line items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Choose Search Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to find individual items.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Choose Sort Fields

In this step, you define the fields via which it is to be possible for the system to sort items.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or add to these specifications if necessary.

Make Settings for Local Assignment of Open Items

In the following activities, you make settings that you can then use to enable your business partners to assign open items via
the Internet.

1. Have system administration create reference users once. You can then assign one or more roles to a reference user. The
following roles are available:

2. Have an Internet user created for each business partner interested in using the Internet, and assign the users to the
reference user.

3. Maintain users and accounts for Internet services.

Maintain Users and Accounts for Internet Services

In this activity you determine which users may carry out which Financial Accounting Internet services. You can also specify
which accounts and company codes the users can view. This ensures that an Internet user cannot have unauthorized access
to the data of other users.
Standard settings

The following Internet services are possible in Financial Accounting:

- Create bank details at customer

- Create bank details at vendor

- Change customer address

- Customers: Assign open items

- Change accounting clerk at customer

- Customers: Execute report

- Customers: Balance display

- Vendors: Execute report

- Vendors: Balance display


1. Enter the required user.

2. You can use possible entries (F4) to display the possible Internet services. Select the required service.

3. Enter the relevant account or account interval.

4. Enter the relevant company code.

5. Save your assignments.

Maintain Standard Text for Mail to Accounting Clerk

In this activity you can define a standard text for e-mail.

You can use this text for the Internet service "Assign open items", for example. If you wish to send a mail to the accounting
clerk at the customer, the text you define here is defaulted when you create the mail.
You can then alter the text to meet your needs and send the mail.


Dear Mr. /Ms. <<Accounting clerk at customer>>,

You will receive a list of your open items from us today. We were unfortunately unable to carry out assignment, because
some of the relevant information was lacking. We ask, therefore, that you do this for us.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.

<< Accounts receivable clerk >>
<< Company >>

Standard settings
SAP does not provide any standard texts.

Activities Create a standard text.

Prepare Automatic Clearing


In this activity, you enter the criteria for grouping the open items of an account for automatic clearing. The program clears
open items of a group if the balance in local and foreign currency is zero.

You must enter the following standard criteria:

- The account type

- The account number or number range

You can also enter five additional criteria.

You choose the five other criteria from the fields in table BSEG or table BKPF. If possible you should choose those fields
which are also included in table BSIS (G/L accounts), BSID (customers), or BSIK (vendors). You can determine the field
names by looking at the tables in the Data Dictionary. To do this choose Tools -> ABAP Workbench and then Dictionary.


Specify the criteria separately for each account type. You enter an account number interval to specify the accounts to which
the criteria apply.


Enter the criteria for clearing open items.

Additional information

For more information, see the SAP Library under FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable and the program
documentation for SAPF 124.

Clearing Differences

In the following activities you make the settings for clearing differences.

Define Tolerances for Customers/Vendors

In this activity you define the tolerances for customers/vendors. The tolerances are used for dealing with payment differences
and residual items that may arise when payment clearing is carried out. You specify the tolerances in one or more tolerance
groups and assign a tolerance group to each customer/vendor using the master record. For each tolerance group specify the
- Tolerances, up to which payment differences arising from open item clearing can be automatically posted to expense
or revenue accounts
- The treatment of terms of payment for residual items if they are to be posted during clearing


Ensure that you can also Define Tolerance Groups for Employees. For clearing, the lower limit from the specifications for
the customer/vendor, and the specifications for the employee group are valid.


If you want to enter fixed terms of payment for posting residual items from payment differences for a tolerance group, you
have to define the terms of payment first. To do this, see Maintain Terms of Payment.

If you want to assign a dunning key to a tolerance group, you must have already defined the dunning key.
To do this, see Define Dunning Keys.


1. Identify groups of customers/vendors to which identical tolerances apply.

2. Create the required tolerance groups for your customers/vendors.

3. Make sure that the required tolerance groups are assigned to the customers/vendors in the master record.

Further notes

If you want to work with uniform tolerances for all customers/vendors in a company code, create a tolerance group with the
key "blank" ( ) for the company code. In this case, you do not have to enter the tolerance group in the customer/vendor master
record. You can also use a tolerance group with key "blank" ( ), if for example, you want to define lower tolerances for
particular customer/vendors than others. In this case, for example, you create a tolerance group 0001 with low tolerances for
the customers/vendors and then enter this tolerance group in the customer/vendor master record. All other customers/vendors
automatically have the tolerance group "blank" ( ) assigned to them.

Define Tolerance Groups for Employees

In this activity you specify the various amount limits for your employees. These limits determine:

- The maximum amount for which an employee is permitted to post a document

- The maximum amount for which an employee is permitted to enter a line item in a customer or vendor account

- The discount percentage the employee is permitted to enter in a line item

- To what amount payment differences can be accepted

Payment differences within specific tolerance groups are automatically posted. The system posts the difference by either
adjusting the discount or posting it to a separate expense or revenue account.

To do this you have to define:

- The amounts or percentage rates that the system should automatically post to a separate expense or revenue account if
adjusting the discount is not possible, and/or

- The maximum difference amounts for which the system should adjust the discount. In these cases, the discount is
automatically increased or reduced by the difference amount.
You can also make these specifications per company code. Since the same limits usually apply for a group of employees,
enter the limits per employee group. You then define the amount limits and tolerances per employee group and company


You can also define tolerances without specifying tolerance groups. In this case leave the field Grp blank. The tolerances
then apply to all employees that have not been assigned to a group. There must be at least one entry for each company code.

You can Define Tolerances for Customers/Vendors. For clearing, the lower limits from the trading partner and the employee
group apply.

Standard settings

Sample tolerances are defined in the company codes delivered.


1. For each company code, determine which tolerances should be defined and whether differentiation according to
employee group is required. If you want to determine different tolerances for your employees, enter different amount
limits for each group. If the tolerance limits are to apply to all employees, leave the field Group blank.

2. Define the tolerances accordingly.

3. If you have defined different tolerance groups, you then have to assign your employees to a specific tolerance group.
To do this select the activity Assign Users to Tolerance Groups.

Assign Users to Tolerance Groups

In this activity you can assign a Financial Accounting employee for whom you want to define special tolerances to a group.
Tolerances for posting and clearing documents or document line items are defined for the group.


For the employees that you do not assign to a group, you have to define tolerance values. When you
Define the tolerances, you must leave the field Group blank and only specify the company code. For more information see
Define Tolerances for Customers/Vendors.


Enter your employees in the required groups.

For the blank group, this is not necessary.

Define Accounts for Clearing Differences

When you are clearing customer/vendor accounts, these tolerance groups specify limits within which differences are accepted
and automatically posted to predefined accounts. In this activity you define the accounts to which these differences should
be automatically posted.
Residual Item Posting in Invoice Currency


In this activity, you can activate company codes to carry out a residual item posting in invoice currency for them.

Similar to the transaction transfer posting with clearing F-30, the residual items are cleared in the payment document and
posted as open item to the same customer in the currency of the original invoice.

The clearing document number in the original invoice, in the residual item of the payment document, and in the new residual
item documents is the number of the payment document.

For a payment document with one or more residual items, these residual items are cleared irrespective of the currency and
a new residual item document is posted for each residual item. The following information is copied from the invoice for the
new residual item:

- Document date, reference document number, currency key ( XBLNR, BLDAT, WAERS )

- Invoice reference (REBZG, REBZJ, REBZZ, REBZT)

For the transfer posting the following information is taken from the payment for the new residual item:

- Posting date (BKPF-BUDAT)

- Translation date (BKPF-WWERT)

The amounts of the new residual item are translated as follows:

- The amount of the new residual item in document currency is predetermined from the local currency amount using the
date of the payment document.
- The amounts of the new residual item in the second and third local currency are taken from the residual item of the
payment document. Even if Customizing defines a determination of the second and third local currency based on the
document currency, only those exchange rates based on the time of payment are adjusted. However, this has no effect
on the amounts in parallel currency.


In Customizing, you have activated Residual Item Transfer Posting in Invoice Currency in table T041AR for at least
one company code.

There you have defined a document type for the company code in which a residual in document currency is to be posted.
This document type is used for the additional transfer posting document in invoice currency.


If extended withholding tax has been activated for a company code in a line item, if withholding tax data exists for the
customer, no additional residual item document in invoice currency is posted.

Since classic withholding tax can only be posted for vendors in a company code in which extended withholding tax has not
been activated, in this case also no additional residual item documents in invoice currency are posted, since this function is
only supported for customer accounts.

You have selected a document type with internal number assignment.

Country-Specific Functions


Activate Negative Posting for Country


In this Customizing activity, you activate negative posting for the country. This allows the system to use negative posting
when clearing line items of accounting documents.

For countries that have negative posting activated, you can also turn on negative posting for accounts that do not have Open
Item Management enabled for them. Note
Negative posting does not work for clearings with residual items.


To activate negative posting, you also have to permit negative posting for:
- Company code
In the Customizing activity Permit Negative Posting, select the Negative Postings Permitted checkbox for the
relevant company code.

- Accounting document type

In the Customizing activity Define Document Types, select the Negative Postings Permitted checkbox for the
relevant document type.

See also

SAP Library -> SAP ERP Central Component -> Financials -> Country Versions -> Europe and Africa -> Russia ->
Financial Accounting (FI) -> Accounts Payable (FI-AP) or Accounts Receivable (FI-AR) -> Business
Transactions -> Negative Posting.

Down Payment Received

In the following steps, you make the settings for down payments received.

Make and Check Document Settings

You can make new document settings here, or check existing settings, so that they correspond to the business transaction
you are currently processing:

- If you have already made document settings in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation Guide, you
can check that those settings are correct here.
- If you have not yet made any document settings, you can do so here.

Define Document Types

In this activity you create document types for customer, vendor and general ledger business transactions in Financial
Accounting. Document types differentiate business transactions and control document filing.

You specify a number range for each document type. Document numbers are chosen from this number range. You can use
one number range for several document types.

Document types are valid for all clients. You specify a number range key for each document type. You create the desired
number range intervals for each number range key based on the company code. This means that you can specify intervals of
different sizes for the same number range.

You defined a document type for incoming invoices. In company code 0001 there are a lot of invoices to be posted. Thus
you create a large number interval for the number range in this company code. In another company code there are only a few
incoming invoices that need to be posted. For this company code you can define a small number interval for the same number

If a document type is not used in a company code, do not store a number interval for that company code.


To use the net method of posting documents, you need a net document type (for example, KN). In this document type, you
have to set the "Net document type" indicator found under the "Control" area. You can define a common document type (for
example, AB) and a common number range for clearing open items in accounts receivable, payable and G/L accounts.

For automatic posting transactions (for example, transfer postings with clearing), you have to define a clearing document
type (for example, AB). If you do not want to use the standard setting AB for the clearing document type, you can delete it
and define your own. Under the document type properties, you can assign an individual reverse document type to each
document type. For document types with external number ranges, you have to define an individual reverse document type
because the system can make automatic reverse entries only in document types that have internal number assignment.

Standard settings

The present document types cover business transactions

- in Financial Accounting for:

- General ledger accounting

- Accounts receivable

- Accounts payable

- Asset accounting

- Consolidation

- in Materials Management and Sales and Distribution for:

- Goods receipt and issue

- Incoming and outgoing invoices

- Physical inventory ( stocktaking )

- Invoicing


1. Find out whether you can use the standard settings.

2. Change or extend the default settings, if necessary.

3. Check the specified document number ranges via the "Define document number ranges" activity if you use the standard
document types.
These number ranges must be created for your company codes and contain the number intervals you require.

Define Posting Keys

In this activity you define posting keys. Users specify a posting key before entering a line item. The posting key controls
how the line item is entered and processed.

For each posting key, you define among other things:

- which side of an account can be posted to,

- which type of account can be posted to, and

- Which fields the system displays on the entry screens and whether an entry must be made (field status).


The system also uses the field status group you specify in a G/L account to determine the status of fields in document entry.
Field status groups are defined within a field status variant.


Use the posting keys delivered with the standard system.


1. Check the standard settings.

2. Modify them if necessary.

In particular, you may need to make changes to customer and vendor posting keys if a different field status is required.

Validation in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define additional checks for accounting documents in the form of validations for each of your company
codes. You can assign a validation for the document header and one for the line items to each company code. The assigned
validations are valid both for manual entry of documents as well as for the automatic creation of documents (for example,
payment program).

For every company code to which you want to assign a validation, you store the following information:
- Validation call-up point
Here you enter key "1" for "Check document header" and key "2" for "Check line item".

- Validation
Here there are the names of validations which already exist which you can display or change. A new validation must
firstly be created by you. Afterwards the name appears in the overview.

- Description of the validation

- Activation level
Here you enter key "0" for inactive, key "1" for active and key "2" for active except for batch input.


For example, you can use the validation for the following situation: You want to make sure that postings to the expense
account "Telephone costs" can only be posted to the services cost centre "Telephone". You can carry out the checks needed
for this by using the validation.


If you want to define new validations, go through the following activities:

1. Place the cursor on a line in which company code and call-up point are entered (you can enter company code and
validation call-up point via Edit -> New entries).

2. Afterwards select Environment -> Validation. You reach the first screen for maintaining a validation.

3. Select Validation -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you come to an overview screen of the
validation activities belonging to the validation.

4. Select Insert entry. On the next screen you can describe a new validation activity. You describe the check requirements
and the actual check for this. The syntax to be used for this is described in the online help (F1 help) for the input fields
for Requirements and Check. You can also define a message (warning or error message) which is sent if the check is
not successful.

If you want to change validations which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Place the cursor on an already existing entry and select go to -> Validation.

2. On the next screen select Validation -> Display or Validation -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you get to the
overview screen of the validation activities belonging to the validation. If you select Insert entry, you can carry out
changes if necessary.

Define Texts for Line Items

In this activity, you can store texts under keys which can be transferred to the line item. When entering a document, the key
is entered in the text field.

If you wish, the texts can be transferred to the customers in payment notices.

1. Find out which texts are to be stored.

2. Enter these texts into the system under a key.

Define Default Values

In this activity, you define default values for document types and posting keys which otherwise must be entered by the user
when processing business transactions. Your specifications depend on the function code.


When posting outgoing invoices, you use the document type "DR" and posting key "01". You can store these specifications
in the system. They are proposed by the system when you call up the corresponding transaction.


Define the required default values.

Define Field Status Variants

In this activity you can define and edit field status variants and groups. You group several field status groups together in one
field status variant. You assign the field status variants to a company code in the activity Assign Company Code to Field
Status Variants. This allows you to work with the same field status groups in any number of company codes.

You can also define and process field status groups. You must define a field status group in the company code-specific area
of each G/L account. The field status group determines which fields are ready for input, which are required entry fields, and
which are hidden during document entry. Bear in mind that additional account assignments (i.e. cost centres or orders) are
only possible if data can be entered in the corresponding fields.

Standard settings

Field status variant 0001 is entered for company code 0001 in the standard SAP software. Field status groups are already
defined for this variant.

You cannot attach a field status to some fields, such as those in the document header. You can, however, switch between
required and optional entry field designations in the document type for some of these header fields.

The field status group you enter in the reconciliation accounts affects postings to the related customer or vendor accounts.
You cannot enter a field status group in the customer or vendor accounts. Field status groups are determined for customer
and vendor accounts from their respective reconciliation accounts, via the G/L account number in their master records.

There are other factors, besides the field status group itself, which have an influence on the field status. Among these are:

- The field status defined for the posting key.

The status "optional entry field" was assigned to posting keys 40 and 50 in the standard system. These are the standard
posting keys for G/L account postings. The "optional entry field" status has no effect on the field status.

- Specifications for the document type.

You can specify here that a reference number and document header text must always be entered, for example.

Designate field status via the field status groups in the G/L accounts. This allows you a more account-specific screen layout.
You cannot differentiate by posting key, since there are only two such keys for postings to G/L accounts.

The situation with reconciliation accounts is different. You do not make any differentiated field status definition via the
master record for these special G/L accounts. You use the debit and credit posting keys instead.


1. Create new field status variants using Edit -> New entries. You can also use the copy function to create new field
status variants. To do this, select Edit -> Copy as. When copying field status variants, the accompanying field status
groups are also copied.

2. Look at the standard field status groups.

3. Find out which fields on the entry screens should be

- ready for input

- required entry fields

- Hidden for the G/L accounts in your company.

You do not make this definition for each account, but rather for groups of accounts. This is why you
May want to adapt the field status groups included in the standard system.

4. If necessary, change the standard field status groups, or define your own for each field status variant.

5. You can delete field status variants that are no longer required via Edit -> Delete. The accompanying field status
groups will also be deleted.

Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants


In this IMG activity, you assign the company codes in which you want to work with identical field status groups to the same
field status variant.

You define your field status group per field status variant. For more information, see Define Field Status Definition Groups.

Standard settings

In the SAP standard, a field status variant of the same name is assigned to company code 0001.


Assign the company codes concerned to the same field status variant.
Screen Variants for Document Entry

The screen variant which you specify for each company code addresses special screens for documents for several specific
functions. You determine the screen variant dependent on the company code.


In an Italian company code, for example, a screen with fields for withholding tax is required when entering a vendor item.
You therefore have to select a special screen variant for Italian company codes.

Standard settings

A corresponding variant was selected for the standard company codes.


Check whether the required variants have been selected for your company codes.
Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks


In this IMG activity, you can define your own sub screens for posting transactions. In posting transactions, the account
assignment objects are displayed on sub screens. If the fields on a sub screen are not sufficient for your purposes, you can
define your own sub screen.


For more information about defining your own sub screens, see the general section Define Sunscreens for Account
Assignment Block.

Substitution in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define possible changes regarding your accounting documents in the form of substitutions of individual
fields for your company codes. You can make changes both in the document header and in the line item. The substitutions
are valid for both the manual entry of documents and for the automatic creation of documents (for example, payment

For each company code to which you want to assign a substitution, define the following information:

- Time of substitution
Here you enter the key "1" for substitution within the document header, the key "2" for substitution within the line item
and the key "3" for the whole document.

- Substitution
Here you can change or display the names of substitutions which already exist. You have to create a new substitution.
The name then appears in the overview afterwards.
- Name for the substitution

- Activation level
Here you enter the key "0" for inactive, the key "1" for active and the key "2" for active (except for in batch).


If you want to define new substitutions, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on a line in which the company code and the time have been entered (you can enter the company
code and the time via Edit -> New entries).

2. Then select Environment -> Substitution. You reach the first screen for maintaining a substitution.

3. Select Substitution -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you reach the overview screen with
the substitution activities belonging to substitution.

4. Select Insert entry. You can describe a new substitution activity on the next screen. You describe the substitution
requirements and the actual substitution for this. The syntax to be used for this is explained in the F1 help for the input
fields Requirements and Substitution.

If you want to change substitutions which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on an existing entry and select go to -> Substitution.

2. On the next screen, select Substitution -> Display or Substitution -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you reach
the overview screen with the substitution activities belonging to substitution. If you select Insert entry, you can make
the required changes.

Define Text IDs for Documents

In this activity you define text IDs for long texts at document header level. When entering a document, you can enter texts
for every text ID. This means that you can store information on the document that affects the whole document.


You create text IDs across the system, i.e. for all clients.

SAP standard settings

The system is delivered with the text IDs Note, Correspondence, and Payment advice info as standard settings.


1. Define the required text IDs.

Select the Relevant text field in the clients in which the text IDs are to be used.

Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview

In this activity, you define the line layout variants for document posting by specifying which information you want to have
available onscreen (i.e., document number, account number, company code). You can also assign a display format to each

1. Check the extent to which you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user's master record.

Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you define the line layout variants.

For the functions Change document or Display document, you define which information from the line item is displayed
on the screen.

For the function Edit payment proposal, you define the layout for displaying the payments or exceptions.


1. Check whether you can use the standard settings. Change them or add to them as required.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you select the standard default values for the following functions:

- Displaying or changing documents

- Displaying or processing payment proposals

These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up if you do not select any other variant.


Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Document Change Rules, Document Header

In this activity, you determine under which circumstances fields within posted documents can be changed.

For a number of fields, the system itself determines that they can no longer be changed after posting. This includes all fields
which are central to the principles of orderly accounting, for example, the amount posted and the account.

The system also prevents the update objects from being changed in documents which have already been posted, independent
of the document change rules. Update objects are elements in the system for which transaction figures or line items are
updated, for example, business area or cost centres (if cost centre accounting is used in the SAP system). Update objects are
entered as additional account assignments during posting.

If you are using the Special Purpose Ledger application, you should ensure that fields which are updated there are protected
against changes in the document. Document changes do not affect updating in the special purpose ledger.

1. Check the default settings.

2. Change the specifications if necessary.

Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items

In this activity you define screen templates for the fast entry of G/L account items when posting documents. You can generate
screen templates with the field’s account, amount and company code, for example.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. If necessary, change or enhance the definitions.

2. If you want to assign a screen template to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Define Reconciliation Accounts for Customer Down Payments

In this step, you define an account in which the customer down payments or down payment requests are managed in the
general ledger. In the case of down payments or down payment requests, the posting is automatically made to this account
instead of to the normal receivables account (reconciliation account).


You can group the specifications account type, special G/L indicator and reconciliation account together under a three-
character key. You store the clearing accounts for output tax under this key in the next step.
This is only necessary if you display down payments or down payment requests gross.

You specify as to whether a down payment or down payment request is displayed gross or net in the alternative reconciliation
account via the Tax category field.


1. Specify the number of the alternative reconciliation account.

2. Make sure the account is created and that the Tax category field is filled correctly.

3. If you want the gross display, specify the clearing accounts for output tax in the next step.

Define Tax Accounts for Down Payments Received

In this activity you enter the accounts for the different types of taxes. The system determines these accounts for automatic


Define the tax accounts.

Define Account for Tax Clearing

In this step, you define an output tax clearing account. This account is needed if you display down payments gross in the
customer account.


Your specification depends on the chart of accounts. In addition, you can specify a key for the differentiation which groups
the special G/L indicator, the account type and the reconciliation account together.


You have defined the key.


1. Enter one or more output tax clearing accounts when you display your down payments gross.

2. Make sure that the accounts are created.

3. Furthermore, make sure that the "Tax category" field in the alternative reconciliation account was filled correctly for
the down payments.
Down Payment Made

In the following steps, you make the settings for down payments made.

0 Make and Check Document Settings

You can make new document settings here, or check existing settings, so that they correspond to the business transaction
you are currently processing:

- If you have already made document settings in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation Guide, you
can check that those settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any document settings, you can do so here.

Define Document Types

In this activity you create document types for customer, vendor and general ledger business transactions in Financial
Accounting. Document types differentiate business transactions and control document filing.

You specify a number range for each document type. Document numbers are chosen from this number range. You can use
one number range for several document types.

Document types are valid for all clients. You specify a number range key for each document type. You create the desired
number range intervals for each number range key based on the company code. This means that you can specify intervals of
different sizes for the same number range.


You defined a document type for incoming invoices. In company code 0001 there are a lot of invoices to be posted. Thus
you create a large number interval for the number range in this company code. In another company code there are only a few
incoming invoices that need to be posted. For this company code you can define a small number interval for the same number

If a document type is not used in a company code, do not store a number interval for that company code.


To use the net method of posting documents, you need a net document type (for example, KN). In this document type, you
have to set the "Net document type" indicator found under the "Control" area. You can define a common document type (for
example, AB) and a common number range for clearing open items in accounts receivable, payable and G/L accounts.

For automatic posting transactions (for example, transfer postings with clearing), you have to define a clearing document
type (for example, AB). If you do not want to use the standard setting AB for the clearing document type, you can delete it
and define your own. Under the document type properties, you can assign an individual reverse document type to each
document type. For document types with external number ranges, you have to define an individual reverse document type
because the system can make automatic reverse entries only in document types that have internal number assignment.

Standard settings

The present document types cover business transactions

- in Financial Accounting for:

- General ledger accounting

- Accounts receivable

- Accounts payable

- Asset accounting

- Consolidation

- in Materials Management and Sales and Distribution for:

- Goods receipt and issue

- Incoming and outgoing invoices

- Physical inventory ( stocktaking )

- Invoicing


1. Find out whether you can use the standard settings.

2. Change or extend the default settings, if necessary.

3. Check the specified document number ranges via the "Define document number ranges" activity if you use the standard
document types.
These number ranges must be created for your company codes and contain the number intervals you require.

Define Posting Keys

In this activity you define posting keys. Users specify a posting key before entering a line item. The posting key controls
how the line item is entered and processed.
For each posting key, you define among other things:

- which side of an account can be posted to,

- which type of account can be posted to, and

- Which fields the system displays on the entry screens and whether an entry must be made (field status).

The system also uses the field status group you specify in a G/L account to determine the status of fields in document entry.
Field status groups are defined within a field status variant.


Use the posting keys delivered with the standard system.


1. Check the standard settings.

2. Modify them if necessary.

In particular, you may need to make changes to customer and vendor posting keys if a different field status is required.

Validation in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define additional checks for accounting documents in the form of validations for each of your company
codes. You can assign a validation for the document header and one for the line items to each company code. The assigned
validations are valid both for manual entry of documents as well as for the automatic creation of documents (for example,
payment program).

For every company code to which you want to assign a validation, you store the following information:

- Validation call-up point

Here you enter key "1" for "Check document header" and key "2" for "Check line item".

- Validation
Here there are the names of validations which already exist which you can display or change. A new validation must
firstly be created by you. Afterwards the name appears in the overview.

- Description of the validation

- Activation level
Here you enter key "0" for inactive, key "1" for active and key "2" for active except for batch input.

For example, you can use the validation for the following situation: You want to make sure that postings to the expense
account "Telephone costs" can only be posted to the services cost centre "Telephone". You can carry out the checks needed
for this by using the validation.


If you want to define new validations, go through the following activities:

1. Place the cursor on a line in which company code and call-up point are entered (you can enter company code and
validation call-up point via Edit -> New entries).

2. Afterwards select Environment -> Validation. You reach the first screen for maintaining a validation.

3. Select Validation -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you come to an overview screen of the
validation activities belonging to the validation.

4. Select Insert entry. On the next screen you can describe a new validation activity. You describe the check requirements
and the actual check for this. The syntax to be used for this is described in the online help (F1 help) for the input fields
for Requirements and Check. You can also define a message (warning or error message) which is sent if the check is
not successful.

If you want to change validations which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Place the cursor on an already existing entry and select go to -> Validation.

2. On the next screen select Validation -> Display or Validation -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you get to the
overview screen of the validation activities belonging to the validation. If you select Insert entry, you can carry out
changes if necessary.

Define Texts for Line Items

In this activity, you can store texts under keys which can be transferred to the line item. When entering a document, the key
is entered in the text field.


If you wish, the texts can be transferred to the customers in payment notices.


1. Find out which texts are to be stored.

2. Enter these texts into the system under a key.

Define Default Values

In this activity, you define default values for document types and posting keys which otherwise must be entered by the user
when processing business transactions. Your specifications depend on the function code.

When posting outgoing invoices, you use the document type "DR" and posting key "01". You can store these specifications
in the system. They are proposed by the system when you call up the corresponding transaction.

Define the required default values.

Define Field Status Variants

In this activity you can define and edit field status variants and groups. You group several field status groups together in one
field status variant. You assign the field status variants to a company code in the activity Assign Company Code to Field
Status Variants. This allows you to work with the same field status groups in any number of company codes.

You can also define and process field status groups. You must define a field status group in the company code-specific area
of each G/L account. The field status group determines which fields are ready for input, which are required entry fields, and
which are hidden during document entry. Bear in mind that additional account assignments (i.e. cost centres or orders) are
only possible if data can be entered in the corresponding fields.

Standard settings

Field status variant 0001 is entered for company code 0001 in the standard SAP software. Field status groups are already
defined for this variant.


You cannot attach a field status to some fields, such as those in the document header. You can, however, switch between
required and optional entry field designations in the document type for some of these header fields.

The field status group you enter in the reconciliation accounts affects postings to the related customer or vendor accounts.
You cannot enter a field status group in the customer or vendor accounts. Field status groups are determined for customer
and vendor accounts from their respective reconciliation accounts, via the G/L account number in their master records.

There are other factors, besides the field status group itself, which have an influence on the field status. Among these are:

- The field status defined for the posting key.

The status "optional entry field" was assigned to posting keys 40 and 50 in the standard system. These are the standard
posting keys for G/L account postings. The "optional entry field" status has no effect on the field status.
- Specifications for the document type.
You can specify here that a reference number and document header text must always be entered, for example.


Designate field status via the field status groups in the G/L accounts. This allows you a more account-specific screen layout.
You cannot differentiate by posting key, since there are only two such keys for postings to G/L accounts.

The situation with reconciliation accounts is different. You do not make any differentiated field status definition via the
master record for these special G/L accounts. You use the debit and credit posting keys instead.


1. Create new field status variants using Edit -> New entries. You can also use the copy function to create new field
status variants. To do this, select Edit -> Copy as. When copying field status variants, the accompanying field status
groups are also copied.

2. Look at the standard field status groups.

3. Find out which fields on the entry screens should be

- ready for input

- required entry fields

- Hidden for the G/L accounts in your company.

You do not make this definition for each account, but rather for groups of accounts. This is why you may want to adapt
the field status groups included in the standard system.

4. If necessary, change the standard field status groups, or define your own for each field status variant.

5. You can delete field status variants that are no longer required via Edit -> Delete. The accompanying field status
groups will also be deleted.

Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants


In this IMG activity, you assign the company codes in which you want to work with identical field status groups to the same
field status variant.

You define your field status group per field status variant. For more information, see Define Field Status Definition Groups.
Standard settings

In the SAP standard, a field status variant of the same name is assigned to company code 0001.


Assign the company codes concerned to the same field status variant.

Screen Variants for Document Entry

The screen variant which you specify for each company code addresses special screens for documents for several specific
functions. You determine the screen variant dependent on the company code.


In an Italian company code, for example, a screen with fields for withholding tax is required when entering a vendor item.
You therefore have to select a special screen variant for Italian company codes.

Standard settings

A corresponding variant was selected for the standard company codes.


Check whether the required variants have been selected for your company codes.
Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks


In this IMG activity, you can define your own sub screens for posting transactions. In posting transactions, the account
assignment objects are displayed on sub screens. If the fields on a sub screen are not sufficient for your purposes, you can
define your own sub screen.

For more information about defining your own sub screens, see the general section Define Sunscreens for Account
Assignment Block

Substitution in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define possible changes regarding your accounting documents in the form of substitutions of individual
fields for your company codes. You can make changes both in the document header and in the line item. The substitutions
are valid for both the manual entry of documents and for the automatic creation of documents (for example, payment

For each company code to which you want to assign a substitution, define the following information:

- Time of substitution
Here you enter the key "1" for substitution within the document header, the key "2" for substitution within the line item
and the key "3" for the whole document.

- Substitution
Here you can change or display the names of substitutions which already exist. You have to create a new substitution.
The name then appears in the overview afterwards.

- Name for the substitution

- Activation level
Here you enter the key "0" for inactive, the key "1" for active and the key "2" for active (except for in batch).


If you want to define new substitutions, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on a line in which the company code and the time have been entered (you can enter the company
code and the time via Edit -> New entries).

2. Then select Environment -> Substitution. You reach the first screen for maintaining a substitution.

3. Select Substitution -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you reach the overview screen with
the substitution activities belonging to substitution.

4. Select Insert entry. You can describe a new substitution activity on the next screen. You describe the substitution
requirements and the actual substitution for this. The syntax to be used for this is explained in the F1 help for the input
fields Requirements and Substitution.

If you want to change substitutions which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on an existing entry and select go to -> Substitution.

2. On the next screen, select Substitution -> Display or Substitution -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you reach
the overview screen with the substitution activities belonging to substitution. If you select Insert entry, you can make
the required changes.
Define Text IDs for Documents

In this activity you define text IDs for long texts at document header level. When entering a document, you can enter texts
for every text ID. This means that you can store information on the document that affects the whole document.


You create text IDs across the system, i.e. for all clients.

SAP standard settings

The system is delivered with the text IDs Note, Correspondence, and Payment advice info as standard settings.


1. Define the required text IDs.

2. Select the Relevant text field in the clients in which the text IDs are to be used.

Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview

In this activity, you define the line layout variants for document posting by specifying which information you want to have
available onscreen (i.e., document number, account number, company code). You can also assign a display format to each


1. Check the extent to which you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user's master record.

Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you define the line layout variants.

For the functions Change document or Display document, you define which information from the line item is displayed
on the screen.

For the function Edit payment proposal, you define the layout for displaying the payments or exceptions.

1. Check whether you can use the standard settings. Change them or add to them as required.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.
Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you select the standard default values for the following functions:

- Displaying or changing documents

- Displaying or processing payment proposals

These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up if you do not select any other variant.


Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Document Change Rules, Document Header

In this activity, you determine under which circumstances fields within posted documents can be changed.


For a number of fields, the system itself determines that they can no longer be changed after posting. This includes all fields
which are central to the principles of orderly accounting, for example, the amount posted and the account.

The system also prevents the update objects from being changed in documents which have already been posted, independent
of the document change rules. Update objects are elements in the system for which transaction figures or line items are
updated, for example, business area or cost centres (if cost centre accounting is used in the SAP system). Update objects are
entered as additional account assignments during posting.

If you are using the Special Purpose Ledger application, you should ensure that fields which are updated there are protected
against changes in the document. Document changes do not affect updating in the special purpose ledger.


1. Check the default settings.

2. Change the specifications if necessary.

Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items

In this activity you define screen templates for the fast entry of G/L account items when posting documents. You can generate
screen templates with the field’s account, amount and company code, for example.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. If necessary, change or enhance the definitions.

2. If you want to assign a screen template to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Down Payments

In this step, you define an account in which the vendor down payments are managed in the general ledger. The down payment
posting is then automatically made to this account instead of to the normal payables account (reconciliation account).

You can group the specifications account type, special G/L indicator and reconciliation account together under one three-
character key. You store the clearing accounts for input tax under this key in the next step. This is only necessary if you
display down payments gross.
You specify in the alternative reconciliation account via the Tax category field whether a down payment is displayed gross
or net.


1. Specify the number of the alternative reconciliation account.

2. Make sure that the account is created and that the Tax category field is filled correctly.

3. If you want the gross display, specify the clearing accounts for input tax in the next step.

Define Account for Tax Clearing

In this step, you define an input tax clearing account. This account is needed if you display down payments gross in the
vendor account.


Your specification depends on the chart of accounts. In addition, you can specify a differentiation key
Which groups the special G/L indicator, the account type and the reconciliation account together. You define the key when
you store the alternative reconciliation account for down payments via configuration (see "Requirements”).


You must have defined the keys.


1. Enter one or more clearing accounts when you display your down payments gross.

2. Make sure that the accounts are created.

3. Furthermore, make sure that the Tax category field in the alternative reconciliation account was filled correctly for the
down payments.

Down Payments/Down Payment Requests

Activate Application


In this IMG activity, you can define your application for down payments and down payment requests on the basis of purchase
Change Message Control


In this IMG activity, you can set the display of selected system messages to meet your requirements.

You can define the message type (error, warning, note at the bottom of the screen, note in the window), or switch the message
off completely.

- Enter the required message type.

- Save your entries. The relevant message text is used automatically.

Notes on Transport

You can transport settings for message control manually.

To do this, choose Table View -> Transport.


When you call up transaction F-47 (Down Payment Request) or F-48 (Down Payment) using transaction
FPDP_CREATE (Down Payment Based on Purchase Orders), messages F5 371 (Purchase document belongs to another
supplier) and F5 373 (Order value will be exceeded) are not output in the standard system.

If, however, you want an error message to be output, you have to set the online parameter to E. The output of these messages
as a warning when you call up transactions F-47 or F-48 direct is unaffected by this.

BAdI: Default Values for Vendor Down Payment Clearing


This Business Add-In (BAdI) Determine Default Values for Vendor Down Payment Clearing is used in the component
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable for down payments and down payment requests based on purchase orders. You
can define default values for down payment clearing.

Standard settings

In the standard system, there is no activated BAdI implementation. This BAdI is not filter-dependent, but is intended for
multiple use.


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under
BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also:

This BAdI uses the interface IF_EX_CALC_VALUES. For more information, display the interface in the Class Builder.
BAdI: Check of Down Payment Totals


This Business Add-In (BAdI) Check of Down Payment Totals is used in the component Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable for down payments and down payment requests based on purchase orders. You can use it to enter checks for the
down payment values entered.

Using the interface table, you can transfer messages to the calling program that subsequently outputs these messages.

Standard settings

In the standard system, there is no activated BAdI implementation. This BAdI is not filter-dependent, but is intended for
multiple use.


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under
BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also:

This BAdI uses the interface IF_EX_DP_CHECK. For more information, display the interface in the Class Builder.

Bills of Exchange

You make the settings for the following bill of exchange types:

- Bill of exchange receivable

- Bill of exchange payable - Check/bill of exchange under Financial Accounting -> Bank Accounting -> Business
Transactions -> Bill of Exchange Transactions

Internal Transfer Posting

In the following steps, you make the settings for internal transfer postings.
Make and Check Document Settings

You can make new document settings here, or check existing settings, so that they correspond to the business transaction
you are currently processing:

- If you have already made document settings in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation Guide, you
can check that those settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any document settings, you can do so here.
Define Document Types

In this activity you create document types for customer, vendor and general ledger business transactions in Financial
Accounting. Document types differentiate business transactions and control document filing.

You specify a number range for each document type. Document numbers are chosen from this number range. You can use
one number range for several document types.

Document types are valid for all clients. You specify a number range key for each document type. You create the desired
number range intervals for each number range key based on the company code. This means that you can specify intervals of
different sizes for the same number range.


You defined a document type for incoming invoices. In company code 0001 there are a lot of invoices to be posted. Thus
you create a large number interval for the number range in this company code. In another company code there are only a few
incoming invoices that need to be posted. For this company code you can define a small number interval for the same number

If a document type is not used in a company code, do not store a number interval for that company code.


To use the net method of posting documents, you need a net document type (for example, KN). In this document type, you
have to set the "Net document type" indicator found under the "Control" area. You can define a common document type (for
example, AB) and a common number range for clearing open items in accounts receivable, payable and G/L accounts.

For automatic posting transactions (for example, transfer postings with clearing), you have to define a clearing document
type (for example, AB). If you do not want to use the standard setting AB for the clearing document type, you can delete it
and define your own. Under the document type properties, you can assign an individual reverse document type to each
document type. For document types with external number ranges, you have to define an individual reverse document type
because the system can make automatic reverse entries only in document types that have internal number assignment.

Standard settings

The present document types cover business transactions

- in Financial Accounting for:

- General ledger accounting

- Accounts receivable

- Accounts payable

- Asset accounting

- Consolidation

- in Materials Management and Sales and Distribution for:

- Goods receipt and issue

- Incoming and outgoing invoices

- Physical inventory ( stocktaking )

- Invoicing

1. Find out whether you can use the standard settings.

2. Change or extend the default settings, if necessary.

3. Check the specified document number ranges via the "Define document number ranges" activity if you use the standard
document types.
These number ranges must be created for your company codes and contain the number intervals you require.

Define Posting Keys

In this activity you define posting keys. Users specify a posting key before entering a line item. The posting key controls
how the line item is entered and processed.

For each posting key, you define among other things:

- which side of an account can be posted to,

- which type of account can be posted to, and

- Which fields the system displays on the entry screens and whether an entry must be made (field status).


The system also uses the field status group you specify in a G/L account to determine the status of fields in document entry.
Field status groups are defined within a field status variant.

Use the posting keys delivered with the standard system.


1. Check the standard settings.

2. Modify them if necessary.

In particular, you may need to make changes to customer and vendor posting keys if a different field status is required.

Validation in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define additional checks for accounting documents in the form of validations for each of your company
codes. You can assign a validation for the document header and one for the line items to each company code. The assigned
validations are valid both for manual entry of documents as well as for the automatic creation of documents (for example,
payment program).

For every company code to which you want to assign a validation, you store the following information:

- Validation call-up point

Here you enter key "1" for "Check document header" and key "2" for "Check line item".

- Validation
Here there are the names of validations which already exist which you can display or change. A new validation must
firstly be created by you. Afterwards the name appears in the overview.

- Description of the validation

- Activation level
Here you enter key "0" for inactive, key "1" for active and key "2" for active except for batch input.


For example, you can use the validation for the following situation: You want to make sure that postings to the expense
account "Telephone costs" can only be posted to the services cost centre "Telephone". You can carry out the checks needed
for this by using the validation.


If you want to define new validations, go through the following activities:

1. Place the cursor on a line in which company code and call-up point are entered (you can enter company code and
validation call-up point via Edit -> New entries).
2. Afterwards select Environment -> Validation. You reach the first screen for maintaining a validation.

3. Select Validation -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you come to an overview screen of the
validation activities belonging to the validation.

4. Select Insert entry. On the next screen you can describe a new validation activity. You describe the check requirements
and the actual check for this. The syntax to be used for this is described in the online help (F1 help) for the input fields
for Requirements and Check. You can also define a message (warning or error message) which is sent if the check is
not successful.

If you want to change validations which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Place the cursor on an already existing entry and select go to -> Validation.

2. On the next screen select Validation -> Display or Validation -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you get to the
overview screen of the validation activities belonging to the validation. If you select Insert entry, you can carry out
changes if necessary.

Define Texts for Line Items

In this activity, you can store texts under keys which can be transferred to the line item. When entering a document, the key
is entered in the text field.


If you wish, the texts can be transferred to the customers in payment notices.


1. Find out which texts are to be stored.

2. Enter these texts into the system under a key.

Define Default Values

In this activity, you define default values for document types and posting keys which otherwise must be entered by the user
when processing business transactions. Your specifications depend on the function code.


When posting outgoing invoices, you use the document type "DR" and posting key "01". You can store these specifications
in the system. They are proposed by the system when you call up the corresponding transaction.

Define the required default values.

Define Field Status Variants

In this activity you can define and edit field status variants and groups. You group several field status groups together in one
field status variant. You assign the field status variants to a company code in the activity Assign Company Code to Field
Status Variants. This allows you to work with the same field status groups in any number of company codes.

You can also define and process field status groups. You must define a field status group in the company code-specific area
of each G/L account. The field status group determines which fields are ready for input, which are required entry fields, and
which are hidden during document entry. Bear in mind that additional account assignments (i.e. cost centres or orders) are
only possible if data can be entered in the corresponding fields.

Standard settings

Field status variant 0001 is entered for company code 0001 in the standard SAP software. Field status groups are already
defined for this variant.


You cannot attach a field status to some fields, such as those in the document header. You can, however, switch between
required and optional entry field designations in the document type for some of these header fields.

The field status group you enter in the reconciliation accounts affects postings to the related customer or vendor accounts.
You cannot enter a field status group in the customer or vendor accounts. Field status groups are determined for customer
and vendor accounts from their respective reconciliation accounts, via the G/L account number in their master records.

There are other factors, besides the field status group itself, which have an influence on the field status. Among these are:

- The field status defined for the posting key.

The status "optional entry field" was assigned to posting keys 40 and 50 in the standard system. These are the standard
posting keys for G/L account postings. The "optional entry field" status has no effect on the field status.

- Specifications for the document type.

You can specify here that a reference number and document header text must always be entered, for example.

Designate field status via the field status groups in the G/L accounts. This allows you a more account-specific screen layout.
You cannot differentiate by posting key, since there are only two such keys for postings to G/L accounts.
The situation with reconciliation accounts is different. You do not make any differentiated field status definition via the
master record for these special G/L accounts. You use the debit and credit posting keys instead.


1. Create new field status variants using Edit -> New entries. You can also use the copy function to create new field
status variants. To do this, select Edit -> Copy as. When copying field status variants, the accompanying field status
groups are also copied.

2. Look at the standard field status groups.

3. Find out which fields on the entry screens should be

- ready for input

- required entry fields

- Hidden for the G/L accounts in your company.

You do not make this definition for each account, but rather for groups of accounts. This is why you may want to adapt
the field status groups included in the standard system.

4. If necessary, change the standard field status groups, or define your own for each field status variant.

5. You can delete field status variants that are no longer required via Edit -> Delete. The accompanying field status
groups will also be deleted.

Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants


In this IMG activity, you assign the company codes in which you want to work with identical field status groups to the same
field status variant.

You define your field status group per field status variant. For more information, see Define Field Status Definition Groups.

Standard settings

In the SAP standard, a field status variant of the same name is assigned to company code 0001.

Assign the company codes concerned to the same field status variant.

Screen Variants for Document Entry

The screen variant which you specify for each company code addresses special screens for documents for several specific
functions. You determine the screen variant dependent on the company code.

In an Italian company code, for example, a screen with fields for withholding tax is required when entering a vendor item.
You therefore have to select a special screen variant for Italian company codes.

Standard settings

A corresponding variant was selected for the standard company codes.


Check whether the required variants have been selected for your company codes.

Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks


In this IMG activity, you can define your own sub screens for posting transactions. In posting transactions, the account
assignment objects are displayed on sub screens. If the fields on a sub screen are not sufficient for your purposes, you can
define your own sub screen.


For more information about defining your own sub screens, see the general section Define Sunscreens for Account
Assignment Block.
Substitution in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define possible changes regarding your accounting documents in the form of substitutions of individual
fields for your company codes. You can make changes both in the document header and in the line item. The substitutions
are valid for both the manual entry of documents and for the automatic creation of documents (for example, payment

For each company code to which you want to assign a substitution, define the following information:

- Time of substitution
Here you enter the key "1" for substitution within the document header, the key "2" for substitution within the line item
and the key "3" for the whole document.

- Substitution
Here you can change or display the names of substitutions which already exist. You have to create a new substitution.
The name then appears in the overview afterwards.

- Name for the substitution

- Activation level
Here you enter the key "0" for inactive, the key "1" for active and the key "2" for active (except for in batch).


If you want to define new substitutions, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on a line in which the company code and the time have been entered (you can enter the company
code and the time via Edit -> New entries).

2. Then select Environment -> Substitution. You reach the first screen for maintaining a substitution.

3. Select Substitution -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you reach the overview screen with
the substitution activities belonging to substitution.

4. Select Insert entry. You can describe a new substitution activity on the next screen. You describe the substitution
requirements and the actual substitution for this. The syntax to be used for this is explained in the F1 help for the input
fields Requirements and Substitution.

If you want to change substitutions which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on an existing entry and select go to -> Substitution.

2. On the next screen, select Substitution -> Display or Substitution -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you reach
the overview screen with the substitution activities belonging to substitution. If you select Insert entry, you can make
the required changes.
Define Text IDs for Documents

In this activity you define text IDs for long texts at document header level. When entering a document, you can enter texts
for every text ID. This means that you can store information on the document that affects the whole document.


You create text IDs across the system, i.e. for all clients.

SAP standard settings

The system is delivered with the text IDs Note, Correspondence, and Payment advice info as standard settings.


1. Define the required text IDs.

2. Select the Relevant text field in the clients in which the text IDs are to be used.

Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview

In this activity, you define the line layout variants for document posting by specifying which information you want to have
available onscreen (i.e., document number, account number, company code). You can also assign a display format to each


1. Check the extent to which you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user's master record.

Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you define the line layout variants.

For the functions Change document or Display document, you define which information from the line item is displayed
on the screen.

For the function Edit payment proposal, you define the layout for displaying the payments or exceptions.

1. Check whether you can use the standard settings. Change them or add to them as required.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you select the standard default values for the following functions:

- Displaying or changing documents

- Displaying or processing payment proposals

These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up if you do not select any other variant.


Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Document Change Rules, Document Header

In this activity, you determine under which circumstances fields within posted documents can be changed.


For a number of fields, the system itself determines that they can no longer be changed after posting. This includes all fields
which are central to the principles of orderly accounting, for example, the amount posted and the account.

The system also prevents the update objects from being changed in documents which have already been posted, independent
of the document change rules. Update objects are elements in the system for which transaction figures or line items are
updated, for example, business area or cost centres (if cost centre accounting is used in the SAP system). Update objects are
entered as additional account assignments during posting.

If you are using the Special Purpose Ledger application, you should ensure that fields which are updated there are protected
against changes in the document. Document changes do not affect updating in the special purpose ledger.


1. Check the default settings.

2. Change the specifications if necessary.

Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items

In this activity you define screen templates for the fast entry of G/L account items when posting documents. You can generate
screen templates with the field’s account, amount and company code, for example.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. If necessary, change or enhance the definitions.

2. If you want to assign a screen template to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Make and Check Settings for Correspondence

You can make new settings for correspondence here, or check existing settings:

- If you have already made settings for correspondence in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation
Guide, you can check that these settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any settings, you can do so here.

Define Correspondence Types

In this activity, you create your own correspondence types or change the specifications for the standard correspondence types.
A correspondence type represents the type of letters in the system. You must create a correspondence type for the possible
correspondences for each type of letter which you need.

In the standard system there are the correspondence types "Payment notice with line items", "Payment notice without
line items", "Document extract" or "Account statement". You can define further correspondence types for payment
notices, such as payment notices especially for payments which are made for invoices already cleared, or for credit
memos cleared twice.

The correspondence types are

- Offered to the user by the system for selection when processing business transactions or

- Created automatically according to rules defined by the user or

- Always created automatically by the system

You can select the correspondence type "Payment notice" when entering incoming payments. Bill of exchange charges
statements are created automatically for your customers' payments by bill of exchange if charges to be passed on were

You determine which data is necessary for creating the letters for the correspondence types. The following data is necessary
for the correspondences:

Correspondence Necessary data

Payment notices Document number

Account statements Account number and date specifications
Bill/exch.charges statements Document number
Internal documents Document number
Individual letters Account number
Document extracts Document number
This data is either entered manually by the user or is determined automatically by the system after he/she has selected the
relevant correspondence type.

If you select the correspondence type "Payment notice without line items" in the account display, then you must specify
a document number since the correspondence type requires this. If you have specified in the customer master record
that the payment notices are to be created automatically, then the system determines the necessary data when posting
an incoming payment.

Standard settings

Correspondence types are delivered with the standard system. Their keys begin with SAP.


You can use the standard correspondence types. If you want to make changes to them, copy the required correspondence
type and change the new correspondence type accordingly. This is necessary since the standard correspondence types could
be overwritten during the next change of release.


1. Find out which letters were sent to your customers/vendors previously.

2. Find out whether a correspondence type is already defined for these in the standard system.

3. Define your own correspondence types if necessary.

Create Report Variants for Correspondence

In this activity you can define the selection variants for the correspondence that you require.

You define the selection variants independently of the company code and the type of correspondence.

Correspondence type internal document, program RFKORD30, variant SAP09


Usually only the fields in the output control and print control areas, as well as the field correspondence in the test run area,
are of interest for a selection variant.

The remaining fields in the test run area are used if the documents are to be output directly with the print program.


1. Find out the name of the appropriate print program. You can get an overview of the existing programs using the function
Tools -> Program search. To search for standard programs, enter RFKORD*, or to search for customer-defined
programs ZFKORD*, for example. An up-to-date list of programs is displayed.

2. Select the required program from the list and run it. The system takes you to the selection screen. Here you can either
change an existing variant or create one of your own.
To change a standard variant, you can display the variant using the function fetch variant. You can then change these
variants and then save them under your own name (customer name range). To create your own variant, enter the
selection criteria directly and then save this variant under your own name (customer name range).

3. In Customizing, specify the report name and the variant for the report assignment for the correspondence type. You can
do this in the activity Assign Programs for Correspondence Types.

Additional information

There are report variants for the different correspondence types in client 000. For more information about the system settings,
see the corresponding program documentation.

Assign Programs for Correspondence Types

In this activity, you define the print program and the selection variant corresponding to each correspondence type. The
selection variant is used when printing the requested correspondence.

Correspondence Print program

Payment notices RFKORD00

Account statements RFKORD10
Bill/exch.charges statements RFKORD20
Internal documents RFKORD30
Individual letters RFKORD40
Document extracts RFKORD50
Customer statement RFKORD11

You can distinguish your specifications by company code. This is usually necessary for companies with several company
codes, since you also enter the printer on which you want your correspondence to be issued in the selection variant.


Specify the name of the print program and the required variant for each correspondence type.
You can create the variant using the configuration function. Select go to -> Maintain variant.

Additional information

You can find further information on the selection variants in the sections for the individual types of correspondence.

Define Forms for Correspondence

In this activity you can define the forms (layout sets) for your business correspondence.

Standard settings

Forms for correspondence are already defined in the standard system.

SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part.

If you want to make changes to the forms, SAP recommends NOT to change the standard forms, but to first copy them and
then make changes to the copied version.


If you are using the standard forms, you do not need to make any settings here.

Proceed as follows to define your own forms:

1. Enter the standard form you want to copy.

2. Choose Layout set -> Create/Change.

You will then see the header data screen for the layout set.

3. Choose Layout set -> Save as... and enter a new name.
The name of the new layout set should start with the letter "Z" or "Y" in order to ensure that it is not overwritten during
upgrades. Assign the layout set to the layout set class FKOR.

4. Edit and activate the new form.

Define Form Names for Correspondence Print

In this activity, you define the names of the forms which are to be used for printing the correspondence.

The system attempts to create the letters for your customers/vendors in the language specified in the customer/vendor master
record. Internal documents are issued in the company code or logon language. To do this, the corresponding form must be
available in the required language in the system. You should therefore translate the forms into the required languages if they
are not already available in the standard system.

You define the form names depending on the company code, print program and a form ID. With the help of the form ID, it
is possible to store different forms for one print report.


You want to create account statements with and without displaying the days in arrears. For this, you defined a correspondence
type. For every account statement type you also create your own form and store the names of the forms for the print program
"RFKORD10" under your own form ID.

If you want to use the form IDs, you should note that you must enter them in the selection variants for the print reports. You
need the corresponding number of variants.


You are to be able to create payment notices with and without an individual text. To do this, you store a form without
form ID for the program RFKORD00. This form does not have any individual texts defined for it. You store another
form under a form ID. This form does have an individual text defined for it. You create two selection variants for the
print program and store these variants for the relevant correspondence types in the system.

Text elements are contained in the standard forms. Text elements offer the option of storing different, alternative texts in a
form which are then printed depending on the posting procedure.


In the standard form for payment notices, a text element is stored for the case that a credit memo was to be posted and
another text element for the case that a partial payment was to be posted for an incoming payment.
For your information, the individual text elements are commented on in the standard forms.


In the letter, you can display the segment text (posting text) of an item. An asterisk (*) must be at the beginning of the text
To define your own forms, copy the standard ones and change them. Delete the print texts you do not need. Make sure the
numbers of the available text elements and the commentary lines remain for each text element. The commentary lines contain
the character /* in the form column.

1. Find out the names of the standard forms.

2. Check whether you can use these forms.

3. Define and activate your own forms and translate them, if necessary.

4. Store the names of the forms.

Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form

In this activity, you define which texts are to be used in the letter window and the signature line for each company code. This
applies to the following:

- letter header

- letter footer

- sender address


This procedure is useful if you use a form for several company codes, since you do not need to define these details in the
form or use pre-printed writing paper. In this case, the company code-specific texts must be stored separately.


1. Create your standard texts. The text ID is ADRS.

2. Specify which texts are to be used for the

individual company codes.

To transport the texts from the Customizing system to the productive system, include them in a transport request.

1. Choose Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> ABAP Editor.

2. Enter the program name RSTXTRAN.

3. Enter the name of the correction and the text ID, and then execute the transport.

Determine Call-Up Functions

In this activity, you specify which correspondence types can be selected online within which functions.
The following functions are included:

- document entry
- functions for payment settlement

- document display and document change

- Account editing (balance display and line item processing).


Payment notices can only be selected for payment transactions, whilst account statements can be selected in all of the above


You do not make a specification for the bill of exchange charges statement. You cannot select the statement of bill of
exchange charges - it is created automatically for your customers if bill of exchange charges were posted.

Make your specifications dependent on company code. If no entry exists for a company code, the correspondence types
specified without company code are offered.


1. Check the standard specifications.

2. Change them if necessary.

If you defined your own correspondence types, you must include them here and make your specification.

Develop Enhancements for Correspondence

The following SAP enhancements are available for the "Correspondence" area:

- RFKORIEX for automatic correspondence


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP
may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.
For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.
Define Sort Variants for Correspondence

In this activity, you define sort variants for printing letters for all of the various correspondence types.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. Enter the sort variants in the printing program for correspondence.

Define Sort Variants for Line Items

In this activity, you define correspondence sort variants for the line item output sequence in letters.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. You specify sort variants in the payment method layout set data for the company code, so that the print program carries
out the sorting for that payment method as you require. Select customizing for the print program to make these settings.

Postings with Alternative Reconciliation Account

During document entry, you use the reconciliation account to define the G\L account in which the transaction figures are to
be updated. You determine which G\L account is to be used using:

- The special G\L indicator or

- The reconciliation account which is defined in the master record (default) and, if relevant, any additional
alternative reconciliation accounts which you can define per reconciliation account in Customizing

You can specify the following attributes for special G\L accounts:

- Only noted items, no balance update

- Not relevant to credit limit check

- Warning for commitments

You can specify the following attributes for alternative reconciliation accounts:

- Not relevant to credit limit check

- Not relevant to the payment program

Other Special G/L Transactions

In the following activities, you make the specifications for special G/L transactions for which an offsetting entry is generally
made to the same G/L account. For example, guarantees are always posted to the same offsetting account in the R\3 System.
The special G/L transactions specified are valid for all charts of accounts.

For these special G/L transactions, you specify the number of the account for the offsetting entry in addition to the alternative
reconciliation account. In order to simplify this posting transaction, the system makes this posting. To do this, it needs the
G/L account number.

You can also add special G/L transactions to the ones delivered in the standard system. You do not necessarily need an
automatic offsetting entry for new special G/L transactions. Certain receivables, for example, which are only transitory
monies, are displayed in an alternative receivables account and in the customer account. You set up an individual special
G/L transaction for this. In this case, however, you do not need an account for the offsetting entry.

Make and Check Document Settings

You can make new document settings here, or check existing settings, so that they correspond to the business transaction
you are currently processing:

- If you have already made document settings in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation Guide, you
can check that those settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any document settings, you can do so here.

Define Document Types

In this activity you create document types for customer, vendor and general ledger business transactions in Financial
Accounting. Document types differentiate business transactions and control document filing.

You specify a number range for each document type. Document numbers are chosen from this number range. You can use
one number range for several document types.

Document types are valid for all clients. You specify a number range key for each document type. You create the desired
number range intervals for each number range key based on the company code. This means that you can specify intervals of
different sizes for the same number range.


You defined a document type for incoming invoices. In company code 0001 there are a lot of invoices to be posted. Thus
you create a large number interval for the number range in this company code. In another company code there are only a few
incoming invoices that need to be posted. For this company code you can define a small number interval for the same number

If a document type is not used in a company code, do not store a number interval for that company code.


To use the net method of posting documents, you need a net document type (for example, KN). In this document type, you
have to set the "Net document type" indicator found under the "Control" area. You can define a common document type (for
example, AB) and a common number range for clearing open items in accounts receivable, payable and G/L accounts.
For automatic posting transactions (for example, transfer postings with clearing), you have to define a clearing document
type (for example, AB). If you do not want to use the standard setting AB for the clearing document type, you can delete it
and define your own. Under the document type properties, you can assign an individual reverse document type to each
document type. For document types with external number ranges, you have to define an individual reverse document type
because the system can make automatic reverse entries only in document types that have internal number assignment.

Standard settings

The present document types cover business transactions

- in Financial Accounting for:

- General ledger accounting

- Accounts receivable

- Accounts payable

- Asset accounting

- Consolidation

- in Materials Management and Sales and Distribution for:

- Goods receipt and issue

- Incoming and outgoing invoices

- Physical inventory ( stocktaking )

- Invoicing


1. Find out whether you can use the standard settings.

2. Change or extend the default settings, if necessary.

3. Check the specified document number ranges via the "Define document number ranges" activity if you use the standard
document types.
These number ranges must be created for your company codes and contain the number intervals you require.

Define Posting Keys

In this activity you define posting keys. Users specify a posting key before entering a line item. The posting key controls
how the line item is entered and processed.

For each posting key, you define among other things:

- which side of an account can be posted to,

- which type of account can be posted to, and

- Which fields the system displays on the entry screens and whether an entry must be made (field status).

The system also uses the field status group you specify in a G/L account to determine the status of fields in document entry.
Field status groups are defined within a field status variant.


Use the posting keys delivered with the standard system.


1. Check the standard settings.

2. Modify them if necessary.

In particular, you may need to make changes to customer and vendor posting keys if a different field status is required.

Validation in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define additional checks for accounting documents in the form of validations for each of your company
codes. You can assign a validation for the document header and one for the line items to each company code. The assigned
validations are valid both for manual entry of documents as well as for the automatic creation of documents (for example,
payment program).

For every company code to which you want to assign a validation, you store the following information:
- Validation call-up point
Here you enter key "1" for "Check document header" and key "2" for "Check line item".

- Validation
Here there are the names of validations which already exist which you can display or change. A new validation must
firstly be created by you. Afterwards the name appears in the overview.

- Description of the validation

- Activation level
Here you enter key "0" for inactive, key "1" for active and key "2" for active except for batch input.


For example, you can use the validation for the following situation: You want to make sure that postings to the expense
account "Telephone costs" can only be posted to the services cost centre "Telephone". You can carry out the checks needed
for this by using the validation.


If you want to define new validations, go through the following activities:

1. Place the cursor on a line in which company code and call-up point are entered (you can enter company code and
validation call-up point via Edit -> New entries).

2. Afterwards select Environment -> Validation. You reach the first screen for maintaining a validation.

3. Select Validation -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you come to an overview screen of the
validation activities belonging to the validation.
4. Select Insert entry. On the next screen you can describe a new validation activity. You describe the check requirements
and the actual check for this. The syntax to be used for this is described in the online help (F1 help) for the input fields
for Requirements and Check. You can also define a message (warning or error message) which is sent if the check is
not successful.

If you want to change validations which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Place the cursor on an already existing entry and select go to -> Validation.

2. On the next screen select Validation -> Display or Validation -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you get to the
overview screen of the validation activities belonging to the validation. If you select Insert entry, you can carry out
changes if necessary.

Define Texts for Line Items

In this activity, you can store texts under keys which can be transferred to the line item. When entering a document, the key
is entered in the text field.

If you wish, the texts can be transferred to the customers in payment notices.


1. Find out which texts are to be stored.

2. Enter these texts into the system under a key.

Define Default Values

In this activity, you define default values for document types and posting keys which otherwise must be entered by the user
when processing business transactions. Your specifications depend on the function code.


When posting outgoing invoices, you use the document type "DR" and posting key "01". You can store these specifications
in the system. They are proposed by the system when you call up the corresponding transaction.


Define the required default values.

Define Field Status Variants

In this activity you can define and edit field status variants and groups. You group several field status groups together in one
field status variant. You assign the field status variants to a company code in the activity Assign Company Code to Field
Status Variants. This allows you to work with the same field status groups in any number of company codes.

You can also define and process field status groups. You must define a field status group in the company code-specific area
of each G/L account. The field status group determines which fields are ready for input, which are required entry fields, and
which are hidden during document entry. Bear in mind that additional account assignments (i.e. cost centres or orders) are
only possible if data can be entered in the corresponding fields.

Standard settings

Field status variant 0001 is entered for company code 0001 in the standard SAP software. Field status groups are already
defined for this variant.

You cannot attach a field status to some fields, such as those in the document header. You can, however, switch between
required and optional entry field designations in the document type for some of these header fields.

The field status group you enter in the reconciliation accounts affects postings to the related customer or vendor accounts.
You cannot enter a field status group in the customer or vendor accounts. Field status groups are determined for customer
and vendor accounts from their respective reconciliation accounts, via the G/L account number in their master records.

There are other factors, besides the field status group itself, which have an influence on the field status. Among these are:

- The field status defined for the posting key.

The status "optional entry field" was assigned to posting keys 40 and 50 in the standard system. These are the standard
posting keys for G/L account postings. The "optional entry field" status has no effect on the field status.

- Specifications for the document type.

You can specify here that a reference number and document header text must always be entered, for example.


Designate field status via the field status groups in the G/L accounts. This allows you a more account-specific screen layout.
You cannot differentiate by posting key, since there are only two such keys for postings to G/L accounts.

The situation with reconciliation accounts is different. You do not make any differentiated field status definition via the
master record for these special G/L accounts. You use the debit and credit posting keys instead.


1. Create new field status variants using Edit -> New entries. You can also use the copy function to create new field
status variants. To do this, select Edit -> Copy as. When copying field status variants, the accompanying field status
groups are also copied.

2. Look at the standard field status groups.

3. Find out which fields on the entry screens should be

- ready for input

- required entry fields

- Hidden for the G/L accounts in your company.

You do not make this definition for each account, but rather for groups of accounts. This is why you
May want to adapt the field status groups included in the standard system.

4. If necessary, change the standard field status groups, or define your own for each field status variant.
5. You can delete field status variants that are no longer required via Edit -> Delete. The accompanying field status
groups will also be deleted.

Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants


In this IMG activity, you assign the company codes in which you want to work with identical field status groups to the same
field status variant.

You define your field status group per field status variant. For more information, see Define Field Status Definition Groups.

Standard settings

In the SAP standard, a field status variant of the same name is assigned to company code 0001.


Assign the company codes concerned to the same field status variant.

Screen Variants for Document Entry

The screen variant which you specify for each company code addresses special screens for documents for several specific
functions. You determine the screen variant dependent on the company code.


In an Italian company code, for example, a screen with fields for withholding tax is required when entering a vendor item.
You therefore have to select a special screen variant for Italian company codes.

Standard settings

A corresponding variant was selected for the standard company codes.


Check whether the required variants have been selected for your company codes.
Define Sunscreens for Coding Blocks


In this IMG activity, you can define your own sub screens for posting transactions. In posting transactions, the account
assignment objects are displayed on sub screens. If the fields on a sub screen are not sufficient for your purposes, you can
define your own sub screen.

For more information about defining your own sub screens, see the general section Define Sunscreens for Account
Assignment Block.

Substitution in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define possible changes regarding your accounting documents in the form of substitutions of individual
fields for your company codes. You can make changes both in the document header and in the line item. The substitutions
are valid for both the manual entry of documents and for the automatic creation of documents (for example, payment

For each company code to which you want to assign a substitution, define the following information:

- Time of substitution
Here you enter the key "1" for substitution within the document header, the key "2" for substitution within the line item
and the key "3" for the whole document.

- Substitution
Here you can change or display the names of substitutions which already exist. You have to create a new substitution.
The name then appears in the overview afterwards.

- Name for the substitution

- Activation level
Here you enter the key "0" for inactive, the key "1" for active and the key "2" for active (except for in batch).


If you want to define new substitutions, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on a line in which the company code and the time have been entered (you can enter the company
code and the time via Edit -> New entries).

2. Then select Environment -> Substitution. You reach the first screen for maintaining a substitution.

3. Select Substitution -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you reach the overview screen with
the substitution activities belonging to substitution.

4. Select Insert entry. You can describe a new substitution activity on the next screen. You describe the substitution
requirements and the actual substitution for this. The syntax to be used for this is explained in the F1 help for the input
fields Requirements and Substitution.

If you want to change substitutions which already exist, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on an existing entry and select go to -> Substitution.

2. On the next screen, select Substitution -> Display or Substitution -> Change. After pressing ENTER, you reach
the overview screen with the substitution activities belonging to substitution. If you select Insert entry, you can make
the required changes.
Define Text IDs for Documents

In this activity you define text IDs for long texts at document header level. When entering a document, you can enter texts
for every text ID. This means that you can store information on the document that affects the whole document.


You create text IDs across the system, i.e. for all clients.

SAP standard settings

The system is delivered with the text IDs Note, Correspondence, and Payment advice info as standard settings.


1. Define the required text IDs.

2. Select the Relevant text field in the clients in which the text IDs are to be used.

Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview

In this activity, you define the line layout variants for document posting by specifying which information you want to have
available onscreen (i.e., document number, account number, company code). You can also assign a display format to each

1. Check the extent to which you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user's master record.

Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you define the line layout variants.

For the functions Change document or Display document, you define which information from the line item is displayed
on the screen.

For the function Edit payment proposal, you define the layout for displaying the payments or exceptions.


1. Check whether you can use the standard settings. Change them or add to them as required.

2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you select the standard default values for the following functions:
- Displaying or changing documents

- Displaying or processing payment proposals

These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up if you do not select any other variant.


Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Document Change Rules, Document Header

In this activity, you determine under which circumstances fields within posted documents can be changed.

For a number of fields, the system itself determines that they can no longer be changed after posting. This includes all fields
which are central to the principles of orderly accounting, for example, the amount posted and the account.

The system also prevents the update objects from being changed in documents which have already been posted, independent
of the document change rules. Update objects are elements in the system for which transaction figures or line items are
updated, for example, business area or cost centres (if cost centre accounting is used in the SAP system). Update objects are
entered as additional account assignments during posting.

If you are using the Special Purpose Ledger application, you should ensure that fields which are updated there are protected
against changes in the document. Document changes do not affect updating in the special purpose ledger.


1. Check the default settings.

2. Change the specifications if necessary.

Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items

In this activity you define screen templates for the fast entry of G/L account items when posting documents. You can generate
screen templates with the field’s account, amount and company code, for example.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. If necessary, change or enhance the definitions.

2. If you want to assign a screen template to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Customers

In this step, you define accounts in which the postings to a customer account are managed in the general ledger. The posting
is automatically made to these accounts instead of to the normal reconciliation account.

The specification is dependent on account type, special G/L indicator, chart of accounts and reconciliation account.

1. Specify the number of the alternative reconciliation account.

2. Make sure that the account is created.

Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Vendors

In this step, you define accounts which show the posting of a corresponding special G/L transaction to the general ledger.
The postings are made to these accounts instead of to the normal reconciliation account.


The specification is dependent on account type, special G/L indicator, chart of accounts and reconciliation account.


1. Specify the number of the alternative reconciliation account.

2. Make sure that the account is created.

Define Accounts for Automatic Offsetting Entry

In this activity you define the G/L accounts to which the system posts the offsetting entry for specific special G/L transactions,
for example, guarantees or bills of exchange.

The account specification is differentiated by the chart of accounts and a key that contains the account type and the special
G/L indicator.

Standard settings

The standard system contains posting keys for all transactions.


1. Specify the accounts for the necessary transactions. Only change the posting keys if you are not using the posting keys
delivered with the system.

2. Make sure that the specified accounts are created.

Generate List for Special General Ledger

In this step, you call up a list of values stored via configuration for special G/L transactions. The list is
Created for one company code in each case. At the end of the list, error statistics are issued.

Activities Create the list.

Generate Error List for Special General Ledger

In this step, you call up an error list for the configuration of automatic postings. The list is created for one company code at
a time. At the end of the list, the error statistics are issued. You can branch from the list directly to the configuration of the
system to make adjustments.


1. Create the list.

2. Make corrections via configuration, if necessary.

Define Alternative Reconciliation Accounts

In this activity you define the alternative reconciliation accounts allowed for each reconciliation account. You can also
specify a short key for each alternative reconciliation account which enables you to work more quickly during document


The Reconciliation account field must be ready for input during document entry for you to be able to use this function.


Define the required accounts and short keys.

Adjustment Posting/Reversal

This section covers the settings for the following business transactions:
- Adjustment posting

You have the option of activating an intranet scenario that you can use to request an adjustment posting from the
document display.

- Reversal

You can make settings for reversing documents.

Request Adjustment Posting Locally

In this activity, you make the settings needed for requesting an adjustment posting via the Intranet.
The request form for the adjustment posting can be accessed from the line item reports in Controlling (CO) as well as from
the document display in Controlling (CO) and in Financial Accounting (FI).
In scenarios, you define the request process. This process definition is technically based on messages.

You can find additional information in the "SAP Library" under Financials -> Controlling (CO) -> Cost Centre
Accounting -> Manual Actual Postings -> Requesting Adjustment Postings in the Intranet.

Activate Test Scenario for Request for Adjustment Posting

The SAP standard system includes scenario SR31 for the request of an adjustment posting.

Using this scenario, you can check the process of the request for an adjustment posting as a test run. To do so, activate the
scenario for the applications listed: CO-COST and FI-GL.


From the CO line item reports or the document displays in Controlling (CO) and Financial Accounting (FI), you can got the
request form for an adjustment posting. The data stored in scenario SR31 controls the processing of the requests and defines
the fields that are available on the request form.

Further notes

To define your own scenarios, copy the scenario included in the standard system SR31 and adapt the copy as needed. To do
so, choose Define Scenarios for Requesting an Adjustment Posting.

You can find additional information on the process of requesting an adjustment posting in the SAP Library under Financials
-> Controlling (CO) -> Cost Centre Accounting -> Manual Actual Postings -> Requesting an Adjustment Posting
in the Intranet.

Define Scenarios for Request for Adjustment Posting

In this IMG activity, you define scenarios for the request for an adjustment posting.

Standard settings

All scenarios provided by SAP are in the S* namespace.

SAP provides motivation type 60 in client 000.

To be able to use this notification type, you need to transfer the settings from client 000 using the QISR_SM29
transaction. Then you need to process the number ranges for the notification types. The notification type contains the
information on whether the request must be approved, and if so, by whom. Note that you can use a notification type for
more than one scenario.

SAP recommends that you copy the scenarios for master data changes as a reference for your own scenarios, and then to
adapt the copy accordingly.


1. To copy a scenario, select is and choose Copy. To create a scenario, choose new entries.

2. Enter a key and a description for the scenario.

The scenario key must not be in the SAP (S*) namespace.

3. In the general data, make the required entries.

Take this opportunity to store a long text for the scenario. This description is displayed as an explanation when you call
up the form. You can also use this description to find a corresponding form in the intranet. When you enter the text,
you do not have to enter key words as the search engine filters the text using not only the words, but also their
conjugation or declination. Word groups are also used for the search.
For more information on the search engine, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Controlling -> Cost Centre
Accounting -> Information System -> Interactive Information System, and then see Report Documentation under
Document Search Using the Retrieval System.

4. Transfer notification type 60 according to the scenario.

Note that you initially need to transfer the settings for the notification type from client 000, using the QISR_SM29
transaction. Then you need to process the number ranges for the notification type.

5. Use Entry with form as the entry type.

6. You only need to specify an ITS service if you choose the Entry with form entry type. You use an
HTML form specially designed for the scenario. You also need to assign an Internet service to the
Scenario that contains the required HTML templates, ITS (Internet transaction server) and language-dependent
resources. In addition, there is a choice of business add-ins (BADIs) that you can use, in which you can define specific
You can assign an Internet service to maximum one scenario. To create a new Internet service, choose Generate.
You have two options:

- Generate internet service with reference

When you generate the Internet service, if you specify a scenario with an existing Internet service as a reference,
the system copies it to the new Internet service name.

- Generate internet service without reference

If you do not specify a scenario with an existing Internet service as a reference, the system copies the default
Internet service SR00. An internet service created in this way contains all settings required for immediate testing
of the scenario definition. The system automatically inserts a request data area with corresponding entry fields,
for the request-specific characteristics that were defined in the scenario.
Before you can test the Internet service, you need to publish it manually. This takes you automatically to the
Internet service processing in the development workbench, where you can publish the entire Internet service. Then
you can test the IT’S service from Customizing using Test.

7. To modify forms, choose Business Add-Ins. You can now change the implementation (create, change, delete and so
If you require special initialization or checks on the request for the scenario, you can use a business add-in (BADI
QISR1). For more information on BADIs, see Basis -> Change and Transport System - Overview -> Transactions and
Tools -> BC Changes to SAP Standards -> Business Add-Ins.
SAP recommends that you use the F4 Help to transfer the corresponding Business Add-In from the scenario (SR31)
for requests to make an adjustment posting. In this case, the existing interfaces to the SAP system are used
If you want to use the fields provided in the SR31 scenario for your request form, the SR31 Business Add-In ensures
that the corresponding values are transferred from the SAP system for these fields. You can copy and extend the
Business Add-In if required.

8. Do not activate the Cost incurring indicator.

The scenario for an adjustment posting does not cause any costs.

9. Choose Transfer.
In the next dialog box, choose Copy all. The selection list now includes the scenario that you copied.

10. Select your scenario and choose the Characteristics selection area.
You select fields in characteristics that are to be provided in the request form.

Accept the structures suggested for the adjustment posting request. Fields are contained within the structures that you
can use for the form. You can add further characteristics via new entries.
In Basic data, you use IT’S to determine which fields are provided on the form and in which order. You can use a
Business Add-In to control which fields should be filled as default.

11. In the selection area choose Tasks.

Using the workflow or work lists, specify the processing procedure for the adjustment posting request in the SAP

12. Give each task in the processing procedure a description.

13. If you want to use tasks for evaluation, store a key.

Follow-up actions are filled automatically according to the choice of key. A follow-up action is carried out
automatically when the form is sent. Thus, with the adjustment posting request, update occurs in the footer between the
incorrect documents for which the correction was requested and the message generated when the form was sent.

14. Enter a processor or a standard role.

The system automatically provides this information when you call up the request form. SAP supplies the standard
role 20000102 for the adjustment posting request. It is recommended that you copy this, and adapt the copy

The partner role is used to control whether an individual processor (task processor) or an entire department is put
forward in the request form (responsible department). You can find more information on roles in the SAP Library
under Basis Components -> Business Management -> Organizational Management -> Integration with SAP
Business Workflow -> Role Resolution -> Role Definition -> Define Roles using Responsibilities.

Further notes

For more information on adjustment posting requests, see the SAP Library, for example, under Financials -> CO
Controlling -> Cost Centre Accounting -> Manual Actual Postings -> Request for Adjustment Posting in the

Assign Own Scenarios for Request for Adjustment Posting

In this activity, you assign your scenarios to one or more use of requests.

You have to define your own scenario for the request for an adjustment posting. To do so, choose Define Scenarios for the
Request for an Adjustment Posting.


1. Choose new entries.

2. Via the possible entries, select a use.

If you want to assign multiple uses to your scenario, you have to maintain multiple entries.
3. Enter your scenario.

4. Activate the scenario.

5. Save your entries.

Assign Adjustment Postings to Scenarios

In this activity, you assign the adjustment postings to a scenario. The adjustment postings should be available to the processor
of the request.


1. Choose new entries.

2. Enter the scenario, to which you want to assign the adjustment postings.

3. Enter the transaction code for the posting transaction that the processor needs to have available. If you want to assign
multiple posting transactions, you have to make multiple entries.

4. Select the Active indicator.

5. Save your entries.

Permit Negative Postings

In this activity you specify whether reverse documents can be comprised of negative postings for each company code.

Select "Negative postings" to allow users to reverse documents using this method.

Further notes

For more detailed information about negative postings, see the "Document Reversal" section in the FI Document Posting
Define Reasons for Reversal

In this activity you define the reasons for reversing a posting. When you post a document, you enter the reason for reversal.
When you then reverse the document, the reversal reason is displayed in the document that is reversed.

There reason for reversal controls:

- Whether an alternative posting date is allowed

- Whether a reversal document is comprised of negative postings.


The following are possible reasons for reversal:

- Incorrect posting in the current period

- Incorrect posting in a closed period

- Failed bill of exchange


Define the reasons for reversal.

Further notes

You can find more information on negative postings in the FI Document Posting documentation in the section on reversing

Interest Calculation

In the following steps, you make the settings for interest calculation.

Interest Calculation Global Settings

In the following steps you make the basic settings for interest calculation.

Define Interest Calculation Types

In this step, you create your interest indicators and determine whether they are to be used for the item interest calculation or
account balance interest calculation.
The master record of an account must contain an interest indicator so that it is taken into consideration during interest


1. Create the required interest indicators.

2. Make sure an interest indicator is entered in the master records of the required accounts.

Define Number Ranges for Interest Forms

In this activity you create number ranges for interest forms by:

- Specifying an interval of numbers to assign to the interest forms.

- Selecting the type of number assignment (internal).

The system assigns a unique number from the number range interval.

Once you post an interest document, the number of the form is stored in the "Reference" field.


Create a separate number range with internal number assignment for interest calculation.


Number ranges defined for interest calculation are not used for any other purposes (for example, for document types). If
interest is calculated on accounts from various company codes, then you define the same number range for each company

Notes on transporting

You transport number range objects as follows:

Choose Interval -> Transport in the accounting document Number Range screen.

All intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the intervals
you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time of export.

Dependent tables are not transported or converted.

Further notes

For more information on interest calculation, see the documents "FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable" and "FI
General Ledger Accounting".
Prepare Interest on Arrears Calculation

In this step you make general specifications for each interest indicator for the calculation of interest on arrears. To do this,
you make specifications for the selection of items as well as for calculating interest. You can make further specifications as
to the subsequent processing of interest, output control and for posting.


Make your specifications for each interest indicator and make the required specifications.
Prepare Item Interest Calculation


In this activity you make the general settings for the individual interest indicators for the item interest calculation (report
RFINTITAR). These include settings for selecting the items and for calculating the interest. You can also enter specifications
for interest post processing, output control, and for posting.


In this activity, you generally make the same settings as in the previous activity, Prepare Calculation of Interest on
Arrears. Changes that you make there have an effect here, and vice versa.

An exception to this is the specification that in the item interest calculation, cleared items are not to be considered in the
interest run. If you make this specification here, in Prepare Calculation of Interest on Arrears, you will see that interest
is calculated on either all items cleared or only items cleared with payment; these conflicting specifications have no effect
on the settings you make here.


Here you define all of the settings relevant for the require interest indicator.

Prepare Account Balance Interest Calculation

In this step you make general specifications for each interest indicator for the account balance interest calculation. These
include determination of the period, the interest determination, the subsequent processing of interest, the output control for
printing forms as well as the terms of payment.

Make your specifications for each interest indicator and make the required specifications.

Prepare Special G/L Transaction Interest Calculation

In this step, you define an alternative interest indicator for special G/L transactions. The specifications only apply to the
account balance interest calculation.


Define the required interest indicator for the special G/L transactions on which interest is to be calculated.

Maintain Withholding Tax Code for Interest Document

In this activity you can define withholding tax codes for creating interest documents.

Define the withholding tax codes.

Interest Calculation

In the following steps you make the settings for calculating interest.

Define Reference Interest Rates

In this step, you define your reference interest rates by entering a key and a mnemonic name. All other fields are purely

1. Define your reference interest rates.

2. Specify the interest rates for the reference interest rates in the "Enter interest values" step.

Define Time-Based Terms

In this activity you specify how the system determines an interest rate for each interest indicator. You can make these settings
based on the currency and a validity date.

Each entry is assigned a term that determines the type of interest that is calculated (debit or credit interest).

You also specify the interest rates that you want to use. You can:

- Specify a reference interest rate for which the interest rate is defined.

- Specify the required interest rate directly in the Premium field without specifying a reference interest rate.

- Specify a reference interest rate and an interest rate in the Premium field. The interest premium is added to the reference
interest rate during interest calculation.

- You can graduate interest rates by specifying an amount in the Amount from field.


1. Make the required specifications for each interest indicator.

2. After having specified a reference interest rate, ensure that it is defined in the following steps.
Enter Interest Values

In this step, you specify the required interest rates dependent on the date for the reference interest rates.


Specify the interest rates for your reference interest rates.

Specify Function Module for Interest Rate Determination

In this step, you can specify your own function modules instead of the standard ones.


Specify the name of your own function module if necessary.

Maintain Interest Rates for Vendor Operation (Brazil)


In this IMG activity, you maintain interest rates for your house banks. The system uses these rates, along with their validity
and conditions, to propose loans for your customers as part of the vendor operation procedure.


You have already created the following house banks required for the vendor operation procedure:

- For your company

This is where you store your company's interest rate that you charge customers. This bank must have the same
name as your company code, for example, BR01.

- For IOF (financial operations tax in Brazil, known as Impostor sober operagoers financeiras) this is where you
store the rates for IOF.


Enter the interest rate, valid-from date, and the net payment terms period for the company and IOF house banks, as well for
the banks you take into consideration when selecting the bank for vendor operation.

Define Fixed Amounts for Interest Calculation


In this activity, you specify fixed amounts for the interest calculation. These fixed amounts depend on the country, the interest
indicator, and a validity date.

You can choose whether the fixed amount is a surcharge that is added to the interest or a minimum amount (see example).
The surcharge or minimum amount is applied once for each invoice for which interest has been calculated. If you set the "Per
Instalment" switch, it is applied for each overdue instalment of an instalment payment.


The fixed amounts are only taken into account for the item interest calculation.


Make the required specifications for each interest indicator.

If you post the interest, you create the business transactions 1100 "Revenue Posting for Fixed Amounts" and 2100 "Expenses
Posting for Fixed Amounts" in the account determination.


EUR 40.00 fixed amount as surcharge:

Interest of EUR 73 has been calculated for the overdue invoice. EUR 40.00 is added to this, so the business partner has to
pay interest of EUR 473.

EUR 40.00 fixed amount as minimum amount:

Interest of EUR 73 has been calculated for the overdue invoice. EUR 327 is added to this so that the minimum amount of
EUR 40.00 is reached. If the interest calculated exceeds the minimum amount, no extra charge is added.

Interest Posting

In the following steps, you make the settings for posting interest.

A/R: Calculation of Interest on Arrears

In this step, you define the specifications for posting the interest calculated as interest on arrears.

The account determination is carried out via the posting interface of application 0002 (interest on arrears). The following
specifications are necessary:

- Account determination keys and posting details

First you determine which account determination keys are used. For the business transaction account determination
key, 1000 (interest earned) and 2000(interest paid) should be entered. The other account determination keys (company
code, interest indicator, business area) are optional. You use them if you want to define interest posting in more detail.
For every combination of the account determination keys, you specify a debit posting key, a credit posting key and
account symbols (posting details). You use the account symbol 1000 for the customer posting. It is not necessary to
specify an account since the posting is made to the customer account. You do, however, have to specify the posting

- G/L accounts
For each G/L account symbol, you specify the account allocation for interest earned and interest paid in full. You can
differentiate the account specifications according to currencies.
- Document type
In the go to menu option you can define a document type for posting the interest. In the standard system, the document
type DA is defined for posting interest.


Make the necessary specifications for posting the interest.

Interest on Arrears Calculation (Vendors)

In this step you make the specifications for posting interest calculated on arrears.

The accounts are determined via the posting interface of the application 0009 (calculation of interest on arrears). The
following specifications are mandatory:

- Account determination key and posting specifications

First you must specify which account determination keys you will be using. For the business transaction account
determination key you must enter 1000 (interest earned) and 2000 (interest paid). The other keys (company code,
interest indicator and business transaction) are optional. You can use them to further differentiate the interest posting.

In addition, you also specify a debit and a credit posting key and account symbols (posting specifications) for each
combination of account determination keys. For the customer posting you use account symbol 1000. You do not have
to specify a particular account, since the posting will be made to the customer account. However, you must enter the
appropriate posting key.

- G/L accounts
You must define the account allocation for every interest earned and interest paid posting. You can differentiate the
accounts specified by currency.

- Document type
You can define a document type for the interest posting via the menu item go to. In the standard system the document
type KA is defined for this.

Make the necessary specifications for posting interest.

A/R: Balance Interest Calculation

In this step, you define the specifications for posting the interest calculated on the customer account balance.

The account determination is carried out via the posting interface of application 0005 (customer interest scale). The following
specifications are necessary:

- Account determination keys and posting details

For the business transaction account determination key, you enter at least one set of posting details for the
interest earned posting and the interest paid posting respectively. If you are using interest splitting, you should
also enter a set of posting details for each of the following business transactions:
- minus debit interest past period with post-entered value dates, minus credit interest past period with post-entered
value dates

- debit interest past period with post-entered value dates, credit interest past period with post-entered value dates

- Debit interest calculation period, credit interest calculation period.

- G/L accounts
Assign accounts in full to the account symbols for the respective interest earned posting or interest paid posting. Only
the posting key is relevant for the customer posting. It is stored in the posting details. An entry in the G/L account
field of the account allocation is not necessary here (customer posting).

- Document type
You can define a document type for posting the interest in the go to menu option. The document type DA is defined in
the standard system.


Make the necessary specifications for posting the interest.

A/P: Balance Interest Calculation

In this step you make the specifications controlling the posting of interest calculated on vendor balances.

The accounts are determined via the posting interface of the application 0006 (vendor interest scale). The following
specifications are mandatory:

- Account determination key and posting specifications

For the business transaction account determination key you must create at least one set of posting specifications for
both the interest earned posting and the interest paid posting.
If you are using the interest splitting function, you must also create a set of posting specifications for each of the
following business transactions:

- Minus debit interest for past periods containing post-entered value dates and minus credit interest for past periods
containing post-entered value dates.

- Debit interest for past period containing post-entered value dates and credit interest for past period containing
post-entered value dates.

- Settlement period debit interest and settlement period credit interest.

- G/L accounts
You must allocate an account to each of the account symbols for the interest earned and interest paid postings. Only
the posting key is relevant for vendor postings. This is defined in the posting specifications. You do not have to make
an entry in the G/L account field for the account allocation for vendor postings.

- Document type
You can define a document type for the interest posting via the menu item go to. In the standard system the document
type KA is defined for this.

Make the necessary specifications for posting interest.

Branch Assignment for Automatic Postings

In this section, you make the settings for assigning the branch to the company code for calculating interest on arrears in
Define Assignment Keys

If you want to perform automatic postings where each document must get an entry in the branch field (like in the payment
program), you have to define assignment keys for branches.

Define Branch Assignment for Automatic Postings

You specify for each assignment key which branch should be used if automatic postings are to be generated in a certain
company code.

Further notes

You can enter an assignment keys in the parameters of the payment program, for example.

Add-In: Payment Reference Numbers


This Business Add-In is used in the Interest Calculation (FI-AR-AR-IN) and Billing (SD-BIL) components.

It enables you to assign your customer invoices a payment reference number of your choice. This function is particularly
interesting for companies in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, where the payment reference number plays a more
important role than in other countries.
In the standard R/3 System, when you create a customer invoice, the system generates a payment reference number by taking
the invoice reference number and adding a check digit to it. However, this Add-In allows you to use a different number as
the basis for the payment reference number, for example, the customer number or the date as the reference number instead.
You can use any of the numbers from the accounting document header or line items.

Standard settings

The Add-In is not activated in the standard system. If you want to use the Add-In, create a separate implementation for each
country, as it is filter-dependent.


After calling up the IMG activity, a dialog box appears, in which you can enter a name for the implementation.

If you have already made other implementations for this BAdI, another dialog box appears, in which the existing
implementations are displayed. In this case, choose Create, and proceed as follows:

1. In the dialog box, enter a name for the BAdI implementation in the Implementation field, and choose Create.
The screen for creating BAdI implementations is now displayed.

2. Enter a short text for the implementation in the Short text for implementation field.

3. From the tab index, choose Interface.

The Name of implemented class field is already filled on the tab page, as a class name was automatically assigned
to the implementation when you named it.

4. Save your entries, and assign the implementation to a development class.

5. Place the cursor on the method, and double-click to enter method processing.

6. Enter the code for the implementation between the statements method <Interface name> ~ <Name of
method> and end method.

7. Save and implement your code. Return to the Edit Implementation screen.

8. Save the entries on the Edit Implementation screen.

Note: You can also create an implementation, and then activate it at a later time. In such a case, end the processing
stage at this point.

9. Choose Activate
The code you stored in the method will be run when the application program is executed.

See also


Determine Payment Reference Number


Define Interest Forms (with SAP Script)

In this activity, you define the interest forms in SAP Script.

Standard settings

SAP delivers interest forms in the standard delivery.


SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part.

If you want to make changes to the forms, SAP recommends copying the forms and then changing the copies rather than
changing the forms delivered.


If you work with the standard forms, you do not have to carry out any activities here.

To define your own forms, proceed as follows:

1. Enter the standard form that you want to copy.

2. Choose Form -> Create/Change.

The header data screen for the form appears.

3. Choose Form -> Save as... and enter the name of the new form.

4. Edit and activate the new form.

Further notes

For more information about maintaining forms with SAP Script, see the SAP Library under Basis -> Basis
Services/Communication Interfaces -> SAP Script. FI - Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable Accounting
and the document SAP script - Style and Form Maintenance.

Assign Forms for Interest Indicators

In this step, you can specify which form is to be used for the letter on interest on arrears or account balance interest for each
interest indicator. The forms defined here are used if no other form is specified when calculating interest.

The form you define with SAP script (see "layout set") consists of a letter and further information for the items or account
balances on which interest is calculated. This includes an overview of line items, an interest rate overview and an interest
amount overview.

The form is printed in the language specified in the master record of the account. Otherwise, the language in which the form
was created is used. You should therefore translate the form into the respective language of your customer/vendor by using
selection criteria.
Text elements are used in the form definition. These text elements represent the information which can be printed out in the
letter. If you define your own form, you should use the text elements used in the standard form. For each interest calculation,
you then specify which information from the form is to be printed out in the letter by using the selection criteria.


1. Find out the names of the standard forms.

2. Check whether you can use these forms.

3. Define your own forms if necessary.

4. Define the names of the forms for your interest indicators.

5. Translate your forms if necessary.

Define Sender Details for Interest Forms

In this activity, you define which standard texts are used for the header, the footer, and the sender address in the letter window
for each company code.



You first have to create the standard texts which are to be used.

Create standard texts

Standard settings


For each company code, enter the text ID and specify the standard text which should be used.


In the following activities you make the settings for closing operations.


In the following activities you make the settings for balance confirmations.
Cross-System Intercompany Reconciliation

Preparations in the Sender System

Define Enhancements

Business Add-In for Intercompany Reconciliation of Customer/Vendor Open Items.


Consolidation preparation: Reconciliation of payables and receivables between the companies in the corporate group.


This BAdI provides the following functions:

- Document Selection:

- Add fields to be selected from database tables

- Add information to data records selected from database tables

- Add or delete data records

- Provide mapping for company IDs

- Supply data using non-standard logic for further information, see the interface documentation.


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the implementation.

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog box. You then
choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

1. In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system displays the initial
screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.

2. On this screen, enter a short description for your implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.

3. If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has populated the Name of the Implementing Class
field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.

4. Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.

5. To edit a method, double-click its name.

6. Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of Method>. And end
method. Statements.

7. Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen. Note: You can also create an
implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want to do this, do not perform the following step:

8. Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the code you created is run through.
Preparations in the Reconciliation System

Generate Default Customizing


If you execute this step default customizing settings will be generated for the reconciliation processes you would like to use.


You should maintain master data for the companies to be reconciled before executing this step. The program will
automatically generate default settings for all companies which have already been maintained.
Standard settings

The program will generate default settings for most of the activities in this part of the IMG. It will produce a log telling you
which activities have been completed. Afterwards you should review the generated settings and adjust them where necessary.

Translation relevant objects are created in the current logon language only. If you would like to create the relevant texts in
other languages you can use the translation functionality of the view maintenance or log on in the language for which you
would like to create texts and run the program after marking parameter Only Create Texts.


Before you start setting up intercompany reconciliation you should decide which reconciliation processes you would like to

- Reconciliation Processes 001 and 003

Both of these processes are designed for reconciliation of open items. These processes are typically used to reconcile
payables and receivables within the corporate group.

- Reconciliation process 001 was originally designed to support reconciliation of documents posted to GL accounts.
However, open items posted to customer or vendor accounts can also be included in this reconciliation process.
You should use this reconciliation process if most of your intercompany documents are posted to GL accounts or
if you would like to reconcile GL intercompany documents separately from customer and vendor intercompany

- Reconciliation process 003 was originally designed to support reconciliation of documents posted to customer and
vendor accounts. However, it is also possible to include GL open items. You should use this reconciliation process
if most of your intercompany documents are posted to customer and vendor accounts or if you would like to
reconcile customer and vendor intercompany documents separately from GL open items.

- Reconciliation Process 002

This process was designed to support reconciliation of accounts without open item management. This process is
typically used to reconcile revenues and expenses resulting from business transactions within the corporate group.
Please note that due to the volume of data relevant for reconciliation it is necessary to create a special ledger in operative
SAP systems from which data is supposed to be extracted for reconciliation.
General Settings

Communication Support
Define Application ID


In this step you can define an application ID. The communication support components distinguish between data from
different application IDs.


Define the application ID you would like to use for Intercompany Reconciliation and enter a description


Application ID Description

FBRC Intercompany Reconciliation

Define Contact Person Database


In this Customizing activity, you can set up a contact person database. The contact information provided in the contact person
database helps support the communication between the accountants involved in the reconciliation process.


You must have defined the application ID to be used in the Customizing activity Define Application ID.


Define at least one contact person database for intercompany reconciliation. If you would like to use separate contact persons
for each individual reconciliation process, you have to define one contact person database per reconciliation process and
specify the appropriate contact person database in the Customizing activity Define Reconciliation Process Attributes.


If you use secondary organizational units and would like to organize your contact persons accordingly, you have to specify
a different table and field. When you use the communication support of the interactive reconciliation, the program
automatically suggests the contact persons for the partner company of the current display. Depending on the number of
contact persons per organizational unit, you could also group the contact persons by company and then use a field like
Department to enable the users to find the appropriate recipient.
Choose the Maintain Contacts pushbutton to navigate to the contact person maintenance. If you supplied a table and field
name, you are prompted to select an organization unit. If you do not select an organizational unit, the system displays the
complete list of existing contact persons. However, if you create a new contact person, this contact person is not assigned to
any organizational unit.


Application Contacts Description Group by Table Group by Field

FBRC 001 Intercompany Reconciliation: Open Items T001 RCOMP

FBRC 002 Intercompany Reconciliation: Accounts T001 RCOMP
FBRC 003 Intercompany Reconciliation: Payables & Receivables T001

Download Contact Person Data


You use this activity to download the contact person data stored in your system.


You must have defined contact persons (e.g. through activity Define Contact Person Database)


Specify which contact person data you would like to download. You can edit the contact person data offline and then upload
the changes using activity Upload Contact Person Data. If you would like to edit the data in Microsoft Excel you should
choose file type Microsoft Excel XML.

Upload Contact Person Data


You use this activity to upload contact person data into the system.


You must have defined the corresponding Application ID and Contact Person Database.

Upload the contact person data from a file on your presentation server. If you would like to edit your contact person data in
Microsoft Excel you should first create a template file using activity Download Contact Person Data. This will create a file
which you can open and edit with Microsoft Excel.
The main difference compared to using file type Text Tab Delimited is that leading zeros e.g. for phone numbers will not be
deleted by Microsoft Excel. Leading zeros for field Database Category (which represents the company ID for Intercompany
Reconciliation) will be deleted in Microsoft Excel. However, the program will perform the necessary conversions
automatically when uploading contact person data.

Maintain Placeholders for Messages


In this step you can maintain placeholders to be used in message templates. There are several placeholders which are
delivered by SAP. If you set up additional placeholders you have to replace them with the appropriate information (see
Define Enhancements).


You must have defined the corresponding Application ID.


Review delivered placeholders and add further placeholders if required. You can also define Message Template Groups if
necessary. Make sure that you assign the correct Message Template Groups to the individual Reconciliation Processes.


Application ID Message Template Group Placeholder Description

FBRC 001 00005 Key Date

FBRC 001 00010 Company
FBRC 001 000 Company's Documents
FBRC 001 00020 Partner
FBRC 001 00025 Partner's Documents
FBRC 001 00030 Assigned Documents
FBRC 001 00040 User's Name
Maintain Message Templates

In this step you can set up message templates. The message templates can be used to support communication between the
accountants involved in the reconciliation process.


You must have defined the corresponding Application ID.

Define templates to be used by Intercompany Reconciliation users during interactive reconciliation. You need to define a
description for each message template which should describe as well as possible under which circumstances the template
should be used. You should also define a title for the template in order to minimize the effort for the users using the templates.

Please note that you can also use Message Placeholders within the title of each template. Refer to the documentation of the
individual fields for additional information.

When editing the text of the individual messages you can insert and delete placeholders using the corresponding functions.
You can also import existing templates so you do not have to start with an empty template. You can also use the import
function when translating template texts.


Application ID Template Group Template Description Title

FBRC 001 100 Open Receivables: No Corresponding

Payables ICRC: <#> / <#>: Payables Doc. Missing

Text Lines:

Dear colleague,

I am currently working on Intercompany Reconciliation using the following

parameters: Key Date: <<Key Date>>

Company: <<Company>>

Partner: <<Partner>> I found the following open receivables

on our side:

<< Company's Documents >> I could not find any corresponding payables
on your side.

Please post the documents as soon as possible so we can minimize the differences for
this month's closing.
Best regards,

<< User Name >>

Define Reconciliation Process Attributes

In this step you can review some detail attributes of the available reconciliation processes.


Additional information is available in the documentation for the individual fields of this activity.

Specify which Message Template Groups and Contact Person Databases you would like to use for the individual processes.
You can either set up separate templates and contacts for each process or use the same template groups and contact persons
for all processes.

The actual Message Template Groups and Contact Person Databases will be set up later in the customizing activities under
Communication Support.

Create Additional Fields

In this Customizing activity, you can add up to 13 fields to the tables for the intercompany reconciliation of G/L accounts.


Additional information is available in the documentation for the individual fields of this activity.

The additional fields are generated into the following database tables:

Process ID Line Item Table Totals Table


Whether a field is added to the line item table and/or the totals table depends on the level of availability
You choose for the new field.


Additional fields can be used for displaying additional document information, definition of object groups, or as secondary
organizational units. Follow this link for additional information.


Create all additional fields you need for the reconciliation of intercompany transactions.


Follow this link for some examples for additional fields.

Activate Processes


In this step you can activate the individual reconciliation processes.


For account reconciliation you need to create a special ledger in the sender system. This special ledger is necessary in order
to collect all relevant postings. If the corresponding tables are set to be inactive postings to the special ledger will not be
possible. If you would like to use account reconciliation and you are currently configuring a system which will be used as a
sender system you must remove the inactive flag for table FBICRC002A before continuing with this part of your customizing.

For intercompany reconciliation processes 001 and 003 you need to activate tables FBICRC001A and FBICRC003A
respectively depending on which processes you will be using. This step is only mandatory in the reconciliation system for
these processes.

Activate Transaction Data Tables

In this Customizing activity, you activate the transaction data tables and generate the posting modules. This step is necessary
to enable the intercompany reconciliation programs to post data. If you created any additional fields, they are not visible in
the field catalogue until you have performed this Customizing activity.


You should execute this function while no postings are being made in any client of the system.


Run the activation program in update mode.

Maintain Field Catalogs

In this step you can assign predefined roles to the single fields of the data tables. The roles for the standard fields are
predefined and cannot be changed. However, if you created additional fields you can assign roles depending on your

Follow this link for additional information.

Data Selection And Storage

Define Reconciliation Process Detail Attributes

In this step you can define some detail attributes for the existing reconciliation processes.


Additional information is available in the documentation for the individual fields of this activity.


Review the current settings for the reconciliation processes you would like to use.
Define Ledger

In this step, you can create and maintain a Special Purpose Ledger. The ledger must have the following settings:

Property Value

Summary table FBICRC003T

Ledger postings allowed Yes
Write lines items Yes
Transaction currency Yes
All other switches must be off.

Do not assign any companies or activities to this ledger.

Follow this link for further information.

Define Enhancements

Business Add-In for Intercompany Reconciliation of Customer/Vendor Open Items.


Consolidation preparation: Reconciliation of payables and receivables between the companies in the corporate group.


This BAdI provides the following functions:

- Document Selection:

- Add fields to be selected from database tables

- Add information to data records selected from database tables

- Add or delete data records

- Provide mapping for company IDs

- Supply data using non-standard logic for further information, see the interface documentation.

After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the implementation.

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog box. You then
choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

1. In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system displays the initial
screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.

2. On this screen, enter a short description for your implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.

3. If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has populated the Name of the Implementing Class
field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.

4. Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.

5. To edit a method, double-click its name.

6. Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of Method>. And end
method. Statements.

7. Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen. Note: You can also create an
implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want to do this, do not perform the following step:

8. Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the code you created is run through.

Companies to be Reconciled

In this step you can set up details of the companies to be reconciled.


The companies to be reconciled must have been defined in your system. Follow this link to review the existing companies.


Specify for each company to be reconciled which data is supposed to be selected for intercompany reconciliation and where
the data is supposed to be selected. Using a sequential number it is possible to set up multiple data sources for each company.

Additional information is available in the documentation for the individual fields of this activity.
Data Assignment

Maintain Number Range for Group Reference Numbers


In this step you must set up the number range for the Group Reference Numbers. Create settings for Number Range Interval
10 according to your needs. Note that the year you have to specify in the number range maintenance specifies until which
year the respective settings are valid.

Standard settings

No Year From number To number Current number

10 9999 000000000000000000 999999999999999999 0 __

Define Rules for Document Assignments

In this Customizing activity, you can define rules for document assignments. You can specify that rules are to be executed
automatically. That is, the data records are assigned automatically based on these rules when the appropriate program is

Rules that are not set to be used automatically are available when reconciling data records manually. You can use these rules
to find matching or similar data records.

Multiple Rules

If you set up several rules for automatic assignment, the rules are processed sequentially in the same order as they are shown
in the Customizing view:

Rule SeqNr OrgUnit Field Compare Partner Field

100 100 REFNR Equal REFNR

200 100 REFNR Equal DOCNR
This means that first the data is analysed using rule 100. Any data records assigned to a document group by this rule are
excluded from further processing and therefore not be analysed by rule 200.


Company Partner Doc. (DOCNR) Ref. (REFNR) Curr.

C1000 C2000 1000000121 R121 EUR 500,00
C1000 C2000 1000000127 R121 EUR 0,00
C2000 C1000 2000000342 R121 EUR -500,00
C2000 C1000 2000000343 1000000121 EUR -1.000,00

Results of automatic assignment:

Group Company Doc. Curr. Amount Partner Doc. Curr. Amount
2003 C10001000000121 EUR 500,00C20002000000342 EUR -500,00
2003 C10001000000127 EUR 0,00
Document C2000 2000000343 is not assigned to the document group, although it matches document C1000 1000000121
based on rule 200. The first three line items are excluded from processing when rule 200 is processed.

However, if you run automatic assignment once with rule 100 only and then with rule 200 only, document C1000 1000000121
is added to the document group.

Multiple Conditions in One Rule

If you have multiple conditions within one rule, these conditions are linked with a logical AND, that is, all conditions must
be met to have documents assigned to each other.


One of the most important points in the preparation of intercompany reconciliation (ICR) is that organizational measures
must be taken in order to derive at a mechanism or posting rules that allows for posting of a unique identical reference
number that can be posted in all documents related to a business transaction by both partners involved in the business
transaction. If this cannot be ensured, it slows down the reconciliation process significantly. Note that this reference number
does not have to be posted in the same field by both partners, since different sender fields for the reference number can be
specified per company.

If it is not possible to post a unique reference number, you should analyse the documents to try and find a combination of
values posted in all the involved documents that could be used to create a unique identifier for each business transaction. In
this case, you could implement one of the Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) available in the Customizing activities Define
Enhancements to combine these fields into field
REFNR and create a unique ID. For more information, see the documentation in the Help Portal and SAP Note 863630
(attached document, chapter 3 Define Enhancements in Intercompany Reconciliation Background Information &
Customizing Guide).
Standard settings

Rule Automatic Processing SeqNr OrgUnit Field Compare Partner Field

SAP0050 X 10 REFNR Equal REFNR

SAP0100 __ 10 RTCUR Equal RTCUR
SAP0100 __ 20 TSL Opposite Amount TSL
SAP0200 __ 10 RTCUR Not Equal RTCUR
SAP0200 __ 20 TSL Equal TSL

The processing of rules containing conditions other than Equal is very time consuming. You should use Equal as the only
condition for rules which are supposed to be processed automatically.

We recommend that you use only the rule REFNR = REFNR for automatic assignments. This rule assigns all documents that
are related to the same business transaction to each other if the reference number was posted correctly. All documents with
the same reference number are then assigned to each other during automatic assignment. You should not add an additional
condition to the automatic rule, for example, RTCUR = RTCUR (matching transaction currency), TSL -1 TSL (matching
amount), or RCOMP = RASSC (documents posted by the same company are not assigned to each other).
It does not make sense from a business logic point of view to assign documents to each other only if the amounts match. If
several documents have been assigned to the same business transaction by posting the same reference number, the user
should be able to see all documents belonging to that business transaction right away. This is the main purpose of the bottom
part of the interactive reconciliation screen.


The more document groups with a difference are displayed in the bottom part of the screen, the faster it is to find the
documents causing the difference on the business partner level. It does not help the reconciliation process if only document
groups netting to zero are displayed in the bottom part of the screen. This means is that the user has additional manual effort
in finding documents posted with reference to the same business transaction before being able to determine which documents
are causing the difference.

The goal of intercompany reconciliation is to identify all documents belonging to the same business transaction and to make
sure that these documents were posted correctly. If one of the documents was not posted correctly (for example, with wrong
amount and / or transaction currency), it speeds up the reconciliation process if the user can see this document group and
notice at first glance which document stands out and needs to be corrected.

Data Reconciliation

Set Up Reconciliation Display

In this Customizing activity, you can specify for each reconciliation process whether you would like to use secondary
organizational units in the hierarchy display.


To use secondary organizational units, you must have defined additional fields, activated the transaction data tables, and
maintained the field catalog accordingly. You must have made the following settings for the fields:

- In the Customizing activity Create Additional Fields, you must have set the availability Total Items: Sub assignment.

- In the Customizing activity Maintain Field Catalogs, you must have assigned the fields to the roles Secondary
Organizational Unit and Secondary Partner Unit respectively.


Select the reconciliation process you would like to set up and navigate to the level Hierarchy Setup. Select the appropriate
option and save your settings.

Define Sets

In this Customizing activity, you can define sets to be used in the setup of the reconciliation display. Sets are merely a
technical definition for characteristic values. Therefore, it is sufficient to specify a set ID, a data element, and the values
which are supposed to be contained in the set. Additional information like text table and text field is only necessary if you
would like to see account descriptions during set maintenance.

Additional information is available in the documentation for the individual fields of this activity.

Standard settings

Set ID Description Data Element SeqNr Low High

1000 All Accounts SAKNR 10 0


2000 All Accounts SAKNR 10 0

3000 All Accounts SAKNR 10 0


Define sets according to your needs. Note that the example set above is probably sufficient for reconciliation processes 001
and 003. If you want to use reconciliation process 002, you may want to create more specific sets.


Set ID Description Data Element SeqNrHigh

R1000Revenue Hardware SAKNR 10 800100 800500
R2000Revenue Software SAKNR 10 800501 800999
R3000Revenue Other SAKNR 10 801000 801999
E1000 Expenses Hardware SAKNR 10 200100 200500
E2000 Expenses Software SAKNR 10 200501 200999
E3000 Expenses Other SAKNR 10 201000 201999
Under Sets: Single Entries, you can specify the actual values that are supposed to be contained in a set. Each set can have
several entries. Note that the individual entries are combined with each other with a logical OR.


Set SeqNr Low High

R1000 Revenue Hardware 10 100 199

R1000 Revenue Hardware 10 300 399

Set Up Object Groups and Subgroups


In this Customizing activity, you can set up object groups and subgroups that are to be used for interactive reconciliation for
each process. The object groups are the third level of the navigation hierarchy.


You must have performed the Customizing activity Define Sets.


Define the object groups to be used during interactive reconciliation according to your requirements.

You perform this Customizing activity in three steps:

1. Reconciliation processes
You choose the process for which you want to define the object groups.

2. Object groups
You create the object groups, that is, give the object group an ID and description. If you set up several object groups,
they are displayed in the order of the object group ID. The description is displayed in the navigation hierarchy in the
reconciliation screen.

3. Object subgroups
You specify the sets that are to be included in the display. This determines the documents that are shown when you
choose an object group in the navigation tree. For each entry, you specify a set both for the company and for the partner
data records. The object groups are like a filter for the data to be reconciled.


Process 001

Display Hierarchies in the Reconciliation Screen

Reconciliation of Open Items without Differentiation between Payables and Receivables

Example Tree Setup Comment

C1000 Company
C2000 Partner
Open Items Object group Open Items containing both receivables
And payables accounts

To create this hierarchy, the object groups have to be defined as follows:

Object Group Open Items

Descr. Obj. Group Subgroup SeqNr Comp. Field Comp. Set Partn. Field Partn. Set

Open Items 100 100 10 RACCT 1000 All RACCT 1000 All

Reconciliation of Payables and Receivables in Separate Object Groups

Example Tree Setup Comment

C1000 Company
C2000 Partner
Receivables Object group Receivables Payables Object group

To create this hierarchy, the object groups have to be defined as follows:

Object Group Receivables
Descr. Obj. Group Subgroup SeqNr Comp. FieldPartn. Field Partn. Set
Comp. Set
Receivables 200 100 10 RACCT 2000 RACCT 3000 Payables

Object Group Payables

Descr. Obj. Group Subgroup SeqNr Comp. FieldPartn. Field Partn. Set
Comp. Set
Payables 300 100 10 RACCT 3000 Payables RACCT 3000
Process 002

Display Hierarchies in the Reconciliation Screen

Example Tree Setup Comment

C1000 Company
C2000 Partner
Revenue Object group Revenue Expense Object group

To create this hierarchy, the object groups have to be defined as follows:

Object Group Revenue
Descr. Obj. GroupSeqNr Comp. Field Comp. Set Partn. Field Partn. Set
Revenue 400 100 10 RACCT R1000 Rev. HW RACCT E1000 Exp. HW
Revenue 400 100 20 RACCT R2000 Rev. SW RACCT E2000 Exp. SW
Revenue 400 100 30 RACCT R3000 Rev. Other RACCT E3000 Exp. Other

Object Group Expense

Descr. Obj. GroupSeqNr Comp. Field Comp. Set Partn. Field Partn. Set
Expense 500 100 10 RACCT R1000 Exp. HW RACCT R1000 Rev. HW
Expense 500 100 20 RACCT R2000 Exp. SW RACCT R2000 Rev. SW
Expense 500 100 30 RACCT R3000 Exp. Other RACCT R3000 Rev. Other

If you specified in the Customizing activity Define Reconciliation Process Attributes that the Totals Overview screen should
be displayed, the balances of the individual subgroups are displayed when you select one of the object groups.

Define Possible Status for Documents

In this step you can define possible status for documents.

At least one field must have the role Status Field assigned in the field catalog maintenance.

Standard settings

The fields Communication Status and Processing Status are delivered as part of the standard functionality. These fields are
supposed to help users remember which actions have already been taken regarding the individual documents.


Define the status values you would like to use within Intercompany Reconciliation and assign a description and an icon to
each value. The icon will be displayed during interactive reconciliation and the description is available as a tooltip for the
displayed icon.


Status Field Status Value Description Icon

Communication Status 10 Mail Sent ICON_MAIL

Communication Status 20 Fax Sent ICON_FAX
Communication Status 30 Talked on Phone ICON_PHONE
Communication Status 40 Created Note ICON_CREATE_NOTE
Processing Status10 In Process ICON_ACTIVITY
Processing Status20 On Hold ICON_BREAKPOINT
Processing Status30 Clarification Needed ICON_MESSAGE_QUESTION_SMALL
Processing Status40 Requested Correction Posting ICON_SUBMIT
Define Enhancements

Business Add-In for Reconciliation User Interface.


Business Process Reconciliation: Reconcile documents from different business partners.


This BAdI provides the following functions: - Manual

Document Reconciliation:

- Change template-based messages

- Check whether assignment is correct

- Check whether assignment may be deleted

- Deactivate standard functions of user interface

- Add functions to the user interface

- Processing for added functions

For further information, see the interface documentation.

After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the implementation.

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog box. You then
choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

1. In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system displays the initial
screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.

2. On this screen, enter a short description for your implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.

3. If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has populated the Name of the Implementing Class
field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.

4. Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.

5. To edit a method, double-click its name.

6. Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of Method>. And end
method. Statements.

7. Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen. Note: You can also create an
implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want to do this, do not perform the following step:
8. Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the code you created is run through.


Additional Options for Web-Based User Interface

Set Up Assignment Confirmation


During intercompany reconciliation, you create a document group by assigning to it two or more data records. The overall
balance of such a group does not have to be zero.

In this Customizing activity you can define whether you have to confirm the assignment in a dialog box when you create a
document group whose balance is not zero. You can also define a threshold for the confirmation dialog box to appear. You
enter the threshold as a percentage point. If the difference within the document group compared to the total amount posted
by the company or the partner exceeds the specified percentage point, you need to explicitly confirm the assignment in order
for the document group to be created.


You try to create a document group with the following information:

Field Value
Total of company data records in display currency 700
Total of partner data records in display currency 690-
Total difference 10
Therefore, the variance of difference compared to totals of company or partner is about 1 %.

According to the settings you have defined for this Customizing activity, the following scenarios are possible:

- If you do not specify that confirmation is required, you can create the document group without explicit confirmation.

- If you specify that confirmation is required but do not set a threshold, the system asks you to confirm the assignment.
- If you specify that confirmation is required but you set a threshold of 2%, you can create this document group without
explicit confirmation. However, if the total difference in this example is 20 instead of 10, the variance is then about 3%
and the system asks you to confirm the assignment.

Configure Reconciliation Overview CHIP


In this Customizing activity, you can define what information should be displayed in the Reconciliation Overview CHIP
in the Web-based SAP Intercompany Reconciliation application.

In the Reconciliation Overview for Processes view, you can define the maximum number of companies and subgroups
to display for a reconciliation process in the CHIP. You can also define a threshold for difference in reconciliation amount
for displaying those companies and subgroups for that process. If the difference between two companies or subgroups is
above the threshold, the companies or subgroups are displayed in the CHIP. If the difference between two companies or
subgroups is equal to or below the threshold, the companies or subgroups are not displayed in the CHIP.

In the Reconciliation Overview for Companies view, you can define a threshold for difference in reconciliation amount
between a company and its partner companies for displaying that company and partner. If the difference between the
company and one of its partner companies is above the threshold, the company and the partner are displayed in the CHIP. If
the difference between the company and one of its partner companies is equal to or below the threshold, the company and
the partner are not displayed in the CHIP.

The threshold defined for a company overrides the threshold defined for a process.


You have defined a threshold of 100 euros for process 001. The reconciliation amount between company A and its partner
company B is 80 euros. If you have not defined a threshold for company A, company A and company B are not displayed in
the Reconciliation Overview CHIP. If you have defined a threshold of 50 euros for company A, company A and company
B are displayed in the Reconciliation Overview CHIP.

Define Navigation Options from Service Requests to Reconciliation

This Customizing activity is useful only when the relevant enhancement has been made in SAP Financial Shared
Service Centre (SAP FSSC). Before configuring this Customizing activity, check with the system administrator for

In this Customizing activity, you can define the object type that you want to pass on to SAP FSSC for the transaction codes
for manual reconciliation in the Web-based SAP Intercompany Reconciliation (SAP ICR) application. Object type is an
internal technical key of a business object in the Business Object Repository (BOR). The BOR allows a service request to
launch transactions of SAP ICR.

By default, after you create a service request using the Web-based SAP ICR application, the service request launches the
transactions you have specified in this Customizing activity in the traditional SAP ICR application rather than the Web-based
SAP ICR application. To launch a transaction in the Web-based SAP ICR application, select the New ICR checkbox for the
corresponding transaction. This configuration is effective only when the relevant enhancement has been made in SAP FSSC.

Standard settings

You can view object types in transaction SWO1. The following table shows the object types used by the traditional SAP ICR

Object Type Use

BUS3081 Used for G/L open items reconciliation

BUS3082 Used for G/L account reconciliation
BUS3083 Used for customer / vendor open items reconciliation
For more information about object type, see Object Type.

Balance Confirmation Correspondence

In the following steps, you make specifications required for creating balance confirmations.

Make and Check Settings for Correspondence

You can make new settings for correspondence here, or check existing settings:

- If you have already made settings for correspondence in the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation
Guide, you can check that these settings are correct here.

- If you have not yet made any settings, you can do so here.
Define Correspondence Types

In this activity, you create your own correspondence types or change the specifications for the standard correspondence types.
A correspondence type represents the type of letters in the system. You must create a correspondence type for the possible
correspondences for each type of letter which you need.

In the standard system there are the correspondence types "Payment notice with line items", "Payment notice without
line items", "Document extract" or "Account statement". You can define further correspondence types for payment
notices, such as payment notices especially for payments which are made for invoices already cleared, or for credit
memos cleared twice.

The correspondence types are

- Offered to the user by the system for selection when processing business transactions or

- Created automatically according to rules defined by the user or

- Always created automatically by the system

You can select the correspondence type "Payment notice" when entering incoming payments. Bill of exchange charges
statements are created automatically for your customers' payments by bill of exchange if charges to be passed on were

You determine which data is necessary for creating the letters for the correspondence types. The following data is necessary
for the correspondences:

Correspondence Necessary data

Payment notices Document number

Account statements Account number and date specifications
Bill/exch.charges statements Document number
Internal documents Document number
Individual letters Account number
Document extracts Document number
This data is either entered manually by the user or is determined automatically by the system after he/she has selected the
relevant correspondence type.

If you select the correspondence type "Payment notice without line items" in the account display, then you must specify
a document number since the correspondence type requires this. If you have specified in the customer master record
that the payment notices are to be created automatically, then the system determines the necessary data when posting
an incoming payment.
Standard settings

Correspondence types are delivered with the standard system. Their keys begin with SAP.


You can use the standard correspondence types. If you want to make changes to them, copy the required correspondence
type and change the new correspondence type accordingly. This is necessary since the standard correspondence types could
be overwritten during the next change of release.


1. Find out which letters were sent to your customers/vendors previously.

2. Find out whether a correspondence type is already defined for these in the standard system.

3. Define your own correspondence types if necessary.

Create Report Variants for Correspondence

In this activity you can define the selection variants for the correspondence that you require.

You define the selection variants independently of the company code and the type of correspondence.


Correspondence type internal document, program RFKORD30, variant SAP09


Usually only the fields in the output control and print control areas, as well as the field correspondence in the test run area,
are of interest for a selection variant.

The remaining fields in the test run area are used if the documents are to be output directly with the print program.


1. Find out the name of the appropriate print program. You can get an overview of the existing programs using the function
Tools -> Program search. To search for standard programs, enter RFKORD*, or to search for customer-defined
programs ZFKORD*, for example. An up-to-date list of programs is displayed.

2. Select the required program from the list and run it. The system takes you to the selection screen. Here you can either
change an existing variant or create one of your own.
To change a standard variant, you can display the variant using the function fetch variant. You can then change these
variants and then save them under your own name (customer name range). To create your own variant, enter the
selection criteria directly and then save this variant under your own name (customer name range).
3. In Customizing, specify the report name and the variant for the report assignment for the correspondence type. You can
do this in the activity Assign Programs for Correspondence Types.

Additional information

There are report variants for the different correspondence types in client 000. For more information about the system settings,
see the corresponding program documentation.

Assign Programs for Correspondence Types

In this activity, you define the print program and the selection variant corresponding to each correspondence type. The
selection variant is used when printing the requested correspondence.

Correspondence Print program

Payment notices RFKORD00

Account statements RFKORD10
Bill/exch.charges statements RFKORD20
Internal documents RFKORD30
Individual letters RFKORD40
Document extracts RFKORD50
Customer statement RFKORD11
You can distinguish your specifications by company code. This is usually necessary for companies with several company
codes, since you also enter the printer on which you want your correspondence to be issued in the selection variant.


Specify the name of the print program and the required variant for each correspondence type.
You can create the variant using the configuration function. Select go to -> Maintain variant.

Additional information

You can find further information on the selection variants in the sections for the individual types of correspondence.

Define Forms for Correspondence

In this activity you can define the forms (layout sets) for your business correspondence.
Standard settings

Forms for correspondence are already defined in the standard system.


SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part.

If you want to make changes to the forms, SAP recommends NOT to change the standard forms, but to first copy them and
then make changes to the copied version.


If you are using the standard forms, you do not need to make any settings here.

Proceed as follows to define your own forms:

1. Enter the standard form you want to copy.

2. Choose Layout set -> Create/Change.

You will then see the header data screen for the layout set.

3. Choose Layout set -> Save as... and enter a new name.
The name of the new layout set should start with the letter "Z" or "Y" in order to ensure that it is not overwritten during
upgrades. Assign the layout set to the layout set class FKOR.

4. Edit and activate the new form.

Define Form Names for Correspondence Print

In this activity, you define the names of the forms which are to be used for printing the correspondence.

The system attempts to create the letters for your customers/vendors in the language specified in the customer/vendor master
record. Internal documents are issued in the company code or logon language. To do this, the corresponding form must be
available in the required language in the system. You should therefore translate the forms into the required languages if they
are not already available in the standard system.
You define the form names depending on the company code, print program and a form ID. With the help of the form ID, it
is possible to store different forms for one print report.


You want to create account statements with and without displaying the days in arrears. For this, you defined a correspondence
type. For every account statement type you also create your own form and store the names of the forms for the print program
"RFKORD10" under your own form ID.

If you want to use the form IDs, you should note that you must enter them in the selection variants for the print reports. You
need the corresponding number of variants.

You are to be able to create payment notices with and without an individual text. To do this, you store a form without
form ID for the program RFKORD00. This form does not have any individual texts defined for it. You store another
form under a form ID. This form does have an individual text defined for it. You create two selection variants for the
print program and store these variants for the relevant correspondence types in the system.

Text elements are contained in the standard forms. Text elements offer the option of storing different, alternative texts in a
form which are then printed depending on the posting procedure.


In the standard form for payment notices, a text element is stored for the case that a credit memo was to be posted and
another text element for the case that a partial payment was to be posted for an incoming payment.

For your information, the individual text elements are commented on in the standard forms.


In the letter, you can display the segment text (posting text) of an item. An asterisk (*) must be at the beginning of the text
To define your own forms, copy the standard ones and change them. Delete the print texts you do not need. Make sure the
numbers of the available text elements and the commentary lines remain for each text element. The commentary lines contain
the character /* in the form column.


1. Find out the names of the standard forms.

2. Check whether you can use these forms.

3. Define and activate your own forms and translate them, if necessary.

4. Store the names of the forms.

Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form

In this activity, you define which texts are to be used in the letter window and the signature line for each company code. This
applies to the following:

- letter header
- letter footer

- sender address

This procedure is useful if you use a form for several company codes, since you do not need to define these details in the
form or use pre-printed writing paper. In this case, the company code-specific texts must be stored separately.


1. Create your standard texts. The text ID is ADRS.

2. Specify which texts are to be used for the

individual company codes.

To transport the texts from the Customizing system to the productive system, include them in a transport request.

1. Choose Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> ABAP Editor.

2. Enter the program name RSTXTRAN.

3. Enter the name of the correction and the text ID, and then execute the transport.

Determine Call-Up Functions

In this activity, you specify which correspondence types can be selected online within which functions.

The following functions are included:

- document entry

- functions for payment settlement

- document display and document change

- Account editing (balance display and line item processing).


Payment notices can only be selected for payment transactions, whilst account statements can be selected in all of the above


You do not make a specification for the bill of exchange charges statement. You cannot select the statement of bill of
exchange charges - it is created automatically for your customers if bill of exchange charges were posted.

Make your specifications dependent on company code. If no entry exists for a company code, the correspondence types
specified without company code are offered.

1. Check the standard specifications.

2. Change them if necessary.

If you defined your own correspondence types, you must include them here and make your specification.
Develop Enhancements for Correspondence

The following SAP enhancements are available for the "Correspondence" area:

- RFKORIEX for automatic correspondence


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP
may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.

Define Sort Variants for Correspondence

In this activity, you define sort variants for printing letters for all of the various correspondence types.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. Enter the sort variants in the printing program for correspondence.

Define Sort Variants for Line Items

In this activity, you define correspondence sort variants for the line item output sequence in letters.


1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.

2. You specify sort variants in the payment method layout set data for the company code, so that the print program carries
out the sorting for that payment method as you require. Select customizing for the print program to make these settings.
Define Reply Addresses for Balance Confirmation

In this step, you define the address to which the customers or vendors are to send their reply for the balance confirmation.
Since this address is often different from the company code address, this specification is very important. You can define
several addresses under one ID for every company code.
Specify the required identification for every program run.


1. For every company code, find out to which addresses the replies are to be sent.

2. Store these addresses under an ID.

Specify Selection Criteria for Balance Confirmation

In this step, you choose the selection criteria which you need for the balance confirmation in addition to the existing ones
from a list.


Specify the criteria for each account type.


1. Find out whether you need further selection criteria.

2. Select these criteria if necessary.


In the following activities you make the settings for foreign currency valuation and reserves for bad debt.

Foreign Currency Valuation

The IMG activities for the foreign currency valuation are in Customizing for General Ledger Accounting:

- For classic General Ledger Accounting under

Business Transactions -> Closing -> Valuate -> Foreign Currency Valuation

- For new General Ledger Accounting under

Periodic Processing -> Valuate -> Foreign Currency Valuation

Reserve for Bad Debt

In the following activities, you make preparations for the posting of provisions for doubtful receivables. These functions
were developed to meet Spanish legal requirements.
Define Methods

In this activity, you define a method for the following postings:

- Transfer posting of doubtful receivables

The program that carries out the transfer posting automatically determines the receivables to be transferred and
transfers them to a special G/L account. The program determines the receivables to be transferred by means of the
first period you specify for the method. The special G/L account for doubtful receivables is determined by means of
the special G/L method. For more information, refer to the program documentation.

- Posting the provision for doubtful receivables

For each method, enter four further periods in months and a percentage rate. The program that posts the provision for
doubtful receivables determines, by means of the period, how high the posted provision amounts are. The program
posts the amount to an account for the allocation of funds.
Refer to the program documentation for more information.
If you use the new General Ledger Accounting, define the methods for the postings specified using the activity Define
Methods (New).

1. You require a specific special G/L indicator and a special G/L account for the transfer posting of doubtful receivables.
Specify the indicator on the selection screen of the report.

2. Define a provision method.

Generally, only the method required by law in Spain is needed.

Define Accounts for Reserve for Bad Debt

In this activity, you specify the accounts for posting the reserve for bad debt. The report that posts these reserves automatically
determines on the basis of your entries in this table the accounts to which the postings are made.

If you use new General Ledger Accounting, you specify the accounts in the activity Define Accounts for Reserve for Bad
Debt (New).


For each reserve method, specify the account for allocation of funds and the reserve account.

Develop Enhancements for Reserve for Bad Debt

The following SAP enhancement is available for reserve for bad debt:

- F1040001 Calculate Percentage for Reserve for Dad Debt

1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP
may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.
In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.


In the following activities, you make the settings for flat-rate individual value adjustment and for discounting of receivables.

Define Value Adjustment Key

In this activity you define a valuation adjustment key based on country or due date. You then enter the valuation adjustment
key in the customer master record.

The valuation adjustment key determines

- Whether you want to execute a valuation for a different valuation area (such as HGB and GAAP)

- The percentage of the provision for the calculation of the valuation adjustment

- Whether the calculation should be based on country and due date

If you want to determine provision for unsecured receivables manually, do not enter a percentage rate and set the "Valuate
manually" indicator. The open item is then also selected during valuation, but nothing is automatically calculated.

If you want to use a different valuation algorithm, you can attach you own function modules to the ERP system. To do this,
use Business Transaction Events. Enter the function module in the Ext.valuationfield.


If you want to execute a valuation for a different valuation area, you have to first define the varying valuation areas. To do
this, choose the activity Define Valuation Areas under the G/L Accounting section of the Implementation Guide.


1. Make the settings you need for individual value adjustment.

2. Save the valuation adjustment key in the customer master record.

You can find more information on flat-rate individual value adjustment in the R/3 Library under "FI Closing and Reporting".

Define Interest Calculation Types

In this activity you create your interest indicators and define whether they are to be used for calculating interest on line items
or on account balances.

The master record for an account must contain an interest indicator if that account is to be included for interest calculation.


1. Create the interest indicators you require.

2. Make sure that an interest indicator is entered in the master records of the required accounts.

Define Accounts

In this activity you define, per reconciliation account, an adjustment account and a target account for the transactions
discounting and flat-rate individual value adjustment (B02 and B03).

Postings are made per business area. The documents are reversed in the following period. If you want to use
your own valuation algorithms, you can use transactions B98 and B99.

1. Posting procedure for flat-rate individual value adjustment

You define a write-off account for the value adjustment (correction account) and an account for writing off receivables and
payables (target account).

2. Posting procedure for discounting

You define a write-off account for discounting (correction account) and an account for expenses from value adjustment on
receivables (target account).

Activities Create the relevant accounts.

You can find additional information on flat-rate individual value adjustment and discounting in the SAP Library under "FI -
Closing and Reporting".

Determine Base Value

In this activity you determine the value which is to be the basis for the valuation method.

The following valuation methods are available:

1. Foreign currency valuation ( method 1)

2. Interest calculation on long-term receivables (method 2)

3. Flat-rate individual value adjustment (method 3)

4. Methods 98 and 99, if you want to use your own valuation algorithms using Business Transaction Events.


Receivables are discounted on the basis of the local currency amount valuated under foreign currency valuation. For
discounting, enter 2 as the method and 1 as the basis.

Under individual value adjustment, the system uses the local currency amount valuated under discounting. Enter 3 as the
method and 2 as the basis.

If you want to use the amount valuated by the foreign currency, enter 3 as the method and 1 as the basis.
If you do not want to use either interest calculation or foreign currency as the basis for the individual value adjustment, do
not enter a value for the basis. In this case, the local currency amount is used.


Determine the base value for the valuation methods you want to use.

Further notes

You can find additional information on flat-rate individual value adjustment and interest calculation in the SAP Library in
the section "FI Closing and Reporting".

Determine Values for Line Item Display

In this activity you determine which values you want displayed in the "Valuation difference" field in the line item display.

Dependent on valuation area, currency type, and valuation method, you can display up to six values in the line item display.

Create a line layout variant with special fields for the valuation difference. Six different fields are available. The fields
BWSHB1 to BWSHB6 are available in table BSBV.

To do this, choose activity Define line layout.


Specify which value you want displayed in the "Valuation difference" field. You specify this by assigning a field name to
the currency type, valuation area, and valuation method.

Further notes

You can find additional information on flat-rate individual value adjustment and discounting in the SAP Library in the section
"FI - Closing and Reporting".


The IMG activities for transferring and sorting receivables and payables are in Customizing for General Ledger Accounting:

- For classic General Ledger Accounting under

Business Transactions -> Closing -> Reclassify -> Transfer and Sort Receivables and Payables

- For new General Ledger Accounting under

Periodic Processing -> Reclassify -> Transfer and Sort Receivables and Payables

Black List Explanation (Italy)
Group Tax Balances


In this Customizing activity, you group the tax balances based on Company Code, Sales Tax Code, Document Type and
Transaction Key and Group Number.

The system displays the tax amounts in the tax declaration file, based on the grouping you maintain in this view.
Define Customer as Natural Person


In this Customizing activity, you define personal details of a customer who is a natural person.

Maintain Details of Tax Code Representative


In this Customizing activity, you maintain details of the signatory authority who is authorized to making tax declaration of
your company.

Foreign Trade Regulations

In the following activities, you make the settings for German foreign trade regulations.

Define Currency Key for Banque de France


In this activity you assign the currency keys known to the system (in other words the ISO codes) to the specific currency
keys of the Banque de France (known as the OSCE codes).

Activities Make the assignment.

Define Countries for Banque de France

In this activity you assign the ISO codes for countries to the country codes of the Banque de France.


Make the necessary assignments.

Define State Central Bank Indicator for Banque de France

In this activity you assign a state central bank indicator to a combination of company code and G/L account. You also define
an ID which determines the type of account (tax account, expense or revenue account) as well as defining the type of report
(such as report "DOC. C82" for dividends).


Enter a state central bank indicator per company code and G/L account and define an ID.

Identify Offsetting Accounts for Banque de France

In this activity you enter an offsetting account per company code.

As the ID you use:

- The first five characters of the bank number for the domestic accounts

- The digits "09821" for foreign accounts

- The digits "99999" for clearing accounts

- The digits "99998" for the GR/IR clearing account


Enter an offsetting account per company code.

Define Accounts Subject to Reporting for Banque de France

In this activity you enter the bank accounts subject to reporting per company code.

The following specifications are necessary:

- Company code and bank account

- The ID determines the type of report dependent on the account type

- Account name

- Bank country


Enter the bank accounts subject to reporting.


In the following activities you make the settings for integrating the Financial Accounting (FI) application component with
the other application components.

Define Accounts for Automatic HR Postings (A/R)

In this step you define symbolic accounts for wage types from Human Resources and assign the numbers of customer
accounts from Financial Accounting to them. Postings to these accounts are then automatically made for certain transactions
within Human Resources.


Define the required accounts for every transaction which is posted in your company.

Additional information

You will find general information on posting the Payroll Accounting results to the Accounting components in the SAP
Library under Human Resources -> Payroll Accounting -> <Country> -> Subsequent Activities -> Posting to Accounting.

Details on posting to Accounting can be found in the IMG for Payroll Accounting under Reporting for Posting Payroll
'Auswertung für die Buchung ins Rechnungswesen'.

Define Accounts for Automatic HR Postings (A/P)

In this step, you define symbolic accounts for wage types from Human Resources and allocate the numbers of vendor
accounts from Financial Accounting to them. Postings to these accounts are then automatically made for certain transactions
within the area of Human Resources.


Define the required accounts for every transaction which is posted in your company.

Additional information

You will find general information on posting the Payroll Accounting results to the Accounting components in the SAP
Library under Human Resources -> Payroll Accounting -> <Country> -> Subsequent Activities -> Posting to Accounting.

Details on posting to Accounting can be found in the IMG for Payroll Accounting under Reporting for Posting Payroll
'Auswertung für die Buchung ins Rechnungswesen'.

Debit-Side and Credit-Side down Payment Chains

In this section you configure the settings you need for processing debit-side and credit-side down payment chains.

Down payment chains incorporate a large number of partial invoices (partial invoices or down payment requests), the final
invoice and related payments arising during long-running projects.

There are two types of down payment chain: Debit-side and credit-side.

- Debit-side down payment chains incorporate invoice and payment transactions between the sold-to party (debtor) and
the main contractor
- Credit-side down payment chains incorporate invoice and payment transactions between the sub-contractor (creditor)
and the main contractor

Further notes
Further settings are required for down payment chains. You can configure these settings in Customizing for Controlling and
Financial Accounting.

Define Number Range Intervals

In this IMG activity you determine the number range interval for down payment chains.

You use these number range intervals to assign them in the IMG activity chain types Determine Chain Type for Down
Payment Chain. When you create a down payment chain, the system automatically assigns a number from the permitted
value range.
Define Chain Types

In this IMG activity you define the chain type for the down payment chain.

A chain type includes different control parameters and is created uniquely for one company code.

For control parameters you must define:

- Whether it is a debit-side or credit-side down payment chain, in other words, whether you are posting to the vendor or
customer account.

- Which number range interval is used

- Whether the partial invoices can be posted as down payment requests or invoices you cannot use both accounting
documents at the same time.

- Whether the chain type can be used for creating new down payment chains (active chain type). The down payment
chains belonging to one chain type can easily be further processed, even if the chain type has been deactivated in the
meantime. However, you cannot create a new down payment chain for a deactivated chain type.

- Which initial status the system should set when you create a down payment chain

- Up to which percentage security retention amounts, guarantee retention amounts and additional costs can be created.

- Where data entry is cumulative or the difference from the previous accounting document is added on.

- Which partner determination procedure is used for the down payment chain

- Which document type is valid for the accounting documents, in order to control document entry

- Which prefix for reservation of assignment number is used

- After what residence time down payment chains can be archived at the earliest.


You have carried out the following IMG activities:

- In Customizing for Debit-Side and Credit-Side Down Payment Chains -> Set Number Range
Interval for Down Payment Chains
- In Customizing for Financial Accounting under Basic Settings -> Document -> Document Header
->Define Document Types
- In Customizing for Financial Accounting under Accounts Receivable/Payable -> Business
Transactions -> Postings with Alternative Reconciliation Account -> Define Alternative
Reconciliation Account for Customers and Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Vendors

- In Customizing for Project System under Structures -> Operative Structures -> Project Structure
Plan ->Define Partner Determination Procedures and Roles or in Customizing for Sales and
Distribution under Basic Functions -> Partner Determination


Per company code, create at least one chain type for debit-side down payment chains and one chain type for credit-side down
payment chains. The short texts are language dependent. Log on to the system in the language in which you want to maintain
the short texts.

Define Special G/L Transactions

In this IMG activity you determine Special G/L Transactions.

Through the special G/L indicator, you can control on which G/L reconciliation accounts the retention amounts (security
retention amounts and special retention amounts) are updated.

Define Retention Amount Categories

In this IMG activity, you determine the retention amount categories for down payment chains.

One retention amount category is created for one company code and is permitted either for partial invoices or final invoices.

You only create retention amount categories, if you want to calculate retention amounts in the down payment chains. When
creating a down payment chain, use the retention amount category to enter the retention amounts in the contract data.

On settlement of partial invoices (PI) and final invoices (FI), money is retained for security according to contractual
agreement with the sold-to party. For partial invoices this is, for example, 10 % and for final invoices 3% of the invoiced
amount. You determine the retention amount categories Security Retention Amount PI for partial invoices and Guarantee
Retention Amount FI for final invoices.

The short texts are language dependent. Log on to the system in the language in which you wish to maintain the short texts.

Default Values for Retention Amount Categories


In this Customizing activity, you can define for each company code and chain type whether certain retention amount
categories are defaulted or are automatically inserted as a requirement when you create a new down payment chain in the
Retentions ALV grid.

You can make the following settings for each company code, chain type, and retention amount category:

- Default Values: You can specify Default Value, Required, or Manual Entry. If you specify Default Value, the retention
amount category is proposed when you create a new chain, but the user can remove the row. If you specify Required,
the retention amount category is added when you create a new chain, but the user cannot remove the row. For Manual
Entry, if you manually add a new retention in the DP chain contract the values defined in Customizing, such as the
percentage or due date, are transferred.

- Fixed Percentage: You can enter a percentage value in this field. If a value was entered, when you add this retention
category to a down payment chain contract the percentage is automatically transferred and cannot be changed.

- Fixed Due Date (Numeric) this is only used for retention amounts in final invoices. It indicates whether, for a certain
final invoice retention amount category, a fixed due date must always be used.

- Fixed Period Indicator: This is only used for retention amounts in final invoices. It indicates whether, for a certain final
invoice retention amount category, a fixed period indicator must always be used.

You have defined a retention category in Customizing under Financial Accounting (New) -> Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Debit-Side and Credit-Side Down Payment Chains.

Define Additional Cost Categories

In this Customizing activity you determine the additional cost categories for down payment chains.

An additional cost category determines the account type (debit-side or credit-side down payment chain) and the G/L account
to which the additional costs should be assigned. It is created uniquely for one company code.

You only determine additional cost categories if you want to calculate additional costs in the down payment chains. When
you create a down payment chain, you use the additional cost category to enter the permitted additional costs in the contract

As of Enhancement Package 5, the following additional control parameters can be maintained in this Customizing activity if
the enterprise business function LOG_FI_DPC_MM_1 is activated in your system:
1. Base for additional costs calculation: You can specify gross or net. If you specify gross, the amount of additional costs for
postings is calculated by multiplying the gross invoice amount by the percentage value defined in the contract. If you
specify net, the base for the percentage calculation is the net amount.

2. Post additional cost category as expense or revenue: You can specify input tax or output tax. If you specify input tax, the
additional cost category is posted as an expense with an input tax code. If you specify output tax, the additional cost
category is posted as revenue with an output tax code.

3. Tax code of additional cost category is different from the chain: This is a checkbox. If you do not select this checkbox, the
tax code of the chain will be used for this additional cost category. If you select this checkbox, the user must specify a
different tax code when creating the contract.

4. Type of additional costs update: You can specify Proportional or From Final Invoice. If you specify
Proportional, postings can be made for every transaction of this additional cost category. If you specify From Final Invoice,
postings for this additional cost category are only allowed as of the final invoice.


Examples of additional costs are costs arising from work on the construction site, for example electricity supply or waste
disposal. For these expenses, the assessment and additional cost categories Electricity to Construction Site and Waste
Disposal are determined and posted to specifically designated G/L accounts for Electricity to Construction Site and Waste

The short texts are language-dependent. Log on to the system in the language in which you want to maintain the short texts.

Define Contractual Penalty Categories

In this IMG activity you determine contractual penalties categories.

A contractual penalty category is created for one company code.

You only determine contractual penalty categories if you want to define contractually agreed contractual penalties and
payment blocks. When you create a down payment chain, you use the contractual penalty categories to input the contractual
penalties into the contract data.

The system controls have no effect on the contractual penalty categories.


The short texts are language dependent. Log on to the system in the language in which you want to maintain the short texts.
Define Verification Categories

In this IMG activity you determine the verification categories for down payment chains.

One verification category is created for one company code.

You only determine verification categories if you want to define contractually agreed verifications. Submitted verifications
can lead to payment blocks and contractual penalties. When you create a down payment chain, you use the verification
categories to input verifications into the contract data.

The system controls have no effect on the verification categories.


The sub-contractor must submit the following documents to you by an agreed date:

- Trading licence

- Proof of company registration

- Copies of employee work permits

For these verifications, create the following verification categories:

- Trading licence

- Proof of company registration

- Work permits

You use these verification categories in the contract and specify that you will make no payments to the subcontractor until
receipt of the aforementioned documents.


The short texts are language dependent. Log on to the system in the language in which you want to maintain the short texts.

Define payment block for retention amounts and special retention amounts

In this IMG activity you set payment blocks for security retention amounts and special retention amounts for receivables
(debit-side down payment chains) and payables (credit-side down payment chains).

You make these settings per company code and account type (debit-side down payment chains, credit-side down payment
chains). In doing this, you assign payment blocks for partial invoices as well as final invoices and corrections.

When you have set a payment block, the system transfers the key for the payment block for the corresponding items to the
accounting document.
Deferred Tax for Down Payment Chains

Customizing for Deferred Tax


To be able to transfer the deferred tax for a company code, you must first make the appropriate Customizing settings. You
use this transaction to do so.

The following fields require entries:

Company Code


Document Type
The document type will be used for the transfer posting documents.


The transfer posting is always handled through an auxiliary account, which allows for the correct reporting of 0% tax, for
instance. The account specified here must be a balance sheet account with tax category *. It is important that you specify a
suitable field status variant and that this account is not defined as a cost element.

Migration Date

As described above, an initial run must take place for each company code. This introduces the system to the date of the
migration run. You should note that all of the postings up to and including this date must be considered as already reported,
and that no further transfer postings are allowed (see Legacy Data Transfer). For a new company code, set an earlier date as
the migration date than that of the first postings in the production run (taking both the posting date and the tax reporting date
into consideration here).

Impact of Final Invoice

In Germany and Austria, there is a change from deferral-based to accrual-based taxation after the final invoice. In this case,
it is important to leave the field empty.

Only Period End

If a transfer posting is always to consider the complete period, you should select this field. On the call of the transfer posting
program, the user can always specify the last day of the month only as the analysis period. Otherwise multiple transfer
postings could be made throughout the month.

If no Customizing settings were made for a company code, you cannot create down payment chains with deferred tax codes
in this company code, nor can you start the transfer posting run.
Settings: Repeat Run for Deferred Tax


The situation may arise where a period was reported too early. In other words, you would like to post further tax-relevant
down payment chain documents in this period, although the tax transfer posting has already been made. In the standard
delivery, the user receives an error message stating that the period was already reported. You can use this transaction to
permit subsequent posting in the period that was last reported.


In this case, note that you can only set the 'Repeat Run' indicator, but you cannot remove it, and you must always start the
ensuing transfer posting program in 'Repeat Run' mode (this is also validated). After the repeat run is successfully completed,
the Customizing indicator is automatically deleted.

Change Message Control


In this Customizing activity, you determine whether the system displays system messages 114, 210, 234, 253, 254, 255, 492,
493, 494, 601, 602, and 603 from message class /SAPPCE/DPCM1 as information, warning or error messages when an
error occurs.

You can also make this setting for individual users.

- System message /SAPPCE/DPCM1 114 is called if the status of a down payment chain should be set to 'closed' and
there is an active final invoice, but the balance of the down payment chain is not zero. If this message is configured as
a warning or is deactivated, you can set a down payment chain to 'closed' as soon as the last correction has been posted.
Otherwise, this requires an additional step and cannot be done until after payment has been made.

- System message /SAPPCE/DPCM1 210 is called if a new transaction is created with a document date that is earlier
than the document date of the previous transaction in the same down payment chain.

- System message /SAPPCE/DPCM1 234 is called if an invoice is created whose posting date is earlier than the posting
date of a down payment that is to be cleared.

- System message /SAPPCE/DPCM1 253 is called if you try to post a down payment chain to a cumulative value of less
than 10 although the previous cumulative value was at least 1000 times higher. For more information about the
background to this message, see SAP Note 1027801.

- System message /SAPPCE/DPCM1 254 is called if the tax reporting date of the document currently being posted is
smaller than the tax reporting date of the last document posted in the relevant down payment chain. For this message,
Customizing is only relevant if the tax code of the down payment chain is not deferred. A deferred tax code always
produces an error message.

- System message /SAPPCE/DPCM1 255 is called in report RFUMSV50 if the delimited period comprises more than
one posting period and if the down payment chains application is active.

- The system message /SAPPCE/DPCM1 492 is called when the cumulated invoice amount exceeds the order value
entered in the chain contract. In this case, the system also takes into account any tolerance value entered for the chain
- The system message /SAPPCE/DPCM1 493 is called when the cumulated invoice amount plus all advance payments
not yet offset exceeds the order value entered in the chain contract. In this case, the system also takes into account any
tolerance value entered for the chain type.

- The system message /SAPPCE/DPCM1 494 is called when the cumulated advance payment requests plus all payments
made up to now on partial invoices exceed the order value entered in the chain contract. In this case, the system also
takes into account any tolerance value entered for the chain type.

- System message /SAPPCE/DPCM1 601 is called if you want to change the tax code for the down payment chain,
although a final invoice has been posted for the chain.

- System message /SAPPCE/DPCM1 602 is called if the G/L account that is entered for account assignment in the
contract data for the down payment chain is a balance sheet account.
In standard Customizing, account assignment to a balance sheet account is not allowed. We recommend only
changing this setting if you need to carry out account assignments to balance sheet accounts for your business

- System message /SAPPCE/DPCM1 603 is called if more than one WBS element is entered in the contract data to
which the system is to assign.
The system does the following if several WBS elements are assigned as account assignment objects:

- If the Joint Venture Accounting (CA-JVA) component is not set, the system correspondingly assigns the defined
percentages to the WBS elements.

- If the Joint Venture Accounting component is set to active in the company code, postings that only contain credit or
debit items can no longer be clearly assigned to a joint venture. As a
Rule, this means postings for which retention amounts are created or cleared, without the actual invoiced amount
changing, for example, if special retention amounts and guarantee retention amounts are cancelled. The system updates
the data for the dummy venture. We recommend you configure this message as an error message if the Joint Venture
Accounting component is set to active in the company code.

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

This section describes activities for the development of customer specific enhancements (Business Add-Ins) for down
payment chains.

BAdI: Editing Payment Chains

With the Business Add-In (BAdI) you can develop enhancements for editing down payment chains.

You can develop your own consistency checks and authorization checks, provide customer-specific fields and change the
document type with which the FI document is posted.

Standard settings

The Business Add-In is

- Not active

- Not filter dependent

- Not multi-usage


After calling up the IMG activity, a dialog box appears, in which you can enter a name for the implementation.

If you have already made other implementations for this BAdI, another dialog box appears, in which the existing
implementations are displayed. In this case, choose Create, and proceed as follows:

1. In the dialog box, enter a name for the BAdI implementation in the Implementation field, and choose Create.
The screen for creating BAdI implementations is now displayed.

2. Enter a short text for the implementation in the Short text for implementation field.
3. From the tab index, choose Interface.
The Name of implemented class field is already filled on the tab page, as a class name was automatically assigned
to the implementation when you named it.

4. Save your entries, and assign the implementation to a development class.

5. Place the cursor on the method, and double-click to enter method processing.

6. Enter the code for the implementation between the statements method <Interface name> ~ <Name of
method> and end method.

7. Save and implement your code. Return to the Edit Implementation screen.

8. Save the entries on the Edit Implementation screen.

Note: You can also create an implementation, and then activate it at a later time. In such a case, end the processing
stage at this point.

9. Choose Activate
The code you stored in the method will be run when the application program is executed.

Further notes

For more information see the documentation on Badin methods

Consistency Check for Down Payment Chain Master Data

Authorization Checks for Down Payment Chains

Consistency Check on Posting

Enhancement of Overviews: Down Payment Chains, Transactions, Documents

Change FI Document Type

BAdI: Menu Enhancement for Down Payment Chains

With this business add-in (BAdI) /SAPPCE/DPC_FCODE you can develop your own menu enhancements for editing down
payment chains.

Standard settings

The Business Add-In is

- not active

- not filter dependent

- not multi-usage


After calling up the IMG activity, a dialog box appears, in which you can enter a name for the implementation.

If you have already made other implementations for this BAdI, another dialog box appears, in which the existing
implementations are displayed. In this case, choose Create, and proceed as follows:

1. In the dialog box, enter a name for the BAdI implementation in the Implementation field, and choose Create.
The screen for creating BAdI implementations is now displayed.

2. Enter a short text for the implementation in the Short text for implementation field.

3. From the tab index, choose Interface.

The Name of implemented class field is already filled on the tab page, as a class name was automatically assigned
to the implementation when you named it.

4. Save your entries, and assign the implementation to a development class.

5. Place the cursor on the method, and double-click to enter method processing.

6. Enter the code for the implementation between the statements method <Interface name> ~ <Name of
method> and end method.

7. Save and implement your code. Return to the Edit Implementation screen.

8. Save the entries on the Edit Implementation screen.

Note: You can also create an implementation, and then activate it at a later time. In such a case, end the processing
stage at this point.

9. Choose Activate
The code you stored in the method will be run when the application program is executed.

Further notes

You can find further information in the documentation for BAdI method:

Menu Enhancement for Transaction Data

BAdI: Standard Postings for Down Payment Chains


With this business add-in (BAdI) you can develop the enhancements for standard down payment chain postings.
Standard settings

The business add-in is

- not active

- not filter dependent

- multi-usage


After calling up the IMG activity, a dialog box appears, in which you can enter a name for the implementation.

If you have already made other implementations for this BAdI, another dialog box appears, in which the existing
implementations are displayed. In this case, choose Create, and proceed as follows:

1. In the dialog box, enter a name for the BAdI implementation in the Implementation field, and choose Create.
The screen for creating BAdI implementations is now displayed.

2. Enter a short text for the implementation in the Short text for implementation field.

3. From the tab index, choose Interface.

The Name of implemented class field is already filled on the tab page, as a class name was automatically assigned
to the implementation when you named it.

4. Save your entries, and assign the implementation to a development class.

5. Place the cursor on the method, and double-click to enter method processing.

6. Enter the code for the implementation between the statements method <Interface name> ~ <Name of
method> and end method.

7. Save and implement your code. Return to the Edit Implementation screen.

8. Save the entries on the Edit Implementation screen.

Note: You can also create an implementation, and then activate it at a later time. In such a case, end the processing
stage at this point.

9. Choose Activate
The code you stored in the method will be run when the application program is executed.

Further notes

See the documentation on BAdI methods:

Transfer of Paid Chains

BAdI: Controls for Down Payment Chains

You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to develop enhancements for down payment chains with deferred tax and tax rate
change for Germany.

You can influence the transactions listed below as follows:

- Tax Comparison Report (transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX)

- You can use the Enhancement of Tax Comparison Report method to add your own columns to the output of the
tax comparison report for down payment chains and deferred tax (minimum actual taxation) and fill the columns
with content.

- Cred. DP Chains - Delete Payt Block (transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX02_C)

- You can restrict the list of down payment chains for which you want the payment block to be deleted, that is,
exclude specific down payment chains, using the method Selected Down Payment Chains for Removal of Payment

- You get a list of documents from which the payment block has been deleted in the method Documents from which
Payment Block was Deleted.

- Deb. DP Chains - Delete Payt Block (transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX02_D)

- You can restrict the list of down payment chains for which you want the payment block to be deleted, that is,
exclude specific down payment chains, using the method Selected Down Payment Chains for Removal of Payment

- You get a list of the documents from which the payment block has been deleted in the method Documents from
which Payment Block was Deleted.

Standard settings

The Business Add-In is

- Not active - Not filter-dependent - Not multi-usage.


When you call the IMG activity, a dialog box appears in which you enter a name for the implementation.

If implementations have already been created for this BAdI, you see a dialog box displaying these implementations. Choose
Create in the dialog box and proceed as follows:
1. In the Implementation field in the dialog box, enter a name for the BAdI implementation, then choose Create.

The initial screen for creating BAdI implementations appears.

2. In the Short Text field on the initial screen, enter a short text for the implementation.

3. Choose Interface in the tab index.

The Name of Implemented Class field is automatically filled on the tab page, since the system allocates a class name
based on the name of your implementation.

4. Save your entries and assign the implementation to a development class.

5. Place the cursor on the relevant method and double-click to edit the method.

6. Enter your program code for the implementation between the statements method <Interface Name>~ <Name of
Method>. And end method.
7. Save and activate your code, and go back to the Change Implementation screen.

8. Save again on the Change Implementation screen.

Note: You can also create an implementation for a BAdI and activate it later. In this case, you have now completed

9. Choose Activate.

The code you have specified in the method is now processed when the application program is executed.

Further notes

For more information, see the documentation for the BAdI methods:

Enhancement of Tax Comparison Report

Selected Down Payment Chains for Removal of Payment Block

Documents from which Payment Block was deleted

Country-Specific Settings


Invoice Summary: Standard Customizing Settings

Basic Settings

To use the invoice summary functions for Japan, you have to carry out the IMG activities and implement the Business Add-
Ins (BAdIs) as listed. Before you do this, however, you first have to activate the relevant application for Japan and, if required,
specify the factory calendar to be used.

To activate the application for Japan, on the SAP Business Framework: Business Transaction Events screen, choose
Settings -> Identification -> SAP Applications. On the Change View: BTE Application Indicator: Overview
screen, select the indicator for the application ISJP.

To keep your invoice summary data consistent, do not deactivate the application (not even temporarily) once you have started
working with the invoice summary.

To specify a factory calendar, carry out the IMG activity Enter Global Parameters. Select your company code, and choose
the Details icon. Choose the Additional Details pushbutton. In the Invoice Summary Factory Calendar field, enter JP
if you want to use the standard factory calendar delivered, or enter your own factory calendar if you have created one in the
IMG activity Maintain Calendar.
9 Define Line Items

In this IMG activity, you define the types of documents that are to be included in a monthly invoice.

First, enter your company code. In the Define Line Item table, select the relevant document type and posting key. You can
also select a special GL indicator if you want a special GL transaction to be considered for the monthly invoice process. This
is recommended in the case of down payment requests in particular to enable them to be included on the monthly invoice. If
you do not select a special GL indicator, all GL transactions with a document type and posting key are considered for invoice

Maintain Bank Charges

In this IMG activity, you determine the amount of bank charges. This is required when the payment requester is made liable
for bank charges by the bank but the payee is actually responsible for paying the bank charges. Therefore, the payer does not
pay the invoice amount in full, but rather a reduced amount to allow for this. In this case, there is a difference between the
invoice amount and the actual amount paid. You therefore have to determine the amount of bank charges that account for
this difference.

This IMG activity consists of two steps:

1. Maintain Patterns
First, you have to define patterns in order to group certain bank charges together, for example, those relevant for a
specific account location or for a specific business purpose. Specify the relevant company code and currency, and enter
a two character pattern ID of your choice.

2. Maintain Bank Charges

For each pattern you have defined, enter an amount for bank charges. If you know the exact amount of bank charges,
select Equal to in the Operator field. Otherwise, select lower than or Equal or Lower than and enter the maximum
amount to be written off as bank charges.

You then have to assign the bank charge pattern ID to the relevant customer. To do this, in the Create Customer transaction,
enter the data required to identify the relevant customer. On the Create Customer: General Data screen, enter the required
data and choose the Supplement to Invoice List (Japan) pushbutton. In the subsequent screen, on the Role tab page, select
Invoice Summary Payer as the IS role and choose the Payment tab page. Select the Bank Charge: Payee checkbox and
select the relevant bank charge pattern ID that you defined in this IMG activity and save your entries.
Maintain Number Ranges

In this IMG activity, you define the number range intervals for invoice summary. You can use the same number range object
for both monthly and payer's invoices, or you can create separate intervals for each, depending on your requirements.

Enter your company code, and choose the Change Intervals pushbutton to maintain a new number range.
Post Tax Adjustment

In this IMG activity, you set up the system to enable tax adjustment postings to be made when the tax amount has been
recalculated in the monthly invoice.

Enter the document type, posting key, account code, and tax code for the relevant company code.

Invoice Summary: BAdI Enhancements

Implementation: Change Statement

You use this Business Add-In implementation (BAdI implementation) to determine the customer/payer code (based on the
virtual account and nayose) and to provide the information required for automatic clearing (including payments, open items,
and possibly also bank charges). You can enhance the default logic if you want to fill the payer code or payer number/name
from different fields.

This BAdI is filter-dependent and reusable. The BAdI definition is activated in the standard system. However, modification
is required for the program to be influenced. You have to activate this BAdI implementation in order to run the Invoice
Summary solution.
Master Data

Implementation: Add Customer Data (1)

You use this and the following Business Add-In implementation (BAdI implementation) to add a master-data extension for
invoice-summary specific data. You have to activate both BAdI implementations for master data.

You use this BAdI implementation in particular to activate the relevant functions for invoice summary.

Activate the BAdI implementation.

Implementation: Add Customer Data (2)

You use this Business Add-In implementation (BAdI implementation) in particular to activate the relevant screens for invoice

You also have to activate the BAdI implementation Add Customer Data (1).

Activate the BAdI implementation.

BAdI: Invoice Summary Customer Master Data


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Localization (FI-LOC) component.

You can use this BAdI if, in addition to the standard checks, you want to perform further checks on the customer master data
relevant for invoice summary.

The method in this BAdI is called each time when you save the customer master records.

When you implement this BAdI, you can define messages (information, warning or error) that the system
Can display when saving the customer master data.
Standard settings

In the standard system, there is no activated BAdI implementation. If there is no active customer implementation, no default
code is executed.

The BAdI is designed for multiple use.

The BAdI is not filter-dependent, but it is executed for Japanese company codes only.


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under
BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.


Class CL_ISJP_CUST_EXAMPLE provides some examples for the checks that you can define.

See also

This BAdI uses the interface IF_ISJP_CUST. For more information, display the interface in the BAdI Builder.

Invoice Summary

Notes on Implementation


All Business Add-Ins that are grouped under this structure node belong to the enhancement spot ISJP.

You can implement the following BAdI definitions:

- BAdI: Invoice Summary Items

- BAdI: Invoice Summary-Relevant Postings

- BAdI: Invoice Summary Payer and Monthly Invoices

BAdI: Invoice Summary Items


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Localization (FI-LOC) component.

You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence the behaviour of invoice summary items. It contains the interface
IF_ISJP_ITEM and methods for creating, changing, deleting, and enhancing invoice summary items.

Standard settings
In the standard system, there is no activated BAdI implementation. If there is no active customer implementation, no default
code is executed and the default values of the attributes remain unchanged.

The BAdI is designed for multiple uses and is not filter-dependent.


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under
BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.


You can use the method ACC_INTERF_BEFORE_SAVE of the BAdI definition ISJP_ITEM to change the default values
for the attributes of invoice summary items. You can change the following attributes: - Grouping unit: you can set the
grouping unit within the recipient according to your requirements

- Separate invoice indicator: you can set this indicator for specific invoices so that they are listed in a separate monthly

- Monthly invoice block: you can set a block so that the monthly invoice is not created

- Invoice summary relevancy: you can specify that certain invoices are not relevant for invoice summary

This BAdI method is called when invoices that are relevant for invoice summary are created automatically by the system via
the accounting interface.

See also:

This BAdI uses the interface IF_ISJP_ITEM. For more information, display the interface in the BAdI

BAdI: Invoice Summary-Relevant Postings


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Localization (FI-LOC) component.

You can use this BAdI to make modifications in the settings for automatic tax adjustment posting performed by the system
when you create monthly invoices.

You use the IMG activity Post Tax Adjustment for setting up the system to automatically post tax adjustments, if relevant,
when you create a monthly invoice. You may require, however, that the system fills in the fields of the accounting document
during the automatic tax adjustment posting in a different
Way. This BAdI definition contains the interface IF_ISJP_POST and the method
TAX_ADJUSTM_BEFORE_SAVE, which allow you to modify some of the default settings for filling in the fields of the
accounting document during automatic tax adjustment posting. For example, you can add, delete, or adjust the fields of the
posting document that is created for tax adjustment posting.

The BAdI is called each time when you create a new monthly invoice that includes tax adjustment posting.

You have set up the system to use automatic tax adjustment posting.

Standard settings

In the standard system, there is no activated BAdI implementation. If there is no active customer implementation, no default
code is executed and the default values of the attributes remain unchanged.

The BAdI is designed for multiple uses and is not filter-dependent.


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under
BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.


Class CL_ISJP_POST_EXAMPLE provides an example for adding a field to the tax adjustment posting document by
implementing the BAdI method TAX_ADJUSTM_BEFORE_SAVE.

See also

This BAdI uses the interface IF_ISJP_ITEM. For more information, display the interface in the BAdI

BAdI: Invoice Summary Payer and Monthly Invoices


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Localization (FI-LOC) component.

You can use this BAdI to filter payer or monthly invoices before printing with the Print Program. The BAdI allows you to
avoid printing invoices for which you set a filter.

The methods in this BAdI are called each time when you run the Print Program.

Standard settings

In the standard system, there is no activated BAdI implementation. If there is no active customer implementation, no default
code is executed.

The BAdI is designed for single use.

The BAdI is not filter-dependent, but it is executed for Japanese company codes only.

For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under
BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.


Class CL_ISJP_HEAD_EXAMPLE provides an example for filtering invoices that do not include a carry forward amount
nor any line items, but payment information only. With this implementation, the Print Program only prints invoices that
include line items or carry forward amounts.

See also

This BAdI uses the interface IF_ISJP_HEAD. For more information, display the interface in the BAdI Builder.


Set Up Aggregated Scaled Dunning Charges


In this Customizing activity, you make settings that allow you to scale the calculation of an aggregated dunning charge for
overdue payments, that is, you calculate a different percentage for parts of the total overdue amount (for example, 10% for
the first 2500 and then 5% for the rest of the amount) and then aggregate these charges in a final dunning charge. To enable
the system to perform this aggregated scaled calculation, you must do the following:

- Register the dunning procedure for aggregated scaled calculation (see the next section for more details) for each
currency that you use

- Enter a minimum and maximum dunning charge for each dunning procedure as needed to meet legal requirements


1. Register the IDUN_ASDC_CALC function module. Proceed as follows:

a) Call the FIBF transaction and choose Settings -> Products -> ...of a customer. Enter a technical name and
descriptive text for your product. Activate the product and save your entries.

b) Back on the SAP Business Framework: Business Transaction Events screen, choose Settings ->
Process Modules -> ... of a customer
Enter 00001071 as the process, your application ID (which is usually FI-FI unless you are using, for example,
public sector or an industry solution), IDUN_ASDC_CALC as the function module, and the technical name of
your product (as entered in step 1a). Save your entries.

2. Create a dunning procedure for scaled calculation of dunning changes in the Define Dunning Procedures Customizing


To set up aggregated scaled dunning charge calculation to meet the legal requirements in the Netherlands, you register the
IDUN_ASDC_CALC function module in your system for your product ZASDC. Then you create the required dunning
procedure (named ASDC) by making the following entries (all entered as dunning level 1):

1. For the amount from 0.01 EUR, you enter a dunning charge of %
2. For the amount from 2,500.01 EUR, you enter a dunning charge of 10% 3. For the
amount from 5,000.01 EUR, you enter a dunning charge of 5%

4. For the amount from 10,000.01 EUR, you enter a dunning charge of 1%

5. For the amount from 200,000.01 EUR, you enter a dunning charge of 0%

You make these settings so that the system will divide the amount to be dunned into parts and calculate different charges for
the different parts. For example, for the part of the total amount between 0 and 2500 EUR, the system calculates % of that
part. If the total amount to be dunned is 2100 EUR, the system would calculate a dunning charge of 3 EUR.

Next you make the following entries in this Customizing activity:

1. You enter ASDC as the dunning procedure to activate this special calculation method.

2. You enter EUR as the currency.

3. You enter the minimum and maximum dunning charges to meet legal requirements, for example, 40.00 as the minimum
and 6,775.00 as the maximum.

After making these settings, you have to dun a customer, for example, for an unpaid amount of 9,750 EUR. The system
calculates the total dunning charge as follows:

1. The system divides the amount to be dunned into 3 parts: 2500, 2500 and 4750.

2. For each part, the system uses the percentages from the dunning procedure to calculate a charge:

a) Fifteen percent of 2,500 EUR is 375.00

b) Ten percent of the next 2,500 EUR is 250.00

c) Five percent of the remaining 4750 EUR is 2370

3. The system aggregates these charges: 375 + 250 + 2370 = 8620. This is the total dunning charge.


Digital Signature

Record Number Ranges for Digital Signature of Invoices (FI)


By law, you are required to ensure that your system digitally signs all invoices for Portuguese company codes that are created
manually in Financial Accounting (FI). In this Customizing activity, you indicate which number range series that are used
for invoices need digital signatures and when the digital signature process should commence. The system then ensures that
invoices within these number range series are signed digitally.

To fulfil legal requirements about the format of the signature, the system uses the entries that you make here for the leading
accounting document type and the series to create an invoice number. This invoice number is part of the input for the digital
signature. For more information about the way in which the system generates the digital signature, see
-> SAP ERP -> ERP Central Component -> SAP ERP Central Component -> Financials -> Country Versions -> Portugal -
> Cross-Application Functions -> Digital Signature of Invoices. Alternatively, see ->
Country Information -> Portugal -> Additional Solution Information.
- You have defined document types and document number ranges by completing the relevant Customizing activities in
the Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) under Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) -> Document.

- You have activated the SIPT application using the BF11 transaction.


1. You obtain and upload a PSE file for each production system from SAP that contains SAP's private encryption key.

2. In this Customizing activity, for Portuguese company codes, you enter all number range intervals that you use for all
accounting document types. You mark the number range intervals that are relevant for digital signature, that is, the FI
documents that are created manually within this number range interval must be signed digitally. Do not mark intervals
that are used for numbering FI documents that originate as documents in SD. You only need to mark the SD number
range interval for digital signature in this case (see step 3).

3. You make similar settings for those number range intervals that are used in Sales and Distribution (SD) for creating
billing documents. You do this in the Record Number Ranges for Digital Signature of Billing Documents (SD)
Customizing activity.

4. When you start invoicing, the system generates digital signatures automatically for the documents manually created
within the number range intervals that you have marked here.

5. Whenever you add a new number range interval in FI that is to be used by a Portuguese company code, you record it
here and indicate whether it is relevant for digital signature.


Transfer Pricing

Maintain Company Information

Company Information


You can use this Customizing activity to maintain company information for Company Codes. The following fields are

- Company category

- Tax office

- OKATO code
- You can also specify the liquidation code, as well as liquidated company's INN and KPP codes if the company has been
liquidated during the period you are creating a notification for.


- Liquidation codes are defined in Liquidation Codes

- Company categories are defined in Company Categories


Company information defined in this Customizing activity is used in the transfer pricing notification.

Maintain Company Categories


You can use this Customizing activity to maintain company categories of companies that will be included in the transfer
pricing notification and their descriptions.

Liquidation Codes


You can use this Customizing activity to maintain liquidation codes for companies in the transfer pricing notification.


The liquidation codes created by using this Customizing activity are used in Company Information.
Define Parameters

Foreign Organization Data


You can use this Customizing activity to maintain foreign company registration numbers and taxpayer codes to be used in
the transfer pricing notification and their settings.

Standard settings

The entries created by maintaining this activity are used as values for the following parameters:

- Registration number - parameter 070 of section 2

- Taxpayer code - parameter 080 of section 2

Transaction Types


You can use this Customizing activity to maintain transaction types to be used in the transfer pricing notification and their


The entries created by maintaining this activity are used as values for parameter 210, Type of transaction.

Transaction Participant Codes

You can use this Customizing activity to maintain transaction participants to be used in the transfer pricing notification and
their descriptions.


The entries created by maintaining this activity are used as values for parameter 211, Transaction participant code.

Transaction Participant Statuses


You can use this Customizing activity to maintain statuses of transaction participants to be used in the transfer pricing
notification and their descriptions.


Statuses of transaction participants are used to define similar transaction groups for the transfer pricing notification in
Maintain Groups for the transfer pricing notification.
Price Sources


You can use this Customizing activity to maintain price sources to be used in the transfer pricing notification and their


The entries created by maintaining this activity are used as values for parameter 230, Price source code.
Pricing Methods


You can use this Customizing activity to maintain pricing methods to be used in the transfer pricing notification and their


The entries created by maintaining this activity are used as values for parameter 240, Pricing method code.

BAdI: Transfer Pricing Data


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in Transfer Pricing for Russia.

You can use this BAdI to modify relevant data.

This BAdI definition contains BAdI methods:

- MODIFY_MAIN is used to edit main transfer pricing notification data.

- MODIFY_LIST1A is used to edit data for transfer pricing notification section 1A.

- MODIFY_LIST1B is used to edit data for transfer pricing notification section 1B.

- MODIFY_LIST2 is used to edit data for transfer pricing notification section 2.

- MODIFY_TOTAL is used to edit data of relevant documents before the corrective invoices are applied to the
accounting documents. Fill out the fields as follows:

- group - group code as defined in Customizing

- grouping flag - grouping flag as defined in Customizing

- partner - account type: D for customer account, K for vendor account

- kunnr - customer number

- lifnr - vendor number

- prio - technical field, not used at this point

- dmbtr_sign - technical field, not used at this point
Remaining fields are filled out according to Accounting Document Segment table (BSEG).

- MODIFY_CORR is used to edit data of corrective documents before their data is written into the transfer pricing
database. Relevant tables are:

- ct_bseg_cor - corrective documents

- ct_bseg_ori - original documents

Fill out the fields as follows:

- belnr_prev - number of the document the corrective invoice refers to

- buzei_prev - number of the document item the corrective invoice refers to

- belnr_orig - number of the original document in the document chain

- buzei_orig - number of the original document item in the document chain

For the original document in the document chain, fill out the fields belnr_prev, buzei_prev, belnr_orig, buzei_orig
with its own document and item numbers.

- active flag - technical flag, not used at this point

Standard settings

In the standard system, there is no activated BAdI implementation.


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under
BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.


To display the sample code, choose go to -> Sample Code -> Display.

See also:

This BAdI uses the interface IF_J_3RF_TP_BADI. For more information, display the interface in the Class Builder.
VAT Invoices

Correction Invoices
Define Correction Invoices


In this Customizing activity, you define in the Purchase Ledger which document types to handle as Correction Invoices. This
is done before running the Purchase Ledger.

Document types are defined differently for documents created from different sources. To define the document types, open
J_3RFV_CORR_INV and fill the fields as follows:

For documents created from Materials Management:

- "Company Code" (optional) # leaving this field empty chooses all company codes,

- "Document Type" (optional) # specify the FI document type,

- "Billing Type" # should be left empty,

- "PO History Category" (required).

For documents created from Sales and Distribution:

- "Company Code" (optional) # leaving this field empty chooses all company codes,

- "Document Type" (optional) # specify the FI document type,

- "Billing Type" (required) # specify type of the Sales and Distribution billing document,

- "PO History Category" # should be left empty.

For documents created from Financial Accounting:

- "Company Code" (optional) # leaving this field empty chooses all company codes,

- "Document Type" (optional) # specify the FI document type,

- "Billing Type" # should be left empty,

- "PO History Category" # should be left empty.

Invoice Journal

Assign Incoming Invoice Number Ranges

You can use this customizing activity to set up number ranges for the internal numbering of the incoming VAT invoices in
the Invoice Journal. This number range is required for technical reasons; it will not appear in any form output.


Maintain interval 01 for the required company codes and fiscal years.

Automatic Registration of Incoming Invoices


You can use this customizing activity to customize rules for automatic registration of incoming invoices in the Invoice Journal
during posting/changing of accounting document (from MM and FI). To do this, enter FI document types for incoming
invoices to be registered in the Invoice Journal. You can activate this for exact company code or for all company codes, if
you leave company code field empty.

Automatic Registration of Outgoing Invoices from FI


You can use this customizing activity to customize rules for automatic registration of outgoing invoices in the Invoice Journal
during printing of VAT invoices from FI documents from J_3RF_INV_A ( Print program for FI invoice) and
J_3RF_CORRINV_A (Print program for Correction of FI Invoice). To do this, enter FI document types for incoming
invoices to be registered in the Invoice Journal. You can activate this for exact company code or for all company codes, if
you leave company code field empty.
Automatic Registration of Outgoing Invoices from SD


You can use this customizing activity to customize rules for automatic registration of outgoing invoices in the Invoice Journal
during printing of VAT invoices from SD documents from J_3RV_INV_A ( Print program for SD invoice) and
J_3RV_CORRINV_A (Print program for Correction of SD Invoice). To do this you select the Billing application (V3) option
and enter output types that are used for printing the documents that are to be added to the Invoice Journal.
Define Operation Type Codes


You can use this Customizing activity to define VAT invoice operation type codes and their descriptions. The list of available
operation type codes is defined by law.

The operation type codes are assigned to tax codes in Assign Operation Type Codes to Tax Codes.

Assign Operation Type Codes to Tax Codes


You can use this Customizing activity to assign operation type codes to tax codes.

When a VAT invoice is registered in the invoice journal, that invoice is assigned one or several operation type codes based
on the following invoice parameters:
- Company Code

- Accounting Document Type

- Tax Code

You can leave the Company Code and/or Document Type empty. When an invoice is registered in the journal, its parameters
are compared to the settings made in this Customizing activity, and operation type codes are assigned to the document in

Company Code Document Type Tax Code

<match> <match> <match> - first priority

<match> <empty> <match> - second priority
<empty> <match> <match> - third priority
<empty> <empty> <match> - fourth priority
Enter Text Object IDs for Incoming Invoices


You can use this customizing activity to enter text object IDs that are used to enter external document numbers and external
document dates for incoming VAT invoices in the FI document header. To maintain text IDs you should use the text object
Document Text (BELEG).

If you did not maintain text IDs or corresponding text fields are empty in the document, the external document number is
taken from the Reference Document Number field (BKPF-XBLNR) and the external document date is taken from the
Document Date field ( BKPF-BLDAT ).
Automatic Processing of Reversals


You can use this customizing activity to delete or marked as deleted a reversed invoice in the Invoice
Journal report during posting of reversal accounting document from FI, MM and SD.

Invoices marked as deleted will not be printed as part of the Invoice Journal form. It is still possible to change the "deleted"
flag back manually in the Invoice Journal report or in the maintenance transactions

To do this you need to maintain reversal reasons for a company code or for all company codes, if you leave company code
field empty.

Down Payments in Foreign Currency

Activate Down Payments in Foreign Currency Function


In this Customizing activity, you activate the function of automatically triggering the Down Payments in Foreign Currency
(Russia) program before:

- A billing document in Sales and Distribution (SD) is released to Financial Accounting (FI)

- An incoming invoice in Materials Management ( MM) is posted

If you enable this function and you post a billing document or an incoming invoice in foreign currency, the Down Payments
in Foreign Currency (Russia) program opens in a new a dialog box before the billing document is released to FI or before
the incoming invoice is posted. This program allows you to calculate a weighted average exchange rate to be used for the
down payments and invoice in foreign currency when posting the invoice.


To activate the function, you create an entry in this Customizing activity for the country key (for example, RU for Russia)
and tax grouping version CALC.

To create an entry, choose New Entries and enter any data in the TX (Sales Tax Code), Trs (Transaction Key), and Tx. BS
(Group Number) fields.

To deactivate the function, delete all records from this Customizing activity for the country key and tax grouping version
Enable Down Payments in FC Function for SD Billing

In this Customizing activity, you enable the Down Payments in Foreign Currency (Russia) program to calculate the weighted
average exchange rate for a billing document in Sales and Distribution (SD) before it is released to Financial Accounting
(FI). You enable the function by defining the company codes and billing types of the relevant billing documents.

When you post a billing document in foreign currency for the company, the system checks whether the company code and
the billing type of the document has been specified in this Customizing activity. If they have been specified, the system
automatically calls the Down Payments in Foreign Currency (Russia) program before the document is released to FI.
This allows you to calculate a weighted average exchange rate for the down payments and invoice in foreign currency.


To be able to use the function, you have to activate it in the Customizing activity Activate down Payments in Foreign
Currency Function.


If you leave the Company Code field empty, the function is enabled for all company codes and the specified billing types.
If you leave the Billing Type field empty, the function is enabled for all billing types and the specified company codes.

Enable Down Payments in FC Function for MM Documents


In this Customizing activity, you enable the Down Payments in Foreign Currency (Russia) program to calculate the weighted
average exchange rate for an incoming invoice in foreign currency before it is posted in Materials Management (MM).
You enable the function by defining the relevant company code and the purchasing document type that is referenced to from
the given material document.

When you post an MM incoming invoice in foreign currency for the company, the system checks whether the company code
and the purchasing document type referenced to from the document have been specified in this Customizing activity. If they
have been specified, the system automatically calls the
Down Payments in Foreign Currency (Russia) program before posting the document. This allows you to calculate a
weighted average exchange rate for the down payments and invoice in foreign currency.
You cannot enable the function for incoming invoices that are created without reference to any purchase orders.

If the incoming invoice has references to several purchase orders, the function is enabled if at least one type of those purchase
orders is defined in this Customizing activity.


To be able to use the function, you have to activate it in the Customizing activity Activate down Payments in Foreign
Currency Function.

If you leave the Company Code field empty, the function is enabled for all company codes and the specified purchase order
types. If you leave the Purchasing Document Type field empty, the function is enabled for all purchasing document types
and the specified company codes.

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

BAdI: Advance Report


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Advance Report for Russia.

You can use this BAdI to modify or validate the content of the advance form.

The BAdI offers different methods that allow you to:

- Propose default values for the selection parameters

- Check and modify the user input

- Make final modifications in the content of the legal form after data selection

Standard settings

In the standard system, there is no activated BAdI implementation.

For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under
BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.


To display the sample code, choose go to -> Sample Code -> Display.

See also:

This BAdI uses the interface J_3R_AO1_BADI_INTERFACE. For more information, display the interface in the Class

BAdI: Change of Address


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Financial Accounting (FI) component.

You can use this BAdI to retrieve the ship-to party data (name, address) and to print it on the header of the FI invoice.
Standard settings

In the standard system, there is no activated BAdI implementation. The BAdI is designed for single use.


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under
BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.


See also:

This BAdI uses the interface IF_EX_J_3RF_CH_ADDR. For more information, display the interface in the Class Builder.

BAdI: Print Data Update for Tax Invoice


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Financial Accounting (FI) and Sales and Distribution (SD) component.

You can use this BAdI to validate or modify the content of the FI or SD tax invoice generated by the standard printing
program (J_3RV_INV_A or J_3RF_INV_A) before the tax invoice is printed.

This BAdI is called after the print program has generated data for the tax invoice form but before the form is printed.

This BAdI definition contains the BAdI method UPDATE_DATA (Update Data for Printing), which allows you to update
data in the tax invoice printout. This BAdI method uses the incoming parameter I_COMP, which has the value #FI# if data
is retrieved from an accounting document and #SD# if data is retrieved from a billing document.

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement Spot Element
Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE 18).


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under
BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.
BAdI: Selection of Different VAT Reg. No. for Invoice Register Report


You can use this Business Add-In in conjunction with the program Invoice Register (Lithuania).

The BAdI has two purposes:

- When the invoice register program generates the register, it enters a VAT invoice number for each document to be
registered. This BAdI enables you to replace the default value of a VAT invoice number in the register with other
customer-specific data.
- This BAdI allows the program to automatically enter the company names of your customers or vendors in the register.

This BAdI uses the company code as the filter value.


Create your own implementation, following the instructions. The BAdI uses the company code as the filter value, so create
an implementation for each company code that you want to create the register for.

See also


Fill in Company Names

Change VAT Invoice Numbers

Activate IBAN without Bank Account Number


In this IMG activity you decide whether users can enter bank details without account number and save and process them in
the system. "Bank details without an account number" are bank details where the user knows the International Bank
Account Number (IBAN) but not the bank account number.

Note the constellations that arise from this IMG activity:

- You have set the activation indicator in this IMG activity:

- In manual processing, the user can enter bank details without an account number.

- In automatic processes, for example, the transfer by batch input or in the automatic payment run, the system can
process the bank details with account number.

- You have <Object8>not set the activation indicator in this IMG activity:
- In manual processing, the user cannot enter bank details without an account number.

- When you post a document by batch input you cannot enter bank details without account number.

- The activation indicator has no effect for the transfer customer and vendor master data by batch input and for the
automatic payment run. The system processes the bank details without an account number irrespective of whether
this indicator is set or not.
- You have set the activation indicator in this IMG activity and removed it later:

- This situation can lead to bank details without an account number existing in your system even though the indicator
is no longer set.

For each of the above constellations, target systems with a lower release cannot process bank details without account number
for the transfer by batch input. The bank details are therefore not available there.

Note that there is also an indicator to activate the IBAN without bank account number for the SAP Business Partner. If
you have not activated this indicator in the SAP Business Partner be sure to note the following restrictions.

Standard settings

In the standard delivery, this indicator is not active.


If you have set the activation indicator in this IMG activity, in Customizing, check your settings for the payment method per
country and, in particular, consider the indicators IBAN required and Account Number Required. For a payment method that
requires an IBAN but no account number, for example, deselect the Account Number Required indicator.

Data Transfer Workbench

The data transfer workbench is a central transaction for the automatic transfer of data from a legacy system. It
offers the tools required for the initial and subsequent data transfer.
The complete documentation about the data transfer workbench is in the SAP Library:
CA - Cross-Application Components -> CA - Data Transfer Workbench
The documentation tells you step by step how to carry out the data transfer, and which object-specific special
features you should be aware of.

Internet Services

In the following activities, you make the settings for Internet services in Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.
The following services are provided:

- Assigning open items

- Reporting for customers and vendors (account balance, line items)

- Changing customer and vendor master data

Make Settings for Local Assignment of Open Items

In the following activities, you make settings that you can then use to enable your business partners to assign open items via
the Internet.

1. Have system administration create reference users once. You can then assign one or more roles to a reference user. The
following roles are available:

2. Have an Internet user created for each business partner interested in using the Internet, and assign the users to the
reference user.

3. Maintain users and accounts for Internet services.

Maintain Standard Text for Mail to Accounting Clerk

In this activity you can define a standard text for e-mail.

You can use this text for the Internet service "Assign open items", for example. If you wish to send a mail to the accounting
clerk at the customer, the text you define here is defaulted when you create the mail.
You can then alter the text to meet your needs and send the mail.


Dear Mr. /Ms. <<Accounting clerk at customer>>,

You will receive a list of your open items from us today. We were unfortunately unable to carry out assignment, because
some of the relevant information was lacking. We ask, therefore, that you do this for us.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.

<< Accounts receivable clerk >>
<< Company >>
Standard settings

SAP does not provide any standard texts.


Create a standard text.

Request Adjustment Posting Locally

In this activity, you make the settings needed for requesting an adjustment posting via the Intranet.

The request form for the adjustment posting can be accessed from the line item reports in Controlling (CO) as well as from
the document display in Controlling (CO) and in Financial Accounting (FI).
In scenarios, you define the request process. This process definition is technically based on messages.
You can find additional information in the "SAP Library" under Financials -> Controlling (CO) -> Cost Centre
Accounting -> Manual Actual Postings -> Requesting Adjustment Postings in the Intranet.

Activate Test Scenario for Request for Adjustment Posting

The SAP standard system includes scenario SR31 for the request of an adjustment posting.

Using this scenario, you can check the process of the request for an adjustment posting as a test run. To do so, activate the
scenario for the applications listed: CO-COST and FI-GL.


From the CO line item reports or the document displays in Controlling (CO) and Financial Accounting (FI), you can got the
request form for an adjustment posting. The data stored in scenario SR31 controls the processing of the requests and defines
the fields that are available on the request form.

Further notes

To define your own scenarios, copy the scenario included in the standard system SR31 and adapt the copy as needed. To do
so, choose Define Scenarios for Requesting an Adjustment Posting.
You can find additional information on the process of requesting an adjustment posting in the SAP Library under
Financials -> Controlling (CO) -> Cost Centre Accounting -> Manual Actual Postings -> Requesting an
Adjustment Posting in the Intranet.

Define Scenarios for Request for Adjustment Posting

In this IMG activity, you define scenarios for the request for an adjustment posting.

Standard settings

All scenarios provided by SAP are in the S* namespace.

SAP provides notification type 60 in client 000.

To be able to use this notification type, you need to transfer the settings from client 000 using the QISR_SM29
transaction. Then you need to process the number ranges for the notification types. The notification type contains the
information on whether the request must be approved, and if so, by whom. Note that you can use a notification type for
more than one scenario.


SAP recommends that you copy the scenarios for master data changes as a reference for your own scenarios, and then to
adapt the copy accordingly.

1. To copy a scenario, select is and choose Copy. To create a scenario, choose new entries.

2. Enter a key and a description for the scenario.

The scenario key must not be in the SAP (S*) namespace.

3. In the general data, make the required entries.

Take this opportunity to store a long text for the scenario. This description is displayed as an explanation when you call
up the form. You can also use this description to find a corresponding form in the intranet. When you enter the text,
you do not have to enter key words as the search engine filters the text using not only the words, but also their
conjugation or declination. Word groups are also used for the search.
For more information on the search engine, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Controlling -> Cost Centre
Accounting -> Information System -> Interactive Information System, and then see Report Documentation under
Document Search Using the Retrieval System.

4. Transfer notification type 60 according to the scenario.

Note that you initially need to transfer the settings for the notification type from client 000, using the QISR_SM29
transaction. Then you need to process the number ranges for the notification type.

5. Use Entry with form as the entry type.

6. You only need to specify an ITS service if you choose the Entry with form entry type. You use an HTML form specially
designed for the scenario. You also need to assign an Internet service to the scenario that contains the required HTML
templates, ITS (Internet transaction server) and language-dependent resources. In addition, there is a choice of business
add-ins (BADIs) that you can use, in which you can define specific requests.
You can assign an Internet service to maximum one scenario. To create a new Internet service, choose Generate.
You have two options:

- Generate internet service with reference

When you generate the Internet service, if you specify a scenario with an existing Internet service as a reference,
the system copies it to the new Internet service name.

- Generate internet service without reference

If you do not specify a scenario with an existing Internet service as a reference, the system copies the default
Internet service SR00. An internet service created in this way contains all settings required for immediate testing
of the scenario definition. The system automatically inserts a request data area with corresponding entry fields,
for the request-specific characteristics that were defined in the scenario.
Before you can test the Internet service, you need to publish it manually. This takes you automatically to the
Internet service processing in the development workbench, where you can publish the entire Internet service. Then
you can test the IT’S service from Customizing using Test.

7. To modify forms, choose Business Add-Ins. You can now change the implementation (create, change, delete and so
If you require special initialization or checks on the request for the scenario, you can use a business add-in (BADI
QISR1). For more information on BADIs, see Basis -> Change and Transport System - Overview -> Transactions and
Tools -> BC Changes to SAP Standards -> Business Add-Ins.
SAP recommends that you use the F4 Help to transfer the corresponding Business Add-In from the scenario (SR31)
for requests to make an adjustment posting. In this case, the existing interfaces to the SAP system are used
If you want to use the fields provided in the SR31 scenario for your request form, the SR31 Business Add-In ensures
that the corresponding values are transferred from the SAP system for these fields. You can copy and extend the
Business Add-In if required.

8. Do not activate the Cost incurring indicator.

The scenario for an adjustment posting does not cause any costs.
9. Choose Transfer.
In the next dialog box, choose Copy all. The selection list now includes the scenario that you copied.

10. Select your scenario and choose the Characteristics selection area.
You select fields in characteristics that are to be provided in the request form.

Accept the structures suggested for the adjustment posting request. Fields are contained within the structures that you
can use for the form. You can add further characteristics via new entries.
In Basic data, you use IT’S to determine which fields are provided on the form and in which order.
You can use a Business Add-In to control which fields should be filled as default.

11. In the selection area choose Tasks.

Using the workflow or work lists, specify the processing procedure for the adjustment posting request in the SAP

12. Give each task in the processing procedure a description.

13. If you want to use tasks for evaluation, store a key.

Follow-up actions are filled automatically according to the choice of key. A follow-up action is carried out
automatically when the form is sent. Thus, with the adjustment posting request, update occurs in the footer between the
incorrect documents for which the correction was requested and the message generated when the form was sent.

14. Enter a processor or a standard role.

The system automatically provides this information when you call up the request form. SAP supplies the standard
role 20000102 for the adjustment posting request. It is recommended that you copy this, and adapt the copy

The partner role is used to control whether an individual processor (task processor) or an entire department is put
forward in the request form (responsible department). You can find more information on roles in the SAP Library
under Basis Components -> Business Management -> Organizational Management -> Integration with SAP
Business Workflow -> Role Resolution -> Role Definition -> Define Roles using Responsibilities.

Further notes

For more information on adjustment posting requests, see the SAP Library, for example, under Financials -> CO
Controlling -> Cost Centre Accounting -> Manual Actual Postings -> Request for Adjustment Posting in the

Assign Own Scenarios for Request for Adjustment Posting

In this activity, you assign your scenarios to one or more use of requests.


You have to define your own scenario for the request for an adjustment posting. To do so, choose Define Scenarios for the
Request for an Adjustment Posting.

1. Choose new entries.

2. Via the possible entries, select a use.
If you want to assign multiple uses to your scenario, you have to maintain multiple entries.

3. Enter your scenario.

4. Activate the scenario.

5. Save your entries.

Assign Adjustment Postings to Scenarios

In this activity, you assign the adjustment postings to a scenario. The adjustment postings should be available to the processor
of the request.


1. Choose new entries.

2. Enter the scenario, to which you want to assign the adjustment postings.

3. Enter the transaction code for the posting transaction that the processor needs to have available. If you want to assign
multiple posting transactions, you have to make multiple entries.

4. Select the Active indicator.

5. Save your entries.

Editing of Internet Addresses

Process URL Category


In this IMG activity, you define URL categories that you use to distinguish between different services within the World Wide
Web. You need this data for e-mails that contain links to Internet pages.

When you assign credit memos to an invoice in transaction FB, you can send an e-mail to your customer from this transaction.
The WWW address that the e-mail refers to is stored under the URL category FSCM.
Edit URL Address


In this IMG activity, you define the URL addresses for each company code, URL category, and purpose. If you want to enter
a URL address that is longer than 132 characters, select the detail screen. There you can use several lines that the system
then summarizes into a long URL address when it reads from the database. Where you split the URL address is irrelevant.
The system joins the parts together with no blank spaces.

You need this data for e-mails that contain links to Internet pages.


Make this setting once you have defined the URL categories under Define URL Categories.


When you assign credit memos to an invoice in transaction FB, you can send an e-mail to your customer from the transaction.
The WWW address that the e-mail refers to is stored under the URL category FSCM and purpose FB.

Information System

In the SAP standard system, the following evaluations are defined for customers and vendors:

- Due date structure

- Payment history (for customers)

- Currency risk

- Overdue items

- DSO analysis (for customers)

- Terms offered/realized (for customers)

In the following steps, you determine the following for the evaluations:

- How you select reports for your customers and vendors

- The data volume for which the evaluations are to be generated

- Which evaluations are to be generated

- How the evaluations are to be edited

Define SAP Queries

Standard Financial Accounting reports are contained in a report selection tree. Some of these reports have been created using
ABAP Query. In this activity you define any new ABAP queries for Financial Accounting.

Standard settings

SAP delivers various standard queries for Financial Accounting (such as G/L account list). These queries are within the
global work area in which the query objects are non-client-specific and are connected to the Workbench Organizer. You can
use these queries directly.

If you want to change queries, you should copy them into your own user groups.

There are queries for customer, vendor, and G/L accounts per user group and per functional area as well as five sample
queries delivered with the standard system. These sample queries are linked to the report trees for account types in master
data evaluations. You can insert evaluations created by users or the IT department into the standard report trees or user-
defined reporting trees.

The standard delivery encompasses the following components:

1. User groups /SAPQUERY/FD (FI A/R evaluations), /SAPQUERY/FK ( FI A/P evaluations),

/SAPQUERY/FS (FI G/L evaluations)

2. Functional areas /SAPQUERY/FIDD (FI A/R evaluations), /SAPQUERY/FIKD (FI A/P evaluations),
/SAPQUERY/FISD ( FI G/L evaluations )

3. Sample queries F1 customer address list, F2 customer telephone list, F1 vendor address list, F2 vendor telephone list,
F1 G/L account list


1. Assign all R/3 users who make Financial Accounting queries to user groups /SAPQUERY/FD, /SAPQUERY/FK and
/SAPQUERY/FS by accessing the "Define queries" activity in IMG and then choosing Environment -> User group.

2. Define queries to fit your requirements.

a) Copy the required queries into your own user groups.

b) Modify the standard queries for Financial Accounting.

Further notes

For more information on ABAP Queries, see the SAP Library under Basis -> ABAP Development Workbench.

Accounts Receivable

In the following steps, you make the settings for the Customer Information System.

Standard Evaluations

You will find the settings for standard evaluations in this section.

You can
- make a selection from the standard evaluations

- include additional characteristics in the standard evaluations

You cannot define your own evaluations as you can with drilldown reports. You can do this in
Customizing for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable under Information System -> Accounts
Receivable or Accounts Payable -> Drilldown Reports

Copy Standard Evaluations

In this activity, you copy the standard evaluations into your productive system.

Select Standard Evaluations


In this activity you define the contents of your Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Information Systems using a
three-step procedure. The three steps are called:
1. Evaluation views
2. Evaluation types
3. Evaluations

1. Evaluation views
You use the evaluation view to determine what volume of data is to be evaluated. To do this, you create a selection variant
for the relevant account types for the specified data retrieval program.

You can use the evaluation view to make an organizational distinction between the evaluations.

Example: Your organization consists of two subgroups. One subgroup contains companies in Germany; the other subgroup
contains companies in Switzerland and Austria. You create a separate evaluation view for each subgroup so that you can
carry out the evaluations separately for each subgroup. For each evaluation view, you create a separate selection variant for
the data retrieval report. You specify the relevant company codes in the selection variants.

2. Evaluation types

You then define which evaluation types you want to use for each evaluation view. The following evaluation types are
delivered with the standard system:

- Due date structure

- Payment history (for customers)

- Currency risk

- Overdue items

- DSO analysis (for customers)

- Terms offered/terms taken (for customers)

3. Evaluations
Under evaluations, you then determine the characteristics (for example, country, industry, or accounting clerk) by which the
evaluations are to be formatted for each evaluation type. To do this, you enter a variant for the program for selection under
an evaluation version. Using the variant, you specify the following:

- The grouping field, which groups together the selected data. In the standard system, for example, selection variants are
provided for the company code, business area and country fields.

- The maximum number of accounts or documents that are to be displayed in the ranking lists of the evaluation.


1. Determine which evaluation views you need for your organization.

2. Create these evaluation views by copying the standard evaluation view with all evaluation types and evaluations.

3. Specify which of the above-mentioned evaluation types you wish to use for the individual evaluation views.

4. Determine the characteristics by which the individual evaluation types are to be formatted and enter the corresponding

5. You create the evaluations by defining a background job in the Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable application
menus under Periodic processing --> Info system --> Configure --> Create evaluations.
Further notes

For more information, see the SAP Library under FI - Financial Information System.

Enhance Standard Evaluations

The following SAP enhancement is available for the accounts receivable information system area:


You want to group the evaluations from the accounts receivable information system according to the customer classification
field (KNA1-KUKLA). For the name to be displayed for the attribute values, this must be read from the corresponding text


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP
may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.
Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.

Drilldown Reports (Accounts Receivable)

In the following activities you make the settings for drilldown reports for Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable.

Further notes
For more information about drilldown reporting, see the SAP Library CA - Drilldown Reporting.

In the following activities you learn how to:

- Create, change and display forms

- Transport forms from one system to another

- Import forms from client 000 to the client you use

- Delete forms

Define Form

In this activity you can create, change or display the forms for drilldown reporting.

Forms are column or row structures which you can use in any report definition.

A form describes the content and structure of a list or a report.


If you wish to include variables in the form, you must define those variables at an earlier stage. For more information, see
Define Global Variables.

Standard settings

The standard system contains forms which you can use as a template for creating your own forms. The name range defined
by SAP for the technical names of the forms provided begins with a digit.


Create your form.

Further notes

For more information about drilldown reporting, see the SAP Library under CA - Drilldown Reporting.

Notes on transporting
You transport forms into the production system in the activity Transport Form.

Transport Form

In this activity, you transport forms from one system to another.

For more information about transports, see Transport Report.


Transport the forms.

Import Form from Client 000

In this activity you import forms from the source client (from client 000, for example) into the client you wish to work in.

For more information about the import, see Import report from client 000


Import the forms from the source client.

Delete Form

In this activity you can select a number of forms from a selection screen and then delete them from an overview list.

You can use the form type as an extra selection criterion.


Only those forms no longer used in any reports are deleted. This is automatically checked by a where-used list during the
deletion transaction. You can also directly call up and check the corresponding reports using this list.


Delete your forms.


In the following activities you learn how to:

- Create, change and display reports

- Transport reports from one system to another

- Import reports from client 000 to the client you work in

- Delete reports
- Delete report data

Define Report

In this activity you can create, change or display reports.

You can use the following report types for customer/vendor drilldown reports:

- Balance display

- Line item analysis


You have already defined forms for your reports. Forms describe the structure and content of a report.

For more information, see

- Define form

Standard settings

The standard system contains forms which you can use as a template for creating your own reports. The name range defined
by SAP for the technical names of the standard reports begins with a digit.


Create your reports, or adjust the reports contained in the standard system to meet your needs.

Further notes

For more details on how to create and process forms, see the SAP Library under CA-Drilldown Reporting.

Notes on transport

You transport reports in the activity Transport report

Transport Report

In this activity you create a transport request for transporting reports to a target system.


The source and target system must have the same SAP release installed.

You create a transport request in this activity. The transport request is based on the settings current at the time of the request
and, for this reason, no new objects should be added to the report while the transaction is running, nor should new settings
be made.
In the SAP transport system, you can leave as much time as you wish between the events "Creating the transport request"
(what needs to be transported?) and "Export" (database transport).

If you make additional settings after "Creating the transport request" but before the "Export", the changed objects will be
partially included, but no new objects will be included in the transport request. This may lead to inconsistencies in the target
system once the import has taken place. For this reason, you should not make additional settings between "Creating the
transport request" and the "Export".

When the transport request is created, the system cannot test which of the objects for export already exist in the target system,
so it may be that objects created in the target system are overwritten.

We recommend the following precautions to avoid inadvertently overwriting existing objects:

1. Set up a single source system from which data can be sent to one or more target systems.

2. Do not create any new report objects (characteristics, key figures, etc.) in the target system.


1. Select a transport object class.

2. Enter a transport request.

3. Select the objects for transport.

4. Select the dependent object classes.

5. Transport the transport request using the transport system.

Further notes

For technical reasons, reports whose names contain special characters cannot be transported. To get round this problem, you
must create a new report whose name does not contain any special characters. You can use the old report as a template.

Import Report from Client 000

In this activity you import reports from the source client (from client 000, for example) to the client in which you wish to

In order to be able to use standard structure reports in your current client, you must import them from the source client 000.


1. Import the reports from the source client.

2. Select the required reports.

3. Decide whether you want to import the reports online by choosing Transport, or in the background with Background

Delete Report

In this activity you can select a number of defined reports from a selection screen and then delete them from an overview

You can delete all the test reports by an author before production start-up.


Delete your reports.

Define Global Variables

In this activity you define the global variables for drilldown reports. You can use these variables in all forms and reports for
drilldown reporting for that area.

You can use the global variables to give you greater flexibility when structuring your reports and the column/row format of
your forms. The variables are parameters which you only determine when defining or executing a report; you enter the
required variables in a dialog box.

Standard settings

Global variables begin with a "&". Variables defined by SAP have a number as the second character.


You define a new variable by specifying a variable type and name.

The variable type defines how you plan to use the variable in future (e.g. for a characteristic value, a text, or a formula).

When the data has been released, the relevant entry fields are displayed.

Further notes

For more information on drilldown reporting, see CA-Drilldown Reporting in the SAP Library.
Translate Report

If you want to use customer-specific, language-dependent objects in another language, those objects must first be translated
into the target language. The objects can be translated using the translation tool described below.

Standard settings

All objects in the standard system are translated by SAP and cannot be translated with this tool should you require a change
of language.


Enter the following information on the initial screen:

- Source language

- Target language

- Translation object

- Search selection
You trigger a search for all translation-relevant texts by selecting Execute. Depending on your search selections, the system
only searches for the texts for the selected object, or for the sub-objects assigned to that object. For example, in the case of
an aspect, the system either runs a search only for the aspect texts, or for the key figure, characteristic, and characteristic
value texts as well.

The search transaction may take some time because the system may have to check every object for text. The following screen
displays a list of object classes found. The object classes are identified as follows:
1. Not translated - none of the objects in this class are translated

2. Partially translated - some objects in this class are translated

3. Translated - all objects in this class are translated

In addition, the translated object classes are highlighted.

On this screen, you select the object classes with which you wish to continue working. You can select object list to branch
into the individual object display.

The object list displays all the objects in the previously selected object classes. The objects are displayed in three columns,
which are used as follows:

- Object class of object

- Name of object

- Object text in source language (20 characters )

- Object text in target language (20 characters )

The target text is blank if the object has not been translated. Translated objects are highlighted.

Now select the objects you wish to process. If you select objects for processing that have already been translated, you have
the option of changing the target text.
Choose the process type. There are two options for translation:

- Translation
You can translate all objects for translation in the short-text editor.

- Fast translation
The system runs a search for the text to be translated in the SAP proposal database. If the system does not find a
translation, the source language text is copied into the target language. Fast translation only works for objects that have
not yet been translated.

Further notes

Only customer-specific, EIS-specific objects are available for translation.

If texts are missing in the target language which are usually translated by SAP, you can translate them either by importing
the relevant language into the system, or by using the SAP translation tool under Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Utilities
-> Translation -> Short/long texts.

Delete Report Data

In this activity you can select a quantity of saved report data from a selection screen and then delete it from an overview list.

You can use the following characteristic values as selection criteria:

- Fiscal year
- Period

- Period/year

You can use this selection to delete individual data records from periodically recurring reports, thus avoiding an overflow
situation in the storage table.


You can delete the data in your test reports for the specified operating concern before production start-up. You select and
delete the saved report data using the selection criteria report name, author, and date created.


Delete your report data.

Accounts Payable

In the following steps, you make the settings for the Vendor Information System.

Standard Evaluations

You will find the settings for standard evaluations in this section.

You can

- make a selection from the standard evaluations

- include additional characteristics in the standard evaluations

You cannot define your own evaluations as you can with drilldown reports. You can do this in
Customizing for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable under Information System -> Accounts Receivable or
Accounts Payable -> Drilldown Reports

Copy Standard Evaluations

In this activity, you copy the standard evaluations into your productive system.

Select Standard Evaluations


In this activity you define the contents of your Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Information Systems using a
three-step procedure. The three steps are called:
1. Evaluation views
2. Evaluation types
3. Evaluations

1. Evaluation views

You use the evaluation view to determine what volume of data is to be evaluated. To do this, you create a selection variant
for the relevant account types for the specified data retrieval program.

You can use the evaluation view to make an organizational distinction between the evaluations.

Example: Your organization consists of two subgroups. One subgroup contains companies in Germany; the other subgroup
contains companies in Switzerland and Austria. You create a separate evaluation view for each subgroup so that you can
carry out the evaluations separately for each subgroup.
For each evaluation view, you create a separate selection variant for the data retrieval report. You specify the relevant
company codes in the selection variants.

2. Evaluation types

You then define which evaluation types you want to use for each evaluation view. The following evaluation types are
delivered with the standard system:

- Due date structure

- Payment history (for customers)

- Currency risk

- Overdue items

- DSO analysis (for customers)

- Terms offered/terms taken (for customers)

3. Evaluations

Under evaluations, you then determine the characteristics (for example, country, industry, or accounting clerk) by which the
evaluations are to be formatted for each evaluation type. To do this, you enter a variant for the program for selection under
an evaluation version. Using the variant, you specify the following:

- The grouping field, which groups together the selected data. In the standard system, for example, selection variants are
provided for the company code, business area and country fields.

- The maximum number of accounts or documents that are to be displayed in the ranking lists of the evaluation.


1. Determine which evaluation views you need for your organization.

2. Create these evaluation views by copying the standard evaluation view with all evaluation types and evaluations.

3. Specify which of the above-mentioned evaluation types you wish to use for the individual evaluation views.

4. Determine the characteristics by which the individual evaluation types are to be formatted and enter the corresponding

5. You create the evaluations by defining a background job in the Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable application
menus under Periodic processing --> Info system --> Configure --> Create evaluations.

Further notes

For more information, see the SAP Library under FI - Financial Information System.
Enhance Standard Evaluations

The following SAP enhancement is available for the accounts payable information system area:


You want to group the evaluations from the accounts payable information system according to the industry field (LFA1-
BRSCH). For the name to be displayed for the attribute values, this must be read from the corresponding text table.


1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for
a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function
modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP
may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.

2. Activate the project.

This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a
name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.

Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project
management screen for SAP enhancements.

Drilldown Reports (Accounts Payable)

In the following activities you make the settings for drilldown reports for Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable.

Further notes
For more information about drilldown reporting, see the SAP Library CA - Drilldown Reporting.


In the following activities you learn how to:

- Create, change and display forms

- Transport forms from one system to another

- Import forms from client 000 to the client you use

- Delete forms
Define Form

In this activity you can create, change or display the forms for drilldown reporting.

Forms are column or row structures which you can use in any report definition.

A form describes the content and structure of a list or a report.


If you wish to include variables in the form, you must define those variables at an earlier stage. For more information, see
Define Global Variables.

Standard settings

The standard system contains forms which you can use as a template for creating your own forms. The name range defined
by SAP for the technical names of the forms provided begins with a digit.


Create your form.

Further notes

For more information about drilldown reporting, see the SAP Library under CA - Drilldown Reporting.

Notes on transporting

You transport forms into the production system in the activity Transport Form.

Transport Form

In this activity, you transport forms from one system to another.

For more information about transports, see Transport Report.


Transport the forms.

Import Form from Client 000

In this activity you import forms from the source client (from client 000, for example) into the client you wish to work in.

For more information about the import, see Import report from client 000

Import the forms from the source client.

Delete Form

In this activity you can select a number of forms from a selection screen and then delete them from an overview list.

You can use the form type as an extra selection criterion.


Only those forms no longer used in any reports are deleted. This is automatically checked by a where-used list during the
deletion transaction. You can also directly call up and check the corresponding reports using this list.


Delete your forms.


In the following activities you learn how to:

- Create, change and display reports

- Transport reports from one system to another

- Import reports from client 000 to the client you work in

- Delete reports

- Delete report data

Define Report

In this activity you can create, change or display reports.

You can use the following report types for customer/vendor drilldown reports:

- Balance display

- Line item analysis


You have already defined forms for your reports. Forms describe the structure and content of a report.

For more information, see

- Define form

Standard settings

The standard system contains forms which you can use as a template for creating your own reports. The name range defined
by SAP for the technical names of the standard reports begins with a digit.

Create your reports, or adjust the reports contained in the standard system to meet your needs.

Further notes

For more details on how to create and process forms, see the SAP Library under CA-Drilldown Reporting.

Notes on transport

You transport reports in the activity Transport report

Transport Report

In this activity you create a transport request for transporting reports to a target system.


The source and target system must have the same SAP release installed.


You create a transport request in this activity. The transport request is based on the settings current at the time of the request
and, for this reason, no new objects should be added to the report while the transaction is running, nor should new settings
be made.

In the SAP transport system, you can leave as much time as you wish between the events "Creating the transport request"
(what needs to be transported?) and "Export" (database transport).

If you make additional settings after "Creating the transport request" but before the "Export", the changed objects will be
partially included, but no new objects will be included in the transport request. This may lead to inconsistencies in the target
system once the import has taken place. For this reason, you should not make additional settings between "Creating the
transport request" and the "Export".

When the transport request is created, the system cannot test which of the objects for export already exist
In the target system, so it may be that objects created in the target system are overwritten.

We recommend the following precautions to avoid inadvertently overwriting existing objects:

1. Set up a single source system from which data can be sent to one or more target systems.

2. Do not create any new report objects (characteristics, key figures, etc.) in the target system.


1. Select a transport object class.

2. Enter a transport request.

3. Select the objects for transport.

4. Select the dependent object classes.

5. Transport the transport request using the transport system.

Further notes
For technical reasons, reports whose names contain special characters cannot be transported. To get round this problem, you
must create a new report whose name does not contain any special characters. You can use the old report as a template.

Import Report from Client 000

In this activity you import reports from the source client (from client 000, for example) to the client in which you wish to

In order to be able to use standard structure reports in your current client, you must import them from the source client 000.


1. Import the reports from the source client.

2. Select the required reports.

3. Decide whether you want to import the reports online by choosing Transport, or in the background with Background

Delete Report

In this activity you can select a number of defined reports from a selection screen and then delete them from an overview

You can delete all the test reports by an author before production start-up.


Delete your reports.

Define Global Variables

Translate Report

If you want to use customer-specific, language-dependent objects in another language, those objects must first be translated
into the target language. The objects can be translated using the translation tool described below.

Standard settings

All objects in the standard system are translated by SAP and cannot be translated with this tool should you require a change
of language.


Enter the following information on the initial screen:

- Source language

- Target language

- Translation object

- Search selection

You trigger a search for all translation-relevant texts by selecting Execute. Depending on your search selections, the system
only searches for the texts for the selected object, or for the sub-objects assigned to that object. For example, in the case of
an aspect, the system either runs a search only for the aspect texts, or for the key figure, characteristic, and characteristic
value texts as well.

The search transaction may take some time because the system may have to check every object for text. The following screen
displays a list of object classes found. The object classes are identified as follows:

1. Not translated - none of the objects in this class are translated

2. Partially translated - some objects in this class are translated

3. Translated - all objects in this class are translated

In addition, the translated object classes are highlighted.

On this screen, you select the object classes with which you wish to continue working. You can select object list to branch
into the individual object display.

The object list displays all the objects in the previously selected object classes. The objects are displayed in three columns,
which are used as follows:

- Object class of object

- Name of object

- Object text in source language (20 characters )

- Object text in target language (20 characters )

The target text is blank if the object has not been translated. Translated objects are highlighted.

Now select the objects you wish to process. If you select objects for processing that have already been translated, you have
the option of changing the target text.

Choose the process type. There are two options for translation:

- Translation
You can translate all objects for translation in the short-text editor.

- Fast translation
The system runs a search for the text to be translated in the SAP proposal database. If the system does not find a
translation, the source language text is copied into the target language. Fast translation only works for objects that have
not yet been translated.

Further notes

Only customer-specific, EIS-specific objects are available for translation.

If texts are missing in the target language which are usually translated by SAP, you can translate them either by importing
the relevant language into the system, or by using the SAP translation tool under Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Utilities
-> Translation -> Short/long texts.

Delete Report Data

In this activity you can select a quantity of saved report data from a selection screen and then delete it from an overview list.

You can use the following characteristic values as selection criteria:

- Fiscal year

- Period

- Period/year

You can use this selection to delete individual data records from periodically recurring reports, thus avoiding an overflow
situation in the storage table.


You can delete the data in your test reports for the specified operating concern before production start-up. You select and
delete the saved report data using the selection criteria report name, author, and date created.


Delete your report data.

Credit Management

In the following steps, you make the settings for credit management.

Credit Control Account

In the following steps, you make the settings for the credit control account.

You define the following groups and categories:

- Groups (general grouping field for use as required)

- Risk categories

- Accounting clerk groups

- Credit representative groups

You can allocate your customers to these groups and categories for purposes of reporting and monitoring.

You can also define field groups and allocate these to master record fields. This enables you to:

- Only select the changes to certain fields using the reports for displaying change documents.

- Protect individual master record fields by allocating authorizations.

Allocation of authorizations is optional. You only need it if you do not want all those clerks with change authorization
for credit master record fields to have change authorization for all master record fields.
The contents of the protected fields can still be displayed by all users but can only be changed by those with the
appropriate change authorization for these fields.
To receive this special change authorization, users must already have general change authorization
For credit management master data.
To allocate this special authorization, proceed as follows:

a) First define field groups (see the step Define field groups).
These groups are an amalgamation of the fields that should be protected.

b) Then, allocate any master record fields that need special protection to these groups (see the step Group fields).

c) Next define the authorization by specifying the group under the authorization object Credit management:
Change authorization for certain fields.

d) Finally allocate this authorization to the required profile.

Profiles are defined in the accounting clerk user master records. The authorizations work via these master records.

Assign Permitted Credit Control Areas to Company Code

You have possibly already made an assignment between the company code and credit control area under Enterprise
Structure -> Assignment -> Financial Accounting -> Assign Company Code - Credit Control Area.

In addition to this default credit control area, in this IMG activity you can enter further permitted credit control areas for each
company code.
You can specify these credit control areas in the line item or they can be determined in the order from the order data, customer
data, or a user exit. This means that the control area can be used flexibly as an internal control instrument, and data that needs
to be posted in the same company code for accounting reasons need no longer be managed in the same control area.
The control area additionally allocated to the company code is only a default and is used, for example, for crediting
commitments for those incoming payments to the customer that cannot be allocated. Otherwise, the credit amount is deducted
in the control area in which it was also added.


If required, enter further permitted credit control areas.

Define Preliminary Settings for Credit Management

In this activity you can make the client-specific settings for credit management. You can set parameters for credit checks and
the calculation of day’s sales outstanding.

Set the required parameters.

Define Text IDs for Credit Management

In this step, you define text IDs for credit management. For every text ID, a text can be entered when maintaining credit limit
data. This means that you can store information on the customer (such as information received from external sources) in a
specific credit control area.


Define the required text IDs.

Maintain Text IDs for Central Texts in Credit Management

In this activity you define central texts for credit management. In this context, "central" means that the texts are independent
of a credit control area.
You can enter a text for each text ID when maintaining credit limit data.


Define the required text IDs.

Define Groups

In this step, you define groups per credit control area depending on your requirements. In a second step, you can assign each
customer to one of these groups in the application menu for the credit management master data.


1. Create your groups.

2. Assign each customer to a group via the credit management master data.

Define Risk Categories

In this step, you define credit risk categories per credit control area. In a second step, you can allocate every customer to a
risk category. The credit risk category will control all credit reviews. It is currently used as a selection criterion for the credit
data list.


1. Define your credit risk categories.

2. Via the customer master record, you can allocate every customer to a credit risk category.

Define Credit Representative Groups

In this step, you define user groups per credit control area. In a second step, you can assign each customer to a group. The
group is used as a selection criterion for the credit data list.


1. Create your user groups.

2. Via the customer master record, you can assign each customer to a user group.

Define Credit Representatives

In this step, you allocate credit representatives to a credit representative group for credit control. Each credit representative
group is responsible for a certain number of customers. You can also allocate a particular partner function to each credit
representative group/credit control area combination.

To do this, you define the following information:

- Credit representative group to which you want to allocate the credit representative

- Credit control area

- Key for the Partner function

Using partner functions, you define which partner functions exist in your system (for example, credit representative,
credit manager)

- A number if more than one partner exists for a particular partner function

- Indicator which a partner defines as the default value for the partner function
- Personnel number of the credit representative

You have defined credit representative groups and credit control areas previously. For more information on this, read the
chapters "Define credit representative groups" in the previous step and "Define credit control areas" in the Corporate structure
Implementation Guide.


1. Allocate your credit representatives to the credit representative groups.

2. You can allocate each customer to a credit representative group via the customer master record.

Define Field Groups

In this step, you define the field groups by entering a key (one or two-digit, numeric) for the field group and a group name.

You can also set the indicator "Field group not relevant for the authorization check". In this case, this group is not
subjected to the authorization check when maintaining master data. If the indicator is set, the field group is then only used
for selecting the fields via which the report for displaying change documents runs.


Define your field groups. If you do not need an authorization check, set the corresponding indicator.

Additional information

You can find additional information on the cross-account display of change documents for the credit management master
data in the documentation for program RFDKLIAB.

Assign Fields to Field Groups

After defining the field groups in the previous activity, you assign the required master record fields to the field groups here.


1. Assign the fields to the groups.

2. Then enter the corresponding field groups in program RFDKLIAB or a variant of this program.

3. If it is necessary, you then define one or more authorizations for changing the grouped fields.

4. Then enter these authorizations into the required profiles.

Business Transaction: Credit Monitoring

In the following steps, you make the settings for credit monitoring.
Define Reconciliation Accts without Credit Management Update In this IMG activity, you can cancel the credit
management update function for certain postings by posting to an additional reconciliation account; the reconciliation
account without credit management update. When you make postings to the standard reconciliation account, the
receivables total within credit management is then updated, but those postings made to the reconciliation account without
credit management update are not.


In Japan, various receivables that are considered certain to be received are excluded from credit management update,

- Active prepaid/deferred items

- Payments by letter of credit


You define the reconciliation account to be posted to in the normal way in the customer master record. The system defaults
this account when you make a posting. You cannot normally make an entry in this field.
If you wish to make postings to both the standard reconciliation account and to a reconciliation account without credit
management update, you must select the field "Reconciliation account ready for input" in both master records.


1. Enter the reconciliation account without credit management update here.

2. Check that you have selected the field Reconciliation account ready for input under document entry control. This
applies to both the standard reconciliation account and the reconciliation account without credit management update. If
the Reconciliation account ready for input field is suppressed, you will need to set the Reconciliation account
ready for input field in the account group to which the reconciliation account belongs, to Opt.entry. To do this, carry
out the following step in Customizing:
Define screen layout per account group (G/L accounts).

Define Intervals for Days in Arrears in Credit Management

In this step, you can define different intervals for the days in arrears of open items.

The days in arrears interval is used for dividing up the customer open items in all company codes belonging to the credit
control area by due date. The interval consists of up to 5 day limits so that there are up to 6 intervals for dividing up the open
items. Furthermore, the interval determines whether the cash discount 1 due date or the net due date is to be taken as the due

In the overview of the credit limit, the days in arrears are displayed according to this interval.


Define the intervals you need.

Additional Components

In the following activity you make the necessary settings for additional components installed alongside the SAP system.
Additional components are programs that are not shipped by SAP but developed and sold by independent software firms and
which you have decided to install as an enhancement to the standard SAP system.

Define Settings for Additional Components Installed

In this activity you define settings for using programs that are installed in addition to the SAP System.

If you are using several additional components, you can select one of these. A menu or a tool similar to the SAP
Implementation Guide then appears, which you can use to make the settings.


Select an additional component and make the settings.

Country-Specific Functions

Contract Maintenance

Define Rules for Automatic Contract Number Filling


In this Customizing activity, you:

- Enter the company codes for which you want to enable the function of automatically filling in the Assignment Number
(ZOUNR) field in the accounting documents with the internal contract number

- Specify the rules for automatic filling

The system fills in this field automatically if the accounting documents are generated by the system from Materials
Management (MM) or Sales and Distribution (SD).

See also
SAP Library -> SAP ERP Central Component -> Financials -> Country Versions -> Europe and Africa -> Russia ->
Financial Accounting (FI) -> Accounts Payable (FI-AP) or Accounts Receivable (FI-AR) -> Customizing ->
Customizing for Contract Number Maintenance.

Define DMS Document Types for Contract Processing


In this Customizing activity, you define the types of Document Management System (DMS) documents that can represent
contract documents in the system. You define the types that can be used per company code.

See also
SAP Library -> SAP ERP Central Component -> Financials -> Country Versions -> Europe and Africa -> Russia ->
Financial Accounting (FI) -> Accounts Payable (FI-AP) or Accounts Receivable (FI-AR) -> Customizing ->
Customizing for Contract Number Maintenance.

Structural Divisions

Maintain Settings for Structural Divisions


You can use this Customizing activity to maintain settings for structural divisions. Structural divisions can be used to export
general data, such as signature descriptions with positions, to output forms according to structural division settings. To use
the structural divisions functionality for a custom form, use ABAP class J_3RF_STRUCT_DIVISIONS.


1. You have set up attribute types in Maintain Attribute Types.

2. You have set up output groups in Maintain Output Groups.


Follow the procedure:

3. Select a company code to maintain structural settings for.

4. In the Dialog Structure screen, choose Structural divisions. Maintain structural divisions and how they are defined by
business areas and profit centres. You can use the plus sign to show that a field can contain any value.
Structural divisions with least + in Business Area and Profit Centre fields are processed first. If a structural division
has Business Area or Profit Centre set to + and it cannot be uniquely determined according to customizing, then it is
assumed that that structural division cannot be defined.

5. Select a structural division.

6. In the Dialog Structure screen, choose Attributes. Specify the attribute types for your structural division.

7. Select an attribute type.

8. In the Dialog Structure screen, choose Values. In this screen, you can add and edit values for the attribute. If a document
is prepared for output and its parameters correspond to selection criteria of a value, the value is used in the form.
You can use the plus sign to show that a field can contain any value. If you leave a field empty, it means that the
corresponding document field is also empty.
The attribute values with least + in selection criteria fields are processed first. If a value has selection criteria set to +
and it cannot be uniquely determined according to customizing, then it is assumed that that value cannot be defined and
it is not retrieved.

9. In the Dialog Structure screen, choose Value translation. In this screen, specify different values that the attribute will
have in different languages.


For example, you need forms that are created for cost centre Z, but have no FI document number, to be printed with attribute
type ACCOUNTANT as of 01.01013. Your settings would look like this:
Company Code < your company code >
Struct. Div. code < your structural division code >
Attribute type ACCOUNTANT
Data element <data element defined by attribute>
Is address No
Employee Data Type
Output group +
Plant +
SD Document Type +
FI Document Type
Stor. Location +
Cost Centre Z
Add. Criterion 1 +
Add. Criterion 2 +
From date 01.01013

Maintain Attribute Types


You can use this Customizing activity to maintain attribute types for structural divisions. When a data element of a form is
assigned to an attribute type, the value of the attribute is used in the output of that form.

Search help of the data element that has been assigned to an attribute type will also be available.

Maintain attribute types by creating attribute types and assigning data elements to them.

If you want personnel data to be imported from Human Resources Personnel Management, enter the
Personnel management info type in Employee Data Type and personnel number (PERNR) in Attribute Value.

Use the is address flag to mark that an attribute contains an address. If an attribute is marked as address, you will have the
option to edit the address by clicking on the Address button in Structural Divisions.

Maintain Output Groups


You can use this Customizing activity to maintain output groups for structural divisions.


If you have several forms that use the same values of some structural division attributes, define output groups by creating a
group identifier and assigning forms to it.

Note that in order to use + in the output group field of an attribute in the structural division settings, you need to add a
following line to this Customizing activity:

Output Group Form ID

+ +


For example, you need to print forms A and B, and they are printed with accountant by the name of Ivanov Ivan.

The output group setting would look like this:

Output Group Form ID

When you set up structural divisions, you specify FINFORMS as the output group for attribute value Ivanov Ivan.

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