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1-22. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 7- They weren't........ committed to the campaign
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. to make a success of it.

1- In some areas, water has to be boiled to A) voluntarily B) sufficiently

_____it. C) brutally D) fundamentally
E) honestly
A) undermine B) purify
C) clean D) demolish
E) eliminate
8- A- I've never had to make such a difficult
2- Atatürk, _____ is very well-known all around B- …………………
the world, was a real genius.
A) So have I. B) I did, too.
A) whom B) whose C) Nor did I. D) Neither have I.
C) who D) that E) I hadn't, either.
E) which

3- The matter _____when I got to the meeting 9- I'm sure she will _____get over her illness and
hall. attend the classes.

A) had already discussed A) soon B) likely

B) was already being discussed C) rather D) more
C) will already have been discussed E) possibly
D) has already discussed
E) will be discussed

10- I started to work here four years ago, and

4- She was _____employed in an accounting _____ I've had little trouble with my boss.
firm, but now she works at a travel agency.
A) therefore B) now
A) formerly B) calmly C) by that time D) until then
C) customarily D) preciously E) since then
E) shamelessly

5- Unlike her husband, who is very conceited, 11- His boss asked him _____he hadn't finished
she is quite _____. the work yet.

A) hardworking B) energetic A) that B) when

C) modest D) proud C) why D) where
E) inconsiderate E) whom

6- I don't like that TV channel at all, because it

doesn't give the news _____. 12- She is _____age _____me, but looks younger.

A) permanently B) eventually A) more/than B) as/as

C) accurately D) placidly C) the same/as D) different /from
E) approximately E) similar / like

1 Deneme A/15

13- By the year 2010, I _____as a teacher for 18- Though it was quite big, the fire was able to be
thirteen years. _____by the fire brigade.

A) am working A) put out B) broken out

B) was working C) put off D) called off
C) have been working E) set up
D) will be working
E) will have been working

14- Until 1934, the women in Turkey _____the right 19- Customer : Can you show me _____ blue
to vote. dress in the window?
Shop-owner : Sorry, I can't get it out but here
A) hadn’t been given is _____one.
B) have had
C) were going to give A) a/the B) the other/the
D) would have given C) the/another D) other/some other
E) didn’t approve of E) some/other

15- Seeing that she was ill, her boss _____ on her
going to a doctor. 20- The key ………. the city's traffic problems is an
improved public transport system.
A) insisted B) suggested
C) allowed D) recommended A) for B) of
E) encouraged C) to D) into
E) at

16- You say she is very generous. _____, I find

her very mean.
21- The policeman agreed to………. the fact that I
A) Moreover B) Therefore had been speeding.
C) Similarly D) Otherwise
E) On the contrary A) miss B) neglect
C) oversee D) overlook
E) look for

17- People suffer _____stress because modern life

is _____worries.

A) of/filled up 22- The little boy cried when he was ………. by a

B) about/made of bee.
C) with/included
D) from/full of A) bitten B) pinched
E) for/filled out C) stung D) pricked
E) eaten

2 Deneme A/15

23. -27. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış 28. -32. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

(23)………. kinds of tickets are (24) ………. in Oslo. In Paris it is (28) ………. to get yourself a city map
Some are for only an hour, some for a day, some as soon as possible. It is very easy to (29) ………. if
for three days. The three-day ticket is useful for the you leave the main streets. You can buy city maps
tourist (25) ………. wants to visit different parts of in the train station, but they are not (30) ………. .
the city. It (26) ………. you unlimited travel for three Better maps can (431) ………. in the bookstores.
days on the local trains and buses. Tickets—and These have more details and they (32) ………. all
information about the buses and trains—are the named streets.
available (27) ………. all tourist offices.

A) Various B) A little 28-
C) A few of D) A plenty A) wise B) wisdom
E) Many more C) logic D) myth
E) idea

A) basic B) essential
C) available D) useful 29-
E) inevitable A) come by B) get lost
C) get tired D) come across
E) run into

A) which B) of which
C) who D) whose 30-
E) whom A) useful B) useless
C) complete D) basic
E) essential

A) allows B) allowed 31-
C) is allowed D) will be allowed A) find B) being found
E) had been allowed C) be founded D) be found
E) found

A) in B) by 32-
C) on D) at A) reflect B) represent
E) with C) show D) participate
E) mention

3 Deneme A/15

33-42. sorularda, cümleyi uygun biçimde 38- I'll never manage to get to the appointment on
tamamlayınız. time _____.

33- We'll be able to leave home as soon as _____. A) although I tried hard
B) if I drive faster
A) the film will be over C) no matter how fast I drive
B) I've cooked the meal D) however important it had been
C) she fell asleep E) in case I should be late
D) they had come back
E) we would have someone to leave it

39- The explorers took such a long time to find the

34- If only you'd been with me during the holiday, tomb _______.
you _____so much fun.
A) and they lost their ways.
A) would have had B) that they had nearly run out of supplies
B) had had the opportunity to have C) so I couldn’t reach the destination.
C) must have had D) but she didn’t want to help them.
D) could have E) many people want to find a treasure.
E) might have

35- Thinking that she might have been sleeping, 40- They recently increased my salary by thirty
_____. per cent _______.

A) I mustn't make any noise A) but the trouble is that at the same time they
B) you might cause her to wake up reduced my expense allowance by nearly half.
C) she must have fallen asleep B) and I will find another job.
D) I shouldn't forget to wake her up C) she can give me a hand.
E) I didn't ring the bell for the second time D) and they will give a sack.
E) so I didn’t accept the extra pay.

36- You could all major at subjects you like _____.

41- The prisoner felt sorry for him _______.
A) however successful you are
B) if our educational system were better A) moreover, he knocked him to the ground
organised B) so he marched boldly up and down in front of
C) whether you had studied hard enough or not the prison
D) although you are all well-prepared C) but there was nothing else he could do
E) but you didn't study as much as I told you to D) therefore he had killed the guard
E) the food wasn't very good

37- Most of the goods _____. 42- We shall not succeed in controlling world
population _______ .
A) which is going to be produced will be exported
B) that you bought has been produced in this A) perhaps it is impossible to prevent mass
factory starvation
C) they are selling is defective B) unless we improve living conditions
D) made in this factory are exported C) unless we have adequate food supplies
E) we've been using was imported from Italy D) when people understand the need for limiting
the population
E) if birth control measures can be successful

4 Deneme A/15

43-46. sorularda, verilen cümlenin hangi sorunun 48- One of the buildings which collapsed during
cevabı olduğunu bulunuz. the earthquake was a hospital.

43- At the corner of Longway and Market street. A) Hastaneye ait binalardan biri deprem sırasında
A) Where is the new hotel to be? B) Hastane, deprem sırasında yıkılan binalardan
B) Where did you go yesterday? biriydi.
C) Where have you been so far? C) Deprem sırasında, pek çok binanın yanı sıra
bir de hastane yıkıldı.
D) Why are you waiting for him?
D) Deprem sırasında yıkılan binalardan biri bir
E) When will he be there? hastaneydi.
E) Bir hastane binası deprem sırasında yıkıldı.
44- I sometimes give her a bunch of flowers and
sometimes a box of chocolates. 49- Ten passengers, five of whom were seriously
injured, were immediately taken to the nearest
A) What will you buy your mother for her birthday? hospital.
B) What do you give your Dad on Fathers’ Day?
C) What do you buy for a person in a hospital? A) On yolcudan ağır yaralı olan beşi en yakın
D) What did you buy her as a present? hastaneye kaldırıldı.
E) What do you usually give your mother for her B) On yolcuyla ağır yaralı beş kişi derhal
birthday? yakındaki bir hastaneye kaldırıldı.
C) Beşi ağır yaralı on yolcu derhal en yakın
hastaneye kaldırıldı.
45- The Browns. D) On yolcu, ağır yaralı beş kişiyi hemen en yakın
hastaneye kaldırdı.
A) Where did you buy this dress? E) Ağır yaralı beş kişi, on yolcu tarafından
B) What visitors are coming today for dinner? hemen en yakın hastaneye kaldırıldı.
C) The Browns coming for dinner today, aren’t
50- This method was widely used to cure the
D) When will the visitors come? patients who were mentally ill.
E) Where will we go this evening?
A) Bu yöntem akıl hastalarını tedavi etmek için
yaygın olarak kullanıldı.
46- About the necessity for sense of humour. B) Akıl hastalarının tedavisinde bu yöntem çok
A) What about going out for dinner? C) Akıl hastalarını tedavi etmek için bu yöntemi
kullanmaya çalıştılar.
B) How about reading a book together? D) Bu yöntem özellikle akıl hastalarını tedavi
C) What is that book about? etmek için kullanılırdı.
D) About what time will they come? E) Akıl hastalarının tedavisinde bu yöntemin
E) Why are you reading this book? kullanımı yaygınlaştırıldı.

51-54. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce

47-50. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin dengini bulunuz.
Türkçe dengini bulunuz.
51- Onun nerede olduğunu bildiğini ama ne zaman
döneceğini bilmediğini söyledi.
47- They have proposed to change the date when
the election will be held. A) He told me that he knew where she had been
but didn't know when she returned.
A) Seçimin yapılacağı tarihin değiştirilmesine B) He told me where to go but not when to come
itiraz ettiler back.
B) Seçimin yapılacağı tarihi değiştirmeyi teklif C) He said he knew where she was but didn't
ettiler. know when she would come back.
C) Tespit edilmiş olan seçim tarihini değiştirdiler. D) He knew where she would go but not when to
D) Seçimin ne zaman yapılacağını sordular. come.
E) Seçimin yapılacağı tarihin değiştirileceğini E) He asked if she knew where he went.

5 Deneme A/15

52- Gelecek nesillere temiz bir dünya bırakmak 55-57 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
istiyorsak, hepimiz elimizden geleni yapmak
zorundayız. It started out as a nice enough day. The weather
was unusually warm for the third week in
A) We all have to do our best if we want to leave November. So I was in a good mood when my
a clean world to the future generations. mother dropped me off at school. Everything went
B) All of us should do whatever we can in order to as usual that morning: the classes were boring and
leave the world unpolluted to the future nothing exciting was happening. At noon, I went to
generations. the cafeteria for lunch. While I was standing in line
C) We can't leave an unpolluted world to the with my friend, again as usual, I noticed that some
future generations unless we do something of other students were excited about something.
about it. Then a girl in line asked me if I had heard that
D) We must keep the world clean so that we can someone had shot the president. I was surprised at
leave a clean world to the future generations. this news: however, I figured that it was probably
E) Whatever you do, keep the world clean to just a minor wound. Suddenly a voice came over
leave it unpolluted to the future generations. the loud speaker announcing that the president
was dead.

55- From the passage, we can infer that this time

of the year _____.
53- Senin kalmamı tavsiye ettiğin otelde hiç boş A) the weather is usually colder.
oda yoktu. B) the writer is usually in a good mood.
C) nothing exciting happens.
A) The hotel I was recommended to stay at D) the writer finds the classes boring.
wasn't at all empty. E) everything goes as usual.
B) There weren't many rooms at the hotel you
recommended to me.
C) There were no empty rooms at the hotel you
recommended me to stay at.
D) You recommended me to stay at that hotel, 56- From his statement, it's clear that the writer
but there were no empty rooms left. _____.
E) At the hotel recommended to me weren't any
rooms for us to stay in. A) likes chattering while waiting in line
B) usually pays great attention to the loud
speaker in the cafeteria.
C) is more interested in exciting things than in his
D) usually has to wait in a queue to get food for
54- Çocukların okula kolayca gidebilmesi için lunch.
şehir merkezine taşınmayı düşünüyoruz. E) prefers having lunch with his classmates in the
A) We're going to move downtown, so the
children can get to school easily.
B) We're thinking of moving to the city centre so
that the children can get to school easily.
C) We think the children can go to school easily if
we move to the city centre. 57- Hearing the news, the writer _____.
D) We are considering moving to the centre in
case the children should go to school. A) didn't know what to think
E) The children are thinking of moving to the city B) predicted the president's death.
centre so as to get to school easily. C) thought that the wound might be a slight one
D) understood that the president was seriously
E) couldn't help feeling sorry for the president.

6 Deneme A/15

58-60 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. few stress management techniques. Identifying the
cause of the problem we have, so that we can solve
Like most people, for many years, I remained it more effectively, is one of the first steps towards
frightened of the laser, perceiving it as a deadly reducing stress. The second is talking to a person
device capable of enormous destruction. Although you can trust, who will listen and, if necessary, give
the laser does have tremendous potential for you some positive advice. Not only are smoking
destruction, my unreasonable fear of the laser is and drinking harmful to our health, they actually
fading. In recent years, scientists have found that increase stress rather than reduce it. So, next time
the laser has a wide variety of applications, making you want to relax, instead of reaching for that glass
it one of the most important inventions in the last of wine or a cigarette, have a warm bath or go for a
quarter of a century for improving our quality of walk. Walking has more than health benefits, it
life. helps you think more clearly, too. Pets have a
calming influence on us, unless they make noise
which irritates us. In fact, unwanted noises should
58- Many people get scared of the laser _____. be avoided as far as possible. On the other hand,
laughter is one of the best ways to make yourself
A) for it may cause great damage. feel considerably better.
B) because its applications can be important for
C) since it has a wide variety of applications. 61- According to the author ……………
D) considering the amount of energy it needs.
E) thinking that it is too dangerous for scientists A) in order to live a complete life, everybody
to experiment with. needs a certain amounts of stress.
B) even a bit of laughter relieves the people full of
C) if you have a stress you should go to the
59- The laser is an invention _____. psychiatrist directly.
D) unwanted environment makes stress.
A) which frightens everybody because of its E) it is impossible to live without stress.
destructive feature.
B) in which interest has faded recently.
C) which can be either constructive or
destructive, depending on the purpose.
D) which once caused an enormous destruction. 62- The author states that stress management
E) which is mostly used to improve our quality of techniques ……………
A) will do good to everybody who applies them.
B) initially include the identification of the cause
of the problem in order to solve it more
60- Seeing that the laser can be used for many C) sometimes don’t work.
good purposes, the writer's fear of it _____. D) help people feel confident.
E) exclude smoking and drinking.
A) has totally disappeared.
B) has increased a lot.
C) is acceptable to some extent.
D) is improving rapidly
E) is becoming less. 63- It is stated in the passage that smoking and
drinking ……………

A) are alternative to stress management

61. -63. Soruları paragrafa göre cevaplayınız. techniques to reduce the stress.
B) can be replaced by a warm bath and a walk in
case of stress.
Stress is important. We all need a certain amount
C) help people think clearly.
of it in order to lead fulfilling lives. However, if we
D) are the best ways to feel yourself better.
have too much of it, it can have the opposite effect.
E) are applied by many people although they are
Some people can tolerate greater levels of stress
against them.
than others, but most of us will suffer at some time
in our lives. It is therefore a good idea to learn a
7 Deneme A/15

64. -66. Soruları paragrafa göre cevaplayınız. B) it’s quite normal for someone to watch TV five
hours a day.
C) it’s important that programmes for children be
Because television plays such a great part in our produced.
lives, it is easy to forget that it is a very recent D) in case of too many TV channels it’s difficult to
invention. Young people under the age of twenty choose which to watch.
five, or thereabouts, are the first generation to have E) many TV and radio programmes have harmful
lived with television all of their lives and many affects on people so they must be censored by
people who are little more than middle-aged will the authorities.
remember that the radio made its first appearance
in their lives during their childhood. Now there are
few households in Britain without a television or a 67-69 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
radio set yet the most popular television
programmes can attract audiences of twenty to EMILY BRONTE, born in 1818, was one of a clever
twenty five million viewers. It is not unusual for family which included her sister Charlotte, who
someone to spend over twenty hours a week in wrote “JANE EYRE”. Their mother died young and
front of a television set. Television has certainly the children had a severe upbringing, receiving
become the most important source of little affection from their father. Mr. Bronte, an
entertainment and information for a great number Irishman, was a priest of the Church of England,
of people. There will always be arguments over and had a charge of a church in a wild part of
whether television and radio have a harmful effect Yorkshire, where the country people, at this time,
on us. What is undeniable is that they will be with far from civilisation, were very hard, unfriendly
us for some time and we will be able to make better and violent. Emily’s love of this part of the country,
use of them if we know the range of programmes and her knowledge of its people, are reflected in
they provide. This might even help us to appreciate “Wuthering Heights” , her only novel.
the programmes and therefore gain more from our
viewing and listening.
67- According to the passage, it is true that _____.
64- It is stated in the passage that people don’t A) Charlotte is the heroine of the book “Jane
realise that TV is a very new invention Eyre”.
because ……………
B) Emily Bronte is the writer of the book “Jane
A) almost al the people have TV sets in their Eyre”.
homes. C) Charlotte wasn’t as famous as Emily.
B) recent programmes help people learn about D) the book “Jane Eyre" was written by
the other countries. Charlotte.
C) it is cheap enough for everybody to buy. E) Jane Eyre is Charlotte's sister.
D) documentaries give information about the
E) the new generation is raised with the new
technology. 68- After their mother's death, the children _____.

65- We can understand from the passage that……. A) had a hard life.
B) went on living in boarding schools.
A) radio and TV are indispensable parts of our C) had to be sent away somewhere else.
daily lives. D) had warm relations with each other.
B) the old pensioners watch TV programmes for E) had many problems with the people around.
about 20 hours a week.
C) people have been watching for about three
D) producers should produce programmes for 69- Emily Bronte _____.
especially young generation.
E) many people entertain and get information A) contributed greatly to her sister's book.
through TVs and radios.
B) wrote about famous people she met in Ireland.
C) couldn't get on well with the people around
66- We can conclude from the passage that …… because of their lack of civilisation.
D) was a very famous writer before her death.
A) if people know to choose what to watch on TV, E) wrote the book " Wuthering Heights ", but
they benefit from the programmes and get didn't write any other novels.
more from viewing and listening.
8 Deneme A/15

70-72.soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 73. -75. Soruları paragrafa göre cevaplayınız.

Loch Ness has long been famous for its monster The population problem arises as the result of a
but in 1978 a visitor to this Scottish lake could have high birth rate, together with a fairly high death rate
seen something quite different - a duck. This wasn't which is now in some parts declining rapidly, as the
an ordinary duck. It had no feathers and it could result of improvements in public health. There are,
not fly. In fact, it was made of metal and had been in consequence, an increasing number of Survivors
placed on the lake for a purpose. The purpose was producing a population growth of 3 percent
to test the cost of using water energy to produce annually in Turkey whereas this rate is 0.3 percent
electricity. The duck was one of many all of which for England. Between 1900 and 1967, the
were connected. As the water was moved by the population of Turkey grew from approximately 9
wind, the ducks moved up and down, and this million to 34 million, resulting in an annual increase
movement was used to produce electricity. now of just under one million. Even an increase of 2
percent per annum in population, can, if
unchecked, lead to a doubling of numbers in less
70- Loch Ness _____. than forty years. So long as food supplies can be
increased at a commensurate rate, either by
A) is a city full of monsters farming within the country, or by an expansion of
B) gained public recognition when a monster was industry and commerce that can pay for imported
seen there food, the position is without danger.
C) is a lake in Scotland
D) is a place visited by people who want to feed
the ducks
E) used to be known as a place in a legend of 73- It is mentioned in the passage that population
monsters problem ………. .

A) occurs as a consequence of high death rate

B) can be overcome if the birth rate increases
C) has decreased in all parts of the country
D) is the result of a high birth and a low death
E) will become greater as long as food production
71- The duck in Loch Ness couldn't fly because increases

A) it was the kind of bird which didn’t know how to 74- It is clear in the passage that population
fly growth in England _______ .
B) there were no feathers on it
C) it was tied up to the other ducks A) is nearly the same as Turkey's
D) it was too heavy to fly B) will be more than Turkey's in the following
E) it was just a statue not a real one years
C) is a big problem for them but not for Turkey
D) has been rapidly increasing especially in the
last 20 years
E) is only one-tenth of Turkey's

75- We can conclude from the passage _______ .

72- The duck _____.
A) increase in population can't be considered
A) was put there for an experimental purpose dangerous if necessary precautions are taken
B) was one of many which were made to attract B) agriculture isn't important for the future
tourists to the region C) England is faced with a more serious
C) came to that lake from a distant place problem than Turkey
D) cost too much to the authorities D) there's no connection between trade and
E) produced electricity by the wind power population growth
E) every country should import goods for the
sake of its economy

9 Deneme A/15

76-80. sorularda,verilen cümleye anlamca en 79- He wishes he could come to the cinema with
yakın olan seçeneği bulunuz. us.

76- When I was a child I used to spend the A) He regrets not having been able to come to
summer holidays every year at my the cinema with us.
grandparents' house. B) He is sorry that he didn't come to the cinema
with us.
A) My grandparents have been used to spending C) If he hadn't been so busy, he could have come
their holidays with me since my childhood. to the cinema with us.
B) Not in my childhood but now I have my D) He shouldn't have been left behind while we
holidays with my grandpa. were going to the cinema.
C) Except for me, everyone had their holidays E) He is sorry that he won't be able to come to
with my grandparents. the cinema with us.
D) I had each of my summer holidays with my
grandparents during my childhood but, not
E) Whenever I have time to have a holiday, I go
to my grandparents' summer house.
80- Only a few of the students could have passed
the exam if the questions had been too
77- Scientists' don't know what causes volcanic difficult.
activity to increase.
A) As the questions weren't so difficult, most of
A) It is a scientific fact that volcanic activity is on the students passed the exam.
the rise. B) The questions were too difficult for the
B) The reason why volcanic activity increases is students to answer.
still a mystery to scientists. C) The questions weren't so easy, yet most of the
C) Scientists are supposed not to know what students managed to answer them.
causes volcanic activity to increase. D) Although the questions were very difficult most
D) That volcanic activity increases from time to of the students were successful.
time is unknown to some scientists. E) Since the questions were too difficult, only a
E) Scientists are unaware of the increasing few of the students managed to pass the
number of causes of volcanic activity. exam.

81 – 85. sorularda, paragrafın eksik olan cümlesini


81- I'm nineteen and I live with my family. _____. I

78- The best score in yesterday's exam was 70 per attempted suicide once and ended up in
cent. hospital. I've been to a psychiatrist once,
called on the social services. But all this help
A) None of my students had taken such a low gets me nowhere.
grade until yesterday.
B) No one got a better grade than 70 on the test A) For the past seven years, I've been deeply
yesterday. depressed.
C) The score 70 per cent has been the best so B) I'm the sort of person who is very fond of living
far. C) I had a pleasant childhood in a small greenish
D) It was really difficult to get a grade on village.
yesterday's test as high as 70. D) I don't approve of younger generation's looking
E) Yesterday, only 70 per cent of the students down on elderly ones.
took the test. E) Sometimes, the conditions make people work
very hard to achieve their ambitions.

10 Deneme A/15

82- The forest was dangerous because of wild 84- _____. Lions and tigers have sharp claws,
animals. Susie's parents told her never, never swiftness and strength; monkeys can climb
to go there alone. But Susie was curious about into trees away from their enemies. Birds can
the forest, and every time they told her not to fly, turtles withdraw into their shells. But one
go there, it made her more curious, until one of the most fascinating means of protection is
day she decided to walk just a short distance deception, the ability many creatures have to
into it. After she'd gone a little way, she camouflage themselves so that they will be
thought of turning back, _____. Soon she was missed by their enemies.
deep into the forest.
A) There are many species of animals on earth,
A) thinking that her parents might have started to some are wild and some are domestic.
get worried about her. B) Nature has provided every living creature with
B) so she started to walk back home before it some way to protect itself.
grew dark. C) Most species of animals live more happily in
C) but just then she saw something up ahead that the wilderness than they do in captivity.
made her curious again. D) It's only natural that one should defend himself
D) because she didn't exactly know what she was when he is in danger.
looking for. E) People can learn many things from certain
E) therefore she wanted to advance into the animal species.

85- Two of the major religions of the world are

83- _____. Species of animals which have not Christianity and Islam, _____. Both worship
been able to survive in these changed the same deity, whom the Christians call God
conditions have become extinct. Since the and the Muslims call Allah. For knowledge of
year 1600, about 120 species have his faith and for inspiration, the Christian
disappeared from the earth. Other species turns to his holy book, the Bible. The Muslim,
have been reduced to the point where they too, has a holy book, the Koran, which guides
may not be able to survive in the future. These his prayers and gives meaning to his life.
are called endangered species.
A) Although they are apparently different, the two
A) Some species of animals are far too faiths share several fundamental beliefs and
dangerous for both nature and man. practices.
B) Although man has been trying to provide some B) There are also a number of minor religions in
animal species with food, he can't prevent the world.
them from becoming extinct. C) In the past. there were small tribes that
C) Nature is sometimes much too cruel for some worshipped many supreme powers
animals to survive. D) why people should rely on a supreme power is
D) Industrial development and population growth explained by psychologists as a need in
have caused changes in the balance of human being to be dependent on something
nature. superior to himself.
E) Industry has developed so enormously in E) Islam is the last one of the four great religions.
recent years that it causes the nature to lose
its beauties.

11 Deneme A/15

86-90. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenecek sözü 89- Your friend is going to Ankara in two days,
bulunuz. and has just decided to travel by coach.
Because the roads are icy, you don't think it's
86- You were invited to a conference on history, a good idea to take the coach, so want to
but you stayed home and didn't go. Later on express your preference for another way of
your friend tells you that it was a wonderful travelling.
conference. He says:
A) I don’t think travelling in these hard winter
A) Would you rather stay home than go to the conditions is a sensible decision
conference? B) You could have travelled by plane if you had
B) If I had had spare time I would certainly have wanted to.
gone to it. C) I’d rather you went by train. It's safer.
C) I wish you had gone to that conference. D) Why have you decided to travel by coach?
D) How about going to a magnificent conference E) Don’t sit just behind the driver. Those two
on history? seats are the most dangerous in case of an
E) I wish we could go to the conference on accident.
history together.

90- Your brother is making coffee for himself, and

you would like to have a coffee, too, but you
don't want to interrupt your studying, so you
87- You have just arranged to meet your friend in ask him:
front of the town hall at 2 tomorrow afternoon.
Before leaving, you want to remind him to be A) Can you make a coffee for me. too, if you
punctual. So you say: don’t mind?
B) Do you like much sugar in your coffee?
A) Do you know where the town hall is? C) I'd prefer to drink tea rather than coffee.
B) Is your watch accurate? D) Which is easier for you? To make coffee or
C) To get to town hall, you should get on the bus tea?
10/B. E) Do we have enough coffee at home?
D) Be sure to be there on time.
E) Don't forget where we'll meet.

91-95. sorularda,diyalogun boş bırakılan bölümünü

88. You have ordered some goods from an
English firm which have not arrived on time, 91- Eric : Don't you see that I'm too busy at
you phone and tell your complaint angrily to this time?
the firm and threaten them by saying: Isabelle : _____.
Eric : Really; why didn't you tell me right
A) I really wonder when you'll get the money I away?
paid Isabelle : You didn't let me!
B) You haven't kept your promise. I still couldn't
receive my order, if you go on in that way I A) Boo! I'm trying to shock you.
won't work with you again. B) My father will come next week to sell your car.
C) Well my order isn't urgent, so you don't need C) No! because you're a fool to work on Sundays.
to hurry. D) Yes, but your mum is now on the phone
D) Who's your international manager, I will send waiting to talk you.
him my best wishes. E) Yes, I see that you're busy. God be with you.
E) I would be glad if you sent my order before
the date we've arranged.

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92- William : Do you know how this coffee 96- 100. sorularda, anlam bakımından parçaya
machine works? uygun olmayan cümleyi bulunuz.
Maria : ………
William : Thanks, I’d appreciate it. 96- I) One theory is that cultivation of the grape
originated in the area around the Caspian sea.
A) Yes, could you get me a cup of tea, please? II) Having no direct connection with the other
B) No, but the instruction leaflet is just over there. seas, the Caspian Sea is also regarded as a
C) Didn’t you see the sign? It’s broken. lake. III) From there grape growing spread to
D) Yes, shall I show you what to do? neighbouring areas of Asia Minor, then to
E) Well, It’s rather difficult to explain without Greece, and from Greece to Sicily. IV) The
demonstrating. Phoenicians took the grape into France, and
the Romans planted grapes in Germany and
England. V) At the same time as grape
cultivation spread into the west, grapes were
93- Alice : How long have you worked here? carried into the East by way of India.
Sue : _____.
Alice : Do you enjoy working here? A) I B) II C)III D)IV E)V
Sue : Yes, I'm very happy here.

A) This is my second year in this job.

B) I had tried several jobs until I found this one.
C) Since I'm married, five days a week.
D) Yes. nearly for two years. as you said. 97- I) Being among the foods, rich in calcium,
E) I think one or two years more. cheese is vitally important especially to the
growing children. II) There are hundreds of
different names for cheese that are used
throughout the world. III) But the general
principles of making cheese from milk have
94- Peter : When is the trip? changed little for nearly 3000 years. IV)The
Jack : Tomorrow night. aroma, texture and taste of cheese depend on
Peter : _____. slight variations of the process used to
Jack : By bus, but I'd prefer to go by plane. produce it. V) However, all methods of making
It wouldn't be such a waste of time. cheese consist of two to four basic steps.
A) Do you like travelling by bus? A) I B) II C)III D)IV E)V
B) Which one is faster? Travelling by bus or by
C) Have you decided how to travel?
D) Have you bought your tickets yet?
E) Why don't you travel by train? It's safer.

98- I) One problem facing a number of elderly

people is living on a reduced income. II) Upon
retiring, old people may receive a pension
from their company or social security from the
95- Sarah : I couldn't decide what to buy for her. government. III) The amount of their monthly
Jackie : _____. checks is often half the amount of the checks
Sarah : Perhaps, it would, but not for her. they received when they were employed.
She doesn't wear any jewellery. IV)The old also suffer from a number of
diseases resulting from their age, such as
A) A silver necklace would make a nice gift, I arthritis or rheumatism which give them great
think. pains. V) Suddenly, retirees find that they can
B) I've decided to buy a book on cooking. no longer continue the life style that they had
C) Well, yon must decide as soon as possible. become accustomed to, even if that life style
you know. was a modest one.
D) Why don't you buy a ring then?
E) It'd be better, then, if you came to the shop A) I B) II C)III D)IV E)V
with me.

13 Deneme A/15

99. I) Many animals have an excellent sense of 100- I) Freezing is the simplest and most
smell, which they use in hunting. II) The convenient way of keeping food at home.
human sense of smell, however, is really quite II) And, it's the only method of preservation
good. III) On the other hand, their eyesight which doesn't change the way the food looks
may be poor. IV) Dogs, for example, have poor or tastes. III) More and more people are
eyesight and no colour vision. V) But their refusing to eat frozen foods, claiming that they
sense of smell is extraordinary. are deficient in vitamins. IV) When the freezer
is stocked, you'll have permanently on hand in
A) I B) II C)III D)IV E)V the kitchen a wide selection of fresh food. V)
Owning a freezer can be compared to having a
supermarket at home and this is no


14 Deneme A/15

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