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NOTICE: Technical Letters are proprietary to Solar Turbines Incorporated, P.O. Box 85376, San Diego
92186-5376. The information in these Technical Letters shall not be used in any communication
with a customer or third parties. Only qualified Solar Personnel should attempt the described
procedures. Personnel not trained to Solar standards, or use of material not meeting Solar's
Engineering and Quality Control Standards may cause or result in damage to the equipment or
bodily injury. Solar, Saturn, Centaur, Taurus, Mercury, Mars, Titan, SoLoNOx, and Turbotronic
are trademarks of Solar Turbines Incorporated. Cat and Caterpillar are trademarks of Caterpillar
Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice

NUMBER: 1.0/135C
ISSUED: March 2010
REVISED: September 2015


Type of Change: Product Information
Compliance: Information
Updated Table 1 with new part numbers and torques.

To provide proper installation and removal instructions for Torquenuts™

Problems and difficulties have been reported from the field regarding installation and
removal of multi-jackbolt tensioners. In at least one case, structural damage occurred due
to improper installation. Multi-jackbolt tensioners are available from Solar in the form of
Torquenuts. Solar employs the use of Torquenuts for a variety of large diameter fastener
applications. Torquenuts can be installed on existing studs and bolts where high torque
requirements may be difficult to fulfill otherwise.

The torque value shown on the Torquenuts is being improperly used and overloading some
applications. On some Torquenuts, the stamped value is a manufacturer's maximum loading

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value, which typically is not the desired torque value for Solar’s application. In some instances,
using the stamped value has led to excessive loading and equipment damage.

Improper Removal Procedures

Difficulty has been encountered with removing Torquenuts due to improper removal
procedures. Improper removal can bind fasteners, damaging Torquenuts, studs, washers,
and jackbolts, and can require destruction of the Torquenut to remove it.

Follow the procedures in the Action Required section to ensure successful installation and
removal of Torquenuts and to avoid equipment damage from over-torquing.

1 Proper Installation Procedure
1.1 Torque Values
The jackbolt torque stamped on the Torquenut may not be appropriate for the
application. Use the table below to find the correct torque value for the application.
Table 1 Jackbolt Torque Values for Torquenuts Installed on Grade B7 Bolts and
Bolt Stud Size
or (in.) and Torquenut Service Required
Stud Thread Torquenut Temperature Jackbolt
Standard Grade Pitch P/N Range Torque (ft-lbs)
1050597 or –150°F to 500°F
1.00-8 UNC 1095377 (-101°C to 260°C) 27
1046179 or –150°F to 500°F
1.25-8 UNC 1095378 (-101°C to 260°C) 27
1027971 or –150°F to 500°F
1.50-6 UNC 1095379 (-101°C to 260°C) 49
1028322 or –150°F to 500°F
ASTM A 193 B7 2.00-8 UNC 1095380 (-101°C to 260°C) 114
–150°F to 500°F
2.50-4 UNC 1041385 (-101°C to 260°C) 233
–50°F to 500°F
2.50-8 UNC 1034286 ( -45°C to 260°C) 233
–50°F to 500°F
3.00-8 UNC 1080244 ( -45°C to 260°C) 233

Use of impact tools can result in galling of threads. Avoid driving

fasteners at high speed. Use precision hand tools instead.

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1.2 Lubricants
Thread lubrication is essential with Torquenut applications. Select the appropriate
1. P/N FSO-300-080 – Marine grade antiseize compound for applications ranging
in temperatures from -65°F to 2400°F (-54°C to 1315°C) for heavy duty, humid,
and corrosive environments. Non-curing, brush-on application.
2. P/N 980376C1 – Molybdenum disulfide compound for general applications
ranging in temperatures from –290°F to 840°F (–178°C to 450°C). Dry film,
aerosol application.

1.3 Preparation
1. Remove, lubricate, and reinstall the jackbolts.
2. Make sure the jackbolt tips are flush (or recessed) with bottom of the nut body.
3. Lubricate the main (stud) threads.
5. Slide a hardened washer on each stud. Heavy duty washers must be used with
slotted holes.
6. Lubricate the washer face and/or jackbolt tips.

1.4 Tightening Sequence

Each step must be completed for all Torquenuts before moving to next

1. Spin the Torquenut down on the main (stud or bolt) thread until it seats against
the washer. Back-off the Torquenut to create about 1/16 in. to 1/8 in. gap between
the nut body and washer.
2. Applying about 50% target torque, (use Table 1 to find proper torque) tighten one
equally-spaced set of 4 jackbolts (Figure 1 (A)) on each Torquenut.
3. Applying 100% target torque, retighten the same 4 jackbolts (Figure 1 (B)).
Repeat this for each Torquenut.
4. Reapplying 100% target torque, tighten all jackbolts (for one round only) in a
circular pattern (Figure 1 (C)). Repeat this for each Torquenut.
5. Repeat step 4 until all jackbolts are stabilized, rotating less than 20°. This usually
requires 2 to 4 additional rounds (Figure 1 (D)).
6. In corrosive environments, consider coating Torquenuts with additional lubricant
and/or covering them to help avoid corrosion.

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Figure 1 Seating and Tightening a Torquenut

2 Proper Removal Procedure

Successful Torquenut removal requires strict accordance with

procedures. Jackbolts must be unloaded gradually. If any jackbolts
are unloaded prematurely, the remaining jackbolts could bind or
become overloaded. Overloading a jackbolt can deform the end,
making removal difficult without destroying the Torquenut and
damaging the stud. If Torquenuts start to bind, retighten them and
restart the loosening process.

2.1 Service Under 250° F

Each step must be completed for all Torquenuts before moving to next

1. Following a circular pattern, loosen each jackbolt ¼ turn all the way around the
Torquenut (for one round, only). When you arrive back at the first jackbolt, it

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will be tight once again. Move to the next Torquenut and repeat until all
Torquenuts are in the same condition.
If you rush the process and rotate a jackbolt beyond the
recommended ¼ turn, other jackbolts can bind and freeze in
position. If this happens, retighten the jackbolts and start again.

Figure 2 Loosening Jackbolts in a Circular Pattern, ¼ Turn at a Time

2. Repeat Step 1 until jackbolts are loose on all the Torquenuts.

3. Prior to reinstallation, remove, clean, and re-lubricate the jackbolts with the
correct lubricant. See the “Lubricants” section.

2.2 Service Above 250° F

Each step must be completed for all Torquenuts before moving to next

1. While the equipment is cooling down (around 300° F) apply a penetrating

lubricant such as hydraulic oil to jackbolts, washers, and main tensioner threads.
Synthetic oil can be used for removal at higher temperatures.

Figure 3 Pre-Lubrication Prior Jackbolt Break-Away is Recommended for Service

Above 250° F
2. Following a circular pattern, break each jackbolt loose (just to the point where
smooth wrench-assisted movement is possible). Do not commence further

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rotation of any jackbolt until all jackbolts on all Torquenuts have been

Figure 4 Uniform Break-Away of Each Jackbolt on Each Torquenut is Necessary

Prior to Further Loosening
3. Follow the removal procedure in the “Service Under 250° F” section.
For high temperature applications above 750° F, a heating rod can be used
to facilitate removal. Some customers report that only 5 minutes of heating
is required to greatly reduce the removal torque required. The stud needs
only to expand slightly to reduce the removal effort.

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