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1. Asking and giving direction

a. Menanyakan letak tempat.
Where is the location of cinema?
Can you tell me where Mall is?
How do you get to the bank? (Kalau mau ke Bank lewat mana?)
Can/would/could you tell me where …
Can/would/could you show me where ... is?
Can/would/could you tell/show me where..... located ?
Can/would/could you tell/show me the way to ….?
b. Menanyakan letak suatu daerah.
Where is ... located?
Do you know where ... is?
How do I get to....?
c. Memberikan arahan
Turn right and go ahead/ Go straight
Go ahead and turn left
Keep walking around/about + time/distance (Jalan terus sekitar ......)
It is at the corner of the street (dipojok jalan)
It is accross .... (diseberang)
It is in front ... (didepan)
It is behind ... (dibelakang)
It is next to .... / It is beside ....(bersebelahan dengan ... )
Follow me, I’ll show you the way (Ikuti aku, akan aku tunjukkan jalannya)
This way (kesini/kearah sini)
That way (kesana/kearah sana)
Over there (disana/disebelah sana)
Over here (disini/disebelah sini)
Take this/that way (ambil jalan ini/itu)
Mungkin soBat juga bisa memberikan keterangan seperti ini :
You will find a junction (kamu akan menjumpai pertigaan)
You will find a crossroad (kamu akan menjumpai perempatan)
You will see a ..... (kamu akan melihat ....)
You may/could ask to ..... (kamu bisa tanya pada ... )
Ask to .... (tanyalah pada ....)
You may want me to draw a map ?
Do you want me to draw a map ? (saya gambarkan petanya)
Keterangan :
1. E = East = Timur
2. SE = South East = Tenggara
3. S = South = Selatan
4. SW = South West = Barat Daya
5. W = West = Barat
6. NW = North West = Barat Laut
7. N = North = Utara
8. NE = North East = Timur Laut

Untuk menemukan alamat lokasi biasanya menggunakan kosa kata berikut :

1. beside = disamping 10. street = jalan
2. straight = lurus 11. In : di dalam
3. turn right = belok kanan 12. On : di atas
4. turn left = belok kiri 13. At : di (letak tempatnya)
5. crossroad = perempatan 14. In front of : didepan
6. T-junction = pertigaan 15. Behind : dibelakang
7. traffic light = lampu lalu lintas 16. Beside : disamping
8. across from/ opposite = bersebrangan dengan 17. Between : diantara
9. between = diantara

(try to fill in the blank)
The form of country Leader
Republic President and vice president
Kingdom King and queen
Empire Empror and empress
Prime minister
Government in Indonesia
Government’s leader Meaning
Province Governor
Municipality Major
Regency Regent
Subdistric Subdistric head
Village Village chief

Vocabularies in government
 Ambassador : duta besar
 Attonery general : kejaksaan agung
 People consultative assembly of Republic of Indonesia : MPR
 The house of representative of Republic of Indonesia : DPR
 The Secretary of State/menteri sekretaris negara: Pratikno
 The Minister of Home Affairs/menteri dalam negeri: Tjahjo Kumolo
 The Minister of Foreign Affairs/menteri luar negeri: Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi
 The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries/ menteri kelautan dan perikanan: Susi
 The Minister of Transport/menteri perhubungan: Ignatius Jonan
 Minister of Tourism/ menteri pariwisata: Arief Yahya
 Minister of Defense/menteri pertahanan: Ryamizard Ryacudu
 Minister of Justice and Human Rights/ menteri hukum dan HAM: Yasonna H. Laoly
 Minister of Communications and Information Technology/ menteri komunikasi: Rudiantara
 The Minister of Finance/ menteri keuangan: Bambang Brodjonegoro
 Minister of Trade/ menteri perdagangan : Rahmat Gobel
 Minister of Religion/menteri agama : Lukman Hakim Saifuddin
 Minister of Health/menteri kesehatan: Nila F. Moeloek
 Minister of Social Affairs/menteri sosial: Khofifah Indar Parawansa
 The Minister for Women's Role/menteri peranan wanita : Yohanan Yambise
 Minister of Culture and Education of Elementary and Secondary/ menteri kebudayaan dan
pendidikan: Anies Baswedan
 Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education/menteri riset dan teknologi: M.
 Minister of Youth and Sports/ pemuda dan olahraga: Imam Nahrawi

3. Holiday
a. Simple Present Tense
untuk kejadian atau kebiasaan yang sering dilakukan (habitually).
Time signal/keterangan waktunya : usually,always,every,habitually,every day, every week, etc.
Contoh :
 Anjani goes to school every morning.  They go to school every morning.
 Anjani does not go to school every morning  They don’t go to school every morning.
 Does Anjani go to school every morning?  Do they go to school every morning?

b. Simple Past Tense

untuk situasi yang sudah berlalu.
Time signal/keterangan waktunya : yesterday, last month, an hour ago, last week, etc.
 Anjani went to school last week.  I studied english yesterday.
 Anjani did not go to school last week.  I did not study english yesterday.
 Did Anjani go to school last week?  Did Anjani study english yesterday?

c. Simple Future Tense

untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang akan terjadi dimasa yang akan datang.
Time signal/keterangan waktu : tomorrow, next(week,year), etc.
Contoh :
 Anjani will go to school tomorrow.
 Anjani will not go to school tomorrow.
 Will Anjani go to school tomorrow?
d. Present Continouse Tense
untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang sedang berlangsung.
Time signal/keterangan waktu : right now, now.
 Anjani is going to school now.
 Anjani is not going to school now.
 Is Anjani going to school now?


kalimat permintaan menyatakan keinginan seseorang dalam bentuk perintah. Kalimat perintah selalu
menggunakan tanda seru.
a. Kalimat perintah dalam bentuk positif. Contoh : Close the door!
e.x: .............................
b. kalimat perintah dapat juga berbentuk negatif berarti melarang. Misal : Don’t touch the table, it’s dirty!
e.x: .................................
c. kalimat-kalimat perintah selalu dalam bentuk “Simple Present Tense” Jadi kata kerja yang digunakan
adalah kata kerja bentuk pertama (V1)

a. Berbeda dengan kalimat perintah, kalimat permintaan menyatakan keinginan seseorang dalam
bentuk permintaan
b. Contoh kalimat permintaan
 Would you like to help me? Yes, I would / I’m sorry.
 Would you help me, please?
 Would you mind helping me?
 Would you please to help me?
c. Kalimat permintaan bisa juga diawali dengan kata “Will, can, could, and may”.
 Will you help me, Please? Yes, I will / I’m sorry, I won’t
 Can you help me, Please? Yes, I can / I’m sorry, I can’t
 Could you help me, Please? Yes, I Could / I’m sorry, I couldn’t
 May you help me, Please?
d. Selain kata kerja, kata sifat juga bisa digunakan dalam kalimat perintah, yaitu dengan cara
menambahkan “be”
be quiet : diam
be careful : hati-hati
be patient : sabar
be easy : tenang
be honest : jujurlah
e. Bisa pula kalimat perintah terdiri dari kata kerja yang diikuti oleh kata yang lainnya. Bentuk
seperti ini dikenal sebagai (phrase)
keep silent : diam / jangan ribut
watch out : awas
turn off : matikan
turn on : nyalakan
bring back : kembalikan
Expressing Offering, Accepting and Refusing Help
Offering Help (Menawarkan bantuan ke orang lain):
-Would you like some cake? Would you like a glass of milk?
-Do you want a cup of tea?
- Have some coffee? Have some cake? Some sandwinch?
- Can I get you something? Can I get you anything?
Accepting Help Refusing
- Yes, please -No, thank you
- Thank you - No, it’s okay, thank you
- Thanks - No, I’m fine, thank you
- Thank you, that would be great
- Thank you, that’s a very kind of you (sopan
5. Perbandingan (Degree of Comparison)
We use degrees of comparison to compare persons or things using adjectives.
Positive degree is used to describe a single thing or person.
Comparative degree is used to compare two persons or things with each other.
Superlative degree is used to compare more than two persons or things.
Jenis kata Adjective Positive Comparative Superlatif Ket.
sifat (as ... as) ( ... er than) (the ... est)
1 - 2 suku Long As long as Longer than The longest Adding –er
kata Fast As fast as Faster than The fastest
Old As old as Older than The oldest
Wise As wise as Wiser than The Wisest Adding –r
Dirty As dirty as Dirtier than The dirtiest Adding -ier
Ugly As ugly as Uglier than The ugliest
Sad As sad as Sadder than The saddest
3 suku
Diligent As diligent as More diligent The most
Handsome As handsome as More handsome diligent
Expensive As expensive as More expensive The most
Popular As popular as More popular handsome
The most
The most
Pengecualian Good/well - Better The best
Bad - Worse The worst
Much/many- More The most
Little Less, lesser The least
Terdiri dari 3 tingkatan, yaitu:
a. Positive (tingkat biasa)
S + to be + as+ adjective + as
contoh: Jojo is handsome
b. Comparative (tingkat perbandingan)
S + to be + more/-er + adjective + than
contoh: Jojo is more handsome than Aming
c. Superlative (tingkat paling)
S + to be + the most/-est + noun phrase
Contoh: Jojo is the most handsome guy in this class

6. Shopping
1. money = uang 13. supermarket = toko serba ada
2. expensive = mahal 14. buy = membeli
3. cheap = murah 15. sell = menjual
4. cost = harga 16. traditional market = pasar tradisional
5. bargain = tawar 17. toy store = toko mainan
6. discount = diskon/potongan harga 18. green grocer = toko sayuran
7. How much = berapa banyak 19. fruitstall = toko buah
8. price = harga 20. drugstore = apotik
9. colour = warna 21. butchery = toko daging
10. fixed price = harga pasti 22. boutique = butik
11. market = pasar 23. art shop = toko seni
12. chasier = kasir 24. news agent = agen koran
25. cooking utensils = peralatan masak 29.stationary=toko alat tulis
26. shop= toko 30. bakery= toko roti
27. shopkeeper=penjaga toko 31. baker = pembuat roti
28. florist= toko bunga

Selanjutnya, mari kita membaca harga dalam bahasa Inggris :

1. Rp. 50 : fifty rupiahs
2. Rp. 700 : seven hundred rupiahs
3. Rp. 2.000 : two thousand rupiahs
4. Rp. 7.500 : seven thousand and five hundred rupiahs
5. Rp. 60.000 : sixty thousand rupiahs
6. Rp. 95.000 : ninetyfive thousand rupiahs
7. Rp 4, 500 : four thousand and five hundred rupiahs.
8. Rp 20, 450 : twenty thousand and four hundred fifty rupiahs
9. Rp.125.000 : One hundred and twenty five thousand rupiahs
10. Rp. 5.000.000 :five million rupiahs
Cara yang digunakan untuk menanyakan harga.
a) What is the price of _____ ? c) What is the price of this .... ? It is ...
Contoh : d) What are the price of these ...? They are ...
A :"What is the price of the television?"
e) How much does this ... cost? It costs ..
B : "It is three million rupiahs."
b) How much is this_____ ? f) How much do these ... cost? They cost ….
Contoh :
g) How much is this ... cost? It costs ...
A : "How much is this bag?"
B : "It is fifty thousand rupiahs." h) How much are these ... cost? They cost ..

7. Ownership
S O A P Reflectives
(pantulan dari A)
I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself/Yourselves
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
They Them Their Theirs Their selves
She Her Her Hers Herself
He Him His His Himself
Silvi Silvi’s Silvi’s Silvi’s Herself
Rian Rian’s Rian’s Rian’s Himself
Contoh : b. She has a cap
a. I have a cap - The cap belongs to her
- The cap belongs to me - It is her cap
- It is my cap - It is hers
- It is mine

8. Feeling (Perasaan)
Proud = kagum Desappointed = kecewa
Afraid = ketakutan Dislike = ketidaksukaan
Angry = marah easy-going = supel
Caring = peduli shy =rasa malu
Cautious = waspada fear = ketakutan
Amazed = kagum frustration = frustasi
Cheerful = riang, gembira angry = marah
Crazy = gila hungry = lapar
sad = sedih homesick = rindu rumah
tired = lelah hopeless = putus asa
bored = bosan horror = kengerian,
glad = senang, bahagia hurt = sakit hati
gloomy = murung interested = tertarik
greedy = tamak, rakus worried = khawatir
happy = senang, bahagia

Berikut ini adalah bentuk-bentuk baik bangun datar maupun ruang:

Noun Adjective Meaning

Circle Circular Lingkaran
Cone Conical Kerucut
Cylinder Cylindrical Tabung
Pyramid Pyramidal Piramida; Limas
Rectangle Rectangular Persegi panjang
Round; sphere Spherical Bulat bola
Semi circle Semi Circular Setengah lingkaran
Square - Persegi; Bujur sangakar
Triangle Triangular Segitiga
Hexagon Hexagonal Segi enam
Pentagon Pentagonal Segi lima
Oval - Bulat lonjong; oval
- Balok
Tapezoid - Trapesium
Diamond - Belah ketupat

How to ask about shape

What is the shape of …..? It is …..
Contoh :
What is the shape of marble? It is round
What is an ……… like? It is ……..
Contoh :
What is an ice cream like? It is conical

9. Folktale: dongeng
Pola yang digunakan untuk folktale adalah pola PAST TENSE.
Pola  ( + ) S + V2/ed + Object/Adverb
( - ) S + Did + NOT + V1 + Object/Adverb setiap ketemu kata kerja
(?) Did + S + V1 + Object/Adverb ?

( + ) S + Was/Were + Adjective/ Noun/Adverb

( - ) S + Was/Were)+ NOT + Adjective/Noun/Adverb setiap ketemu kata sifat
(?) Was/Were + S + Adjective/Noun/Adverb ?
 Adjective (kata sifat) : beautiful, handsome, ugly, rich, poor, clever, lazy, diligent, stupid,
excellent, clean, dirty, neat, ect.
 Noun (kata benda) : table, chair, book, castle, king, queen, emperor, robber, witch, dwarf, beggar,
giant, knight, fish, erupted volcano, etc.
 Adverb of time (waktu) : long time ago, hundred years ago, thousand years ago, yesterday,
tomorrow, last(week, year, month), next(week, year, month), etc.
 Adverb of place (tempat) : on the table, in the living room, at school, etc.
 Adverb of manner (cara) : carefully, happily, sadly, kindly, softly, etc.
Cara menanyakan tempat asal suatu cerita. Where is the ... of ... from ?

10. Conjungtion (Kata Sambung)

Conjungtion Contoh Kalimat
Although (Meskipun) I must study although i am sick
Because (Karena) She did not come to the party because she is sick
If (jika) We can be the winner if we study hard
And (dan) Kevin and Bram are Family
But (Tapi) My brother is smart but to small
Or (Atau) you want money or prize?
Howefer, nevertheless (namun) Jhon is fat nevertheless he is good boy
They don’t have money therefore the can’t follow the
therefore (oleh karena itu) recreation
for, to (untuk) He write letter for his friend
Both…and….. (keduanya.. dan..) Both Andi and Ricky are handsome
Rina is neither smart nor stupid. (Rina tidak pintar juga
tidak bodoh.)
Yesterday, I neither slept nor ate. (kemarin saya tidak
Neither..nor.. (dan tidak pula) tidur, juga tidak makan.)
Either my friends or my mother sweeps the floor every
morning. (Teman-teman saya atau ibu saya menyapu
Either…or…. (salah satu) lantai itu setiap hari.)
Not only...But also… (tidak hanya... tapi
juga..) Not only John but also his friends are clever.
This door is broken. Use another door.
I wanted to leave but the other people/the others wanted
another, other, others to stay longer.

11. Public Places (Tempat-tempat Umum)

Hospital : Rumah sakit Railway station : Stasiun kereta api
Post Office : Kantor pos Bus stop/terminal : Terminal bis
School : sekolah Zoo : Kebun binatang
Market : Pasar Museum : musium
Movie : Bioskop Police station/ police office : Kantor pos
Park : taman Supermarket : Swalayan
Airport : Bandara Shop/store : toko
Harbour : Pelabuhan Book store : toko buku
Drugstore : apotik Mosque : Masjid
Stationary : Toko alat tulis Church : gereja
Library : Perpustakaan Monastery : Biara
Gas station : Pom bensin/SBPU Temple : candi/pura
Factory : Pabrik Pagoda : klenteng
Greengrocer:Toko sayuran Beach : Pantai
Grocery :Toko pangan Mountain : Pegunungan
Restaurant : restoran Cafe :kafe
Swimming pool : Kolam renang Stadium : stadion

12. Profession (Pekerjaan)

Teacher = guru Dentist = dokter gigi
Headmistress=kepala sekolah (wanita) Breeder = peternak
Headmaster=kepala sekolah (pria) Clerk = pegawai
Lecturer = dosen Dustman = tukang sampa
Gardener = tukang kebun Fireman=pemadam kebakaran
Farrier = tukang besi Security=penjaga keamanan
Painter = pelukis Fisherman = nelayan
Lawyer = pengacara Bell boy = pelayan hotel
Nurse = perawat Singer = penyanyi
Judge = hakim Carpenter = tukang kayu
School guard = penjaga sekolah Chef = tukang masak
Steward = pramugara Pilot = pilot
Stewardess = pramugari Police = polisi
Parker = tukang parkir Newsboy = tukang koran
Iceman = tukang es Butcher = tukang daging
Journalist = penulis berita Junk dealer = tukang loak
Librarian = penjaga perpustakaan Nurse = perawat
Laundress = tukang cuci Businessman = pengusaha
Greengrocer= tukang sayur Vet = dokter hewan
Mechanic=montir/ahli mesin Patcher = tukang tambal
Soldier = tentara Plumber = tukang ledeng
Labour = buruh Postman = tikang pos
Author = penulis Tourist guide = pemandu turis
Farmer = petani Sailor = pelaut
Coach = pelatih Babysitter = penjaga bayi
Doctor = dokter Barber - tukang cukur
Florist = tukang bunga Graver = tukang ukir
Chemist = ahli kimia Baker = tukang roti
Gasman = tukang gas Cobbler = tukag sepatu

13. Transportations
(try to fill in the blank)
a. Land transportations :.....................
b. Water transportations :.....................
c. Air transportations :......................

word arti Engine Non-engine

Ambulance Ambulans
Battle ship Kapal perang
Bicycle Sepeda
Bus Bis
Canoe Perahu kano
Car Mobil
Cart Gerobak
Container truck Truk kontener
Crane truck Truk derek
Delivery truck Truk pengiriman barang
Delivery van Mobil van pengiriman barang
Dump truck Truk pembuangan sampah
Express train Kereta ekspress
Ferry Kapal feri
Fire engine Mobil pemadam kebakaran
Fireboat Perahu pemadam kebakaran
Fishing boat Kapal memancing
Freighter Kapal barang, kapal pengangkutan
Helicopter Helikopter
Horse drawn buggy Dokar
Jeep Mobil jip
Jet Pesawat jet
Lifeboat Perahu penyelamat
Limosine Mobil Limosin
Minibus Minibus
Motorboat Perahu motor
Motorcycle Sepeda motor
Parachute Parasut
Passenger ship Kapal penumpang
Patrol car Mobil patrol
Pedicap Becak
Pickup truck Truk pengangkut
Police car Mobil polisi
Rafts Rakit
Row boat Perahu dayung
Sail boat Perahu layar
Sampan Sampan
Scooter Skuter
Ship Kapal
Spaceship Kapal luar angkasa
Speedboat Perahu motor cepat
Submarine Kapal selam
Subway Kereta api bawah tanah
Tanker Pesawat tangki
Tanker Kapal tangki
Taxi Taksi
Train Kereta
Trolley Troli
Truck Truk
Yacht Kapal pesiar
14. weather and seasons
a. weather  flash
 hot  snowy
 warm
 cold b. seasons
 windy  wet/rainy season
 cloudy  dry season
 foggy  winter/cold season
 bright/sunny  spring
 rain/rainy  summer
 cool  autumn/fall
 flood
 storm

15. time

7 : 00 = seven o’clock
7 : 15 = a quarter past seven (seven fifteen)
7 : 20 = twenty past seven (seven twenty)
7 : 30 = half past seven (seven thirty)
7 : 35 = twenty five to eight (seven thirty five)
7 : 45 = a quarter to eight (seven forty five)
7 : 55 = five to eight (seven fifty five)
Dalam bahasa Inggris ada dua pembagian waktu yaitu :
* a.m. ante meridiem = before noon (sebelum tengah hari)
* p.m. post meridiem = afternoon (sesudah tengah hari)
a.m. p.m.
1 : 00 a.m. (1.00 malam) 1 : 00 p.m. (13.00)
4 : 15 a.m. (4.15 pagi) 4 : 15 p.m. (16.15)
11 : 30 a.m. (11.30 siang) 11 : 30 p.m. (23.30)

16. earth and planets

a. earth b. planets
 savannah  rocket
 desert  comet
 rice field  satellite
 river  moon
 mountain  mercury
 lake  venus
 waterfall  earth
 rainbow  mars
 valley  jupiter
 hill  saturn
 beach  uranus
 plateu  neptune
17. Health and hospital
 Example of disease - Stethoscope
- Sore throat : sakit tenggorokan - Thermometer
- Headache : sakit kepala - Injection : suntikan
- Stomachache : sakit peruu - Ambulance
- Cough : batuk - Drugstore/pharmacy
- Fever : demam - medicine
 Equipments
 The doctors
- Dentist : dokter gigi
- Oculist : dokter mata
- Vet/veterinarian : dokter hewan
- General practitioner : dokter umum
- Pediatrician : dokter anak

18. School library

 Library  Novel
 Librarian  Map
 Bookshelf  Librarian card
 Newspaper  Encyclopedia
 Comic  Story book

19. Number
+ : plus
_ : minus
X : multiplied by
: : divided by
= : equals
20. Clothes
 Jacket  Socks  Shorts
 T-shirt  Suit  Uniform
 Skirt  Swimsuitks  Pajamas
 Blouse  Suit  hat
 Coat  Swimsuit
 Dress  Jeans

21. toys and games

 doll  slide
 puzzle  see-saw
 roller skates  jumping rop
 fly a kite  congklak
 play marbles  hide and seek
 swing  hopscotch
22. daily activities
 get/wake up  go to school
 tidy/ make the bed  study
 take a pray  play with friends
 help mother  water the flowers
 take a bath  do exercise
 put on/wear clothes  have breakfast/lunch/dinner, , etc.

23. school activities

this is a book these are some books
that is a book those are some books

24. measurement
 a piece of...... : wood, cheese, tart, paper
 a bunch of : flowers, keys, grapes
 a slice of : bread, meat, cake
 a bar of : soap, chocolate

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