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Name : ___________________ Subject : Integrated Humanities

Mock Paper- online

Grade : 7 Section _______________
Term 2

Task 1. Multiple choice:

1. The one positive impact of free trade and globalization is
a. Advancement in technology
b. Availability of goods
c. Environmental damage

2. The full form of TNC is

a. Transnational co-operation
b. Transitional commodity
c. Transnational corporation

3. The movement which brought revolution in the dairy products

a. Green revolution
b. Industrial revolution
c. White revolution

4. Theism means
a. Believing in nature
b. Believing in God
c. Believing in one's own self

Task 2: Refer to sources B and C and answer the following questions:

Source A: Source B:


Q1. Identify the most widely followed religion in the world as given in source B. Also, list any
three practices or beliefs associated with it.
Name : ___________________ Subject : Integrated Humanities
Mock Paper- online
Grade : 7 Section _______________
Term 2

Christianity is the most followed religion in the word, with over 2 billion followers. Three practices
associated with this religion are:
1. Christians believe in one god, Jesus Christ and that he is the Son of God.

2. They celebrate festivals like Christmas, Easter and Good Friday.

3. They read a holy book called “The Bible”.

4. Their place of worship is the Church.

5. Christians believe that sin is something which people do and that by asking for forgiveness
and demonstrating belief in Jesus Christ, people can achieve salvation.

Q2. Based on source A and B, explain how religious practices affect the environment. Your
answer must include the following points:

● Description of any one religious practice which effects the environment.

● The impact of that practice on the environment.
● Connection to the related concept “Sustainability”.
Religious practices have a significant impact on the environment. All the major World
Religions have different rituals and practices ranging from idol worship to belief in the forces
of nature. However, some of these practices leave a damaging impact on the environment.
For example, in Source A, we observe the immersion of Lord Ganesha in a water body.
These idols are made of non biodegradable substances such as plaster of paris which are
extremely harmful to the environment. They pollute water bodies, making it difficult for
aquatic flora and fauna to survive. This also compromises the sustainability of the biome in
question as there is severe damage done to the biotic and abiotic components of the
ecosystems within it.

Q3. Refer to source C and answer the given question.

Source C:
Most of us are aware that there are many hungry people in the world. They range from those who don't quite
get enough good nutrition to be healthy, to those who are so deprived of specific nutrients or sufficient calories
that they will die without intervention. Poverty -- combined with conditions like floods, droughts, and warfare
-- can make it impossible for families, even whole communities to get enough food, and sometimes water. Here
are a few useful statistics that show just how severe the problem is:

FACT: More than 800 million people suffer from acute hunger or malnutrition.
Name : ___________________ Subject : Integrated Humanities
Mock Paper- online
Grade : 7 Section _______________
Term 2

FACT: Almost 200 million children below the age of five suffer from malnutrition.

FACT: Seven out of ten of the world's hungry are women and girls.

FACT: We can do something about it.

[Statistics courtesy of The Hunger Site.]

Children are the worst affected when famine comes -- simply because their small bodies can
store fewer reserves of fat, water, and nutrients. In short, when the hard times come, they are
the ones most likely to die. Almost all of us feel sad when we hear about people going hungry -
- especially children. And of course we want to do something to help, but we are not always
sure how. Also, sometimes we just feel that we don't have enough money to contribute to really
make a difference.
Text source:

Summarize the below mentioned article in relation to your Unit 3- Food & Consumption.Word
limit 80 to 100

Ans: Availability of proper, nutritious food is a major challenge for all the countries. As stated in
the source, most people in the world, especially children, go hungry because there is a lot of
inequality in the food distribution system. More than 800 million people suffer from acute hunger
or malnutrition while more than 500 million children suffer from acute malnutrition. Therefore,
there should be a proper food distribution program in place so that people get access to food
based on their need. This includes achieving the SDGs “Zero Hunger” and “Responsible
Consumption & Production.”
Name : ___________________ Subject : Integrated Humanities
Mock Paper- online
Grade : 7 Section _______________
Term 2

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