Applied Sciences: Wireless Channel Models For Over-the-Sea Communication: A Comparative Study

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Wireless Channel Models for Over-the-Sea
Communication: A Comparative Study
Arafat Habib and Sangman Moh *
Department of Computer Engineering, Chosun University, 309 Pilmun-daero, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61452, Korea;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +82-62-230-6032

Received: 18 December 2018; Accepted: 21 January 2019; Published: 28 January 2019 

Abstract: Over the past few years, the modeling of wireless channels for radio wave propagation
over the sea surface has drawn the attention of many researchers. Channel models are designed
and implemented for different frequencies and communication scenarios. There are models that
emphasize the influence of the height of the evaporation duct in the marine environment, as well
as models that deal with different frequencies (2.5, 5, and 10 GHz, etc.) or the impact of various
parameters, such as antenna height. Despite the increasing literature on channel modeling for the
over-the-sea marine environment, there is no comprehensive study that focuses on key concepts that
need to be considered when developing a new channel model, characteristics of channel models,
and comparative analysis of existing works along with their possible improvements and future
applications. In this paper, channel models are discussed in relation to their operational principles
and key features, and they are compared with each other in terms of major characteristics and pros
and cons. Some important insights on the design and implementation of a channel model, possible
applications and improvements, and challenging issues and research directions are also discussed.
The main goal of this paper is to present a comparative study of over-the-sea channel models for
radio wave propagation, so that it can help engineers and researchers in this field to choose or design
the appropriate channel models based on their applications, classification, features, advantages,
and limitations.

Keywords: over-the-sea communication; radio wave propagation; wireless channel; channel model;
wireless channel characterization

1. Introduction
Wireless channels for the radio wave propagation over the sea surface are different from the
usual channels used in ground-to-ground wireless communication due to the unique nature of the
marine environment. For example, neither the refraction of wave propagation, nor the effect of
the evaporation duct is present in the ground-to-ground scenarios. Existing approaches to the
modeling of over-the-sea channels vary with frequencies, technology used, and implementation
scenario. While some approaches used millimeter waves and wide band technology, others used
frequencies such as 1.9, 2, and 10 GHz, etc. Some approaches considered vessel-to-vessel mobile
communication on the sea. Ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore wireless communication scenarios were
also considered and implemented.
So far, there are two preliminary minor approaches [1,2], that briefly describe a few models of
channels for over-the-sea communication; however, with inadequate analysis and limited discussion
on various models, applications, future improvements, and research directions. Readers can prompt
references [1,2] for further details. Typically, the over-the-sea wave propagation environment can be
divided into two types: One is “near the sea surface” and the other is “hundreds of meters above

Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443; doi:10.3390/app9030443

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sea surface or higher.” In the near the sea surface environment, the transceiver platform remains close
to surface
or higher.”
surface ForInexample,
or higher.”
the sea surface environment,
the near between
the sea surface
the transceiver
a ship
environment, and baseplatform
the atransceiver
station remains
is close
platform remains
to the
ashore. sea surface. For example, communication between a ship and a base station is maintained
close toFigure
the sea1surface.
shows such a scenario
For example, when communication
communication betweenoccurs
a ship near
and athe seastation
base maintained
ashore. Figure 1 shows such a scenario when communication occurs near the sea surface.
ashore. Figure 1 shows such a scenario when communication occurs near the sea surface.

Figure 1. Radio wave propagation near the sea surface.

Studies conducted in [3] show that for modeling channels in such an environment, special
attentionStudies conducted
is paidconducted
to refractionin
in [3] show
show that
[3]caused that
by a for
for modeling
possible channels
evaporation in
duct,in such
as wellan
a direct ray and special
attention is
is paid
paid toto refraction
refraction caused
caused by
by aa possible
possible evaporation
surface-reflected ray. An evaporation duct affects frequencies around 1 GHz and higher. In principle,duct,
duct, as
as well
well as
as aa direct
direct ray
ray and
and sea
an evaporation duct ray. An
ray. isAn evaporation
formed due toduct
duct affects
variation frequencies
humidity around
frequencies aroundthe
across 11GHzair and
GHz andhigher.
sea InInprinciple,
boundary. principle,
an evaporation
evaporation duct
duct is formed
is formed due dueto variation
to variation in humidity
in humidity
phenomenon is rather dominant in all kinds of seas. For example, the evaporation duct remains across the
across air
the and air sea
and boundary.
sea This
This phenomenon
prevalent is rather
in equatorial dominant
is rather
tropical in all
in kinds
sea all of in
regions seas.
of 90% For
seas. For
of example,
cases. the
Therefore, to designduct
evaporation any remains
duct remains
model for inin equatorial
the equatorial
near-the-sea and
and tropical
tropical sea
environment, sea regions in
in 90%
90% of
careful of cases.
cases. Therefore,
should be given to
to design
design any
any channel
to the effects channel
of the
model for
for the
the near-the-sea
near-the-sea environment,
environment, careful
evaporation duct. Moreover, there may be possible communication scenarios where considerations
considerations should
should be
be given
given toto the
the effects
effects of
distance duct.
m. In this there
may be
a two-raypossible communication
propagation model of scenarios
a directwhere
scenarios where
ray and the
the propagation
a reflected ray
cannot exceeds
predict the3000
3000 m.
interference Inthis
this case,
zeroes. two-ray
deal withpropagation
propagation model
this, one should ofaadirect
consider aray
rayand andaareflected
three-ray reflectedray
propagation ray
cannot predict
predict the
the interference
interference zeroes.
zeroes. To
To deal
deal with
with this,
this, one
one should
model consisting of a direct ray, a reflected ray from the sea surface, and a refracted ray caused by consider
consider a athree-ray
three-ray propagation
the consisting
evaporation of a direct
Two- ray, ray,athree-ray
and areflected
ray fromofthethesea
wave sea surface,
propagationand and a refracted
be further rayray caused
discussed by
by thein
the evaporation
evaporation duct. duct.Two-
upcoming sections of the paper.Two- and and three-ray
three-ray modelsmodels of of
wave wave propagation
propagation will will
be be further
further discussed
discussed in in
the upcoming
upcoming sections
In a scenario ofwireless
of the
where the paper.
paper. transmission takes place hundreds of meters above the sea surface,
the transceiver scenario is where
deployed on antransmission
wireless transmission
airborne device takes
takesor place
place hundreds
platforms, such of
as unmannedabove
abovethe the sea
aerial surface,
the transceiver
transceiver is
is deployed
deployed onon an
an airborne
airborne device
device or
or platforms,
(UAVs) or any other aircrafts. It is possible for the elevated duct in the troposphere region to cause such
such as
as unmanned
unmanned aerial
aerial vehicles
an or any other
attenuation other
of the aircrafts.
aircrafts. isispossible
affect forfor theelevated
the elevatedduct
air-to-ground ductininthe
through region
the to to
sea cause
wave an
an attenuation
propagation. ofThe
the signal
signal andduct and
affect affect
is anair-to-groundair-to-ground
atmospheric canal thatcommunication
communication through
consists through
of a layer sea
with wave thepropagation.
highly sea
densewave air
[4]. starts and The
duct elevated duct altitudes
is an atmospheric
remains at high is ancanal
and canal
consists ofthat consists
a layer
affects with of
transmission a with
highly layer awith
dense very airhighly denseand
[4]. Itfrequency.
high starts air
[4]. It starts
Figure 2 at
showsand remains
high aaltitudes
scenario atandhigh altitudes
for mainly
wireless andtransmission
affects mainly affects
transmission taking transmission
with a very
place high
hundreds with ofameters
very high
frequency. Figure
a scenario
surface. 2 shows
for a scenario
wireless for
transmission wireless transmission
taking place taking
hundreds place
of hundreds
meters above of
the meters
sea above
surface. the sea

air-to-ground communication
communication for
for over-the-sea
over-the-sea channels.
Figure 2. Radio wave propagation in air-to-ground communication for over-the-sea channels.
As shown
As shown earlier
the As shown earlier
the evaporation
evaporation duct.inCompared
duct. Figure 1, intoto
Compared near-the-sea
such an
such transmission,the
an environment,
environment, theairborne
the signal mainly
airborne propagates
propagations through
must pass
the evaporation duct. Compared to such an environment, the airborne propagations must pass
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 3 of 32

through the evaporation duct layer, the air layer (free space layer), and the elevated duct layer,
as shown in Figure 2.
In this paper, a comprehensive and comparative study of over-the-sea channel models for radio
wave propagation is presented. Our study can help researchers and engineers select an appropriate
channel model based on their application. The main contributions of the paper are as follows:

• Theoretical key concepts needed to understand channel models for over-the-sea radio wave
propagation are briefly discussed.
• Channel models are examined in relation to their operational principles and key features.
• Channel models are classified based on their propagation type and the mobility of their
transceiver platform.
• Channel models are compared with each other in terms of major characteristics, pros, and cons.
• The possibility of unique and novel applications and some possible future improvements of the
channel models are addressed.
• Key challenging issues for modeling a wireless channel for over-the-sea communication and the
research directions to design a new channel model are discussed.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the following section (Section 2), key concepts
related to wireless channel modeling for over-the-sea communication are discussed. In Section 3,
existing channel models are classified. In Section 4, existing channel models are reviewed by functional
principle, basic operation, and distinctive characteristics. In Section 5, the qualitative comparison
of channel models is summarized and discussed. In Section 6, the possibility of unique and novel
applications of the channel models is discussed and some possible future improvements of the channel
models are presented. In Section 7, we discuss important challenging issues for modeling a wireless
channel for over-the-sea communication and the research directions that can be helpful for researchers
if they intend to design a new channel model. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 8.

2. Key Concepts in Modeling Over-the-Sea Channels

To design a channel model, a calculation of the propagation loss (PL) is highly important.
It is also necessary to derive the correct fading margin. A radio channel designed for over-the-sea
wireless communication may experience frequency selective fading, slow fading, and/or fast fading.
Small-scale fading is due to the random phases and amplitudes of various multipath components.
In addition, inter-symbol interference (ISI) causes signal blurring. Mathematically, it is possible to
model multipath propagation using the channel impulse response [5]. Power delay profile (PDP) is
also another important term to take care of. It is the intensity of a signal as a function of time delay
in the multipath channel. Channel delay spread parameters, such as mean excess delay, maximum
excess delay, and root mean-squared delay that can be extracted from PDP, are important features for
designing a channel for a wireless transmission system. Moreover, atmospheric ducts play a prime
role in influencing existing channel models. Before delving into the channel models, some important
terms will be briefly discussed for the convenience of readers.

2.1. Important Definitions and Parameters

Multipath propagation: A propagation that causes radio signals to propagate through two or
more paths toward an antenna placed at the receiving end can be regarded as multipath propagation.
Multipath can be caused by refraction, reflection, atmospheric ducts, etc. Figure 3 presents a very basic
diagram of multipath wave propagation.
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Figure 3.
Figure 3. An
3. An example
An example of
example of multipath
of multipath wave
multipath wave propagation
wave propagation between
propagation between transmitter
between transmitter (Tx)
(Tx) and
and receiver
receiver (Rx).

Line-of-sight (LoS)
(LoS) propagation: Electromagneticradiations
propagation: Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic radiationstend
radiations tendto
tend tototransmit/travel
transmit/travel from
from aa
a source
source toto
a a destination
destination along
along a a direct
direct path.
path. This
This inherent
inherent characteristic
characteristic of
of electromagnetic
source to a destination along a direct path. This inherent characteristic of electromagnetic (EM) (EM)
propagation, without
without any
any obstacle
obstacle between
between the
the transmitting
transmitting and
and receiving
receiving antenna,
antenna, is is known
known asas LoS
propagation. It
It is
is possible
possible that
that the
the waves
waves or
or rays
rays may
may be refracted,
refracted, diffracted,
diffracted, and
and reflected
propagation. It is possible that the waves or rays may be refracted, diffracted, and reflected in their
reflected in their
path. Figure
Figure 44 presents
presents aa scenario
scenario of LoS propagation.
of LoS propagation.

Figure 4.
Figure 4. An
4. An example
An example of
example of line-of-sight
of line-of-sight (LoS)
line-of-sight (LoS) propagation
(LoS) propagation pathway.
propagation pathway.

Non-Line-of-Sight (nLoS)
Non-Line-of-Sight (nLoS)and
(nLoS) andbeyond
and beyond
beyond nLoS:
nLoS: Non-LoS
Non-LoS (nLoS) is theis
(nLoS) istransmission
the of radio
the transmission
transmission ofsignals
of radio
signals a path
along that
a has
path a
has a object
physical in its
object way
in its and
way is partially
and is obstructed
partially due
signals along a path that has a physical object in its way and is partially obstructed due to this. Signals to
to Signals
this. are
are obstructed
partially in
obstructed theininnermost
the Fresnel
innermost zone.
Fresnel The
zone. Fresnel
The zone
are partially obstructed in the innermost Fresnel zone. The Fresnel zone is an ellipsoidal regionan
zone ellipsoidal
is an region
ellipsoidal between
the transmitting
between the and receiving
the transmitting
transmitting and antennas. antennas.
and receiving
receiving The regionThe
antennas. Theis widely
region used
region is to comprehend
is widely
widely used
used to the strengththe
to comprehend
comprehend of
the waves
strength transmitted by the sending and receiving antennas. In addition,
strength of the waves transmitted by the sending and receiving antennas. In addition, this zone is
of the waves transmitted by the sending and receiving antennas. In this zone
addition, is useful
this zone for
useful for whether any
for estimating
estimating obstruction
whether any close to the
any obstruction
obstruction line
close toconnecting
to the
the line the transmitter
line connecting
connecting the and receiver
the transmitter
transmitter and causes
and receiver
causes interference.
significant interference.
Beyond nLoS (bLoS)
nLoS (bLoS) isis aaa special
special case
special case of
case ofpropagation,
of propagation, where
propagation, where the
where the nLoS
the nLoSpropagation
nLoS propagation confronts
propagation confronts links
confronts links
blocked by by aa huge
huge terrain,
terrain, an
terrain, anearth
an earthbulge,
earth bulge,etc.,
bulge, etc.,due
etc., dueto
due totransmission
to transmissionover
transmission overlong
over longdistances.
long distances.Figures
distances. Figures5 55and
Figures and6
show the
the nLoS
nLoS and
bLoS propagations,
show the nLoS and bLoS propagations, respectively. respectively.

Figure 5.
Figure 5. An
5. Anexample
An example of
example of aaa non-line-of-sight
of non-line-of-sight (nLoS)
non-line-of-sight (nLoS) propagation
(nLoS) propagation pathway.
propagation pathway.
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propagation pathway.

Slow and fast fading: Slow fading

Slow fading is causedcaused when
when the the delay
delay requirement
requirement of of the
the application
application is is
relatively less
relatively less than
than thethe coherence
coherence time time of of the
the channel.
channel. In In contrast,
contrast, fastfast fading
fading occurs
occurs when
when the the delay
requirement of the application is greater than the coherence time.
Rayleigh and
Rayleigh andRician
Ricianfading: Rayleighfading
fading:Rayleigh fading is is a statistical
a statistical model
model thatthat indicates
indicates the the
effect effect of
of the
the propagation
propagation environment
environment on radio
on radio signals.
signals. According
According to this to this
model,model, a signal
a signal passingpassing
the transmission
transmission medium medium (communication
(communication channel)
channel) will will
fade fade in a in a random
random manner.manner. In addition,
In addition, this
this fading
fading will occur
will occur in accordance
in accordance with thewithRayleigh
the Rayleigh distribution,
distribution, whichwhich is the radial
is the radial component componentof the
of the summation
summation of two uncorrelated
of two uncorrelated Gaussian Gaussian
random random
variables.variables. A radio propagation
A radio propagation anomaly can anomaly
can occur due to partial cancellation of radio signals by themselves.
due to partial cancellation of radio signals by themselves. The stochastic model of this phenomenon The stochastic model of this
is regarded as isRician
regarded as Rician fading.
Frequency selective fading: ItIt is
Frequency is aa radio
radio propagation
propagation distortion distortion that that occurs
occurs due due to to partial
cancellation of radio signals. If there is a signal propagating through two
cancellation of radio signals. If there is a signal propagating through two different paths, one of them different paths, one of them
will change.
change.InInthis kind
this kindof fading,
of fading, the bandwidth
the bandwidth of the ofsignal the issignal
larger is than the coherence
larger than the bandwidth.
Fade margin: The additional margin in the average received signal power, which is required to
Fadea certain
margin: level
availability for a given
margin in themodulation
average received and bitsignal
error rate
power,performance in real-time
which is required to
achieve a can be considered
certain as a fading
level of availability formargin.
a givenSlow fading and
modulation andfast
bitfading that performance
error rate occur due to changesin real-
in thechannels,
time height ofcan the be
considered duct
as have
a fadingthe safest
margin. value
Slow that can apply
fading to both.
and fast fading This is considered
that occur due to as
a complete
changes fading
in the heightmargin.
of the evaporation duct have the safest value that can apply to both. This is
Delay as
considered spread:
a completeIt is possible for multipath components to reach their destination at different
fading margin.
times. The delay spread can be defined
Delay spread: It is possible for multipath as the difference
components between the arrival
to reach time of the first
their destination and last
at different
times. The components.
delay spread can be defined as the difference between the arrival time of the first and last
multipath components. interference (ISI): Suppose the symbol period is Ts and the delay spread is Tm .
If Ts Inter-symbol
< Tm , then ISIinterference
occurs. It is (ISI):
a kindSuppose
of signal distortion
the symbol period that causes
is Ts andone the
interfere is Twith
m. If

s < Tm, then ones.
ISI occurs. It is a kind of signal distortion that causes one symbol to interfere with
delay profile (PDP): Using the PDP, we can find out the intensity of a signal received
Power ones.
through a multipath
Power channel.
delay profile It is usually
(PDP): Using the measured
PDP, we as can
a function
find out of the
time. PDP canofbea used
intensity signal toreceived
some other
through channel parameters,
a multipath channel. It issuch as delay
usually spread,
measured asetc. It is possible
a function of PDP
obtain canPDP usingtothe
be used spatial
average of the complex baseband channel impulse response.
some other channel parameters, such as delay spread, etc. It is possible to obtain PDP using the spatial
averageMean excess
of the complexdelay: The mean
baseband channelexcess delay response.
impulse and root mean square (RMS) delay spread are
Mean channel parameters
excess delay: The that
meancan be extracted
excess delay and fromroot PDP. The exact
mean square first moment
(RMS) delayof PDP
spread canare
denoted as mean excess delay. Mathematical formulation of mean
multipath channel parameters that can be extracted from PDP. The exact first moment of PDP can be excess delay is as follows:
denoted as mean excess delay. Mathematical formulation of mean excess delay is as follows:
∑k α2k τk
τ= 2
, (1)
𝜏̅ = ∑k αk , (1)
where αk is the magnitude of the received signal, and τ k is the delay between the occurrences of the
received is the magnitude
αkmultipath waveform of the
receivingsignal, and τimpulse.
the initial k is the delay between the occurrences of the
The RMS delay spread can be defined
received multipath waveform after receiving the initial impulse.
as the square root of the second central moment of the power delay profile. The RMS
RMSdelay spread (σ
delay spread can be
τ ) can
defined as the square
be formulated as: root of the second central moment of the power delay profile. RMS delay spread
(στ) can be formulated as: σ = τ 2 − ( τ )2 (2)

σ = 𝜏 𝟐 − (𝜏̅)𝟐 (2)
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Atmospheric ducts: ducts: Atmospheric
Atmosphericducts ductsarearehorizontal
horizontal layers in in
layers the the
lower atmosphere.
lower atmosphere. In
Atmospheric ducts: Atmospheric ducts are horizontal layers in the lower atmosphere. In
In atmospheric ducts, radio
ducts, signals
radio are ducted
signals and they
are ducted and always tend to
they always follow
tend the curvature
to follow of the Earth.
the curvature of the
atmospheric ducts, radio signals are ducted and they always tend to follow the curvature of the Earth.
Waves are bentare
Earth. Waves bybent
atmospheric refraction
by atmospheric in such in
refraction scenarios. The characteristics
such scenarios. and formation
The characteristics of such
and formation
Waves are bent by atmospheric refraction in such scenarios. The characteristics and formation of such
of such areducts
are to refractivity
subject of a certain
to refractivity atmosphere.
of a certain There are
atmosphere. fourare
There types
atmospheric ducts.
of atmospheric
ducts are subject to refractivity of a certain atmosphere. There are four types of atmospheric ducts.
Theyclassified into four
were classified intotypes
typeson theiron
based formation processprocess
their formation and refractivity profile.profile.
and refractivity These
They were classified into four types based on their formation process and refractivity profile. These
are: (a)are:
These evaporation ducts, (b)
(a) evaporation surface-based
ducts, ducts, ducts,
(b) surface-based (c) elevated ducts, ducts,
(c) elevated and (d)and surface ducts. ducts.
(d) surface
are: (a) evaporation ducts, (b) surface-based ducts, (c) elevated ducts, and (d) surface ducts.
AA surface
surface duct
duct mainly
mainly occurs
occurs duedue to temperature inversion.
inversion. TheThe evaporation
evaporation duct duct is
is aa special
A surface duct mainly occurs due to temperature inversion. The evaporation duct is a special
version of of the surface duct. The
The evaporation duct is a refractive layer that results from the rapid
evaporation duct is a refractive layer that results from the rapid
version of the surface duct. The evaporation duct is a refractive layer that results from the rapid
decrease in in humidity
humidity level
level with
with altitude.
altitude. This
This takes
takes place
place above
above water
water bodies
bodies where
where the
the atmospheric
decrease in humidity level with altitude. This takes place above water bodies where the atmospheric
surface layer
layer exists.
formeddue duetotoa ahigh-density
high-densityair airlayer.
They commence
commence at at
surface layer exists. Elevated ducts are formed due to a high-density air layer. They commence at a
a highaltitude
frequencies. Bending
Bending of of
high altitude and continue upwards. These ducts primarily affect very high frequencies. Bending of
aa ray
ray like
like this
this occurs
occurs under
under super-refractive
super-refractive conditions.
conditions. Surface-based
Surface-based ducts occur when the air air in
in the
a ray like this occurs under super-refractive conditions. Surface-based ducts occur when the air in the
upper layer
layer is
is warm and dry compared to the air on/near on/near the the surface.
surface. Figure
Figure 77 shows
shows aa transceiver
upper layer is warm and dry compared to the air on/near the surface. Figure 7 shows a transceiver
platform in an elevated evaporation duct.
platform in an elevated evaporation duct.

Figure 7.
7. Transceiver
Transceiver platform
platform in
in atmospheric
atmospheric ducts.
Figure 7. Transceiver platform in atmospheric ducts.
2.2. Measurements
2.2. Measurements and and Modeling
Modeling of of Propagation
Propagation Loss Loss
2.2. Measurements and Modeling of Propagation Loss
PL can
PL can be be defined
defined asas the
the reduction
reduction in in the
the power
power density
density of of an
an electromagnetic
electromagnetic wave, wave, as as the
PL can be
propagation defined
takes place as the reduction
through space in From
[6]. the power
a basicdensity
point of view,
of an electromagnetic
the channel wave, as the
propagation takes place through space [6]. From a basic point of view, the channel measurements
propagation takes place
require aatransmitter and through
a receiver. space
Figure [6].8 shows
From a basic point of view,
setup the channel measurements
require transmitter and a receiver. Figure 8 the showsfundamental
the fundamental for radio
setupwave propagation
for radio wave
require a transmitter
measurements using and a receiver.
continuous waves. Figure 8 showsofthe
Amplification the fundamental
output from setup
the for generator
signal radio wave is
propagation measurements using continuous waves. Amplification of the output from the signal
performed measurements
before the using continuous
transmitting antenna waves.
sends out Amplification
a signal. As of
thethe output
signal fromthrough
passes the signal an
generator is performed before the transmitting antenna sends out a signal. As the signal passes
over-the-sea is channel,
performed before
signal the
thechannel, isthe transmitting
captured theantenna sends out aAfter signal. Asthethe signal passes
through an over-the-sea signal isby receiving
captured by theantenna.
receiving antenna. that, Aftersignal is filtered
that, the signal
and an
on a channel,
spectrum the
analyzer. signal is
Depending captured
on by
the the receiving
application, antenna.
directional After
or that, the signal
is filtered and displayed on a spectrum analyzer. Depending on the application, directional or omni-
is filtered
antennas can and displayed
be used. Theon a spectrum analyzer. Depending on the application, directional or omni-
directional antennas can bePL canThe
used. be estimated
PL can beusing the following
estimated using thesimple equation:
following simple equation:
directional antennas can be used. The PL can be estimated using the following simple equation:
𝑃𝐿==PT𝑃++G𝐺Amp ++G𝐺AntT +
+𝐺 +
+𝐺 G AntR−
𝐿 −𝑃
−−𝐿L f−−𝑃PR
where 𝑃 is the output power of the signal generator, 𝐺 is the gain of the amplifier, 𝐺 is the
where P 𝑃T isis the
the output
output power
power of the signal generator, G 𝐺Amp is the gain of the amplifier,
amplifier, G 𝐺 is the
gain of the transmitting antenna, 𝐺 is the gain of the receiving antenna, 𝐿 is the loss of AntT filter, and
gain of the
the transmitting
transmitting antenna, G 𝐺AntR isis the
thereceiving antenna, 𝐿
receivingantenna, L f is
is the
the loss
loss of
of filter,
filter, and
𝑃 is the power indicated in the spectrum analyzer.
𝑃PR is the power indicated in the spectrum analyzer.

Figure 8. Basic setup for measurements of propagation loss.

Figure 8.
8. Basic
Basic setup
setup for
for measurements
measurements of
of propagation loss.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 7 of 32

For free space and clear air conditions, the PL can be modeled using the free space loss (FSL)
model [6] using the following equation, where L FSL is the free space loss in dB, d is the propagation
distance, and f is the frequency:

L FSL = −27.56 + log10 ( f ) + 20log10 (d) (4)

The reflection of the sea surface is very important to design a channel for the ocean environment.
When it exists alongside with the LoS (direct ray) component, the PL can be measured using the
two-ray model [6] as follows:
λ 2πht hr 2
L2−ray = −10log10 { [2 sin ] }, (5)
4πd λd

where L2−ray is the two-ray path loss in dB, ht is the height of the transmitter, hr is the height of the
receiver, and λ is the wavelength.
A simplified three-ray model [7] with an assumption that a horizontally homogeneous evaporation
duct layer exists can be expressed as a simplified three-dimensional model [7]:
L3−ray = −10log10 { [2(1 + ∆)]2 } (6)

2π (he − ht )(he − hr )
2πht hr
∆ = 2 sin sin (7)
λd λd
where ht and hr are the heights of transmitter and receiver in meters, respectively, he is the effective
duct height, λ is the wavelength in meters, and d is the propagation distance in meters.

3. Classification of Over-the-Sea Channel Models

In this section, we will classify the existing over-the-sea wave propagation channel models
reported so far in the literature. First, we will discuss the existing works briefly, and the channel
models will be classified on the basis of the wireless LoS, nLoS, and bLoS wave propagations. Then,
the channel models will be classified by considering the mobility of the transmitter and/or receiver.
In [8], an approach was adopted to characterize a wideband channel for over-the-sea wave
propagation. It presents a statistical representation and measurements of wideband mobile radio
channels at 1.9 GHz. In [9], the focus was to evaluate the effects of sea surface shadowing conditions
on the marine communication channel, modeled by the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method,
for UAVs deployed for maritime surveillance operations. The results of measurements that characterize
radio channels at 2 GHz in the open sea were presented in [10]. The results were obtained using
a mobile single-antenna ship-borne transmitter and a fixed dual antenna terrestrial receiver. In [11],
by means of narrowband measurements, the propagation of radio waves was analyzed at 5 GHz,
taking into account the LoS near the sea surface. The work presented in [12] presents an analysis of
the propagation of millimeter waves for the over-the-sea environment. In [5], a multipath channel
model for radio wave propagation over the sea surface was designed for ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore
wireless communication. An analytical expression for the effective width of the trapping beam of
a transmitter for over-the-sea transmission was derived in [13]. Reference [14], published this year,
adopts mathematical formulations to calculate the complete fading margin of the South China Sea.
References [15,16] placed an effort into finding the optimal frequency and antenna height for radio
wave propagation in the evaporation duct. In [17], Mehrima et al. presented a LoS ship-to-ship wireless
channel model for over-the-sea communication. Wu et al. collected and analyzed the three-dimensional
contour data of Diaoyu islands to generate a sea surface scenario, by using MATLAB, in order to
design a channel model in that area [18]. Lee et al. presented measurement results for land-to-ship
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 8 of 32

Appl. Sci. 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 32

offshore wireless channel [19]. The frequency used in this channel model was 2.4 GHz. The model
[49], Shi et through
al. used the wideband technology
implementation of atonarrowband
develop a channel
channel modelmeasurement for UAVs systemto surface
the quay and a sailing patrol boat. Cao et al. presented a channel model using a Ka-band [20]. In [21],
et al. are
used also other works
wideband on channel
technology modeling
to develop for themodel
a channel over-the-sea
for UAVs environment with a focus
to surface vessels.
on the There effectare of also
the other
works onduct height
channel in the for
modeling marine environment
the over-the-sea [17,18], and
environment withdifferent
a focus on
frequencies taking into account such parameters as signal strength or antenna
the effect of the evaporation duct height in the marine environment [22,23], and different frequencies height [19–22]. Among
the works that have
into account suchbeen publishedassosignal
parameters far tostrength
developor wireless
antennachannelheight models
[24–27]. for the ocean
Among all the
environment, we decided to discuss and comparatively analyze [5],
works that have been published so far to develop wireless channel models for the ocean environment, [8–16], [39–41], [44], and [49],
we decided the implementation scenario and frequency
to discuss and comparatively used inbecause
analyze [5,8–21], each ofthe these works are different.
implementation scenarioIn and
frequency theyusedconsidered
in each aofwide theserange
works of are
channel optionInparameters
different. addition, they (fading margin, adelay
considered widespread,
range of
etc.). To the
channel bestparameters
option of our knowledge,(fading margin,no such delay review
spread, paper
etc.). exists
To the thatbest ofhas ouryet discussednoand
knowledge, such
review paperanalyzed exists thatthe hasexisting channeland
yet discussed models for the over-the-sea
comparatively analyzed the marine
existing environment.
channel models for
Section 2.1, marineLoS, nLoS, and bLoS wave propagations are briefly introduced with their example
scenarios. In Section 2.1, LoS, nLoS, crucial
One of the basic and and bLoS factors
wireless channel modeling
are briefly is howwith
introduced the their
scenarios.betweenOne of the basic transmitter and receiver.
and crucial factors ofAwirelessLoS between
channelthe transmitting
modeling is howand thereceiving
radio links
antennas is desirable, but it is not possible to have a clear LoS
propagate between the transmitter and receiver. A LoS between the transmitting and receivingalways in the sea environment. It can
crowdedis with ships, affected
desirable, but it is by notunique
possible seasonal
to haveand weather
a clear effects,in
LoS always and
theaffected by huge barriers
sea environment. It can be
like islands,with
crowded rocks, etc.affected
ships, These may causeseasonal
by unique reflections andofweather
the propagated
effects, and radio
affectedwaves. This barriers
by huge is where like
multipath wave propagation techniques play an important role by exploiting
islands, rocks, etc. These may cause reflections of the propagated radio waves. This is where multipath nLoS and bLoS wave
wave propagation methods. As mentioned
techniques play anearlier, nLoS wave
important role by propagation
exploiting nLoSdescribes
and bLoS a radio linkpropagation
wave that does
have a clear As mentioned earlier, nLoS wave propagation describes a radio link that does can
LoS and that have obstructions in the way. The effect of an obstruction be
not have
negligible to a complete barrier.
a clear LoS and that have obstructions in the way. The effect of an obstruction can be negligible to
If the obstruction
a complete barrier. is smaller than the incident wavelength, it is negligible. Obstructions having
the same size of the incident
If the obstruction is smaller wave thanlength cause diffraction
the incident wavelength,and it isgo to the other
negligible. end withhaving
Obstructions minorthe
same size of If the
an incident
obstruction waveislength
than diffraction
the incident andwavelength,
go to the other theendsignal
withisminorobstructed in
varying degrees depending
If an obstruction is larger than on the thematerials of the obstructions
incident wavelength, the signal andis their characteristics.
obstructed in varyingSimilar degrees
depending are taken
on theinto account
materials in the
of the channel models
obstructions and their exploiting nLoS wave
characteristics. propagation
Similar scenariostechniques.
are taken into
bLoS waveinpropagation
account the channel is an especial
models case nLoS
exploiting of nLoS wave propagation
propagation and is suitablebLoS
techniques. for the
wave applications
where very long-distance communication is necessary, and where
is an especial case of nLoS propagation and is suitable for the applications where very long-distancecommunication links may get
communication is necessary, and where communication links may get obstructed by hugethe
by huge terrains, rocks, islands, etc. Modeling channels for bLoS propagation over sea
is arocks,
challenge etc.and very fewchannels
Modeling works have been propagation
for bLoS reported to work over upon
the sea bLoSis apropagation.
great challenge Most and
of very
the channel models in the literature fall under the classification
few works have been reported to work upon bLoS propagation. Most of the channel models of LoS propagation. References [5],
in the[39], [41], and
literature [49] are
fall under thethe channel models
classification of LoSthat support LoS
propagation. propagation
References only. Thereare
[5,9–12,17,19,21] arethe
channel models
models that support
that support bothLoSLoS and nLoS propagations.
propagation only. There are Channel
that support in [8], [14],
both LoS
and [16] are such kind of models. Channel models presented
and nLoS propagations. Channel models presented in [8,14,16] are such kind of models. Channel in [13] and [15] support bLoS
models presented The fifteen channel
in [13,15] modelsbLoS
support discussed in this paper
propagation. are classified
The fifteen channelbased models on discussed
the LoS, nLoS, in this
and bLoS propagations in Figure 9.
paper are classified based on the LoS, nLoS, and bLoS propagations in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Classification of channel models based on wave propagation scenarios.

Figure 9. Classification of channel models based on wave propagation scenarios.
Classifying the channel models based on the mobility of the transmitter and receiver is very
Classifying the channel
important because modelseffect.
of the Doppler basedIton the to
refers mobility of theshifts
the apparent transmitter and receiver
in the frequency is signals
of the very
important because of the Doppler effect. It refers to the apparent shifts in the frequency of the signals
due to the motion of the transmitter or receiver or both. This may result in channel fading. Many of
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 9 of 32

due to the motion of the transmitter or receiver or both. This may result in channel fading. Many of
Appl. Sci. 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 32
the existing channel models dealt with the issues and calculated fade margin for the fading caused by
the Doppler effect. They are classified on the basis of the three scenarios found in the literature:
the existing channel models dealt with the issues and calculated fade margin for the fading caused
by theBoth
(a) Doppler effect. They
the transmitter arereceiver
and classified
areon the basis
mobile of the three scenarios found in the literature:
(b) a)Both thethe
Both transmitter and
transmitter andreceiver areare
receiver fixed ([16]);
mobile and[11], [15], [14], [39, [40], and [49]);
(c) b)TheBoth
receiver is fixed but the transmitter is mobile
the transmitter and receiver are fixed ([16]);([5,8,9,12,19]).
c) The receiver is fixed but the transmitter is mobile ([5], [8], [9], [12], and [41]).
4. Channel Models for Over-the-Sea Wave Propagation
4. Channel Modelsearlier,
As discussed for Over-the-Sea
approachesWave Propagation
for over-the-sea channel modeling differ mainly in frequency,
technology used, and
As discussed implementation
earlier, scenario.
approaches for In this channel
over-the-sea section, some existing
modeling channel
differ mainlymodels will be
in frequency,
extensively reviewed.
technology used, and implementation scenario. In this section, some existing channel models will be
extensively reviewed.
4.1. Wideband Channel Modeling for Over-the-Sea Wave Propagation
4.1. Wideband Channel
The channel model Modeling for Over-the-Sea
was developed Wave
for use in Propagation
the Aegean Sea, Greece, for a mobile vessel-to-vessel
communication system. The frequency used in this channel model [8] is 1.9 GHz. The focus of the
The channel model was developed for use in the Aegean Sea, Greece, for a mobile vessel-to-
present study lies in the delay profile that is nothing more than a normalized plot of received power
vessel communication system. The frequency used in this channel model [8] is 1.9 GHz. The focus of
against delay, if the pulse is transmitted and faces erosion. The large-scale characterization of the
the present study lies in the delay profile that is nothing more than a normalized plot of received
measured environments was carried out using the long-distance path loss model [6]. The path loss
power against delay, if the pulse is transmitted and faces erosion. The large-scale characterization of
equation for the channel model [8] is:
the measured environments was carried out using the long-distance path loss model [6]. The path
loss equation for the channel model [8] is: d
PL(d) = PL(d0 ) + 10n log( )(dB) (8)
𝑃𝐿(𝑑) = 𝑃𝐿(𝑑 ) + 10𝑛 log( ) (𝑑𝐵) (8)
where n is the attenuation factor, PL(do ) is the measurement of path loss at a particular location
where n is the of
at a distance attenuation
do from thefactor, 𝑃𝐿(𝑑 ) is
transmitter the measurement
(TX), where d is used of path loss at athe
to denote particular
distancelocation at a
of interest.
distance of 𝑑 from the transmitter (TX), where d is used to denote the distance of interest.
For small-scale characterization, a time dispersion analysis along with a time and space domain For small-
scale characterization,
analysis were performed. a time dispersion
Figure 10 showsanalysis along
a mobile with a time and
vessel-to-vessel space domain
communication analysisfor
scenario were
performed. Figure
channel model. 10 shows a mobile vessel-to-vessel communication scenario for the channel model.

Figure 10. Vessel-to-vessel
Vessel-to-vessel communication scenario for the channel model.

The outstanding part of the work in [8] is that it presents authentic real-time data, based on real
life implementations. The main
implementations. The main problem
problem of
of this
this model
model was
was the
the consideration
consideration of
of multipath
multipath effects,
which arise only because of coastline hills. Multipath effects caused by fluctuating sea waves were
ignored. It has a high delay for the nLoS propagation links and the system is much too dependent on
the global positioning system (GPS).

4.2. Marine
4.2. Marine Communication
Communication Channel
Channel Modeling
Modeling Based
Based on
on the
the Finite
Finite Difference
Difference Time
Time Domain
Domain (FDTD)
The work
The work presented
presented in
in [9]
[9] aims
aims to
to gain
gain aa more
more complete
complete understanding
understanding of
of the
the communication
channels in which UAVs are deployed for low-level maritime operations. The channel
channels in which UAVs are deployed for low-level maritime operations. The channel modeling
scheme was also presented using the FDTD method [23]. It also made a great effort to assess the
effects of shadowing conditions on the sea surface on marine communication channels. The authors
developed a 2-D EM simulator using a modified Pierson–Moscowitz (PM) spectral model [24]. The
simulator was used to produce multipath scattering by generating a random sea surface in a deep
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 10 of 32

scheme was also presented using the FDTD method [28]. It also made a great effort to assess the effects
of shadowing conditions on the sea surface on marine communication channels. The authors developed
a 2-D
Appl. EM
Sci. simulator
2019, using
8, x FOR PEER a modified Pierson–Moscowitz (PM) spectral model [29]. The simulator
10 of 32
used to produce multipath scattering by generating a random sea surface in a deep water location.
water location. After
After analyzing analyzing
the data retrievedthefrom
retrieved fromresults,
simulation the simulation results,
it was found that itthe
was found that
simulation the
simulation results gave a generalized path loss exponent, standard deviation, mean
gave a generalized path loss exponent, standard deviation, mean excess delay, and RMS delay as the excess delay, and
RMS delayofasthe
functions thefrequency
functions and
of the frequency
the observableandsea
observable seafor
height surface height fortransmitter
the stationary the stationary
transmitter and receiver locations. Figure 11 presents a simple case scenario
receiver locations. Figure 11 presents a simple case scenario in which a UAV is communicating within which a UAV is
a mobile vessel at with a mobile vessel
a low-altitude, at a low-altitude,
above-sea location. above-sea location.

Figure 11. Scenario
Scenario of
communication between
between an unmanned
an unmanned aerial
aerial vehicle
vehicle (UAV)(UAV) and a
and a mobile
mobile vessel
vessel at at low altitude.
low altitude.

ItIt is
is inevitable
inevitable to to lose
lose the
the aircraft
aircraft in in the
the sea
sea or or have
have vehicular
vehicular collision
collision duedue to to the
the loss
loss of
communication [25].
communication [30]. To Toestablish
establishaa safesafe operation
operation protocol
protocol for for airborne
airborne maritime
maritime surveillance
operations, pathloss
[31,32]of ofthe
communicationchannels channelsare arekeykeyconcerns.
In the study presented in [9], the FDTD method is introduced to quantify
In the study presented in [9], the FDTD method is introduced to quantify the relevant parameters of the relevant parameters of
maritime communicationchannels,channels,through
throughthe thesimulation
simulationof of the
the electromagnetic
electromagnetic phenomena
phenomena that that
contribute to
contribute to the received waveform
waveform envelope
envelopein inshadowing
conditions.The Thework
mainly aimed
aimed at
proposing a novel approach to the choice of a maritime communication
at proposing a novel approach to the choice of a maritime communication channel. However, the channel. However, the authors
authors that the that
obtained researchresearch
the obtained result is result
applicable to any sea-surface
is applicable vehicle orvehicle
to any sea-surface sensoror that uses
wireless communications in the range of very high frequency (VHF)
that uses wireless communications in the range of very high frequency (VHF) to 3 GHz. There are to 3 GHz. There are two reasons
two the authors chose
why the to apply
authors thetoFDTD
chose applymethod
the FDTD formethod
propagation analysis. One
for propagation of them
analysis. One is the high
of them
the high of accuracy
the method, andmethod,
of the the otherand is the
the direct
other transient
is the directsolution of Maxwell’s
transient solution equations
of Maxwell’s [33].
Using this method, Maxwell’s equations were solved through
equations [28]. Using this method, Maxwell’s equations were solved through transient recursive transient recursive calculations for
EM analysis.for EM analysis.
The EM
The EM simulation
simulation engine
engine developed
developedby bythe
authorsin inthis
These are random generation of the sea surface, implementation of the
These are random generation of the sea surface, implementation of the FDTD algorithm for analyzing FDTD algorithm for analyzing
EM propagation,
EM propagation,and andchannel
modeling based
based onon thethe transient
transient simulation
simulation results.
results. The channel
The channel was
was simulated as a 2-D cross section [9]. The sea surface in the simulation
simulated as a 2-D cross section [9]. The sea surface in the simulation was implemented as a perfectly was implemented as
a perfectly conducting
conducting boundary condition.
boundary condition. The transient The transient
impulse impulse
for a random for a random sea surface
sea surface was
was numerically
numerically estimated
estimated usingusing
FDTD FDTD simulation,
simulation, Next,Next,
thisthis process
process waswas repeatedlyused
repeatedly usedfor formultiple
sea surfaces
sea surfaceswith withdifferent
differentheights. These
heights. repetitive
These processes
repetitive were undertaken
processes were undertaken to produce to aproduce
set of population
significant data.
set of population data.
Friis’ free space
Friis’ spacepathpathloss
waswasusedused as a foundation
as a foundation for signalfor attenuation for wireless
signal attenuation for
transmission. It can be described
wireless transmission. It can be described as: as:
Ls (d) = (4πd/λ)2 (9)
𝐿 (𝑑) = (4𝜋𝑑/𝜆) (9)
where d is the physical distance between the TX and receiver (RX), and λ is the wavelength. A critical
where d is the physical distance between the TX and receiver (RX), and λ is the wavelength. A critical
parameter for modeling wireless channels over the sea surface area is the path loss exponent.
parameter for modeling wireless channels over the sea surface area is the path loss exponent. This
parameter is critical in the system design process. The basic path loss calculation [9] can be formulated

𝐿 (𝑑) = 𝐿 (𝑑 ) + 10𝑛𝑙𝑜𝑔 + 𝑋 , (10) (10)

Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 11 of 32

This parameter is critical in the system design process. The basic path loss calculation [9] can be
formulated as:  
L p (d) = Ls (do ) + 10nlog + Xf , (10)
where Ls (do ) is the measurement of the path loss at a particular location, which is at a distance of
do from TX [35]. Here d is used to denote the distance of interest, and n is the path loss exponent.
X f denotes fast fading effects, which are also Gaussian random contributors. The attenuation of typical
transmission confronts was characterized by the perfection and accuracy of knowledge about the
path loss exponent. This knowledge provided a universal means of characterizing such attenuation,
regardless of the specific features of physical communication channels.
The multipath characteristics of the wireless communication channel over the sea surface are also
of interest in [9]. Signals at TX and RX locations with variable physical pathways experience different
propagation delays. Regardless of the carrier frequency of a wireless communication channel, ISI is
a key consideration in the realistic bandwidth that the channel can support. Therefore, characterizing
a wireless communication channel required particular attention to the mean excess delay. The loss
exponent, standard deviation, mean excess delay, and RMS delay were calculated for the development
of the simulation engine to implement a new wireless channel model for UAVs to be deployed over the
sea surface using equations (1–3) and (4) from [9]. For propagation analysis, it was necessary to generate
a random sea surface, as the channel modeling was based on the sea surface environment. In [9],
wireless channel simulation was performed using a PM spectra model representing a North Atlantic
area with a deep sea. The authors chose this area because the fading effects are high and severe there.
They chose the Frosen’s formulation [36] to represent the spectral content of the North Atlantic sea
region as follows:  
Sm (ω )[4·π 3 · Hs2 /Tz4 ·ω 5 ]· exp −16·π 3 /Tz4 ·ω 4 (11)

where ω is the frequency, Tz is the wave period, and Hs is the wave height. The wave period Tz can be
formulated as: p
Tz = 2π m0 /m1 (12)

where m0 and m1 are the spectrum moments, which are formulated as:

m0 = (13)
4· B
m1 = 0.306· A / B3/4 (14)

where A and B are constants that can be represented by equations (15) and (16), respectively, in which
g is the gravitational acceleration and V is the wind speed.

A = 8.1· 10−3 g2 (15)

B = 0.74· ( g/V )4 (16)

The wave height Hs can be represented by:

Hs = 0.21· (17)

After determining the spectral content of the waves with their certain desired height, the authors
in [9] derived a transient displacement using Fourier analysis. Using the study and formulation,
conducted in [37], the physical wavelength Ld , based on the period (Tp ) of a single wave, can be
formulated as:  g 
Ld = · Tp (18)

Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 12 of 32

The Sci.
Appl. channel
2019, 8, modeling in [9] is
x FOR PEER REVIEW highly suitable for creating UAVs for ocean surface area-based 12 of 32
communications, but it has some limitations. The entire modeling process was carried out using
2-D approximation,
the 2-D butbut
approximation, it would be be
it would more
morerealistic if ifthe
realistic the3-D
approximationwas wasused.
used.InIn addition,
the simulationsofof
the simulations channels
channels werewere conducted
conducted takingtaking into account
into account the seaupsurface
the sea surface to 12 m.up to 12 m.
Simulations could bewith
could be performed performed
a widerwith a wider
range. It wasrange. It was also
also claimed claimed
in [9] in channel
that the [9] that modeling
the channel is
modeling is well suited for other marine surface vessel communication systems.
well suited for other marine surface vessel communication systems. However, they do not indicateHowever, they do
not indicate
what kind ofwhat kind of communication
communication systems aresystems
than other than the deployment
the deployment of UAVs,
of UAVs, especially
when UAVs have high mobility and there are other types of communication systems where the where
especially when UAVs have high mobility and there are other types of communication systems nodes
the nodes are stationary.
are stationary.

4.3. Experimental Multipath Delay Profile of Mobile Radio Channels Over the Sea at 2 GHz
The path loss model and measurement results for over-the-sea wave propagation were already
studied at short distances in [8], which we have described in Section 4.1. However, the work [10]
showed two campaigns and well extended the work presented in [8]. These two campaigns have a
short-distance over-the-sea
over-the-sea wave
(rangingup uptoto1515
km)km)andand a long-distance
a long-distance over-the-
sea wave
wave propagation
propagation (ranging
(ranging upupto to
45 45 km).
km). Channelproperties
Channel propertiessuch
suchas asprobability
probability density
density function
(PDF), cumulative distribution
distribution function
function (CDF),
RMS delay spread, and mean excess delay were
presented for both of the campaigns. The measured PDFs were characterized by using a three-term
Gaussian model. For For aa short-range
short-range campaign,
campaign, aa fixed dual-antenna
dual-antenna channel sounder receiver was
positioned inin the
craft contained
contained a mobile
a mobile single-antenna
single-antenna transmitter.
transmitter. For For
the long-range
long-range campaign,
campaign, a fixed
a fixed dual-antenna
dual-antenna channel
channel sounder
sounder receiver
receiver was was
placedplaced oncoastline
on the the coastline
closeclose toshore
to the the shore
in aninopen
an open
sea.sea. A research
A research vessel
vessel contained
contained a mobile
a mobile single-antenna
single-antenna transmitter
transmitter in
in this
this case.
case. AA simple
simple channelmodel
channel modelscenario,
antennaisis fixed
fixed on
on shore,
shore, and the
mobile transmitter is in the vessel is presented in FigureFigure 12.

Figure 12.
Figure A scenario
12. A scenario where
where an
an antenna
antenna is
is fixed
fixed on
on the
the shore
shore and
and aa mobile
mobile antenna
antenna is
is in
in the
the vessel.

After analyzing
After analyzing all
all the
the experimental
experimental results,
results, it
it was
was found
found that
that the
the PDF
PDF of
of the
the mean
mean excess
excess delay
and RMS
and RMS delay
delay in
in short-range
short-range measurements,
measurements, adopted
adopted from
from the
the harbor
harbor area
area via
via an
an omni-directional
transmitting antenna, are Gaussian-like or contain a peak that allowed the
transmitting antenna, are Gaussian-like or contain a peak that allowed the authors of authors of [10]
[10] to
to model
these channel parameters using the three-term Gaussian model. It was found that the
these channel parameters using the three-term Gaussian model. It was found that the reflection fromreflection from
the environment
the environment isis too
in in
thethe delay
delay domain,
domain, whenwhen considering
considering the
the long-range measurements taken from the coastline with a directional transmitting
long-range measurements taken from the coastline with a directional transmitting antenna. The antenna.
The main drawback
drawback of is
of this paper this
thepaper is specific
lack of the lackmeasurements
of specific measurements for the
for the specular andspecular and diffuse
diffuse components
components of multipath propagation. Moreover, no specific path loss model
of multipath propagation. Moreover, no specific path loss model has been elaborated in the has been elaborated in
the measurement techniques.
measurement techniques.

4.4. Modeling of Near-the-Sea Mobile Radio Wave Propagation at 5 GHz

The paper presented in [11] investigated near-sea-surface LoS radio wave propagation at 5 GHz.
The investigation was conducted using narrowband measurements. The results obtained for the
received signal strength were compared with the FSL model [6] and the two-ray path loss model [6].
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 13 of 32

4.4. Modeling of Near-the-Sea Mobile Radio Wave Propagation at 5 GHz

The paper presented in [11] investigated near-sea-surface LoS radio wave propagation at 5 GHz.
The investigation was conducted using narrowband measurements. The results obtained for the
received signal strength were compared with the FSL model [6] and the two-ray path loss model [6].
The results and analysis carried out in [7] show that in the maritime environment considered in [11]
there is an evaporation duct layer. For this reason, a three-ray path loss model could predict the trend
of the LoS signal strength variations at a larger propagation distance, by taking into account both the
reflection from the sea surface and the refraction caused by the evaporation duct.
The measurement system in [11] used 5.15 GHz for continuous wave transmission with no
interfering signal. At an approximate height of 3.5m above sea level, an omni-directional antenna was
set up in a speedboat. The antenna was connected to a high-power amplifier and a signal generator.
The base station was on shore. The LoS condition between the transmitter and the receiver was ensured
because the receiver consisted of an identical omni-directional antenna. The measurements in [11]
were carried out in the open sea area, located at the southeast coast of Singapore.
As discussed earlier, the results of the received signal strength, having a transmission distance
of up to 10 km, were analyzed using the FSL model and the two-ray model in [11]. The PL can be
predicted by the FSL model for radio wave propagation using equation (2). In addition, the two-ray
path loss model can be obtained in equation (3). Both of these models (FSL and two-ray) were used
in [11] for predicting the received signal strength in ideal conditions for the near-sea-surface radio
wave propagation at 5.15 GHz. The results obtained from these two models were compared with
the three-ray path loss model [7]. The authors in [11] assumed that the evaporation duct layer was
horizontally homogeneous in their three-ray path loss model. The three-ray path loss model can be
summarized by equations (4) and (5) in this paper.
In [11], a three-ray path loss model was implemented in a realistic maritime environment, with
real-time experimental results obtained that show superiority over the two-ray and FSL models,
especially when the propagation distance exceeds 2000 or 3000 m. The only parameter authors
have taken into account is the signal strength. The error rate of the received signal could have been
considered as another parameter.

4.5. Novel Maritime Channel Model Using Millimeter Radio Waves

A channel characterization technique was presented in [12] by implementing an approach based
on ray tracing using 5G frequencies (35 and 94 GHz). The path loss, received power, RMS delay
spread, and power delay profile were considered as key parameters for evaluating channel quality.
A significant improvement in channel quality is observed because the mentioned frequency bands
have the least attenuation for oxygen and water. Because the two-ray model [6] works only in short
ranges and the FSL model cannot properly detect the behavior of a channel model designed especially
for over-the-sea wave propagation, a new propagation model was designed.
The study authors have conducted is based on a tool called “Wireless InSite.” Readers can
prompt [38] for further information on this tool. The tool was mainly used for ray tracing to make
it easy to have a meticulous elaboration and description of the interaction of the rays in the marine
environment. The results obtained on this simulator were later imported into MATLAB for further
processing in order to develop a channel model that includes parameters such as path loss, received
power, PDP, and RMS delay spread. The simulation was carried out for both frequency bands: 35 and
94 GHz.
The modified two-ray model that was presented in [12] can be represented as:
λ α2π∆d
Lm2−ray = −20log10 1 + R exp j (19)
4πd λ
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 14 of 32

where λ is the wavelength, d is the distance between the transmitter and the receiver, ∆d is the distance
between two ray paths, and R is the reflection coefficient equal to –1, because the roughness considered
is zero.
The best part in [12] is the introduction of a new model that could predict the last peak of path
loss better than the existing two-ray model [6], without showing any extra peak. Therefore, the channel
model developed in this study can be used to deploy 5G systems over the sea surface. The biggest
flaw of the work in [12] is that the value of R (reflection coefficient) is considered to be –1, because the
sea roughness is assumed to be zero, which is impractical.

4.6. Multipath Channel Model for Propagation of Radio Waves Over the Sea Surface
This paper presents an analytical approach to the development of a multipath channel model for
the propagation of radio waves above the sea surface. A modeling approach can be applied to establish
a channel impulse response consisting of a specular multipath, produced by a smooth sea surface,
and a diffuse multipath, produced by a rough sea surface. The authors in [5] showed that a diffuse
multipath can be obtained by gathering diffuse scattering energy together from the glistening surface.
Methods for formulating impulse response curves for specular and diffuse multipath propagations
were also discussed in detail in [5]. The introduced channel model in [5] is actually a modification
of [39]. However, the modeling approach in [39] did not lead to their findings for over-the-sea radio
wave propagation. Therefore, the authors in [5] modified the channel model in [39] using the Fresnel
reflection coefficient of the sea, dipole antenna pattern at the transmitter and receiver, and parameters of
sea states. Finally, the developed channel model was tested using various sea states, carrier frequencies,
and transmission distances.
In [5], the ratio of the specular multipath and direct path can be expressed as:

Specular path Voltage p

= ρs Gant |Γv | (20)
Direct Path Voltage

where ρs is the reflection coefficient of the specular point, Gant is the relative antenna gain, and Γv
denotes the Fresnel reflection coefficient. What part of the incident angle is absorbed by the surface
depends on this coefficient. The scattering of the rough sea surface causes diffuse reflection of the
transmitted radio waves. The strength of diffuse reflection depends on the strength of the direct path
signal. It can be calculated as:
v ! !
R 2
Di f f use Voltage u 1 1 β2 p q
= t ( ) Fig exp dA·ρroughness · Gant ·|Γv |· Sf (21)
Direct Path Voltage 4π R1 R2 β20 β20

where R is the direct path length to the receiver, R1 is the path length from the transmitter to the
differential path, and R2 is the path length from the differential patch to the receiver. β is the surface
tilt, β0 is the mean square value of the surface of the region of interest, ρroughness is the roughness factor,
and S f is the shadowing factor.
The main problem of previous studies on modeling a multipath channel in an oceanic environment
is that the models are based only on measured data and; therefore, are applicable to particular
frequencies and geographical situations. The approach in [5] overcomes this problem, because it
presented a theoretical multipath wireless channel modeling approach applicable to different carrier
frequencies, transmission conditions, sea states, and transmission distances. The only drawback of this
work is that the measurement results are not validated by any real-time implementation.

4.7. Channel Model for Surface Ducts

Effects of signal trapping by evaporation ducts can be utilized for bLoS links. To address this issue,
Dine et al. developed a channel model representing a large-scale path loss model for surface ducts
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 15 of 32

based on parabolic equation methods. In addition, the authors of [13] analyzed the delay spread and
the angle of arrival of the duct using the method of ray optics (RO) [40]. The developed RO method
allowed one to successfully deduce an expression for the trapped bandwidth of the transmitter to
estimate the range of the beam width. The focused operating frequency was 5–15 GHz.
Authors of [13] developed a large-scale path loss model. This model was utilized for the prediction
of slow fading and communication ranges, and can be expressed by the following equation:

PL = 20 log + 10 log(r ) − 30 log(λ) (22)
|u( x, z)|

where λ is the wavelength, r is the range, u(x, z) is the reduced function, and x and z represent the
horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. Additionally, the calculation of ray trajectories in ducts using
the RO method was presented in [13]. This allowed for analyzing the delay spreads to find out the
fading behavior of the channel. The ray paths were calculated using the following equation:
1 1 dn 1
z= · − x2 + θx + ht (23)
2 n(0) dz Ro

where θ is the angle of the ray relative to the ground at the transmitter, Ro is the radius of the Earth,
n(0) is 1.005, and z is the vertical axis height. Finally, an analytical formula was presented for the
trapped bandwidth (θmax,min ) within the duct as follows:
T 1 dn 1
θmax,min = ± 2 · − ( h t − δ) (24)
n(0) dz Ro

It actually represents the range of the beam width that can be trapped depending on the
channel conditions.
No calculation regarding the complete fading margin is presented in [13]. Again, not describing
the mobility of the transceiver platform is the major drawback of the paper. The biggest advantage of
the presented channel model is the consideration of bLoS links that none of the channel models in the
literature have taken into account.

4.8. Channel Fading Margin for a Wireless Link

Radio waves can easily get trapped within evaporation ducts and the sea surface. The propagation
of signals and the estimation of refractivity are well studied in many existing models of the ocean
surface channel. The fading characteristics of the evaporation ducts are a relatively newer topic in
this area and should be analyzed and studied well to find the appropriate fading margin required for
reliable wireless communication. To solve this problem, Zaidi et al. presented a method for calculating
the complete fading margin for a wireless link over the surface of the South China Sea [14].
Based on the recent reports on the evaporation duct measurements, the authors of [14] calculated
the statistical distribution of path loss at different distances in the South China Sea. The calculated
path loss distributions vary from time to time and depend on the weather. They also suffer due to the
slow and fast fading characteristics. After determining the fading characteristics, a complete fading
margin was deduced. For 100 km, it was found that approximately 99% availability can be achieved
with an 88-dB fading margin. For a shorter distance of 50 km, the necessary value of fading margin for
99% availability is only 50 dB.
To calculate the fading margin, the first refractivity profile data is produced as follows:
z + z0
M(z) = M0 + 0.125z − 0.125δ ln (25)
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 16 of 32

where M is the modified refractivity, z is the height in meters, z0 is the aerodynamic roughness in
length, and δ is the evaporation duct height. The PE tool [41] analyzed the data, including other
parameters, to calculate the path loss. The antenna height for both the receiver and the sender was 4 m,
which helped them continue transmission within the evaporation duct at 10.5 GHz. Since we know
that the average signal-to-noise ratio is highly necessary for finding the fading margin, the mean path
loss at a given distance must first be obtained. It was calculated using the following equation:


PL(d) = γ(d) + E xdB , d≥0 (26)


where γ(d) is the location parameter that varies with distance d, and E xdB is the expectation of path
loss in dB. The fading margin for slow fading and fast fading can be calculated by the formulae:


f m,slow = X0 ( Pavail ) − E xdB (27)

f m, f ast = −10 log [−ln (1 − Pout )] (28)

where Pavail is the probability of availability of slow fading for a given threshold value of X0 , and
Pout is the outage probability. Finally, the fading margin was calculated by summing up the slow and
fast fading.
The work presented in [14] is unique because no one has critically analyzed the calculation of the
fading margin for over-the-sea wireless communication in the evaporation duct layer. The contribution
is high, but there are a few areas for improvement that could be considered. However, it is not
clearly mentioned whether the transmitter or receiver is mobile or static. This is important because,
mostly, the transmitter is mobile in such a scenario and mobility can be a big concern. In addition,
calculating the fading margin for other types of ducts can be performed in the future together with an
implementation scenario.

4.9. Over-the Sea Radio Links of Malaysian Shore Using the Evaporation Duct
Malaysia has a lot of islands in the South China Sea surrounded by large water bodies. Discovering
energy resources, hydrocarbon exploration, and oil reserves in the deep sea requires high-speed
over-the-sea communication between ships, vessels, and islands. To deal with this issue, the study
undertaken in [15] presents the feasibility study of the bLoS radio links in the evaporation duct over
the sea near Malaysian shores.
The main objective of [15] was to analyze if it is possible to design a channel model for bLoS links
in the Malaysian sea region. To do this, investigations were made to find the radio link propagation
characteristics in the evaporation duct to find the optimum frequency and antenna height. Propagation
path loss was calculated using 1.9–2.5 GHz frequency, 5 m of antenna height, and 1 degree of vertical
beam width. The highest applied frequency of the channel model was 24.125 GHz. It was found that
the use of 10.5 GHz frequency with an antenna height of 4 m is suitable for bLoS wave propagation
channel in the sea environment close to the Malaysian shore.
The study in [15] is simple but also the first trial considering the sea region. It is helpful as
a preliminary study for the choice of frequency and antenna height in the mentioned sea scenario.
However, the authors did not mention the specific path loss model they have used. Crucial channel
evaluation parameters like mean excess delay, fade margin, RMS delay spread, etc. were ignored while
doing the feasibility study.

4.10. High-Capacity and Long Range Microwave Over-the-Sea Link Propagation Using the Evaporation Duct
The paper presented in [16] is the first ever study of the propagation of a high-capacity radio-link
over-ocean evaporation duct from the Australian mainland to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). GBR is
the largest marine park of the world. Monitoring GBR is a great challenge since it involves a complex
ecological system. Real-time monitoring of different environmental parameters is highly necessary.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 17 of 32

Using ad hoc sensor networks to perform this monitoring task can be helpful for the researchers.
The major problem of this kind of ad hoc system is relaying on gathered information of the sensor
nodes over the sea surface, to the mainland, from GBR. To overcome this problem, authors in [16]
proposed to use the evaporation duct by appropriately selecting the antenna height and operating
frequency for an extended range. A 78 km link that operates at a frequency of 10.6 GHz with a data
rate of 10 Mb/s was used to verify the technique.
The refractive index depending on atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity is calculated
by the following equation:
A B e
N = N + N2 (29)
where A N = 77.6, and BN = 3.73 × 105 , T is the temperature in Kelvin, p is atmospheric pressure in
Pascal, and e is humidity. The path loss is calculated using the following equation:

Pr(dB) = PtdB + GtdB − pathloss(dB) + GrdB (30)

where Pt is the transmitted power, Gt and Gr are the antenna gains of transmitting and receiving
antennas, respectively, and pathloss is the attenuation between the transmitter and receiver antennas.
For the purpose of studying the feasibility of using the evaporation duct to transmit signals from
the mainland to the GBR, a computer simulation was undertaken using the Advanced Refractive
Effects Prediction System (AREPS) program [42]. The propagation path loss is calculated using this
software. Link budget calculation is done for the test link sent from the mainland to GBR. Parameters
used in the link budget calculation are:

• Path loss = 141 dB

• Transmitted power = 27 dBm
• Antenna gain of the transmitter and receiver = 40 dB
• Bandwidth = 14 MHz

The path loss used in this calculation is based on 10.6 GHz frequency, with antennas located 7 m
above the mean sea level separated by a 78 km range.
This work [16] is the first real-time implementation of wireless radio link propagation over the
sea surface. Authors were successful in sending a video captured in GBR back to the mainland using
their model and calculations. The received signal in the receiving antenna; however, experiences
a 34 dB lower signal level than expected. Authors did not mention the reason behind this in the paper.
Additionally, an effort to find out the fade margin and PDP could have made the work presented
in [16] more reliable.

4.11. Multipath Delay Profile and Doppler Spread of Millimeter Radio Waves Over the Sea Surface
Millimeter waves usually have high bandwidth and capacity. In [17], Mehrima et al. presented
an LoS ship-to-ship wireless channel model for over-the-sea communication. They considered the
small-scale behaviors of a channel model like Doppler spread, RMS delay spread, and coherence
bandwidth. Thirty-five GHz and 94 GHz were the frequencies used in [17].
The proposed channel model was based on a ray-tracing channel simulator named Wireless
Insite [38]. Geometry of the sea surface environment, objects within the terrain dimension, transmitter
and receiver specifications (such as heights and locations), types of antenna, carrier frequency, and
specification of the sea water were designed using the mentioned tool. Next, the software was used to
calculate the time of arrival, angle of arrival, and received power of each signal path. Finally, the data
were processed to compute the Doppler spread, PDP, RMS delay spread, and coherence bandwidth.
For considering reduction in the reflected energy in specular direction, the reflection coefficient R
was formulated as:
π (∆h) cos θi 2
R = R0 exp[−8( ) ] (31)
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 18 of 32

where R0 is the smooth surface coefficient, θi is the angle of incidence, ∆h is the standard deviation
in the surface height, and λ0 is the wavelength. Statistical properties of mean excess delay and RMS
delay spread were obtained from the average PDPs using Equations (1) and (2) in Section 2 of this
paper. Authors of [17] showed the effect of receiver speed over the sea surface, which caused a shift in
the Doppler frequency. For i-th propagation path, the Doppler Effect was given by:

di VT aV
∆ fi = f0 [ + i R] (32)
c c
where VR and VT are velocities of the receiver and transmitter, ai and di are the directions of arrival
and departure of the i-th ray, f 0 is the carrier frequency, and c is the speed of light. When the time
correlation of the impulse response is 50%, the coherence time is formulated as:

Tc = (33)
16π f m

where Tc is the coherence time. As another small-scale parameter, coherence distance is extracted from
the angle of arrival. This parameter refers to the amount of separation in space where a fading channel
does not confront any change. It was formulated as:

λ ln2
Dc = p (34)
A 23(1 − γ cos[2(θ − θmax )])

where Dc is the coherence distance, A is the angular speed, γ is the angular constriction, θmax is the
maximum fading in the azimuth direction, λ is the wavelength, and θ is the direction of arrival.
Even though the proposed channel model had a high capacity and data rate, only LoS
propagations were considered. Authors of [17] did not consider nLoS and bLoS propagation links.
In [17], the effects of atmospheric ducts were overcome but they failed to analyze the refractive profile
of the rough sea surface.

4.12. Ray-Tracing-Based Wireless Channel Modeling for Over-the-Sea Communication Near Diaoyu Islands
The Diaoyu archipelago is one of the main islands of its kind located in East China Sea. It is quite
challenging and critical to design and implement a channel model considering this area due to the
extremely uncertain sea waves and islands that work as propagation barriers. Wu et al. collected and
analyzed the three-dimensional contour data of Diaoyu islands to generate a sea surface scenario,
using MATLAB, in order to design a channel model in that area [18]. The ray tracing technique was
used to model the wireless channel.
Authors of [18] obtained calculations for both the reflected and diffracted rays. Propagation path
loss was calculated as the ratio of the effective transmitting power and the received power. It was
formulated as:
PL(dB) = 20log (35)
where Et and Er are electric field intensities of transmitting and receiving rays, subsequently.
The proposed channel model is incomplete and incompetent for real time deployment because
it did not consider the atmospheric duct effects. Furthermore, there was no consideration for the
refractive rays while designing the channel model. Refraction caused due to evaporation ducts plays
a prime role in maritime wave propagation. Nevertheless, it has a very small range.

4.13. Measurement and Analysis on a Land-to-Ship Offshore Wireless Channel in 2.4 GHz
Many of the existing wireless channel modes designed for over-the-sea communication use VHF
radios or satellite communication systems. These channel models do not support a very high data
rate because of the lack of bandwidth and the high cost incurred due to expensive satellite services.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 19 of 32

To address this issue, Lee et al. presented measurement results for land-to-ship offshore wireless
channels [19]. The frequency used in this channel model was 2.4 GHz. The model was investigated
through an implementation of a narrowband channel measurement system between the quay and
a sailing patrol boat. For large-scale fading, different existing path loss models were compared with
the empirical path loss data. The free space path loss model, two-ray path loss model, and ITU-R
P.1546 model [43] were taken into consideration for comparative analysis. Destructive and constructive
interferences around distances ranging from 200 to 500 m were observed from empirical path loss data,
which led the authors of [19] to conclude that the two-ray path loss model was the best fit for their
scenario. The Kolmogorov–Smirinov (K-S) test [44] was conducted to verify the goodness of the fit.
The received field intensities of direct and reflected rays were formulated using the following two
equations in the channel model as follows:
E0 j2π f d1
ELOS = exp − (36)
d1 c

E0 j2π f d2
ER = Γ exp − (37)
d2 c
where d1 and d1 are the distances between the transmitter and receiver for direct path and reflected
path, subsequently, ELOS is the field intensity of the direct rays, ER is the field intensity of the reflected
ray, E0 is the free space electric field, f is the carrier frequency, and Γ is the reflection coefficient.
The total electric field intensity was the summation of Equations (36) and (37), as represented below:

Etot = ELOS + ER (38)

The measurements for the channel model were conducted in the Incheon Maritime Police Port,
located on the Yellow Sea in South Korea. Experiments were conducted for the cases when the ship
was in static mode and moving with high speed. Propagation loss data was obtained in real time using
received signal strength. For small scale fading, authors of [19] considered multipath propagation,
speed of the mobile vehicle, changes of surrounding objects, and transmission bandwidth of the signal.
Rayleigh distributions are widely known to model the functions of small-scale fading. In [19]; however,
it was found suitable to use the Rician distribution.
This is the only channel model that analyzes different propagation loss models comparatively,
with the practical data obtained manually. Additionally, the channel model was designed to consider
both small- and large-scale fading. Unfortunately, the fade margin calculation was not done in [19].

4.14. Research on Sea-Surface Ka-Band Stochastic Multipath Modeling

Cao et al. presented a channel model using the Ka-band [20]. It also used the stochastic bridge
process [45] to design the sea-surface multipath propagation channel. The Ka-band ranges from
26.5–40 GHz. This band features high system capacity, small size terminal antenna, narrow beam, etc.
Therefore, it can play a significant role in wireless channel modeling for over-the-sea communication
by overcoming the serious interference caused by multipath components. Stochastic bridge channel
modeling denotes the emission of electromagnetic waves as rays, and it considers propagation multiple
paths as stochastic process samples. The starting and ending points of the stochastic bridge process
were the transmitter and receiver. Waves emitted from the transmitter were assumed to be random
rays. Apart from these rays, the random rays can reach the receiver through multiple reflections
getting spread on the sea surface. The probability density function for the effective random rays at the
receiving end was expressed as:
27 3r
Q( x, y, z) = exp − (39)
4π 2 Dk3 Dk
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 20 of 32

where Dk is related to the number of reflection and sea conditions and r is the distance between the
transmitter and receiver. Energy attenuation of the horizontally polarized waves is huge when they
fall upon the sea surface obliquely. That is why incident signals used in this channel model were
vertically polarized waves. Reflection coefficient of vertical polarization was calculated using the
following equation: p
ε c sin θ i − ε c − cos2 θi
Γ= p (40)
ε c sin θ i + ε c − cos2 θi
where θi is the angle of incidence of radio waves and ε c is the complex permittivity. Time delay, phase
delay, and amplitude gain of each effective path were calculated using the approaches presented
in [46–48], subsequently.
The authors of [20] presented a channel model that had high data rate and used small terminal
antennas. They did not specify, formulate, or assume any kind of propagation loss model. In addition,
only the vertical polarization was used for the incident rays.

4.15. Modeling of a Channel Using the FDTD Method between UAVs and Sea Surface Vehicles
Shi et al. used wideband technology, in [21], to develop a channel model for communication
between UAVs and surface vessels using the FDTD method [28]. They developed a random sea surface
based on a spectral model. Implementation of the channel model was done in a two-dimensional
cross section, where sea surface was assumed to be a perfectly conducting boundary. Using FDTD
simulation, the transient impulse response for a random sea surface was numerically evaluated. On
the basis of the resulting transient pulse, parameters were calculated. This process was repeatedly
executed for multiple sea surface heights to generate a good amount of population data.
In [21], authors used the JONSWAP (Joint North Sea Wave Project) spectral model, which was
first proposed in [49]. The spectral content of the sea surface proposed in this channel model was
formulated as:
g2 ω0 2 2 2
S(ω ) = α 5 exp[−1.25( )4 γexp[−(ω −ω0 ) /2σ ω0 ] ] (41)
ω ω
where g is the acceleration due to gravity, ω is the frequency, ω0 is the spectral peak frequency, γ and
σ are peak enhancement coefficients, and α is the scale coefficient. The FDTD method was used to
solve Maxwell’s equations [33] in this channel model. Readers can see Section 4.2 for the details. After
getting the received signal wave from the FDTD simulation, it was found that the obtained results
were not accurate for the channel properties. The channel impulse response was used to find the total
information of the channel.
This wireless channel model is incomplete because important channel parameters like mean
excess delay, RMS delay spread, etc. were ignored. Apart from this, it was necessary that authors
of [21] mention what kind of model was used to calculate the path losses. Besides, due to refraction in
the duct layers, it was also necessary to explore the atmospheric duct effects in the channel model.

5. Comparison of the Channel Models

Wireless channel models for over-the-sea wave propagation vary mainly in their allowed frequencies.
Except for one channel model, presented in [5], the works covered in this study can be divided based on
frequency values. We have chosen different works [5,8–16] to present here, in such a way that a wide
range of frequencies (from 1.9 to 94 GHz) are covered. The channel models covered are based on real-time
measurements, except [5], representing a universal scheme applicable to any frequency and sea state. The
eight channel models covered have both advantages and limitations. For example, the measured data in [8]
is highly accurate, because they have been collected in a real-life implementation. On the contrary, reliability
is low, because the effect of multipath due to fluctuations of the sea waves is not considered. In [11], we can
find that the channel model is applicable for long-distance transmission, even beyond 3000 m, but the only
channel parameter considered was signal strength. To validate their propositions, the authors of [11] should
have conducted more experiments on different parameters. Again, the paper presented in [5] applied a
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 21 of 32

channel model under different carrier frequencies, transmission distances, and sea states, which is a great
advantage for understanding and deploying the protocol, but the measured data are not verified using
experiments. The paper presented in [10] works for both mobile and fixed antennas, but measurements of
specular and diffuse multipath propagation were not carried out. The wireless channel model presented
in [21] is incomplete because important channel parameters like mean excess delay, RMS delay spread, etc.
were ignored. Apart from this, it was necessary that authors of [21] mention what kind of model was used to
calculate the path losses. The authors of [20] presented a channel model that had a high data rate and used
small terminal antennas. However, they did not specify, formulate, or assume any kind of propagation loss
model. Additionally, only the vertical polarization was used for the incident rays. The proposed channel
model in [18] did not consider the atmospheric duct effects. In addition, there was no consideration for the
refractive rays while designing the channel model. Table 1 discusses, in detail, the comparison of channel
models based on outstanding features, routing metrics, advantages, and disadvantages.

Table 1. Comparison of channel models for over-the-sea wave propagation.

Channel Model Used Frequency Outstanding Features Advantages Limitations

• Highly dependent on
global positioning system
Measurements and • Supports mobile wireless • Measured data are authentic (GPS).
wideband channel vessel-to-vessel real-time data based on practical • Increased delay under
characterization for 1.9 GHz communication. implementation. non-line-of-sight (nLoS)
over-the-sea propagation • Implements a wideband • Propagation environment propagation.
[8] radio channel. includes both the sea and the land. • Multipath effect caused by
fluctuating sea waves is
• No particular deployment
• High channel accuracy due to scenario has been elaborated.
• Specially designed channel
finite difference time domain • Modeling process is
model for unmanned aerial
Marine communication (FDTD) method. performed through
Very high vehicles (UAVs) to be
channel modeling using • Applicable to any sea-surface two-dimensional (2-D)
frequency (VHF) to deployed in an oceanic
the finite-difference time vehicle or sensor. approximation, which could
3 GHz environment.
domain method [9] • Prevents communication loss have been better if it was
• Applicable for very high
and reduces the probability of a performed using
frequencies up to 3 GHz.
collision. three-dimensional (3-D)
Experimental multipath • Channel model is • No measurements were
delay profile of mobile applicable for both • Channel model is applicable for undertaken for specular and
2 GHz
radio channels over the short-range and long-range both mobile and fixed antennas. diffuse multipath
sea [10] communication. propagation.
• The only channel model in
the literature so far to
implement and compare
• The only channel
Near-sea-surface mobile three path loss models • Works at very long distances,
parameter considered is the
radio wave propagation (two-ray, three-ray, and free greater than 3000 m.
5 GHz signal strength.
at 5 GHz: measurements space loss model (FSL)). • Measurement data are based on
• No consideration of the
and modeling [11] • Both reflection and real-time application.
error rate.
refraction are taken into
account when modeling the
• Uses 5G candidate • Comparison results are shown • Considers the sea surface
Novel maritime channel
frequencies (35 and 94 GHz). for two different frequency bands. as flat, without roughness.
models for
34 and 95 GHz • Modifies the two-ray • Can predict the last peak of the • The incident angles of the
millimeter radio waves
model for the better path loss without showing any rays are not at all considered
prediction of path loss. extra peak. to be small.
• Coastline hills and the
• Applicable for ship-to-ship surrounding ships are not
and ship-to-shore wireless • A global channel model involved in channel
Multipath channel
Applicable for communication over the sea. applicable to all frequencies and modeling, thus making the
model for radio wave
multiple • Applied channel model geographic situations. channel model applicable
propagation over the sea
frequencies under different carrier • Considers both the reflection only to the open sea.
surface [5]
frequencies, transmission and refraction of rays. • Measured data are not
distances, and sea states. based on real-time
• No calculation presented
• Reliable use of the RO method
• Independent of of the complete fading
because the frequency used is
Channel model for polarization. margin.
5–15 GHz more than 3 GHz.
surface ducts [13] • Channel model is • Mobility of the transmitter
• Considers beyond
symmetric. and receiver is not
non-line-of-sight (bLoS) links.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 22 of 32

Table 1. Cont.

Channel Model Used Frequency Outstanding Features Advantages Limitations

• Fading margin is
• Detailed analysis of the
calculated only on the basis
effects of both slow fading • Consideration of both
of the evaporation duct.
Channel fading margin and fast fading. line-of-sight (LoS) and nLoS.
Other types of atmospheric
for a wireless link in the 10.5 GHz • Introducing the concept of • Fading margin is calculated
ducts are not considered.
South China Sea [14] complete fading margin, both for short (50 km) and long
• No specification of the
where both types of fading distances (100 km).
transmitter and receiver
were incorporated.
• No elaborate discussion on
• Supports over-the- sea • Experimental results were path loss model.
Over-the-sea radio links
bLoS communication links. obtained for a wide range of • Important parameters like
of Malaysian shore using 1.7–25 GHz
• Supports mobility of the frequencies (2.4, 5.8, 10.5, and mean excess delay, RMS
evaporation duct [15]
transceiver platforms. 24.125). delay spread, and channel
fade margin are ignored.
• Good amount of signal
• Real life implementation of
attenuation at the receiver
High-capacity and • Supports ad hoc sensor wave propagation mechanism
long-range microwave network applications. using evaporation duct from sea
• No consideration for
over-the-sea link 10.6 GHz • Antennas operate at to mainland.
channel fading.
propagation using optimal height for • Transmission of heavy
• Delay spread is not
evaporation duct [16] evaporation duct. multimedia (image and video)
considered as a channel
data is possible.
evaluation parameter.
• Supports the data rate •High rate for data transmission.
• Propagation loss equation
Multipath delay profile requirements for 5G. • Tolerant to the effects of
was not assumed or
and Doppler spread of • Uses millimeter wave. Doppler frequency.
35 and 94 GHz formulated.
millimeter radio waves • Implementable with • Handled signal distortion
• Considered LoS
[17] multi-input multi-output caused by the mobility of the
propagation only.
(MIMO) systems. transceiver platform.
• Islands are huge barriers
of wave propagation. No
• Applies the ray tracing • 3-D simulation of the sea consideration of bLoS links
wireless channel
method. environment. to overcome those barriers.
modeling for
2.5 GHz • The transceiver platforms • Computation of the electric field • Atmospheric duct height
can be set into hot air intensity for both receiving and effects were ignored.
communication near
balloons. transmitting rays. • Fading characteristics of
Diaoyu islands [18]
the channel were not
Measurement and • Real-time implementation with
• Comparison among the
analysis of the the authentic author-collected • No experiments and
path loss models.
land-to-ship offshore 2.4 GHz data. calculations were conducted
• Use of empirical data to
wireless channel in 2.4 • Considered both small- and for fade margin.
test the path loss models.
GHz [19] large-scale fading.
• No specified path loss
Research on sea-surface •High data rate. model.
• Used Ka-band for wave
Ka-band stochastic 26.5–40 GHz • Small size terminal antenna. • Considered vertical
multipath modeling [20] • Narrow beam. polarization only for the
incident rays.
• Sea surface was assumed
Modeling of a channel to be a perfectly conducting
using the FDTD method • Supports UAV to surface boundary, which is not
Not specified • Use of the FDTD method.
between UAV to sea vessel communication links. realistic.
surface vehicle [21] • No specific carrier
frequency was used.

As mentioned earlier, the channel models presented in this paper can be distinguished in terms of
the propagation scenario (LoS, bLoS, nLoS) and the mobility of the transmitter and receiver. In addition,
different models considered different types of ducts. Table 2 shows a comparison of channel models
based on these parameters.
Existing channel models can be also compared with each other based on some other parameters,
like antenna type, range, bandwidth, height of the transmitter, and transmission power. Table 3 shows
the comparison results of the discussed channel models based on the mentioned parameters. It can be
observed that omni-directional antennas have been widely used as antenna type. The height of the
transmitters and receivers varied based on the sea environment, technology used, and applications.
The highest range has been covered by [13]. It covered 500 km. The lowest range of the analyzed
channel models was found to be 2 km ([12,41]). Additionally, it can be observed that the transmitting
power level of the antenna lies between 23 to 30 dBm.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 23 of 32

Table 2. Comparison of propagation environment and parameters.

Channel Mobility of Mobility of Considered Propagation Loss

Type of Propagation Channel Parameters
Model Transmitter Receiver Atmospheric Duct Model
Propagation loss, RMS
Line-of-sight (LoS) and Long-distance path
Ref. [8] Yes No Not considered delay spread, and mean
non-line-of-sight (nLoS) loss model (eqn. (1))
excess delay
Propagation loss, mean
Basic path loss
Ref. [9] LoS Yes No Not considered excess delay, and RMS
model (eqn. (8))
delay spread
Mean excess delay, and
Ref. [10] LoS Yes Yes Not considered Not mentioned
RMS delay spread
Propagation loss,
transmitted power, three-ray path loss
Ref. [11] LoS Yes Yes Evaporation duct
transmitter height, and model (eqn. (4))
receiver height
Propagation loss, RMS Modified two-ray
Ref. [12] LoS Yes No Evaporation duct delay spread, path loss, path loss model
and received power (eqn. (19))
Propagation loss, power
delay profile, and
Ref. [5] LoS Yes No Not considered Not mentioned
Propagation loss, delay Custom path loss
Beyond Not Not
Ref. [13] Surface duct spread, and angle of model using (eqn.
non-line-of-sight (bLoS) mentioned mentioned
arrival (22))
Propagation loss,
Not Not channel fade margin, Log normal path
Ref. [14] LoS and nLoS Evaporation duct
mentioned mentioned slow fading, and fast loss distribution
Ref. [15] bLoS Yes Yes Evaporation duct Propagation loss Not mentioned
Parabolic equation
Ref. [16] nLoS and LoS No No Evaporation duct Propagation loss
Power delay profile,
coherence time,
Ref. [17] LoS Yes Yes Not considered Not mentioned
bandwidth, and
Propagation loss, time Custom path loss
Ref. [18] Not mentioned Yes Yes Not considered delay, and angle of model using (eqn.
arrival (35))
Propagation loss, and
two-ray path loss
Ref. [19] LoS Yes No Not considered large- and small-scale
model (eqn. (5))
Not Not Time delay, phase delay,
Ref. [20] Not mentioned Not considered Not mentioned
mentioned mentioned and amplitude gain
Ref. [21] LoS Yes Yes Not considered Propagation loss Not mentioned

Table 3. Comparison of antenna specification and performance.

Channel Transmitting
Antenna Type Range Bandwidth Antenna Height
Model Power
Ref. [8] Omni-directional 30 km Not specified 21.5 m 30 dBm
Ref. [9] Not specified 100 m Not specified Not specified Not specified
For short range
Transmitter: 6.4 m
Short range: 15 km Receiver: 21 m
Ref. [10] Omni-directional Not specified 27.2 dBm
Long range: 45 km For long range
Transmitter: 9.5 m
Receiver: 11.2 m
Transmitter: 3.5 m
Ref. [11] Omni-directional 18.52 km Not specified 23 dBm
Receiver: 20 m
Transmitter: 5 m
Ref. [12] Omni-directional 2 km 200 MHz 23 dBm
Receiver: 9.7m
Ref. [5] Dipole antenna Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Transmitter: 27 m
Ref. [13] Not specified 500 km 20 MHz 30 dBm
Receiver: 27 m
Transmitter: 4 m
Ref. [14] Gaussian 100 km Not specified Not specified
Receiver: 4 m
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 24 of 32

Table 3. Cont.

Channel Transmitting
Antenna Type Range Bandwidth Antenna Height
Model Power
Ref. [15] Sin(x)/x 100 km Not specified 5m 30 dBm
Parabolic dish Transmitter: 7 m
Ref. [16] 78 km 14 MHz 27 dBm
antenna Receiver: 7 m
Transmitter: 5.63 m
Ref. [17] Omni-directional 10 km 200 MHz 23 dBm
Receiver: 20 m
Transmitter: 5 m
Ref. [18] Omni-directional Not specified Not specified Not specified
Receiver: 100 m
Transmitter: 3 m
Ref. [19] Omni-directional 2 km Not specified 25 dBm
Receiver: 4.5 m
Ref. [20] Not specified Not specified 0.95 MHz Not specified Not specified
Ref. [21] Not specified 10 m Not specified Transmitter: 40 m Not specified

6. Possible Applications and Improvements

In this section, we first address the applications of the discussed channel models. We then discuss
the possibility of unique and novel applications of the channel models in our point of view. After that,
some possible future improvements of the channel models are presented. Finally, we discuss some
critical issues, prospects, and phenomena in order to give our insights to readers.

6.1. Applications of the Channel Models

The channel models reported in the literature can be applied for various purposes and scenarios.
For example, the channel model in [9] is applicable for UAVs that want to carry out ocean surveillance
and report to the ship using the duct layer communication principles. The channel model in [10]
is applicable for high-speed water vehicles. The channel model in [12] can support the 5G network
architecture and is; thereby, applicable in such a scenario where the 5G network is deployed.
The channel model presented in [8] can be used to support highly mobile water vehicles. Sea surfaces
are assumed to be smooth in most of the channel models in the literature. However, the channel model
presented in [5] went beyond the paradigm of the smooth sea surface and worked upon the rough sea
surface. In [13], authors designed a channel model applicable for a scenario where bLoS propagation
is needed. It has also been noticed that there are channel models that are only applicable for specific
sea regions, as the environment and parameters vary a lot in different places. References [14,15,18]
have been subsequently designed for wireless wave propagation in the South China Sea, the sea
region encompassing Malaysian shores, and Diaoyu islands in China, respectively. The channel model
proposed in [16] is especially applicable for transmitting the data gathered from the ad hoc sensor
nodes for environmental monitoring purposes. A mathematical model for calculating the fading
margin applicable only for the South China Sea was designed in [14]. The probable applications of
channel models discussed in this paper are listed in Table 4.

Table 4. Applications of the channel models.

Channel Model Application

Applicable to vessel-to-vessel communication system where both the transmitter and
Ref. [8]
receiver are mobile.
Ref. [9] UAV to surface vessel based communication.
Ref. [10] Applicable to high-speed watercraft transmitter or receiver.
Ref. [11] Channel model can be applied to a mobile vessel to sea shore based communication.
Ref. [12] Applicable to the 5G network architecture.
Ref. [5] Applicable for vessels in both smooth and rough sea surfaces.
Applicable to a scenario in which the transmitter and receiver have bLoS
Ref. [13]
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 25 of 32

Table 4. Cont.

Channel Model Application

A mathematical model for calculating the fading margin is applicable only for the
Ref. [14]
South China Sea.
Ref. [15] Applicable for over-the-sea communication in the deep sea.
Especially applicable for transmitting the data gathered from the ad hoc sensor nodes
Ref. [16]
for environmental monitoring purposes.
Ref. [17] Applicable for highly mobile water vehicles with high speed.
Ref. [18] Applicable for airborne devices to sea vehicles.
Ref. [19] Applicable for ship-to-shore communication.
Ref. [20] Designed for applications requiring high data rate.
Ref. [21] UAV to surface vessel based ocean surveillance.

6.2. Possibility of Unique and Novel Applications of the Channel Models

In this subsection, the possibilities of unique and novel applications of the channel models are
exploited and discussed.
Ocean surveillance for military applications: Applications of UAVs have increased a lot these
days. They can be applied to monitor the sea surface in different regions. After data acquisition, it is
necessary for them to transmit the data to the nearby sea vessels, ships, etc. To do that, it is mandatory
to use an efficient channel model that is robust enough to support the communication between UAVs
and sea surface vessels by considering atmospheric duct effects, path loss, fading caused by Doppler
effects, etc. It is also possible to support a high data rate by using appropriate frequencies. Channel
models proposed in [9,21] are suitable for this purpose. With the loss of communication, it is inevitable
to lose the aircraft in the sea or have vehicular collision, but such kind of phenomenon is not acceptable
in military operations. In [9], a great effort was put to avoid the aircraft loss and it is highly suitable
for military applications requiring ocean surveillance through UAVs.
Resource expedition in deep sea: Expeditions are undertaken often in the deep sea for resource
exploration. This requires reliable long-range communication supporting bLoS links. bLoS links are
necessary in this case because it is quite impossible to predict the obstructions that the transmitted
signals may face. The channel model proposed in [13] considered bLoS of propagation and it has
a huge range of 500 km. Therefore, this channel model is highly applicable for resource expedition in
deep sea regions. Furthermore, using the channel model proposed in [15], transmitters and receivers
can communicate even if there are obstructions such as big as islands. It can also be applied for deep
sea expedition.
Marine forecast and warning system: Marine activities are often threatened by frequently
changing climate and potential natural disasters. Channel models that are capable of providing
reliable communication, with a fair amount of fading and attenuation in an adverse natural situation,
can be used to design ship-to-shore marine forecast warning systems. The channel model presented
in [5] is suitable for this kind of application.
Marine protection: We all know that seas all around the world are full of natural resources. They
need continuous monitoring. Under water sensor networks or typical wireless sensor networks can
be deployed for ocean monitoring for marine protection to the natural resources. The channel model
proposed in [16] can be used to integrate sensor networks with the transceiver platforms.
Integrating wireless multimedia sensor nodes: Sensor nodes capable of capturing and
processing multimedia data, such as image, audio, or video, are considered as multimedia sensor
nodes. Ocean surveillance and environment monitoring may require capturing multimedia data,
whereby these nodes can play a crucial role. But wireless multimedia sensor nodes have high chunks
of data that require a high data rate. In [21], a channel model was designed that can support a high
data rate. Wireless multimedia sensor networks can be integrated with the channel model proposed
in [21].
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 26 of 32

Over-the-sea communication in the arctic sea: Wireless communication in the arctic sea is quite
challenging due to the icebergs. The channel models proposed in [13,15] can be used in that kind
of scenario.

6.3. Possible Future Improvements of the Channel Models

Existing channel models can be improved in many aspects. The channel model in [8] can be
improved by considering the multipath effect caused by fluctuations of sea waves. In [8], multipath
effects of the sea surface may be incorporated into the channel model in the future to make it more
reliable. The channel model proposed in [9] can be improved by integrating elevated duct-based
measurements. The channel model in [10] does not have a deployment scenario and does not take into
account the elevated duct, even though the UAVs were involved in the channel model. Roughness of
the sea was ignored while designing the channel model proposed in [12]. For further improvement,
sea-roughness can be included as a parameter. The channel model proposed in [5] does not have
a path loss model. This can be included for further improvement of the channel model. In [13], only
the surface duct is considered as an atmospheric channel. To make it robust, other types of ducting
effects must also be considered. The channel model proposed in [15] ignored many of the important
channel evaluation parameters, such as mean excess delay, fade margin, etc. They can be considered in
the future design of the channel model. Again, the channel model proposed in [17] can be integrated
to support nLoS and bLoS propagation. Both the channel models proposed in [19,20] can be improved
by incorporating the fade margin calculation. Lastly, the channel model proposed in [21] can be
improvised by changing the sea surface design from two-dimensions to three-dimensions. Possible
future improvements of all discussed channels are summarized in Table 5.

Table 5. Possible future improvements of the channel models.

Channel Model Possible Future Improvements

Ref. [8] Multipath effects of the sea surface may be incorporated into the channel model in
the future to make it more reliable.
Ref. [9] Elevated duct-based channel measurements may be included.
Ref. [10] Diffuse and specular multipath propagations may be introduced in this channel
model in the future.
Ref. [11] The channel model can be improved by taking into account the error rate along with
the signal strength as a parameter.
Ref. [12] Sea roughness can be included as a channel modeling parameter.
Ref. [5] A propagation loss model can be introduced.
Ref. [13] A complete fading margin calculation may be introduced, consisting of slow and fast
Ref. [14] Technical validation of the mathematical idea should be introduced in the future.
Ref. [15] Channel evaluation parameters, such as mean excess delay, fade margin, etc., can be
introduced for a reliable design.
Ref. [16] Channel evaluation parameters, such as mean excess delay, fade margin, etc., can be
introduced for a reliable design.
Ref. [17] Channel model can be integrated to support nLoS or bLoS propagations.
Ref. [18] Channel model should be integrated with complex real time path loss model and
duct effects.
Ref. [19] Fade margin determination can be introduced in the model.
Ref. [20] Fade margin determination can be introduced in the model.
Ref. [21] Sea surface can be designed in a 3-D cross section.

6.4. Insights on Modeling the Over-the-Sea Wireless Channels

In this subsection, some critical issues, prospects, and phenomena are addressed and discussed in
order to share our insights with readers.
Scattering of the sea waves: Scattering of electromagnetic waves is a key factor in wireless
channel modeling for over-the-sea communication. It puts a great impact on the multipath fading
of a channel. Obstructions are not frequent and dense in the sea. Sparse scattering holds most of
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 27 of 32

the channel links including the air-to-sea, ship-to-ship, or land-to-ship channels. Because Rayleigh
fading is very commonly used for terrestrial channel modeling, it is not suitable for sea surface channel
modeling. The scattering model proposed in [50,51] can be used.
Suitability of the two-ray model: In Section 2 of this paper, we introduced a two-ray path loss
model [6]. Two paths are highly important for designing a wireless channel model. One ray is the LoS
path and the other is the reflected path. The two-ray model is a good approximation when we have a
bigger antenna height. If the antenna height is low, scattering of rays will display more randomness in
the channel. For this kind of scenario, more paths are necessary to be taken into consideration.
Impact of Tx–Rx distance: Widely distributed transmitters (Tx) and receivers (Rx) have an impact
on the angle domain. It is possible that the LoS path and the sea surface reflection path have identical
angular directions. When the distance between the Tx and Rx increases, the angle difference between
these two paths decreases. If multiple antenna arrays are set either in the transmitting end or in
the receiving end, it may cause high correlation between the antenna elements. This may result in
a rank-deficient MIMO channel matrix.
When the Tx–Rx distance is short, the channel can be modeled by using the classic two-ray
model [6]. As the distance increases, a three-ray model [7] becomes more suitable. When the receiver
continuously moves far away, LoS and surface reflection paths vanish due to the curvature of the Earth.
It is still possible that the receiver can hear from the transmitter in the presence of the duct layer.
Effects of the sea wave movement: Sea wave movement has a great impact on radio wave
propagation. It is especially dominant for surface reflection paths. Sea wave height, average sea wave
length, and sea wave period are important parameters for characterizing sea wave movement. For
highly rough sea wave movement, the incoming wave fronts confront more scattering and reflections.
The two-ray model in this type of scenario is not suitable. Change in the sea surface height while
calculating the amplitude of the main reflection path, and the components scattered in the irregular
sea surface, should be considered. Karasawa’s model [52] can be highly suitable because it accounts
for these parameters. Unfortunately, none of the channel models in the literature exploited this model
to develop channel models for over-the-sea communication.
Three-ray model reduced to Rician fading: A three-ray model consists of one LoS path and
two other reflection paths [7]. The relative amplitude of these two reflection paths can get affected
by the unstable maritime propagation environment. For a calm sea surface, a stronger reflection
path is dominant. For a rough sea surface, it is usual that the strength of all the reflection paths will
decrease. A single reflection path is denoted as the superposition of the multiple weak reflections.
If the number of weak reflection paths is large, the three-ray model will reduce to Rician fading for
narrowband transmission.
Incoherent super position of the diffuse scattered radio waves: It is possible to determine the
path length between the specular and direct paths. Phase relationships among the reflections across
the sea surface are tough to predict due to the roughness of the sea surface. It is necessary to address
the time dispersion of the diffused paths in the statistical sense because of the uncertainly of the diffuse
points in a glistening surface. The channel model presented in [5] takes this issue under consideration.
Not considering this in a multipath channel model will lead to an incoherent super position of diffused
scattered radio waves.

7. Challenging Issues and Research Directions

Modeling wireless channels for over-the-sea wave propagation is a relatively new research
topic. In this section, important challenging issues for modeling a wireless channel for over-the-sea
communication are presented. We also elaborately discuss the research directions that can be helpful
for researchers if they intend to design a new channel model.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 28 of 32

7.1. Challenging Issues

Due to the fluctuant and uncertain nature of the marine environment, it is quite challenging to
develop a robust wireless channel model for over-the-sea wave propagation. Challenges that need to
be addressed in the study of this area are briefly discussed in this subsection.
Path loss model: Path loss can be caused by reflection, diffraction, scattering, refraction, etc.
As the sea surface is an unrest surface, scattering of waves is large, and when developing a path
loss model, refraction phenomena should be carefully considered. Popular models are two-ray, FSL,
and three-ray path loss models. Researchers have to carefully select a model. For example, if someone
intends to design a wireless channel that will serve for long-distance wave propagation, a three-ray
path loss model may be the best option. On the contrary, the two-ray path loss model works fine for
short-distance wave propagation. It is also possible to develop a new path loss model by modifying
some parameters in the existing ones.
Real-life implementation: The ongoing trend of research in this area is to opt for real-life
implementation of the developed channel models. For example, the work presented in [8] was
implemented in the Aegean Sea, Greece. This requires a good amount of hardware and deployment
costs, which is a great challenge for researchers. There are works, such as [13,14], that do not present
real-life implementation scenarios and; therefore, are not reliable regarding how mathematical models
will perform in real life.
Lack of simulation tool: There is no simulator specifically designed for the wave propagation
in the sea surface environment. If someone wants to conduct research in this field using simulation,
they must either make a custom simulator or use any traditional one with a custom implementation.
Barriers to the wave propagation: Coastline hills and the surrounding ships are great barriers to
the propagation of waves over the sea surface, which causes significant signal attenuation. Considering
this fact while developing a channel model is difficult.
Fluctuating sea environment: The marine environment varies greatly. Atmospheric pressure,
humidity, air temperature, surface pressure, etc. change at different times of the day in the same sea
surface area. In addition, different oceans (e.g., Pacific, Atlantic, etc.) have different environments,
and important parameters change for each of the mentioned ocean surfaces. For example, the height
of the evaporation duct on different sea surfaces varies greatly. Therefore, it is almost impossible to
develop a universal channel model with common parameters.
Lack of statistical data: To develop a channel model for the surface of the ocean, a huge amount
of sea state statistics is needed, such as temperature, pressure, and evaporation duct heights. This kind
of data acquisition is often voluntary and not available for different oceans in the world. Therefore,
this type of channel model is very difficult to develop due to the lack of data. In [14], a fading margin
calculation scheme was introduced based on the years of statistical data gathered on evaporation duct
heights in the South China Sea. However, it was possible to propose such mathematical formulations
only because the data were available.
Frequently changing weather: Spontaneous changes in the weather are very frequent on the sea
surface. Any disaster can drastically affect the propagation of waves.

7.2. Furture Research Directions

In this subsection, we shed some light on the future research directions of the wireless channel
models for over-the-sea communication.
Antenna height: Antenna height can be really crucial for over-the-sea wave propagation, due to
different kinds of surface ducts. Usually, a vertical distance more than 100 m is thought to fall under
the elevated duct region, not in the evaporation duct region. Channel models vary in different kinds of
surface ducts. Therefore, a channel model meant to facilitate an elevated duct can have a height more
than 100 m. On the other hand, the ideal height for wave propagation in an evaporation duct starts
from 7 m. Therefore, while designing a new channel model, careful consideration should be given to
choose the optimal antenna height.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 443 29 of 32

Sea-surface smoothness: A sea surface can be considered as a smooth and perfect reflector.
A channel model based on this assumption is quite different from the assumption that the sea surface
is rough and cannot act as a perfect reflector. A perfect channel model should consider the roughness
of the sea surface. In the existing works, very few channel models consider the sea surface roughness.
They avoided it because of the complex calculations needed to find the refractive profile for a rough
sea surface. A future channel model can address this issue.
Type of links: This is a very important issue to be taken care of in future researches. Channels
can be modeled based on LoS, nLoS, or bLoS propagation links. Propagation loss models and channel
evaluation parameters (such as mean excess delay, RMS delay spread, etc.) vary based on the type of
links considered in the channel model. Therefore, a thorough study is needed regarding the region
of interest in the sea. For example, if anyone wants to design a channel model for over-the-sea
communication that involves a lot of islands and rocks, which may work as obstructions to links, bLoS
links should be considered with higher frequencies (35–94 GHz). For short range communication,
bLoS propagation links are not necessary. Considering LoS and nLoS propagation is enough.
Selecting channel evaluation parameters: Different channel evaluation parameters can be
considered depending on the design and application of the channel models. Usually, mean excess
delay, RMS delay spread, channel fade margin, etc. are the common parameters. A future channel
model should consider as many channel evaluation parameters as possible to prove the robustness of
the design.
Appropriate frequency: Selecting a perfect frequency based on the application, range, and sea
type is an important design issue. Long- and short-range transmissions require selecting different
frequencies while designing the channel.
Comparative study: The existing channel models did not compare the performance of the
designed channel models with the other existing ones. Such kind of comparison helps the readers
understand the superiority and robustness of the channel models. It is absent in the current works and
can be considered in the future works.

8. Conclusions
This work focuses on the key concepts and a comparative study of existing models of channels that
have been developed so far for over-the-sea wave propagation. Key concepts include basic definitions
and a brief elaboration of the parameters required to understand channel models. The comparative
study extensively discusses the advantages, limitations, and unique features of channel models that
will be helpful for researchers and engineers to select any model from the discussed ones, based on the
needs of their applications. In addition, if someone intends to improve existing channel models, a table
is also presented regarding possible improvements that can be made. To the best of our knowledge,
this is going to be the first comprehensive study of ocean channel models that can help interested
researchers in this field by providing guidance on current trends.

Author Contributions: The individual contributions of the authors are as follows. A.H. categorized, analyzed,
and summarized channel models for over-the-sea communication. S.M. directed research and contributed to the
review and analysis of channel models. The paper was drafted by A.H. and subsequently revised and approved
by S.M.
Funding: This research was supported, in part, by the Basic Science Research Program through the National
Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2016R1D1A1A09918974).
Correspondence should be addressed to Sangman Moh (
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the editor and anonymous referees for their upcoming
helpful comments in improving the quality of this paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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